كتاب Power Equipment Engine Technology
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Power Equipment Engine Technology

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
كبير مهندسين
كبير مهندسين

عدد المساهمات : 2041
التقييم : 3379
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/01/2012
العمر : 47
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير الصيانة بشركة تصنيع ورق
الجامعة : حلوان

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مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Power Equipment Engine Technology   كتاب Power Equipment Engine Technology Emptyالأحد 28 أكتوبر 2012, 10:03 am

اخوانى واخوتى كل عام وانتم بخير
معى اليوم كتاب Power
كتاب جميل جدا مش هتكلم كتير هسبكو مع الكتاب وانتو هتشوفو بنفسكم
Introduction to Power Equipment Engine
Technology 1
Learning Objectives 1
Introduction 2
A Brief History of the Internal Combustion Engine 2
The Birth of the Internal Combustion Engine 3
Career Opportunities in the Power Equipment
Engine Industry 5
Opportunities in Dealerships 6
Power Equipment Industry Education
and Certification 8
Equipment & Engine Training Council 8
Summary 9
Chapter 1 Review Questions 9
Safety First 10
Learning Objectives 10
Introduction 11
The Safety Attitude 11
Fire Safety 11
The Fire Triangle 12
The Four Fire Classes 12
Using a Fire Extinguisher 14
Hazardous Chemicals 16
Right-to-Know Laws 17
Electrical Safety 18
Exhaust Gas Safety 18
Safe Operation of Equipment 20
Good Housekeeping Practices 20
Handling Heavy Objects and Materials 22
Using Personal Protective Equipment 23
Protecting Your Eyes and Face 23
Protecting Your Lungs 24
Protecting Your Hearing 25
Proper Attire 25
Protecting Your Feet and Legs 25
Protecting Your Hands and Arms 25
Using Tools Safely 26
Using Hand Tools Safely 26
Using Power Tools Safely 26
Compressed Air Safety 27
Summary 27
Chapter 2 Review Questions 28
Tools 29
Learning Objectives 29
Introduction 30
Basic Hand Tools 30
Wrenches 30
Screwdrivers 36
Pliers 38
Hammers 40
Punches and Chisels 40
Clamps and Vises 42
Cutting Tools 42
Power Tools 44
Drills 44
Drill Press 46
Bench Grinder 46
Air Tools 46
Special Tools 47
Pullers 47
Precision Measuring Tools 48
Test Instruments 51
Purchasing Tools 53
Storing Tools 54
Service Information Library 55
Summary 56
Chapter 3 Review Questions 56
Measuring Systems, Fasteners,
and Thread Repair 57
Learning Objectives 57
Introduction 58
Measurement Systems 58
The Conventional System 58
The Metric System 58
Fasteners 59
The Nuts and Bolts of Bolts and Nuts 59
Fastener Anatomy 59
Thread Types 60
Bolt Grades 61
Bolts Types 61
TABLE OF CONTENTSvi Table of Contents
Starting Devices 89
Piston 89
Cylinder and Cylinder Head 89
Engine Cooling 89
Air-Cooled Engines 90
Liquid-Cooled Engines 90
Engine Configurations 91
Single Cylinder Engines 91
Horizontally Opposed Twin- Cylinder Engines 91
V-Twin Engines 91
Summary 92
Chapter 5 Review Questions 92
Internal Combustion Engines 93
Learning Objectives 93
Introduction 94
General and Scientific Terms and Laws 94
Matter 94
Viscosity 95
Boyle’s Law 95
Pressure Differences 95
Momentum 95
Laws of Motion 95
Energy 95
The Basic Internal Combustion Process 96
Construction of the Internal
Combustion Engine 96
The Three Phases of Internal Combustion 97
Results of Combustion 98
Internal Combustion Engine Operation 98
Basic Four-Stroke Engine Components 99
Four-Stroke Cylinder Heads 99
Four-Stroke Camshafts 102
Four-Stroke Cylinders 104
Four-Stroke Pistons 104
Four-Stroke Piston Rings 105
Four-Stroke Crankshafts 106
Four-Stroke Connecting Rods 106
Four-Stroke Crankcase 107
Theory of Operation of the Four-Stroke Engine 107
Valve Operation 107
Fuel Induction 107
The Strokes of a Four-Stroke Engine 108
Two-Stroke Engines 109
Two-Stroke Engine Components 109
Nuts 63
Washers 64
Thread-Locking Agents and Sealers 65
Inspection and Cleaning of Threaded Fasteners 66
Stresses on Threaded Fasteners 67
Preload 68
Tips for Working with Threaded Fasteners 69
Tightening and Torque 69
Torque 70
Torque Wrenches 70
Repairing and Replacing Broken Fasteners 72
Screw Extractors 72
Drilling and Re-Tapping 73
Thread Inserts 73
Summary 74
Chapter 4 Review Questions 75
Basic Engine Operation and Configurations 76
Learning Objectives 76
Basic Engine Operation 77
Reciprocating Engines 77
Four-Stroke Basic Engine Operation 78
Two-Stroke Basic Engine Operation 78
Engine Ratings 79
Work 79
Horsepower 80
Torque 81
Engine Displacement 82
Compression Ratio 83
Basic Four-Stroke Engine Components 83
Cylinder Block/Crankcase 84
Crankshaft 85
Seals 85
Bearings 85
Gaskets 85
Piston 85
Cylinder Head 86
Counter-Balancer 87
Starting Devices 87
Basic Two-Stroke Engine Components 88
Cylinder Block/Crankcase 88
Crankshaft 88
Seals and Bearings 88
Gaskets 89
Table of Contents vii
Two-Stroke Engine Cylinder Heads 109
Two-Stroke Cylinders 110
Two-Stroke Pistons 110
Two-Stroke Piston Rings 111
Two-Stroke Crankshafts 112
Two-Stroke Engine Connecting Rods 112
Two-Stroke Engine Crankcases 112
Theory of Operation of the
Two-Stroke Engine 112
The Four Events of Two-Stroke
Engine Operation 113
Two-Stroke Engine Areas 113
Two-Stroke Engine Ports 113
Two-Stroke Engine Events 114
Two-Stroke Engine Induction Systems 116
Piston Port Induction 116
Reed Valve Induction 116
Rotary Valve Induction 118
Two-Stroke Exhaust Systems 119
Comparing Two-Stroke and
Four-Stroke Engines 119
Advantages of the Two-Stroke Engine 119
Disadvantages of the Two-Stroke Engine 119
Comparison Tables 120
Summary 120
Chapter 6 Review Questions 120
Lubrication and Cooling Systems 122
Learning Objectives 122
Introduction 123
Lubricants and Lubrication 124
Cooling 124
Cleaning 125
Sealing 125
Lubricating 125
Types of Engine Oils 125
Oil Classification 126
Specialty Lubricants 128
Friction-Reducing Devices 128
Ball Bearings 129
Roller Bearings 129
Tapered Roller Bearings 129
Needle Bearings 129
Plain Bearings 129
Bushings 131
Seals 131
Two-Stroke Engine Lubrication 131
Premixed Fuel and Oil 132
Oil Injection 132
Four-Stroke Engine Lubrication 134
Wet-Sump Lubrication 135
Oil Circulation 135
Oil Pressure Relief Valve 137
Oil Filters 138
Oil Filter Bypass Valves 138
Oil Passages 138
Cooling Systems 138
Air Cooling 139
Liquid Cooling 139
Liquid-Cooling System Testing 143
Summary 144
Chapter 7 Review Questions 144
Fuel Systems 145
Learning Objectives 145
Introduction 146
Fuel 146
Oxygen 147
The Carburetor 147
Principle of Atomization 148
The Venturi Principle 148
Fuel Delivery Systems 149
Fuel Tank 149
Fuel Valves 149
Fuel Lines 150
Fuel Pumps 150
Vent Hoses 151
Fuel Filters 151
Adjustment Screws 151
Air Filters 152
Carburetor Types and Operation 153
Cold Start Systems 156
Types of Carburetors 157
Fuel Injection 166
Direct Fuel Injection 167
Indirect Fuel Injection 167
Fuel Injection System Components 167
Basic Operation of the Fuel Injection System 172
Summary 172
Chapter 8 Review Questions 173
viii Table of Contents
Inspecting the Multi-Piece Crankshaft 208
Bench Testing 209
Summary 209
Chapter 11 Review Questions 210
Four-Stroke Engine Inspection 211
Learning Objectives 211
Introduction 212
Diagnosis 212
Repair Procedures 213
Four-Stroke Engine Top End Disassembly
and Inspection 214
Draining Fluids and Removing External
Components 215
Cylinder Head Removal 216
Cylinder Head Inspection 217
Four-Stroke Engine Valves 219
Inspecting Valve Guides 223
Reconditioning Valve Seats 226
Valve Lapping 229
Removal and Inspection of Piston and Rings 230
Measuring the Cylinder 238
Piston Ring Installation 239
Common Bottom End Engine Failures 240
Leaking Engine Seals 240
Worn Crankshaft Bearings 240
Worn Connecting-Rod Bearings 241
Four-Stroke Engine Bottom End Inspection 242
Inspecting the Engine Block/Crankcase 242
Inspecting Engine Seals 242
Inspecting Engine Bearings 242
Inspecting the Oil Pump 244
Inspecting the Crankshaft 245
Inspecting the Camshaft 245
Four-Stroke Engine Reassembly 246
Installing the Crankshaft and the Oil Pump 246
Installing the Camshaft 246
Installing the Piston 247
Installing the Crankcase Cover 247
Installing Valves 248
Checking and Adjusting Valve Clearance 248
Bench Testing 248
Engine Break-In 249
Summary 249
Chapter 12 Review Questions 250
Throttle and Governor
Control Systems 174
Learning Objectives 174
Introduction 175
Manual Throttle Control 175
Choke and Engine Shut-Off
Switch Linkage 177
Governor Throttle Control 177
Engine Speed and Load 177
Air Vane Governors 178
Centrifugal Governors 180
Summary 182
Chapter 9 Review Questions 182
Two-Stroke Engine
Top End Inspection 184
Learning Objectives 184
Introduction 185
Diagnostics 185
Repair Procedures 186
Disassembly of the Two-Stroke
Engine Top End 186
Cleaning and Inspection of the
Two-Stroke Engine Top End 188
Cleaning Top End Components 189
Cylinder and Cylinder Head Inspection 189
Piston Assembly Inspection 191
Starting the Reassembled Rebuilt Engine 200
Engine Break-In 200
Summary 200
Chapter 10 Review Questions 200
Two-Stroke Engine Bottom
End Inspection 201
Learning Objectives 201
Introduction 202
Common Bottom End Engine Failures 202
Repair Procedures 203
Two-Stroke Engine Removal and Disassembly 203
Two-Stroke Engine Bottom End Inspection 203
Inspecting the Engine Crankcase 204
Inspecting and Replacing Engine Seals 205
Inspecting and Replacing Engine Bearings 206
Inspecting the Crankshaft 207
Table of Contents ix
The Battery 288
Charging System Operation 292
Types of Charging Systems 292
Half-Wave Charging System 292
Full-Wave Charging System 295
Three-Phase Permanent-Magnet
Charging System 295
Three-Phase Excited-Field
Electro magnet Charging System 295
Charging System Inspection 297
Hand Tools for Electrical Work 297
Battery Inspection 299
Rectifier/Regulator Inspection 301
Alternator Inspection and Testing 302
DC Electrical Circuits 304
Switches 305
Headlight Circuits 305
Turn-Signal and Hazard Relay Circuits 305
Warning Lights 306
Summary 306
Chapter 14 Review Questions 307
Ignition and Electric Starting Systems 309
Learning Objectives 309
Introduction 310
Power Equipment Engine Ignition Systems 310
Ignition Timing 311
Basic Ignition System Components 313
Power Sources 314
Ignition Switch 314
Ignition Coil 314
Spark Plug 315
Triggering Switch Devices 318
Stop Switch 321
Types of Ignition Systems 321
Magneto Ignition Systems 321
Battery-and-Points Ignition Systems 323
Electronic Pointless Ignition Systems 324
Electric Starter Systems 328
DC Motor Operating Principle 328
Starter Motor Construction 330
Starter Solenoids 331
Starter Clutches 331
Summary 332
Chapter 15 Review Questions 333
Fundamentals of Electricity 251
Learning Objectives 251
Introduction 252
Safety Precautions with Electricity 252
Basics of Electricity 253
Electricity Theories 254
Atoms 254
The Battery 256
Capacitors 257
Circuits 257
Properties of Electricity 259
Units of Electricity 260
Amperes (Current) 260
Volts (Voltage) 260
Ohms (Resistance) 260
Watts (Electrical Power) 261
Common Electricity Quantities 262
Relation Between Current, Voltage,
and Resistance 262
Alternating Current, Direct Current,
and Voltage 263
Electrical Meters and Measurements 264
Electrical Meters 264
Multi-meter Operation 266
Magnetism 269
Types of Magnets 270
Magnetic Forces 270
AC Generator Operation 272
Solenoids 272
Electromagnetism in Motors 273
Electronic Devices 274
Electronic Components 274
Electrical Schematics and Symbols 276
Electricity Terms 276
Summary 281
Chapter 13 Review Questions 281
Power Equipment Engine Charging
Systems and DC Circuits 283
Learning Objectives 283
Introduction 284
Charging Systems 284
The Alternator 284
The Rectifier and the Voltage Regulator 287
x Table of Contents
Power Equipment Engine Troubleshooting 355
Learning Objectives 355
Introduction 356
Systematic Approaches to Solving Problems 357
Types of Problems 357
The Troubleshooting Process 357
Troubleshooting Guides 358
Engine Problem Troubleshooting 359
Drivetrain Troubleshooting 361
Fuel System Troubleshooting 362
Does It Run Rich or Lean? 362
When Is the Problem Apparent? 362
Other Fuel–System-Related Problems 364
Electronic Fuel-Injection System
Troubleshooting 364
Electrical Problem Troubleshooting 367
Charging-System Troubleshooting 367
Ignition-System Troubleshooting 369
DC Circuit Troubleshooting 370
Electric Starter-Motor Troubleshooting 371
Abnormal Noise Troubleshooting 372
Summary 373
Chapter 17 Review Questions 373
Power Equipment Engine Maintenance 334
Learning Objectives 334
Introduction 335
Maintenance Intervals 335
Maintenance Process Order 337
Power Equipment Engine Maintenance 337
Good Maintenance Begins
with a Clean Machine 337
Oil and Oil Filter Inspection
and Replacement 337
Cooling System Inspection 339
Compression and Leak-Down Tests 340
Valve Adjustment (Four-Stroke Engines) 342
Spark Plug Inspection and
Replacement 343
Battery Inspection 346
Ignition System Inspection
and Adjustment 349
Idle and Fuel Screw Adjustment 349
Air Filter Inspection 350
Power Equipment Engine
Storage Procedures 353
Preparing an Engine for Storage 353
Removing an Engine from Storage 353
Summary 354
Chapter 16 Review Questions 354
Power Equipment Engine Troubleshooting 355
Learning Objectives 355
Introduction 356
Systematic Approaches to Solving Problems 357
Types of Problems 357
The Troubleshooting Process 357
Troubleshooting Guides 358
Engine Problem Troubleshooting 359
Drivetrain Troubleshooting 361
Fuel System Troubleshooting 362
Does It Run Rich or Lean? 362
When Is the Problem Apparent? 362
Other Fuel–System-Related Problems 364
Electronic Fuel-Injection System
Troubleshooting 364
Electrical Problem Troubleshooting 367
Charging-System Troubleshooting 367
Ignition-System Troubleshooting 369
DC Circuit Troubleshooting 370
Electric Starter-Motor Troubleshooting 371
Abnormal Noise Troubleshooting 372
Summary 373
Chapter 17 Review Questions 373

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مهندس فعال جدا

عدد المساهمات : 394
التقييم : 588
تاريخ التسجيل : 07/10/2012
العمر : 31
الدولة : مصر
العمل : طالب بكلية الهندسة
الجامعة : المنوفية

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب Power Equipment Engine Technology   كتاب Power Equipment Engine Technology Emptyالأحد 28 أكتوبر 2012, 10:08 am

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
كبير مهندسين
كبير مهندسين

عدد المساهمات : 2041
التقييم : 3379
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/01/2012
العمر : 47
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير الصيانة بشركة تصنيع ورق
الجامعة : حلوان

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب Power Equipment Engine Technology   كتاب Power Equipment Engine Technology Emptyالأحد 28 أكتوبر 2012, 10:20 am

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18979
التقييم : 35443
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب Power Equipment Engine Technology   كتاب Power Equipment Engine Technology Emptyالأحد 28 أكتوبر 2012, 10:28 am

جزاك الله خيراً وبارك الله فيك وجعله فى ميزان حسناتك
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
كبير مهندسين
كبير مهندسين

عدد المساهمات : 2041
التقييم : 3379
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/01/2012
العمر : 47
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير الصيانة بشركة تصنيع ورق
الجامعة : حلوان

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب Power Equipment Engine Technology   كتاب Power Equipment Engine Technology Emptyالأحد 28 أكتوبر 2012, 10:43 am

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كتاب Power Equipment Engine Technology
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى :: المنتديات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية :: منتدى كتب ومحاضرات الأقسام الهندسية المختلفة-
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