كتاب Petroleum Refining 4 - Materials and Equipment
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Petroleum Refining 4 - Materials and Equipment

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Petroleum Refining 4 - Materials and Equipment
Edited by
Pierre Leprince
lnstitut Franqais du Petrole  

كتاب Petroleum Refining 4 - Materials and Equipment  P_r_4_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Foreword IX
Nomenclature XXI
Separation Technologies
Chapter 1 Gas-Liquid Contactors for Distillation:
Plate Columns
1.1 General Characteristics of a Plate
1.1.1 Handling Liquid and Vapor Streams
1.1.2 Hydraulic Behavior of a Plate. Operating Zones
1.2 Types of Plates or Trays
1.2.1 Bubble Cap Plate
1.2.2 Sieve Plate with Downcomer
1.2.3 Valve Plate
1.2.4 Plates without Downcomers
1.2.5 Comparison of Plate Technologies
1.3 Correlations for Plate Sizing
1.3.1 Flooding Due to the Gas Phase. Choosing the Column
1.3.2 Determining Plate Spacing
1.3.3 Nature of the Gas-Liquid Mixture on the Active Zone..
1.3.4 Downcomer Cross-Section
1.3.5 Weirs. Downcomers
1.3.6 Liquid Gradient on the Plate
1.3.7 Vapor Pressure Drop
1.3.8 Entrainment
1.3.9 Weeping
1.3.10 Efficiency
1.4 Calculating Plate Dimensions
1.5 Other Parts of a Column
1.6 Comparison of Different Types of Plates 40
References 40
Chapter 2 Gas-Liquid Contactors for Distillation:
Packed Columns
2.1 Different Types of Packing... 43
2.1.1 Random Pacldngs ...
2.1.2 Structured Packings
2.1.3 Grids
2.2 Fluid Flow in Packings 51
2.2.1 Pressure Drop
2.2.2 Capacity ....
2.2.3 Hold Up
2.2.4 Minimum Liquid Irrigation Flow Rate
2.3 Packing Efficiency
2.3.1 Estimating HETPs
2.3.2 Estimating HTUs
2.4 Phase Distribution
2.5 Calculating a Packed Column 72
2.5.1 Principle of the Method
2.5.2 Example of Sizing a Packed Column
2.6 Packing or Plates?
Chapter 3 Solvent Extraction Equipment
3.1 General Hydrodynamic Features
of Liquid-Liquid Systems 81CONTENTS XIII
3.2 Different Types of Extractors
3.2.1 Extractors without Outside Energy Contribution
3.2.2 Extractors with Outside Energy Contribution
3.3 Conclusion
References 103
Chapter 4 Techniques for Physical Separation of Phases
4.1 Separation of Two Fluid Phases...
4.1.1 Gas-Liquid Separation
4.1.2 Liquid-Liquid Separation
4.2 Gas-Solid Separation
4.2.1 Cyclones
4.3 Liquid-Solid Separation
4.3.1 Filtration
4.3.2 Separation Using Centrifugal Force
4.4 Conclusion
References 155
Heat Transfer Technologies
Chapter 5 Process Furnaces
5.1 Furnace Functions 159
5.2 Description of a Furnace.... 160
5.3 Different Types of Furnaces
5.4 Furnace Thermal Efficiency
5.5 Component Parts of a Furnace
5.5.1 Tube Bundles
5.5.2 Tube Coil Supports
5.5.3 Furnace Wall Lining ....
5.5.4 Burners
5.5.5 Air Heater
5.5.6 Sweepers
5.6 Designing a Furnace
5.6.1 Determining Heat Exchange Surfaces
5.6.2 Fluid Dynamics in a Furnace
5.6.3 Mechanical Design of Structures
5.6.4 Control of Operating Furnaces
References 222
Chapter 6 Heat Exchangers
Introduction 223
6.1 Heat Exchanger Functions
6.1.1 The Cooling Function
6.1.2 The Heating Function
6.1.3 The Condensation Function.
6.1.4 The Vaporization Function
6.2 Operating Principle
6.2.1 Surface Exchangers
6.2.2 Direct Contact Heat Exchangers
(or Mixing Heat Exchangers)
6.3 Technological Construction Principles and Circulation Modes...
6.3.1 Cocurrent (or Parallel Currents) and Counter-Current
6.3.2 Circulation Associating Cocurrent and Counter-Current 229
6.3.3 Cross-Flow Circulation
6.4 Parameters Influencing Exchanger Performance 232
6.4.1 Quality of Local Transfer
6.4.2 Circulation Modes
6.5 Critical Points in Selecting Heat Exchanger Type and
Technological Design
6.5.1 Operating Conditions
6.5.2 Mechanical Resistance Conditions
6.5.3 Maintenance Conditions
6.5.4 Reliability in Performance and Mechanical Resistance..
6.5.5 Economic Requirements
6.5.6 Availability of Calculation Methods to Predict
6.6 Shell-and-Tube Exchangers...... 268
6.6.1 Types of Construction
6.6.2 The Shell
6.6.3 The Tube Bundle
6.6.4 Materials
6.6.5 Tube-Side and Shell-Side Circulation Circuits
6.6.6 Cost Estimation..
6.7 Other Tubular Exchangers
6.7.1 Double Pipe or Coaxial Exchangers. Multi-Hairpin
6.7.2 Heaters
6.7.3 In-Line Exchangers
6.7.4 Bayonet Exchangers
6.7.5 Helical Wound Coil Tube Heat Exchangers
6.8 Compact Non-Tubular Exchangers
6.8.1 Plate and Frame Exchangers
6.8.2 Brazed Plate Exchangers
6.8.3 Welded Plate Exchangers
6.8.4 Plate-Fin Exchangers
6.8.5 Printed Circuit Heat Exchangers (PCHE)
6.8.6 Circular Plate Exchangers
6.8.7 Spiral Plate Exchangers
6.9 Air-Cooled Exchangers
6.9.1 The Tube Bundles
6.9.2 Ventilation Systems
6.9.3 Plenum Chambers between Fans and Bundles
6.9.4 Structures
6.9.5 Air Cooled Exchanger Layout and Installation
6.9.6 Special Devices
6.9.7 Estimating Costs
6.9.8 Uses
6.10 Direct Contact Exchangers 375
6.10.1 Gas Coolers
6.10.2 Condensers
6.11 Conclusion 378
Appendixes 379
A6.1 Conversion Table 379
A6.2 Thermal Conductivity of Materials .. 380
A6.3 Characteristics of Exchanger Tubes
A6.4 Heat Exchanger Types
References 387XVI CONTENTS
Reaction Technologies
Chapter 7 Chemical Reactor Technology
7.1 An Introduction to Reactors
7.1.1 Reactor Classification
7.1.2 Homogeneous Reactors
7.1.3 Reactors with Two Fluid Phases
7.1.4 Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactors
7.2 Reactors Used in Refineries
7.2.1 Steam Cracking
7.2.2 Dimerization
7.2.3 Gas Scrubbing by Chemical Absorption
7.2.4 Aliphatic Alkylation
7.2.5 Hydrogen Production
7.2.6 Catalytic Reforming
7.2.7 Catalytic Cracking
7.2.8 Hydrotreating
7.3 Conclusion
Mechanical Operations
Chapter 8 Pumps, Compressors, Turbines, and Ejectors
8.1 Pumps 491
8.1.1 Centrifugal Pumps 493
8.1.2 Positive Displacement Pumps 514
8.2 Compressors 518
8.2.1 Reciprocating Piston Compressors
8.2.2 Centrifugal Compressors
8.3 Turbines
8.3.1 Steam Turbines
8.3.2 Gas Turbines
8.4 Ejectors 558
8.4.1 Operating Range 561
8.4.2 Sizing an Ejector 561
References 563CONTENTS XVII
Chapter 9 Agitation and Mixing Techniques
9.1 The Medium 565
9.1.1 One-Phase Media: Liquid Alone
9.1.2 Media with Two Fluid Phases ...
9.1.3 Fluid + Solid Media
9.2 Agitation Systems 568
9.2.1 Different Types of Rotating Agitators
9.2.2 Static Mixers
9.3 Hydrodynamic Characteristics of the System 575
9.3.1 Hydrodynamic Regimes
9.3.2 Energy Dissipated by an Agitator..
9.3.3 Mixing Time
9.3.4 Agitator Radius of Action
9.3.5 Velocity Gradient
9.3.6 Heat Transfer in Agitated Tanks
9.3.7 Mass Transfer in Agitated Tanks
9.4 Selecting an Agitation System
9.4.1 The Tank
9.4.2 Rotating Agitators
9.4.3 Other Mixing Techniques
9.5 Scaling-up
. 9.5.1 General Relations
9.5.2 Power Input
9.5.3 Specific Problems
9.6 Prospects
References 611
Control and Optimization Techniques
Chapter 10 Control and Monitoring
10.1 Introduction 617
10.2 Basic Principles of Industrial Measurements 617
10.2.1 Pressure
10.2.2 Flow Rate
10.2.3 Level
10.2.4 Temperature..
10.2.5 Miscellaneous
10.3 Industrial Instrumentation Equipment
10.3.1 Sensors
10.3.2 Remote Transmission
10.3.3 Control Valves
10.3.4 Industrial Controllers
10.4 Analyzers
10.4.1 Simple Composition Analyzers
10.4.2 Mixture Composition Analyzers
10.4.3 Analyzers of Physical Characteristics
10.4.4 Gas Detection Analyzers
10.4.5 Analyzer Installation
10.4.6 On-line Analyzer Applications
10.5 Industrial Control
10.5.1 Level
10.5.2 Pressure
10.5.3 Flow Rate
10.5.4 Conclusion
10.6 Control Loop Design and Application 667
10.6.1 Closed Loops
10.6.2 Cascade Loops
10.6.3 Open Loops
10.6.4 Discontinuous Loops
10.6.5 Multi-Variable Loops
10.7 Process Automation
10.7.1 The Refinery and Automated Production
10.7.2 Automation Prerequisites
10.7.3 Operational Guidelines
10.7.4 Development Stages in an Automation Project
10.7.5 Control and Operating System
10.8 Centralized Control and Operation
10.8.1 Introduction
10.8.2 Systems and Architectures
10.8.3 Communications
10.8.4 Operating Interfaces
10.8.5 Processing Interfaces
10.8.6 Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) 682
10.8.7 Safety PLCs
10.8.8 Associated Systems
10.9 Refining Operations in the Future
Chapter 11 Rational Use of Energy
11.1 Introduction 693
11.2 Energy Accounting 693
11.3 Energy Performance
11.3.1 Exergy
11.3.2 The Utilization Value of Energy Carriers
11.3.3 Exergy Analysis of an Industrial Process
11.4 Methods
11.4.1 Introduction
11.4.2 Distillation
11.4.3 Heat Exchangers Networks
11.4.4 Economic Optimization of a Heat Exchanger
References 734
Index 735Catalytic cracking, 123, 137, 466-475
Cavitation, 500, 649
Centrifugal force, 101, 124, 148, 493
Centrifuge, 149
Change of phase, 233, 239
Chemical reactions, 389, 398, 429, 438, 442,
443, 444, 454, 456, 459, 466, 476, 566
Chimney, 478
Chromatograph, 658
Circulation, 253, 302, 351, 360, 474, 573
cocurrent, 227, 259, 369, 422
counter-current, 227, 259, 427
on a plate, 7, 8, 27
Coalescence, 83, 114
convection, 196-198, 233-244
film, 233, 251
flow rate, 647
heat transfer, 225, 242, 249, 585
mass transfer, 33, 61, 65, 398, 588
Coil, 164, 315, 586
Coke, 430, 472
Collector, 354-356
baffle, 88, 375
distillation, 3-80
extraction, 85-91
packed, 43-77, 90, 376, 402, 443
plate, 3-40, 88, 402, 443
pulsed, 97
reciprocating plate, 101
rotating disk, 94
spray, 85, 375
tray, 7-89, 376, 402
with agitated compartments, 93-97
Absorptivity, 186, 190
hydrofluoric, 444, 450-452
sulfuric, 444, 446450
factor, 6, 21, 29
FCC, 471
Air cooled condenser, 371
Air cooled exchanger, 224, 349-374
Alkylation, 93, 397, 444
Amine scrubbing, 397, 440
Amines, 20, 396, 442
Anchor, 570, 579, 581, 593
APi, 119, 366, 506, 510, 512, 554
Approach (temperature), 253-259, 721
ASTM, 661
Atomization, 176
Attrition, 137, 153, 466, 472
Automation, 671
Backmixing, 84, 402
Baffle, 237, 275, 295, 299, 590
Balance (thermal), 184, 253, 474, 696, 705
Bayonet, 319
Bearing (of compressor), 542
Blade (of turbine), 549, 554
Blowing, 11, 147, 183
Burners, 162, 175
Cake, 141
Capacity, 17, 54, 77, 100, 103, 433, 492
Carbon monoxide, 178, 456
Catalyst, 404, 454, 468-475736 INDEX
Combustion, 175, 184, 559
Compression, 525, 530
centrifugal, 518, 530
reciprocating piston, 518, 520
Condensation, 106, 224, 241, 376, 545
Condenser, 224, 347, 376
Conduction, 198, 245
Conductivity (thermal), 174, 198, 239, 246,
380, 656
Distributor, 68-72, 473, 481
Downcomer, 4, 22-26, 89
Draft (of a furnace), 176, 219
Draw-off , 39
Drum, 111
reflux, 106
separator, 109, 116
Economizer, 224
of centrifuge, 152
of column, 31, 60, 100
of compressor, 526, 534
of cyclones, 128
of furnace, 171, 185, 708
of packing, 60
of plate, 31, 36, 90
of pump, 495
of turbine, 546
Ejector, 558
Emissivity, 189-195, 203
Emulsion, 21, 112, 449
electric, 695
heat, 184, 695, 701, 707
kinetic, 301, 532
Enthalpy, 216, 546, 551, 696, 705
Entrainment, 11, 18, 30, 108
Equilibrium (thermodynamic), 410
Erosion, 137, 265
Ethylene, 159, 429
Evaporator, 225
Exchange (heat), 157, 184, 233, 716, 731
Exergy, 704
Exergy analysis, 710
Expansion, 420, 428
Explosivity limits, 662
Extended surface, 252
solvent, 81
turbine, 549
Extractor (centrifuge), 101
angle, 187, 195, 204
compressibility, 527
exchange, 187, 201
packing, 48, 56
power, 577, 581
SF, 20
Fan, 221, 361
FCC (see Catalytic cracking)
Feed (inlet), 38, 470
Filter, 143-148
Filtration, 139
gas-liquid, 3, 43
liquid-liquid, 84, 403, 447
of a compressor, 529, 537
of a furnace, 221
of a turbine, 552
Controller, 649, 665, 682
Control loop, 665-671
Convection, 233-240
forced, 196
natural, 196
section, 165, 213
Conversion, 440, 456, 474
Cooler, 224, 475
Cooling, 224
Corrosion, 172, 265, 304
Cost, 17, 511, 693, 701
of air cooled exchangers, 373
of heat exchangers, 267-305
Cross-flow, 231, 260
gas-solid, 122-139
liquid-solid, 153
Deasphalting, 93
Degassing, 7
Detection (of gas), 661
Dewaxing, 146
column , 4, 20
droplet, 83, 87, 112, 1IS, 448, 598
drum, 106-111
particle, 113, 124, 137, 152, 416, 424, 428
pump impeller, 499
tube, 172, 291, 309, 381, 433
Diffusivity, 65, 398, 407, 445, 588
Dimerization, 394, 438
Dipleg, 135, 468
Direct contact, 226, 375
Distillation, 34, 714, 730
, 53, 562
Distribution (phase), 66-72, 477
Distribution headers, 354
Distribution plate, 299, 359, 478INDEX 737
Fin (of exchanger), 198, 248, 310, 317, 337,
350-355, 374
Hold-up, 58, 82, 102, 321, 400, 402, 424, 428,
485, 588
HTU, 61-65
Humidification , 371
Hydrocracking, 476
Hydrocyclone, 153
Hydrodesulfurization, 476, 531
Hydrogen, 452, 476
sulfide, 440, 443
Hydrotreating, 476, 531, 718
of compressor, 534, 537
of pump, 497
Impingement plates, 301
Induced/forced draft, 232, 351, 368
Injector, 450, 467, 470
Interface, 115, 399, 444, 446, 679
Interfacial area, 33, 61, 65, 82, 399, 401, 444-
446, 567, 587, 598
Interfacia! tension, 19, 31, 59, 87, 90, 598
Flame, 175
Floating head , 269, 285
Flooding, 10, 18, 35, 55, 75, 90, 95
laminar, 196, 233, 577
radial, 8, 462
solid, 133, 412, 465
turbulent, 197, 233, 577
two-phase, 197, 421, 476, 480
Flow meter, 621, 631
Flue gases, 160, 173, 184, 220
gas-solid, 414, 469
liquid-solid, 414
three-phase, 414, 427
Foamability, 22
Fouling, 171, 248, 264
Fraction (of void), 48, 50, 53, 408
Front end stationary head, 269-283, 383
Fuel, 175, 558, 697, 701, 710
Furnace, 159-170, 435, 455 Kettle, 280
Lining (furnace wall), 174
Liquid gradient (on plate), 10, 26
Louvers, 363
Lube oils, 91, 146
Gravity, 112, 239
Grid , 64, 550
floating, 285, 383
rear, 283, 312, 383
type of, 269-290, 383
for packing, 44, 60
for pumps, 511
for tubes, 173, 302-307, 321, 380
Mean (temperature difference), 254-260, 731
Measurement, 617
flow rate, 621
level, 624
pressure, 619
temperature, 626
Mixer, 85, 565-609
in-line, 571, 596
settler, 92, 404
tank, 589, 599
MTBE, 427
latent, 184
specific, 197, 234, 239, 527
value, 177, 184, 701
Heater, 179, 224, 315
Heat exchanger
cocurrent, 228, 253
compact, 323, 331
counter-current, 228, 256, 325
cross-current, 232, 260, 283
direct contact, 226, 375
double-pipe, 305-309
helical wound, 321
in-line, 319
lamella, 228
multi-hairpin, 305-311
Packinox, 333
plate, 228, 324, 328, 345
plate-fin, 335-342
printed circuit, 343
shell-and-tube, 228, 268, 384
spiral plate, 346
Heat flux, 204-212
HETP, 62-64, 91
Newtonian, 566
Nitrogen oxides, 178
NPSH, 499
Archimedes, 419, 42S
Eotvos, 87, 90
Froude, 65, 429, 576, 602, 608
Galileo, 56
Hatta, 398, 445
Newton , 576738 INDEX
Nusselt, 234, 585
of passes, 24, 27, 230
of plates, 33, 60
Peclet, 234, 407, 426
Prandtl, 196, 233, 585
Reynolds, 65, S9, 196, 233, 395, 419, 425,
428, 575, 585, 598, 602
Schmidt, 65
Stanton, 233
Weber, 65, 87, 425, 429, 598
Octane number, 460, 661
On-line analyzer, 654-664
Operating interface, 679
Optimization, 714
of exchangers, 731
Orifice, 16, 28, 87, 623
Oxidation, 173
Quench, 437
Racks. 317, 680
Radiation, 185, 200
Radiation section, 165, 200, 436
Radius of action (of an agitator), 583
Range (operating), 11, 492, 561
Rate (of reaction), 152, 398, 442, 445
Ratio (of phases), 114
catalytic, 394, 405
continuous stirred tank, 392, 396, 438
ebullating bed, 414, 427, 482
fixed bed, 405, 421, 461, 476
fluid bed, 136, 414, 467
gas-liquid, 394, 400, 440
liquid-liquid, 394, 403, 446
moving bed , 411, 464, 480
tubular, 392, 395, 440
Reboiler, 280
Recirculation, 371, 397, 447, 599
Recycle, 476, 485, 531
Redistribution, 67, 73
Reflectivity, 186
Reflux, 39
Reforming, 394, 460, 531
Regeneration, 472
Regenerator, 138, 468
Regime (flow), 196, 233, 239, 245, 423, 577
Residue, 239, 251, 474, 710
conduction, 226, 246
fouling, 226, 251
of cake, 141
for distillation, 43-65, 75
grid, 47-50
random, 44-48, 91
structured, 47, 50
dispersed, 83, 114, 567, 605
homogeneous, 395, 566, 604
liquid, 82, 438, 566, 604
Pinch, 719-730
Plate (of column), 440
Porosity, 142, 404
Power, 95, 495
of agitator, 95, 448, 576, 601, 603, 605
thermal, 184
Preheater, 224
Pressure (differential), 622
Pressure drop
in a cyclone, 132
in a fixed bed, 408, 425
in a furnace, 214, 219
in a tube, 214, 235, 432, 455
in a valve, 648
of a plate, 9, 28, 35, 89
through an orifice, 28, 622
through packing, 51-54, 76
Clauspol, 443
Dimersol, 438
Programmable logic controller (PLC), 682
Propeller, 447, 569, 593
Protection plate, 301
Intalox, 45
Lessing, 44
Pall, 45
Raschig, 44
Riser, 468, 470
Beri, 44, 48, 65, 91
Intalox, 45, 4S, 65, 443
Safety, 221, 637, 661, 689
Safety PLC, 685
Sampling, 654, 663
Seal, 213, 512, 540
Sealing strips, 278, 300
convection, 165, 213, 436
radiation, 165, 200, 436
Segmentation, 237
Selectivity, 405
centrifugal, 145, 491
heat, 728
piston, 516
positive displacement, 145, 491, 514
rotary, 514INDEX 739
Sensor, 628
flow rate, 631
level, 634
pressure, 629
temperature, 634
Separation, 1, 105, 121, 139, 471
Settling, 113, 404
Shear, 240, 584, 602
Spacing (plate), 4, 20, 34, 89
Specific speed, 497
Spectrometer, 660
Stack, 162, 220
Standards, 510, 661
Standpipe, 471473
Steam cracking, 394, 429
Steam reforming, 453
Stripper, 468
Sulfur, 178
Superheater, 224
Supervision (centralized), 676, 689
Surface area
exchange, 200, 213, 225, 254, 445, 587,
598, 729
specific, 47, 50, 54
Suspension, 139, 567, 607
Systems (control and supervision), 676, 689
bubble, cap, 12, 17, 40
sieve, 12, 13, 17, 88, 99
valve, 12-14, 17
Trim (cooler), 224
bundle, 162, 171, 199, 236, 288, 290, 359
corrugated , 238
expander, 294
furnace, 165, 171, 432, 455
heat exchanger, 238, 290, 308, 352, 381
sheet, 162, 269, 289, 292, 350
twisted, 238
agitation, 449, 569, 593
gas, 557
steam, 545
Two-phase flow
cocurrent, 197, 240, 393, 423, 426, 480
counter-current, 43, 86-100, 393, 423, 483
Unburnt, 171, 178
Utilities, 698, 722
Value (of energy carriers), 706
Valve, 138
control, 643
Vapor blanketing, 243
Vaporization, 215, 225, 243
Vaporizer, 225, 321
Vapor pressure, 501
characteristic, 83
critical, 87, 108
minimum fluidization, 417, 428, 469
superficial, 400, 408, 424, 479
terminal falling, 118, 419
Vibrations, 266, 555, 627
Viscosity, 32, 113, 141, 196, 239, 443, 492, 503,
566, 593
Void fraction, 48, 408
Vortex, 126, 590
Tangential entrance, 122, 126, 153
agitated, 92, 392, 573, 585, 589
settling, 118, 404
storage, 315, 591, 599
TEMA, 223, 268, 290, 301, 381
Thermal potential, 226, 254, 258
mixing, 579, 599, 601
residence, 22, 106, 120, 265, 395, 433, 468
by conduction, 198, 226 , 245, 249
by convection, 196, 226, 233, 249
heat, 185, 226, 249, 585
mass, 398, 443, 445, 587
analog, 639
digital , 640
Transmissivity, 186
Transport (pneumatic), 134
Wall, 168, 174, 246
Water, 118
Weeping, 11, 30
Weir, 6, 23

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