كتاب Fundamentals of Civil Engineering - An Introduction to the ASCE Body of Knowledge
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 كتاب Fundamentals of Civil Engineering - An Introduction to the ASCE Body of Knowledge

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18984
التقييم : 35458
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Fundamentals of Civil Engineering - An Introduction to the ASCE Body of Knowledge   كتاب Fundamentals of Civil Engineering - An Introduction to the ASCE Body of Knowledge Emptyالأربعاء 21 فبراير 2018, 7:07 pm

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أحضرت لكم كتاب
Fundamentals of Civil Engineering
An Introduction to the ASCE Body of Knowledge
With a Foreword by David Mongan
Richard H. McCuen
Edna Z. Ezzell
Melanie K. Wong

كتاب Fundamentals of Civil Engineering - An Introduction to the ASCE Body of Knowledge P_7797e2hd3
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

Foreword xiii
Preface xv
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction .1
1.2 The Philosophy of a Body of Knowledge 1
1.3 Bodies of Knowledge and Career Growth 2
Chapter 2 Humanities .5
2.1 Introduction .5
2.2 Values from the Humanities 6
2.3 Philosophy and Decision Making .7
2.4 Art and Civil Engineering Design .7
2.5 The Importance of Language to a Professional 9
2.6 Humanities and a Cultural Perspective . 10
2.7 Humanities Relevant to Personal and Professional
Development 11
2.8 Role of Curiosity in Advancement 12
2.9 The Creation and Evaluation of New Knowledge
in the Humanities 13
2.10 Observation 13
2.11 Discussion Questions . 14
2.12 Group Activities 15
Chapter 3 Social Sciences . 17
3.1 Introduction . 17
3.2 Defnition: Social Sciences 18
3.3 Interpersonal Skills and the Social Sciences . 19
3.4 Physical Geography and Design for Natural Disasters .20
3.5 Engineering and Economic Impact . 21
3.6 Regional Economics, Land Use, and Transportation
Planning .22
3.7 Analysis of Engineering Problems with Social Science
Implications .23
3.7.1 Natural Disasters 23
3.7.2 Environmental Issues .23
3.7.3 Removal of Dams .23vi Contents
3.8 The Creation of New Social Science Knowledge 24
3.9 Validating New Social Science Knowledge 25
3.10 Discussion Questions .26
3.11 Team Projects 27
References 27
Chapter 4 Experimentation .29
4.1 Introduction .29
4.2 Value Issues in Conducting Experiments 30
4.3 Elements of Experimentation 30
4.4 The Scientifc Method . 31
4.5 Conducting an Engineering Experiment: Procedure 31
4.5.1 State the Problem . 32
4.5.2 State the Goal and Objectives 32
4.5.3 Design the Experiment(s) .34
4.5.4 Prepare the Experiment 35
4.5.5 Collect the Data 35
4.5.6 Analyze the Experimental Data . 35
4.5.7 Identify Implications of Experimental Analyses .36
4.5.8 Report on the Study 36
4.6 Application of the Experimental Procedure 36
4.6.1 Problem Statement .36
4.6.2 Goal and Objectives .37
4.6.3 Experimental Design 37
4.6.4 Data Collection .37
4.6.5 Analysis of Data .37
4.6.6 Implications of the Analysis .39
4.7 Factuality, Rationality, and Actuality 39
4.8 Discussion Questions .40
4.9 Group Activities 41
Chapter 5 Sustainability 43
5.1 Introduction . 43
5.2 Sustainability: Defnition .44
5.3 Why Sustainability Is Important . 45
5.4 Sustainability and Human Values .46
5.5 Ethics of Sustainable Development .48
5.6 Sustainability and the Transfer of Technology 49
5.7 Creating New Knowledge 49
5.8 Evaluating Sustainable Development 50
5.8.1 What Resources Are Used? 50
5.8.2 What Is the Life Cycle of the Project? .50
5.8.3 What Are the Ecological Consequences? 51
5.8.4 Additional Evaluation Considerations 51Contents vii
5.9 Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes 52
5.10 Discussion Questions . 53
5.11 Group Activities 54
References 54
Chapter 6 Contemporary Issues and Historical Perspectives 55
6.1 Introduction . 55
6.2 Technology as a Value Source .56
6.2.1 Is Technology Responsible? .56
6.2.2 The Forces of Knowledge 56
6.2.3 Antitechnology Forces . 57
6.3 History and Society: Determinants of a Profession’s
Growth and Direction 58
6.3.1 The Birth of Modern Science .59 The Pre-Bacon Scientifc Climate 59 Francis Bacon and the Scientifc
Method 60
6.3.2 The Steam Engine and Professional Values . 61
6.3.3 Natural Resource Policy and the Public Interest 62
6.4 Archimedes and Bernoulli: Leaders in the Advancement
of Knowledge .63
6.4.1 Mathematics and Advancements in Knowledge 63
6.4.2 Advances in the Methods of Science .64
6.4.3 Professional Collaboration .65
6.4.4 Cultural In?uences .65
6.4.5 A Concluding Thought .66
6.5 Engineering Involvement in Contemporary Issues . 67
6.5.1 Contemporary Issue: The Impacts of Terrorism 67
6.5.2 Contemporary Issue: Con?icts over Water
Supply .68
6.5.3 Contemporary Issue: Recycling .69
6.5.4 Contemporary Issue: Ecological Change .69
6.6 Discussion Questions .70
6.7 Group Activities 71
References 72
Chapter 7 Risk and Uncertainty 73
7.1 Introduction .73
7.2 Values Relevant to Risk . 74
7.3 Defnitions . 75
7.4 Uncertainty of Knowledge 76
7.5 Uncertainty in Data and Measurement 76
7.6 Engineering Risk: Interpretation and Estimation .77
7.7 Principles of Probability and Statistics 79viii Contents
7.8 Risk, Technology, and Public Policy: A Triad 80
7.8.1 Ethics and Risk . 81
7.8.2 The Role of the Engineer: Technical
Considerations 81
7.8.3 The Role of the Engineer: Human Value
Considerations 82
7.8.4 The Role of Society 82
7.8.5 The Role of Engineering Education .83
7.9 Risk and Value Con?icts .83
7.10 Discussion Questions .84
7.11 Group Activities 85
References 86
Chapter 8 Communication 87
8.1 Introduction .87
8.2 Values Relevant to Communication 87
8.3 Characteristics of Effective Communication 88
8.4 Developing Good Communication Skills 89
8.5 Presenting Technical Material to a Nontechnical Audience .90
8.5.1 Phase I: Preparation 91
8.5.2 Phase II: Communication . 91
8.5.3 Phase III: Follow-Up 92
8.6 General Structure of a Report .92
8.7 Guidelines for Oral Presentations .92
8.7.1 Formulating the Presentation .93
8.7.2 Developing the Presentation .93
8.7.3 Rehearsing the Presentation .94
8.7.4 Making the Presentation 94
8.7.5 Responding to Questions 95
8.8 Listening as a Communication Skill .95
8.9 Self-Evaluation in Communication .96
8.10 Discussion Questions .98
8.11 Group Activities 98
Chapter 9 Public Policy . 101
9.1 Introduction . 101
9.2 Public Policy 102
9.3 Technological Growth . 102
9.4 Actively Participating in Public Policy 103
9.4.1 Letters to the Editor . 103
9.4.2 Interact with Political Representatives . 104
9.4.3 Blogging . 104Contents ix
9.4.4 Interaction with Public Agencies . 104
9.4.5 Associate with Professional Societies 105
9.5 Analysis of a Sample Policy Statement . 105
9.5.1 Public Values 106
9.5.2 Technical Directives . 106
9.6 Ethical Issues Relevant to Public Policy . 106
9.7 Discussion Questions . 107
9.8 Group Activities 108
References 109
Chapter 10 Globalization 111
10.1 Introduction . 111
10.2 Defnitions . 111
10.3 Values Relevant to Globalization 113
10.4 Criteria to Address Global Issues 115
10.5 The Global Engineering Workplace 117
10.5.1 Levels of Globalization 117
10.5.2 The Global Engineering Workplace . 117
10.5.3 Globalization and the Job Market 117
10.6 Active Participation in Globalization 119
10.7 Discussion Questions .120
10.8 Group Activities 122
References 122
Chapter 11 Leadership 123
11.1 Introduction . 123
11.2 Leadership: A Defnition . 123
11.3 Principles of Leadership 124
11.4 Attitudes and Skills of Leaders .125
11.5 Values in Leadership .126
11.6 Ethical Issues of Leadership 127
11.7 Gaining Leadership Experience 129
11.8 Leadership in an Engineering Career . 130
11.9 Considerations for Creating a New Organization . 131
11.10 Evaluation of Leadership . 132
11.11 Discussion Questions . 132
11.12 Group Activities 134
References 134
Chapter 12 Teamwork . 135
12.1 Introduction . 135
12.2 Values Relevant to Teamwork . 136x Contents
12.3 Gaining Experience at the Undergraduate Level 136
12.4 Team Formation and Evolution . 137
12.5 Factors Important to Team Success . 138
12.6 Time Management in Teamwork . 139
12.6.1 Timeline . 139
12.6.2 To-Do Lists . 139
12.6.3 Daily Schedule . 139
12.7 Communication in Teamwork . 140
12.8 Commitment to Change and Innovation in Teamwork . 140
12.9 Motivation in Teamwork . 141
12.10 Creativity in Teamwork . 141
12.11 Evaluation of Team Performance 142
12.11.1 Appraisal of Team Members 142
12.11.2 Appraisal of Team Leader 143
12.12 Discussion Questions . 144
12.13 Group Activities 145
Reference 145
Chapter 13 Attitudes . 147
13.1 Introduction . 147
13.2 Attitudes and Job Responsibilities . 148
13.3 Attitude: Commitment . 149
13.3.1 Developing an Attitude of Commitment 150
13.4 Attitude: High Expectations 150
13.4.1 Developing an Attitude of High Expectations . 151
13.5 Attitude: Self-Confdence 151
13.5.1 Developing a Self-Confdence Plan 152
13.5.2 Developing an Attitude of Self-Confdence . 152
13.5.3 Developing Self-Confdence in Others . 153
13.6 Attitude: Curiosity . 153
13.6.1 Developing a Sense of Curiosity 154
13.7 Attitude: Creativity 154
13.7.1 Defnitions 154
13.7.2 The Creative Process 154
13.7.3 Developing a Creative Attitude 155
13.8 Attitude: Honesty . 155
13.8.1 Self-Enhancement of Ethical Maturity 156
13.9 Attitude: Persistence 157
13.9.1 Developing an Attitude of Persistence . 157
13.10 Attitude: Persuasive . 157
13.10.1 Developing the Ability to Persuade 158
13.11 Attitude: Optimism 158
13.11.1 Evaluating Your PO Attitude . 159
13.11.2 Developing an Attitude of Optimism . 160Contents xi
13.12 Self-Evaluation of Attitude 160
13.13 Attitude Change . 161
13.13.1 Effect of the Messenger 161
13.13.2 Effect of the Message . 162
13.13.3 The Message Receiver 163
13.13.4 Changing One’s Own Attitude . 163
13.14 Creating an Attitude-Sensitive Organizational Structure . 163
13.15 Discussion Questions . 164
13.16 Group Activities 165
Reference 165
Chapter 14 Lifelong Learning . 167
14.1 Introduction . 167
14.2 Lifelong Learning: A Defnition 167
14.3 Values Relevant to Lifelong Learning . 168
14.4 Skills and Attitudes Important to Lifelong Learning 169
14.4.1 The Process of Self-Study 169
14.4.2 Time Management 170
14.4.3 Procrastination . 171
14.4.4 Important Attitudes 171
14.5 Self-Study Planning . 171
14.6 Approaches to Lifelong Learning . 172
14.7 Developing a Learning Plan 172
14.8 Evaluation of a Self-Study Activity . 174
14.9 Discussion Questions . 175
14.10 Team Projects 176
Reference 177
Chapter 15 Professional and Ethical Responsibilities 179
15.1 Introduction . 179
15.1.1 Case Study 179
15.1.2 Case Study 179
15.1.3 Case Study 180
15.1.4 Examples of Ethical Issues . 180
15.2 Values and Value Systems . 181
15.3 Characteristics of a Professional . 182
15.4 Codes of Ethics: Objectives . 184
15.5 Responsibilities Inherent to Codes of Ethics . 184
15.6 Value Con?icts 184
15.7 Value Decision Making . 186
15.8 Ethical Maturity 187
15.9 Resolving Ethical Con?icts . 188
15.10 Characteristics of Unethical Conduct 190xii Contents
15.11 Whistleblowing 191
15.12 Rationalization . 192
15.13 Discussion Questions . 193
15.14 Group Activities 194
References 194
Appendix A: Communication . 195
A.1 Formal Reports 195
A.1.1 Outlining a Report 195
A.1.2 Rough Drafts 196
A.1.3 Revision 196
A.1.4 Paragraph Structure 197
A.1.5 Abstract 198
A.1.6 Headings . 198
A.1.7 The Report Introduction . 199
A.1.8 Conclusions 200
A.1.9 Appendices . 201
A.1.10 Graphical Communication . 201
A.2 Guidelines for Oral Presentations .203
A.2.1 Formulating the Presentation .203
A.2.2 Developing the Presentation .203
A.2.3 Rehearsing the Presentation .204
A.2.4 Making the Presentation 204
A.2.5 Responding to Questions 205
Appendix B: Creativity and Innovation .207
B.1 Defnitions .207
B.2 The Creative Process .207
B.3 Myths about Creativity 208
B.4 The Importance of Creativity 208
B.5 Creativity Stimulators 209
B.5.1 Brainstorming .209
B.5.2 Brainwriting . 211
B.5.3 Synectics . 211
B.6 Creativity Inhibitors 212
B.7 Discussion Questions . 213

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