كتاب ASM Metals Handbook Vol 01 - Properties and Selection Irons, Steels and High Performance Alloys
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 كتاب ASM Metals Handbook Vol 01 - Properties and Selection Irons, Steels and High Performance Alloys

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مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18984
التقييم : 35458
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب ASM Metals Handbook Vol 01 - Properties and Selection Irons, Steels and High Performance Alloys Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب ASM Metals Handbook Vol 01 - Properties and Selection Irons, Steels and High Performance Alloys   كتاب ASM Metals Handbook Vol 01 - Properties and Selection Irons, Steels and High Performance Alloys Emptyالثلاثاء 19 يناير 2016, 8:43 pm

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ASM Metals Handbook Vol 01 Properties and Selection Irons, Steels and High Performance Alloys

كتاب ASM Metals Handbook Vol 01 - Properties and Selection Irons, Steels and High Performance Alloys A_s_m_11
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

Table of Contents
Section Features
Front Matter
Front Matter    
Front Matter
Table of Contents        
Interactive Graphs
Interactive Phase Diagrams and Graphs        
Cast Irons
1. Classification and Basic Metallurgy of Cast Iron
1. Classification and Basic Metallurgy of Cast Iron    
1. Classification and Basic Metallurgy of Cast Iron
1.1 Classification    
1.1 Classification
1.2 Principles of the Metallurgy of Cast Iron
1.2 Principles of the Metallurgy of Cast Iron    
1.2 Principles of the Metallurgy of Cast Iron
1.3 Malleable Irons
1.3 Malleable Irons    
1.3 Malleable Irons
2. Gray Iron
2. Gray Iron    
2. Gray Iron
2.1 Classes of Gray Iron    
2.1 Classes of Gray Iron
2.2 Applications    
2.2 Applications
2.3 Castability    
2.3 Castability
2.4 Microstructure    
2.4 Microstructure
2.5 Section Sensitivity    
2.5 Section Sensitivity
2.6 Prevailing Sections    
2.6 Prevailing Sections
2.7 Test Bar Properties    
2.7 Test Bar Properties
2.8 Fatigue Limit in Reversed Bending    
2.8 Fatigue Limit in Reversed Bending
2.9 Pressure Tightness    
2.9 Pressure Tightness
2.10 Impact Resistance    
2.10 Impact Resistance
2.11 Machinability    
2.11 Machinability
2.12 Wear    
2.12 Wear
2.13 Resistance to Scuffing    
2.13 Resistance to Scuffing
2.14 Resistance to Normal Wear    
2.14 Resistance to Normal Wear
2.15 Elevated-Temperature Properties    
2.15 Elevated-Temperature Properties
2.16 Dimensional Stability    
2.16 Dimensional Stability
2.17 Effect of Shakeout Practice    
2.17 Effect of Shakeout Practice
2.18 Alloying to Modify As-Cast Properties    
2.18 Alloying to Modify As-Cast Properties
2.19 Heat Treatment    
2.19 Heat Treatment
2.20 Physical Properties    
2.20 Physical Properties
Selected References    
Selected References
3. Ductile Iron
3. Ductile Iron    
3. Ductile Iron
3.1 Specifications    
3.1 Specifications
3.2 Ductile Iron Applications    
3.2 Ductile Iron Applications
3.3 Metallurgical Control in Ductile Iron Production
3.3 Metallurgical Control in Ductile Iron Production    
3.3 Metallurgical Control in Ductile Iron Production
3.4 Mechanical Properties    
3.4 Mechanical Properties
3.5 Mechanical Properties at Elevated Temperatures    
3.5 Mechanical Properties at Elevated Temperatures
3.6 Hardenability    
3.6 Hardenability
Table 11 Creep strength of several ductile irons at 425 °C (800 °F)    
Table 11 Creep strength of several ductile irons at 425 °C (800 °F)
3.7 Physical Properties    
3.7 Physical Properties
Table 13 Coefficients of thermal expansion for ferritic and pearlitic ductile irons    
Table 13 Coefficients of thermal expansion for ferritic and pearlitic ductile irons
3.8 Machinability    
3.8 Machinability
3.9 Welding    
3.9 Welding
4. Compacted Graphite Iron
4. Compacted Graphite Iron    
4. Compacted Graphite Iron
4.1 Chemical Composition    
4.1 Chemical Composition
4.2 Castability    
4.2 Castability
4.3 Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature    
4.3 Mechanical Properties at Room Temperature
Table 2 Tensile properties, hardness, and thermal conductivity of various CG irons at room temperature    
Table 2 Tensile properties, hardness, and thermal conductivity of various CG irons at room temperature
4.4 Elevated-Temperature Properties    
4.4 Elevated-Temperature Properties
4.5 Physical Properties    
4.5 Physical Properties
4.6 Other Properties    
4.6 Other Properties
4.7 Applications    
4.7 Applications
5. Malleable Iron
5. Malleable Iron    
5. Malleable Iron
5.1 Metallurgical Factors    
5.1 Metallurgical Factors
Table 2 Properties of malleable iron castings    
Table 2 Properties of malleable iron castings
5.2 Types and Properties of Malleable Iron
5.2 Types and Properties of Malleable Iron    
5.2 Types and Properties of Malleable Iron
5.3 Applications    
5.3 Applications
6. Alloy Cast Irons
6. Alloy Cast Irons    
6. Alloy Cast Irons
6.1 Classification of Alloy Cast Irons    
6.1 Classification of Alloy Cast Irons
6.2 Effects of Alloying Elements    
6.2 Effects of Alloying Elements
6.3 Effects of Inoculants    
6.3 Effects of Inoculants
6.4 Abrasion-Resistant Cast Irons    
6.4 Abrasion-Resistant Cast Irons
Table 6 Physical properties of selected alloy cast irons    
Table 6 Physical properties of selected alloy cast irons
6.5 Corrosion-Resistant Cast Irons
6.5 Corrosion-Resistant Cast Irons    
6.5 Corrosion-Resistant Cast Irons
6.6 Heat-Resistant Cast Irons    
6.6 Heat-Resistant Cast Irons
Selected References    
Selected References
Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels    
Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels
7. Steel Processing Technology
7. Steel Processing Technology    
7. Steel Processing Technology

7.1 Liquid Processing of Steel
7.1 Liquid Processing of Steel    
7.1 Liquid Processing of Steel
7.2 Processing of Solid Steel
7.2 Processing of Solid Steel    
7.2 Processing of Solid Steel
8. Microstructures, Processing, and Properties of Steels
8. Microstructures, Processing, and Properties of Steels    
8. Microstructures, Processing, and Properties of Steels
8.1 Iron-Carbon Phase Diagram    
8.1 Iron-Carbon Phase Diagram
8.2 Carbon Content and Properties    
8.2 Carbon Content and Properties
8.3 Pearlite and Bainite    
8.3 Pearlite and Bainite
8.4 Proeutectoid Ferrite and Cementite    
8.4 Proeutectoid Ferrite and Cementite
8.5 Processing: Ferrite-Pearlite Microstructures    
8.5 Processing: Ferrite-Pearlite Microstructures
8.6 Processing: Ferritic Microstructures    
8.6 Processing: Ferritic Microstructures
8.7 Martensite    
8.7 Martensite
8.8 Tempering of Martensite    
8.8 Tempering of Martensite
8.9 Processing: Quenched and Tempered Microstructures    
8.9 Processing: Quenched and Tempered Microstructures
8.10 Processing: Direct-Cooled Forging Microstructures    
8.10 Processing: Direct-Cooled Forging Microstructures
8.11 Summary    
8.11 Summary
9. Classification and Designation of Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels
9. Classification and Designation of Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels    
9. Classification and Designation of Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels
9.1 Classification of Steels
9.1 Classification of Steels    
9.1 Classification of Steels
9.2 Effects of Alloying Elements    
9.2 Effects of Alloying Elements
9.3 Carbon Steels    
Table 11 SAE-AISI system of designations    
Table 11 SAE-AISI system of designations
9.4 High-Strength Low-Alloy Steels    
9.4 High-Strength Low-Alloy Steels
Table 12 Carbon steel compositions applicable to semifinished products for forging, hot-rolled and cold-finished bars, wire rods, and seamless tubing    
Table 12 Carbon steel compositions applicable to semifinished products for forging, hot-rolled and cold-finished bars, wire rods, and seamless tubing
9.5 Low-Alloy Steels    
9.5 Low-Alloy Steels
Table 13 Carbon steel compositions applicable only to structural shapes, plates, strip, sheets, and welded tubing    
Table 13 Carbon steel compositions applicable only to structural shapes, plates, strip, sheets, and welded tubing
9.6 Designations for Steels
9.6 Designations for Steels    
9.6 Designations for Steels
9.7 Specifications for Steels
9.7 Specifications for Steels    
9.7 Specifications for Steels
9.8 International Designations and Specifications    
9.8 International Designations and Specifications
Table 26 Product descriptions and carbon contents for wrought carbon steels (AMS designations)    
Table 26 Product descriptions and carbon contents for wrought carbon steels (AMS designations)
Table 27 - Table 32
Table 27 - Table 32    
Table 33 - Table 43    
10. Physical Properties of Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels
10. Physical Properties of Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels    
10. Physical Properties of Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels
Coefficients of linear thermal expansion for carbon and low-alloy steels    
Coefficients of linear thermal expansion for carbon and low-alloy steels
Thermal conductivities of carbon and low-alloy steels    
Thermal conductivities of carbon and low-alloy steels
Specific heats of carbon and low-alloy steels    
Specific heats of carbon and low-alloy steels
Electrical resistivities of carbon and low-alloy steels    
Electrical resistivities of carbon and low-alloy steels
11. Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Sheet and Strip
11. Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Sheet and Strip    
11. Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Sheet and Strip
11.1 Plain Carbon Steel
11.1 Plain Carbon Steel    
11.1 Plain Carbon Steel
11.2 Low-Alloy Steel
11.2 Low-Alloy Steel    
11.2 Low-Alloy Steel
11.3 Direct Casting Methods    
11.3 Direct Casting Methods
12. Precoated Steel Sheet
12. Precoated Steel Sheet    
12. Precoated Steel Sheet
12.1 Zinc Coatings    
12.1 Zinc Coatings
12.2 Aluminum Coatings    
12.2 Aluminum Coatings
12.3 Aluminum-Zinc Alloy Coatings    
12.3 Aluminum-Zinc Alloy Coatings
12.4 Tin Coatings    
12.4 Tin Coatings
12.5 Terne Coatings    
12.5 Terne Coatings
12.6 Phosphate Coatings    
12.6 Phosphate Coatings
12.7 Preprimed Sheet    
12.7 Preprimed Sheet
12.8 Organic Composite Coatings    
12.8 Organic Composite Coatings
12.9 Prepainted Sheet    
12.9 Prepainted Sheet
13. Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Plate
13.1 Steelmaking Practices    
13.1 Steelmaking Practices
Table 2 Standard carbon steel plate compositions applicable for structural applications    
Table 2 Standard carbon steel plate compositions applicable for structural applications
13.2 Platemaking Practices    
13.2 Platemaking Practices
13.3 Plate Imperfections    
13.3 Plate Imperfections
Table 5 ASTM specifications for structural quality steel plate    
Table 5 ASTM specifications for structural quality steel plate
13.4 Heat Treatment    
13.4 Heat Treatment
13.5 Types of Steel Plate
13.5 Types of Steel Plate    
13.5 Types of Steel Plate
13.6 Mechanical Properties    
13.6 Mechanical Properties
13.7 Fabrication Considerations    
13.7 Fabrication Considerations
14. Hot-Rolled Steel Bars and Shapes
14.1 Dimensions and Tolerances    
14.1 Dimensions and Tolerances
14.2 Surface Imperfections
14.2 Surface Imperfections    
14.2 Surface Imperfections
14.3 Surface Treatment    
14.3 Surface Treatment
14.4 Heat Treatment    
14.4 Heat Treatment
14.5 Product Requirements    
14.5 Product Requirements
Table 2 Lowest maximum hardness that can be expected for hot-rolled steel bars, billets, and slabs with ordinary mill annealing    
Table 2 Lowest maximum hardness that can be expected for hot-rolled steel bars, billets, and slabs with ordinary mill annealing
14.6 Product Categories    
14.6 Product Categories
14.7 Merchant Quality Bars    
14.7 Merchant Quality Bars
14.8 Special Quality Bars    
14.8 Special Quality Bars
14.9 Carbon Steel Bars for Specific Applications    
14.9 Carbon Steel Bars for Specific Applications
14.10 Alloy Steel Bars    
14.10 Alloy Steel Bars
14.11 High-Strength Low-Alloy Steel Bars    
14.11 High-Strength Low-Alloy Steel Bars
14.12 Concrete-Reinforcing Bars    
14.12 Concrete-Reinforcing Bars
14.13 Structural Shapes    
14.13 Structural Shapes
14.14 Special Shapes    
14.14 Special Shapes
15. Cold-Finished Steel Bars  
15.1 Bar Sizes
15.2 Product Types    
15.2 Product Types
15.3 Product Quality Descriptors
15.3 Product Quality Descriptors    
15.3 Product Quality Descriptors
15.4 Mechanical Properties    
15.4 Mechanical Properties
15.5 Residual Stresses    
15.5 Residual Stresses
15.6 Heat Treatment
15.6 Heat Treatment    
15.6 Heat Treatment
15.7 Machinability    
15.7 Machinability
Table 11 Hardness and machinability ratings of cold-drawn alloy steels    
Table 11 Hardness and machinability ratings of cold-drawn alloy steels
15.8 Strength Considerations    
15.8 Strength Considerations
15.9 Special Die Drawing    
15.9 Special Die Drawing
16. Steel Wire Rod
16. Steel Wire Rod      
16.1 Cleaning and Coating
16.2 Heat Treatment    
16.2 Heat Treatment
16.3 Carbon Steel Rod    
16.3 Carbon Steel Rod
16.4 Qualities and Commodities of Carbon Steel Rod    
16.4 Qualities and Commodities of Carbon Steel Rod
16.5 Special Requirements for Carbon Steel Rod    
16.5 Special Requirements for Carbon Steel Rod
16.6 Mechanical Properties of Carbon Steel Rod    
16.6 Mechanical Properties of Carbon Steel Rod
16.7 Alloy Steel Rod    
16.7 Alloy Steel Rod
16.8 Qualities and Commodities for Alloy Steel Rod    
16.8 Qualities and Commodities for Alloy Steel Rod
16.9 Special Requirements for Alloy Steel Rod    
16.9 Special Requirements for Alloy Steel Rod
17. Steel Wire
17. Steel Wire    
17. Steel Wire
17.1 Wire Configurations and Sizes    
17.1 Wire Configurations and Sizes
17.2 Wiremaking Practices    
17.2 Wiremaking Practices
Table 1 Steel wire gage sizes    
Table 1 Steel wire gage sizes
17.3 Specification Wire    
17.3 Specification Wire
17.4 Metallic Coated Wire    
17.4 Metallic Coated Wire
17.5 Quality Descriptions and Commodities
17.5 Quality Descriptions and Commodities    
17.5 Quality Descriptions and Commodities
17.6 Mechanical Properties: Round Wire versus Flat Wire    
17.6 Mechanical Properties: Round Wire versus Flat Wire
18. Threaded Steel Fasteners  
18.1 Specification and Selection
18.2 Fastener Tests    
18.2 Fastener Tests
18.3 Mechanical Properties    
18.3 Mechanical Properties
18.4 Fabrication    
18.4 Fabrication
18.5 Clamping Forces    
18.5 Clamping Forces
19. Steel Springs  
19.1 Mechanical Properties
19.2 Characteristics of Spring Steel Grade    
19.2 Characteristics of Spring Steel Grade
19.3 Wire Quality    
19.3 Wire Quality
19.4 Residual Stresses    
19.4 Residual Stresses
19.5 Plating of Springs    
19.5 Plating of Springs
19.6 Fatigue    
19.6 Fatigue
19.7 Effect of Temperature    
19.7 Effect of Temperature
19.8 Hot-Wound Springs    
19.8 Hot-Wound Springs
19.9 Costs    
19.9 Costs
19.10 Design    
19.10 Design
19.11 Compression Springs    
19.11 Compression Springs
19.12 Extension Springs    
19.12 Extension Springs
19.13 Leaf Springs    
19.13 Leaf Springs
20. Steel Tubular Products  
20.1 Product Classification
20.2 Welding Processes    
20.2 Welding Processes
20.3 Seamless Processes    
20.3 Seamless Processes
20.4 Cold Finishing    
20.4 Cold Finishing
20.5 Pipe Sizes and Specifications    
20.5 Pipe Sizes and Specifications
20.6 Common Types of Pipe    
20.6 Common Types of Pipe
Table 7 Minimum tensile properties of carbon and alloy steel pipe (ASTM, API, and CSA)    
Table 7 Minimum tensile properties of carbon and alloy steel pipe (ASTM, API, and CSA)
20.7 Pressure Tubes    
20.7 Pressure Tubes
20.8 Structural Tubing    
20.8 Structural Tubing
Table 11 Minimum tensile properties of carbon and alloy steel pressure tubes (ASTM)    
Table 11 Minimum tensile properties of carbon and alloy steel pressure tubes (ASTM)
20.9 Mechanical Tubing
20.9 Mechanical Tubing    
20.9 Mechanical Tubing
21. Closed-Die Forgings
21.1 Types of Forgings    
21.1 Types of Forgings
21.2 Selection of Steel    
21.2 Selection of Steel
21.3 Material Control    
21.3 Material Control
21.4 Mechanical Properties    
21.4 Mechanical Properties
21.5 Design Stress Calculations    
21.5 Design Stress Calculations
21.6 Fundamentals of Hammer and Press Forgings    
21.6 Fundamentals of Hammer and Press Forgings
21.7 Tolerances    
21.7 Tolerances
21.8 Allowance for Machining    
21.8 Allowance for Machining
21.9 Design of Hot Upset Forgings    
21.9 Design of Hot Upset Forgings
21.10 Design of Hot Extrusion Forgings    
21.10 Design of Hot Extrusion Forgings

22. High-Strength Low-Alloy Steel Forgings
22. High-Strength Low-Alloy Steel Forgings    
22. High-Strength Low-Alloy Steel Forgings

22.1 Microalloying Elements    
22.1 Microalloying Elements
22.2 Metallurgical Effects    
22.2 Metallurgical Effects
22.3 Future Outlook    
22.3 Future Outlook

23. Steel Castings
23. Steel Castings    
23. Steel Castings

23.1 Classifications and Specifications    
23.1 Classifications and Specifications
23.2 Mechanical Properties    
23.2 Mechanical Properties
Table 3 Plane-strain fracture toughness of cast low-alloy steels at room temperature    
Table 3 Plane-strain fracture toughness of cast low-alloy steels at room temperature
23.3 Low-Carbon Cast Steels    
23.3 Low-Carbon Cast Steels
23.4 Medium-Carbon Cast Steels    
23.4 Medium-Carbon Cast Steels
23.5 High-Carbon Cast Steels    
23.5 High-Carbon Cast Steels
23.6 Low-Alloy Cast Steels    
23.6 Low-Alloy Cast Steels
23.7 Physical Properties    
23.7 Physical Properties
23.8 Engineering Properties    
23.8 Engineering Properties
23.9 Nondestructive Inspection    
23.9 Nondestructive Inspection

24. Bearing Steels
24. Bearing Steels    
24. Bearing Steels

24.1 High-Carbon or Low-Carbon Steels    
24.1 High-Carbon or Low-Carbon Steels
24.2 Microstructure Characteristics    
24.2 Microstructure Characteristics
24.3 Bearing Steel Quality    
24.3 Bearing Steel Quality
24.4 Effect of Heat Treatment    
24.4 Effect of Heat Treatment
24.5 Special-Purpose Bearing Steels    
24.5 Special-Purpose Bearing Steels
Selected References    
Selected References

25. High-Strength Structural and High-Strength Low-Alloy Steels
25. High-Strength Structural and High-Strength Low-Alloy Steels    
25. High-Strength Structural and High-Strength Low-Alloy Steels

25.1 Structural Carbon Steels    
25.1 Structural Carbon Steels
25.2 Quenched and Tempered Low-Alloy Steel    
25.2 Quenched and Tempered Low-Alloy Steel
25.3 HSLA Steels
25.3 HSLA Steels    
25.3 HSLA Steels

26. Dual-Phase Steels
26. Dual-Phase Steels    
26. Dual-Phase Steels

26.1 Heat Treatment of Dual-Phase Steels    
26.1 Heat Treatment of Dual-Phase Steels
26.2 Mechanical Properties of Dual-Phase Steels    
26.2 Mechanical Properties of Dual-Phase Steels
26.3 New Advances in Dual-Phase Steels    
26.3 New Advances in Dual-Phase Steels
Selected References    
Selected References

27. Ultrahigh-Strength Steels
27. Ultrahigh-Strength Steels    
27. Ultrahigh-Strength Steels

27.1 Medium-Carbon Low-Alloy Steels
27.1 Medium-Carbon Low-Alloy Steels    
27.1 Medium-Carbon Low-Alloy Steels
27.2 Medium-Alloy Air-Hardening Steels
27.2 Medium-Alloy Air-Hardening Steels    
27.2 Medium-Alloy Air-Hardening Steels
27.3 High Fracture Toughness Steels
27.3 High Fracture Toughness Steels    
27.3 High Fracture Toughness Steels

Hardenability of Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels    
Hardenability of Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels
28. Hardenable Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels
28. Hardenable Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels    
28. Hardenable Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels

28.1 Hardenability    
28.1 Hardenability
28.2 Carbon Steels Containing up to 0.25% C    
28.2 Carbon Steels Containing up to 0.25% C
28.3 Carbon Steels Containing 0.25 to 0.55% C    
28.3 Carbon Steels Containing 0.25 to 0.55% C
28.4 Carbon Steels Containing 0.55 to 1.00% C    
28.4 Carbon Steels Containing 0.55 to 1.00% C
28.5 Alloy Steels    
28.5 Alloy Steels
28.6 Alloying Elements in Quenching    
28.6 Alloying Elements in Quenching
28.7 Mechanical Properties    
28.7 Mechanical Properties
28.8 Tempering    
28.8 Tempering
28.9 Distortion in Heat Treatment    
28.9 Distortion in Heat Treatment
28.10 Induction and Flame Hardening    
28.10 Induction and Flame Hardening
28.11 Fabrication of Parts and Assemblies    
28.11 Fabrication of Parts and Assemblies

29. Hardenability of Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels
29. Hardenability of Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels    
29. Hardenability of Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels

29.1 Hardenability Testing    
29.1 Hardenability Testing
29.2 Low-Hardenability Steels    
29.2 Low-Hardenability Steels
29.3 Calculation of Hardenability    
29.3 Calculation of Hardenability
29.4 Effect of Carbon Content    
29.4 Effect of Carbon Content
29.5 Calculation of Hardenability    
29.5 Calculation of Hardenability
29.6 Effect of Carbon Content    
29.6 Effect of Carbon Content
29.7 Alloying Elements    
29.7 Alloying Elements
29.8 Effect of Grain Size    
29.8 Effect of Grain Size
29.9 Variations within Heats    
29.9 Variations within Heats
29.10 Determining Hardenability Requirements    
29.10 Determining Hardenability Requirements
29.11 General Hardenability Selection Charts    
29.11 General Hardenability Selection Charts
29.12 Use of the Charts    
29.12 Use of the Charts
29.13 H-Steels    
29.13 H-Steels
29.14 Use of Hardenability Limits
29.14 Use of Hardenability Limits    
29.14 Use of Hardenability Limits
29.15 Steels for Case Hardening    
29.15 Steels for Case Hardening
29.16 Steel Castings    
29.16 Steel Castings
Selected References    
Selected References

30. Hardenability Curves
30. Hardenability Curves    
30. Hardenability Curves

SAE/AISI 1038H - SAE/AISI 4032H    
SAE/AISI 4037H - SAE/AISI 4817H    
SAE/AISI 4820H - SAE/AISI 6118H    
SAE/AISI 6150H - SAE/AISI 9310H    
SAE/AISI 94B15H - SAE/AISI 94B30H    

Fabrication Characteristics of Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels    
Fabrication Characteristics of Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels
31. Sheet Formability of Steels
31. Sheet Formability of Steels    
31. Sheet Formability of Steels

31.1 Mechanical Properties and Formability    
31.1 Mechanical Properties and Formability
31.2 Circle Grid Analysis    
31.2 Circle Grid Analysis
31.3 Simulative Forming Tests    
31.3 Simulative Forming Tests
31.4 Effects of Steel Composition on Formability    
31.4 Effects of Steel Composition on Formability
31.5 Effects of Steelmaking Practices on Formability    
31.5 Effects of Steelmaking Practices on Formability
31.6 Correlation between Microstructure and Formability    
31.6 Correlation between Microstructure and Formability
31.7 Effect of Metallic Coatings on Formability    
31.7 Effect of Metallic Coatings on Formability
31.8 Selection of Steel Sheet    
31.8 Selection of Steel Sheet
Selected References    
Selected References

32. Bulk Formability of Steels
32. Bulk Formability of Steels    
32. Bulk Formability of Steels

32.1 Formability Characteristics    
32.1 Formability Characteristics
32.2 Formability Tests
32.2 Formability Tests    
32.2 Formability Tests
32.3 Evaluating Forgeability
32.3 Evaluating Forgeability    
32.3 Evaluating Forgeability
32.4 Microalloyed Steels
32.4 Microalloyed Steels    
32.4 Microalloyed Steels

33. Machinability of Steels
33. Machinability of Steels    
33. Machinability of Steels

33.1 Measures of Machinability    
33.1 Measures of Machinability
33.2 Scatter in Machinability Ratings    
33.2 Scatter in Machinability Ratings
33.3 Machinability Ratings of Steels    
33.3 Machinability Ratings of Steels
33.4 Microstructure    
33.4 Microstructure
33.5 Carbon Steels    
33.5 Carbon Steels
Table 4 Machinability ratings of plain carbon steels    
Table 4 Machinability ratings of plain carbon steels
33.6 Resulfurized Carbon Steels    
33.6 Resulfurized Carbon Steels
Table 5 Machinability ratings of resulfurized and rephosphorized carbon steels, percent of cutting speed for B1112/1212    
Table 5 Machinability ratings of resulfurized and rephosphorized carbon steels, percent of cutting speed for B1112/1212
33.7 Carbon Steels with other Additives    
33.7 Carbon Steels with other Additives
33.8 Leaded Carbon and Resulfurized Steels    
33.8 Leaded Carbon and Resulfurized Steels
Table 6 Machinability ratings for alloy steels compared to 1212 steel    
Table 6 Machinability ratings for alloy steels compared to 1212 steel
33.9 Carburizing Steels    
33.9 Carburizing Steels
33.10 Through-Hardening Alloy Steels    
33.10 Through-Hardening Alloy Steels
33.11 Cold-Drawn Steel    
33.11 Cold-Drawn Steel

34. Weldability of Steels
34. Weldability of Steels    
34. Weldability of Steels

34.1 Characteristic Features of Welds    
34.1 Characteristic Features of Welds
34.2 Metallurgical Factors That Affect Weldability    
34.2 Metallurgical Factors That Affect Weldability
34.3 Weld Cracking    
34.3 Weld Cracking
34.4 Weldability of Steels    
34.4 Weldability of Steels
34.5 Weldability Tests    
34.5 Weldability Tests
34.6 Fabrication Weldability Tests    
34.6 Fabrication Weldability Tests
Selected References    
Selected References

Service Characteristics of Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels    
Service Characteristics of Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels
35. Elevated-Temperature Properties of Ferritic Steels
35. Elevated-Temperature Properties of Ferritic Steels    
35. Elevated-Temperature Properties of Ferritic Steels
36. Effect of Neutron Irradiation on Properties of Steels
36. Effect of Neutron Irradiation on Properties of Steels    
36. Effect of Neutron Irradiation on Properties of Steels

36.1 Irradiation Damage Processes    
36.1 Irradiation Damage Processes
36.2 Void Swelling    
36.2 Void Swelling
36.3 Mechanical Properties    
36.3 Mechanical Properties

37. Low-Temperature Properties of Structural Steels
37. Low-Temperature Properties of Structural Steels    
37. Low-Temperature Properties of Structural Steels

37.1 Design and Failure Criteria    
37.1 Design and Failure Criteria
37.2 Assessment of Fracture Resistance    
37.2 Assessment of Fracture Resistance
37.3 Fracture Toughness Requirements    
37.3 Fracture Toughness Requirements
37.4 Fatigue Crack Growth in Structural Steel    
37.4 Fatigue Crack Growth in Structural Steel
37.5 Steel Specifications    
37.5 Steel Specifications
37.6 Advances in Steel Technology    
37.6 Advances in Steel Technology
37.7 Fracture Toughness Characteristics of Structural Steels    
37.7 Fracture Toughness Characteristics of Structural Steels
37.8 Fracture Toughness of Welded Structures    
37.8 Fracture Toughness of Welded Structures
Table 6 Tensile properties of offshore low-temperature structural steels    
Table 6 Tensile properties of offshore low-temperature structural steels

38. Fatigue Resistance of Steels
38. Fatigue Resistance of Steels    
38. Fatigue Resistance of Steels

38.1 Fatigue Resistance    
38.1 Fatigue Resistance
38.2 Prevention of Fatigue Failure    
38.2 Prevention of Fatigue Failure
38.3 Symbols and Definitions    
38.3 Symbols and Definitions
38.4 Stress-Based Approach to Fatigue    
38.4 Stress-Based Approach to Fatigue
38.5 Strain-Based Approach to Fatigue    
38.5 Strain-Based Approach to Fatigue
38.6 Metallurgical Variables of Fatigue Behavior    
38.6 Metallurgical Variables of Fatigue Behavior
38.7 Application of Fatigue Data    
38.7 Application of Fatigue Data

39. Embrittlement of Steels
39. Embrittlement of Steels    
39. Embrittlement of Steels

39.1 Embrittlement of Iron    
39.1 Embrittlement of Iron
39.2 Embrittlement in Carbon Steels and Alloy Steels
39.2 Embrittlement in Carbon Steels and Alloy Steels    
39.2 Embrittlement in Carbon Steels and Alloy Steels
39.3 Overheating    
39.3 Overheating
39.4 Thermal Embrittlement of Maraging Steels    
39.4 Thermal Embrittlement of Maraging Steels
39.5 Quench Cracking    
39.5 Quench Cracking
39.6 Temper Embrittlement in Alloy Steels
39.6 Temper Embrittlement in Alloy Steels    
39.6 Temper Embrittlement in Alloy Steels
39.7 Tempered Martensite Embrittlement    
39.7 Tempered Martensite Embrittlement
39.8 Sensitization    
39.8 Sensitization
39.9 475 °C Embrittlement    
39.9 475 °C Embrittlement
39.10 Sigma Phase Embrittlement    
39.10 Sigma Phase Embrittlement
39.11 Hydrogen Damage
39.11 Hydrogen Damage    
39.11 Hydrogen Damage
39.12 Metal-Induced Embrittlement
39.12 Metal-Induced Embrittlement    
39.12 Metal-Induced Embrittlement
39.13 Neutron Irradiation Embrittlement    
39.13 Neutron Irradiation Embrittlement
39.14 Stress-Corrosion Cracking
39.14 Stress-Corrosion Cracking    
39.14 Stress-Corrosion Cracking

40. Notch Toughness of Steels
40. Notch Toughness of Steels    
40. Notch Toughness of Steels

40.1 Ductile-to-Brittle Transition    
40.1 Ductile-to-Brittle Transition
40.2 Effects of Composition    
40.2 Effects of Composition
40.3 Effects of Manufacturing Practices
40.3 Effects of Manufacturing Practices    
40.3 Effects of Manufacturing Practices
40.4 Effects of Microstructure
40.4 Effects of Microstructure    
40.4 Effects of Microstructure
40.5 Variability of Charpy Test Results    
40.5 Variability of Charpy Test Results
40.6 Correlations of Notch Toughness with other Mechanical Properties    
40.6 Correlations of Notch Toughness with other Mechanical Properties

Specialty Steels and Heat-Resistant Alloys    
Specialty Steels and Heat-Resistant Alloys
41. Wrought Tool Steels
41. Wrought Tool Steels    
41. Wrought Tool Steels

41.1 Classification and Characteristics
41.1 Classification and Characteristics    
41.1 Classification and Characteristics
41.2 Cold-Work Steels    
41.2 Cold-Work Steels
41.3 Shock-Resisting Steels
41.3 Shock-Resisting Steels    
41.3 Shock-Resisting Steels
41.4 Mold Steels
41.4 Mold Steels    
41.4 Mold Steels
41.5 Typical Heat Treatments and Properties    
41.5 Typical Heat Treatments and Properties
41.6 Testing of Tool Steels
41.6 Testing of Tool Steels    
41.6 Testing of Tool Steels
41.7 Machining Allowances    
41.7 Machining Allowances
41.8 Precision Cast Hot-Work Tools    
41.8 Precision Cast Hot-Work Tools
41.9 Surface Treatments    
41.9 Surface Treatments
Selected References    
Selected References

42. P/M Tool Steels
42. P/M Tool Steels    
42. P/M Tool Steels

42.1 P/M High-Speed Tool Steels
42.1 P/M High-Speed Tool Steels    
42.1 P/M High-Speed Tool Steels
42.2 P/M Cold-Work Tool Steels    
42.2 P/M Cold-Work Tool Steels
42.3 P/M Hot-Work Tool Steels    
42.3 P/M Hot-Work Tool Steels
Selected References    
Selected References

43. Maraging Steels
43. Maraging Steels    
43. Maraging Steels

43.1 Physical Metallurgy    
43.1 Physical Metallurgy
43.2 Commercial Alloys    
43.2 Commercial Alloys
43.3 Processing    
43.3 Processing
43.4 Properties of Maraging Steels    
43.4 Properties of Maraging Steels
43.5 Applications    
43.5 Applications

44. Ferrous Powder Metallurgy Materials
44. Ferrous Powder Metallurgy Materials    
44. Ferrous Powder Metallurgy Materials

44.1 Metal Powder Characteristics and Control    
44.1 Metal Powder Characteristics and Control
44.2 Powder Preparation    
44.2 Powder Preparation
44.3 Powder Compacting    
44.3 Powder Compacting
44.4 Sintering    
44.4 Sintering
44.5 Secondary Operations    
44.5 Secondary Operations
44.6 Designation of P/M Materials    
44.6 Designation of P/M Materials
44.7 Mechanical and Physical Properties of Sintered Ferrous P/M Materials    
44.7 Mechanical and Physical Properties of Sintered Ferrous P/M Materials
Table 4 Minimum and typical mechanical properties of ferrous P/M materials    
Table 4 Minimum and typical mechanical properties of ferrous P/M materials
44.8 Infiltration    
44.8 Infiltration
44.9 Heat Treatment of Ferrous P/M Materials    
44.9 Heat Treatment of Ferrous P/M Materials
44.10 Re-Pressing    
44.10 Re-Pressing
44.11 Powder Forging
44.11 Powder Forging    
44.11 Powder Forging
44.12 Metal Injection Molding (MIM) Technology    
44.12 Metal Injection Molding (MIM) Technology

45. Austenitic Manganese Steels
45. Austenitic Manganese Steels    
45. Austenitic Manganese Steels
46. Wrought Stainless Steels
46. Wrought Stainless Steels    
46. Wrought Stainless Steels

46.1 Classification of Stainless Steels    
46.1 Classification of Stainless Steels
46.2 Factors in Selection    
46.2 Factors in Selection
46.3 Product Forms
46.3 Product Forms    
46.3 Product Forms
46.4 Pipe, Tubes, and Tubing    
46.4 Pipe, Tubes, and Tubing
46.5 Tensile Properties
46.5 Tensile Properties    
46.5 Tensile Properties
46.6 Notch Toughness and Transition Temperature
46.6 Notch Toughness and Transition Temperature    
46.6 Notch Toughness and Transition Temperature
46.7 Fatigue Strength    
46.7 Fatigue Strength
46.8 Elevated-Temperature Properties    
46.8 Elevated-Temperature Properties
Table 11 Minimum mechanical properties of martensitic stainless steels    
Table 11 Minimum mechanical properties of martensitic stainless steels
46.9 Subzero-Temperature Properties    
46.9 Subzero-Temperature Properties
Table 12 Minimum mechanical properties of precipitation-hardening stainless steels    
Table 12 Minimum mechanical properties of precipitation-hardening stainless steels
46.10 Influence of Product Form on Properties
46.10 Influence of Product Form on Properties    
46.10 Influence of Product Form on Properties
46.11 Physical Properties    
46.11 Physical Properties
46.12 Corrosion Properties
46.12 Corrosion Properties    
46.12 Corrosion Properties
46.13 Surface Finishing of Stainless Steel    
46.13 Surface Finishing of Stainless Steel
46.14 Mill Finishes    
46.14 Mill Finishes
46.15 Interim Surface Protection    
46.15 Interim Surface Protection
46.16 In-Service Care    
46.16 In-Service Care
46.17 Fabrication Characteristics
46.17 Fabrication Characteristics    
46.17 Fabrication Characteristics
Selected References    
Selected References

47. Cast Stainless Steels
47. Cast Stainless Steels    
47. Cast Stainless Steels

47.1 Grade Designations and Compositions    
47.1 Grade Designations and Compositions
47.2 Composition and Microstructure    
47.2 Composition and Microstructure
47.3 Heat Treatment    
47.3 Heat Treatment
47.4 Corrosion-Resistant Steel Castings
47.4 Corrosion-Resistant Steel Castings    
47.4 Corrosion-Resistant Steel Castings
47.5 Heat-Resistant Cast Steels
47.5 Heat-Resistant Cast Steels    
47.5 Heat-Resistant Cast Steels
47.6 Manufacturing Characteristics    
47.6 Manufacturing Characteristics
47.7 Galling    
47.7 Galling
47.8 Magnetic Properties    
47.8 Magnetic Properties

48. Elevated-Temperature Properties of Stainless Steels
48. Elevated-Temperature Properties of Stainless Steels    
48. Elevated-Temperature Properties of Stainless Steels

48.1 Production of Steel    
48.1 Production of Steel
48.2 Product Forms    
48.2 Product Forms
48.3 Mechanical Property Considerations    
48.3 Mechanical Property Considerations
48.4 Corrosion Considerations    
48.4 Corrosion Considerations
48.5 Ferritic Stainless Steels
48.5 Ferritic Stainless Steels    
48.5 Ferritic Stainless Steels
48.6 Quenched and Tempered Martensitic Stainless Steels    
48.6 Quenched and Tempered Martensitic Stainless Steels
48.7 Precipitation-Hardening Martensitic Stainless Steels    
48.7 Precipitation-Hardening Martensitic Stainless Steels
48.8 Precipitation-Hardening Semiaustenitic Stainless Steels    
48.8 Precipitation-Hardening Semiaustenitic Stainless Steels
48.9 Austenitic Stainless Steels    
48.9 Austenitic Stainless Steels
Selected References    
Selected References
49. Wrought and P/M Superalloys
49. Wrought and P/M Superalloys    
49. Wrought and P/M Superalloys
49.1 Wrought Nickel Alloys
49.1 Wrought Nickel Alloys    
49.1 Wrought Nickel Alloys
49.2 Iron-Base Superalloys
49.2 Iron-Base Superalloys    
49.2 Iron-Base Superalloys
49.3 Cobalt-Base Superalloys    
49.3 Cobalt-Base Superalloys
Table 8 Physical properties of selected wrought superalloys    
Table 8 Physical properties of selected wrought superalloys
49.4 Melting and Consolidation of Wrought Alloys
49.4 Melting and Consolidation of Wrought Alloys    
49.4 Melting and Consolidation of Wrought Alloys
49.5 P/M Alloys    
49.5 P/M Alloys
Appendix: P/M Cobalt-Base Wear-Resistant Materials
Appendix: P/M Cobalt-Base Wear-Resistant Materials    
Appendix: P/M Cobalt-Base Wear-Resistant Materials
50. Polycrystalline Cast Superalloys
50. Polycrystalline Cast Superalloys    
50. Polycrystalline Cast Superalloys
50.1 Superalloy Design
50.1 Superalloy Design    
50.1 Superalloy Design
50.2 Vacuum Induction Melting of Superalloys    
50.2 Vacuum Induction Melting of Superalloys
50.3 Quality Considerations    
50.3 Quality Considerations
50.4 Investment Casting of Superalloys
50.4 Investment Casting of Superalloys    
50.4 Investment Casting of Superalloys
50.5 Control of Casting Microstructure    
50.5 Control of Casting Microstructure
50.6 Postcasting Processing    
50.6 Postcasting Processing
51. Directionally Solidified and Single-Crystal Superalloys
51. Directionally Solidified and Single-Crystal Superalloys    
51. Directionally Solidified and Single-Crystal Superalloys
51.1 Directionally Solidified Superalloys    
51.1 Directionally Solidified Superalloys
51.2 Single-Crystal Superalloys    
51.2 Single-Crystal Superalloys
51.3 Chemistry and SX Castability    
51.3 Chemistry and SX Castability
Special Engineering Topics    
Special Engineering Topics
52. Strategic Materials Availability and Supply
52. Strategic Materials Availability and Supply    
52. Strategic Materials Availability and Supply
52.1 Reserves and Resources    
52.1 Reserves and Resources
52.2 Strategic Materials    
52.2 Strategic Materials
52.3 The Superalloys    
52.3 The Superalloys
52.4 COSAM Program Approach
52.4 COSAM Program Approach    
52.4 COSAM Program Approach
52.5 COSAM Program Results    
52.5 COSAM Program Results
Appendix: Manganese Availability
Appendix: Manganese Availability    
Appendix: Manganese Availability
53. Recycling of Iron, Steel, and Superalloys
53. Recycling of Iron, Steel, and Superalloys    
53. Recycling of Iron, Steel, and Superalloys
53.1 Recycling Iron and Steel Scrap
53.1 Recycling Iron and Steel Scrap    
53.1 Recycling Iron and Steel Scrap
53.2 Recycling Stainless Steel and Superalloy Scrap
53.2 Recycling Stainless Steel and Superalloy Scrap    
53.2 Recycling Stainless Steel and Superalloy Scrap
Metric Conversion Guide    
Metric Conversion Guide
Abbreviations, Symbols, and Tradenames
Abbreviations, Symbols, and Tradenames    
Abbreviations, Symbols, and Tradenames
Abbreviations and Symbols    
Abbreviations and Symbols
Greek Alphabet    
Greek Alphabet

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mahmoud elmeniawy
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مهندس تحت الاختبار
mahmoud elmeniawy

عدد المساهمات : 6
التقييم : 6
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/05/2022
العمر : 33
الدولة : egypt
العمل : building material
الجامعة : faculty of commerce

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب ASM Metals Handbook Vol 01 - Properties and Selection Irons, Steels and High Performance Alloys   كتاب ASM Metals Handbook Vol 01 - Properties and Selection Irons, Steels and High Performance Alloys Emptyالجمعة 20 يناير 2023, 9:09 am

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مهندس تحت الاختبار

عدد المساهمات : 2
التقييم : 2
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/03/2022
العمر : 39
الدولة : اليمن
العمل : مهندس
الجامعة : جامعة إب

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب ASM Metals Handbook Vol 01 - Properties and Selection Irons, Steels and High Performance Alloys   كتاب ASM Metals Handbook Vol 01 - Properties and Selection Irons, Steels and High Performance Alloys Emptyالثلاثاء 20 فبراير 2024, 6:54 pm

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عدد المساهمات : 18984
التقييم : 35458
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب ASM Metals Handbook Vol 01 - Properties and Selection Irons, Steels and High Performance Alloys   كتاب ASM Metals Handbook Vol 01 - Properties and Selection Irons, Steels and High Performance Alloys Emptyالأربعاء 21 فبراير 2024, 2:08 am

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عدد المساهمات : 18984
التقييم : 35458
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب ASM Metals Handbook Vol 01 - Properties and Selection Irons, Steels and High Performance Alloys   كتاب ASM Metals Handbook Vol 01 - Properties and Selection Irons, Steels and High Performance Alloys Emptyالأربعاء 21 فبراير 2024, 2:08 am

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» كتاب Properties and Selection Irons, Steels and High Performance Alloys
» كتاب ASM Metals HandBook Vol 02 - Properties and Selection Nonferrous Alloys and Special Purpose
» كتاب Properties of Some Metals and Alloys
» كتاب Selection of Polymeric Materials - How to Select Design Properties from Different Standards
» كتاب ASM Metals Handbook Vol 20 Materials Selection and Design

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