كتاب Properties of Some Metals and Alloys
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 كتاب Properties of Some Metals and Alloys

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كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18959
التقييم : 35383
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Properties of Some Metals and Alloys

كتاب Properties of Some Metals and Alloys P_o_s_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Iron, Wrought .46
Iron-Chromium-Aluminum Alloy 20
Iron-Nickel Temperature Compensating Alloys 24
JESSOP JS700* 60
JESSOP JS777* 60
JESSOP* Type 317L Plus .58
KARMA* .20
KOVAR* .24
L-605 Alloy .42
Pure 10
Antimonial .10
Tellurium .10
Lead-Tin Solders
50-50 & 40-60 .10
M-252 Alloy 44
Magnesium Alloys
AZ 318, AZ 80A, AZ 918, AZ 91C & AZ 92A .14
EZ 33A & HK 31A .14
HZ 32A & ZK 60A .16
Magnetic Alloys 20,22
Malleable Iron 52
Manganese Alloy 772 12
Maraging Steels
18-200,18-250,18-300 50
MAR-M* 246 Alloy .42
Moly Permalloy 4/79 22
Molybdenum 78
Molybdenum—0.5% Titanium Alloy 78
MONEL* Alloys
400, 401, 404, R-405 & K-500 .28
410 (Cast), 411 (Cast) & 505 (Cast) 28
Mu Metal 20
Muntz Metal (C28000) .4
N-155 Alloy 46
Nickel Alloys, Cast
Nickel 210 .26
Nickel Beryllium M2206 26
Nickel Beryllium CR-1 26
Nickel Alloys, Wrought
200, 201, 205, 211 & 270 .26
Nickel Beryllium 440 .26
DURANICKEL* Alloy 301 .26
PERMANICKEL* Alloy 300 26
TD Nickel 44
Nickel-Chromium Alloys
80-20 .20
60-15 + Fe 20
35-20 + Fe 20
Nickel-Chromium-Aluminum Alloy 20
Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloys (see INCONEL*)
Nickel-Copper Alloys (see MONEL*)
Nickel-Iron Alloys
Controlled expansion alloy .24
Magnetic alloy .22
Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloys (see INCOLOY*)
Nickel-Iron-Cobalt Alloy .24
Nickel-Molybdenum Alloy (80-4) .22
Nickel Silver Alloys, Cast
C97300, C97600 & C97800 .10
Nickel Silver Alloys, Wrought
C73500, C75200, C76600 & C77000 8
Nickel-Titanium Alloy (Nitinol) .28
Ni-Hard Cast Irons
Types 1, 2 & 4 54
75, 80A, 90 & 115 .34
Ni-Resist Cast Irons
Types 1, 2, 5 & D-2 52
Types D5 & D-5S .54
NI-SPAN C* .24
Nitinol Memory Alloy 28
*See page 84 for list of trademarks.
NITRALLOY* N Alloy Steel .48
NITRONIC* Stainless Steels
20, 32, 33, 40, 50 & 60 .62
Non-Galling Alloys
Palladium .80
Palladium Alloy No. 934 82
Palladium-Ruthenium Alloy .82
Palladium-Silver Alloy 82
Permalloy 49 22
PERMANICKEL* Alloy 300 .26
PH 13-8 Mo* Stainless Steel .64
PH 14-8 Mo* Stainless Steel .64
PH 15-7 Mo* Stainless Steel .64
Platinum .80
Platinum-Iridium Alloy 80
Platinum-Rhodium Alloy 82
Platinum-Ruthenium Alloy .82
Precious Metals & Alloys .80, 82
RA 333* Alloy .44
Refractory Metals & Alloys 78, 80
RENÉ 41* Alloy 44
Resistance Heating Alloys .20
Rhodium .80
RODAR* .24
Ruthenium 82
S-816 Alloy 44
SAE 1020 Steel .46
SANDUSKY* Alloy 75 74
SEA-CURE* Stainless Steel 68
Coin .80
Fine .80
Sterling 80
Silver Brazing Alloys
R-T Alloy .80
50-50(Sn-Pb) 10
60-40(Sn-Pb) 10
Stainless Steels, Cast
CA-15, CA-40, CA-6NM & CB-7 Cu-1 .68
CB-7 Cu-2, CB-30, CC-50 & CE-30 .68
CF-3, CF-8, CF-3M & CF-8M .68
CF-8C, CF-16F & CF-20 68
CG-8M, CH-20, CK-20, & CN-7M 72
CD-4MCu, CW-12M-1 & CW-12M-2 72
N-12M-1 & N-12M-2 .72
ALOYCO* 20 74
DURIMET* 20 .74
IN-849 .74
IN-862 .74
SANDUSKY* Alloy 75 74
Stainless Steels, Wrought .54
Types 201, 202 & 301 56
Types 302, 303, 303 Se & 304 56
Types 304L, 304 +,Boron & 305 56
Types 309, 310 &, 314 .56
Types 316, 316L, 317 & 317LM* .56
Types 321, 329, 330 & 347 58
Types 405, 409, 410 & 414 66
Types 402, 430 & 431 66
Types 440C & 446 68
15-5PH*,17-4PH* & 17-7PH* .64
17-14 Cu Mc .66
18-9LW* 62
19-9 DL .66
29-4 .68
29-4-2 68
904L 60
AL-6X* 60
AM 350* & AM 355* .64
CARPENTER* No. 10 60
CARPENTER 20Cb-3* .60
CUSTOM 455* 64
E-BRITE* 26-1 68
Greek Ascoloy 66
HASTELLOY* M-352 .60
JESSOP* JS700 & JS777 60
NITRONIC* 20, 32, 33, 40, 50 & 60 62
PH 13-8 Mo*, PH 14-8 Mo* & PH 15-7 Mo* 64
Steel, Alloy
3½% Nickel 48
9% Nickel 50
300M .48
9310 48
AISI 4340, 4620, 4820 & 8620 .48
High-Yield-Strength 50
IN-787 .50
Maraging 18-200,18-250 & 18-300 50
Steel, Carbon .46
Steel, Cast
2½% Nickel 50
3½% Nickel 50
Super-Invar 24
Tantalum 78
TD Nickel .44
Tin 10
TINEL* Alloy A .28
Titanium Alloys
Ti-35A, Ti-50A & Ti-75A .16
Ti-0.2 Pd .16
Ti-5 AI-2.5 Sn .16
Ti-8 AI-1 Mo-1 V .16
Ti-6 AI-2 Sn-4 Zr-2 Mo .18
Ti-6 AI-6 V-2 Sn 18
Ti-6 AI-4 V 18
Ti-6 AI-2 Sn-4 Zr-6 Mo .18
Ti-13 V-11 Cr-3 AI 18
Ti-10 V-2 Fe-3 Al 20
Ti Code 12 18
TINEL* Alloy A 28
Tungsten 78
Tungsten Alloys
Tungsten - 2.5 (Ni + Cu) 78
Tungsten - 7.5 Ni-2.5 Cu 78
Tungsten - Rhenium .78
UDIMET* Alloy 500 .44
UDIMET* Alloy 700 .44
Uranium .80
Waspaloy .46
No. 23 .26
No. 88 .28
White Gold, 18K 80
WI-52 Alloy 44
Wrought Iron 46
X-40 Alloy 46
ZILLOY* 15 12
Zinc 12
Zinc Alloys
Zinc - 4 AI .12
Zinc - 4 Al-1 Cu 12
Zirconium .80
Zirconium-Hafnium Alloy .80

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