كتاب Optimum Design of Renewable Energy Systems
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Optimum Design of Renewable Energy Systems

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18984
التقييم : 35458
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب Optimum Design of Renewable Energy Systems  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Optimum Design of Renewable Energy Systems    كتاب Optimum Design of Renewable Energy Systems  Emptyالجمعة 20 أبريل 2018, 11:11 pm

أخوانى فى الله
أحضرت لكم
Microgrid and Nature Grid Methods
Shin’ya Obara
Kitami Institute of Technology, Japan

كتاب Optimum Design of Renewable Energy Systems  P_8409rgnt4
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

Table of Contents
Preface .viii
Acknowledgment . xv
Chapter 1
Operating.Schedule.of.a.Combined.Energy.Network.System . 1
General.Introduction 1
Operating.Schedule.of.a.Combined.Energy.Network.System.with.Fuel.Cell . 2
Leveling.and.Heat.Release.Loss 18
Chapter 2
Dynamic.Characteristics.of.a.Fuel.Cell.System.and.Microgrid 38
General.Introduction 38
Load.Response.Characteristics.of.a.Fuel.Cell.Microgrid.with.Control.of.Number.of.Units 39
Dynamic.Characteristics.of.a.PEFCL.System.for.Individual.Houses . 53
Chapter 3
Effective.Improvement.in.Generation.Effciency.of.a.Fuel.Cell.Microgrid 72
General.Introduction 72
of.a.Fuel.Cell.Microgrid 73
Plants.and.Proton-Exchange.Membrane.Fuel.Cell 87
Chapter 4
Installation.Plan.of.a.Fuel.Cell.Cogeneration.System . 103
General.Introduction 103
Generation.Effciency 104
Residential.Cogeneration.System 118Chapter 5
Fuel.Cell.Microgrid.with.Wind.Power.Generation 136
General.Introduction 136
Analysis.of.a.Fuel.Cell.Microgrid.with.a.Small-Scale.Wind.Turbine.Generator 137
Power.Characteristics.of.a.Fuel.Cell.Microgrid.with.Wind.Power.Generation 154
Chapter 6
Compound.Microgrid.of.City-Gas.Engine.and.Proton.Exchange.Membrane.Fuel.Cell . 167
General.Introduction 167
Engine.and.Proton.Exchange.Membrane.Fuel.Cell . 168
Capacity.Optimization.of.PEFCL.and.Hydrogen.Mixing.Gas-Engine.Compound.Generator . 181
Chapter 7
Independent.Microgrid.Composed.of.Distributed.Engine.Generator 198
General.Introduction 198
Distributed.Engine.Generator 199
Distributed.Engine.Generators 216
Chapter 8
Characteristics.of.PEFC./.Woody.Biomass.Engine.Hybrid.Microgrid.and.Exergy.Analysis 237
General.Introduction 237
Dynamic.Characteristics.of.PEFC./.Woody.Biomass.Engine.Hybrid.Microgrid 238
Exhaust.Heat.Reforming 250
Exergy.Analysis.of.a.Regional.Distributed.PEM.Fuel.Cell.System 263
Chapter 9
Design.Support.Using.a.Neural.Network.Algorithm . 282
General.Introduction 282
Renewable.Energy . 283
Operation.Prediction.of.a.Bioethanol.Solar.Reforming.System.using.a.Neural.Network 300
Chapter 10
Microgrid.with.Numerical.Weather.Information . 321
General.Introduction 321
Prediction.of.Electricity.Production.using.GA.and.Numerical.Weather.Information . 322
Prediction.Algorithm.for.Solar.Power.Generation 335Chapter 11
SOFC-PEFC.Combined.Microgrid 352
General.Introduction 352
with.Time.Shift.Utilization.of.the.SOFC.Exhaust.Heat 353
Utilization.of.SOFC.Exhaust.Heat 367
Chapter 12
Bioethanol.Solar.Reforming.System.for.Distributed.Fuel.Cell . 385
General.Introduction 385
Insolation.Fluctuations . 386
Individual.Houses 399
Compilation of References 417
About the Contributors . 427

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