كتاب Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Electronic Engineering and Renewable Energy Systems
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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 كتاب Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Electronic Engineering and Renewable Energy Systems

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18930
التقييم : 35300
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Electronic Engineering and Renewable Energy Systems    كتاب Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Electronic Engineering and Renewable Energy Systems  Emptyالإثنين 05 ديسمبر 2022, 12:58 am

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أحضرت لكم كتاب
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Electronic Engineering and Renewable Energy Systems
ICEERE 2020, 13–15 April 2020,Saidia, Morocco
Bekkay Hajji, Adel Mellit, Giuseppe Marco Tina, Abdelhamid Rabhi, Jerome Launay, Salah Eddine Naimi

كتاب Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Electronic Engineering and Renewable Energy Systems  P_o_t_12
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Invited Speaker
Autonomous Vehicle Platooning and Motion Control . 3
Nacer K. M’Sirdi
Improving Human Health: Challenges and Methodology for
Controlling Thermal Doses During Cancer Therapeutic Treatment 21
Ahmed Lakhssassi, Idir Mellal, Mhamed Nour, Youcef Fouzar,
Mohammed Bougataya, and Emmanuel Kengne
Active and Reactive Power Regulation in Nano Grid-Connected
Hybrid PV Systems 39
Giuseppe Marco Tina
An Overview on the Application of Machine Learning
and Deep Learning for Photovoltaic Output Power Forecasting 55
Adel Mellit
Communication, Signal Processing and Information Technology
Efficient Memory Parity Check Matrix Optimization
for Low Latency Quasi Cyclic LDPC Decoder 71
Mhammed Benhayoun, Mouhcine Razi, Anas Mansouri, and Ali Ahaitouf
Monitoring Energy Consumption Based on Predictive
Maintenance Techniques 81
Bouchra Abouelanouar, Ali Elkihel, Fatima Khathyri, and Hassan Gziri
An Antenna Selection Algorithm for Massive MIMO Systems 89
Yassine Garrouani, Fatiha Mrabti, and Aicha Alami Hassani
Compact Structure Design of Band Pass Filter Using Rectangular
Resonator and Integrated Capacitor for Wireless
Communications Systems 97
A. Belmajdoub, M. Jorio, S. Bennani, and A. Lakhssassi
xiEmbedded Implementation of HDR Image Algorithm 105
Mohamed Sejai, Anass Mansouri, Saad Bennani Dosse,
and Yassine Ruichek
Density, Speed and Direction Aware GPSR Protocol for VANETs 115
Amina Bengag, Asmae Bengag, and Mohamed Elboukhari
IoTScal-C: A Based Cloud Computing Collaboration Solution
for Scalability Issue in IoT Networks . 123
Mohamed Nabil Bahiri, Abdellah Zyane, and Abdelilah Ghammaz
Monitoring of Industrial Equipment Using Thermography Technique
in Passive and Active Form 135
Fatima Khathyri, Bouchra Abouelanouar, Ali Elkihel,
and Abd al Motalib Berrehili
Enhancing Performance of a 60 GHz Patch Antenna Using Multilayer
2D Metasurfaces . 141
Feriel Guidoum, Mohamed Lamine Tounsi, Noureddine Ababou,
and Mustapha C. E. Yagoub
Enhancing the Performance of Grayscale Image Classification
by 2D Charlier Moments Neural Networks 151
Zouhir Lakhili, Abdelmajid El Alami, and Hassan Qjidaa
Encrypted Data Sharing Using Proxy ReEncryption in Smart Grid . 161
Anass Sbai, Cyril Drocourt, and Gilles Dequen
Effective and Robust Detection of Jamming Attacks for WBAN-Based
Healthcare Monitoring Systems . 169
Asmae Bengag, Amina Bengag, and Omar Moussaoui
Design of Compact Bandpass Filter Based on SRR and CSRR
for 5G Applications 175
Mohamed Amzi, Saad Dosse Bennani, Jamal Zbitou,
and Abdelhafid Belmajdoub
Guidelines for Scalable and Reliable Photovoltaic Wireless Monitoring
System: A Case of Study 183
Kamal Azghiou, Manal El Mouhib, Youssef Bikrat, Ahmad Benlghazi,
and Abdelhamid Benali
Materials and Devices Applications
Electromagnetic Multi-Frequencies Filtering by a Defective
Asymmetric Photonic Serial Loops Structure . 195
M. El-Aouni, Y. Ben-Ali, I. El Kadmiri, Z. Tahri, and D. Bria
xii ContentsEffect of the Hydrostatic Pressure on the Electronic States Induced
by a Geo-Material Defect Layer in a Multi-quantum
Wells Structure . 203
Fatima Zahra Elamri, Farid Falyouni, and Driss Bria
Simulation and Optimization of Cds/ZnSnN2 Structure
for Solar Cell Applications with SCAPS-1D Software 211
A. Laidouci, A. Aissat, and J. P. Vilcot
Numerical Characteristics of Silicon Nitride SiH4/NH3/H2 Plasma
Discharge for Thin Film Solar Cell Deposition 223
Meryem Grari and CifAllah Zoheir
A Numerical Study of InGaAs/GaAsP Multiple Quantum Well Solar
Cells Using Radial Basis Functions 231
M. A. Kinani, A. Amine, Y. Mir, and M. Zazoui
Plasmonic Demultiplexer Based on Induced Transparency
Resonances: Analytical and Numerical Study . 239
Madiha Amrani, Soufyane Khattou, Adnane Noual,
El Houssaine El Boudouti, and Bahram Djafari-Rouhani
Experimental and Theoretical Study of Group Delay Times
and Density of States in One-Dimensional Photonic Circuit 249
Soufyane Khattou, Madiha Amrani, Abdelkader Mouadili,
El Houssaine El Boudouti, Abdelkrim Talbi, Abdellatif Akjouj,
and Bahram Djafari-Rouhani
Optical Properties of One-Dimensional Aperiodic Dielectric
Structures Based on Thue-Morse Sequence 257
Hassan Aynaou, Noama Ouchani, and El Houssaine El Boudouti
Numerical Simulation of Direct Carbon Fuel Cell Using
Multiple-Relaxation-Time Lattice Boltzmann Method 267
I. Filahi, M. Hasnaoui, A. Amahmid, A. El Mansouri, M. Alouah,
and Y. Dahani
Optical Properties and First Principles Study of CH3NH3PbBr3
Perovskite Structures for Solar Cell Application 275
Asma O. Al Ghaithi, S. Assa Aravindh, Mohamed N. Hedhili,
Tien Khee Ng, Boon S. Ooi, and Adel Najar
Numerical Study of the Effect of Applied Voltage on Simultaneous
Modes of Electron Heating in RF Capacitive Discharges 285
Abdelhak Missaoui, Morad Elkaouini, and Hassan Chatei
Contents xiiiComparison of State of Charge Estimation Algorithms
for Lithium Battery 293
Mouncef Elmarghichi, Mostafa Bouzi, Naoufal Ettalabi, and Mounir Derri
GATE Simulation of 6 MV Photon Beam Produced by Elekta Medical
Linear Accelerator . 301
Deae-Eddine Krim, Abdeslem Rrhioua, Mustapha Zerfaoui, Dikra Bakari,
and Nacira Hanouf
Application of HPSGWO to the Optimal Sizing of Analog Active Filter 309
Abdelaziz Lberni, Malika Alami Marktani, Abdelaziz Ahaitouf,
and Ali Ahaitouf
Study of Graded Ultrathin CIGS/Si Structure for Solar
Cell Applications 317
M. Boubakeur, A. Aissat, and J. P. Vilcot
Investigation of Temperature, Well Width and Composition Effects
on the Intersubband Absorption of InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Wells 325
L. Chenini, A. Aissat, S. Ammi, and J. P. Vilcot
Theoretical Modeling and Optimization of GaAsPN/GaAs Tandem
Dual-Junction Solar Cells 333
A. Bahi azzououm, A. Aissat, and J. P. Vilcot
Design of a DC and Low Frequency CMOS Active Voltage Attenuator
and Level Shifter with Minimal Thermal Sensitivity . 339
Abdelkhalak Harrak and Salah Eddine Naimi
Impact of InGaAs Thickness and Indium Content on the Performance
of (InP/InGaAs/InAlAs) MOSFET Structure . 347
S. Ammi, L. Chenini, and A. Aissat
A Comparative Study Between a Unipolar and a Bipolar PWM
Used in Inverters for Photovoltaic Systems 353
J. Blaacha, R. Aboutni, and A. Aziz
Medical Cyclotron 18F Radionuclides Production Simulation
in a Liquid Target with 16:5 MeV Proton Beam 361
Camelea Miry, Mustapha Zerfaoui, Abdeslem Rrhioua,
Abdelkader El Hamli, Karim Bahhous, Mohammed Hamal,
and Abdelilah Moussa
Investigation of TG-43 Dosimetric Parameters for 192Ir HDR
Brachytherapy Source Using FLUKA 367
Nacira Hanouf, Deae-eddine Krim, Mustapha Zerfaoui, Dikra Bakari,
and Abdeslem Rrhioua
xiv ContentsDesign of an ISFET Readout Circuit with Minimum Temperature
Drift and Good Linearity 375
Abdelkhalak Harrak and Salah Eddine Naimi
Simulation and Performance Study of Silicon Nanowire (Si-NW)
Field-Effect Transistor (FET) pH Microsensor 387
N. Ayadi, B. Hajji, H. Madani, A. Lale, J. Launay,
and P. Temple-Boyer
Power Electronics and Control Systems
Modeling Traction Propulsion System and Electromagnetic
Disturbances of the Feeding Cables of Machine . 401
Moine El Hajji, Hassane Mahmoudi, and Labbadi Moussa
Traction Inverter Fault Detection Method Based on Welch
and K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm 411
Sara Zerdani, Mohamed Larbi El Hafyani, and Smail Zouggar
Voltage Regulation of HV Grid Connected to a 40MVA Photovoltaic
Power Plant 421
Mohamed Dib, Ali Nejmi, and Mohamed Ramzi
Fuzzy Control Techniques Applied for Stabilization of a Quadrotor . 429
Iliass Ouachani, Katell Gadonna, Bilal Belaidi, and Herve Billard
Mechanical Modeling, Control and Simulation of a Quadrotor UAV . 441
Hamid Hassani, Anass Mansouri, and Ali Ahaitouf
Optimal Robust Model-Free Control for Altitude of a Mini-Drone
Using PSO Algorithm . 451
Hossam Eddine Glida, Latifa Abdou, Abdelghani Chelihi,
Chouki Sentouh, and Gabriele Perozzi
Experimental Assessment of Perturb & Observe, Incremental
Conductance and Hill Climbing MPPTs for Photovoltaic Systems . 461
N. Rouibah, L. Barazane, A. Rabhi, B. Hajji, R. Bouhedir, A. Hamied,
and A. Mellit
Circulating Current Control for Parallel Three-Level T-Type
Inverters . 469
Abdelmalik Zorig, Said Barkat, Mohamed Belkheiri,
and Abdelhamid Rabhi
An Improved Sinusoidal (PWM) and Vector (SVPWM) Current
Control for a Three-Phase Photovoltaic Inverter Connected
to a Non-linear Load . 481
Abdelhak Lamreoua, Anas Benslimane, Jamal Bouchnaif,
and Mostafa El Ouariachi
Contents xvProcessor in the Loop Implementation of State of Charge Estimation
Strategies for Electric Vehicle Applications 495
Hicham Ben Sassi, Yahia Mazzi, Fatima Errahimi, and Najia Es-Sbai
Adaptive Intelligent Control of the ABS Nonlinear Systems Using RBF
Neural Network Based on K-Means Clustering . 503
Hamou Ait Abbas, Abdelhamid Rabhi, and Mohammed Belkheiri
The Best Place of STATCOM in IEEE 14 Bus System to Improve
Voltage Profile Using Neplan Software 513
Ismail Moufid, Hassane El Markhi, Hassan El Moussaoui,
and Lamhamdi Tijani
Optimization of Electromagnetic Interference Conducted
in a Devolver Chopper 523
Zakaria M’barki and Kaoutar Senhaji Rhazi
Design and Implementation of a Photovoltaic Emulator Using an
Insulated Full Bridge Converter Based Switch Mode Power Supply . 531
Mohammed Chaker, Driss Yousfi, Bekkay Hajji, Mustapha Kourchi,
Mohamed Ajaamoum, Ahmed Belarabi, Nasrudin Abd Rahim,
and Jeyrage Selvaraj
Breakdown Voltage Measurement in Insulating Oil of Transformer
According to IEC Standards . 543
Mohamed Seghir, Tahar Seghier, Boubakeur Zegnini,
and Abdelhamid Rabhi
Electric Vehicle
Energy Management Strategy for Hybrid Electric Vehicle Using
Fuzzy Logic 555
Bilal Belaidi, Iliass Ouachani, Katell Gadonna, David Van Rechem,
and Hervé Billard
Simulation of a Micro-Grid for Electric Vehicles Charging Station 565
R. Bouhedir, A. Mellit, and N. Rouibah
Design of Fractional Order Sliding Mode Controller for Lateral
Dynamics of Electric Vehicles . 573
Imane Abzi, Mohammed Nabil Kabbaj, and Mohammed Benbrahim
A Decentralized Multilayer Sliding Mode Control Architecture
for Vehicle’s Global Chassis Control, and Comparison
with a Centralized Architecture . 583
Ali Hamdan, Abbas Chokor, Reine Talj, and Moustapha Doumiati
Energy Management Strategy Based on a Combination of Frequency
Separation and Fuzzy Logic for Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Vehicles 593
M. Essoufi, B. Hajji, and A. Rabhi
xvi ContentsRenewable Energy
Physicochemical Characterization of Household and Similar Waste,
for Efficient and Income-Generating Waste Management in Morocco,
City of Mohammadia . 609
Akram Farhat, Kaoutar Lagliti, Mohammed Fekhaoui,
and Hassan Zahboune
Experimental Analysis on Internal Flow Field of Enhanced Heat
Transfer Structure for Clean Gas Bus Engine Compartment . 617
Jiajie Ou and Lifu Li
Trade Openness and CO2 Emissions in Morocco: An ARDL Bounds
Testing Approach 629
A. Jabri and A. Jaddar
Sizing of a Methanation Unit with Discontinuous Digesters to
Optimize the Electrical Efficiency of a Biogas Plant, City of Oujda 637
Akram Farhat, Hassan Zahboune, Kaoutar Lagliti,
and Mohammed Fekhaoui
Heat Loss in Industry: Boiler Performance Analysis . 647
A. Meksoub, A. Elkihel, H. Gziri, and A. Berrehili
Numerical Simulation of the Flood Risk of the Deviation Hydraulic
Structure at Saidia (North-East Morocco) . 659
Farid Boushaba, Abdellatif Grari, Mimoun Chourak, Youssef Regad,
and Bachir Elkihel
Numerical Simulation of the Sediment Transport of the Hydraulic
Diversion Structure in Saidia (North-East of Morocco) . 667
Farid Boushaba, Abdellatif Grari, Mimoun Chourak, Youssef Regad,
and Bachir Elkihel
Industrial Energy Audit Methodology for Improving Energy
Efficiency - A Case Study 675
Ali Elkihel, Bouchra Abouelanouar, and Hassan Gziri
Prediction of Short-Term and Long-Term Hourly Global Horizontal
Solar Irradiation Using Artificial Neural Networks Techniques
in Fez City, Morocco . 683
Zineb Bounoua and Abdellah Mechaqrane
Trays Effect on the Dynamic and Thermal Behavior of an Indirect
Solar Dryer Using CFD Method . 691
Dounia Chaatouf, Mourad Salhi, Benyounes Raillani, Nadia Dihmani,
Samir Amraqui, Mohammed Amine Moussaoui, and Ahmed Mezrhab
Contents xviiThe Application of Artificial Neural Network to Predict Cleanliness
Drop in CSP Power Plants Using Meteorological Measurements 699
Hicham El Gallassi, Ahmed Alami Merrouni, Mimoun Chourak,
and Abdellatif Ghennioui
Comparative Study of Different Conical Receiver’s Materials
of a Parabolic Solar Concentrator . 709
Raja Idlimam, Mohamed Asbik, and Abdellah Bah
Three-Dimensional Analysis of the Effect of Transverse Spacing
Between Perforations of a Deflector in a Heat Exchanger . 719
Jamal-Eddine Salhi and Najim Salhi
Analysis of a Building-Mounted Wind-Solar Hybrid Power System
in Urban Residential Areas: The Case Study of Istanbul 729
B. Oral, S. Sağlam, and A. Mellit
Analysis of the Energy Produced and Energy Quality of Nanofluid
Impact on Photovoltaic-Thermal Systems 739
Stefano Aneli, Antonio Gagliano, Giuseppe M. Tina, and Bekkay Hajji
Heat Transfer and Entropy Generation for Natural Convection
in a Cavity with Inner Obstacles 747
Jamal Baliti, Mohamed Hssikou, Youssef Elguennouni,
Ahmed Moussaoui, and Mohammed Alaoui
Behavior Study of a New Inverter Topology
for Photovoltaic Applications . 753
Y. Amari, S. Labdai, M. Hasni, A. Rabhi, B. Hajji, and A. Mellit
Application of the Random Walk Particle Tracking
for Convection-Diffusion Problem Within Strait of Gibraltar . 761
Hind Talbi, Mohammed Jeyar, Elmiloud Chaabelasri, and Najim Salhi
The Impact of the Tilt Angle on the Sizing of Autonomous
Photovoltaic Systems Using Electric System Cascade Analysis 767
Mohammed Chennaif, Mohamed Larbi Elhafyani, Hassan Zahboune,
and Smail Zouggar
Technical and Economic Analysis of Solar Hydrogen Production
in Morocco . 777
Samir Touili, Ahmed Alami Merrouni, Youssef El Hassouani,
Abdel-illah Amrani, and Samir Rachidi
Production of Hydrogen by Excess Energy Resulting from
a Photovoltaic System Supplying a Load of Nominal Power . 785
Abdelhafid Messaoudi, Sanae Dahbi, Abdelhak Aziz, and Kamal Kassmi
xviii ContentsPerformances MPPT Enhancement in PMSG Wind Turbine System
Using Fuzzy Logic Control . 797
Mhamed Fannakh, Mohamed Larbi Elhafyani, Smail Zouggar,
and Hassan Zahboune
Prediction of Particle Deposition Efficiency in a 90° Turbulent
Bend Pipe Flow—A Numerical Study 809
Fatima Zahrae Erraghroughi, Kawtar Feddi, Anas El Maakoul,
Abdellah Bah, and Abdellatif Ben Abdellah
Maximum Power Extraction from a Wind Turbine Energy Source
Based on Fuzzy and Conventional Techniques for Integration
in Micro-grid . 819
Salaheddine Zouirech, Mohammed Zerouali, Abdelghani El Ougli,
and Belkassem Tidhaf
Management Strategy of Power Exchange in a Building Between Grid,
Photovoltaic and Batteries . 831
Mohammed Dhriyyef, Abdelmalek El Mehdi, Mohammed Elhitmy,
and Mohammed Elhafyani
Modeling, Simulation and Real Time Implementation of MPPT
Based Field Oriented Control Applied to DFIG Wind Turbine . 843
Nabil Dahri, Mohammed Ouassaid, and Driss Yousfi
Energy Management Strategy for an Optimum Control of a
Standalone Photovoltaic-Batteries Water Pumping System for
Agriculture Applications 855
Mohammed Benzaouia, Bekkay Hajji, Abdelhamid Rabhi, Adel Mellit,
Anas Benslimane, and Anne Migan Dubois
Mass Flow Rates Effect on the Performance of PV/T Bi-fluid Hybrid
Collector (Single and Simultaneous Modes) 869
Oussama El Manssouri, Chaimae El Fouas, Bekkay Hajji,
Abdelhamid Rabhi, Giuseppe Marco Tina, and Antonio Gagliano
Study and Modeling of Energy Performance of PV/T Solar Plant
for Hydrogen Production 879
C. El Fouas, O. El Manssouri, B. Hajji, G. M. Tina, and A. Gagliano
Author Index 893
Author Index
Ababou, Noureddine, 141
Abbas, Hamou Ait, 503
Abd Rahim, Nasrudin, 531
Abdou, Latifa, 451
Abouelanouar, Bouchra, 81, 135, 675
Aboutni, R., 353
Abzi, Imane, 573
Ahaitouf, Abdelaziz, 309
Ahaitouf, Ali, 71, 309, 441
Aissat, A., 211, 317, 325, 333, 347
Ajaamoum, Mohamed, 531
Akjouj, Abdellatif, 249
Al Ghaithi, Asma O., 275
Alami Hassani, Aicha, 89
Alami Marktani, Malika, 309
Alami Merrouni, Ahmed, 699, 777
Alaoui, Mohammed, 747
Alouah, M., 267
Amahmid, A., 267
Amari, Y., 753
Amine, A., 231
Ammi, S., 325, 347
Amrani, Abdel-illah, 777
Amrani, Madiha, 239, 249
Amraqui, Samir, 691
Amzi, Mohamed, 175
Aneli, Stefano, 739
Asbik, Mohamed, 709
Assa Aravindh, S., 275
Ayadi, N., 387
Aynaou, Hassan, 257
Azghiou, Kamal, 183
Aziz, A., 353
Aziz, Abdelhak, 785
Bah, Abdellah, 709, 809
Bahi azzououm, A., 333
Bahiri, Mohamed Nabil, 123
Bahhous, Karim, 361
Bakari, Dikra, 301, 367
Baliti, Jamal, 747
Barazane, L., 461
Barkat, Said, 469
Belaidi, Bilal, 429, 555
Belarabi, Ahmed, 531
Belkheiri, Mohamed, 469
Belkheiri, Mohammed, 503
Belmajdoub, A., 97
Belmajdoub, Abdelhafid, 175
Ben Abdellah, Abdellatif, 809
Ben Sassi, Hicham, 495
Ben-Ali, Y., 195
Benali, Abdelhamid, 183
Benbrahim, Mohammed, 573
Bengag, Amina, 115, 169
Bengag, Asmae, 115, 169
Benhayoun, Mhammed, 71
Benlghazi, Ahmad, 183
Bennani Dosse, Saad, 105
Bennani, S., 97
Benslimane, Anas, 481, 855
Benzaouia, Mohammed, 855
Berrehili, A., 647
Berrehili, Abd al Motalib, 135
Bikrat, Youssef, 183
Billard, Herve, 429
Billard, Hervé, 555
Blaacha, J., 353
Boubakeur, M., 317
Bouchnaif, Jamal, 481
Bougataya, Mohammed, 21
Boudouti, El Houssaine El, 239, 249, 257
Bouhedir, R., 461, 565
Bounoua, Zineb, 683
Boushaba, Farid, 659, 667
Bouzi, Mostafa, 293
Bria, D., 195
Bria, Driss, 203
Chaabelasri, Elmiloud, 761
Chaatouf, Dounia, 691
Chaker, Mohammed, 531
Chatei, Hassan, 285
Chelihi, Abdelghani, 451
Chenini, L., 325, 347
Chennaif, Mohammed, 767
Chokor, Abbas, 583
Chourak, Mimoun, 659, 667, 699
Dahani, Y., 267
Dahbi, Sanae, 785
Dahri, Nabil, 843
Derri, Mounir, 293
Dequen, Gilles, 161
Dhriyyef, Mohammed, 831
Dib, Mohamed, 421
Dihmani, Nadia, 691
Djafari-Rouhani, Bahram, 239, 249
Dosse Bennani, Saad, 175
Doumiati, Moustapha, 583
Drocourt, Cyril, 161
Dubois, Anne Migan, 855
El Alami, Abdelmajid, 151
El Fouas, C., 879
El Fouas, Chaimae, 869
El Hassouani, Youssef, 777
El Maakoul, Anas, 809
El Mansouri, A., 267
El Manssouri, O., 879
El Manssouri, Oussama, 869
El Markhi, Hassane, 513
El Mehdi, Abdelmalek, 831
El Mouhib, Manal, 183
El Moussaoui, Hassan, 513
El Ougli, Abdelghani, 819
El-Aouni, M., 195
Elamri, Fatima Zahra, 203
Elboukhari, Mohamed, 115
Elguennouni, Youssef, 747
Elhafyani, Mohamed Larbi, 767, 797
Elhafyani, Mohammed, 831
Elhitmy, Mohammed, 831
Elkaouini, Morad, 285
Elkihel, A., 647
Elkihel, Ali, 81, 135, 675
Elkihel, Bachir, 659, 667
Elmarghichi, Mouncef, 293
Erraghroughi, Fatima Zahrae, 809
Errahimi, Fatima, 495
Essoufi, M., 593
Es-Sbai, Najia, 495
Ettalabi, Naoufal, 293
Falyouni, Farid, 203
Fannakh, Mhamed, 797
Farhat, Akram, 609, 637
Feddi, Kawtar, 809
Fekhaoui, Mohammed, 609, 637
Filahi, I., 267
Fouzar, Youcef, 21
Gadonna, Katell, 429, 555
Gagliano, A., 879
Gagliano, Antonio, 739, 869
Gallassi El, Hicham, 699
Garrouani, Yassine, 89
Ghammaz, Abdelilah, 123
Ghennioui, Abdellatif, 699
Glida, Hossam Eddine, 451
Grari, Abdellatif, 659, 667
Grari, Meryem, 223
Guidoum, Feriel, 141
Gziri, H., 647
Gziri, Hassan, 81, 675
Hafyani, Mohamed Larbi El, 411
Hajji, B., 387, 461, 593, 753, 879
Hajji, Bekkay, 531, 739, 855, 869
Hajji, Moine El, 401
Hamal, Mohammed, 361
Hamdan, Ali, 583
Hamied, A., 461
Hamli, Abdelkader El, 361
Hanouf, Nacira, 301, 367
Harrak, Abdelkhalak, 339, 375
Hasnaoui, M., 267
Hasni, M., 753
Hassani, Hamid, 441
Hedhili, Mohamed N., 275
Hssikou, Mohamed, 747
894 Author IndexI
Idlimam, Raja, 709
Jabri, A., 629
Jaddar, A., 629
Jeyar, Mohammed, 761
Jorio, M., 97
Kabbaj, Mohammed Nabil, 573
Kadmiri El, I., 195
Kassmi, Kamal, 785
Kengne, Emmanuel, 21
Khathyri, Fatima, 81, 135
Khattou, Soufyane, 239, 249
Kinani, M. A., 231
Kourchi, Mustapha, 531
Krim, Deae-Eddine, 301, 367
Labdai, S., 753
Lagliti, Kaoutar, 609, 637
Laidouci, A., 211
Lakhili, Zouhir, 151
Lakhssassi, A., 97
Lakhssassi, Ahmed, 21
Lale, A., 387
Lamreoua, Abdelhak, 481
Launay, J., 387
Lberni, Abdelaziz, 309
Li, Lifu, 617
’barki, Zakaria, 523
M’Sirdi, Nacer K., 3
Madani, H., 387
Mahmoudi, Hassane, 401
Mansouri, Anas, 71
Mansouri, Anass, 105, 441
Mazzi, Yahia, 495
Mechaqrane, Abdellah, 683
Meksoub, A., 647
Mellal, Idir, 21
Mellit, A., 461, 565, 729, 753
Mellit, Adel, 55, 855
Messaoudi, Abdelhafid, 785
Mezrhab, Ahmed, 691
Mir, Y., 231
Miry, Camelea, 361
Missaoui, Abdelhak, 285
Mouadili, Abdelkader, 249
Moufid, Ismail, 513
Moussa, Abdelilah, 361
Moussa, Labbadi, 401
Moussaoui, Ahmed, 747
Moussaoui, Mohammed Amine, 691
Moussaoui, Omar, 169
Mrabti, Fatiha, 89
Naimi, Salah Eddine, 339, 375
Najar, Adel, 275
Nejmi, Ali, 421
Ng, Tien Khee, 275
Noual, Adnane, 239
Nour, Mhamed, 21
Ooi, Boon S., 275
Oral, B., 729
Ou, Jiajie, 617
Ouachani, Iliass, 429, 555
Ouariachi El, Mostafa, 481
Ouassaid, Mohammed, 843
Ouchani, Noama, 257
Perozzi, Gabriele, 451
Qjidaa, Hassan, 151
Rabhi, A., 461, 593, 753
Rabhi, Abdelhamid, 469, 503, 543, 855, 869
Rachidi, Samir, 777
Raillani, Benyounes, 691
Ramzi, Mohamed, 421
Razi, Mouhcine, 71
Rechem, David Van, 555
Regad, Youssef, 659, 667
Rouibah, N., 461, 565
Ruichek, Yassine, 105
Rrhioua, Abdeslem, 301, 361, 367
Sağlam, S., 729
Salhi, Jamal-Eddine, 719
Salhi, Mourad, 691
Salhi, Najim, 719, 761
Sbai, Anass, 161
Seghier, Tahar, 543
Seghir, Mohamed, 543
Sejai, Mohamed, 105
Selvaraj, Jeyrage, 531
Senhaji Rhazi, Kaoutar, 523
Sentouh, Chouki, 451
Author Index 895T
Tahri, Z., 195
Talbi, Abdelkrim, 249
Talbi, Hind, 761
Talj, Reine, 583
Temple-Boyer, P., 387
Tidhaf, Belkassem, 819
Tijani, Lamhamdi, 513
Tina, G. M., 879
Tina, Giuseppe M., 739
Tina, Giuseppe Marco, 39, 869
Touili, Samir, 777
Tounsi, Mohamed Lamine, 141
Vilcot, J. P., 211, 317, 325, 333
Yagoub, Mustapha C. E., 141
Yousfi, Driss, 531, 843
Zahboune, Hassan, 609, 637, 767, 797
Zazoui,M., 231
Zbitou, Jamal, 175
Zegnini, Boubakeur, 543
Zerdani, Sara, 411
Zerfaoui, Mustapha, 301, 361, 367
Zerouali, Mohammed, 819
Zoheir, CifAllah, 223
Zorig, Abdelmalik, 469
Zouggar, Smail, 411, 767, 797
Zouirech, Salaheddine, 819
Zyane, Abdellah, 123

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