كتاب Audel Pumps and Hydraulics
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Audel Pumps and Hydraulics

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18984
التقييم : 35458
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب Audel Pumps and Hydraulics Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Audel Pumps and Hydraulics   كتاب Audel Pumps and Hydraulics Emptyالثلاثاء 31 ديسمبر 2013, 1:39 am

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Audel Pumps and Hydraulics

كتاب Audel Pumps and Hydraulics 0c32434d65fa01
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

Chapter 1 Basic Fluid Principles 3
Physics 3
Matter 3
Body 4
Energy 5
Heat 7
Pressure 14
Barometer 21
Gravity 22
Force 26
Motion 28
Friction 34
Work and Power 36
Basic Machines 38
Lever 40
Wheel and Axle 41
Pulley 42
Inclined Plane 43
Screw 44
Wedge 45
Water 46
Properties of Water with Respect to
Pump Design 53
Pressure at Different Depths 54
Compressibility of Water 54
iv Contents
Air 57
Humidity 57
Weight of Air 60
Summary 61
Review Questions 62
Chapter 2 Principles of Hydraulics 65
Basic Principles 65
Hydrostatics 69
Static Head 70
Static Lift 70
Displacement 72
Buoyancy 73
Hydrostatic Paradox 76
Hydrostatic Balance 76
Hydrodynamics 77
Dynamic Head 77
Dynamic Lift 78
Total Column 84
Friction of Water in Pipes 84
Flow of Water 89
Measurement of Water Flow 89
Siphon 96
Flow through Orifices 97
Specific Gravity 102
Summary 106
Review Questions 109
Chapter 3 Centrifugal Pumps 113
Basic Principles 113
Pumps Having Straight Vanes 114
Pump Having Curved Vanes 114
The Volute 115
Curvature of the Impeller Vanes 117
Basic Classification 117
Contents v
Single-Stage Pump 118
Multistage Pump 119
Impellers 120
Balancing 123
Construction of Pumps 127
Casing or Housing 127
Impeller 127
Stuffing-Box Assembly 129
Bearings and Housings 129
Shaft Assembly 131
Drive 131
Installation 133
Location 133
Foundation 135
Leveling 135
Grouting 137
Inlet Piping 137
Discharge Piping 138
Pumps Handling High-Temperature
Liquids 138
Operation 139
Priming 140
Starting the Pump 143
Stopping the Pump 145
Abnormal Operating Conditions 146
Troubleshooting 146
Reduced Capacity or Pressure and
Failure to Deliver Water 147
Loses Water after Starting 147
Pump Overloads Driver 147
Pump Vibrates 148
Pointers on Pump Operation 148
Maintenance and Repair 149
Lateral End Clearances 149
Parts Renewals 149
Pointers on Assembly 150
vi Contents
Corrosion-Resisting Centrifugal Pumps 152
Typical Application — Plating 152
Corrosion-Resisting Pump Installation 155
Maintenance 157
Corrosion-Resisting Pump
Troubleshooting 158
Pump-End Assembly and Disassembly 158
Good Safety Practices 161
Impeller Design Considerations 162
Velocity of Impeller 163
Total Hydraulic Load or Lift 164
Velocity Head 164
Summary 173
Review Questions 174
Chapter 4 Rotary Pumps 177
Principles of Operation 177
Gear-Type Pumps 177
Vane-Type Pumps 180
Piston-Type Pumps 187
Construction 188
Gear-Type Pumps 190
Vane-Type Pumps 199
Piston-Type Pumps 200
Installation and Operation 204
Alignment 204
Drives for Rotary Gear Pumps 208
Power for Driving Pumps 208
Piping 209
Direction of Rotation 210
Starting and Operating the Pump 212
Practical Installation 212
Types of Gear Pumps 213
Pressure Relief Valve 215
Rotary Pump Troubleshooting 216
No Liquid Delivered 216
Insufficient Liquid Delivered 217
Contents vii
Pump Delivers for a Short Period, Then
Quits 217
Rapid Wear 217
Pump Requires Too Much Power 218
Noisy Operation 218
Calculations 218
Correct Size of Pump 219
Friction of Water in Pipes 219
Friction Loss in Rubber Hose 219
Dynamic Column or Total Load 221
Dynamic Lift 221
Dynamic Head 222
Horsepower Required 224
Summary 225
Review Questions 228
Chapter 5 Reciprocating Pumps 229
Principles of Operation 229
Lift Pumps 230
Force Pumps 231
Self-Priming or Siphon Pumps 239
Construction 240
Calculations 243
Lift 243
Size of Discharge Pipe 248
Head 248
Displacement 250
Piston Speed 251
Slip 252
Capacity 253
Efficiency 254
Summary 260
Review Questions 262
Chapter 6 Special-Service Pumps 265
Service Pumps 265
Chemical and Process Pumps 270
viii Contents
Pumps for Medical Use 273
Pumps for Handling of Sewage 274
Other Special-Service Pumps 275
Magma Pumps 276
Sump Pumps 276
Irrigation Pumps 281
Diaphragm-Type Pumps 282
Open-Diaphragm Pump 284
Advantages of Diaphragm Pumps 284
Shallow-Well and Deep-Well
Pumps 287
Rubber Impeller Pumps 296
Principles of Operation 297
Marine Applications 297
Tubing Pumps 298
Basic Principle of Operation 299
Lubricating the Tubing 301
Variable Speed 301
Types Available 301
Air Driven Pump 311
Multi-Tube Pumps 311
Chemical Pumping 312
Summary 312
Review Questions 313
Chapter 7 Hydraulic Accumulators 317
Basic Construction and Operation 317
Types of Accumulators 318
Weight-Loaded 319
Spring-Loaded Accumulators 324
Air- or Gas-Type Accumulators 324
Shock Absorbers or Alleviators 331
Air and Vacuum Chambers 334
Air Chambers 334
Vacuum Chambers 335
Contents ix
Accumulator Circuits 338
Summary 342
Review Questions 344
Chapter 8 Power Transmission 345
Hydraulic Drives 345
Basic Operating Principles 346
Tangential Acceleration 348
Tangential Deceleration 351
Types of Hydraulic Drives 352
Fluid Drive 352
Hydraulic Drive 356
Twin-Disk Hydraulic Drive 357
Hydraulic Torque Converter 358
Hydrostatic Transmission Systems 359
Hydraulic Adjustable-Speed Drive 367
Farm Tractor Applications 368
Pumps for Robots 371
CCS Systems 378
Summary 381
Review Questions 382
Chapter 9 Hydraulic Power Tools 383
Hydraulic Circuits 383
Hydraulic Motors 385
Types of Hydraulic Motors 389
Hydraulically Controlled Circuits 394
Combination Pump and Control Valve Unit 394
Remote Directional Control Valves 395
Operation of a Cylinder on a Machine Tool 398
Circuit Elements 398
Operation of the Hydraulic Circuit 402
Summary 403
Review Questions 403
Chapter 10 Hydraulic Cylinders 405
Nonrotating Cylinders 405
Names of Parts 407
x Contents
Force Developed in Nonrotating
Cylinders 415
Installation 418
Eccentric Loads 421
Causes of Failure 422
Repair and Maintenance 423
Rotating Cylinders 424
Names of Parts 424
Installation 428
Failure 430
Repair and Maintenance 430
Summary 432
Review Questions 432
Chapter 11 Control Valves 435
Pressure Controls 437
Pressure Relief 437
Sequence 438
Pressure Reducing 439
Counterbalance and Unloading 440
Operating Signals 441
Flow Controls 441
Needle 444
Noncompensating 444
Compensating 445
Directional Controls 447
Summary 450
Review Questions 451
Chapter 12 Hydraulic Control Valve Operators 453
Pressure-Control Valve Operators 453
Flow-Control Valve Operators 454
Directional Control Valve Operators 456
Manual Operators 456
Solenoid Operators 460
Mechanical Operators 463
Pilot Operators 465
Contents xi
Summary 468
Review Questions 469
Chapter 13 Hydraulic Fluids 473
Petroleum-Base Fluids 473
Synthetic-Base Fluids 473
Quality Requirements 474
Maintenance 475
Change of Fluids in a Hydraulic System 476
Selection of a Hydraulic Fluid 477
Specific Weight 477
Viscosity 478
Saybolt Universal Viscosimeter 478
Viscosity Problems 480
Viscosity Index 480
Lubricating Value 481
Pour Point 481
Oxidation and Contamination 481
Hydraulic Filters 482
Mobile-type Hydraulic Filter Units 485
Summary 488
Review Questions 488
Chapter 14 Fluid Lines and Fittings 491
Rigid Pipe 491
Semi-Rigid (Tubing) 492
Manufacturing Process 495
Other Types 497
Installation of Tubing 498
Flexible Piping (Hose) 499
Manifolds 505
Summary 507
Review Questions 507
Appendix A Pump Resources 509
xii Contents
Appendix B Oils and Fluids 511
Appendix C Latest Pumps Available 513

أتمنى أن تستفيدوا منه وأن ينال إعجابكم
رابط تنزيل كتاب Audel Pumps and Hydraulics
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مهندس تحت الاختبار
مهندس تحت الاختبار

عدد المساهمات : 2
التقييم : 2
تاريخ التسجيل : 31/12/2014
العمر : 33
الدولة : syria
العمل : student
الجامعة : HIAST

كتاب Audel Pumps and Hydraulics Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب Audel Pumps and Hydraulics   كتاب Audel Pumps and Hydraulics Emptyالأربعاء 31 ديسمبر 2014, 2:07 pm

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18984
التقييم : 35458
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب Audel Pumps and Hydraulics Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب Audel Pumps and Hydraulics   كتاب Audel Pumps and Hydraulics Emptyالجمعة 09 يناير 2015, 11:18 am

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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى :: المنتديات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية :: منتدى كتب ومحاضرات الأقسام الهندسية المختلفة-
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