| كتاب Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings Eleventh Edition | |
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rambomenaa كبير مهندسين
عدد المساهمات : 2041 التقييم : 3379 تاريخ التسجيل : 21/01/2012 العمر : 47 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير الصيانة بشركة تصنيع ورق الجامعة : حلوان
| موضوع: كتاب Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings Eleventh Edition الخميس 15 نوفمبر 2012, 6:44 am | |
تذكير بمساهمة فاتح الموضوع : أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings Eleventh Edition FOR BUILDINGS Walter T. Grondzik Architectural Engineer Ball State University Alison G. Kwok Professor of Architecture University of Oregon Benjamin Stein Consulting Architectural Engineer John S. Reynolds Professor of Architecture University of Oregon
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :
Contents CHAPTER 1 DESIGN PROCESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.1 Introduction 4 1.2 Design Intent 7 1.3 Design Criteria 8 1.4 Methods and Tools 8 1.5 Validation and Evaluation 9 1.6 Influences on the Design Process 10 1.7 A Philosophy of Design 16 1.8 Lessons from the Field 21 1.9 Case Study—Design Process 22 CHAPTER 2 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2.1 Introduction 27 2.2 Energy 29 2.3 Water 32 2.4 Materials 34 2.5 Design Challenges 39 2.6 How Are We Doing? 42 2.7 Case Study—Design Process and Environmental Resources 44 CHAPTER 3 SITES AND RESOURCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 3.1 Climates 49 3.2 Climates within Climates 51 3.3 Buildings and Sites 54 3.4 Analyzing the Site 55 3.5 Site Design Strategies 55 3.6 Direct Sun and Daylight 57 3.7 Sound and Airflow 65 3.8 Rain and Groundwater 76 3.9 Plants 80 3.10 Case Study—Site and Resource Design 83 CHAPTER 4 COMFORT AND DESIGN STRATEGIES . . . . . . . 89 4.1 The Body 89 4.2 Thermal Comfort 91 4.3 Design Strategies for Cooling 104 4.4 Design Strategies for Heating 108 4.5 Combining Strategies 111 4.6 Visual and Acoustical Comfort 111 CHAPTER 5 INDOOR AIR QUALITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 5.1 Indoor Air Quality and Building Design 116 5.2 Pollutant Sources and Impacts 117 5.3 Predicting Indoor Air Quality 120 5.4 Zoning for IAQ 122 5.5 Passive and Low-Energy Approaches for Control of IAQ 125 5.6 Active Approaches for Control of IAQ 133 5.7 IAQ, Materials, and Health 149 P r e f a c e x v i i A c k n o w l e d g m e n t s x i x PA RT I D E S I G N C O N T E X T 1 PA RT I I T H E R M A L C O N T R O L 1 5 1 CHAPTER 6 SOLAR GEOMETRY AND SHADING DEVICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 6.1 The Sun and Its Position 153 6.2 Solar versus Clock Time 156 6.3 True South and Magnetic Deviation 157 6.4 Sunpath Projections 157 6.5 Shading 164 6.6 Shadow Angles and Shading Masks 167 CHAPTER 7 HEAT FLOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .175 7.1 The Building Envelope 175 7.2 Building Envelope Design Intentions 176 v7.3 Sensible Heat Flow through Opaque Walls and Roofs 180 7.4 Latent Heat Flow through the Opaque Envelope 197 7.5 Heat Flow through Transparent/Translucent Elements 199 7.6 Trends in Envelope Thermal Performance 204 7.7 Heat Flow via Air Movement 206 7.8 Calculating Envelope Heat Flows 207 7.9 Envelope Thermal Design Standards 211 CHAPTER 8 DESIGNING FOR HEATING AND COOLING . . .215 8.1 Organizing the Problem 216 8.2 Zoning 218 8.3 Daylighting Considerations 219 8.4 Passive Solar Heating Guidelines 225 8.5 Summer Heat Gain Guidelines 238 8.6 Passive Cooling Guidelines 240 8.7 Reintegrating Daylighting, Passive Solar Heating, and Cooling 256 8.8 Calculating Worst Hourly Heat Loss 258 8.9 Calculations for Heating-Season Fuel Consumption (Conventional Buildings) 260 8.10 Passive Solar Heating Performance 263 8.11 Approximate Method for Calculating Heat Gain (Cooling Load) 281 8.12 Psychrometry 286 8.13 Detailed Hourly Heat Gain (Cooling Load) Calculations 289 vi CONTENTS 8.14 Passive Cooling Calculation Procedures 291 8.15 Case Study—Designing for Heating and Cooling 319 CHAPTER 9 HVAC FOR SMALLER BUILDINGS . . . . . . . . . 325 9.1 Review of the Need for Mechanical Equipment 325 9.2 Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC): Typical Design Processes 326 9.3 Equipment Location and Service Distribution 327 9.4 Controls for Smaller Building Systems 329 9.5 Refrigeration Cycles 329 9.6 Cooling-Only Systems 331 9.7 Heating-Only Systems 338 9.8 Heating/Cooling Systems 363 9.9 Psychrometrics and Refrigeration 374 CHAPTER 10 LARGE-BUILDING HVAC SYSTEMS . . . . . . . . 377 10.1 HVAC and Building Organization 377 10.2 HVAC System Types 393 10.3 Central Equipment 401 10.4 Air Distribution within Spaces 429 10.5 All-Air HVAC Systems 436 10.6 Air and Water HVAC Systems 442 10.7 All-Water HVAC Systems 452 10.8 District Heating and Cooling 454 10.9 Cogeneration 456 PA RT I I I I L L U M I N AT I O N 4 6 5 CHAPTER 11 LIGHTING FUNDAMENTALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467 11.1 Introductory Remarks 467 PHYSICS OF LIGHT 468 11.2 Light as Radiant Energy 468 11.3 Transmittance and Reflectance 469 11.4 Terminology and Definitions 469 11.5 Luminous Intensity 471 11.6 Luminous Flux 471 11.7 Illuminance 472 11.8 Luminance, Exitance, and Brightness 473 11.9 Illuminance Measurement 476 11.10 Luminance Measurement 477 11.11 Reflectance Measurements 478 11.12 Inverse Square Law 478 11.13 Luminous Intensity: Candela Measurements 480 11.14 Intensity Distribution Curves 480 LIGHT AND SIGHT 481 11.15 The Eye 481 11.16 Factors in Visual Acuity 482 11.17 Size of the Visual Object 484 11.18 Subjective Brightness 484 11.19 Contrast and Adaptation 485CONTENTS vii 11.20 Exposure Time 488 11.21 Secondary Task-Related Factors 488 11.22 Observer-Related Visibility Factors 489 11.23 The Aging Eye 490 QUANTITY OF LIGHT 491 11.24 Illuminance Levels 491 11.25 Illuminance Category 492 11.26 Illuminance Recommendations 493 QUALITY OF LIGHTING 497 11.27 Considerations of Lighting Quality 497 11.28 Direct (Discomfort) Glare 497 11.29 Veiling Reflections and Reflected Glare 500 11.30 Equivalent Spherical Illumination and Relative Visual Performance 506 11.31 Control of Reflected Glare 508 11.32 Luminance Ratios 512 11.33 Patterns of Luminance: Subjective Reactions to Lighting 512 FUNDAMENTALS OF COLOR 514 11.34 Color Temperature 514 11.35 Object Color 515 11.36 Reactions to Color 518 11.37 Chromaticity 518 11.38 Spectral Distribution of Light Sources 519 11.39 Color Rendering Index 522 CHAPTER 12 LIGHT SOURCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525 12.1 Basic Characteristics of Light Sources 525 12.2 Selecting an Appropriate Light Source 526 DAYLIGHT SOURCES 526 12.3 Characteristics of Daylight 526 12.4 Standard Overcast Sky 527 12.5 Clear Sky 529 12.6 Partly Cloudy Sky 530 ELECTRIC LIGHT SOURCES 531 INCANDESCENT LAMPS 531 12.7 The Incandescent Filament Lamp 531 12.8 Special Incandescent Lamps 535 12.9 Tungsten-Halogen (Quartz–Iodine) Lamps 536 12.10 Tungsten-Halogen Lamp Types 537 GASEOUS DISCHARGE LAMPS 540 12.11 Ballasts 540 FLUORESCENT LAMPS 543 12.12 Fluorescent Lamp Construction 543 12.13 Fluorescent Lamp Labels 546 12.14 Fluorescent Lamp Types 546 12.15 Characteristics of Fluorescent Lamp Operation 547 12.16 Federal Standards for Fluorescent Lamps 550 12.17 Special Fluorescent Lamps 550 12.18 Compact Fluorescent Lamps 551 HIGH-INTENSITY DISCHARGE LAMPS 552 12.19 Mercury Vapor Lamps 552 12.20 Metal-Halide Lamps 555 12.21 Sodium-Vapor Lamps 557 12.22 Low-Pressure Sodium Lamps 559 OTHER ELECTRIC LAMPS 559 12.23 Induction Lamps 559 12.24 Light-Emitting Diodes 560 12.25 Sulfur Lamps 561 12.26 Fiber Optics 561 CHAPTER 13 LIGHTING DESIGN PROCESS . . . . . . . . . . . . 563 13.1 General Information 563 13.2 Goals of Lighting Design 563 13.3 Lighting Design Procedure 564 13.4 Cost Factors 566 13.5 Power Budgets 566 13.6 Task Analysis 567 13.7 Energy Considerations 569 13.8 Preliminary Design 572 13.9 Illumination Methods 573 13.10 Types of Lighting Systems 573 13.11 Indirect Lighting 573 13.12 Semi-Indirect Lighting 575 13.13 Direct-Indirect and General Diffuse Lighting 576 13.14 Semi-Direct Lighting 576 13.15 Direct Lighting 576 13.16 Size and Pattern of Luminaires 580 13.17 Other Design Considerations 585viii CONTENTS CHAPTER 14 DAYLIGHTING DESIGN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587 14.1 The Daylighting Opportunity 588 14.2 Human Factors in Daylighting Design 589 14.3 Site Strategies for Daylighting Buildings 589 14.4 Aperture Strategies: Sidelighting 590 14.5 Aperture Strategies: Toplighting 594 14.6 Specialized Daylighting Strategies 594 14.7 Daylight Factor 598 14.8 Components of Daylight 598 14.9 Guidelines for Preliminary Daylighting Design 601 14.10 Design Analysis Methods 602 14.11 Daylighting Simulation Programs 617 14.12 Physical Modeling 621 14.13 Recapping Daylighting 623 14.14 Case Study—Daylighting Design 624 CHAPTER 15 ELECTRICAL LIGHTING DESIGN . . . . . . . . . . 629 LUMINAIRES 629 15.1 Design Considerations 629 15.2 Lighting Fixture Distribution Characteristics 630 15.3 Luminaire Light Control 632 15.4 Luminaire Diffusers 635 15.5 Uniformity of Illumination 638 15.6 Luminaire Mounting Height 645 15.7 Lighting Fixtures 646 15.8 Lighting Fixture Construction 646 15.9 Lighting Fixture Structural Support 647 15.10 Lighting Fixture Appraisal 647 15.11 Luminaire-Room System Efficiency: Coefficient of Utilization 648 15.12 Luminaire Efficacy Rating 648 LIGHTING CONTROL 649 15.13 Requirement for Lighting Control 649 15.14 Lighting Control: Switching 650 15.15 Lighting Control: Dimming 651 15.16 Lighting Control: Control Initiation 651 15.17 Lighting Control Strategy 654 DETAILED DESIGN PROCEDURES 660 15.18 Calculation of Average Illuminance 660 15.19 Calculation of Horizontal Illuminance by the Lumen (Flux) Method 661 15.20 Calculation of Light Loss Factor 661 15.21 Determination of the Coefficient of Utilization by the Zonal Cavity Method 663 15.22 Zonal Cavity Calculations: Illustrative Examples 665 15.23 Zonal Cavity Calculation by Approximation 670 15.24 Effect of Cavity Reflectances on Illuminance 672 15.25 Modular Lighting Design 673 15.26 Calculating Illuminance at a Point 673 15.27 Design Aids 674 15.28 Calculating Illuminance from a Point Source 676 15.29 Calculating Illuminance from Linear and Area Sources 678 15.30 Computer-Aided Lighting Design 678 15.31 Computer-Aided Lighting Design: Illustrative Example 678 15.32 Average Luminance Calculations 681 EVALUATION 688 15.33 Lighting Design Evaluation 688 CHAPTER 16 ELECTRIC LIGHTING APPLICATIONS . . . . . . . 689 16.1 Introduction 689 RESIDENTIAL OCCUPANCIES 689 16.2 Residential Lighting: General Information 689 16.3 Residential Lighting: Energy Issues 689 16.4 Residential Lighting Sources 690 16.5 Residential Lighting: Design Suggestions 690 16.6 Residential Lighting: Luminaires and Architectural Lighting Elements 691 16.7 Residential Lighting: Control 692 EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES 695 16.8 Institutional and Educational Buildings 695 16.9 General Classrooms 696 16.10 Special-Purpose Classrooms 698 16.11 Assembly Rooms, Auditoriums, and Multipurpose Spaces 698 16.12 Gymnasium Lighting 700CONTENTS ix 16.13 Lecture Hall Lighting 700 16.14 Laboratory Lighting 700 16.15 Library Lighting 701 16.16 Special Areas 702 16.17 Other Considerations in School Lighting 703 COMMERCIAL INTERIORS 703 16.18 Office Lighting: General Information 703 16.19 Lighting for Areas with Visual Display Terminals 704 16.20 Office Lighting Guidelines 709 16.21 Task-Ambient Office Lighting Design Using Ceiling-Mounted Units 712 16.22 Task-Ambient Office Lighting Using Furniture-Integrated Luminaires 712 16.23 Integrated and Modular Ceilings 713 16.24 Lighting and Air Conditioning 713 INDUSTRIAL LIGHTING 714 16.25 General Information 714 16.26 Levels and Sources 714 16.27 Industrial Luminance Ratios 715 16.28 Industrial Lighting Glare 715 16.29 Industrial Lighting Equipment 715 16.30 Vertical-Surface Illumination 716 SPECIAL LIGHTING APPLICATION TOPICS 716 16.31 Emergency Lighting 716 16.32 Floodlighting 721 16.33 Street Lighting 721 16.34 Light Pollution 721 16.35 Remote Source Lighting 723 16.36 Fiber-Optic Lighting 724 16.37 Fiber-Optic Terminology 725 16.38 Fiber-Optic Lighting—Arrangements and Applications 726 16.39 Hollow Light Guides 728 16.40 Prismatic Light Guides 729 16.41 Prismatic Film Light Guide 730 16.42 Remote-Source Standards and Nomenclature 734 PA RT I V A C O U S T I C S 7 3 7 CHAPTER 17 FUNDAMENTALS OF ARCHITECTURAL ACOUSTICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 739 17.1 Architectural Acoustics 739 17.2 Sound 740 17.3 Hearing 743 17.4 Sound Sources 748 17.5 Expressing Sound Magnitude 749 17.6 Noise 758 17.7 Vibration 765 CHAPTER 18 SOUND IN ENCLOSED SPACES . . . . . . . . . . . 767 18.1 Sound in Enclosures 767 ABSORPTION 767 18.2 Sound Absorption 767 18.3 Mechanics of Absorption 768 18.4 Absorptive Materials 770 18.5 Installation of Absorptive Materials 772 ROOM ACOUSTICS 773 18.6 Reverberation 773 18.7 Sound Fields in an Enclosed Space 775 18.8 Sound Power Level and Sound Pressure Level 775 18.9 Noise Reduction by Absorption 777 18.10 Noise Reduction Coefficient 780 ROOM DESIGN 782 18.11 Reverberation Criteria for Speech Rooms 782 18.12 Criteria for Music Performance 784 18.13 Sound Paths 785 18.14 Ray Diagrams 788 18.15 Auditorium Design 789 SOUND REINFORCEMENT SYSTEMS 792 18.16 Objectives and Criteria 792 18.17 Components and Specifications 793 18.18 Loudspeaker Considerations 795x CONTENTS CHAPTER 19 BUILDING NOISE CONTROL . . . . . . . . . . . . . 797 NOISE REDUCTION 797 ABSORPTION 797 19.1 The Role of Absorption 797 19.2 Panel and Cavity Resonators 798 19.3 Acoustically Transparent Surfaces 800 19.4 Absorption Recommendations 801 19.5 Characteristics of Absorptive Materials 801 SOUND ISOLATION 804 19.6 Airborne and Structure-Borne Sound 804 AIRBORNE SOUND 807 19.7 Transmission Loss and Noise Reduction 807 19.8 Barrier Mass 808 19.9 Stiffness and Resonance 808 19.10 Compound Barriers (Cavity Walls) 810 19.11 Sound Transmission Class 814 19.12 Composite Walls and Leaks 815 19.13 Doors and Windows 819 19.14 Diffraction: Barriers 822 19.15 Flanking 824 SPEECH PRIVACY 825 19.16 Principles of Speech Privacy between Enclosed Spaces 825 19.17 Sound Isolation Descriptors 827 19.18 Speech Privacy Design for Enclosed Spaces 829 19.19 Principles of Speech Privacy in Open-Area Offices 832 19.20 Open-Office Speech Privacy Levels and Descriptors 836 19.21 Design Recommendations for Speech Privacy in Open Offices 838 STRUCTURE-BORNE NOISE 841 19.22 Structure-Borne Impact Noise 841 19.23 Control of Impact Noise 842 19.24 Impact Insulation Class 843 MECHANICAL SYSTEM NOISE CONTROL 843 19.25 Mechanical Noise Sources 843 19.26 Quieting of Machines 844 19.27 Duct System Noise Reduction 845 19.28 Active Noise Cancellation 848 19.29 Piping System Noise Reduction 850 19.30 Electrical Equipment Noise 850 19.31 Noise Problems Due to Equipment Location 852 19.32 Sound Isolation Enclosures, Barriers, and Damping 852 STC AND IIC RECOMMENDATIONS AND CRITERIA 853 19.33 Multiple-Occupancy Residential STC/IIC Criteria 853 19.34 Specific Occupancies 854 OUTDOOR ACOUSTIC CONSIDERATIONS 857 19.35 Sound Power and Pressure Levels in Free Space (Outdoors) 857 19.36 Building Siting 857 REFERENCE MATERIAL 859 19.37 Glossary 859 19.38 Reference Standards 861 19.39 Units and Conversions 861 19.40 Symbols 862 PA RT V W AT E R A N D W A S T E 8 6 3 CHAPTER 20 Water and Basic Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 865 20.1 Water in Architecture 865 20.2 The Hydrologic Cycle 868 20.3 Basic Planning 870 20.4 Rainwater 876 20.5 Collection and Storage 878 20.6 Rainwater and Site Planning 883 20.7 Components 893 20.8 Case Study—Water and Basic Design 902 CHAPTER 21 Water Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 909 21.1 Water Quality 909 21.2 Filtration 913CONTENTS xi 21.3 Disinfection 915 21.4 Other Water Treatments 918 21.5 Water Sources 921 21.6 Hot Water Systems and Equipment 932 21.7 Fixtures and Water Conservation 959 21.8 Fixture Accessibility and Privacy 970 21.9 Water Distribution 974 21.10 Piping, Tubing, Fittings, and Controls 982 21.11 Sizing of Water Pipes 986 21.12 Irrigation 994 CHAPTER 22 LIQUID WASTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 999 22.1 Waterless Toilets and Urinals 999 22.2 Principles of Drainage 1005 22.3 Piping, Fittings, and Accessories 1008 22.4 Design of Residential Waste Piping 1015 22.5 Design of Larger-Building Waste Piping 1018 22.6 On-Site Individual Building Sewage Treatment 1029 22.7 On-Site Multiple-Building Sewage Treatment 1037 22.8 Larger-Scale Sewage Treatment Systems 1047 22.9 Recycling and Graywater 1055 22.10 Storm Water Treatment 1060 CHAPTER 23 SOLID WASTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1065 23.1 Waste and Resources 1065 23.2 Resource Recovery: Central or Local? 1070 23.3 Solid Waste in Small Buildings 1072 23.4 Solid Waste in Large Buildings 1074 23.5 Equipment for the Handling of Solid Waste 1077 23.6 The Service Core 1080 PA RT V I F I R E P R OT E C T I O N 1 0 8 3 CHAPTER 24 FIRE PROTECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1085 FIRE RESISTANCE, EGRESS, AND EXTINGUISHMENT 1085 24.1 Design for Fire Resistance 1085 24.2 Smoke Control 1097 24.3 Water for Fire Suppression 1102 24.4 Other Fire-Mitigating Methods 1123 24.5 Lightning Protection 1129 FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS 1133 24.6 General Considerations 1133 24.7 Fire Codes, Authorities, and Standards 1134 24.8 Fire Alarm Definitions and Terms 1136 24.9 Types of Fire Alarm Systems 1137 24.10 Circuit Supervision 1139 24.11 Conventional Systems 1139 24.12 System Coding 1140 24.13 Signal Processing 1142 24.14 Addressable Fire Alarm Systems 1142 24.15 Addressable Analog (Intelligent) Systems 1143 24.16 Automatic Fire Detection: Incipient Stage 1143 24.17 Automatic Fire Detection: Smoldering Stage 1145 24.18 Automatic Fire Detection: Flame Stage 1149 24.19 Automatic Fire Detection: Heat Stage 1150 24.20 Special Types of Fire Detectors 1153 24.21 False Alarm Mitigation 1153 24.22 Manual Stations 1155 24.23 Sprinkler Alarms 1156 24.24 Audible and Visual Alarm Devices 1156 24.25 General Recommendations 1157 24.26 Residential Fire Alarm Basics 1157 24.27 Multiple-Dwelling Alarm Systems 1158 24.28 Commercial and Institutional Building Alarm Systems 1158 24.29 High-Rise Office Building Fire Alarm Systems 1159 24.30 Industrial Facilities 1161xii CONTENTS PA RT V I I E L E C T R I C I T Y 1163 CHAPTER 25 PRINCIPLES OF ELECTRICITY . . . . . . . . . . . 1165 25.1 Electric Energy 1165 25.2 Unit of Electric Current—the Ampere 1165 25.3 Unit of Electric Potential—the Volt 1166 25.4 Unit of Electric Resistance—the Ohm 1166 25.5 Ohm’s Law 1167 25.6 Circuit Arrangements 1167 25.7 Direct Current and Alternating Current 1170 25.8 Electric Power Generation—DC 1170 25.9 Electric Power Generation—AC 1171 25.10 Power and Energy 1171 25.11 Power in Electric Circuits 1172 25.12 Energy in Electric Circuits 1174 25.13 Electric Demand Charges 1175 25.14 Electric Demand Control 1177 25.15 Electrical Measurements 1180 CHAPTER 26 ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS AND MATERIALS: SERVICE AND UTILIZATION . . . . . . . . . . . . 1185 26.1 Electric Service 1185 26.2 Overhead Service 1186 26.3 Underground Service 1186 26.4 Underground Wiring 1186 26.5 Service Equipment 1189 26.6 Transformers 1189 26.7 Transformers Outdoors 1192 26.8 Transformers Indoors: Heat Loss 1193 26.9 Transformers Indoors: Selection 1193 26.10 Transformer Vaults 1194 26.11 Service Equipment Arrangements and Metering 1195 26.12 Service Switches 1195 26.13 Switches 1197 26.14 Contactors 1199 26.15 Special Switches 1199 26.16 Solid-State Switches, Programmable Switches, Microprocessors, and Programmable Controllers 1201 26.17 Equipment Enclosures 1203 26.18 Circuit-Protective Devices 1204 26.19 Switchboards and Switchgear 1206 26.20 Unit Substations (Transformer Load Centers) 1207 26.21 Panelboards 1210 26.22 Principles of Electric Load Control 1211 26.23 Intelligent Panelboards 1212 26.24 Electric Motors 1215 26.25 Motor Control Standards 1216 26.26 Motor Control 1216 26.27 Motor Control Equipment 1218 26.28 Wiring Devices: General Description 1219 26.29 Wiring Devices: Receptacles 1221 26.30 Wiring Devices: Switches 1223 26.31 Wiring Devices: Specialties 1224 26.32 Low-Voltage Switching 1224 26.33 Wireless Switching and Control 1228 26.34 Power Line Carrier Systems 1228 26.35 Power Conditioning 1231 26.36 Power-Conditioning Equipment 1232 26.37 Surge Suppression 1233 26.38 Uninterruptible Power Supply 1239 26.39 Emergency/Standby Power Equipment 1242 26.40 System Inspection 1244 CHAPTER 27 ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS AND MATERIALS: WIRING AND RACEWAYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1245 27.1 System Components 1245 27.2 National Electrical Code 1245 27.3 Economic and Environmental Considerations 1246 27.4 Electrical Equipment Ratings 1248 27.5 Interior Wiring Systems 1248 27.6 Conductors 1249 27.7 Conductor Ampacity 1249 27.8 Conductor Insulation and Jackets 1250 27.9 Copper and Aluminum Conductors 1250 27.10 Flexible Armored Cable 1252 27.11 Nonmetallic Sheathed Cable (Romex) 1252 27.12 Conductors for General Wiring 1253 27.13 Special Cable Types 1253 27.14 Busway/Busduct/Cablebus 1253 27.15 Light-Duty Busway, Flat-Cable Assemblies, and Lighting Track 1256CONTENTS xiii 27.16 Cable Tray 1258 27.17 Design Considerations for Raceway Systems 1258 27.18 Steel Conduit 1259 27.19 Aluminum Conduit 1262 27.20 Flexible Metal Conduit 1262 27.21 Nonmetallic Conduit 1262 27.22 Surface Metal Raceways (Metallic and Nonmetallic) 1263 27.23 Outlet and Device Boxes 1263 27.24 Floor Raceways 1265 27.25 Underfloor Duct 1266 27.26 Cellular Metal Floor Raceway 1270 27.27 Precast Cellular Concrete Floor Raceways 1270 27.28 Full-Access Floor 1271 27.29 Under-Carpet Wiring System 1272 27.30 Ceiling Raceways and Manufactured Wiring Systems 1275 CHAPTER 28 ELECTRIC WIRING DESIGN . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1281 28.1 General Considerations 1281 28.2 Load Estimating 1283 28.3 System Voltage 1286 28.4 Grounding and Ground-Fault Protection 1291 28.5 Energy Conservation Considerations 1294 28.6 Electrical Wiring Design Procedure 1295 28.7 Electrical Equipment Spaces 1296 28.8 Electrical Closets 1299 28.9 Equipment Layout 1300 28.10 Application of Overcurrent Equipment 1300 28.11 Branch Circuit Design 1304 28.12 Branch Circuit Design Guidelines: Residential 1307 28.13 Branch Circuit Design Guidelines: Nonresidential 1309 28.14 Load Tabulation 1315 28.15 Spare Capacity 1317 28.16 Feeder Capacity 1317 28.17 Panel Feeder Load Calculation 1320 28.18 Harmonic Currents 1322 28.19 Riser Diagrams 1323 28.20 Service Equipment and Switchboard Design 1324 28.21 Emergency Systems 1325 CHAPTER 29 PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1329 29.1 A Context for Photovoltaics 1329 29.2 Terminology and Definitions 1331 29.3 PV Cells 1331 29.4 PV Arrays 1333 29.5 PV System Types and Applications 1334 29.6 PV System Batteries 1338 29.7 Balance of System 1339 29.8 Design of a Stand-Alone PV System 1340 29.9 Design of a Grid-Connected PV System 1343 29.10 Codes and Standards 1346 29.11 PV Installations 1347 29.12 Case Study—PV 1349 PA RT V I I I S I G N A L S YS T E M S 1 3 5 3 CHAPTER 30 Signal Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1355 30.1 Introduction 1355 30.2 Principles of Intrusion Detection 1355 PRIVATE RESIDENTIAL SYSTEMS 1358 30.3 General Information 1358 30.4 Residential Intrusion Alarm Systems 1361 30.5 Residential Intercom Systems 1361 30.6 Residential Telecommunication and Data Systems 1361 30.7 Premise Wiring 1362 MULTIPLE-DWELLING SYSTEMS 1363 30.8 Multiple-Dwelling Entry and Security Systems 1363 30.9 Multiple-Dwelling Television Systems 1364 30.10 Multiple-Dwelling Telephone Systems 1364 30.11 Hotels and Motels 1365 SCHOOL SYSTEMS 1366 30.12 General Information 1366 30.13 School Security Systems 1366xiv CONTENTS 30.14 School Clock and Program Systems 1367 30.15 School Intercom Systems 1368 30.16 School Sound Systems 1369 30.17 School Electronic Teaching Equipment 1370 OFFICE BUILDING SYSTEMS 1371 30.18 General Information 1371 30.19 Office Building Security Systems 1371 30.20 Office Building Communications Systems 1372 30.21 Office Building Communications Planning 1373 30.22 Office Building Control and Automation Systems 1375 INDUSTRIAL BUILDING SYSTEMS 1375 30.23 General Information 1375 30.24 Industrial Building Personnel Access Control 1376 30.25 Industrial Building Sound and Paging Systems 1378 AUTOMATION 1380 30.26 General Information 1380 30.27 Stand-Alone Lighting Control Systems 1381 30.28 Building Automation Systems 1382 30.29 Glossary of Computer and Control Terminology 1383 30.30 BAS Arrangement 1384 30.31 Intelligent Buildings 1388 30.32 Intelligent Residences 1389 PA RT I X T R A N S P O RTAT I O N 1 3 9 1 CHAPTER 31 VERTICAL TRANSPORTATION: PASSENGER ELEVATORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1393 GENERAL INFORMATION 1393 31.1 Introduction 1393 31.2 Passenger Elevators 1393 31.3 Codes and Standards 1394 TRACTION ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT 1394 31.4 Principal Components 1394 31.5 Gearless Traction Machines 1396 31.6 Geared Traction Machines 1397 31.7 Arrangement of Elevator Machines, Sheaves, and Ropes 1397 31.8 Safety Devices 1398 HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS 1398 31.9 Conventional Plunger-Type Hydraulic Elevators 1398 31.10 Hole-Less Hydraulic Elevators 1401 31.11 Roped Hydraulic Elevators 1401 PASSENGER INTERACTION ISSUES 1403 31.12 Elevator Doors 1403 31.13 Cars and Signals 1407 31.14 Requirements for the Disabled 1408 ELEVATOR CAR CONTROL 1408 31.15 Drive Control 1408 31.16 Thyristor Control, AC and DC 1412 31.17 Variable-Voltage DC Motor Control 1414 31.18 Variable-Voltage, Variable-Frequency AC Motor Control 1414 31.19 Elevator Operating Control 1415 31.20 System Control Requirements 1415 31.21 Single Automatic Pushbutton Control 1415 31.22 Collective Control 1415 31.23 Selective Collective Operation 1416 31.24 Computerized System Control 1416 31.25 Rehabilitation Work: Performance Prediction 1417 31.26 Lobby Elevator Panel 1418 31.27 Car Operating Panel 1419 ELEVATOR SELECTION 1420 31.28 General Considerations 1420 31.29 Definitions 1420 31.30 Interval or Lobby Dispatch Time and Average Lobby Waiting Time 1421CONTENTS xv 31.31 Handling Capacity 1421 31.32 Travel Time or Average Trip Time 1422 31.33 Round-Trip Time 1423 31.34 System Relationships 1431 31.35 Car Speed 1431 31.36 Single-Zone Systems 1432 31.37 Multizone Systems 1434 31.38 Elevator Selection for Specific Occupancies 1435 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES AND SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF ELEVATORS 1437 31.39 Shafts and Lobbies 1437 31.40 Dimensions and Weights 1437 31.41 Structural Stresses 1440 POWER AND ENERGY 1443 31.42 Power Requirements 1443 31.43 Energy Requirements 1444 31.44 Energy Conservation 1445 31.45 Emergency Power 1446 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS 1446 31.46 Fire Safety 1446 31.47 Elevator Security 1447 31.48 Elevator Noise 1447 31.49 Elevator Specifications 1448 31.50 Innovative Equipment 1451 CHAPTER 32 VERTICAL TRANSPORTATION: SPECIAL TOPICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1453 SPECIAL SHAFT ARRANGEMENTS 1453 32.1 Sky Lobby Elevator System 1453 32.2 Double-Deck Elevators 1454 FREIGHT ELEVATORS 1454 32.3 General Information 1454 32.4 Freight Car Capacity 1455 32.5 Freight Elevator Description 1456 32.6 Freight Elevator Cars, Gates, and Doors 1456 32.7 Freight Elevator Cost Data 1456 SPECIAL ELEVATOR DESIGNS 1458 32.8 Observation Cars 1458 32.9 Inclined Elevators 1460 32.10 Rack and Pinion Elevators 1462 32.11 Residential Elevators and Chair Lifts 1463 32.12 Innovative Motor Drives 1467 MATERIAL HANDLING 1467 32.13 General Information 1467 32.14 Manual Load/Unload Dumbwaiters 1468 32.15 Automated Dumbwaiters 1468 32.16 Horizontal Conveyors 1468 32.17 Selective Vertical Conveyors 1468 32.18 Pneumatic Tubes 1468 32.19 Pneumatic Trash and Linen Systems 1473 32.20 Automated Container Delivery Systems 1473 32.21 Automated Self-Propelled Vehicles 1474 32.22 Materials Handling Summary 1474 CHAPTER 33 MOVING STAIRWAYS AND WALKS . . . . . . . 1477 MOVING ELECTRIC STAIRWAYS 1477 33.1 General Information 1477 33.2 Parallel and Crisscross Arrangements 1477 33.3 Location 1480 33.4 Size, Speed, Capacity, and Rise 1483 33.5 Components 1484 33.6 Safety Features 1485 33.7 Fire Protection 1486 33.8 Lighting 1489 33.9 Escalator Applications 1489 33.10 Elevators and Escalators 1490 33.11 Electric Power Requirements 1490 33.12 Special-Design Escalators 1491 33.13 Preliminary Design Data and Installation Drawings 1491 33.14 Budget Estimating for Escalators 1492 MOVING WALKS AND RAMPS 1492 33.15 General Information 1492 33.16 Application of Moving Walks 1492 33.17 Application of Moving Ramps 1493 33.18 Size, Capacity, and Speed 1493 33.19 Components 1494xvi CONTENTS PA RT X A P P E N D I C E S 1 4 9 7 APPENDIX A Metrication, SI Units, and Conversions 1499 APPENDIX B Climatic Conditions for the United States, Canada, and Mexico 1505 APPENDIX C Solar and Daylighting Design Data 1531 APPENDIX D Solar Geometry 1577 APPENDIX E Thermal Properties of Materials and Assemblies 1591 APPENDIX F Heating and Cooling Design Guidelines and Information 1645 APPENDIX G Standards/Guidelines for Energy- and Resource-Efficient Building Design 1665 APPENDIX H Annual Solar Performance 1669 APPENDIX I Economic Analysis 1701 APPENDIX J Lamp Data 1707 APPENDIX K Sound Transmission Data for Walls 1711 APPENDIX L Sound Transmission and Impact Insulation Data for Floor/Ceiling Constructions 1723 APPENDIX M Design Analysis Software 1733 I n d e x 1 7 3 7
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عدد المساهمات : 2041 تاريخ التسجيل : 21/01/2012
| موضوع: كتاب Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings Eleventh Edition الخميس 15 نوفمبر 2012, 6:44 am | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings Eleventh Edition FOR BUILDINGS Walter T. Grondzik Architectural Engineer Ball State University Alison G. Kwok Professor of Architecture University of Oregon Benjamin Stein Consulting Architectural Engineer John S. Reynolds Professor of Architecture University of Oregon
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :
Contents CHAPTER 1 DESIGN PROCESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.1 Introduction 4 1.2 Design Intent 7 1.3 Design Criteria 8 1.4 Methods and Tools 8 1.5 Validation and Evaluation 9 1.6 Influences on the Design Process 10 1.7 A Philosophy of Design 16 1.8 Lessons from the Field 21 1.9 Case Study—Design Process 22 CHAPTER 2 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2.1 Introduction 27 2.2 Energy 29 2.3 Water 32 2.4 Materials 34 2.5 Design Challenges 39 2.6 How Are We Doing? 42 2.7 Case Study—Design Process and Environmental Resources 44 CHAPTER 3 SITES AND RESOURCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 3.1 Climates 49 3.2 Climates within Climates 51 3.3 Buildings and Sites 54 3.4 Analyzing the Site 55 3.5 Site Design Strategies 55 3.6 Direct Sun and Daylight 57 3.7 Sound and Airflow 65 3.8 Rain and Groundwater 76 3.9 Plants 80 3.10 Case Study—Site and Resource Design 83 CHAPTER 4 COMFORT AND DESIGN STRATEGIES . . . . . . . 89 4.1 The Body 89 4.2 Thermal Comfort 91 4.3 Design Strategies for Cooling 104 4.4 Design Strategies for Heating 108 4.5 Combining Strategies 111 4.6 Visual and Acoustical Comfort 111 CHAPTER 5 INDOOR AIR QUALITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 5.1 Indoor Air Quality and Building Design 116 5.2 Pollutant Sources and Impacts 117 5.3 Predicting Indoor Air Quality 120 5.4 Zoning for IAQ 122 5.5 Passive and Low-Energy Approaches for Control of IAQ 125 5.6 Active Approaches for Control of IAQ 133 5.7 IAQ, Materials, and Health 149 P r e f a c e x v i i A c k n o w l e d g m e n t s x i x PA RT I D E S I G N C O N T E X T 1 PA RT I I T H E R M A L C O N T R O L 1 5 1 CHAPTER 6 SOLAR GEOMETRY AND SHADING DEVICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 6.1 The Sun and Its Position 153 6.2 Solar versus Clock Time 156 6.3 True South and Magnetic Deviation 157 6.4 Sunpath Projections 157 6.5 Shading 164 6.6 Shadow Angles and Shading Masks 167 CHAPTER 7 HEAT FLOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .175 7.1 The Building Envelope 175 7.2 Building Envelope Design Intentions 176 v7.3 Sensible Heat Flow through Opaque Walls and Roofs 180 7.4 Latent Heat Flow through the Opaque Envelope 197 7.5 Heat Flow through Transparent/Translucent Elements 199 7.6 Trends in Envelope Thermal Performance 204 7.7 Heat Flow via Air Movement 206 7.8 Calculating Envelope Heat Flows 207 7.9 Envelope Thermal Design Standards 211 CHAPTER 8 DESIGNING FOR HEATING AND COOLING . . .215 8.1 Organizing the Problem 216 8.2 Zoning 218 8.3 Daylighting Considerations 219 8.4 Passive Solar Heating Guidelines 225 8.5 Summer Heat Gain Guidelines 238 8.6 Passive Cooling Guidelines 240 8.7 Reintegrating Daylighting, Passive Solar Heating, and Cooling 256 8.8 Calculating Worst Hourly Heat Loss 258 8.9 Calculations for Heating-Season Fuel Consumption (Conventional Buildings) 260 8.10 Passive Solar Heating Performance 263 8.11 Approximate Method for Calculating Heat Gain (Cooling Load) 281 8.12 Psychrometry 286 8.13 Detailed Hourly Heat Gain (Cooling Load) Calculations 289 vi CONTENTS 8.14 Passive Cooling Calculation Procedures 291 8.15 Case Study—Designing for Heating and Cooling 319 CHAPTER 9 HVAC FOR SMALLER BUILDINGS . . . . . . . . . 325 9.1 Review of the Need for Mechanical Equipment 325 9.2 Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC): Typical Design Processes 326 9.3 Equipment Location and Service Distribution 327 9.4 Controls for Smaller Building Systems 329 9.5 Refrigeration Cycles 329 9.6 Cooling-Only Systems 331 9.7 Heating-Only Systems 338 9.8 Heating/Cooling Systems 363 9.9 Psychrometrics and Refrigeration 374 CHAPTER 10 LARGE-BUILDING HVAC SYSTEMS . . . . . . . . 377 10.1 HVAC and Building Organization 377 10.2 HVAC System Types 393 10.3 Central Equipment 401 10.4 Air Distribution within Spaces 429 10.5 All-Air HVAC Systems 436 10.6 Air and Water HVAC Systems 442 10.7 All-Water HVAC Systems 452 10.8 District Heating and Cooling 454 10.9 Cogeneration 456 PA RT I I I I L L U M I N AT I O N 4 6 5 CHAPTER 11 LIGHTING FUNDAMENTALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467 11.1 Introductory Remarks 467 PHYSICS OF LIGHT 468 11.2 Light as Radiant Energy 468 11.3 Transmittance and Reflectance 469 11.4 Terminology and Definitions 469 11.5 Luminous Intensity 471 11.6 Luminous Flux 471 11.7 Illuminance 472 11.8 Luminance, Exitance, and Brightness 473 11.9 Illuminance Measurement 476 11.10 Luminance Measurement 477 11.11 Reflectance Measurements 478 11.12 Inverse Square Law 478 11.13 Luminous Intensity: Candela Measurements 480 11.14 Intensity Distribution Curves 480 LIGHT AND SIGHT 481 11.15 The Eye 481 11.16 Factors in Visual Acuity 482 11.17 Size of the Visual Object 484 11.18 Subjective Brightness 484 11.19 Contrast and Adaptation 485CONTENTS vii 11.20 Exposure Time 488 11.21 Secondary Task-Related Factors 488 11.22 Observer-Related Visibility Factors 489 11.23 The Aging Eye 490 QUANTITY OF LIGHT 491 11.24 Illuminance Levels 491 11.25 Illuminance Category 492 11.26 Illuminance Recommendations 493 QUALITY OF LIGHTING 497 11.27 Considerations of Lighting Quality 497 11.28 Direct (Discomfort) Glare 497 11.29 Veiling Reflections and Reflected Glare 500 11.30 Equivalent Spherical Illumination and Relative Visual Performance 506 11.31 Control of Reflected Glare 508 11.32 Luminance Ratios 512 11.33 Patterns of Luminance: Subjective Reactions to Lighting 512 FUNDAMENTALS OF COLOR 514 11.34 Color Temperature 514 11.35 Object Color 515 11.36 Reactions to Color 518 11.37 Chromaticity 518 11.38 Spectral Distribution of Light Sources 519 11.39 Color Rendering Index 522 CHAPTER 12 LIGHT SOURCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525 12.1 Basic Characteristics of Light Sources 525 12.2 Selecting an Appropriate Light Source 526 DAYLIGHT SOURCES 526 12.3 Characteristics of Daylight 526 12.4 Standard Overcast Sky 527 12.5 Clear Sky 529 12.6 Partly Cloudy Sky 530 ELECTRIC LIGHT SOURCES 531 INCANDESCENT LAMPS 531 12.7 The Incandescent Filament Lamp 531 12.8 Special Incandescent Lamps 535 12.9 Tungsten-Halogen (Quartz–Iodine) Lamps 536 12.10 Tungsten-Halogen Lamp Types 537 GASEOUS DISCHARGE LAMPS 540 12.11 Ballasts 540 FLUORESCENT LAMPS 543 12.12 Fluorescent Lamp Construction 543 12.13 Fluorescent Lamp Labels 546 12.14 Fluorescent Lamp Types 546 12.15 Characteristics of Fluorescent Lamp Operation 547 12.16 Federal Standards for Fluorescent Lamps 550 12.17 Special Fluorescent Lamps 550 12.18 Compact Fluorescent Lamps 551 HIGH-INTENSITY DISCHARGE LAMPS 552 12.19 Mercury Vapor Lamps 552 12.20 Metal-Halide Lamps 555 12.21 Sodium-Vapor Lamps 557 12.22 Low-Pressure Sodium Lamps 559 OTHER ELECTRIC LAMPS 559 12.23 Induction Lamps 559 12.24 Light-Emitting Diodes 560 12.25 Sulfur Lamps 561 12.26 Fiber Optics 561 CHAPTER 13 LIGHTING DESIGN PROCESS . . . . . . . . . . . . 563 13.1 General Information 563 13.2 Goals of Lighting Design 563 13.3 Lighting Design Procedure 564 13.4 Cost Factors 566 13.5 Power Budgets 566 13.6 Task Analysis 567 13.7 Energy Considerations 569 13.8 Preliminary Design 572 13.9 Illumination Methods 573 13.10 Types of Lighting Systems 573 13.11 Indirect Lighting 573 13.12 Semi-Indirect Lighting 575 13.13 Direct-Indirect and General Diffuse Lighting 576 13.14 Semi-Direct Lighting 576 13.15 Direct Lighting 576 13.16 Size and Pattern of Luminaires 580 13.17 Other Design Considerations 585viii CONTENTS CHAPTER 14 DAYLIGHTING DESIGN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587 14.1 The Daylighting Opportunity 588 14.2 Human Factors in Daylighting Design 589 14.3 Site Strategies for Daylighting Buildings 589 14.4 Aperture Strategies: Sidelighting 590 14.5 Aperture Strategies: Toplighting 594 14.6 Specialized Daylighting Strategies 594 14.7 Daylight Factor 598 14.8 Components of Daylight 598 14.9 Guidelines for Preliminary Daylighting Design 601 14.10 Design Analysis Methods 602 14.11 Daylighting Simulation Programs 617 14.12 Physical Modeling 621 14.13 Recapping Daylighting 623 14.14 Case Study—Daylighting Design 624 CHAPTER 15 ELECTRICAL LIGHTING DESIGN . . . . . . . . . . 629 LUMINAIRES 629 15.1 Design Considerations 629 15.2 Lighting Fixture Distribution Characteristics 630 15.3 Luminaire Light Control 632 15.4 Luminaire Diffusers 635 15.5 Uniformity of Illumination 638 15.6 Luminaire Mounting Height 645 15.7 Lighting Fixtures 646 15.8 Lighting Fixture Construction 646 15.9 Lighting Fixture Structural Support 647 15.10 Lighting Fixture Appraisal 647 15.11 Luminaire-Room System Efficiency: Coefficient of Utilization 648 15.12 Luminaire Efficacy Rating 648 LIGHTING CONTROL 649 15.13 Requirement for Lighting Control 649 15.14 Lighting Control: Switching 650 15.15 Lighting Control: Dimming 651 15.16 Lighting Control: Control Initiation 651 15.17 Lighting Control Strategy 654 DETAILED DESIGN PROCEDURES 660 15.18 Calculation of Average Illuminance 660 15.19 Calculation of Horizontal Illuminance by the Lumen (Flux) Method 661 15.20 Calculation of Light Loss Factor 661 15.21 Determination of the Coefficient of Utilization by the Zonal Cavity Method 663 15.22 Zonal Cavity Calculations: Illustrative Examples 665 15.23 Zonal Cavity Calculation by Approximation 670 15.24 Effect of Cavity Reflectances on Illuminance 672 15.25 Modular Lighting Design 673 15.26 Calculating Illuminance at a Point 673 15.27 Design Aids 674 15.28 Calculating Illuminance from a Point Source 676 15.29 Calculating Illuminance from Linear and Area Sources 678 15.30 Computer-Aided Lighting Design 678 15.31 Computer-Aided Lighting Design: Illustrative Example 678 15.32 Average Luminance Calculations 681 EVALUATION 688 15.33 Lighting Design Evaluation 688 CHAPTER 16 ELECTRIC LIGHTING APPLICATIONS . . . . . . . 689 16.1 Introduction 689 RESIDENTIAL OCCUPANCIES 689 16.2 Residential Lighting: General Information 689 16.3 Residential Lighting: Energy Issues 689 16.4 Residential Lighting Sources 690 16.5 Residential Lighting: Design Suggestions 690 16.6 Residential Lighting: Luminaires and Architectural Lighting Elements 691 16.7 Residential Lighting: Control 692 EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES 695 16.8 Institutional and Educational Buildings 695 16.9 General Classrooms 696 16.10 Special-Purpose Classrooms 698 16.11 Assembly Rooms, Auditoriums, and Multipurpose Spaces 698 16.12 Gymnasium Lighting 700CONTENTS ix 16.13 Lecture Hall Lighting 700 16.14 Laboratory Lighting 700 16.15 Library Lighting 701 16.16 Special Areas 702 16.17 Other Considerations in School Lighting 703 COMMERCIAL INTERIORS 703 16.18 Office Lighting: General Information 703 16.19 Lighting for Areas with Visual Display Terminals 704 16.20 Office Lighting Guidelines 709 16.21 Task-Ambient Office Lighting Design Using Ceiling-Mounted Units 712 16.22 Task-Ambient Office Lighting Using Furniture-Integrated Luminaires 712 16.23 Integrated and Modular Ceilings 713 16.24 Lighting and Air Conditioning 713 INDUSTRIAL LIGHTING 714 16.25 General Information 714 16.26 Levels and Sources 714 16.27 Industrial Luminance Ratios 715 16.28 Industrial Lighting Glare 715 16.29 Industrial Lighting Equipment 715 16.30 Vertical-Surface Illumination 716 SPECIAL LIGHTING APPLICATION TOPICS 716 16.31 Emergency Lighting 716 16.32 Floodlighting 721 16.33 Street Lighting 721 16.34 Light Pollution 721 16.35 Remote Source Lighting 723 16.36 Fiber-Optic Lighting 724 16.37 Fiber-Optic Terminology 725 16.38 Fiber-Optic Lighting—Arrangements and Applications 726 16.39 Hollow Light Guides 728 16.40 Prismatic Light Guides 729 16.41 Prismatic Film Light Guide 730 16.42 Remote-Source Standards and Nomenclature 734 PA RT I V A C O U S T I C S 7 3 7 CHAPTER 17 FUNDAMENTALS OF ARCHITECTURAL ACOUSTICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 739 17.1 Architectural Acoustics 739 17.2 Sound 740 17.3 Hearing 743 17.4 Sound Sources 748 17.5 Expressing Sound Magnitude 749 17.6 Noise 758 17.7 Vibration 765 CHAPTER 18 SOUND IN ENCLOSED SPACES . . . . . . . . . . . 767 18.1 Sound in Enclosures 767 ABSORPTION 767 18.2 Sound Absorption 767 18.3 Mechanics of Absorption 768 18.4 Absorptive Materials 770 18.5 Installation of Absorptive Materials 772 ROOM ACOUSTICS 773 18.6 Reverberation 773 18.7 Sound Fields in an Enclosed Space 775 18.8 Sound Power Level and Sound Pressure Level 775 18.9 Noise Reduction by Absorption 777 18.10 Noise Reduction Coefficient 780 ROOM DESIGN 782 18.11 Reverberation Criteria for Speech Rooms 782 18.12 Criteria for Music Performance 784 18.13 Sound Paths 785 18.14 Ray Diagrams 788 18.15 Auditorium Design 789 SOUND REINFORCEMENT SYSTEMS 792 18.16 Objectives and Criteria 792 18.17 Components and Specifications 793 18.18 Loudspeaker Considerations 795x CONTENTS CHAPTER 19 BUILDING NOISE CONTROL . . . . . . . . . . . . . 797 NOISE REDUCTION 797 ABSORPTION 797 19.1 The Role of Absorption 797 19.2 Panel and Cavity Resonators 798 19.3 Acoustically Transparent Surfaces 800 19.4 Absorption Recommendations 801 19.5 Characteristics of Absorptive Materials 801 SOUND ISOLATION 804 19.6 Airborne and Structure-Borne Sound 804 AIRBORNE SOUND 807 19.7 Transmission Loss and Noise Reduction 807 19.8 Barrier Mass 808 19.9 Stiffness and Resonance 808 19.10 Compound Barriers (Cavity Walls) 810 19.11 Sound Transmission Class 814 19.12 Composite Walls and Leaks 815 19.13 Doors and Windows 819 19.14 Diffraction: Barriers 822 19.15 Flanking 824 SPEECH PRIVACY 825 19.16 Principles of Speech Privacy between Enclosed Spaces 825 19.17 Sound Isolation Descriptors 827 19.18 Speech Privacy Design for Enclosed Spaces 829 19.19 Principles of Speech Privacy in Open-Area Offices 832 19.20 Open-Office Speech Privacy Levels and Descriptors 836 19.21 Design Recommendations for Speech Privacy in Open Offices 838 STRUCTURE-BORNE NOISE 841 19.22 Structure-Borne Impact Noise 841 19.23 Control of Impact Noise 842 19.24 Impact Insulation Class 843 MECHANICAL SYSTEM NOISE CONTROL 843 19.25 Mechanical Noise Sources 843 19.26 Quieting of Machines 844 19.27 Duct System Noise Reduction 845 19.28 Active Noise Cancellation 848 19.29 Piping System Noise Reduction 850 19.30 Electrical Equipment Noise 850 19.31 Noise Problems Due to Equipment Location 852 19.32 Sound Isolation Enclosures, Barriers, and Damping 852 STC AND IIC RECOMMENDATIONS AND CRITERIA 853 19.33 Multiple-Occupancy Residential STC/IIC Criteria 853 19.34 Specific Occupancies 854 OUTDOOR ACOUSTIC CONSIDERATIONS 857 19.35 Sound Power and Pressure Levels in Free Space (Outdoors) 857 19.36 Building Siting 857 REFERENCE MATERIAL 859 19.37 Glossary 859 19.38 Reference Standards 861 19.39 Units and Conversions 861 19.40 Symbols 862 PA RT V W AT E R A N D W A S T E 8 6 3 CHAPTER 20 Water and Basic Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 865 20.1 Water in Architecture 865 20.2 The Hydrologic Cycle 868 20.3 Basic Planning 870 20.4 Rainwater 876 20.5 Collection and Storage 878 20.6 Rainwater and Site Planning 883 20.7 Components 893 20.8 Case Study—Water and Basic Design 902 CHAPTER 21 Water Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 909 21.1 Water Quality 909 21.2 Filtration 913CONTENTS xi 21.3 Disinfection 915 21.4 Other Water Treatments 918 21.5 Water Sources 921 21.6 Hot Water Systems and Equipment 932 21.7 Fixtures and Water Conservation 959 21.8 Fixture Accessibility and Privacy 970 21.9 Water Distribution 974 21.10 Piping, Tubing, Fittings, and Controls 982 21.11 Sizing of Water Pipes 986 21.12 Irrigation 994 CHAPTER 22 LIQUID WASTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 999 22.1 Waterless Toilets and Urinals 999 22.2 Principles of Drainage 1005 22.3 Piping, Fittings, and Accessories 1008 22.4 Design of Residential Waste Piping 1015 22.5 Design of Larger-Building Waste Piping 1018 22.6 On-Site Individual Building Sewage Treatment 1029 22.7 On-Site Multiple-Building Sewage Treatment 1037 22.8 Larger-Scale Sewage Treatment Systems 1047 22.9 Recycling and Graywater 1055 22.10 Storm Water Treatment 1060 CHAPTER 23 SOLID WASTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1065 23.1 Waste and Resources 1065 23.2 Resource Recovery: Central or Local? 1070 23.3 Solid Waste in Small Buildings 1072 23.4 Solid Waste in Large Buildings 1074 23.5 Equipment for the Handling of Solid Waste 1077 23.6 The Service Core 1080 PA RT V I F I R E P R OT E C T I O N 1 0 8 3 CHAPTER 24 FIRE PROTECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1085 FIRE RESISTANCE, EGRESS, AND EXTINGUISHMENT 1085 24.1 Design for Fire Resistance 1085 24.2 Smoke Control 1097 24.3 Water for Fire Suppression 1102 24.4 Other Fire-Mitigating Methods 1123 24.5 Lightning Protection 1129 FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS 1133 24.6 General Considerations 1133 24.7 Fire Codes, Authorities, and Standards 1134 24.8 Fire Alarm Definitions and Terms 1136 24.9 Types of Fire Alarm Systems 1137 24.10 Circuit Supervision 1139 24.11 Conventional Systems 1139 24.12 System Coding 1140 24.13 Signal Processing 1142 24.14 Addressable Fire Alarm Systems 1142 24.15 Addressable Analog (Intelligent) Systems 1143 24.16 Automatic Fire Detection: Incipient Stage 1143 24.17 Automatic Fire Detection: Smoldering Stage 1145 24.18 Automatic Fire Detection: Flame Stage 1149 24.19 Automatic Fire Detection: Heat Stage 1150 24.20 Special Types of Fire Detectors 1153 24.21 False Alarm Mitigation 1153 24.22 Manual Stations 1155 24.23 Sprinkler Alarms 1156 24.24 Audible and Visual Alarm Devices 1156 24.25 General Recommendations 1157 24.26 Residential Fire Alarm Basics 1157 24.27 Multiple-Dwelling Alarm Systems 1158 24.28 Commercial and Institutional Building Alarm Systems 1158 24.29 High-Rise Office Building Fire Alarm Systems 1159 24.30 Industrial Facilities 1161xii CONTENTS PA RT V I I E L E C T R I C I T Y 1163 CHAPTER 25 PRINCIPLES OF ELECTRICITY . . . . . . . . . . . 1165 25.1 Electric Energy 1165 25.2 Unit of Electric Current—the Ampere 1165 25.3 Unit of Electric Potential—the Volt 1166 25.4 Unit of Electric Resistance—the Ohm 1166 25.5 Ohm’s Law 1167 25.6 Circuit Arrangements 1167 25.7 Direct Current and Alternating Current 1170 25.8 Electric Power Generation—DC 1170 25.9 Electric Power Generation—AC 1171 25.10 Power and Energy 1171 25.11 Power in Electric Circuits 1172 25.12 Energy in Electric Circuits 1174 25.13 Electric Demand Charges 1175 25.14 Electric Demand Control 1177 25.15 Electrical Measurements 1180 CHAPTER 26 ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS AND MATERIALS: SERVICE AND UTILIZATION . . . . . . . . . . . . 1185 26.1 Electric Service 1185 26.2 Overhead Service 1186 26.3 Underground Service 1186 26.4 Underground Wiring 1186 26.5 Service Equipment 1189 26.6 Transformers 1189 26.7 Transformers Outdoors 1192 26.8 Transformers Indoors: Heat Loss 1193 26.9 Transformers Indoors: Selection 1193 26.10 Transformer Vaults 1194 26.11 Service Equipment Arrangements and Metering 1195 26.12 Service Switches 1195 26.13 Switches 1197 26.14 Contactors 1199 26.15 Special Switches 1199 26.16 Solid-State Switches, Programmable Switches, Microprocessors, and Programmable Controllers 1201 26.17 Equipment Enclosures 1203 26.18 Circuit-Protective Devices 1204 26.19 Switchboards and Switchgear 1206 26.20 Unit Substations (Transformer Load Centers) 1207 26.21 Panelboards 1210 26.22 Principles of Electric Load Control 1211 26.23 Intelligent Panelboards 1212 26.24 Electric Motors 1215 26.25 Motor Control Standards 1216 26.26 Motor Control 1216 26.27 Motor Control Equipment 1218 26.28 Wiring Devices: General Description 1219 26.29 Wiring Devices: Receptacles 1221 26.30 Wiring Devices: Switches 1223 26.31 Wiring Devices: Specialties 1224 26.32 Low-Voltage Switching 1224 26.33 Wireless Switching and Control 1228 26.34 Power Line Carrier Systems 1228 26.35 Power Conditioning 1231 26.36 Power-Conditioning Equipment 1232 26.37 Surge Suppression 1233 26.38 Uninterruptible Power Supply 1239 26.39 Emergency/Standby Power Equipment 1242 26.40 System Inspection 1244 CHAPTER 27 ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS AND MATERIALS: WIRING AND RACEWAYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1245 27.1 System Components 1245 27.2 National Electrical Code 1245 27.3 Economic and Environmental Considerations 1246 27.4 Electrical Equipment Ratings 1248 27.5 Interior Wiring Systems 1248 27.6 Conductors 1249 27.7 Conductor Ampacity 1249 27.8 Conductor Insulation and Jackets 1250 27.9 Copper and Aluminum Conductors 1250 27.10 Flexible Armored Cable 1252 27.11 Nonmetallic Sheathed Cable (Romex) 1252 27.12 Conductors for General Wiring 1253 27.13 Special Cable Types 1253 27.14 Busway/Busduct/Cablebus 1253 27.15 Light-Duty Busway, Flat-Cable Assemblies, and Lighting Track 1256CONTENTS xiii 27.16 Cable Tray 1258 27.17 Design Considerations for Raceway Systems 1258 27.18 Steel Conduit 1259 27.19 Aluminum Conduit 1262 27.20 Flexible Metal Conduit 1262 27.21 Nonmetallic Conduit 1262 27.22 Surface Metal Raceways (Metallic and Nonmetallic) 1263 27.23 Outlet and Device Boxes 1263 27.24 Floor Raceways 1265 27.25 Underfloor Duct 1266 27.26 Cellular Metal Floor Raceway 1270 27.27 Precast Cellular Concrete Floor Raceways 1270 27.28 Full-Access Floor 1271 27.29 Under-Carpet Wiring System 1272 27.30 Ceiling Raceways and Manufactured Wiring Systems 1275 CHAPTER 28 ELECTRIC WIRING DESIGN . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1281 28.1 General Considerations 1281 28.2 Load Estimating 1283 28.3 System Voltage 1286 28.4 Grounding and Ground-Fault Protection 1291 28.5 Energy Conservation Considerations 1294 28.6 Electrical Wiring Design Procedure 1295 28.7 Electrical Equipment Spaces 1296 28.8 Electrical Closets 1299 28.9 Equipment Layout 1300 28.10 Application of Overcurrent Equipment 1300 28.11 Branch Circuit Design 1304 28.12 Branch Circuit Design Guidelines: Residential 1307 28.13 Branch Circuit Design Guidelines: Nonresidential 1309 28.14 Load Tabulation 1315 28.15 Spare Capacity 1317 28.16 Feeder Capacity 1317 28.17 Panel Feeder Load Calculation 1320 28.18 Harmonic Currents 1322 28.19 Riser Diagrams 1323 28.20 Service Equipment and Switchboard Design 1324 28.21 Emergency Systems 1325 CHAPTER 29 PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1329 29.1 A Context for Photovoltaics 1329 29.2 Terminology and Definitions 1331 29.3 PV Cells 1331 29.4 PV Arrays 1333 29.5 PV System Types and Applications 1334 29.6 PV System Batteries 1338 29.7 Balance of System 1339 29.8 Design of a Stand-Alone PV System 1340 29.9 Design of a Grid-Connected PV System 1343 29.10 Codes and Standards 1346 29.11 PV Installations 1347 29.12 Case Study—PV 1349 PA RT V I I I S I G N A L S YS T E M S 1 3 5 3 CHAPTER 30 Signal Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1355 30.1 Introduction 1355 30.2 Principles of Intrusion Detection 1355 PRIVATE RESIDENTIAL SYSTEMS 1358 30.3 General Information 1358 30.4 Residential Intrusion Alarm Systems 1361 30.5 Residential Intercom Systems 1361 30.6 Residential Telecommunication and Data Systems 1361 30.7 Premise Wiring 1362 MULTIPLE-DWELLING SYSTEMS 1363 30.8 Multiple-Dwelling Entry and Security Systems 1363 30.9 Multiple-Dwelling Television Systems 1364 30.10 Multiple-Dwelling Telephone Systems 1364 30.11 Hotels and Motels 1365 SCHOOL SYSTEMS 1366 30.12 General Information 1366 30.13 School Security Systems 1366xiv CONTENTS 30.14 School Clock and Program Systems 1367 30.15 School Intercom Systems 1368 30.16 School Sound Systems 1369 30.17 School Electronic Teaching Equipment 1370 OFFICE BUILDING SYSTEMS 1371 30.18 General Information 1371 30.19 Office Building Security Systems 1371 30.20 Office Building Communications Systems 1372 30.21 Office Building Communications Planning 1373 30.22 Office Building Control and Automation Systems 1375 INDUSTRIAL BUILDING SYSTEMS 1375 30.23 General Information 1375 30.24 Industrial Building Personnel Access Control 1376 30.25 Industrial Building Sound and Paging Systems 1378 AUTOMATION 1380 30.26 General Information 1380 30.27 Stand-Alone Lighting Control Systems 1381 30.28 Building Automation Systems 1382 30.29 Glossary of Computer and Control Terminology 1383 30.30 BAS Arrangement 1384 30.31 Intelligent Buildings 1388 30.32 Intelligent Residences 1389 PA RT I X T R A N S P O RTAT I O N 1 3 9 1 CHAPTER 31 VERTICAL TRANSPORTATION: PASSENGER ELEVATORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1393 GENERAL INFORMATION 1393 31.1 Introduction 1393 31.2 Passenger Elevators 1393 31.3 Codes and Standards 1394 TRACTION ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT 1394 31.4 Principal Components 1394 31.5 Gearless Traction Machines 1396 31.6 Geared Traction Machines 1397 31.7 Arrangement of Elevator Machines, Sheaves, and Ropes 1397 31.8 Safety Devices 1398 HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS 1398 31.9 Conventional Plunger-Type Hydraulic Elevators 1398 31.10 Hole-Less Hydraulic Elevators 1401 31.11 Roped Hydraulic Elevators 1401 PASSENGER INTERACTION ISSUES 1403 31.12 Elevator Doors 1403 31.13 Cars and Signals 1407 31.14 Requirements for the Disabled 1408 ELEVATOR CAR CONTROL 1408 31.15 Drive Control 1408 31.16 Thyristor Control, AC and DC 1412 31.17 Variable-Voltage DC Motor Control 1414 31.18 Variable-Voltage, Variable-Frequency AC Motor Control 1414 31.19 Elevator Operating Control 1415 31.20 System Control Requirements 1415 31.21 Single Automatic Pushbutton Control 1415 31.22 Collective Control 1415 31.23 Selective Collective Operation 1416 31.24 Computerized System Control 1416 31.25 Rehabilitation Work: Performance Prediction 1417 31.26 Lobby Elevator Panel 1418 31.27 Car Operating Panel 1419 ELEVATOR SELECTION 1420 31.28 General Considerations 1420 31.29 Definitions 1420 31.30 Interval or Lobby Dispatch Time and Average Lobby Waiting Time 1421CONTENTS xv 31.31 Handling Capacity 1421 31.32 Travel Time or Average Trip Time 1422 31.33 Round-Trip Time 1423 31.34 System Relationships 1431 31.35 Car Speed 1431 31.36 Single-Zone Systems 1432 31.37 Multizone Systems 1434 31.38 Elevator Selection for Specific Occupancies 1435 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES AND SPATIAL REQUIREMENTS OF ELEVATORS 1437 31.39 Shafts and Lobbies 1437 31.40 Dimensions and Weights 1437 31.41 Structural Stresses 1440 POWER AND ENERGY 1443 31.42 Power Requirements 1443 31.43 Energy Requirements 1444 31.44 Energy Conservation 1445 31.45 Emergency Power 1446 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS 1446 31.46 Fire Safety 1446 31.47 Elevator Security 1447 31.48 Elevator Noise 1447 31.49 Elevator Specifications 1448 31.50 Innovative Equipment 1451 CHAPTER 32 VERTICAL TRANSPORTATION: SPECIAL TOPICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1453 SPECIAL SHAFT ARRANGEMENTS 1453 32.1 Sky Lobby Elevator System 1453 32.2 Double-Deck Elevators 1454 FREIGHT ELEVATORS 1454 32.3 General Information 1454 32.4 Freight Car Capacity 1455 32.5 Freight Elevator Description 1456 32.6 Freight Elevator Cars, Gates, and Doors 1456 32.7 Freight Elevator Cost Data 1456 SPECIAL ELEVATOR DESIGNS 1458 32.8 Observation Cars 1458 32.9 Inclined Elevators 1460 32.10 Rack and Pinion Elevators 1462 32.11 Residential Elevators and Chair Lifts 1463 32.12 Innovative Motor Drives 1467 MATERIAL HANDLING 1467 32.13 General Information 1467 32.14 Manual Load/Unload Dumbwaiters 1468 32.15 Automated Dumbwaiters 1468 32.16 Horizontal Conveyors 1468 32.17 Selective Vertical Conveyors 1468 32.18 Pneumatic Tubes 1468 32.19 Pneumatic Trash and Linen Systems 1473 32.20 Automated Container Delivery Systems 1473 32.21 Automated Self-Propelled Vehicles 1474 32.22 Materials Handling Summary 1474 CHAPTER 33 MOVING STAIRWAYS AND WALKS . . . . . . . 1477 MOVING ELECTRIC STAIRWAYS 1477 33.1 General Information 1477 33.2 Parallel and Crisscross Arrangements 1477 33.3 Location 1480 33.4 Size, Speed, Capacity, and Rise 1483 33.5 Components 1484 33.6 Safety Features 1485 33.7 Fire Protection 1486 33.8 Lighting 1489 33.9 Escalator Applications 1489 33.10 Elevators and Escalators 1490 33.11 Electric Power Requirements 1490 33.12 Special-Design Escalators 1491 33.13 Preliminary Design Data and Installation Drawings 1491 33.14 Budget Estimating for Escalators 1492 MOVING WALKS AND RAMPS 1492 33.15 General Information 1492 33.16 Application of Moving Walks 1492 33.17 Application of Moving Ramps 1493 33.18 Size, Capacity, and Speed 1493 33.19 Components 1494xvi CONTENTS PA RT X A P P E N D I C E S 1 4 9 7 APPENDIX A Metrication, SI Units, and Conversions 1499 APPENDIX B Climatic Conditions for the United States, Canada, and Mexico 1505 APPENDIX C Solar and Daylighting Design Data 1531 APPENDIX D Solar Geometry 1577 APPENDIX E Thermal Properties of Materials and Assemblies 1591 APPENDIX F Heating and Cooling Design Guidelines and Information 1645 APPENDIX G Standards/Guidelines for Energy- and Resource-Efficient Building Design 1665 APPENDIX H Annual Solar Performance 1669 APPENDIX I Economic Analysis 1701 APPENDIX J Lamp Data 1707 APPENDIX K Sound Transmission Data for Walls 1711 APPENDIX L Sound Transmission and Impact Insulation Data for Floor/Ceiling Constructions 1723 APPENDIX M Design Analysis Software 1733 I n d e x 1 7 3 7
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عدد المساهمات : 19027 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
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عدد المساهمات : 2041 تاريخ التسجيل : 21/01/2012
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عدد المساهمات : 394 تاريخ التسجيل : 07/10/2012
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عدد المساهمات : 2041 تاريخ التسجيل : 21/01/2012
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