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| موضوع: كتاب Machine Tools - An Industry 4.0 Perspective الجمعة 20 يناير 2023, 2:22 pm | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Machine Tools - An Industry 4.0 Perspective Edited by Wasim Ahmed Khan, Khalid Rahman, Ghulam Hussain, Ghulam Abbas and Wang Xiaoping
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents Foreword .ix Preface .xi About the Editors . xiii Contributors .xv Chapter 1 Promoting Enterprises of Functional Reverse Engineering through Design Thinking: Engineers’ and Marketers’ Perspective .1 Cedric Aimal Edwin Chapter 2 Everything You Need to Know about Intelligent Manufacturing: Industry 4.0 19 Ali Akbar Shah, B. S. Chowdhry, Tanweer Hussain, Kashif Nisar, Muhammad Zakir Shaikh and Saifullah Samo Chapter 3 Security at the Internet of Things 31 Yousaf Ali, Syed Waqar Shah and Wasim A. Khan Chapter 4 Internet of Things Advancements and Challenges in Manufacturing Industries . 49 S. S. Farooq, Muhammad F. Shah, Muhammad S. Sahar, Ghias M. Khan, Zareena Kausar and Muhammad U. Farooq Chapter 5 Internet of Things-Enabled 3D Printer 57 G. Hussain, Abid Imran, Salman Amin, Wasim A. Khan, K. Rehman, G. Abbas, Ali Alvi, Ahmed Murtaza, Daniyal Akram and Roshan Rehman Chapter 6 Collaborative Robot with Collision Avoidance System .65 Ijlal Ullah Khan, Muhammad Umair Shafq, Abid Imran, Arsalan Arif and Wasim Ahmed Khan Chapter 7 Design, Manufacturing and Sustainability Analysis of Textile Spinning Machine 81 G. Hussain, Wasim A. Khan, K. Rehman, G. Abbas, Muhammad S. Khan, Muhammad S. Qaiser, Muhammad U. Kaimkhani, Sayed Qaisar Hussain, Syed Essa Rasan and Ulfat Hussainviii Contents Chapter 8 An Introduction to Additive Manufacturing (AM) of Metals and Its Trends in Wire-Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) Simulations . 103 Rameez Israr and Johannes Buhl Chapter 9 Additive Manufacturing Based Rapid Tooling 115 Syed Waqar Ahmed, Khurram Altaf, G. Hussain, Junaid Qayyum and Adeel Tariq Chapter 10 Process Design for Hot Forging via Finite Element Analysis Considering Reverse Engineering . 137 Omar Youssef, Cuneyt Boz and Volkan Esat Chapter 11 Milling Path Planning of Glasses Lens Edge Based on Dynamic Gaussian Smoothing . 163 Hao Liu, Shuhao Xu and Zhengyin Chen Chapter 12 MATLAB Simulation of Various Sliding Mode Control Techniques for Practical Applications 179 Ali Nasir Index 203 ix Forewor Index 3D CAD system (SolidWorks), 145 3D modelling, 23 3D printers, 49 IoT based, 57–58 methodology, 58–59 network architecture, 59–62 testing and results, 62–64 3D printing (3DP), 7, 104, 116, see also additive manufacturing (AM) 4G technology, 33 5G technology, 33 360-degree marketing campaign, 17 A A* algorithm, 66, 77 abrasion, 141 ABS, see acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), 117, 121, 123–124 active x scripts, 45 actuators, in IoT, 38, 51 adaptive meshing, 151, 154 adaptive remeshing, 146 additive fabrication, see additive manufacturing (AM) additive manufacturing (AM), 27, 103–105 based rapid tooling, 115–130 in WAAM simulations, 103–111 adhesion, 141 AI, see artifcial intelligence (AI) Airbnb, 11 Alibaba, 11 Alps Electric, 52 AM, see additive manufacturing (AM) Amazon, 11 Robotics, 66 Simple Storage Service (S3), 58, 62 ANSYS, 23, 78, 145 ant-colony algorithm, 51 Apple, 3, 15 application layer, of IoT, 34, 44–47 AR, see augmented reality (AR) Archard’s wear equation, 142 Arduino, 94 artifcial intelligence (AI), 32, 51, 66 artifcial neural network, 51 Astroprint, 59 augmented reality (AR), 27 authentication, 45 mass node, 41 network security, 39 authorization, 40 autobot, 76 AutoCAD, 173–174 automation, 20, 28, 54 automobile industry, 21 availability, 39 axisymmetric modelling, 148 B BC Machining Company, 52 blogs, 13 brainstorming, 12 B-spline curve, 164–165 buyer personas, 11 C CAD, see computer aided drawing (CAD) CAM, see computer aided manufacturing (CAM) CAPP, see computer aided process planning (CAPP) carbon emissions, 97–98 case studies, 16 CATIA, 145 CEITEC, see National Center for Advanced Electronics Technology (CEITEC) chattering, 179–180 chief marketing offcers (CMOs), 8 CIM, see computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) clay models, 7 cloud audit, 44 cloud computing, 26, 32, 52 cloud security, 44 Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), 43 clustering (ideating), 17 CMOs, see chief marketing offcers (CMOs) CNC machines, 7, 50, 128, 165 COBOT, see collaborative robot (COBOT) Cold Work with Rigid Punch and Die model, 148–149 collaborative robot (COBOT), 65–66 background and motivation, 66 CAD model of, 73 design and simulation analysis, 72–75 environmental impact, 76–77 hazard identifcation and safety measures, 77 impact and economic analysis, 76–77 kinematic modeling and motor torque calculation, 67–72 literature review, 66–67204 Index MSc Adams, 75 path planning, 77–78 social impact, 76 sustainability analysis, 76 communications, 9, 24, 53 computer aided drawing (CAD), 50, 58 computer aided manufacturing (CAM), 50 computer aided process planning (CAPP), 50 computer integrated manufacturing (CIM), 50 conferences, 15 continuous service, during natural calamity, 44 contour equidistance, 166–170 copper plating, 129–130 Coulomb’s friction model, 152 CPS, see cyber physical system (CPS) crazy eights, 3 creativity, 8, 9, 11–12, 16 Crump, Scott, 117 CSA, see Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) CSS, see curvature scale space (CSS) curvature scale space (CSS), 165 customer feedback, 21 customer journey mapping, 3 cutting–edge technologies, 20 cyber physical system (CPS), 25, 32 cyber security (computer security), 25–26, 39–40 D data, 22–23, 41, 45, 54 DED, see direct energy deposition (DED) defning, (user needs and problems), 4, 6, 17 Dell, 13 demos, 14–15 de-noising, 164 designing prototypes, 7 and simulation analysis, 72–75 Design Sprints concept, 12 design thinking end-user frst approach to problem solving, 10–11 fare and concentrate, 12 and FRE, 2–3 freeing artistic genius, 11–12 phases of, 3–8 popularity, 3 understand and keep going from studies, 12–16 die failure modes, 141–143 die wear, 141 Digital Revolution (Industry 3.0), 21 digital twin model, 23, 52 Dijkstra algorithm, 66 direct energy deposition (DED), 105, 106 direct smoothing method, 164 disaster recovery (DR), 26 disruptive innovation, 8–9 DR, see disaster recovery (DR) drafts, 7 drop forging, 140 dynamic Gaussian smoothing, 163–166, 171–172 background knowledge, 166 contour equidistance and, 166–172 experiment and discussion, 172–177 E Easy Robotics, 66 eavesdropping attack, 42 EESC, see European Economic Social Committee (EESC) effciency, 6, 54, 57, 84, 107 ELD, see electro-less deposition (ELD) electrical actuators, 38 electricity consumption, 97 electro-less deposition (ELD), 129 electro-less plating, 129–130 electron beam freeform fabrication, 105 electroplating, 129 emails, 13 empathetic reverse engineering, 5 empathy (with users), 4–5, 11, 17 end-user frst approach, 10–11 energy management, in IoT, 35 energy smoothing method, 164 enhancement, of RT, 118–128 European Economic Social Committee (EESC), 28 events, 15 exterior angle bisector equidistant method, 173–175 F face-to-face interaction, 15 facial recognition, 14 farming, in IoT, 35 fatigue failure, 143 fault detection data acquisition, 23 in IIoT, 25 FDM, see fused deposition modeling (FDM) FEA, see fnite element analysis (FEA) FEM, see fnite element method (FEM) fnite element, 145 fnite element analysis (FEA), 23 assumptions and limitations in metal forming, 147–148 modelling, 146–147 fnite element method (FEM), 108 fre detection sensors, 36 First Industrial Revolution, 20Index 205 fve-act interviews, 3 fash forging, 140 fashless forging, 140 fexible manufacturing systems (FMSs), 50 FMSs, see fexible manufacturing systems (FMSs) force calculation, 69–70 Ford, Henry, 20–21 forging, 140–141 frequency, 151 FRE, see functional reverse engineering (FRE) friction, 144 functional reverse engineering (FRE), 2–3, 82–83 fused deposition modeling (FDM), 27, 115–116, 117–118 G gas metal arc welding (GMAW), 107 gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), 107 Gauss smooth curve, 165 Gauss smoothing method, 165, 170 GE, see General Electric (GE) General Electric (GE), 3, 14, 35 genetic algorithm, 51 glasses, 163 global adaptive meshing, 151, 154 GMAW, see gas metal arc welding (GMAW) Google, 3 GTAW, see gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) Guangdong Chigo Air Conditioning Co., Ltd., 52 gyroscopes, 37 H Hasso-Plattner Design Institute at Stanford University, 4 Hausdorff distance, 177 HCI, see human computer interface (HCI) HCM, see hot cutter machining (HCM) healthcare, in IoT, 35–36 heat maps, 3 heterogeneity problem, 42 higher order sliding mode control, 185–187 HMI, 54 Hollomon’s law, 148 hot cutter machining (HCM), 121 hot forging, 140–141 assumptions and limitations of FEA in metal forming, 147–148 die failure modes, 141–143 fnite element analysis, 146–147 fundamental problems and developed models, 148–154 process parameters, 140–141, 143–144 results and discussion, 155–159 reverse engineering, 145 sensitivity analysis, 154 Hot Forging of Complex Workpiece model, 152–154 Hot Work with Deformable Punch and Die model, 150–152 Hot Work with Rigid Punch and Die model, 149–150 human computer interface (HCI), 25 hydraulic actuators, 38 I ideas(ideation), 4, 6–7, 17 IHTC, see interface heat transfer coeffcient (IHTC) IIoT, see Industrial IoT (IIoT) immediate options, 151 impact and economic analysis, 76–77 impression die forging, 140 Industrial IoT (IIoT), 24–25 Industrial Revolution, 20–28 Industry 4.0 additive manufacturing, 27 augmented reality (AR), 27 cloud computing, 26 cyber security, 25–26 data acquisition, 22–23 industrial IoT, 24–25 robots, 23 simulation, 23–24 system communication, 24 vs. conventional industry, 28 WSN applications, 25 Industry 5.0, 28 informed decisions, 52 infrared sensors, 36 innovation, 6–9, 14, 17, 66 integrity, 40 interface heat transfer coeffcient (IHTC), 158–159 internet, 21, 57–58 Internet of Things (IoT), 24–25, 32, 49–50 actuators, 38 application layer, 34, 44–47 architecture, 34, 37 based smart manufacturing, 52–53 challenges for manufacturing industry, 53–54 enabled 3D printer, 57–64 energy management, 35 in farming, 35 in healthcare, 35–36 in manufacturing industries, 51–52 network layer, 34, 42–43 perceptual layer, 33–34, 41–42 security attacks, 40–45 sensors in application, 36–38 Smart Homes, 35 Smart Industries, 35 support layer, 34, 43–44 WBANs, 35–36L 206 Index “Introduction to Apple Pay”, 15 IoT, see Internet of Things (IoT) isothermal forging, 141 iterative convergence analysis, 175–176 J journey maps, 11 K kinematic modeling, and analysis, 67–69 Kiva Amazon, 66 Kiwibot, 66 Lagrangian method, 151–152 laminated object manufacturing (LOM), 104 LAN, see local area network (LAN) laser cutters, 7 laser metal deposition (LMD), 104 layer manufacturing, see additive manufacturing (AM) lens edge processing, 164, 166, 169 level sensor, 38 lightening decision jams, 3 LMD, see laser metal deposition (LMD) local area network (LAN), 60 LOM, see laminated object manufacturing (LOM) Loncin Motor Co., Ltd., 52 LS-Dyna software, 109, 111 M machine learning, 66 machine-to-machine communication, 21 Machine Tool Coordinate System, 166–167 magnetic actuators, 38 malicious code injection, 42 malwares attack, 45 MANETs, see mobile ad hoc network (MANETs) marketers, 8–9 mass manufacturing, 20–21 mass node authentication, 41 material selection, 72 MATLAB, 179 Matlab2014a, 172 mechanical actuators, 38 mechanical fatigue, 143 mechanization, 57 Mei system, 164 metal injection molding (MIM), 115, 122, 128 metal plating, 128 MIM, see metal injection molding (MIM) mobile ad hoc network (MANETs), 34 moisture sensors, 36, 37 motion sensors, 36 MSc Adams, 75 MSC Marc, 147, 152, 159 multi-resolution method, 164 N National Center for Advanced Electronics Technology (CEITEC), 53 natural disasters, 44 NERD, see no effort rapid development (NERD) network congestion problems, 42 network layer, of IoT, 34, 42–43, 45–46 network security, 39–40 newsletter, 13 nickel-tungsten plating, 129 nodes tempering, 41 no effort rapid development (NERD), 54 non-shrinking Gaussian smoothing method, 170–171 NURBS method, 164 nylon, 121 O OctoPrint, 58–61 OMA data fle, 164, 166 open die forging, 140, 147 optimization, 51, 84, 100, 119, 145, 164 OSI reference model, 33 Otto Motors, 66 P Pakistan, 66 Palladium, 130 part geometry, 120 particle swarm optimization, 51 path planning, 77–78 PAW, see plasma arc welding (PAW) perceptual layer, of IoT, 33–34, 41–42, 45 phishing attacks, 45 physical damage, 41 PLA, see poly lactic acid (PLA) plasma arc welding (PAW), 107 plastic deformation, 146 PLCs, see programmable logic controllers (PLCs) pneumatic actuators, 38 Poisson’s ratio, 146, 148 Polyether Imide (Ultem 9085), 126 poly lactic acid (PLA), 117 portability, 44 post-release promotional strategies, 15–16 powder bed fusion process, 105–106 power consumption, 70–71 precision forging, 140Index 207 pre-release promotional strategies, 13–14 presentation, 13–14 press releases, 15 pressure sensors, 37 problem-solving, 5, 10–11 process parameters, 118–121, 143–144 product life cycle additive manufacturing, 27 augmented reality (AR), 27 cloud computing, 26 cyber security, 25–26 of data acquisition, 23 industrial IoT (IIoT), 24–25 management, 16 robots, 23 simulation, 23–24 system communication, 24 programmable logic controllers (PLCs), 20, 51 promoters, 9–11 promotional strategies, 6 post-release, 15–16 pre-release, 13–14 release, 14–15 for SMEs, 10–16 prototyping, 4, 7, 17 proximity sensor, 37 Q quality checking, 51 R radio frequency identifcation (RFID) , 43, 52 rapid tooling (RT) composition enhancement, 121–128 fused deposition modeling, 117–118 parameter’s enhancement, 118–121 polymer-ceramic composites, 122–123 polymer-metal composites, 123–124 polymer-polymer composites, 124–128 surface enhancement through metal plating, 128–130 Raspberry Pi, 58–59 raster speed, 120 referral marketing, 16 refnement, 12 release promotional strategies, 14–15 remote telemetry units, 20 reverse engineering, 2, 5, 145 reviews, 15–16 RevWorks reverse engineering, 145 RFID, see Radio frequency identifcation (RFID) ring spinning, 83–84 robots, 23, 51 rougher surfaces, 142 routing, 34 routing attacks, 42 RT, see rapid tooling (RT) RT polymers, 117 S satellite communication, 34 SCADA systems, see supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems SCAP, see Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) Sciences of the Artifcial, The (Simon), 4 SEBS, 125 security, at IoT applications, 35–38 attacks, 40–45 layers, 33–34 networks, 39–40 requirements, 45–47 Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP), 43 selective laser sintering (SLS), 104 self-learning algorithms, 26 sensors, in IoT application, 36–38 sensory communications, 24 service denial, 43 shape deposition manufacturing (SLS), 105 side channel attack, 41 Simon, Herbert, 4 simulation, 23–24 sleep deprivation, 11 SLG, see stereolithography (SLG) sliding mode control basics, 180–184 higher order with optimal reaching, 185–187 super-twisting, 190–192 terminal, 187–190 SLS, see selective laser sintering (SLS) SLT fle, 58, 60 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), 10 smart factories, 52, 54 Smart Homes, 35 smart industries, 32, 35 smart manufacturing, 51 SMEs, see small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) smoothing, 164, 176–177 social proof, 16 SolidWorks, 72, 78, 145 solutions, 3, 7 South Korea, 52 spinning machine, 81–83, 85 bottom rollers, 89 complete cost breakdown, 99 components of, 90–93 cost analysis, 98–99 cost optimization, 100208 Index drafting system, 89 electrical design, 93–94 environmental impact, 97 governing equations, 86–88 hourly operational cost, 99 literature review and research gap, 83–85 mechanical design, 88–93 objectives, 85 one-time cost, 99 physical model development, 94–96 ring-types, 90–91 schematic of, 86 social sustainability, 96–97 top rollers, 89 working principle of, 92 spline function ftting method, 164 stainless steel, 76–77 standalone connectivity, 26 Stanford school, see Hasso-Plattner Design Institute at Stanford University steam engines, 20, 57 steam-powered machinery, 20 stereolithography (SLG), 104 storyboarding, 3 strain rate, 144 stress, 11 Stribeck curve, 144 super-twisting sliding mode control, 190–192 supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, 51 support layer, of IoT, 34, 43–44, 46 Sweden, 52 sybil attack, 43 system communication, 24 T Taubin smoothing principle, 165, 170 TCG, see Trusted Computing Group (TCG) telecommunications, 21 temperature and thermal events, 144 temperature sensors, 36 tenants data security, 44 terminal sliding mode control, 187–190 Tesla, 14 testimonials, 15 testing, 4, 7–8 thermal conductivity, 146 thermal fatigue, 143 thermo-tropic liquid crystalline polymers (TLCP), 126 Thorp, John, 83 TLCP, see thermo-tropic liquid crystalline polymers (TLCP) torque calculations, 71–72 trade expos, 14 trade shows, 15 Tresca’s model, 152 Trusted Computing Group (TCG), 43 tutorials, 15 U Uber, 11 ultimate tensile strength (UTS), 122–123 unsupervised learning, 25 user needs, 6 UTS, see ultimate tensile strength (UTS) V videos, 14–16 virtualization, of security, 44 Vision Authentise, 59 von Mises stress, 154, 156–157 W WAAM simulations, see wire-arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) simulations WBANs, 35–36, 43 wear, 141 weight property index (WPI) method, 72 Wi-Fi technology, 34 wire-arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) simulations, 103–111 boundary conditions, 110–111 element activation, 109–110 modeling procedure, 108–109 moving heat source, 109 potential outcomes of AM simulations, 111 wire-based deposition process, 106–107 wireless body sensors, 38 wireless sensor network (WSN), 52 applications, 25 jamming attack in, 43 workability, 144 World Wide Web, 57–58 WPI method, see weight property index (WPI) method WSN, see wireless sensor network (WSN) Y Young’s modulus, 146, 148
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