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عدد المساهمات : 19027 التقييم : 35581 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Machine Tool Design and Research Conference الجمعة 23 ديسمبر 2022, 1:35 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Machine Tool Design and Research Conference Edited by S. A. TOBIAS Chance Professor and Head ofDepartment Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Birmingham and F. KOENIGSBERGER Professor of Machine Tool Engineering University of Manchester Institute ofScience and Technology
و المحتوى كما يلي :
CONTENTS OPENING SESSION Opening address. J. W. ATWELL GROUP TECHNOLOGY AND CELLULAR MANUFACTURE Group technology developments and modes of application. W. EVERSHEIM and M. Page 1 MIESE 7 Total company appraisal for group technology. K. RATHMILL, P. BRUNN and R. LEONARD 19 Batch size selection for group technology. K. RATHMILL, P. BRUNN and R. LEONARD 29 The interaction ofNC and GT. F. W. CRAYEN 37 Some organizational aspects of cellular manufacture based on computer simulation. D. ATHERSMITH and J. R. CROOKALL 45 CNC AND DNC BCLCNC-a computer numerical control system. N. AKGERMAN 57 Closed loop positioning control for a DNC-milling machine. A. M. LOSS and J. FRISCH 63 Adaptive control constraint and automatic cut distribution system for turning operations. E. GIESEKE 71 The improvement in accuracy of high precision machine tools by means of adaptive control. I. WASIUKIEWICZ 79 The machining-centre concept; an analysis of a tool-changing manufacturing system. J. R. CROOKALL and A. T. M. JAMIL 89 The NEL/MTIRA technological forecast for the computer control of machine tools. B. DAVIES, J. W. BRUCE and A. E. De BARR 97 CAD AND CAM Combination of CAD and CAM in machine tool manufacture. P. ST6CKMANN and G. W6LLNER 107 The application of CAD techniques to machine tool component design, production and manufacture. A. JEBB, C. B. BESANT and R. C. EDNEY 115 Automatic design of machine tool components. T. G. FOSTER 121 A new generalized concept of computer aided production. J. FERENCZY and J. LEHOTZKY 129 Computer-aided design of axisymmetric hot forging dies. S. K. BISWAS and W. A. KNIGHT 135 Graph theory applied to computer aided plant layout. A. S. CARRIE 145 MACHINE TOOL ELEMENTS An analysis of a new type of high precision multiwedge clearanceless bearing for grinding wheel spindles. G. K. ARORA and T. S. R. MURTHY 155 Characteristics of electro-hydraulic feed drives under dynamic load conditions. D. AVRAMOVIC and P. FORT 165 Computer-aided design of standardized hydrostatic journal bearings. J. M. SANSINENEA and R. M. BUENO 175 METAL CUTTING Coolants and cutting tool temperatures. E. F. SMART and E. M. TRENT 187 Tool wear or tool design (a case study). R. A. ETHERIDGE and A. J. A. SCOTT 197 Ultra-high-speed machining: notes on metal cutting at speeds up to 7300 ft/s. G. ARNDT 203 On line measurement of bending and torque in milling. R. BEDINI and P. C. PINOTTI 209 Power hacksawing. P. J. THOMPSON and M. SARWAR 217 Optimization of drill geometry for orthopaedic surgery. G. H. FARNWORTH and J. A. BURTON 227 MACHINE TOOL DYNAMICS The dynamic characteristics of epoxy resin bonded machine tool structures. M. I. CHOWDHURY, M. M. SADEK and S. A. TOBIAS 237vi CONTENTS Page On-line identification of machine tool receptances from cutting experiments. N. H. HANNA and A. W. KWIATKOWSKI 245 Influence of lathe tool wear on the vibrations sustained in cutting. P. MARTIN, B. MUTEL and J.-P. DRAPIER 251 Investigation of parametric instability in milling simulated by screw chasing operation. G. DROUBI and M. M. SADEK 259 Elastic wave transmission and reflection in long uniform bars due to the end impact of a rigid mass. W. JOHNSON 267 Self-excited vibration of circular saws cutting aluminium. D. S. DUGDALE 279 NOISE AND ITS REDUCTION Noise generation from an impact forming machine structure. A. E. M. OSMAN, W. A. KNIGHT and M. M. SADEK 289 Noise reduction in a HERF cropping machine. G. DROUBI, M. M. SADEK and S. A. TOBIAS 295 The effect of blade wear on noise levels of power hacksaws. G. J. McNULTY 305 GRINDING AND SURFACE TOPOGRAPHY Optimization of a grinding process and criteria for wheel life. G. TRMAL and H. KALISZER 311 The collection of data for the assessment of a grinding wheel dressing treatment. E. J. PATTINSON and J. LYON 317 Chattering phenomena as the criterion of redress life of grinding wheel: a study on the establishment of optimum operational condition in precision grinding of hardened steel. H. MAKINO 325 Finishing and running-in of plain bearings, with an economic appraisal. G. TRMAL, H. KALISZER and G. W. ROWE 333 In-process indication of surface roughness using a fibre-optics transducer. D. SPURGEON and R. A. C. SLATER 339 Performance analysis of the stylus technique of surface roughness assessment: a random field approach. J. B. AGULLO and J. PAGES-FITA 349 EDM AND ECM Conditioning a diamond-grit cup-wheel for electrochemical grinding. M. M. SFANTSIKOPOULOS and C. F. NOBLE 365 Electro-discharge machined surfaces. J. R. CROOKALL and B. C. KHOR 373 Some effects of debris concentration on erosion and electrode wear in electro-discharge machining. J. R. CROOKALL and P. W. LEE 385 Investigation of the modulation of interface waves in explosive welding. S. R. REID and D. J. LANGDALE 391 Implosive welding of composite metal-foil cylinders. H. EL-SOBKY and T. Z. BLAZYNSKI 399 The cold drawing of implosively welded bi-metallic tubes. S. TOWNLEY and T. Z. BLAZYNSKI 407 HOT FORMING Transverse deformation in section rolling and forging. G. W. ROWE, I. M. DESAI and H. S. SHIN 417 A study on plastic working of alloys in their mashy state. S. FUKUOKA and M. KIUCHI 423 Stress strain curves from the ring test. A. N. BRAMLEY and N. A. ABDUL 431 An elemental upper-bound technique for general use in forging analysis. R. P. McDERMOTT and A. N. BRAMLEY 437 Application of a modular approach to estimate load and energy in closed die forging. S. K. BISWAS and B. W. ROOKS 445 The elevated temperature extrusion of fluted sections in high-speed steels. C. E. N. STURGESS and T. A. DEAN 455 DIE LIFE IN HOT FORMING Cracking and fracture of hot-work die steels. A. THOMAS Die life estimation in forging. S. STCj)REN, J. EBBESEN, J. SLUTAS and I. &ETRE 467 473CONTENTS Wear in drop forging dies. T. M. SILVA and T. A. DEAN The effect of die temperature on metal flow and die wear during high-speed hot forging. B.W.ROOKS ROLLING Ball rolling: a literature survey and some experimental results. N. R. CHITKARA, W. Page 479 487 JOHNSON and J. R. S. UTTLEY 497 Cold rolling of ring gears. J. B. HAWKYARD, F. R. NAVARATNE and W. JOHNSON 507 An experimental investigation into the S-mill rolling process. D. K. ROBERTSON and D. H. SANSOME 515 DRAWING, TUBE AND SHEET FORMING A preliminary investigation of the die-less drawing of titanium and some steels. J. M. ALEXANDER and T. W. TURNER 525 A fundamental study on dieless drawing. H. SEKIGUCHI, K. KOBATAKE and K. OSAKADA 539 Theoretical study of the drawing of bi-metal rod and tube. H. T. CHIA and D. H. SANSOME 545 An oscillatory deep-drawing analogue. M. J. R. YOUNG and D. H. SANSOME 551 Rigid-plastic analysis of bore expanding and flange drawing with anisotropic sheet metals by the matrix method. S. H. LEE and S. KOBAYASHI 561 Tube inversion: a process for obtaining gross expansions in the diameter of thin-wall tubes. S. T. S. Al-HASSANI 571 COLD FORMING, BLANKING AND CROPPING The strength of the material in cold formed parts. J. DATSKO 579 The development of a cold forming process on an automatic high-speed forming machine. T. SCAIFE, B. PARSONS and B. N. COLE 585 Forward cold extrusion of aluminium-estimation of the maximum extrusion force. L. E. FARMER and B. Z. PIROG 597 Rigid-plastic analysis of cold heading by the matrix method. S. N. SHAH and S. KOBAYASHI 603 Production of crankshafts by clamp shearing. T. NAKAGAWA and K. SHIOMORI 611 Analysis of stresses in bar cropping. V. G. WONG and M. K. DAS 617 COMPACTION AND SINTER FORGING The dynamic compaction of aluminium and iron powder. D. RAYBOULD The hot extrusion of metal powder preforms. M. NEGM and R. DAVIES Plasticity of sintered iron-powder compacts. S. D. El WAKIL The effect of presintering conditions on the cold forgeability of powder preforms. M. A. RIFAI The production of extruded material from metal powders. T. SHEPPARD Comparison between uniaxial and isostatic densified stainless-steel powder preforms forged in a closed die. H. ALTMANN Powder compaction at very high pressures. P. N. TOMLINSON, R. L. HEWITT and R. D. VENTER GENERAL ASPECTS OF FORMING Strong composites based on all-metal systems. D. V. WILSON, W. T. ROBERTS, J. J. MOORE, R. F. STOKES and J. FARMER Characteristic features in the hole flanging and piercing of thin and thick circular plates using conical and ogival punches. W. JOHNSON, N. R. CHITKARA and P. A. BEX The influence of hydrostatic pressure on the plastic deformation of metallic materials. W. LORREK and 0. PAWELSKI The toughness ofM2 high-speed steel. G. BERRY and M. J. KADHIM Al-TORNACHI Analysis oflarge, natural strain increments using the Mohr's circle. J. WOLAK Smooth hole wall piercing in the manufacture of precision mechanisms. R. JOHNSTON and K. SWIFT Author index Subject index AUTHOR INDEX Foster, T. G., 12I Fukuoka, S., 423 Gieseke, E., 7I Hanna, N. H., 245 Hawkyard, J. B., 507 Hewitt, R. L., 677 Jamil, A. T. M., 89 Jebb, A., 115 Johnson, W., 267,497, 507, 695 Johnston, R., 729 Kaliszer, H., 311,333 Khor, B. C., 373 Kiuchi, M., 423 Knight, W. A., 135, 289 Kobatake, K., 539 Kobayashi, S., 561,603 Kwiatkowski, A. W., 245 Langdale, D. J., 391 Lee, P. W., 385 Lee, S. H., 56I Lehotzy, J., 129 Leonard,R., 19,30 Lorrek, W., 703 Lyon, J., 3I7 McDermott, R. P., 437 McNulty, G. J., 305 Makino, H., 325 Martin, P., 251 Miese, M., 7 Moore, J. J., 685 Murthy, T. S. R., 155 Nakagawa, T., 611 Navaratne, F. R., 507 Negm, M., 637 Noble, C. F., 365 Osakada, K., 539 Osman, A. E. M., 289 Pages-Fita, J., 349 Parsons, B., 585 Pattinson, E. J., 317 Pawelski, 0., 703 Pinotti, P. C., 209 Pirog, B. Z., 597 Rathrnill, K., 19,30 Raybould, D., 627 Reid, S. R., 391 735736 Rifai, M.A., 651 Roberts, W. T., 685 Robertson, D. K., 515 Rooks, B. W., 445,487 Rowe, G. W., 333, 417 Sadek, M. M., 237,259,289,295 &etre, 1., 473 Sansinenea, J. M., 175 Sansome, D. H., 515, 545,551 Sarwar, M., 217 Scaife, T., 585 Scott, A. J. A., 195 Sekiguchi, H., 539 Sfantsikopoulos, M. M., 365 Shah, S. N., 603 Sheppard, T., 659 Shin, H. S., 417 Shiomori, K., 611 Silva, T. M., 479 Slater, R. A. C., 339 Slutis, J ., 473 Smart, E. F., 187 Spurgeon, D., 339 Stockmann, P., 107 Stokes, R. F., 685 St~ren, S., 473 Sturgess, C. E. N., 455 Swift, K., 729 Thomas, A., 467 Thompson, P. J., 217 Tobias, S. A., 237,295 Tomlinson, P. N., 677 Townley, S., 407 Trent, E. M., 187 Trmal, G., 311, 333 Turner, T. W., 525 Uttley, J. R. S., 497 Venter, R. D., 677 Wasiukiewicz, 1., 79 Wilson, D. V., 685 Wolak, J., 721 Wollner, G., 107 Wong, V. G., 617 Young, M. J. R., 551SUBJECT INDEX CAD and CAM Session, 105 automatic design, 121 axisymmetric hot forging dies, 135 combination of CAD and CAM, 107 generalized concept of production, 129 machine tools component design, 115 manufacture, 107, 115 production, 115 plant layout, 145 CNC and DNC Session, 55 adaptive control improvement of accuracy, 79 turning operations, 71 closed loop positioning control, 63 computer NC system, 57 machining centre, 89 technological forecast for, 97 Cold Forming, Blanking, Cropping Session, 577 analysis of stresses, 617 clamp shearing, 612 cold extrusion, 597 cold formed parts high speed forming machine, 585 strength of the material, 579 cold heading, 603 crankshafts, 612 cropping, 61 7 extrusion force, 597 Compaction and Sinter Forging Session, 625 compaction aluminium and iron powder, 627 very high pressures, 677 metal powders, 659 plasticity, 645 powder pre-forms cold forgeability, 651 hot extrusion, 637 stainless steel, 669 production of extruded material, 659 sintered iron-powder, 675 Die Ufe in Hot Forming Session, 465 cracking and fracture, 467 die life estimation, 473 die wear drop forging dies, 479 high speed forging, 487 effect of die temperature, 487 hot-work die steels, 467 metal flow, 487 Drawing, Tube and Sheet Forming Session, 523 anisotropic sheet metals, 561 bore expanding and flange drawing, 561 die-less drawing fundamental study, 539 titanium and some steels, 525 drawing bi-metal rod and tube, 545 oscillatory deep drawing, 551 tube inversion, 571 ECM, EDM and Explosive Welding Session, 363 bi-metallic tubes, cold drawing, 407 composite metal-foil cylinders, 399 diamond-grit cup-wheel, for ECM, 365 electrode wear and erosion, EDM, 385 machined surfaces, EDM, 373 modulation of interface waves, 391 General Aspects of Forming Session, 683 all-metal systems, 685 circular plates, 695 hole flanging and piercing, 695 hydrostatic pressure, 703 M2 high speed steel, 713 natural strain increments, 721 plastic deformation, 703 smooth hole wall piercing, precision mechanisms, 729 strong composite, 685 toughness, 713 Grinding and Surface Topography Session, 309 criteria for wheel life, 311 criteria of redress life, chattering phenomena, 325 dressing treatment, 317 fibre-optics transducer, 341 optimization, 311 plain bearings, running-in, 333 stylus technique, 349 surface roughness, 341 Group Technology Session, 5 batch size selection, 29 developments and modes of application, 7 interaction ofNC and GT, 37 organizational aspect, computer simulation, 45 total company appraisal, 19 Hot Forrning Session, 415 alloys in mashy state, 423 closed die forging, 445 extrusion of fluted sections, 455 forging analysis, 437738 SUBJECT INDEX high speed steel, 455 load and energy estimation, 445 plastic working, 423 ring test, 431 section rolling and forging, 417 stress-strain curves, 431 transverse deformation, 417 upper-bound technique, 437 Machine Tool Dynamics Session, 235 circular saws, 289 dynamic characteristics, 237 elastic wave transmission and reflection, 267 epoxy resin bonded structures, 237 instability in milling, 259 machine tool receptances, on line identification, 245 -self excited vibrations, 289 tool wear and vibrations, 251 Machine Tool Elements Session, 153 electro-hydraulic feed drives, 165 grinding wheel spindles, 155 hydrostatic journal bearings, 175 Metal Cutting Session, 185 bending and torque in milling, 209 coolants and cutting temperature, 187 drill geometry, 227 orthopaedic surgery, 227 power hacksawing, 217 tool wear and tool design, 195 ultra-high-speed machining, 203 Noise and its Reduction Session, 287 HERF cropping machine, 295 impact forming machine structure, 289 power hacksaws, 305 Rolling Session, 495 ball rolling, 497 cold rolling, 507 ring gears, 507 S-rnill rolling, 515
كلمة سر فك الضغط : The Unzip Password : أتمنى أن تستفيدوا من محتوى الموضوع وأن ينال إعجابكم رابط من موقع عالم الكتب لتنزيل كتاب Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Machine Tool Design and Research Conference رابط مباشر لتنزيل كتاب Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Machine Tool Design and Research Conference