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عدد المساهمات : 19002 التقييم : 35506 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Machine Tool Design and Research Conference الأربعاء 14 ديسمبر 2022, 11:34 pm | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Machine Tool Design and Research Conference Edited by S. A. TOBIAS Chance Professor and Head ofDepartment Department ofMechanical Engineering University ofBirmingham and F. KOENIGSBERGER Professor ofMachine Tool Engineering University ofManchester Institute of Science and Technology
و المحتوى كما يلي :
CONTENTS Opening address. VISCOUNT CALDECOTE, D.S.C. ix MACHINE TOOL DYNAMICS Prediction of dynamic cutting coefficients from steady-state cutting data. M. M. NIGM, M. M. SADEK and S. A. TOBIAS 3 The interrelationship of shear and friction processes in machining under regenerative chatter conditions. V. A. STEWART and R. H. BROWN 13 The reliability of the C.I.R.P. calibrating rig for testing machine tools. M. I. CHOWDHURY, M. M. SADEK and S. A. TOBIAS 19 Application of aperiodic test signals to the measurement of the dynamic compliance of machine tools. H. OPITZ and M. WECK 25 A response prediction and optimisation of a frictionally damped structure. S. W. E. EARLES and N. MOTT 31 Effect of feedmotion during dynamic tests on the chatter prediction of a lathe. N.H. HANNA and A. W. KWIATKOWSKI 39 The impact damper boring bar and its performance when cutting. M. D. THOMAS, W. A. KNIGHT and M. M. SADEK 47 DESIGN OF MACHINE TOOL STRUCTURES: JOINTS, SLIDES AND SPINDLES A finite element program system and its application for machine tool structural analysis. H. OPITZ and R. NOPPEN 55 Experimental study of the normal static stiffness of metallic contact surfaces of joints. C. DEKONINCK 61 Calculating the elastic and plastic components of deflection of joints formed from machined surfaces with flatness errors. R. E. SCHOFIELD and R. H. THORNLEY 67 The damping effect of joints formed from machined surfaces - the state of the art. R. E. SCHOFIELD 75 Some static and dynamic characteristics of bonded, machined joint faces. R. H. THORNLEY and K. LEES 79 Review of the research on fixed and sliding joints. N. BACK, M. BURDEKIN and A. COWLEY 87 The friction and wear of plastics, with special reference to machine tool slideways. C. P. HEMINGRAY 99 The dynamic stiffness of antifriction roller guideways. J. G. M. HALLOWES and R. BELL 107 Optimisation of hydrostatic slideways including structure elasticity. M. S. GIORGI, S. G. POLLINI and M. M. FAVARETO 113 Design of hydrostatic bearings for exacting applications. W. B. ROWE and K. J. STOUT 119 A measuring system for the evaluation of spindle rotation accuracy. E. J. GODDARD, A. COWLEY and M. BURDEKIN 125 AUTOMATION: GROUP TECHNOLOGY AND N.C. CONTROL Conditions for the introduction of group technology. R. LEONARD and F. KOENIGSBERGER 135 Computer control of machine tools. D. FRENCH and J. KNIGHT 141 A low-cost hardware interpolation system for DNC. M. SIMPSON, D. FRENCH and W. LITTLE 145 The design of an operator panel for on-line computer control of machine tools. M. SIMPSON, D. FRENCH and W. LITTLE 149 The modular concept in computer numerical control. R. S. MACLEAN, J. W. BRUCE and B. DAVIES 153 A conversational mode for direct numerical machine tool control. J. FRISCH 161 Small andminilanguages in numerical control. R. WEILL, J. C. MORENS and M. STRADY 167 Programming a point-to-point NC machine for contouring operations. C. HUSEMEYER, M.S. WONG, J. L. DUNCAN and M. C. de MALHERBE 171 The Optosyn numerical control system. A. RUSSELL 177 A stepping motor drive assembly especially designed for CNC systems. J. PLAS and J. BLOMMAERT 183 Quality control by using automatic inspection procedure. C. WATKINS 191 A method of analysing the logic design of pneumatic sequential circuits. R. M. H. CHENG 199vi METAL CUTTING AND TOOL WEAR Effect of strain-rate sensitivity on scale phenomena in chip formation. J. LARSEN-BASSE and P. L. B. OXLEY 209 Design and preliminary results from an experimental machine tool cutting metals at up to 8,000 feet per second. G. ARNDT and R. H. BROWN 217 An investigation of the performance of a quick-stop device for metal cutting studies. R. H. BROWN and R. KOMANDURI 225 The accurate determination of cutting forces. J. TAYLOR and G. C. I. LIN 233 Some effects of drill point shape on the chisel edge contribution to cutting forces. RAFFAELLO LEVI and UWE KOCH 241 The profile of a helical slot machined by a disc-type cutter with an infmitesimal width, considering undercutting. M. Y. FRIEDMAN, M. BOLESLAVSKI and I. MEISTER 245 Stress analysis of segmented circular sawblades. M. MAHOMED, M. C. de MALHERBE, M. A. DOKAINISH and R. B. YOUNG 247 A study on recrystallisation in metal cutting by Fourier analysis. R. RAMASWAMI 253 Tool-life testing by response surface methodology coupled with a random strategy approach. R. VILENCHICH, K. STROBELE and R. VENTER 261 GRINDING AND SURFACE PROPERTIES Relationship between wheel characteristics and operating problems in high-production precision grinding. RICHARD P. LINDSAY and ROBERTS. HAHN 269 Surface grinding with high wheel speeds and metal removal rates. W. KONIG and M. DEDERICHS 277 Grinding force predictions based on wear theory. T. C. BUTTERY 283 Size effects in abrasive processes. S. MALKIN, K. L. WIGGINS, M. OSMAN and R. W. SMALLING 291 'Apparent' run-out of the grinding wheel periphery and its effect on surface topography. H. KALISZER and G. TRMAL 297 Correlation analysis of the structure of a ground surface. T. R. THOMAS 303 Influence of the abrasive grain on the surface integrity of high-speed steel. NATHAN P. NAVARRO 307 ELECTROCHEMICAL GRINDING AND ELECTRO-DISCHARGE MACHINING Peripheral electrochemical grinding with a formed wheel. A. GEDDAM and C. F. NOBLE 315 Dynamic and geometric aspects of vertical spindle ECG. M. M. SFANTSIKOPOULOS and C. F. NOBLE 323 Residual stresses and surface effects in electro-discharge machining. J. R. CROOKALL and B. C. KHOR 331 HIGH VELOCITY FORMING The effect of impact speed and lubricant in hot forging Part 1: Interface friction and die cavity pressure 341 Part 2: Metal flow and forging loads A. D. SHEIKH, T. A. DEAN, M. K. DAS and S. A. TOBIAS 347 The effects of temperature and speed on the warm extrusion of steel. A. SINGH, T. A. DEAN and R. DAVIES 351 Mechanical properties of mild steel after cold and warm high-speed forging. K. OSAKADA M. OYANE and H. TANAKA 357 Dynamic effects in high-velocity compression testing. C. E. N. STURGESS and T. A. DEAN 363 Application of a computer simulation technique to estimate load and energy in axisymmetric closed die forging. S. K. BISWAS and B. W. ROOKS 371 Hot kinetic forming of metals. R. BALENDRA and F. W. TRAVIS 383 High-velocity hydrostatic extrusion - a feasibility study. C. E. N. STURGESS and T.A.DEAN 389 EXPLOSIVE AND ELECTROHYDRAULIC FORMING The design and analysis of explosive forming thin shell dies. S. B. KULKARNI and A. A. EZRA 403 An investigation of the edge pullin in explosively-formed domes. MICHAEL A. KAPLAN and SURESH B. KULKARNI 409The radial piston approach to the explosive autofrettage of thickwalled forging dies. M. KAPLAN, H. GLICK, W. HOWELL and V. D'SOUZA 419 Investigations on the accuracy of reproduction of electrohydraulic forming and development of an electrohydraulic forming machine. R. ZELLER 427 POWDER COMPACTION AND SINTER FORGING High-speed compaction of metal powders. SHERIF ELWAKlL and R. DAVIES 435 Impulse compacting of powder materials. P. A. VITYAZ and 0. V. ROMAN 441 Preliminary investigations of the cold extrusion of powder preforms. A. SlNGH and R. DAVIES 449 On the cold forging of sintered iron powder preforms. T. NAKAGAWA, T. AMANO, K. OBARA, Y. NISHINO andY. MAEDA 455 The production of components by forging of powder preforms. R. DAVIES and J. B. MARX 463 The interrelation of density and hardness in the isostatic compaction of powders. S. SHIMA and J. M. ALEXANDER 471 METAL FORMING: PROCESSES AND MACHINES Plastic compression of rectangular blocks between two parallel platens. F. KANACRl, C. H. LEE, L. R. BECK and SHIRO KOBAYASHI 481 Mechanics of plane-strain deep indentation with flat punches. S. SOHRAHPOUR and SHIRO KOBAYASHI 491 A theoretical study of tube drawing with a floating plug. D. J. SMITH and A. N. BRAMLEY 501 Deformation and its rate as two concepts of design of tools for the secondary tube-piercing operation. P. V. VAIDYANATHAN and T. Z. BLAZYNSKI 509 An experimental investigation of the sandwich rolling of thin hard sheets. A. A. AFONJA and D. H. SANSOME 515 Flatness of sheet and strip in cold rolling. G. W. ROWE and A. S. FEDOSIENKO 519 A new concept in sheet metal forming lubrication. B. FOGG 527 Characteristics of forging presses: determination and comparison. J. R. DOUGLAS and T. ALTAN 535 An experimental wide ring rolling mill of novel design. J. B. HAWKYARD, E. APPLETON and W. JOHNSON 547 Investigation into the possibilities of testing lubricants for cold and warm extrusion of steel. H. KAISER 555 Observation of new physical properties of zinc-aluminium and tin-lead superplastic alloys. SHYAM KINKAR SAMANTA 559 The necking of cylindrical bars under lateial fluid pressure. J. CHAKRABARTY 565 INDEX 571 AUTHORS' INDEX Kobayashi, Shiro, 481,491,241 Koch, Uwe, 241 Koenigsberger, F., 135 Komanduri, R., 225 Konig, W., 277 Kulkarni, Suresh B., 403, 409 Kwiatkowski, A. W., 39 Larsen-Basse, J., 209 Lee, C. H., 481 Lees, K., 79 Leonard, R., 135 Levi, Raffaello, 241 lin, G. C. 1., 233 lindsay, Richard P., 269 little, W., 145, 149 Maclean, R. S., 153 Maeda, Y., 455 Mahomed, M., 247 de Malherbe, M. C., 177,247 Malkin, S., 291 Marx, J. B., 463 Meister, 1., 245 Morens, J. C., 167 Mott, N., 31 Nakagawa, T., 455 Navarro, Nathan P., 307 Nigm, M. M., 3 Nishino, Y., 455 Noble, C. F., 315,323 Noppen, R., 55 Obara, K., 455 Opitz, H., 25, 55 Osakada, K., 357 Osman, M., 291 Oxley, P. L. B., 209 Oyane, M., 357 Plas,J., 183 Pollini, S. G., 113 Ramaswami, R., 253 Roman, 0. V., 441 Rooks, B. W., 371 Rowe, W. B., 119,519 Russell, A., 177 Sadek, M. M., 3, 19,47 Samata, Shyam Kinkar, 559 Sansome, D. H., 515 Schofield, R. E., 67, 75 Sfantsikopoulos, M. M., 323 Sheikh, A. D., 347 Shima, S., 471 Simpson, M., 145, 149 Singh, A., 351, 449 Smalling, R. W., 291 Smith, D. J., 501 Sohrabpour, S., 491 D'Souza, V., 419 Stewart, V. A., 13 Stout, R. J., 119 Strady, M., 167 Strobele, K., 261 571572 Sturgess, C. E. N., 363, 389 Tanaka, H., 357 Taylor, J., 233 Thomas, T. R., 303 Thornley, R. H., 67, 79 Tobias, S. A., 3, 19, 347 Travis, F. W., 383 Trmal, G., 297 Vaidyanathan, P. V., 509 Venter, R., 261 AUTHORS' INDEX continued Vilenchich, R., 261 Vityaz, P. A., 441 Watkins, C., 191 Week, M., 25 Weill, R., 167 Wiggins, K. L., 291 Wong, M. S., 171 Young, R. B., 247 Zeller, R., 427573 SUBJECT INDEIX Automation 133 abrasion 291 computer control 141 correlation of analysis of surface structure 303 contouring with NC 171 grinding forces 283 conversational mode for DNC 161 high-speed surface grindinR 277 group technology 133 run-out of grinding wheel periphery, hardware interpolation system for DNC 145 'apparent' 297 languages in NC 167 surface integrity and influence of abrasive logic design analysis of pneumatic sequential grain 307 circuits 199 wheel characteristics and operating modular concept in NC 153 problems 269 operator panel for on-line control 149 Optosyn NC system 177 High velocity forming 339 quality control, automated 191 axisymmetric closed die forging 371 stepping motor drive assembly for NC compression testing, dynamic effects 363 operators 183 hot forging 341,347 hot kinetic forming 383 Design 53 hydrostatic extrusion 389 antifriction roller guideway 107 mild steel, effect on mechanical properties 357 bonded machined joint faces 79 warm extrusion 351 damping effects of joints 75 deflection components of joints 67 Metal cutting and tool wear 207 finite elements in structural analysis 55 cutting forces 233 fixed and sliding joints 87 drill point shape and cutting forces 241 hydrostatic bearings 119 experimental 8000 ft s- 1 tool 217 hydrostatic slideways 113 quick-stop device 225 normal static stiffness of contact surfaces 61 recrystallisation 253 plastics in slideways 99 segmented circular saw blades, stress in 247 spindle rotation accuracy 125 strain rate sensitivity and chip formation 209 tool-life testing 261 Dynamics 1 undercutting and helical slots 245 CIRP calibrating rig, reliability of 19 cutting coefficients 3 Metal forming 479 dynamic compliance 25 cold rolling and flatness 519 feed motion and chatter prediction 39 deformation in tube piercing 509 frictionally damped structures 31 forging presses 535 impact damper boring bar 47 lubricants for cold and warm extrusion 555 shear and friction processes 13 lubrication in sheet metal forming 527 necking of cylindrical base 565 Electrochemical grinding 313 plane-strain deep indentation 491 peripheral, with formed wheel 315 plastic compression of rectangular blocks 481 vertical spindle 323 sandwich rolling of thin hard sheets 515 superplastic Zn-Al and Sn-Pb alloys 559 Electro-discharge machining 331 tube drawing with floating plug 501 wide ring rolling mill 547 Electrohydraulic forming 401 Powder forming and sinter forging 433 Explosive forming 401 cold extrusion 449 autofrettage of thick-walled forging dies 419 cold forging of sintered iron preform 455 domes, edge pullin of 411 component production 463 thin shell dies 403 high-speed compaction 435 impulse compacting 441 Grinding and surface properties 267 isostatic compaction 471
كلمة سر فك الضغط : The Unzip Password : أتمنى أن تستفيدوا من محتوى الموضوع وأن ينال إعجابكم رابط من موقع عالم الكتب لتنزيل كتاب Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Machine Tool Design and Research Conference رابط مباشر لتنزيل كتاب Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Machine Tool Design and Research Conference