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عدد المساهمات : 18956 التقييم : 35374 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Automatic Screw Machines الأربعاء 14 ديسمبر 2022, 8:19 pm | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Automatic Screw Machines A Treatise on the Construction, Design, and Operation of Automatic Screw Machines and Their Tool Equipment By Douglas T. Hamilton Associate Editor of Machinery AUTHOR OF " AUTOMATIC SCREW MACHINE PRACTICE," " SHRAPNEL SHELL MANUFACTURE," " MACHINE FORGING," " BOLT, NUT, AND RIVET FORGING," ETC. AND FRANKLIN D. JONES ASSOCIATE EDITOR OF MACHINERY AUTHOR OF " TURNING AND BORING," " PLANING AND MILLING," GAGING TOOLS AND METHODS," ETC.
و المحتوى كما يلي :
CONTENTS CHAPTER I SCREW MACHINE CLASSIFICATION AND DEVELOPMENT PAGES Origin of the Term "Screw Machine" Distinction between Automatic and Semi-automatic Machines General Features of Automatic Screw Machines . Classification of Automatic Screw Machines Development of Singleand Multiple-spindle Types General Application of Automatic Screw Machines Advantages of Single- and Multiple-spindle Designs i-io CHAPTER II SINGLE-SPINDLE AUTOMATIC SCREW MACHINES Brown & Sharpe Automatic Screw Machine Cleveland Automatic Screw Machine Gridley Single-spindle Automatic Turret Lathe Chicago Automatic Screw Machine 11-38 CHAPTER III MULTIPLE-SPINDLE AUTOMATIC SCREW MACHINES Acme Four-spindle Automatic Screw Machine Davenport Five-spindle Automatic Screw Machine Hayden Five-spindle Automatic Screw Machine Gridley Fourspindle Automatic Screw Machine New Britain Sixspindle Automatic Screw Machine 39-83 CHAPTER IV AUTOMATIC SCREW MACHINE TOOL EQUIPMENT Circular Forming and Cutting-off Tools Tool-holders foi Flat Forming Tools Box-tools Methods of Applying Box-tool Cutters Work Supports for Box-toolsViii CONTENTS Hollow Mills Centering and Facing Tools Drills and Drill-holders Counterboring Tools Reamers and Reamerholders Swing Tools for Turning and Recessing Shaving Tools Dies for Screw Machine Work Die-holders Taps for Screw Machines Knurling Tools 84-147 CHAPTER V ADJUSTING OR SETTING-UP AUTOMATIC SCREW MACHINES Setting-up the Brown & Sharpe Machine Adjustments on the Cleveland Automatic Method of Setting-up the Acme Multiple-spindle Machine Setting-up the Davenport Multiple-spindle Automatic 148-196 CHAPTER VI ATTACHMENTS FOR AUTOMATIC SCREW MACHINES Screw Slotting Attachment Slotting and Slabbing Attachment Index Drilling Attachment Cross-drilling Attachments Turret Drilling Attachment Burring Attachment Tap and Die Revolving Attachment Accelerated Reaming Attachment Drilling and Milling Attachment Vertical-spindle Milling Attachment End-milling or Slotting Attachment Attachment for Forming Squares and Hexagons Attachment for Robbing Worms and Spiral Gears Magazine Feeding Attachments 197-223 CHAPTER VII DESIGNING SCREW MACHINE CAMS Effect of Cutting Speed on Cam Design General Method of Designing Cams Laying Out Cams for a Specific Operation Development of Cam Lobe for Controlling Movement of Threading Die Allowance for Tool Clearance Use of Cam-lever Templets Laying Out Cams for Recessing Cam Rise for Drilling Designing Cams for Deep-hole Drilling 224-257CONTENTS IX CHAPTER VIII OPERATIONS ON SINGLE- AND MULTIPLESPINDLE SCREW MACHINES Examples of Forming Operations Recessing Drilling and Counterboring from Cross-slide Making Watch Parts in Screw Machine Examples of Work on the Cleveland Automatic Operations on Acme Multiple-spindle Machine Use of Screw Machine for Producing and Assembling Parts Thread Rolling in the Screw Machine - Different Types of Tools for Thread Rolling Cutting Helical Gears in Screw Machine Speeds and Feeds for Screw Machine Operation 258-335 INDEX ACCELERATING type of reaming attachment, 207 Accelerating type of cross-drilling attachment, 202 Acme accelerating reaming attachment, 207 Acme cross-drilling attachment, 202 Acme milling attachments, 209 Acme multiple-spindle automatic, 39 adjustment of, 170 camshaft, 44 camshaft speed-changing mechanism, 45 feeding stock through spindle, 51 general description, 39 indexing mechanism, 49 mechanism for threading, 52 operation of cross-slides, 48 operation of spindle chuck, 50 operations on, 290 speed of main driving shaft, 47 spindle-driving mechanism, 43 standard tool positions, 41 Acme over-cut box-tools, 98 Acme thread-rolling tool, 322 Adjustment of automatic screw machines, 148 Allowances for reaming, 125 Allowances for shaving cuts, 130, 131 Aluminum, use of roller supports in turning, 109 Angle of centering tool, 115 Angles, cutting, for box-tool cutters, in Application of automatic screw machines, general, 7 Assembling parts in automatic screw machine, 304 Attachment, for hobbing worm and spiral gears, 215 Attachment for self-opening dies, 137 for drilling, 200 for forming squares and hexagons, 213 for milling, 209 for screw slotting, 197 magazine feeding, 219 Automatic, application of term, 2 Automatic screw machines, adjustment, 148 advantages of single- and multiplespindle designs, 8 classification, 4 development of multiple-spindle type, 6 development of single-spindle type, 5 general features, 3 multiple-spindle designs, 39 single-spindle designs, n BACK-SLIDE cam, method of laying out, 241 Boring and recessing tools, 125 Box-tool cutters, cutting angles, i T i holding and adjusting, 106 methods of applying, 104 radial and tangential positions for, 104 size of steel, 113 Box-tools, 94 over-cut type, 98 spring-releasing type, 99 setting, on Acme machine, 178 taper turning, 101 Box-tool work supports, 108 holding and adjusting, 109 position relative to cutter, 112 Brass, speeds and feeds for, 332 Brown & Sharpe burring attachment, 205338 INDEX Brown & Sharpe cross-drilling attachment, 201 Brown & Sharpe index drilling attachment, 200 Brown & Sharpe screw machines, deflector for chips, 1 8 general method of setting up, 158 general description, n operation of cross-slide, 15 operation of turret-slide, 16 reversal of spindle for threading, 18 sample record of cam and tool equipment, 159 spindle speed changes, 18 stock-feeding and chuck-operating mechanism, 15 Brown & Sharpe screw slotting attachment, 197 Brown & Sharpe tap and die revolving attachment, 206 Brown & Sharpe taper-turning tool, 102 Brown & Sharpe turret .drilling attachment, 205 Burring attachment, 205 blanks, Brown & Sharpe, 234 Cam circumference, proportioning, 233 Cam design, allowance for tool clearance, 247 effect of cutting speed on, 225 general procedure, 225 lobe for thread cutting, 243 rise for drilling, 255 Cams for making a screw, 227 Cams for recessing, laying out, 253 Cams for screw machines, designing, 224 Cams, function of lead, front-slide and back-slide, on B. & S. Machine, 224 Cam-lever templets, use of, 250 Cast iron, use of roller supports in turning, 109 Centering and facing tools, 114 Centering-tool holder, 115 Centering tool, included angle of point, "5 Centering tools and drills, setting, 154 Change-gears, table of No. oo Brown & Sharpe machine, 233 Chicago screw machine, general description, 35 camshaft and main cam, 36 chuck feeding mechanism, 36 feeding movements for tools, 38 method of cutting threads, 37 operation of cross-slides, 37 turret mechanism, 36 Chips, measurement of, to determine feed, 329 Circular forming and cutting-off tools, holder for, 88 setting, 149 Circular forming tools, methods of applying, 85, 89 Clearance for circular tools, 90 Clearance for tools in laying out cams, 247 Cleveland automatic, adjustment of, 161 chuck-operating mechanism, 22 examples of work on, 281 feed-regulating drum, 29 general description, 20 operation of cross-slide, 28 spindle-driving mechanism, 22 stock-feeding mechanism, 25 turret and turret-slide, 26 variable feeding mechanism, 28 Cleveland independent cutting-off attachment, 211 Cleveland magazine feeding attachments, 219 Cleveland silent die-holder, 135 Cleveland slotting and slabbing attachment, 199 Cleveland thread-rolling attachment, 321 Compensating stops for multiple-spindle machines, 60 Cone-point turning in screw machine, 274 Counterbores, amount of taper for, 120 holders, 123 location of cutting edge, 120 reasons for defective operation, 119INDEX 339 Counterbores and reamers, setting, 154 Counterboring and drilling from crossslide, 266 Counterboring and reaming feeds, 335 Counterboring tools, 119, 122 Cross-drilling attachment, 201 Cross-drilling attachment of opposed spindle type, 204 Cross-drilling, example of work requiring, 294 Cutters for box-tools, 104 cutting angles, in holding and adjusting, 106 position relative to work supports, 112 size of steel, 113 Cutting-off and forming tools, rake of, 93 setting on Acme machine, 177 Cutting-off attachment, Cleveland, 211 Cutting-off tool-holder, universal, 91 Cutting-off tools, 92 inclination of cutting edge, 229 thickness of blade, 93 DAVENPORT multiple-spindle automatic, 55 cam equipment for, 192 compensating stops, 60 cross-slides and swinging arms, 58 driving mechanism for camshaft, 58 general description, 55 indexing the spindle head, 60 method of cutting thread, 62 method of driving spindles, 55 operation of tool spindles, 56 sample record of operations, 193 setting-up, 189 speeds and feeds recommended, 63 Deep-hole drilling, designing cam for, 257 Die- and tap-holder, telescopic, 136 Die and tap revolving attachment, 206 Die-holders, 133 Cleveland silent type, 135 releasing, 134 Dies and taps, setting, 155 Dies, attachment for self-opening, 137 Dies for screw machine work, 132 Drill-holder, high-speed, 118 Drill-holders for screw machines, 118 Drilling and Counterboring from crossslide, 266 Drilling and milling attachment, Acme, 209 Drilling attachment, cross-, 201 index, 200 Drilling, feeds for, 334 laying out cams for, 255 Drill rod, speeds and feeds for, 333 Drills and centering tools, setting, 154 Drills, flat, 122 for screw machine work, 116 END-MILLING or slotting attachment, 211 facing and centering tools, 114 pEED, determining, by measuring chips, 329 for thread rolling, 333 Feeding attachments, magazine, 219 Feeds and speeds, 330 for different tools and materials, 331 Feeds, for Counterboring and reaming, 335 for drilling, 334 Flat forming tool-holders, 90 Flutes, number in taps, 139 Forming and cutting-off tools, rake of, 93 setting, on Acme machine, 177 Forming operations, examples of, 260 Forming tools, methods of applying, 85,89 tool-holders for flat, 90 Front-slide cam, method of laying out, 242 gears, helical or spiral, cutting in screw machine, 323 (~^UN screw iron, speeds and feeds for, 332 Gridley multiple-spindle automatic, 71 camshaft and cams, 74 feeding movements, 73340 INDEX Gridley multiple-spindle automatic, general description, 71 idle movements, 73 method of cutting threads, 76 tool-slide, 73 Gridley single-spindle automatic, application of motor drive, 35 arrangement of cams, 33 arrangement of turret, 30 general description, 30 operation of forming and cutting-off tools, 33 fjAYDEN multiple-spindle automatic, 64 adjustable cams for tool spindles and cross-slides, 68 chuck-closing mechanism, 66 general description, 64 operation of master cam, 66 thread cutting operations, 71 time required for making one piece, 69 Helical gears, cutting in screw machine, 323 Hexagon and square forming attachment, 213 Holders, for centering tools, 115 for circular forming and cutting-off tools, 88 for counterbores, 123 for flat forming tools, 90 for reamers, 127 Hollow mills, 113 Hollow mills or box-tools, setting, 153 Hollow roughing mill, 98 INDEX drilling attachment, 200 KNURL-HOLDER, double type for cross-slide, 143 opening and closing type, 143 Knurling tools, 140 Knurls, concave, 145 different methods of applying, 144 spiral, 146 straight, 145 Knurl teeth, angles for different materials, 145 calculating depth of, 145 LEAD CAM, function of, on Brown & Sharpe machine, 224 method of laying out, for Brown & Sharpe machine, 236 MACHINE steel, speeds and feeds for, 333 Magazine feeding attachments, 219 Milling attachments, Acme, 209 Multiple- and single-spindle designs, relative advantages, 8 Multiple-spindle screw machine development, 6 Multiple-spindle screw machines, 39 BRITAIN multiple-spindle screw machine, 76 indexing mechanism, 80 spindle construction, 78 thread cutting mechanism, 82 tool slide, 79 Non-releasing type of die-holder, 133 OPERATIONS on screw machines, miscellaneous, 258 pointing end of work, 259 PRODUCTION rate, calculating for Acme machine, 172 RAISING block for swing tools, 128 methods of setting on Brown & Sharpe machines, 157 Reamer holders, 127 Reamers and counterbores, setting, 154 Reamers for screw machine work, 125 Reamers, taper of, 125 Reaming allowances, 125 Reaming and counterboring feeds, 335 Reaming attachment, accelerated, 207 Recessing and boring tools, 125 Recessing, laying out cams for, 253 Recessing operation, 265INDEX 341 Recessing swing tools, 129 Record of cam and tool equipment on Brown & Sharpe machine, 159 Record of operations on Davenport machine, 193 Releasing die-holder, 134 Roller supports for box-tools, 95, 96, 109, in Rolling threads in screw machine, 314 Roller type of steadyrest, 113 Rotary magazine attachment, 221 gCREW MACHINE, adjustment, 148 cams, designing, 224 classification, 4 development, 5 general features, 3 multiple-spindle designs, 39 operations, miscellaneous, 258 origin of term, i relative advantages of single- and multiple-spindle designs, 8 single-spindle designs, n use of, for machining and assembling, 304 Screw slotting attachments, 197 Setting-up automatic screw machines, 148 Shaving operation, allowances for, 130, 131 Shaving tools for screw machines, 130 Single- and multiple-spindle designs, relative advantages, 8 Single-spindle screw machine development, 5 Slab milling attachments, 209 Slotting and slabbing attachment, 199 Speeds and feeds, 330 for different tools and materials, 331 Spiral gear-hobbing attachment, 215 Spiral gears, cutting in screw machine, 323 Spiral knurls, determining lead of teeth, 147 determining number of teeth around circumference, 146 Spring-releasing box-tools, 99 Spring screw threading dies, making, 132 Square and hexagon forming attachment, 213 Steadyrest of roller type, 1 13 Steel for box-tool cutters, size of, 113 Steel for box-tool supports, 109 Stop for stock, setting, 152 Supports, work, for box-tools, 108 holding and adjusting, 109 Swing tools, for turning, 128 methods of setting raising block for operating, 157 raising block for, 128 recessing, 129 setting, 156 TAP- and die-holder, telescopic, 136 . Tap and die revolving attachment, 206 Taps and dies, setting, 155 Taps, chamfer for different pitches, 139 cutters for fluting, 139 for automatic screw machines, 138 for Norway iron and machine steel, 140 number of flutes for, 139 width of lands, 139 Telescopic die- and tap-holder, 136 Templet for dividing cam circumference, 238 Templet for laying out screw machine cams, 235 Templets, use of cam-lever type, 250 Thread cutting, development of cam lobe for, 243 dies for screw machines, 132 number of revolutions for, 229 on Acme machine, 181 on Davenport multiple-spindle automatic, 192 on Gridley multiple-spindle automatic, 76 on Hayden multiple-spindle automatic, 71 on New Britain multiple-spindle automatic, 82 reversal of spindle for, in B. & S. machine, 18342 INDEX Threading-die holders, 133 Threading dies, methods of making spring screw type, 132 Thread rolling, Acme type of holder for, 322 attachment, Cleveland, 321 by means of swing tool, 320 calculating blank diameter, 315 Cleveland attachment for, 321 feeds for, 333 holder for passing roll over work, 319 holder for passing roll under work, 320 inclination of thread on roll, 315 in screw machines, 314 preparation of work for, 318 shape of thread on roll, 316 size of thread roll, 317 steel for thread rolls applied to steel, 3i5 Thread roll, size of, 317 Tilting magazine attachment, 219 rotary type of, 222 Tool clearance, allowance for, in cam design, 247 Tool equipment for screw machines, 84 Tool-holders for boring and recessing tools, 125 Tool-holder, universal cutting-off, 91 Turret drilling attachment, 205 UNIVERSAL cross-slide knurling tool, 141 Universal cutting-off tool-holder, 91 VERTICAL magazine feeding attachment, 220 parts, making, in screw machine, 271 Worm gear bobbing attachment, 215
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