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| موضوع: كتاب Design of Machine Tools السبت 10 ديسمبر 2022, 2:02 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Design of Machine Tools S.K. BASU FIFTH EDITION Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Production Engineering Govt. College of Engineering, Pune; Formerly, Director, Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute. Durgapur. Professor, Production Engineering Department Jadavpur University; Head, Mechanical Engineering Department; R.E. College, Durgapur. D. K. PAL Formerly, Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department Regional Engineering College, Durgapur.
و المحتوى كما يلي :
CONTENTS PREFACE TO THE FIFTH EDITION PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION vii INTRODUCTION 1 General Classification; Trends in the design of machine tools; Establishing and expansion of machine tools industry; Conclusion 2. DETERMINATION OF THE FORCES ACTING ON THE TOOL IN CERTAIN MACHINING OPERATIONS AND HORSE-POWER REQUIREMENT 19 Determination of the tool forces in a lathe operation; Calculation of force acting on milling cutter and determination of the power consumption of the machine; Power consumption in cylindrical grinding operation; Thrust on a drill and the power consumption; Forces acting on a shaping tool and the power calculation in shaping machine 3. KINEMATICS OF MACHINE TOOLS 38 Classification and choice of. driving system; Basic consideration in the design of drives; Variable speed range in machine tools; Graphical representation of speed and structure diagram; Various types of structure diagram; Selection of optimum ray diagram; Difference betWeen number of teeth of successive gears in a change gear box; Analysis of a twelve-speed gear box; Standardisation of 4; Compound ray diagraM; Feed gear boxes 4. FURTHER STUDIES OF KINEMATICS 65 Transmission in the .system of stepped regulation; Design of intermediate shafts of all geared headstock; Method of designing bevel transmission 5. STEPLESS REGULATION IN MACHINE TOOLS 18 Classification; Mechanical friction drive; Methods of increasing the range of regulation in modern machine tools; Considerations in variator calculation; Friction loss in friction variators due to loss in sliding velocity; Principles-of self-locking in variatOr; Further analysis of ball' variatorsx CONTENTS 6. MACHINE TOOL GUIDES 94 Classification of guides used in machine tool; Wearing of guides; Guide materials; Temperature deformation of guides; Liquid friction in guides; Kinetic friction and stick-slip vibration; Specimen calculation for guides having lubrication wedge; Methods of calculating pressure on guides; Guides having rolling friction; Behaviour of the machine tool guide friction under the effect of lubrication; Fundamental types of circular guides; Accuracy and wear of machine tool guides; Hardness of the different guide materials; Design of guides under hydrostatic lubrication; Type of hydrostatic slides; Hydraulic load relief; Oil pocket shape and dimensions; Gas film ltibrication; Design procedure for aerostatic slideways; Influence of hardness of material on guidewear; Effect of surface preparation; Effect of microstructure and. chemical composition; Effect of surface; Seizure and tearing guides; Error contribution to the job due to longitudinal wear on lathe guides; Contact deformation of guides; Contact deformations in guides with clearance; Clcaranee adjustments in guides; Fabricated guides; Error estimation in guide design 7.. DESIGN OF BEDS, TABLES AND COLUMNS 142 Various types of beds used in machine tools—their construction and design feature; Determination of the forces acting on the horizontal table or a vertical boring machine; Column design of a milling machine; and maximum deflection error in a milling machine; Column design of drilling machine; Stiffness and natural frequency of machine bends 8. DESIGN OF POWER SCREWS OF MACHINE TOOLS 159 Types and classification; Design calculations; Strength of lead-screw; Ball recirculating power screw assemblies; Calculation for maximum static load; Efficiency of the ball recirculating power screw; Compensation of 'backlash' in ordinary sliding screw assemblies; Vertical roller feed screw; Distribution of load between the threads of nut in the power screw with sliding friction; Distribution of load and rigidity analysis; Analysis of axial load and contact rigidity of.a recirculating ball screw; Evaluation of the rigidity; Sensitivity analysis; A critical analysis; Analysis of preload; Standard dimensions of recirculating ball screw assembly; Calculation for dynamic loading 9. SPINDLE UNITS IN MACHINE TOOLS 195 Spindles and their supports—special features, material and construction; Typical spindle ends; Spindle supports; Calculation on sleeve bearing; Ball bearings; Adjustments cf ball bearings; Roller bearings; Rigidity of spindle units; Rigidity of the rolling friction supports; Magnitude of Deflection at the free end of the Spindle 10. LUBRICATION AND RIGIDITY IN MACHINE TOOLS 210 Introduction; Steps in selecting proper lubricating oil; Frictional conCONTENTS xi dition of working; Specification of lubrication oils; RigitlitN of machine tool units; Some errors affecting rigidity; Overall static rigidity of machine took; Dynamic rigidity of a machine tool; Rigidity of grinding wheel-workplace system in an internal grinder 11. CONTROLLING SYSTEMS IN A MACHINE TOOL 24o Classificatioa— Decentralised corn rol and centralises] control; Singledisc selective speed h.utging system 12. ELECTRICAL. EQUIPINIVNTS IN NI/WHINE 100LS 252 Basic ideas; Selection of motor for any executive organ of a machine tool; Regulation of speed in electrical commis; Circuit diagram for starting the driving motor of a machine tool; Electrical brakes; Electromagnets used in macho: tools control; Electromagnetic clutch; Ferromagnetic powder clutch: Res ersing mechanism of a lignt duty planing machine; Thermal ?clay in . machine tools; Electrical automation in hori/ontal drilling machine; Automatic lifting of tool during the return stroke of a' planing machine: Basic ideas into regime of working of motors: Classification of automatic and semi-automatic controls 13. HYDRAULIC' CONTROL SYSTEMS IN MACHINE TOOLS Introduction: Typical systems; Systems for tracer control; Elements of hydraulic systems in machine tools; Resistance encountered in flow through pipe; Evaluation of basic parameters for design; Energy losses; CoMpressibility factor; Efficiency of hydraulic pump considering losses 14. PROGRAMME CONTROL IN MACHINE TOOLS 293 Introduction; Automation in machine tools; Magnetic tape controlled machine tool; Photoelectric tracing system; Principles of numerical control; Method of disposition of punched holes in cases of binary and decimal; Principle of operation of NC systems IS. BUILT-IN-INSPECTION UNITS IN MACHINE TOOLS 307 Introduction; Systems of automatic inspections; Some typical builtin-inspection equipments; Characteristic features in designing; Conclusion 16. VIBRATION IN MACHINE TOOLS 314 Introduction; Forced Vibration; Self-excited vibration in machine tools; Other types of forced and damped vibration; Stick-slip vibration in machine tools; Minimization or stick-slip vibration in machine tools; Vibration isolated tool holders 17. MICRODISPLACEMENTS IN MACHINE TOOLS 344 Introduction; Magnetostrictive Drive; Thermodynamic drive; Minixii CONTENTS irrigation of positional error by the use of oscillating normal force; Recirculating ball screws; Surface topography and contact stiffness; Error due to stick slip motion 18. NEW CONCEPTS IN MACHINE TOOLS DESIGN 337 Introduction; Probability concept in design; Unified systems approach to machine tools problems; Input-output and subsystem analysis; Dynamic data systems—its analysis and methodology 19. INDUSTRIAL ROBOTS AND.THE1R APPLICATIONS 368 Introduction; Basic Functions; Mobility of robots; Reliability in operations; Control; Hierarchial computer control configuration; Sensing; Assembly and megassernbly robots 20. NC--CNC--DNC—MACHINES 383 Introduction; Principles of CNC machines; Classification; Open loop and closed loop; Working of NC machine; Transducers and monitoring of displacement; Velocity feedback and positional feedback; Encoder; Moire Fringe pattern. Synchro. synchro resolvers and inductosyn; control in CNC; Electronic revolution & Computer growth; Direct Numerical Control (DNC); Retrofitting; Part programming; Various part programming languages; CNC Machining Centres & CNC Machines—Salient features and specifications II. ROBOT LANGUAGES—STATE OF THE ART 421 Introduction; Robot language outline; General description of programming language; Geometric modelling; Tool and Object sets of coordinate axes; Movements; Tools; ' Some Commercial languages; 22. FLEXIBLE MANUFACTURING SYSTEM (FMS) 434 Introduction; FMS—meaning and objectives; Classification of FMS; Building block concept; CNC Michine Centre; CADCAM-FMS; Precision movement 23. DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF A FEW SUBSYSTEMS IN MACHINE TOOLS: 446 System Analysis for dynamic compliance; Spindle Supports; Spindle End Calculations; Tribological Considerations & Frictional Analysis of various slideway materials; Calculation of Rigidity Considering Finite ElementCONTENTS 24. NON-UNIFORM MICRODISPLACEMENT 466 Calculationt fos Non-Uniform microdisplacement; Non-dimensional Parameters; Minimisation of Positional displacement error; Distribution of Hydrodynamic force in Specific Lubrication pocket; Dynamic Load Rating of Spindle Supports; Rigidity of Spindle unit and Optimum overhang of the Spindle end; Accuracy of the Spindle Units. 25. RELIABILITY ANALYSIS OF SOME MACHINE TOOL ELEMENTS 476 Introduction, Collet Chucking Analysis; Variable Method (K-statistics); Sufficiency of Readings, Reliability Analysis for Bearing; Analysis of Spindle with linear elastic supports; Viscous Damping; Analytical Methodology. 26. (A) Questions 490 (B) Answers Glossary 526 References 528 Index 535 X ALARP; APT; APT II; Autospot 409-410 AL, AML 431; An, 430 Antistick-slip oil, 118, 468 ATC 419 Automatic inspection of in-process parts, 307-313 Automatic operation of a horizontal drilling machine, 268 Automatic controls, 278-281 Automation in machine tools, 278 Ball guides, 114, 117 Ball recirculating power screws, 165 Classification and types, 168-169 Dynamic load, 193 efficiency of, 170-172 pre-loading methods, 173-174, 187-190 rigidity of, 183, 184 standard sizes, 191 strength calculations, 137-140 Bearings in Machine Tools, 197 Ball-load calculations, 201-203 Methods of adjustment for back lash, 203, 205 Selection of, 199-203 Sleeve-adjustment, design calculations, 198 Beds, Classification and types, 142-146 Design considerations, 146 Materials, 145, 149 Methods of heat treatment, 146 Natural frequency, 154 Sections (typical), 150 Braking, electrical, 260 Self, 91 Building block concept, 437 Built-in inspection units, 307-313 CAD-CAM, 406 Centralised system of controls, 242 Change gear drive, 66 Character, 419 Chatter in machine tools, 318 Classification of NC, CNC, 386-388 Closed loop, 388 Clutch, Electromagnetic, 262 ferromagnetic, 265 Clutches, gear box with, 67 CNC, 384 CNC control, 399 CNC machining centre, 412-415 CNC slideways, 416 Collet chucking — analysis, 477-480 mechanism, 479 Columns, design .for drilling machine, 152 design for milling machine, 150 Compensation of errors in power Screws, 173-174 Cone pully drive, 65 Compliance — dynamic analysis, 447 —joints, 474 Composites, 456, 458 Controls, electrical, 252-278 hydraulic, 282-292 Control of shifts in gear box, 241-251 individual system, 241 pre-selective system, 245-246 selective system, 244 simple system, 241-242 mechanical, 240-251 programme, 293-306536 Coordinate setting in numerical control, 298-304 Copying machine Hydrocopying, 286 Photoelectric copying, 297 Critical velocity evaluation, 467 duration of slip. stick period, 467 Deviation diagram, 50 Deformation, thermal, 99-100 Disc, floppy, 419 DNC, 406 Drives, basic classification, 65 Change gear 66 Cone pully and line shaft, 66 Design considerations, 66 electrical, 252 electromechanical, 44 hydraulic, 282-285 Stepless, 78-93 variable speed, 66-68 with epicyclic gear, 87 with variators, 86-93 Dynamic data system, 365-367 Dynamic load Rating, Spindle 471 power screws, 193 of spindle supports, 471 Efficiency, of belt drive, 24 of driving motor, 27 of gear train, 24 of power screw with rolling friction, 166,170-172 of power screw with sliding friction, 164 Electrical automation, 268 Electrical equipments in machine tools, 252-281 Electromagnetic clutch, 262 Electromagnets, 261-262 Electromechanical regulation, 44 Encoders, 392 End effectors, 375 Errors in coordinate settings, 301 Ordinary lead screw, 159-162 pitch, 162-163 INDEX recirculating ball screws, 165-172, 182-194 Errors, stick slip, 353 Ex APT. 409-410 Fabrication of plastic guides, 106 Feedback-positional, velocity, 392 Ferromagnetic powder clutch, 264-265 Finite element analysis of elastic support with damping, 485 rigidity, 461-63 transformation matrix, 463, 464 Floppy disk, 419 FMS, 434-437 Forced and damped vibration, 320-324 Forced vibration, 315 Forces, determination in Broaching, 32-34 drilling, 31 grinding, 29 milling, 26 shaping, 34 turning, 19-21 Forces, hydrodynamic on guides, 102-105 hydrostatic on guides, 123-132 Forces on single point cutting tool, 19-36 Frictional behaviour of guides and lubrication, 117, 211 Gain, 420 Gear box design, 66-77 Gear design, bevel, 72 spur, 69 Graphical representation of speeds, 46 Gratings, 391 Grippers, 375 GT, 435 Guides, Aerostatic, 133 ball, 120, 121 boundary lubrication in, 212 calculations in, 99, 102423, 125 circular, 94, 99, 101, 146 classification of, 94 combination, 116 fabrication of, 106INDEX 537 frictional behaviour of, 117-119 fundamental types of circular guides. ' 120 hydrodynamic lubrication of, 102, 107 hydrostatic lubrication of, 123 lubrication of, 216-217 materials, 98, 122 merits and demerits of plastic guides, 98 preloading of, 336 pressure distribution in, 102, 125 regime of working, 214 roller guides, 114 specifications, 114, 116 straight flat, 94, 96 temperature deformation, 99 Language-Robot, 430-431 Loop-Closed and open, 388 Lubrication, boundary; 212 classification of oils, 212, 216 hydrodynamic, 102.107 hydrostatic, 123 of machine tools, 216-217 quantity consumption of, :18 specifications, 212, 216 systems of, 210-218 temperature, 99-100 Lubrication pocket, linear recess, 470 Machine tools, classification, 7 developments, 2-7 Machining, power consumption in, 23, 27, 29, 31 vibrations, 228-231, 318-336 Magnetic box, 381 Magnetic tape, 420 Magnetostrictive drive, 344 Magnet, electro, 261-262 Magnetic clutch, 262 tape control, 295 Material, for ball screws, 167 for beds, 143 - for columns 154 for tables, 154 MCL, 432 MCU, 384 Mechanical, friction drives, 79-84 regulation of speed, 40, 41, 45 Methods of increasing range of regulation, 84 of eliminating back lash, 173, 174 of compensation of errors, 174 of eliminating stick slip motion, 331-336 Micro-displacement, 344-356 Micro-displacement — non-uniform, 466 Positional displacement evaluation of error, 467-469 Microprocessor, minicomputer control, 376-77,419 Minimization of stick slip sliding, 331, 336 Hardware, 419 Hierarchial Configuration, 379 Horizontal table, 146 design calculation for strength, 146 Hunting 420 Hydrodynamic lubrication, 102,107 Introduction, 1 Individual drive, 39 Individual system of control, 241 Inductosyn, 397 In-process inspection of parts, 307 IRL, 431 Isolators, 317 Journal bearings, Calculations, 197-199 design consideration, 199 methods of adjustment, 197 preloading 203 Kinematics of machine tools, 38 classification, basic considerations, 38, 39 deviation diagram, 50 ray diagram, 46-57 structure diagram, 50538 INDEX Moire fringe pattern, 395 Motor-Stepper, 373 Motor tape relay, 270 NC Machine, 383 NC Retrofitting, 401 NEAPT, 409-410 Numerical control in machine tools, 298-306 Part programming, 409412 Photoelectric tracing, 297 Positional feedback, 392 Power in machining 23, 27, 29, 31 of driving motor, 23, 27, 29, 31 Preloading of circular guides, 336 Programme control, 293 Probability in design, 357 Quantity of, lubrication, 218 oil flow in circular guides, 336 oil flow in hydrodynamic lubrication wedge pockets, 108 Range of speed, 42 Regulation obtained in different machines, 45 Regulation of speed electrical, 255 electromechanical, 44 mechanical, 40 Relays in machine tools, 267, 270 Reliability analysis collet chucking, 477 bearings, 483 failure rate of bearing, 483 by variable method (K-statistics), 479 by load-strength Interaction, 483 Relubrication of bearing, 482, 483 Resolver transducer, 396-398 Rigidity, concept, 218 dynamic, 225 static, 218-225 Rigidity of recirculating ball screw assembly, 183-186, 222 Robot, 368-382 Robot-teach. 378 Robot-Reliability, 373 Screws, 159 Self-tightening, 83 Self-excited vibrations 318 Sensor, 380, 428 Servo system, 388-89, 420 Shock absorbers, 317, 341-343 Sigla, 432 Signal, 420 Specification of lubrication oil, 216, 212 of motor, 29 of power screw, 159 Speeds, control, 240 graphical representation, 46 selection, 22, 25 Variable, stepped, 65 stepless, 78 calculation, 42 Spindle — bearing distance, overhang, 473 rigidity, dynamic characteristics, 474 Spindle units, accuracy, 475 deformations, 473 equivalent load, 472 Spindle units, adjustment of bearings, 195-197 Stick slip vibration, 324-340, 350-356 Surface topography and contact stiffness, 352 types, 195 typical units, 196 Software, 419 Stepper, 373 Synchro position transducer, 396-398 Synchro resolver position transducer, 396-398 Tables, design, 146 Specifications, 150, 154 Temperature, of lubrication oil, 99 deformation of circular tables, 99-100 Thermal relay, 267 Thermodynamic drive, 348INDEX 539 Time for starting and stopping the motor, 253 Time relays, 270 Time series analysis, 365 Tool, lifting arrangement, 272 Transducer, 390 Turcite B, 442-43 Typical bed section, 144, 145 Typical hydraulic circuits, 284, 285, 287 Ultrasonic vibratory force, 334, 469 Unified system approach, 360 VAL, 431 Variators, design considerations, 88 types, 79-85 Velocity, critical for guides, 123 critical for stick slip accurance, 327 Velocity Feedback, 392 Vibration of machine tools, 314 forced, 315 forced and damped, 321 isolation, 317, 341, 342, 343 minimisation, 331 self induced or chatter, 331 stick slip, 324-340, 350-356 Vision SyStem, 441 Wearing of guides, 95, 120 amount wear fate on conventional guides, 120 consideration in designing,107-117
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