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عدد المساهمات : 18928 التقييم : 35294 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Landmarks in Mechanical Engineering الخميس 01 ديسمبر 2022, 5:55 pm | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Landmarks in Mechanical Engineering ASME International History and Heritage
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CONTENTS Preface xiii Acknowledgments xvii Pumping Introduction 1 Newcomen Memorial Engine 3 Fairmount Waterworks 5 Chesapeake & Delaware Canal Scoop Wheel and Steam Engines 8 Holly System of Fire Protection and Water Supply 10 Archimedean Screw Pump 11 Chapin Mine Pumping Engine 12 LeavittRiedler Pumping Engine 14 Sidebar: Erasmus D.Leavitt, Jr. 16 Chestnut Street Pumping Engine 17 Specification: Chestnut Street Pumping Engine 18 A. B Wood Lowlift Screw Pump 18 ReynoldsCorliss Pumping Engine 21 Worthington Horizontal Crosscompound Pumping Engine 22 Specifications: Pumping Engine No. 2, York Water Company 23 Mechanical Power Production Water Introduction 24 Great Falls Raceway and Power System 27 Lowell Power Canal System and Pawtucket Gatehouse Turbine 29 Sidebar: James B. Francis, the Maker of Lowell 32 Holyoke Water Power System 33 Morris Canal Scotch (Reaction) Turbine 35 Sidebar: James Lee and Plane No. 9 West 36 Boyden Hydraulic Turbines, Harmony Mill No. 3 37 Sidebar: Uriah Atherton Boyden 38Page vi Steam Introduction 40 Boulton & Watt Rotative Steam Engine 43 Sidebar: Horsepower 44 Hacienda La Esperanza Sugar Mill Steam Engine 46 HarrisCorliss Steam Engine 48 Sidebar: George H. Corliss and the Corliss Engine 50 Specifications: HarrisCorliss Engine, Randall Brothers 51 Internal Combustion Introduction 52 Roosa Master Diesel Fuelinjection Pump 55 Electrical Power Production Water Introduction 57 Vulcan Street Power Plant 60 Folsom Powerhouse No. 1 62 Idols Station, Fries Manufacturing & Power Company 63 Michigan Lake Superior Power Company Hydroelectric Plant 65 ChildsIrving Hydroelectric Project 68 Rocky River Pumpedstorage Hydroelectric Plant 69 Kaplan Turbine 72 Hiwassee Dam Unit 2 Reversible PumpTurbine 74 Specifications: Hiwassee Dam Unit 2 Reversible PumpTurbine 75 Steam Introduction 76 Edison "Jumbo" Enginedriven Dynamo 78 Marinetype, Tripleexpansion, Enginedriven Dynamo 80 Pratt Institute Power Plant 82 5,000kilowatt Curtis Steam TurbineGenerator 84 Specifications: 5,000kilowatt Curtis Steam TurbineGenerator 85 Georgetown Steam Plant 86 East Wells (Oneida) Street Power Plant 88 Edgar Station, Edison Electric Illuminating Company 90 State Line Generating Unit No. 1 92 Port Washington Power Plant 93Page vii Internal Combustion Introduction 95 Neuchâtel Gas Turbine 97 Belle Isle Gas Turbine 98 Specifications: Belle Isle Gas Turbine 100 Nuclear Introduction 101 Shippingport Atomic Power Station 103 Geothermal Introduction 106 The Geysers Unit 1, Pacific Gas & Electric Company 108 Power Transmission Introduction 111 Kingsbury Thrust Bearing 113 Minerals Extraction and Refining Introduction 115 Saugus Ironworks 119 Cornwall Iron Furnace 121 Ringwood Manor Iron Complex 123 Drake Oil Well 125 Sidebar: How Oil Wells Were Drilled 126 Pioneer Oil Refinery (California Star Oil Works Company) 129 Reed Gold Mine Tenstamp Mill 130 Fairbanks Exploration Company Gold Dredge No. 8 132 Hanford B Reactor 134 First BasicOxygen Steelmaking Vessel 136 "Big Brutus" Mine Shovel 138 Manufacturing Facilities and Processes Introduction 140 PortsmouthKittery Naval Shipbuilding Activity 144 Springfield Armory 146 Jackson Ferry Shot Tower 148 Wilkinson Mill 150Page viii American Precision Museum/Robbins & Lawrence Armory and Machine Shop 153 Westmoreland Malleable Iron Works 155 Watkins Woolen Mill 157 Creusot Steam Hammer 159 Joshua Hendy Iron Works 161 Owens AR Bottle Machine 162 A. O. Smith Automatic Frame Plant 165 Corning Ribbon Machine 167 Fusionwelded Test Boiler Drum 169 Alcoa 50,000ton Hydraulic Forging Press 171 WymanGordon 50,000ton Hydraulic Forging Press 173 First Hot Isostatic Processing Vessels 174 Food Processing Introduction 177 Graue Mill 179 AndersonBarngrover Continuous Rotary Pressure Sterilizer 180 FMC Citrus Juice Extractor 182 Sidebar: WholeCitrus Fruit Juice Extraction: How It Works 184 Materials Handling and Excavation Introduction 185 Samson Mine Reversible Waterwheel and ManEngine 187 Buckeye Steam Traction Ditcher 189 "Pitcast" Jib Crane 191 Sidebar: The Manufacture of Pitcast Pipe 192 Quincy Mining Company No. 2 Mine Hoist 193 PACECO Container Crane 195 Environmental Control Introduction 198 Holly System of District Heating 201 Stirling Watertube Boilers 202 Detroit Edison District Heating System, Beacon Street Plant 203 Holland Tunnel Ventilation System 206 Magma Copper Mine AirConditioning System 208 Equitable Building Heat Pump 209Page ix Water Transportation Introduction 213 SS Great Britain 216 TV Emery Rice Engine 218 Turbinia 219 Sidebar: The Compound Steam Turbine 221 Vertical Reciprocating Steam Engines, USS Olympia 222 Evinrude Outboard Motor 224 Reciprocating Steam Engines, USS Texas 226 Specifications: Reciprocating Steam Engines, USS Texas 228 SS Jeremiah O'Brien 229 Sidebar: EC2 Cargo Vessels (Liberty Ships) Delivered in 1943, by Shipyard 231 Sidebar: U.S. Liberty Ship Engine Builders, Number Built 231 NS Savannah 233 Rail Transportation Introduction 235 Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Old Main Line 238 St. Charles Avenue Streetcar Line 240 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Roundhouse and Shops 242 Mount Washington Cog Railway 244 Monongahela and Duquesne Inclines 246 Sidebar: Pittsburgh's Inclines 248 Ferries & Cliff House Railway 249 Sidebar: Ferries & Cliff House Railway: How It Works 251 Manitou & Pikes Peak Cog Railway 252 Geared Locomotives of the Roaring Camp & Big Trees Narrow Gauge Railroad: Shay Dixiana, Climax Bloomsburg, and Heisler Tuolumne 255 Sidebar: The Geared Locomotives of Roaring Camp & Big Trees 256 Interborough Rapid Transit System (Original Line) 258 Alternatingcurrent Electrification of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad 260 Pullman Sleeping Car Glengyle 262 Texas & Pacific No. 610, Lima "SuperPower" Steam Locomotive 265 Specifications: Texas & Pacific No. 610 266 Pioneer Zephyr 268Page x Pennsylvania Railroad GG1 Electric Locomotive No. 4800 271 ElectroMotive FT Freightservice DieselElectric Locomotive 273 Norfolk & Western No. 611, Class J Steam Locomotive 275 Specifications: Norfolk & Western No. 611, Class J Steam Locomotive 276 Southern Pacific No. 4294 "CabinFront" Articulated Steam Locomotive 277 Specifications: Southern Pacific No. 4294, Class AC12 "CabinFront" Locomotive 278 Disneyland Monorail System 280 Road and OffRoad Transportation Introduction 282 Lombard Steam Log Hauler 284 Holt Caterpillar Tractor 286 Jacobs Engine Brake Retarder 288 Sidebar: The Engine without the Jake Brake/The Engine with the Jake Brake 289 Crawler Transporters of Launch Complex 39 291 Air and Space Transportation Introduction 294 Sikorsky VS300 Helicopter 296 Specifications: Sikorsky VS300 (Final Variant) 297 Atlas Launch Vehicle 298 RL10 Rocket Engine 301 Saturn V Rocket 303 Research and Development Introduction 306 Alden Research Laboratory Rotating Boom 309 100inch Hooker Telescope, Mount Wilson Observatory 310 Cooperative Fuel Research Engine 313 Aerodynamics Range, Aberdeen Proving Ground 315 Icing Research Tunnel, NASA Lewis Research Center 317 Rotatingarm Modeltest Facility 320 McKinley Climatic Laboratory 322 Experimental Breeder Reactor I 324Page xi Association of American Railroads' Railroadwheel Dynamometer 326 Vallecitos Boiling Water Reactor 329 Stanford Linear Accelerator Center 331 Communications and Data Processing Introduction 334 Edison Phonograph 336 Paige Compositor 338 PitneyBowes Model "M" Postage Meter 339 Xerography 341 Sidebar: The Xerographic Process 343 IBM 350 RAMAC Disk File 345 Biomedical Engineering Introduction 347 Blood Heat Exchanger 349 Further Reading 351 Page 353 INDEX Note: Introductory essays set each landmark in context with others within the same chapter. Although additional information may be available in these introductions, they were not indexed in detail in order to avoid duplication. A AAR. See Association of American Railroads ABB Combustion Engineering, 170 Aberdeen Proving Ground, 31517 Abt, Roman, 25253 accelerator, 33133 accidents: air, 301; boiler, 6, 202; mill, 179; nuclear, 36; rail, 263; ship, 222 Adams, Calvin, 155 Adams, John Quincy, 238 Adamson United Company, 328 Addressograph Company, 340 aerospace, 29193, 294300, 31517. See also aircraft, aviation Agamemon (ship), 229 Age of Steam Railroad Museum, 264 agriculture: and crawler technology, 284, 286; and diesel tractors, 56; and drainage, 18991; implements used in, 15556. See also food airconditioning, 2089, See also climatic control, environmental control, HVAC, refrigeration aircraft: manufacturing of, 141, 171, 174, 176; and stationary power, 98; testing of, 310, 31419, 321, 322. See also internal combustion engines Alabama, 19193, 3035 Alameda (California) refinery, 130 Alaska, 13234 Alaska Railroad, 133 Albacore (submarine), 321 Alcoa hydraulic forging press, 17172 Alden Hydraulic Laboratory, 309 Alden Research Laboratory rotating boom, 30910 Allegheny County, Port Authority of, 248 Allegheny River (Pennsylvania), 24649 Allen, Charles Metcalf, 309 Alliance Machine Company, 192 Allis, Edward P., Company of Milwaukee, 12, 17, 2122. See also AllisChalmers Company of Milwaukee AllisChalmers Company of Milwaukee, 2122; diesel pump, 56; mill, 158; motor, 20; pumpturbine, 75; turbine, 65, 68, 94. See also Allis, Edward P., Company of Milwaukee Allner, Frederick A., 113 alloys, super, 174, 176 alternatingcurrent electrification, 26062 Aluminum Company of America, 171 Aluminum Corporation of America, 173 Alweg Corporation, 280 America (ship), 14 American Cast Iron Pipe Company, 19193 American Company, 123 American District Steam Company, 201 American Freedom Train, 267 American Institute of Electrical Engineers. See Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers American Iron and Steel Institute, 120 American Malleable Castings Association, 156 American Merchant Marine Museum, 219 American Motors Company, 224 American Petroleum Institute, 313 American Precision Museum, 15355 American River (California), 62 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 169 American Society of Civil Engineers, 33, 6061, 207 Ames, Edward T., 60 Ames Iron Works, 83 Ames Manufacturing Company, 154 Ammonoosic River (New Hampshire), 245 Anderson, John, 88, 90 AndersonBarngrover Manufacturing Company, 18082 Anderson, Probst & White, 93 Andrews Station (California), 12930 AI demonstrator (rail), 26667 Apollo, 29293, 302, 3035 ApolloSoyuz Test Project, 293 Appalachia Lake (North California), 75 Appert, Nicolas, 180 Appleton Edison Light Company, 6061 Appleton Paper and Pulp Company, 60 Applied Research Laboratory, 328 Archimedean screw pump, 1112 Argonne National Laboratory, 32526, 329 Arizona, 6869, 2089 Arizona Public Service Company, 6869 Armengaud, René, 99 armories, 142, 14648, 15355 Armstrong, E. J., 83 Association of American Railroads, 32628 Atlantic (rail), 239 Atlas launch vehicle, 298300 Aurora & Chicago Railroad, 24243 Australia, 4346 autoclave, 176 automotive, 16566, 2067, 28891, 31315 aviation, 29295, 29698. See also aerospace, aircraft B Babcock & Wilcox Company, 79, 93, 203; boilers by, 226, 261 Baldwin Locomotive Works, 27173, 27779Page 354 Ballistic Research Laboratory, 315 ballistics, 30910, 31517 Baltimore & Ohio railroad, 23840 Barber, John, 97 Barthel, Oliver E., 224 basicoxygen steelmaking vessel, 13638 Bath Iron Works, 232 Battelle Memorial Institute, 176, 342, 34 Bay State (ship), 219 Beach, Alfred Ely, 258 Beacon Street Plant (Detroit), 2035 bearing: air, 346; thrust, 19, 37, 11112, 11314 Beauregard, P. G. T., 241 Beaver, William, 104 Bechtel, K. K., 162 Bechtel Corporation, 325, 329 Becuna, USS (ship), 224 Bedford (ship), 144 Behr, F. B., 280 Belle Isle: gas turbine, 98100; station, 98 Belluschi, Pietro, 20910 Belmont, August, 258 Bethlehem Iron Company, 160 Bethlehem Steel Company, 16, 17, 133 bicycle, 153, 165, 281 "Big Brutus" mine shovel, 13839 BigelowHornsby boilers, 261 Big Sulphur Creek (California), 1089 Birmingham Special (rail), 277 Bissell, George H., 125 Blackstone River (Rhode Island), 150, 152 Black Swamp (Ohio), 189 Blackwall tunnel (London), 206 Blanchard, Thomas, 146, 154 blood heat exchanger, 34950 Bloomsburg (rail), 25557 boats. See ships and boats Boeing Company, 174, 304 Boilder Code Committee of ASME International, 170 boilers: Babcock & Wilcox, 79, 93; Belpairefirebox, 15; coal fired, 77; drum, 16971; Edge Moor, 89; highpressure, 91; Lancashire, 47; Stirling, 22, 87; watertube, 87, 89, 91, 2023, 226, 261 Bollman, Wendel, 239 bonding, gaspressure, 17476 Bonneville Power Authority, 114 booms, 30910 Borda, Jean Charles, 309 Bossart, Karel J., 298 Boston & Albany Railroad, 267 Boston Water and Sewer Commission, 15 bottle machine, 16264 Boulevard Plant (Detroit), 205 Boulton, Matthew, 44 Boulton & Watt rotative steam engine, 4346 Bourdon, François, 159 Bowes, Walter, 341 Boyden, Seth, 155 Boyden, Uriah Atherton, 38 Boyden hydraulic turbines, 3739 brakes, 28891, 32628 Brandt, C. A., 322 Braun, Wernher von, 304 breeder reactor, 32426 Brewer, Watson & Company, 125 Brillhart Pumping Station, 2223 Brown, Ivan W., 349 Brown Boveri & Company, 98, 99 BrownHarrison exchanger, 34950 Browning, Charles, Jr., 279 Brunel, Isambard Kingdom, 159, 216 Brunel, Marc Isambard, 206 Buchanan, Donald, 291 Buckeye Company, 190 Buckeye steam traction ditcher, 18991 Buckingham, Edgar, 307 Buckland, Cyrus, 147 BucyrusErie Company, 138, 29192 Budd, Edward G., Manufacturing Company, 269 Budd, Ralph, 269 Buell, Abel, 155 Buffalo Forge Company, 199 Bulls Bridge power station (Arizona), 69, 71 Bureau of Aeronautics, 321 Burlington. See Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Burnham, D. H., & Company, 31112 C cable railway, 251 Cajon Pass (California), 288 calcium carbide, 6667 California: Los Angeles area, 12930, 28081, 31012; Sacramento area, 6263, 27577; San Diego, 298300; San Francisco area, 1112, 10810, 19597, 22932, 24952, 28687, 32930; San Francisco/Santa Clara Valley, 16162, 18082, 25557, 33133, 34546 California Star Oil Works Company, 12930 California State Railroad Museum, 279 Calley, John, 4 Calumet & Hecla Mining Company, 16, 193 Campbell, Whittier & Company, 245 canals: ditcher, 190; diversion, 62; drainage, 18; Erie, 201; Morris, 3537; power, 2930, 33, 39, 66, 71; pump, 89 Candlewood, Lake (Arizona), 7071 canning, 18082 Carbide Power Company (Michigan), 67 Cargill Salt Company, 12 Carlson, Chester F., 342 Carnegie (rail), 263 Carnegie Institution, 311 Carnot, Nicolas, Léonard Sadi, 210 Carré, Ferdinand, 199 Carrier, Wills H., 199, 2089 Carrier Corporation, 318 Carroll, Charles, 238 Cary, Bess, 22426 castings: centrifugal, 193; HIP, 176; iron, 15557 caterpillar. See Holt Caterpillar tractor Caterpillar, Inc., 28687 Cavalier (rail), 276 Centaur launch vehicle, 300, 3012 Central Heating Company, 204 Central Military Tract railroad, 242 Central Power & Light Company (Pennsylvania), 73 Central Valley power project (California), 63 Century of Progress Exposition (1934), 270 ceramics, 17476 Chabannes, Marquis de, 198 Chapin Mine pumping engine, 1214 Charters, Alexander C., 315 chassis factory, 16566 Chatanika River (Alaska), 133Page 355 Chesapeake & Delaware Canal, 89 Chesapeake & Ohio Canal, 238 Chestnut Hill Pumping Station (Boston), 1415 Chestnut Street pumping engine (Erie, Pennsylvania), 1718 Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, 254 Chicago. See Illinois, Chicago area; Indiana, Chicago area Chicago & North Western, 242 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, 24243, 26870 Chicago Herald, 339 ChildsIrving hydroelectric project, 6869 China, 19597 Chiswell, John, 14849 Cincinnati, New Orleans, & Texas Pacific, 274 citrus juice extractor, 18284 City of New York (rail), 242 Civil War, 16, 34, 144, 147, 246; and industry, 124, 154; and oil prices, 128; and rail transportation, 241; and woolen goods, 158 Clark, Erastus W., 155 Clay Street Hill Railroad Company, 250 Clemens, Samuel, 339 Clements, Charles, 286 Clergue, Francis H., 65 Clermont (ship), 151 Cleveland Crane & Car Company, 192 climatic control, 31719, 32224 Climatic Hangar. See McKinley Climatic Laboratory Climax locomotive, 25557 Climax Manufacturing Company, 255 coal: blast furnace, 11617; combustion (rail), 242; excavation of, 13839; feeders, Lopulco, 89; pulverized, 88, 94 Coalbrookdale Furnace, 121 cogeneration, 205 Coggins Mine, 131 cog railway, 24446, 25254 Cohoes Industrial Terminal, Inc., 39 Cold War, 136, 171 Coleman, Robert, 122 Colorado, 25254, 32628 Colorado Railway Museum, 254 Colt, Peter, 27, 29 Colt revolver, 27 Columbian Exposition (1893), 79 Columbia River (Washington), 134 Commonwealth Building (Oregon), 20912 Commonwealth Edison Company: of Illinois, 329; of Indiana, 93; of New York, 8486 composite materials, 174 compositor, 33839 computer industry, 34546 Connecticut: Hartford area, 5556, 6971, 28891, 33839; southwest, 26062, 33941 Connecticut Light & Power Company, 6971 Connecticut River (Massachusetts), 33, 146 Conrail, 273 containerization, 19597 Conti, Piero Ginori, 106 continuous rotary pressure sterilizer, 18082 Convair, 29899 conveyors, 46, 90 Coolidge, W. D., 141 Cooper, Peter, 124, 239 Cooperative Fuel Research engine, 31315 Corlett, Ewan, 217 Corliss, George H., 5051 Corliss engines, 14, 80; as cablecar powerhouse, 251; and Centennial Engine, 41; and Reynolds, 2122; and Worthington, 2223. See also HarrisCorliss steam engine Corliss Steam Engine Company, 49 Cornell University, 111 Corning Glass Works, 167 Corning ribbon machine, 16768 Cornish Pump and Mining Museum, 14 Cornwall Iron Furnace, 12123 Cornwall Ore Banks, 12122 Cos Cob Power Station, 26162 Cotton States and International Exposition (1895), 48 Coventry Canal Company, 5 C. P. Huntington (rail), 279 cranes, 137, 19193, 19597 crawler transporters, 29193, 304 Creighton, W. H. P., 20 Creusot steam hammer, 15960 Crooks, James W., 299 Crosby, Dixi, 125 CrownAmerica, Inc., 203 Cruiser Olympia Association, 223 Cummins, Clessie L., 288, 290 Cummins diesel engines, 254 Cummins Engine Company, 290 Curtis, Charles G., 84 Curtis steam turbinegenerators, 8486, 87 CurtissWright aircraft, 27 D Daimler, Gottlieb, 282 dams: Bonneville, 134; Boulder, 162; Folsom, 62; Grand Coulee, 134, 162; Hiwassee, 74 Dartmouth Museum, 5 Davidson, Kenneth S. M., 32021 Davidson Ditch (Alaska), 133 Davidson Laboratory, 32021 Davis, Phineas, 239 Dayton, Russell, 175 defense, 136, 148, 153, 324 De Laval Steam Turbine Company, 234 Delaware River (New Jersey; Pennsylvania), 35 Delmonico (rail), 242 Depression, 162, 195, 270 Detroit Edison "A" Station (Michigan), 80 Detroit Edison Company, 2045 Detroit Edison district heating system, 2035 Detroit United Railway Company, 204 Dewar, James, 301 Dickson Manufacturing Company, 81 dieforging presses, hydraulic, 17172, 17374 Diescher, Samuel, 247 diesel, 18586, 213, 285, 292; brake, 28891; fuelinjection pump, 5556; testing, 31315. See also locomotive, dieselelectric Diesel, Rudolf, 5354, 268 Dilworth, Richard M., 27374 directcurrent electrification, 261 Disneyland monorail system, 28081 ditcher, 18991 Dixiana (rail), 25557 Doerell (mine warden), 187 Dominion Foundries & Steel, 138 Dornbrook, Fred, 8889Page 356 Douglas Aircraft Company, 304 Drake, Edwin L., 125, 127 Drake oil well, 12528 dredge, 13234 Dresden Nuclear Power Station (Illinois), 329 Dresser Industries, 315 Dry Lake (Arizona), 68 Duane Street Station (Michigan), 81 Duke Power Company, 65 Duke University School of Medicine, 349 DuPage County Forest Preserve District, 180 Dupont, 134 du Pont de Nemours, E. I., & Company, 134 Duquesne incline, 24649 Duquesne Inclined Plane Company, 247 Duquesne Light Company (Pittsburgh), 103 Duwamish River, 86 dynamometer, railroadwheel, 32628 dynamos, 76, 7880, 8082, 154 E East Wells Street Power Plant, 8890 Edgar, Charles L., 91 Edgar, Charles L., Station, 9092, 169 Edison, Thomas Alva, 64, 76, 167, 336. See also Vulcan Street Power Plant Edison Electric Illuminating Company, 81, 90, 169 Edison Electric Light Company, 78 Edison General Electric Company, 81 Edison "Jumbo" dynamo, 7880 Edison National Historic Site, 337 Edison phonograph, 33637 Edison Sault Electric Company, 67 Edwards, Victor E., 310 Eglin Air Force Base, 317, 32224 Ehricke, Krafft, 300 Eisenhower, Dwight D., 101, 1034, 233, 300 electrical power production, 77, 7880, 8486, 2035 Electric Operating Construction Company, 68 electrification: alternating current, 26062; direct current, 261 ElectroMotive FT freightservice dieselelectric locomotive, 27375 Elk Cotton Mills, 202 Elk River Coal & Lumber Company, 256 Ellicott's Mills, 238 Elliott, William Bell, 108 Elto Outboard Motor Company, 225 EMD103 demonstrator locomotive, 27375 Emery Rice, TV, engine, 21819 Emmet, William Le Roy, 8485 Emmons, W. O., 349 Empire Machine Company, 167 Encinal Terminals (California), 19697 Endres, John J., 247 Enfield Armory, 154 England, 35, 45, 21617, 21922 environmental control, 198212 EppingCarpenter Company, 2122 Equitable Building heat pump, 20912 Equitable Savings & Loan Association, 210 Erie, Lake (Ohio), 189 Erie Canal Museum, 10, 201 Erie City Water Authority, 18 Erskine, Robert, 124 European Bottle Machine Company, 164 Evans, Oliver, 6 Eveleth, Jonathan, G., 125 Everglades (Florida), 190 Evinrude, Ole, 22426 Evinrude outboard motor, 22426 excavation, 12634, 13839 Exhibition Park (Newcastle upon Tyne), 222 Experimental Breeder Reactor I, 32426 Experimental Towing Tank, 32021 Experiment Station (Mississippi), 306 Exposition Cotton Mills of Atlanta, 48 F Fairbanks Exploration Company, 13234 Fairmount Waterworks, 57 Falkland (ship), 144 Farnham Typesetter Company, 338 Federal Aviation Administration, 323 Fermi, Enrico, 104, 135, 325 Fernández y Martínez, José Ramón, 46 Ferries & Cliff House Railway, 24952 Ferris, G. W. G., 247 Field, Darby, 244 Fink, Albert, 239 fire hydrant system, 10 First Iron Works Association, 120 Fisk Street Station (New York), 84 Flatiron Power and Pumping Plant (Colorado), 74 Fleming engine, 203 Florida: east coast, 29193, 3012, 3035; northeast, 2122, 32224; west coast, 18284 FMC citrus juice extractor, 18284 FMC Corporation, 18182, 18284 FockeAchgelis Fa61, 296 Folsom Lake State Recreational Area, 62 Folsom Powerhouse No. 1, 6263 food, 17779; bottle making for, 16264; canning of, 180; grain, 17980; juice, 18284; salt, 1112; sugar cane, 4648 Ford, Gerald R., 28 Ford, Henry, 79, 282 Ford, Henry, Museum, 7880, 8082, 168, 298 Fore River Ship Yard, 311 forging, 11920, 123, 14041, 15052; hammer, 159; hydraulic press, 17172, 17374 foundries, 15557, 172; and castiron pipe, 19192; Holyoke, 34 Fourneyron, Benoît, 3738 Fox River (Wisconsin), 60 France, 15960, 180 Francis, James B., 2931, 3233 Franklin, Benjamin, 198 Franklin Institute, 9, 38 Freeman, Milton H., 206 Fried, Walter, 321 Fries, Henry Elias, 64 Fries Manufacturing & Power Company, 6365 Froude, William, 307, 320 fuel: automobile, 31315; breeding, 32426; cells, 77; liquid hydrogen, 3012, 303; manufacturing, 135, 174. See also, coal, diesel, nuclear, oil furnaces: blast, 115, 119, 12123; electric induction, 156; Horry, 67; openhearth, 11; resistance, 176; reverberatory, 151 fusionwelded test boiler drum, 16971 G Gagarin, Yuri A., 303 Galileo, 310 Gallup, David, 310Page 357 Galvani, Luigi, 347 Garand, John C., 148 gears, 255, 312 General Dynamics Corporation, 298 General Electric Company, 62, 138, 141; Curtis turbines, 8486; gas turbines, 99100; generators, 62, 83; locomotives, 96, 254, 27173; and nuclear power, 134, 32930; steam turbines, 7677; turbinegenerators, 93, 109 General Machinery Corporation, 232 General Motors Corporation, 254, 268, 273, 349 Georgetown Steam Plant, 8688 Georgia, 4851, 2023 Georgia Institute of Technology, 49 geothermal power, 10610 Germany, 18788 Geysers Unit I, 10810 GG 1 electric locomotive No. 4800, 27173 Gilbert, George, 255 Gilbreth, Frank B., 86 Gillespie Fields Airport (California), 300 Glasgow University, 45 glass manufacturing, 16264, 16768 Glengyle (rail), 26264 gold, 13032, 13234 Gold Dredge No. 8, 13233 Goliad (rail), 264 Graff, Frederick, 67 Grand Central Palace (1924), 79 Grand Central Terminal (New York), 26061 Grant, J. D., 108 Graue, Frederick, 179 Graue Mill and Museum, 180 Gray, David E., 168 Gray, john E., 104 Gray, Vernon, 319 Great Britain, SS (ship), 159, 21617 Great Eastern, SS (ship), 216 Great Egg Harbor River (New Jersey), 191 Great Falls Development Corporation, 28 Great Falls Historic District, 28 Great Falls raceway and power system, 2729 Great Lakes waterway, 193 Great Western, SS (ship), 216 Great Western Steamship Company, 217 Gren, Axel L. Wenner, 280 Grubb, Peter, 121 H Hacienda La Esperanza sugar mill, 4648 Hadley Falls Company, 34 Haggin Museum, 287 Hale, George Ellery, 310 Hallidie, Andrew, 24950 Haloid Company, 344 Hamilton, Alexander, 27 Hamilton engine, 203 hammers, 140, 15960, 17172, 17374 Hammersmith, See Saugus Ironworks Hancock Historical Museum, 190 Hanford B Reactor, 13436 Hanford Science Center, 136 Hansen, W. W., 331 Harmony Manufacturing Company, 37, 39 Harmony Mills, 3739 Harpers Ferry, 238, 240 Harris, William A., 49 Harris, William A., Company, 48 HarrisCorliss steam engine, 4851 Harrison Radiator Division, 249 Harvard University, 38 Harwood, Herbert, 240 Hasenclever, Peter, 123 health, 18, 34950 heating, 201, 2035, 20912. See also airconditioning, refrigeration heavypress program, 171, 173 HedgesWalshWeidner Company, 169 Heisler, Charles L., 257 Heisler locomotive, 25557 helicopter, 113, 29698 Helmholtz, Hermann von, 347 Hendy, Joshua, 161 Hendy, Joshua, Iron Works, 16162 Henry Ford Museum, 7880, 8082, 168, 298 Herschel, Clemens, 34 Hetch Hetchy & Yosemite Valley Railroad, 256 Hewitt, Abram S., 124 Hill, James B., 189 HIP. See hot isostatic processing vessels Historic American Building Survey, 179 Historic American Engineering Record, also documented by: electrical power, 6567, 8688; environmental control, 2067; excavation, 19395; manufacturing, 15053, 15758, 17374; mechanical power, 2729, 3739, 4648; pump, 57, 89, 1415; rail, 23840, 24952, 25859 Hiwassee Dam Unit 2 reversible pumpturbine, 7475 Hiwassee River (North Carolina), 74 Hodge, Edwin, 175 hoist, 192, 19395, 247. See also manengine, Morris Canal Scotch (reaction) turbine Holland, Clifford Milburn, 206 Holland, John Philip, 29 Holland submarine, 27 Holland Tunnel ventilation system, 2067 Holly, Bridsill, 10, 201, 204 Holly Manufacturing Company, 10 Holly Steam Combination Company, 201 Holly system: of district heating, 201; of fire protection and water supply, 10 Holmes, Howard Carleton, 24940 Holt, Benjamin, 286 Holt Caterpillar tractor, 28687 Holt Manufacturing Company, 286 Holtwood hydroelectric station, 113 Holyoke Heritage State Park, 34 Holyoke water power system, 3334 Holzwarth, Hans, 9596 Hooker, John D., 311 Hooker telescope, 31012 Hopatcong, Lake (New Jersey), 35 Hornblower, Jonathan, 17 Horning, Harry L., 314 horsepower, origin of, 44 hot isostatic processing vessels, 17476 Houdry catalytic converters, 99 Housatonic River (Connecticut), 6971 Howd, Samuel B., 30 Hubble, Edwin Powell, 312 Hudson River (New Jersey; New York), 206Page 358 Huey, Arthur S., Station (New York). See Belle Isle Station Hunterian Museum, 45 Huntington, C. P. (rail), 279 hurricanes, 2223 HVAC, 318 hydraulic: brake retarder, 28990; dieforging presses, 17172, 17374; experiments, 34, 309; leveling system, 291, 293; screw pumps, 1112; turbines, 57, 34, 3739 hydrodynamics testing, 32021 hydroelectric: plants, 6061, 6365, 6567, 6869; pumped storage, 6971, 7475; turbines, 7273, 114 hydropneumatic pressure system, 172 I IBM, 304, 34546 IBM 350 RAMAC disk file, 34546 Icing Research Tunnel, 31719 Idaho, 32426 Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, 326 Idols Station (North Carolina), 6365 Illinois, Chicago area, 17980, 24243, 26870 II'ya Muromets (aircraft), 296 incline, 35, 245, 24649 Indiana, Chicago area, 9293 Industrial Revolution, 142, 198 Information Age, 345 Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, 6061, 79 Insull, Samuel, 84, 92 Interborough Rapid Transit system, 25859 intercontinental ballistic missiles, 299300 internal combustion engines, 5256, 95100, 22426, 254; brake retarder for, 28891; and fuel research, 31315 International Standards Organization, 197 iron: charcoal, 122; hammer, 159; malleable, 120, 15557 Iron Age, 115 Iron Man Museum, 162 ironworks, 1415, 11921, 123, 15557, 16162 IRT system. See Interborough Rapid Transit system Italy, 106 J Jackson, Thomas, 149 Jackson Ferry shot tower, 14850 Jacksonville, City of, Water Division, 22 Jacobs engine brake retarder, 28891 Jacob's Ladder, 24546 Jacobs Manufacturing Company, 28891 Jacomini, Clement, 312 Jake brake, 28891 Jamestown (rail), 263 Jauriet firebox, 242 Jefferson, Thomas, 238 Jeremiah O'Brien, SS (ship), 22932 John Bean Spray Company, 182 John F. Kennedy Space Center, 29193, 3035 Johnson, Lyndon B., Space Center, 3035 Johnson, John, 189 Jones, John Paul, 144 Jouglet, A., 199 Joy, David, 81 juice extractor, 18284 ''Jumbo" dynamo, Edison, 7880 K Kaiser, Henry J., 162 Kaiser Wilhelm II (ship), 229 Kansas, 13839 Kaplan, Viktor, 72 Kaplan, turbine, 7273 Kelvin, Lord. See Thomson, Sir William Kendall, Nicanor, 153 Kennedy, John F., 291, 303 Kennedy, John F., Space Center, 29193, 3035 Kent, Robert H., 315 Kent Machine Company, 164 Kerr coal chute, 242 Kettering, Charles F., 268 Kingsbury, Albert, 113 Kingsbury thrust bearing, 11314 Kittery Historical and Naval Museum, 145 Knight, Jonathan, 238 Kooistra, J. F., 209 Kornei, Otto, 342 Kortum, Karl, 219 Kroeker, J. Donald, 210 Kruesi, John, 336 Krupp Works, 68 L labor: child, 31, 164; immigrant, 31, 252; improved conditions, 209; prison, 62; reduction in, 165, 167, 195; savings in, 167, 181, 190, 197; skilled, 120; slave, 46, 149; women, 29, 321. See also health, safety Ladd Field (Alaska), 322 La Esperanza sugar mill, 4648 lakes: Appalachia, 75; Candlewood, 7071; Dry, 68; Erie, 189; Great (waterway), 193; Hopatcong, 35; Michigan, 93; Stehr, 68; Superior, 122, 193 Lakeside Power Plant (Wisconsin), 90 Lake Walk plant (Texas), 73 lamp, incandescent, 78, 167 land, Emory Scott, 229 land reclamation, 189 Larderello, Italy, 106 Lartigue, C. F. M. T., 280 lathes, 146, 154 Lawrence, Richard S., 153 Leader, Richard, 120 Leavitt, Erasmus D., Jr., 1415, 1617 LevittRiedler pumping engine, 1415 Lee, James, 3537 legislation, 260, 341 Lemale, Charles, 99 L'Enfant, Pierre Charles, 27 Lenoir, J. J. E., 52 Leslie Salt Company, 11 Lewis, George W., 317 Lewis & Claflin, 64 Libbey, 167 Libbey, Edward Drummond, 163 Liberty ships, 162, 22932 lighting, 6061, 76, 163, 16768 Lima Locomotive Works, 255, 26568 Lima "SuperPower" steam locomotive, 26568 Linotype, 33839 Livermore, Horatio P., 62 Locomotive Pulverized Fuel Company, 89 locomotives: Baldwin tank, 253: "cabinfront" articulated steam, 27780; dieselelectric, 254, 26871, 27375; doubletruck, 261; electric, 260, 27173; first commoncarrier steam service, 238;Page 359 geared steam engines, 25557; last standardgauge steam, 27577; Mallet, 27879; Mogul, 243; steam cogwheel, 245; superpower steam, 26568 Loewy, Raymond, 272 Loewy Construction Company, 173 Lombard, Alvin O., 28485 Lombard steam log hauler, 28485 London Crystal Palace Exhibition (1851), 154 Long, Stephen H., 238 Los Angeles Aqueduct, 287 Los Angeles Petroleum Company, 129 Louisiana, 1820, 24042; Purchase Exposition (1904), 79 Lowell Hydraulic Experiments, 33 Lowell Manufacturing Company, 16 Lowell National Historical Park, 31 Lowell Power Canal System, 2932, 38 lubrication, 11112 Ludington Mine (Michigan), 13 lumber industry, 28485 Lycoming engine, 297 Lyman, George W., 33 Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, 3035 Lyons Station (California), 129 M machines, "simple," 185 machine shops, 34, 151, 15355, 165, 24243 machine tools, 15053, 15355, 176 Magma Copper Mine, 2089 Magma Power Company, 109 magnetic disks, 345 Maine, 14445, 28485 Maine State Museum, 285 Main Street Pumping Station (Jacksonville), 22 Makepeace, C. R., & Company, 64 Malleable Founders Society, 156 manengine, 18788 Manhattan Project, 134 Manitou & Pikes Peak Cog Railway, 245, 25254 Manitou Springs station, 254 manufacturing, 14076; American system of, 142, 15355; fuel, 313; glass, 16264, 16768; rail, 273, 327; salt, 1112; water transportation, 230, 232, 22526. See also labor, textile industry Marcus Hook refinery, 99 Mariner (spacecraft), 302 marinetype tripleexpansion enginedriven dynamo, 8082 Marion Power Shovel Company, 29192 Maritime Administration, 233 Mark Twain House, 339 Mark Twain Zephyr (rail), 270 Marsh, Sylvester, 24445, 253 Marshall Space Flight Center, 3035 Marshfield Base Station (New Hampshire), 246 Maryland: Baltimore area, 23840, 31517; Delaware area, 89 Massachusetts: Boston area, 1415, 9092, 11921; central, 17374, 30910; north of Boston, 2932; western, 3334, 14648. See also Lowell entries Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 268 Massachusetts Nautical Training School, 219 Master Car Builders' Association, 327 Mastodon Mill. See Harmony Mills materials handling, 18597; and manufacturing 168, 181, 183, 232; and people movers, 28081. See also cranes, mills Matson Navigation Company, 19597 McCormick, John B., 34 McDonald, Forrest, 90 McKinley, Ashley C., 322 McKinley, Climatic Laboratory, 32224 McLean, Malcolm, 195 McLouth Steel Products Corporation, 13668 McQuaid (rail), 264 Mecklenburg Iron Works, 131 medical technology, 34750 Melpomene Pumping Station No. 1 (New Orleans), 20 Menominee Range Historical Foundation, 14 Mercury spacecraft, 299 Mergenthaler, Ottmar, 339 Mergenthaler Linotype Company, 339 Merrick, Samuel V., 8 Merrick & Son, 89 Merrimack River, 2931 Mersey Iron Works, 216 Messerschmitt, Bolkow & Blohm, 281 Mesta Machine Company, 172 Metcalf, E. C., 156 Metropolitan Edison Company, 72 Mianus River (Connecticut), 26162 Michell, A. G. M., 112 Michigan: Detroit area, 7880, 8082, 13638, 16768, 2035, 29698; northern, 1214, 6567, 19395 Michigan, Lake, 93 Michigan Central No. 8000, 266 Michigan Lake Superior Power Company, 6567 Michigan Northern Power Company, 67 Midvale Steel Company, 91 military, 171, 284, 286, 298300, 32021. See also armories, defense Millholland engines, 247 Mill River (Massachusetts), 146 mills, 29, 60, 123, 152, 177; development of, 3334; grist, 17980; rolling and slitting, 119, 151; saw, 17980, 245, 256; sugar, 4648; tenstamp, 13032; textile, 29, 31, 34, 39, 15758, 2023; water system, 6, 27 Mills, James K., 33 Milwaukee Electric Railway & Light Company, 88, 9394 Milwaukee Repertory Theater, 90 "Miner's Friend, The," 4 mining, 22, 13839, 16162, 18586, 29192; coal, 35, 13839; copper, 68, 19395, 2089; gold, 13032, 13234; iron, 1214; lead, 14850; silver, 18788 missiles, 299300 Mississippi River, 238, 24142 Missouri: Kansas City area, 15758; St. Louis, 27375 Mistele, Ray, 88 models, 3067, 32021. See also wind tunnels Monongahela incline, 24649 Monongahela River (Pennsylvania), 24649 monorail, 28081 Montgomery, Murray, 196 Moore, Charles E., 162 Morris Canal Scotch (reaction) turbine, 3537 MorroVelho Mine, 208Page 360 Moses, A. J., 170 Moss, Sanford, 99 Moultrop, Irving E., 90 Mt. Clare Station (Maryland), 240 Mount Washington cog railway, 24446 Mount Washington Steam Railway, 245 Mount Wilson Observatory, 31012 Muley, Alfred, 321 Mulholland, William E., 287 Murphy Power Company, 204 Museum of Man and Industry, 160 Museum of Science and Industry (Chicago), 270 museums: cablecar, 252; canal, 10; electric power, 88; furnace, 193; lumber, 285; manufacturing, 15355, 162; mill, 180; mining, 14, 188; Newcomen, 5; rail, 240, 254, 264, 273, 279; science and industry, 45, 160, 270; shipping, 145, 219; steamship, 217; transportation, 27475, 277; urban transit, 259. See also Great Falls Historic District, Haggin Museum, Henry Ford Museum, Hunterian Museum, Paterson Museum, Smithsonian Institution N Nanjing, 197 Nantucket (ship), 219 NASA, 29193, 298300, 3012, 3035, 320; Lewis Research Center, 31719; testing, 323 Nasmyth, James, 159 National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. See NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration. See NASA National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, 170 National Historic Landmark, 28, 326 National Historic Site, 119, 14648, 15758 National Liberty Ship Memorial, 232 National Maritime Museum (San Francisco), 219 National Museum of Transportation, 27475 National Park Service, 121, 337 National Road, 238 National Science Foundation, 323 Natoma Water and Mining Company, 62 natural gas, 92, 100 Naval Ordnance Laboratory, 317 Neuchâtel gas turbine, 9798 Newcomen engine, 35, 43 Newcomen, Thomas, 35 New England Glass Company, 163 New England Shipbuilding Corporation, 232 New Hampshire, 14445, 24446 New Jersey: Division of Parks and Forestry, 125; Highlands Historical Society, 125; Menlo Park, 7879, 336; north, 2729, 12325, 2067, 32021, 33637; northwest, 3537 New Orleans: Advisory Board on Drainage, 18; Regional Transit Authority of, 241; Sewerage and Water Board, 18, 20 New Orleans & Carrollton Rail Road (NO&C), 240 Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Company, 22627 New River, 14850 New York: Buffalo area, 10, 201, 34950; Hudson River area, 8486, 98100; New York City area, 8284, 2067, 21819, 25859; Syracuse area, 15557 New York, USS (ship), 226 New York & New Jersey, Port Authority of, 207 New York Central Railroad, 260 New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad, 26062 New York Stock Exchange, 199 Niagara Falls, 62 Nobel Prize of 1976, 33233 Nordberg Manufacturing Company of Milwaukee, 19, 193 Norfolk & Western No. 611, Class J steam locomotive, 27577 NorfolkSouthern Corporation, 277 Norris, William, 240 North, Charles R., 338 North American Aviation, Inc., 3034 North Carolina, 6365, 7475, 13032 Northern Cross railroad, 242 North German Lloyd Line, 22728 NorthropGrumman, 162 nuclear: equipment manufacturing, 174; reactors, 1012, 1035, 13436, 32930; research, 32426, 32930, 33133; ship propulsion, 23334; waste, 102, 134 Nuclear Power Group, Inc., 329 nuclear warheads, 299 O Oak Hill Malleable Iron Company, 155 Office of Naval Research, 331 Office of Scientific Research and Development, 321 office products, 33941, 34144 Ohio: central, 17476, 34144; northeast, 17172, 31719; northwest, 16264, 18991 Ohio Locomotive Crane Company, 190 Ohio River, 103, 238, 249 oil, 12627, 190. See also petroleum industry Oil Creek (Pennsylvania), 125, 127 Oklahoma, USS (ship), 229 Oklahoma Gas & Electric Company, 98100 Oliver Salt Company, 11 Olympia, USS (ship), 22224 Oneida Street Power Plant, 8890 O'Neill, William Gibbs, 238 Optical Society of America, 344 Oregon, 20912 Oregon Shipbuilding Corporation, 230 Otto, Nicholas A., 5253 outboard motor, 22426 Outboard Motors Corporation, 22526 Owens, Michael Joseph, 163 Owens AR bottle machine, 16264 P PACECO container crane, 19597 Pacific Coast Engineering Company, Inc., 19697 Pacific Gas & Electric Company (California), 62, 10810, 32930 Paige, James W., 338 Paige compositor, 33839 Palmer, Henry Robinson, 280 Palomar reflector, 310 Panic of 1857 (U.S.), 34 papermaking industry, 28, 34 Papin, Denis, 4 Paprocki, Stan, 175 Parsons, C. A., & Co., 220 Parsons, Charles A., 76, 82, 214, 21921 Passaic River (New Jersey), 27 Paterson Museum, 29 Patriots Point Development Authority, 234Page 361 Patten Lumberman's Museum, 285 Patterson, Thomas J., Jr., 219, 232 Pawtucket Falls: in Massachusetts, 30; in Rhode Island, 150 Pawtucket Gatehouse turbine, 2932 Pearl Street Station (New York), 60, 7980 Pease, Francis G., 311 Peerless Motor Car Company, 165 Pelican (rail), 277 Pelton generators, 68 Penn Central, 273 Pennsylvania: Erie area, 1718, 12528; Philadelphia area, 57, 22224; Pittsburgh area, 1035, 24649; Susquehanna area, 2223, 7273, 11314, 12123, 27173 Pennsylvania Engineering Corporation, 137 Pennsylvania Fireplace, 198 Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission, 123, 128 Pennsylvania Railroad, 263, 27173 Pennsylvania Rock Oil Company, 125 Pennsylvania Water & Power Company, 11314 Peoria & Oquawka railroad, 242 "Peppersass," 245 Perkins, Jacob, 199 petroleum industry, 117, 12528, 12930 Philadelphia: Museum of Art, 7; Water Commission, 7, 191; Water Department, 67 Philadelphia Phoenix Manufacturing Company, 285 phonograph, 33637 photocopying. See Xerography photography, 31516, 343 physics: accelerator, 33133 Pico Canyon (California) oil well, 12930 Pike, Zebulon, 252 Pikes Peak Auto Highway Company, 254 Pioneer (spacecraft), 302 Pioneer Oil Refinery, 12930 Pioneer Zephyr (rail), 26871 pipe, 19193 Piscataqua River (Maine; New Hampshire), 144 "pitcast" jib crane, 19193 Pitney, Arthur Hill, 33941 PitneyBowes postage meter, 33941 Pittsburg & Midway Coal Mining Company, 138 pneumatic: dieforging press, 172; railroad car, 258 Pocahontas (rail), 276 Poiseuille, J. L., 347 pollution, 7, 48, 77 Pope, Arthur W., Jr., 314 Port Authority: of Allegheny County, 248; of New York & New Jersey, 207 Port of Nanjing, 197 PortsmouthKittery naval shipbuilding activity, 14445 Port Washington Power Plant, 9394 postage meter, 33941 Potomac River (Maryland), 238 powder metallurgy, 141, 176 Power House Museum (Sydney), 45 power transmission, 11114 Powhatan Arrow (rail), 276 Pratt, Charles, 82 Pratt & Whitney, 3012, 339 Pratt Institute Power Plant, 8284 press, hydraulic dieforging, 17172, 17374 Prest, S. F., 81 Pring, Martin, 144 printing, 33839, 33940 propeller design, bearing, 113 Proprietors of Locks and Canals (Lowell), 2930, 32 Providence River (Rhode Island), 151 Puerto Rico, 4648 Puget Sound Power & Light Company, 8687 Pullman, George M., 263 Pullman sleeping car Glengyle, 26264 pulverized coal, 77, 88 pumped storage, 6971, 75 pumps: bottle machine, 163; C&D, 8; centrifugal, 17, 71; Cornish, 13; fire, 203; fuel injection, 5556; heat, 20912; largescale station, 57; malleable iron products, 157; plungertype, 17; pressure governor, 10; Riedler, 14; screw, 1112, 1820; turbine, 17, 74; water, 35, 17, 2223. See also manengine Q Quincy Mine Hoist, 19395 Quintard Iron Works of New York, 14 R Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania, 273 railroad transportation: heavyweight era of, 262; origins of, 235, 23839, 240; and research, 32628; and wheel dynamometer, 32628 railroadwheel dynamometer, 32628 rail (track): beamway, 280; rack, 245, 25253; rollediron T, 239; third, 261; unflanged, 235 Raleigh (ship), 144 RAMAC disk file, 34546 Ramapo Mountains (New Jersey), 123 Ramsden, Dean, 196 Randall Brothers, Inc., 4851 Ranger, USS (ship), 144, 21819 Raper, Robert, 150 Rayleigh, Lord, 307 reactors. See nuclear Reed, John, 130 Reed Gold Mine tenstamp mill, 13032 refinery. See petroleum industry refrigeration, 199, 210, 318, 32224 Renwick, James, 35 Research Corporation of America, 320 Revolutionary War (U.S.), 27, 12122, 144, 146, 148 Reynolds, Edwin, 12, 17, 21 Reynolds, Osborne, 112, 307 ReynoldsCorliss pumping engine, 2122 Rhode Island, 48, 50, 64, 15053 Rice, Emery, 219 Richey, George Willis, 311 Rickover, Hyman G., 101, 1034 Riedler, Alois, 1415 Rietschel, Herman, 199 Riggenbach, Klaus, 253 Ringwood Manor Iron Complex, 12325 Ringwood State Park, 125 rivers: Allegheny, 24649; American, 62; Ammonoosic, 245; Blackstone, 150, 152; Chatanika, 133; Columbia, 134; Connecticut, 33, 146; Delaware, 35; Duwamish, 86; Fox, 60; Great Egg Harbor, 191; Hiwassee, 74; Housatonic, 6971; Hudson, 206; Merrimack, 2931; Mianus, 26162; Mill, 146; Mississippi, 238, 24142; Monongahela, 24649; New, 14850; Ohio, 103, 238, 249; Passaic, 27; Piscataqua,Page 362 rivers (continued) 144; Potomac, 238; Providence, 151; Seine, 191; Rocky, 70; Sacramento, 279; Saugus, 119; Schuykill, 5; St. Marys, 6567; Susquehanna, 73; Verde, 68; Yadkin, 64 RL10 rocket engine, 3012 Roanoke (Virginia) Shops, 275 Roaring Camp & Big Trees Narrow Gauge Railroad, 25557 Robbins, Samuel E., 153 Robbins & Lawrence armory and machine shop, 15355 Robins, Benjamin, 309 Robinson Deep Mine, 208 robots, 142 Rocketdyne Division, North American Aviation, Inc., 303 rockets, 315. See also aerospace Rockport, USS (ship), 219 Rocky River (Arizona), 70 Rocky River pumpedstorage hydroelectric plant, 6971 Rogers, H. J., 60 Rogers steam locomotive, 27, 29 Roosa, Vernon D., 5556 Roosa Master diesel fuelinjection pump, 5556 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 229 Rotatingarm modeltest facility, 32021 Rotherhithe tunnel (London), 206 roundhouse, 24243 Royal Navy, 144 Ryerson, Martin J., 124 S Sacramento Electric Power & Light Company, 62 Sacramento Power Plant, 109 SacramentoReno line, 278 Sacramento River (California), 279 safety, 10, 169, 188, 202, 330. See also accidents St. Charles Avenue streetcar line, 24042 St. Gobain Plate Glass Company, 311 St. Marys River (Michigan; Ontario), 6567 Saller, Henry, 175 salt, 1112, 127 Salt Creek (Illinois), 179 Samson Mine, 18788 Sandeen, Emil, 138 San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge, 12 San Francisco cablecar powerhouse, 24952 San Francisco earthquake and fire of 1906, 161 San Jacinto Battleground State Park, 227, 229 San Jose Research and Development Laboratory, 34546 Santa Susana Mountains, 129 Saranac (ship), 145 Sargent & Lundy, 93 Saturn V rocket, 29293, 3035 Saugus Ironworks, 11921 Saugus River, 119 Savannah, NS (ship), 23334 Savery, Thomas, 4 Schneider, Eugène, 159 Schneider & Company, 159 Schubert, W. E., 88 Schuykill River (Pennsylvania), 5 Schwebebahn monorail, 280 Science Museum (London), 45 Scotch (reaction) turbine, 3537 Scotland, 45 Scott, J. A., 129 SeaLand Service, Inc., 195 Seanor, Rex C., 328 Seattle City Light, 8688 Seattle Electric Company. See Puget Sound Power & Light Company Seine, River (France), 191 Seneca Oil Company, 127 sewing machine, 153 Sharp, George G., Inc., 234 Shay, Ephraim, 255 Shay locomotive, 25557 Sheldon Oil Company, 290 Shenandoah river valley, 238 shipbuilding, 14445 Shippingport Atomic Power Station, 1035, 17475 ships and boats, 21334; nuclear, 23334; outboard motor, 22426; steam engine, 21617, 21819, 22224, 22932; steam turbine, 21922; testing, 32021 shot tower, 14850 Shot Tower & New River Trail State Park, 150 Shriver, A. L., 180 Sikorsky VS300 helicopter, 29698 Simmons, Zalmon G., 252 Simpson, John W., 104 Sims, Gardiner, 79 Sinclair Mine, 138 Singstad, Ole, 206 Skylab, 293, 305 SLAC. See Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Slater, Samuel, 151 Slater Mill Historic Site, 152 sleeping car (rail), 26264 sliderest screw machine, 15152 Sloss Furnace Museum, 193 Smeaton, John, 307, 309 Smith, A. O., automatic frame plant, 16566 Smith, Arthur O., 165 Smith, C. J., & Sons, 165 Smith, Charles Jeremiah, 165 Smith, Lloyd R., 16566 Smith, S. Morgan (company), 62, 64, 72 Smith, William, 155 Smithsonian Institution, 176 Snow Holly Works, 2223 Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures (S.U.M.), 2729 Society for the Preservation of the Duquesne Heights Incline, 248 Society of Automotive Engineers, 313 Soho Manufactory, 44 South Carolina, 23334 Southern Car Company, 241 Southern Pacific Railroad, 129, 161, 327; Mallet locomotives, 278; No. 4294, 27780 Southern Public Utilities Company. See Duke Power Company Southern Railway, 265, 274 South Lawe Street Station. See Vulcan Street Power Plant Southwark Foundry & Machine Company, 79 spacecraft, 29193, 29495, 298305 space shuttle, 29193, 305 SpanishAmerican War, 223Page 363 Sprague, Frank J., 64 spray system, 319 Springfield Armory, 14648, 154 Springfield Armory National Historic Site, 148 Springfield Technical Community College, 148 Sputnik (spacecraft), 300 stamps, postage, 33941 Stanadyne Auto Corp., 5556 Standard Oil, 82 standards, 16971, 182, 197 Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, 33133 Stanley Electric Manufacturing Company, 64 State Line Generating Unit No. 1, 9293 States Marine Lines, 234 State University of New YorkAmherst, 350 steam engines: ArmingtonSims, 79; atmospheric, 35; beam 35, 6, 89, 1214, 41, 4648; Boulton & Watt, 4346; compound, 1214, 17, 2223, 21819; early, 35; Hacienda La Esperanza sugar mill, 4648; locomotive, 27, 29, 25557, 26568, 27577, 27780; marine, 76, 21314; "mill," 8384; mining, 1214, 194; Newcomen, 35, 43; nuclear, 23334; PorterAllen, 79; and propulsion, 151; reciprocating, 21, 22629; screw propeller, 216; tripleexpansion, 14, 1718, 8082, 22224, 22632; Watt, 4346. See also Corliss engines, HarrisCorliss steam engine steam power: vs. diesel locomotives, 274, 277; ditcher, 18991; for electrical production, 7694; hammer, 159; for heating, 201; log hauler, 28485; machining, 151; mechanical production, 4051; nuclear plant, 104; pumping, 123 steam turbines, 2035, 21922, 221; bearings, 112; Curtis, 8486; highpressure, 91; largescale, 8688; turbinegenerators, 77, 93, 104, 261; WestinghouseParsons, 261 Stearns Manufacturing Company, 25657 steel: automobile frames, 165; highspeed tool, 176; for nuclear reactor, 104; rail cars, 259, 26264; ships, 222; specialty, 122; testing, 328 steelmaking, 116, 13638 Stehr Lake (Arizona), 68 sterilizer, 18082 Stevens Institute of Technology, 17, 32021 Stevenson power station, 69, 71 Stillman, Howard, 279 Stirling, Allan, 202 Stirling watertube boilers, 87, 2023. Stone & Webster, 86, 91 streetcars, 24042 Sturtevant, Benjamin F., 199 Sturtevant, B. F., Company, 207 submarine, 145 subway, 25859 sugar mill, 4648 S.U.M. See Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures Sunkist Exchange Plant, 182 Sun Oil Company, 99 superheaters, 77, 89, 94, 228, 266 Superior, Lake, 122, 193 "Super Power" steam locomotive, 26568 Susquehanna River (Pennsylvania), 73 Swinton, Ernest D., 287 Swiss Locomotive Works, 254 Switzerland, 9798 Sydney Technological Museum, 45 Sylvanus Brown House, 152 T telescope, 31012 Tennessean (rail), 277 Tennessee, 16971 Tennessee, USS (ship), 145 Tennessee Valley Authority, 74, 114, 323 Texas, 22629, 26264, 26568, 3035 Texas, USS (ship), 22629 Texas & Northern Railroad, 264 Texas & Pacific No. 610, 26568 Texas State Railroad Historical Park, 265, 26768 Texas State Railroad, 26768 textile industry, 2729, 142, 15052, 15758, 202 Thames (vehicular tunnel), 206 Thomas, Perley A., Car Company, 241 Thomas Car Company, 241 Thompson, Albert R., 181 Thomson, Sir William, 210 Thorpe, William, 155 Thurston, Robert H., 111, 213, 215 Toledo Glass Company, 163 Tom Thumb (rail), 239 Towne, John H., 8 Townsend, James M., 125 traction, 23593 tractor, 28485, 28687 Transit Museum (New York), 259 transmission, electrical, 6263, 6365, 6869 transportation, 213305 Trenton Iron Company, 124 tribology. See bearing Tulane University, 20 tunnels, 2067, 25859. See also wind tunnels Tuolumne (rail), 25557 turbines: Boyden, 3739; Francis, 3031, 38, 65, 68, 71, 74; gas, 95100; hydraulic, 34, 3739, 309; JollyMcCormick, 67; Kaplan, 7273; Leffel, 179; McCormick, 3334, 62, 64; Scotch (reaction), 3537. See also internal combustion engines, steam turbines Turbinia (ship), 21922 turret lathe, 154 Twin Zephyrs (rail), 270 Tyne and Wear Museums Service, 222 typesetting, 33839 typewriter, 153 U Union Carbide Company, 6667 Union Iron Works, 222 United Aircraft Corporation, 297 United Gas Improvement Company, 70 United Kingdom. See England, Scotland United States. See entries under U.S. and individual state names United Technologies, Inc., 302 United Verde Copper Company, 68 University of CaliforniaBerkeley, 331 University of Illinois, 206 University of Manchester, 112 Upton, Francis, 78 urban planning, 201, 2035, 25859, 260 U.S. Air Force, 171, 173, 29899, 302, 319 U.S. Air Proving Ground Command, 322 U.S. Army, 146, 153, 297; aerodynamics, 315; surveyors, 238 U.S. Army Air Corps, 322Page 364 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 9, 306 U.S. Army Test & Evaluation Command, 31517 U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, 103, 174, 233, 324 U.S. Bureau of Mines, 206 U.S. Capitol, 200 U.S. Coast Guard, 323 U.S. Department of Commerce, 233 U.S. Department of Energy, 331 U.S. Department of Interior, 326 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 48 U.S. Government Armory, 142 U.S. Maritime Administration, 234 U.S. Maritime Commission, 229 U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, 219 U.S. Navy, 162, 218, 222, 226, 321 U.S. Post Office, 34041 U.S. Smelting, Refining, & Mining Company, 132 U.S. Steel Corporation, 328 U.S. Wind Engine & Pump Company, 68 V Vallecitos boiling water reactor, 32930 Vallecitos Nuclear Center, 330 valve gear, 3, 15, 81, 313 valves: exhaust, 288; releasing mechanism, 22; steam engine, 42; water mixing, 350 Van Vleck, John, 81 ventilation, 2067, 208, 323. See also climatic control venturi flowmeter, 34 Verde River (Arizona), 68 Vermont, 15355 vernier caliper, 154 Vickery, Howard L., 230 Viking (spacecraft), 302 Virginia, 14850, 27780 Virginia Museum of Transportation, 277 von Schon, Hans, 66 VoughtSikorsky Aircraft, 296 V2, 298 Vulcan Street Power Plant, 6061 W Walt Disney Imagineering, 281 Wandrisco, Joseph M., 328 Warner, Thomas, 147 Washington, George, 146 Washington (ship), 144 Washington (state), 8688, 13436 Waterman Porto outboard motor, 22425 Waterman, Cameron B., 224 water power: and electrical production, 5775; and mechanical production, 2438; and waterworks, 57. See also waterwheels water supply, 10 Waterville Iron Works, 285 waterwheels: breast, 67, 15152; Great Falls, 28; overshot, 120, 122, 18788; reversible, 18788; scoop, 89; undershot, 179; vertical, 177 Watkins, Walrus L., 157 Watkins Mill State Historic Site, 15758 Watkins Woolen Mill, 15758 Watt, James, 4346 Watts, William, 149 Waukesha Engine Division Product Training Center, 315 Waukesha Motor, 313 weapons. See armories, defense weather laboratory. See climatic control Webster, Camp & Lane Company, 67 welding, 141, 16971, 176, 232, 268 Western Union, 78 Westinghouse, 77, 104, 248 Westinghouse and Baldwin Locomotive, 261 Westinghouse Electric Corporation, manufacturing, 162 Westinghouse Electric of Pittsburgh, 101 WestinghouseParsons steam turbine, 261 Westlake Machine Company, 167 Westmoreland Malleable Iron Works, 15557 West Point Foundry, 4748, 122 West Side Flume & Lumber Company, 256 West Virginia, 238, 240 Wever, Caspar W., 238 Weymouth Furnace, 191 Wheeler, Walter H., Jr., 341 Whitaker, Halbert, 319 Whitbread, Samuel, 45 White, Sanford, 259 White Mountains (New Hampshire), 24445 Wilcox, Stephen, 202 Wiles, Howard M., 314 Wilkinson, David, 15053 Wilkinson, Oziel, 150 Wilkinson Mill, 15053 Willis Plant (Detroit), 205 wind power, 1112 WindsorCornish Bridge, 155 wind tunnels, 31718 Winton Engine Corporation, 268 Wisconsin: Milwaukee, 8890, 22426; Milwaukee area, 6061, 9394, 16566, 31315 Wisconsin Electric Power Company, 94 Wisconsin Michigan Power Company, 61 Wolff, Alfred, 199 Wood, A. B., screw pump, 1820 Wood, Albert Baldwin, 1920 Woodard, William E., 26566 Woodbury, Johnson, 284 Woods, William J., 167 Woolf, Arthur, 17 Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 30910 World's Fair (1962), 234 World War I: arms 147, 310; manufacturing delays, 165; ships, 223; tractors, 287 World War II: air, 99, 171, 297, 315, 317; arms, 148, 298, 315; nuclear, 134, 324; ships, 162, 227, 22932 Worthington horizontal crosscompound pumping engine, 2223 Wright (brothers): CurtissWright aircraft, 27 WymanGordon forging press, 17374 X Xerography, 34144 Xerox Corporation, 344 Xray, 91, 141, 170, 331 Y Yadkin River (North Carolina), 64 Yale University, 206 York (rail), 239 York Water Company, 2223 Young, Alfred, 318 Z Zelanko, Charles, 318 Zellerbach Paper Company, 345 Zephyr. See Pioneer Zephyr (rail) Zinn, Walter H., 325 Zircaloy bonding, 17475 Zweifel, Chuck, 196
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