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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Make - Ultimate Guide to 3D Printing الثلاثاء 29 نوفمبر 2022, 2:46 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Make - Ultimate Guide to 3D Printing
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Table of contents Cover Page CONTENTS Go from Zero to Maker with David Lang! A BRIEF HISTORY OF PERSONAL 3D PRINTING WHOSE PROBLEM IS IT? 10 COOL 3D PRINTED OBJECTS JUST WHAT I NEEDED LIFE-CHANGING 3D PRINTS GROWING UP AND GOING PRO INSIDE THE NEW MAKERBOT FACES OF 3D PRINTING DIEGO PORQUERAS OF BUKOBOT ANDREW RUTTER OF TYPE A MACHINES BROOK DRUMM OF PRINTRBOT RICK POLLACK OF MAKERGEAR THE BUSINESS OF PRINTING ALICE TAYLOR OF MAKIELAB JOHN ALLWINE OF FREAKIN’ SWEET KNOTS COSMO WENMAN, INDEPENDENT ARTIST KACIE HULTGREN OF PRETTY SMALL THINGS GENERATION 3D 12 REASONS YOU SHOULD BE USING OPENSCAD 1. Free as in Speech, Free as in Beer 2. Cross-Platform Support 3. 3D Printing Pedigree 4. Extremely Simple Interface 5. Easy To Learn 6. Powerful 7. Tons of Example Files 8. Geometry Debugging 9. Rapidly View and Modify .STL Files 10. Change 2D to 3D 11. Create Customizable Models On Thingiverse 12. Strong Community Support SOFTWARE FOR 3D PRINTING PLASTICS FOR 3D PRINTING FILAMENT FRENZY JIVING WITH JARVIS PRINTING WITHOUT A 3D PRINTER Design Services Quality Volume Type of Material No 3D Printer 3D SCANNING PARTY “PHOTO BOOTH” Build the Heavy-Duty Turntable Build the Scan-O-Tron 3000 Vertical Rail for Kinect Scanning Scan and Print Your Party Guests 1. Prepare a New Scan 2. Record Your Scan 3. Reconstruct the Data 4. Process Your Mesh 5. Share or Export Your Model Scale the mesh and print METAL MADNESS ABS Molds for Bismuth Alloys Lost-PLA Casting of Aluminum Sand-Casting Bronze from 3D-Printed Patterns DIY FILAMENT EXTRUDER BUILD YOUR FILAMENT EXTRUDER 1. Check your parts 1a. Make your parts (optional) 2. Attach the motor shaft coupler 3. Bolt the motor to the motor mount 4. Weld the extruder chas-sis (optional) 5. Mount the feed screw and thrust bearing 6. Mount the motor 7. Install the heater 8. Temperature probe and insulation 9. Mount the base 10. Build the enclosure 11. Wire the system 12. Close it up NOW MAKE FILAMENT! MORE FUN PROJECTS 3D PRINT YOUR VIDEO GAME CHARACTER IN 3D 3D PRINTING BUYER’S GUIDE This Year’s Trends in 3D Printing MEET THE TEAM THE CHALLENGE PRINTS PRINTRBOT SIMPLE $399 Assembled, With Open Design Files Prints Untethered (But Needs Documentation) Good Prints, a Little on the Slow Side Conclusion HOW'D IT PRINT? OPENBEAM MINI KOSSEL Deltabot History Mini Kossel: Kit Only Design Highlights Nice Prints, Unique Auto-Leveler Printing Untethered Conclusion HOW'D IT PRINT? BUKITO Portability Without Sacrifice Unique and Innovative Hardware Conclusion HOW'D IT PRINT? ULTIMAKER 2 Looking Good! Tons of Upgrades How’s It Print? Keeping It Open Source Conclusion HOW'D IT PRINT? REPLICATOR 2 Untethered and Intuitive Extruder Fix Now Standard Firmware Improvements Software Updates Conclusion HOW'D IT PRINT? UP PLUS 2 Awesome Auto Calibration Nice Custom Software Mixed Print Quality Conclusion HOW'D IT PRINT? CUBE 2 Very Easy Setup, Nice Touchscreen Features Quieter and Safer Than Last Year, but Print Quality Suffers Conclusion HOW'D IT PRINT? UP MINI Pushbutton-Simple Setup and Software Enclosed for Safety, Cozy for ABS Printing Mostly Quiet Operation Extruder Jams Solid Objects Printed Best Conclusion HOW'D IT PRINT? FELIX 2.0 Easy Setup Great Prints Right Out of the Box Onboard Controls and Upgrades New Model: Felix 3.0 Conclusion HOW'D IT PRINT? TINKERINE STUDIOS DITTO+ Hardware Details Could Use Some Attention Onboard Controls Some Software Limitations Conclusion HOW’D IT PRINT? TYPE A MACHINES SERIES 1 Out with the Old: 2013 In with the New: 2014 Conclusion HOW'D IT PRINT? LULZBOT TAZ Solid Hardware, Huge Build Volume Exceptional Documentation Some Printing Snags Fast and Quiet New Model: TAZ 2 Conclusion HOW'D IT PRINT? BUKOBOT 8v2 Updated and Upgraded Unique Hardware Design Put a Fan On It Conclusion HOW'D IT PRINT? PRINTRBOT PLUS Upgradeable Support Your Objects, Level the Bed Easily Correctable Over-Extrusion Issues Untethered Printing Possible Conclusion HOW'D IT PRINT? 3DPRINTER 4U BUILDER PRIMO FEATURES PRO TIPS AIRWOLF AW3D XL PRIMO FEATURES PRO TIPS SLICING AND CONTROL SOFTWARE LIQUID DREAMS FORMLABS FORM 1 Sharp Looks, Seamless Function Forming Up HOW'D IT PRINT? B9 CREATOR Manual Calibration Powerful Software Conclusion HOW'D IT PRINT? THE STANDOUTS THE BEST FROM OUR TESTSTHE BEST VALUE BEST IN CLASS: PROSUMER FFF BEST IN CLASS: JUST HIT PRINT SURPRISE HIT Best in Class: Resin BEST DOCUMENTATION BEST OPEN-ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW: HOW THEY COMPARE 3D SCANNERS DAVID LASERSCANNER STARTER KIT DAVID SLS-1 PREVIEW 3 HOT NEW SCANNERS MAKERBOT DIGITIZER MATTERFORM CADSCAN CUBIK UPGRADES, MODS, AND ACCESSORIES Upgrades Modifications FILAMENT EXTRUDERS FILABOT WEE FILASTRUDER ONES TO WATCH NEW FFF PRINTERS THE BUCCANEER Printrbot Go v2 FILAMENT EXTRUSION EXTRUSIONBOT NEW WAYS TO 3D PRINT HYPERFORM DIWIRE BENDER The new essential tool for every maker 3D SCANNERS DIMBODY 3D PRINTSHOP OF THE FUTURE DESKTOP MANUFACTURING IN THE MAKER SHED BUILD THIS! ,#3D,#Printing,#3D_Printing,#3D-Printing,#3DPrinting,#الطباعة_ثلاثية_الأبعاد,
كلمة سر فك الضغط : The Unzip Password : أتمنى أن تستفيدوا من محتوى الموضوع وأن ينال إعجابكم رابط من موقع عالم الكتب لتنزيل كتاب Make - Ultimate Guide to 3D Printing رابط مباشر لتنزيل كتاب Make - Ultimate Guide to 3D Printing