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| موضوع: كتاب Programming of CNC Machines الثلاثاء 01 نوفمبر 2022, 6:15 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Programming of CNC Machines Fourth Edition Ken Evans
و المحتوى كما يلي :
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ix ABOUT THE AUTHOR xi PREFACE xiii PART 1: CNC BASICS 1 Objectives 3 Safety 3 Maintenance 4 Tool Clamping Methods 6 Cutting Tool Selection 7 Tool Compensation Factors 7 Tool Changing 8 Metal Cutting Factors 9 Process Planning for CNC 12 Types of Numerically Controlled Machines 17 What Is CNC Programming? 17 Introduction to the Coordinate System 18 Coordinate Systems 20 Points of Reference 25 Program Format 31 Part 1 Study Questions 34 PART 2: CNC MACHINE OPERATION 37 Objectives 39 Operator Panel Features 39 Operation Key Panel Descriptions 41 Control Panel 48 Setting 73 Common Operation Procedures 74 Part 2 Study Questions 80 Table of Contentsvi PART 3: PROGRAMMING CNC TURNING CENTERS 83 Objectives 85 Preparatory Functions (G-Codes) 85 Miscellaneous Functions (M-Codes) 85 Tool Function 90 Practical Application of Tool Wear Offset 90 Feed Function 92 Spindle Function 93 Coordinate Systems for Programming of CNC Turning Centers 96 Program Structure for Turning Centers 98 Preparatory Functions for Turning Centers (G-Codes) 104 Multiple Repetitive Cycles 123 Programming for the Tool Nose Radius 140 Programming Examples for Turning Centers 143 Complex Program Example 163 Example of Cutting a Three-Start Thread 171 Part 3 Study Questions 172 PART 4: PROGRAMMING CNC MACHINING CENTERS 177 Objectives 179 Tool Function (T-Word) 179 Tool Changes 179 Feed Function (F-Word) 180 Spindle Speed Function (S-Word) 181 Preparatory Functions (G-Codes) 181 Miscellaneous Functions (M-Codes) 182 Programming of CNC Machining Centers In Absolute and Incremental Systems 182 Program Structure for Machining Centers 187 Preparatory Functions for Machining Centers (G-Codes) 197 Canned Cycle Functions 223 Boring Cycles 235 Examples of Programming CNC Machining Centers 240 Part 4 Study Questions 285vii PART 5: COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN AND COMPUTER-AIDED MANUFACTURING (CAD/CAM) 293 Objectives 295 What Is CAD/CAM? 295 Machine Group Setup and Geometry Creation 301 Solid Model Mill Program Example 317 Solid Model Lathe Program Example 327 Summary 341 Part 5 Study Questions 342 PART 6: INTRODUCTION TO FEATURED-BASED MACHINING 345 Objectives 347 Definition 347 Modeling Basics 347 General Steps for Feature-Based Programming 350 Summary 362 Part 6 Study Questions 363 PART 7: FANUC NC GUIDE PROGRAMMING 365 Objectives 367 NC Guide 367 NC Guide Turning Center Program Creation 373 NC Guide Machining Center Program Example 380 Part 7 Study Questions 394 PART 8: MAZATROL CONVERSATIONAL PROGRAMMING 397 Objectives 399 What Is Conversational Programming? 399 Turning Center Program Creation 400 Machining Center Program Creation 405 Part 8 Study Questions 434 APPENDICES 437 APPENDIX A-1: ENGLISH DRILL SIZES 439 APPENDIX A-2: METRIC DRILL SIZES 440 APPENDIX A-3: ENGLISH THREADS 441viii APPENDIX A-4: METRIC THREADS 442 APPENDIX A-5: U.S. SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREWS 443 APPENDIX A-6: METRIC SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREWS 444 APPENDIX A-7: GEOMETRIC SYMBOLS AND DEFINITIONS 445 APPENDIX A-8: GEOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS 446 APPENDIX A-9: TRIGONOMETRY FUNCTIONS 450 APPENDIX A-10: RIGHT TRIANGLES 451 APPENDIX A-11: OBLIQUE TRIANGLES 452 APPENDIX A-12: POPULAR ACRONYMS 453 GLOSSARY 456 ANSWERS TO STUDY QUESTIONS 462 INDEX 465 465 A A-axis, 23, 32, 456 ABC/abc, 54 Absolute and Incremental Coordinate Systems, 28 Absolute Coordinate Programming (G90) of the Machining Center, 182, 185 Absolute Coordinate System, 28, 55, 96, 109, 115, 193 Absolute Dimensioning System, 26 Absolute Programming Command (G90), 183, 240–242 Absolute System, Example, 66 Active Function Ribbon Bar, 299 Address, 31–32, 51–70, 71, 85–93, 181–214, 223, 456 Address and Numeric Keys, 51 Address Characters, 32 Address Searching, 71 Adjusting Wear Offsets, Examples, 66 Adjusting Wear Offsets for Machining Centers, 63 Adjusting Wear Offsets for Turning Centers, 66 Alpha-Numerical Keys, 51 Altering Program Words, 70, 72 ANSI, American National Standards Institute, 453 AOS, Algebraic Order System, 373, 453 Appendix, 437–463 Application of Tool Nose Radius Compensation (TNRC) G40, G41, and G42, 140–143 APT, Automatically Programmed Tools, 453 ASCII, American Standard Code for Information Interchange, 453 ASME, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 25, 453 Associativity, 296, 348 ATC, Automatic Tool Change, 8, 212, 406–407, 453 Auto, 41 Auto Cursor Ribbon Bar, 299 Automatic Tool Length Measurement (G37), 183 Auxiliary Axis, 456 Axis Direction, 47 Axis Rotation, 258–260 B B-axis, 23, 32, 456 Back Boring Cycle (G87), 183, 239 Backplot, 315 Bar Stock, Turning, 153–154 Basic Steps for a Mastercam Mill Program, 317 BCD, Binary Coded Decimal, 453 Bit arrangement, 368 Block, 31, 99, 196, 456 Block Composition, 99 Block Number, 99, 188 Block Skip/Block Delete, 33, 42, 81, 457 Blueprint, Engineering, 12, 25 Boring Cycles, 235–240 Boring Cycle (G86), 183, 236–239 Boring Cycle (G87), 239 Boring Cycle (G88), 183, 240 Boring Cycle (G89), 183, 240 Build Machining Center Tool Data, 380 Build Turning Center Tool Data, 369 Bushing, Program Example, 154–161 C C-axis, 23, 32, 457 CAD, Computer-Aided Design, 14, 295, 453 Calling G41 or G42 in the Program, 141 CAM, Computer-Aided Manufacturing, 295, 453 Cancel, 51 Cancellation of Coordinate System Rotation (G69), 183, 283 Canned Cycle, Spot Drilling (G81), 227–228 Canned Cycle Cancellation (G80), 86, 183, 227 Canned Cycle Functions, 183, 223–240, 457 Index466 Index Canned Cycle Initial Level Return (G98), 183, 240–242 Canned Cycle Initial R-Level Return (G99), 183, 227–241 Canned Drilling Cycle Cancellation (G80), 227 Cartesian Coordinate, 18, 457 CCW, Counterclockwise, 18, 199, 406, 409, 427, 453 CD-ROM, Compact Disc–Read Only Memory, 453 CD-RW, Compact Disc–Re-Writable, 453 CDC, Cutter Diameter Compensation, 7–8, 61, 214–222, 254, 453 Chamfer, 308–309, 332–338, 376–377, 406, 457 Change of Heavy Tools (M16), 184 Chuck Close and Open (M10 and M11), 87, 89, 184 CIM, Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 453 Circular Interpolation Clockwise (G02), 86, 108–113, 183, 199–207 Circular Interpolation Counterclockwise (G03), 86, 108–113, 183, 199–207 CMM, Coordinate Measuring Machine, 453 CNC Basics, 1–35 CNC, Computer Numerical Control, 453 CNC Machine Operation, 37–82 CNC Machining Center Program, 76, 240–284 CNC Programming, 17 CNC Setup Sheet, 14 CNC Turning Center Program, 74 Comments, 188 Common Data Unit, 406 Common Operation Procedures, 74–80 Common Symbols Used in Programming, 33 Comparison of Absolute (G90) and Incremental (G91) Programming, 240–242 Complex Program Example, 163–171 Complex Program Example 1, 243–256 Complex Program Example 2, 268–275 Computer-Aided Design and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM), 14, 293–344, Constant Surface Speed Cancellation (G97), 86, 94–95, 183 Constant Surface Speed Control (G96), 86, 94, 183 Control Panel, 48–54 Conversational Programming, 367, 397–435 Coolant, 48 Coolant OFF (M09), 87, 89, 184 Coolant Reservoir, 4 Coordinate Input Format, 30 Coordinate System Rotation, 282–284 Coordinate System Setting (G50), 27–28, 64, 86, 98, 183 Coordinate Systems, 20–29 Coordinate Systems for Programming CNC Turning Centers, 96 Counter Boring, “Chip Break” Cycle (G82), 183, 229–230 Counterbored Holes, 443–444 CPU, Central Processing Unit, 432, 453 CRC, Cutter Radius Compensation, 214–222, 453 Create Feature Process, 353–354 Create New Program Groups, 355 Creating an Electronic Setup Sheet, 361 CRT, Cathode Ray Tube, 18, 48–51, 453 Cursor, 53 Cursor Move, 53 Cursor Scanning, 70 Cutter Compensation, 183, 214–222 Cutter Radius Compensation Cancellation (G40), 86, 183, 196–197, 214–222 Cutter Radius Compensation Left (G41), 86, 183, 196–197, 214–222, 312, 322 Cutter Radius Compensation Right (G42), 86, 183, 196–197, 214–222, 312, 333 Cutting Tool Selection, 7 Cutting Tools, 351 Cutting Tools for Turning Center Examples, 144–145 Cutting Tool Selection, 7 Cutter Compensation, 380–381 Cutter Compensation (G40, G41, G42), 214–222 Cutting Fluid or Coolant, 10 Cutting Speed, 10 CW, Clockwise, 18, 199, 406, 409, 427, 453 Cycle Stop, 44 D D, Depth of Cut for Multiple Repetitive Cycles, 32, 126–134 D, Tool Radius Offset Number, 32, 61, 214–222, 312, 322 Daily Maintenance Activities, 4 Data Setting (G10), Programmable, 86, 183, 209–210467 Index Datum, 457 Datum Coordinate System, 349 Deep Hole Peck Drilling Cycle (G83), 86, 183, 231–233 Deleted Program from Memory, 58 Deleting a Program Word, 73 Depth of Cut, 11 Diagnosis, 74 DNC, Direct Numerical Control, 42, 69–70, 453 DNC Operation, 69, 453 Drawing, Engineering, 12, 25 Drill, Programming, 390 Drill, Spot, 388 Drill, Tap, 391 Drilling 1000 Holes Using Only Six Blocks of Code, 281–282 Drilling Cycle, Spot Drilling (G81), 183, 227–228 Dry Run, 17, 43–44, 68–69, 81, 457 Dry Run of Program, 68 DVD, Digital Video Disc, 453 Dwell (G04), 86, 113–114, 183, 207–209, 458 DXF, Drawing Exchange Format, 295, 453 E E, Precise Designation of Thread Lead, 32, 119–122 Edit, 41 Editing Functions, Program, 70 EDM, Electronic Discharge Machine, 17, 453 EIA, Electronics Industries Association, 31, 401, 453 Emergency Stop (E-stop), 40 End of Program (M30), 90 End Program, 380 Engineering Drawing or Blueprint, 12, 25 English Drill Sizes, 439 English Threads, 441 EOB, End of Block, 31, 42, 52, 59–60, 99, 188, 453 Exact Stop (G09), 86, 183, 209 Execution, 44 Execution in Automatic Cycle Mode, 69 F F, Feed Rate, 32, 92, 180 F, Precise Designation of Thread Lead, 32, 120 F-word, 107, 180, 198, 205, 458 Face Cutting Cycle (G94), 86, 122–123, 183 FANUC NC Guide Programming, 365–395 FBM, 347 FBM Terms, 347 Feature Groups, 355 Feature-Based Machining (FBM), 345–364 Feed Function, 92 Feed Function (F-word), 180–181 Feed per Minute (G94), 183 Feed per Minute (G98), 86, 92–93, 183 Feed per Revolution (G99), 86, 92–93 Feed Rate, 11, 32, 92, 180 Feed Rate Override, 40 Fillet, 308, 458 Find Features, 352–353 Fine Boring Cycle (G76), 183, 226 Finishing Cycle (G70), 86, 132–134, 183 Fixed Cycle, 458 Fixed Form Sentence, 371–375, 381–385 Flood Coolant OFF (M09), 87, 89, 184 Flood Coolant ON (M08), 89 FMS, Flexible Manufacturing System, 453 Function Buttons, 52 G G, Preparatory Functions, 32, 85–86, 181–183, 197–222, 453, 460 G00, Rapid Traverse, 47, 86, 104, 183 197–198, 427 G01, Linear Interpolation, 86, 106–108, 183, 198–199, 427 G02, Circular Interpolation Clockwise, 86, 108–113, 183, 199–207 G03, Circular Interpolation Counterclockwise, 86, 108–113, 183, 199–207 G04, Dwell, 86, 113–114, 183, 207–209 G09, Exact Stop, 86, 183, 209 G10 Data Setting, 86, 183, 209–210 G15, Polar Coordinate Cancellation, 183, 210 G16, Polar Coordinate System, 183, 211 G17, X Y Plane Selection, 183, 211 G18, X Z Plane Selection, 183, 211 GI9, Y Z Plane Selection, 183, 211 G20, Input in Inches, 30, 86, 183, 211 G21, Input in Millimeters, 30, 86, 183, 211 G22, Stored Stroke Limit ON, 86, 183, 211 G23, Stored Stroke Limit OFF, 86, 183, 211468 Index G27, Reference Point Return Check, 86, 183, 212 G28, Reference Point Return, 86, 114, 183, 212 G29, Return from Reference Point, 86, 116, 183, 213 G30, Return to Second, Third and Fourth Reference Point, 86, 183, 213–214 G32, Thread Cutting, 86, 137 G37, Automatic Tool Length Measurement, 183 G40, Cutter Radius Compensation Cancellation, 86, 183, 196–197, 214–222 G41, Cutter Radius Compensation Left, 86, 183, 196–197, 214–222, 312, 322 G42, Cutter Radius Compensation Right, 86, 183, 196–197, 214–222, 312, 333 G43, Positive Tool Length Offset Compensation, 183, 190–196 G44, Negative Tool Length Offset Compensation, 183, 190–196 G49, Tool Length Offset Compensation Cancel, 183, 190–196 G50, Coordinate System Setting, 27–28, 64, 86, 98, 183 G50, Maximum Spindle Speed Setting, 86, 95–102, or Scaling Cancel, 183 G52, Local Coordinate System, 86, 183, 211 G53, Machine Coordinate System Setting, 86, 183 G54 through G59, Work Coordinate Systems, 27–28, 60, 86, 98, 183, 185–187, 314, 384, 407, 421 G60, Single Direction Positioning, 183, 222 G63, Tapping Mode, 183 G68, Rotation of Coordinate System, 183, 283 G69, Cancellation of Coordinate System Rotation, 183, 283 G70, Finishing Cycle, 86, 132–134, 183 G71, Stock Removal in Turning, 86, 123–128, 183 G72, Stock Removal in Facing, 86, 128–129, 161–163, 183 G73, High Speed Peck Drilling Cycle, 183, 224–225 G73, Pattern Repeating Cycle, 86, 129–132, 183 G74, Left-Handed (Reverse Tapping), 183, 225–226 G74, Peck Drilling Cycle, 86, 134–136, 183 G75, Groove Cutting Cycle, 86, 136–137, 161–163, 183 G76, Fine Boring Cycle, 183, 226 G76, Multiple Thread Cutting Cycle, 86, 137–140, 183 G80, Canned Cycle Cancellation, 86, 183, 227 G81, Drilling Cycle, Spot Drilling, 183, 227–228 G82, Counter Boring, “Chip Break” Cycle, 183, 229–230 G83, Deep Hole Drilling Cycle, 86, 183, 231–233 G84, Tapping Cycle, 86, 183, 233–235 G85, Reaming Cycle, 183, 235 G86, Boring Cycle, 183, 236–239 G87, Back Boring Cycle, 183, 239 G88, Boring Cycle, 183, 240 G89, Boring Cycle, 183, 240 G90, Absolute Programming Command, 183, 240–242 G90, Outer/Inner Diameter Turning Cycle, 86, 116–118, 183 G91, Incremental Programming Command, 183, 240–242 G92, Thread Cutting Cycle, 86, 118–122, 183 G92, Work Coordinate System, 27–28, 183, 185, 187 G94, Face Cutting Cycle, 86, 122–123, 183 G94, Feed per Minute, 183 G96, Constant Surface Speed, 86, 94, 183 G97, Constant Surface Speed Cancellation, 86, 94–95, 183 G98, Canned Cycle Initial Level Return, 183, 240–242 G98, Feed per Minute, 86, 92–93, 183 G99, Canned Cycle Initial R-Level Return, 183, 227–241 G99, Feed per Revolution, 86, 92–93 G-Code, 31, 56, 80, 85–86, 104, 183, 453 GD&T, Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing, 429–433, 445–448, 454 General Selection Ribbon Bar, 299 General Steps for Feature-Based Programming, 350 Generating Machining Toolpaths, 359 Geometry, Toolpath, 279–280 Geometry Offset, 369 Gnomon, 318–319, 328, 459 Graphics Display Area, 298 Graphics Display Window, 349 Groove, 378469 Index Groove Cutting Cycle (G75), 86, 136–137, 161–163, 183 GUI, Graphical User Interface, 295, 297, 454 H H, Tool length Offset Number, 32, 61, 183, 190–197 Handle, 46 Helical Interpolation Using G02 or G03, 204–207 Help, 50 High Speed Peck Drilling Cycle (G73), 183, 224–225 HMI, 39 Horizontal Machining Center, 260–267 HP, Horsepower, 454 HSS, High Speed Steel, 454 I I, Incremental X coordinate for Arc Center, 32, 108–113, 200–207 I, Parameter of Fixed Cycle, 32, 125–126, 128–132, 135, 136, 139 IGES, Initial Graphics Exchange Specification, 295, 317, 328, 454 INC (Incremental), 45 Incremental Coordinate Programming (G91) of the Machining Center, 185 Incremental Coordinate System, 30, 97, 459 Incremental Programming Command (G91), 183, 240–242 Incremental System, 67 Initial Parameters, 367 Input, 52 Input in Inches (G20), 30, 86, 183, 211 Input in Millimeters (G21), 30, 86, 183, 211 Inserting a Program Word, 72 Introduction to Feature-Based Machining, 347–364 Introduction to the Coordinate System, 18 IPM, Inches per Minute (also in/min), 11, 454 IPR, Inches per Revolution (also in/rev), 11, 454 IPW, In-Process Workpiece, 347, 454 ISO, International Standards Organization, 31, 73, 401, 454 J J, Incremental Y coordinate for Arc Center, 32, 200–207 Jog, 45 K K, Incremental Z coordinate for Arc Center, 32, 108–113, 200–207 K, Parameter of Fixed Cycle, 32, 130, 135, 136, 139, 223 KW, Kilowatt, 454 L L, Number of Repetitions, 32, 101, 190, 236–239 LAN, Local Area Network, 454 LCD, Liquid Crystal Display, 50, 454 LED, Liquid Emitting Diode, 41, 44–45, 55, 454 Left-Handed Tapping Cycle (G74), 183, 225–226 Linear Interpolation (G01), 86, 106–108, 183, 198–199, 427, 459 Linking Parameters, 313–325 Local Coordinate System (G52), 86, 183, 211 M M, Miscellaneous Functions (M-Codes), 32, 87–90, 184, 459 M00, Program Stop, 44, 84, 184 M01, Optional Stop, 43, 76–77, 87, 184 M02, Program End Without Rewind, 87, 88, 184 M03, Spindle ON Clockwise, 42, 87, 88, 184 M04, Spindle ON Counterclockwise, 87, 88, 184 M05, Spindle OFF, 87, 89, 184 M06, Tool Change, 184 M07, Mist Coolant ON, 184 M08, Flood Coolant ON, 87, 89, 184 M09, Coolant OFF, 87, 89, 184 M10, Chuck Close, 87, 89, 184 M11, Chuck Open, 87, 89, 184 M12, Tailstock Quill Advance, 87, 89 M13, Tailstock Quill Retract, 87, 89, 184 M16, Change of Heavy Tools, 184 M17, Rotation of Tool Turret Forward, 87, 89 M18, Rotation of Tool Turret Backward, 87, 89 M19, Spindle Orientation, 184, 279 M21, Mirror Image X Axis, 184, 256 M21, Tail Stock Direction Forward, 87, 89 M22, Mirror Image Y Axis, 184, 256 M22, Tail Stock Direction Backwards, 87, 89 M23, Mirror Image Cancellation, 184, 256470 Index M23, Thread Finishing with Chamfer, 87, 89–90, 118–121 M24, Thread Finishing with Right Angle, 87, 89–90, 118–121 M30, Program End with Rewind, 59, 90, 184, 190 M98, Subprogram Call, 87, 100, 184, 189–190, 243–256 M99, Return to Main Program from Subprogram, 87, 100, 184, 243–256 Machine Coordinate System Setting (G53), 86, 183 Machine Group Setup and Geometry Creation, 301 Machine Home, 25–26, 55, 64, 459 Machine Tool, 9 Machine Type, 301 Machine Zero, 25–28, 55, 114–116, 186, 190, 212–214 Machining Center, Horizontal, 260–267 Machining Center Program Creation, 240–284, 387–393 Machining Center Program Creation (Mazatrol), 405–410 Machining Center Tool Offsets, 61 Machining Center Tool Sensor Measuring, 63 Maintenance, 4 Manual Data Input (MDI), 41–43, 47, 50–52, 58–81, 367, 454 Manual Guide i, (MGi), 367, 373, 397 Manual Pulse Generator (MPG), 39, 46 Mastercam X8 Geometry Creation Step-by-Step, 305 Mastercam X8 Program Startup, 297 Mastercam X8 User Interface, 298 Maximum Spindle Speed Setting (G50), 86, 95–102 Mazatrol Conversational Programming, 397–435 Mazatrol Machining Center Program Example, 419–439 Mazatrol Turning Center Program Example, 410–418 MB, Megabit, 454 MC Lock, 43 MCS, Machine Coordinate System, 347– 352 MCT, Machining Center Tool, 347, 351 MCU, Machine Control Unit, 7 Measure the X-axis Work Coordinate, 64 Measure the Z-axis Work Coordinate, 63 Measuring Work Coordinate Offsets: Machining Center, 60 Measuring Work Offsets: Turning Center, 63 Measured Values, 60, 62 Memory, Delete Program, 58 Menu Bar, 298 Metal Cutting Factors, 9 Metric Drill Sizes, 440 Metric Threads, 442 Milling Example, 275–279 Mirror Image, Application of, 256–258 Mirror Image Cancellation (M23), 184, 256 Mirror Image X Axis (M21), 184, 256 Mirror Image Y Axis (M22), 184, 256 Miscellaneous Functions, 85, 87, 182, 184, 459 Mist Coolant ON (M07), 184 MKE, Machining Knowledge Editor, 347, 353–354, 360 MKL, Machining Knowledge Library, 347, 353, 360 Modal Commands, 86, 104, 107, 181–182, 459 Modeling Basics, 347 Most Recently Used (MRU) Toolbar, 300 Multiple Repetitive Cycles, 123–140 Multiple Thread Cutting Cycle (G76), 86, 137–140, 183 N N, Sequence or Block Number, 32, 99, 188 NC Guide, 367 NC Guide Machining Center Program Creation, 380–393 NC Guide Turning Center Program Creation, 373–380, 382 Negative Tool Length Offset Compensation (G44), 183, 190–196 NX CAM 9.0 Steps for Feature-Based Programming, 351 O O, Program Number, 32, 99, 187–189 Oblique Triangles, 452 OD, Outside Diameter, 454 Operation, 45 Operation Panel Key Descriptions, 41–48 Operation Select, 42 Operation Sheet, 13 Operations Manager, 300471 Index Operations Performed at the CNC Control, 54–79 Operator Panel Features, 39–41 Opt Stop, 43 Optimize Tool Changes, 356 Optional Program Stop (M01), 43, 76–77, 87–88, 184 Origin, 20–28, 51, 460 Outer Diameter Thread, 379 Outer/Inner Diameter Turning Cycle (G90), 86, 116–117, 183 Outputting CNC Program Code, 369 Overview of the NX CAM User Interface, 348 P P, Dwell Time Specification, 32, 113, 207–209 P, Start Sequence Number for Multiple Repetitive Cycles, 32, 124–133 P, Subprogram Number, 32, 100–101, 189–190, 223–256 Page Up/Down, 54 Parameter, 74, 367–368 Part Program, 100 Part Program Edit Keys, 52 Pattern Repeating Function (G73), 86, 129–132, 183 PC, Personal Computer, 17, 42, 48, 52, 54, 70, 296, 454 PC Function, 54 PCMCI, Portable Computer Memory Card Interface, 50, 57, 454 Peck Drilling Cycle (G74), 86, 134–136, 183 Pipe Thread, Taper, 149–153 Plane Selection (G17, G18, G19), 211 Planning Documents, 12 PLC, Programmable Logic Controller, 455 PMI, Product Manufacturing Information, 347, 359 Pocket, Program, 387 Points of Reference, 25 Polar Coordinate Cancellation (G15), 183, 210 Polar Coordinate System, (G16), 22–23, 35, 183, 211, 460 Positive Tool Length Offset Compensation (G43), 183, 190–196 Post Processing, 316, 326, 340, 361 Power–ON and Power–OFF, 48 Preparatory Functions (G-Codes), 85–86, 104–123, 181–182, 183, 197–222 Preparatory Functions for Machining Centers (G-Codes), 183, 197–222 PRG STOP (Program Stop), 44 Process Planning for CNC, 3, 12–16 Profile Coordinate Data Entry, 376 Program, Deleting from Memory, 58 Program, Loading from CNC Memory, 56 Program, Loading from an Offline Location, 57 Program Editing Functions, 70 Program End with Rewind (M30), 59, 90, 184, 190 Program End Without Rewind (M02), 87, 88, 184 Program Format, 3, 31 Program Number, 99, 188 Program Protect, 40 Program Source, 41 Program Stop (M00), 44, 84, 184 Program Structure for Machining Centers, 187 Program Structure for Turning Centers, 98–101 Programmable Data Setting (G10), 209–210 Programming, Absolute Coordinate System, 96 Programming, Incremental Coordinate System, 97 Programming CNC Machining Centers, 177–292 Programming CNC Machining Centers in Absolute and Incremental Systems, 182 Programming CNC Turning Centers, 83–176 PSI, Pounds per Square Inch, 4, 455 PWE, Parameter Write Enable, 367–368 Q Q, Depth of Cut for Canned Cycles, 32, 223–225 Q, Depth of Cut in Multiple Repetitive Cycles, 32, 128–176 Q, Last Sequence Number for Multiple Repetitive Cycles, 32, 124–134 Quadrant, 22, 35, 460 Quality Control Check Sheet, 16 Quick Access Tool Bar, 349 Quick Masks Tool Bar, 300 R R, Point R for Canned Cycles, as a Reference Return Value, 32, 227–240 R, Radius Designation for Arc, 32, 109–113, 202–207 R, Tool Nose Radius Offset Amount, 64 R–8, Taper Designation, 8, 455472 Index RAM, Random Access Memory, 455 Radial Offset Vector, 217 Rapid, 47 Rapid Traverse (G00), 47, 86, 100–106, 183 197–198, 427 Rapid Traverse Positioning (G00), 197–198 Reaming Cycle (G85), 183, 235 Rectangular Coordinate System, see Cartesian Coordinate System, 460 REF (Reference), 45 Reference Point Return (G28), 114–115 Reference Position Return Check (G27), 86, 183, 212 Reference Position Return Check (G28), 86, 114, 183, 212–213 Register Machining Center Fixed Form Sentence, 381 Register Turning Center Fixed Form Sentences, 371 Remote, 42 Reset, 50 Resource Bar, Navigator Windows, 349 Restart, 43 Return from Reference Point (G29), 86, 116, 183, 213 Return from the Reference Position (G29), 213 Return to Main Program from Subprogram, 87 (M99), 100, 184, 243–256 Return to Second, Third, and Fourth Reference Position (G30), 86, 183, 213–214 Reverse Tapping (G74), 183, 225–226 RFID, 8, 455 Ribbon Bar, 349 Right Triangles, 451 Right–Hand Rule, 20, 460 RISC, Reduced Instruction Set Computer, 455 Rotation of Coordinate System (G68), 183, 283 Rotation of the Tool Turret Forward and Reverse (M17 and M18), 87, 89 Rough and Finish Profile, 375 RPM, Revolutions per Minute (also rev/min or r/min), 11, 59, 61, 94–95, 455 RS232, Industry Standard Cabling Interface, 17, 41, 70, 455 S S, Spindle-Speed Function (S-word), 32, 93, 181 Safety, 3 Safety Block, 196–197 Safety Rules for NC and CNC Machines, 3 Sample Program, 101–104 Sequence Number (N-word), 99, 460 Sequence Number Searching, 70 Set Initial Parameters, 367 Setting (Handy), 73, 367 Setting the Program to the Beginning, 70 Setup Sheet, 111, 317, 326–327, 340, 361–362 Shift, 50 Simulate, 388–393 Simulation, 315–316, 367, 432 Single Block, 42 Single–Direction Positioning (G60), 183, 222 SME, Society of Manufacturing Engineering, 455 Soft Keys, 50 Solid Model, 317, 327, 347–348 Solid Model Lathe Program Example, 327 Solid Model Mill Program Example, 317 SPDL CC, 48 SPDL CW, 47 SPDL STOP, 48 Special, 54 Specify the Part and Blank, 352 Spindle, 47 Spindle Function, 93 Spindle OFF (M05), 87, 89, 184 Spindle OFF (Clockwise) (M04), 89 Spindle ON Clockwise (M03), 42, 87, 88, 184 Spindle ON Counterclockwise (M04), 87, 88, 184 Spindle Orientation (M19), 184, 279 Spindle Speed, 11 Spindle Speed Setting, Maximum (G50), 86, 95–102 Spot Drill, Programming, 388 Start NC Guide, 367 Start New NC Guide Program, 368 Status Bar, 299 Step, Program, 385 Stock Removal Facing Cycle (G72), 86, 128–129, 183 Stock Removal Turning Cycle (G71), 86, 123–128, 183 Stock Setup, 302 Stored Stroke Limit ON/OFF (G22, G23), 86, 183, 211 Subprogram, 100–101 Subprogram (M98–M99), 87, 100, 184, 189–190, 243–256 Subprogram Application, 148–149473 Index T 2D Toolpaths–Contour Dialog, 309 T, Tool Function, 32, 90, 179 Tailstock Direction Forward and Reverse (M21 and M22), 87, 89 Tailstock Quill Advance and Retract (M12 and M13), 87, 89, 184 Tap Drill, Programming, 391 Taper Pipe Thread, 149–153 Tapered Thread Cutting Using Cycle (G92), 122 Tapping Cycle (G84), 86, 183, 233–235 Tapping Mode (G63), 183 Teach, 43 Thread Cutting (G32), 86, 137 Thread Cutting Cycle (G92), 86, 118–121, 183 Thread Finishing (M23 and M24), 87, 89–90, 118–121 Three Dimensional Coordinate System, 21 TiCN, 7 TiN, 7 Title Bar, 298 TNRC, Tool Nose Radius Compensation, 140–143, 455 Tool Change (M06), 184 Tool Changes, 179–180 Tool Changing, 8 Tool Clamping Methods, 6 Tool Compensation Factors, 7 Tool Data, 369–371, 375, 380–381 Tool Length Compensation (G43, G44, G49), 183, 190–196 Tool Length Offset (TLO), 7–8, 35, 61, 455 Tool Nose Radius, 140–143 Tool Nose Radius and Tip Orientation, 140 Tool Offset, 369, 371, 380–381 Tool Settings, 303 Tool Tip Orientation (T), 66, 140–143, 175, 369–370 Tool Wear Offset, 90 Toolbars, 298 Toolpath Creation, 309 Toolpath Geometry, 279–280 Toolpath Verification, 68, 315 Top, Bottom, Right, and Bottom Border Bars, 350 Trigonometry Functions, 450 Turning Bar Stock, 153–154 Turning Center Tool Sensor Measuring, 65 Turning Centers, Programming Examples, 143–171 Two Dimensional Coordinate System, 20 Types of Numerically Controlled Machines, 17 U U, Additional Linear Axis Parallel to X Axis, 32, 461 U, Dwell Time Specification, 32, 113–114 U, Parameter for Multiple Repetitive Cycles, 32, 123–140 UDF, User Defined Feature, 347, 362 USB, 41–42, 48, 57, 455 User Interface, 298, 348–350 V V-axis, 32 Verify Toolpaths, 360 Virtual Tip, 369 W W, Parameter for Multiple Repetitive Cycles, 123–140 W-axis, 32 WCS, 299, 314, 318, 328, 455 Wear Offset, 370 Windows, 296 Word Searching, 71 Work Coordinate System Setting (G54), 98 Work Coordinate Systems (G54–G59, G92), 27–28, 60, 86, 98, 183, 185–187, 314, 384, 407, 421 Work Holding Method, 10 Workpiece Zero, 15, 18, 26–29, 35, 91, 190, 461 WPC, Workpiece Coordinate, 400 X X, Dwell Time Specification, 113 X, X-axis, 32, 461 X Y Plane Selection (G17), 183, 183, 211 X Z Plane Selection (G18), 183, 211 XFORM, 318, 328 Y Y, Y-axis, 32, 461 Y Z Plane Selection (G19), 183, 211 Z Z, 32, 461 Z-axis, 461
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