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عدد المساهمات : 18959 التقييم : 35383 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Strength of Materials - Mechanics of Solids الخميس 20 أكتوبر 2022 - 2:24 | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Strength of Materials - Mechanics of Solids R. K. Rajput الجزء المعروض من الكتاب هو المتاح على جوجل كتب حتى الآن
و المحتوى كما يلي :
contents) 1. Simple Stresses and Strains 1-90 U_ Classification of loads L2 Stress L3 Simple stress 1.4 Strain L4J Tensile strain 1 .4.2 Compressive strain L43 Shear strain L4A Volumetric strain L5 Stress and Elongation Produced in a bar Due to itsself*weight 1.6 He Bar of Uniform Strength L7 Stress in a Bar due to Rotation 1.8 Elongation in Case of a Taper Rod 1.9 Elongation of a Conical Bar due to its Self-weight IIP Poisson's Ratio 1^11 Rotation Between the Elastic Modulii LI1.1 Relation between E and C LLL2Relationbe^ K 1.12 Stresses Induced in Compound Tics or Struts L13 Thermal Stress andStrain 1.14 Hoop Stress Typical Examples (For Competitive Examinations) Highlights Objective Type Questions Unsolved Examples 12234444 20 20 22 22 22 27 27 28 29 35 5.1 69 70 82 83 86 2. Principal Stresses and Strains 91-145 2.1 Stresses in a Tensile Member 2.2 Stresses due to Pure Shearing 2.3 Two Mutually Perpendicular Direct Str 2.4 Principal Planes and Principal Stresses 2.5 Ttoo-dimensional Stress System (Generali 2.6 Graphical Methods 2, 2AL1 Mohr’s circle construction for like stresses Mohr’s circle construction for two perpendicular direct stresses as the state of simple shear 2.6J .4 Mohr’s circle construction for principal stresses 91 92 93 24 94 97 97 97 98 99 101 1262.7 Combined Bending and Torsion 2.8 Analysis of Strain 2.8.1 Direct strain on oblique plane due to a direct pull on a plane 2.8.2 Direct strain on a oblique plane due to shear stress. 2.8.3 Direct strain on an oblique plane due to two normal pulls and a shear force 2.8.4 Strain on an inclined section due to two perpendicular normal strains 2.8.5 Ellipse of strains 2.8+6 Mohr's circle of strains 2.8.7 Principal strains and strain energy due to principal stresses 2.8JJ Principal strains due to principal stresses Strain energy due to principal stresses Highlights Unsolved Examples 128 131 131 . 13J L32 135 _ 136 137 137 _ 137 138 . ~ 142 . .. 143 3. Centroid and Moment of Inertia 146-205 3.1 Centre of Gravity of a Body 3.2 Determination Centre of Gravity 3J Centroid 14 Position of Centroids,of Plane Geumdritrui Figures 3.5 Positions of Centre of Gravity of Regular Solids 3.6 Centroids of Composite Areas 3:7 Centre of Gravity of Simple Solids 3.8 Area and Volumes Centroid Method 3.9 Centre of Gravity in a Few Simple Cases Ufl Moment of Inertia (M.O.L) - Introduction 3.11 Moment of Inertia (Second moment of an area) 3.12 Theorem of Parallel Axes (or Transfer Formula) 3.13 Theorem of Perpendicular Axes 3.14 Radius of Gyration 3J5 Moment of Inertia of Laminae of Different Shapes 3.16.1 Parallel axes theorem for product of inertia 3467 Principal axes and principle moments of inertia Determination of principal moments of inertia and directions of principal axes 346.27 Mohr s circle for principal moments of inertia Typical Examples (For Competitive Examinations} Highlights Objective Type Questions Theoretical Questions Unsolved Examples 146 147 147 147 148 149 150 150 151 160 161 163 163 164 164 181 182 183 183 185 19J 195 197 198 1981 4. Bending Moments and Shearing Forces 206-260 4J_ Introduction 4.2 Some Basic Definitions 43 Classification of Reams 4.4 Shear Force (S.F.) and Bending Moment (B.M.) 43 Sign conventions 4.6 Cantilever with an End Load 4,7 Cantilever with Uniformly Distributed Load 4.8 Cantilever with Uniformly Distributed load and Concentrated Load at the Free End 206 206 207 208 208 209 209 210 4.9 Cantilever Carrying Uniformly Distributed Ixrad for a Pail uf iLs Length from the Free End 4.10 Cantilever Carrying Load Whose Intensity Varies Uniformly from Zero al the Free End to the Per unit Run at the Fixed End 4J 1 CantileyerCanying load Whose Intensity varies Uniformly from Zero al the Fixed Point End to iv Pei Unit-Rua al the Free End 4.12 Simply Supported Beam Carrying Concentrated Load at the Mid Span 4.13 Simply Supported Beam Carrying Concentrated Load not at Mid Span 4J 4 Simply Supported Beam Carrying a UniformlyJ3fctnbuiedLaad of tv Per unit Run over the Whole Span 4d5 General Relation between the Loadt the Shearing Force and the Bending Moment 4J6 Simply Supported Beam Carrying a Load whose Intensity varies Uniformly from Zero at each End to n per Unit Run at the Mid Span 4.17 Simply Supported Beam cartying a Load whose Intensity varies Uniformly from Zero at one end to tv per unit Run at the other End 4.18 Simply Supported Beam with Equal Overhangs and carrying a Uniformly Distributed Load of per w Unit Run over the Whole Length 435 .Thc.Points.Qf.Contiaflcxure 4.20 Loading and B.M. diagrams from SE Diagrams Typical Examples (For Competitive Examinations) Highlights Objective Type Questions Unsolved Examples 210 212 214 218 218 219 220 224 225 23.4 235 245 248 255 255 25.7 5. Bending Stresses in Beams 261-329 54 Theory of Simple Bending (Bending equation) 53 Position of .Neutral Axis 53 Section Modulus 5.4 Practical Application of Bending Equation 5.5 Beam of Heterogeneous Materials (Flitched beam) 5.6 Beams of Uniform Strength 5.7 Bimetallic Strip 5,8 Reinforced CemenLConcrete1R.CCJ Typical Examples (For Competitive Examinations) 261 263 263 266 289 296 301 304 309Highlights Objective Type Questions Unsolved Examples ... 324 ... 325 ... 326 6^Combined Direct and Bending Stresses 330-365 6J Introduction 6J Load acd ng EcccntricalIy to One Axis 6J Condilionfor.No Tension in the.Section 6.4 Wind Pressure on Chimneys 6.5 Earth Pressure on retaining Walls 6,5.1 Angle of repose 6,5.2 Earth pressure Typical Examples (For Competitive Examinations) Highlights Objective Type questions Theoretical Questions Unsolved Examples 330 330 332 342 348 348 349 355 362 362 363 363 7. Shearing Stresses 366-398 7J Introduction 7.2 Shearing Stress Variation Closs section 7.4 Shear Stress Distribulion for Typical Sections Typical Examples (For Competitive Examinations) Highlights Objective Type Questions Theoretical Questions Unsolved Examples 366 367 368 371 382 396 396 397 397 8. Deflection of Beams 399-528 8J 822 8J 8.4 8.5 8.6 8J 8.8 Introduction Beam Deflection Relation between Slope. Deflection and Radius of Curvature Sign Conventions Slope and Deflection al a Section Double Integration Method Macaulay’s Method Moment Area Method 8,8.1 Determination of maximum slope and deflection in important cases 8.9 Conjugate Beam Method 8.10 Propped Cantilevers and Beams Typical Examples (For Competitive Examinations) 399 399 400 40J 401 40J 420 jj1 448 469 492 507Highlights Objective Type Questions Unsolved Examples 523 523 524 9. Fixed and Continuous Beams 529-588 9.1. Introduction 42 Fixed Beams 9.2.1 Analysis of a fixed beam 9.2.2 Fixed beam with ends at different levels (Effect of sinking of supports) 9-3 Continuous Beam 9.3.1 Introduction 9.3.2 Clapeyron's theorem of three moments 9.3.3 Beams with overhangs 9.3.4 Sinking of supports Typical Examples Highlights Objective Type Questions Unsolved Examples HX Thin Shells 589-623 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Thin Cylindrical Shells 10.2.1 Circumferential or hoop stresses 10.2.2 Longitudinal stresses 10.23 Maximum shear stress 10,2.4 Design of thin cylindrical shells 10.2.5 Cy1indrical shell with hemispherical ends 10.2.6 Built-up cylindrical shells 10.2.7 Change in dimensions of a thin cylindrical shell due to an internal pressure 10.2,8 Wire wound cylinders 103 Sphericalsheils Typical Examples {Fp^ompetijiv^Exan^ Highlights Objective Type Questions Unsolved Examples IL Thick Shells 624-683 HJ Thick Cylinders LLLL Introduction [LI.2 Lame*s theory .... 624 624 62411.1.2.1 Special cases 1 LL2.2 Longitudinal and shear stresses niLSJJesjgncf thick cylindrical shell 1LL24 Compound or shrunk cylinders 1 1.1.23 Necessary difference of radii for shrinkage 1 1 2 Thick Spherical Shells Typical Examples Highlights Objective Type Questions Unsolved Examples 680 12. Riveted and Welded Joints 684-723 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Riveted joints 12.2J Types of riveted joints 1 2.22 ImportantJenns used in riveting 12.2.3 Fai1ure of riveted joints 1 2 3 4 Efficiency of a riveted joint 1 2.2.5 Thickness of cover plates 12.2.6 Diamond riveting 1232 Relation between d and r 1223 Determination ofj)hch (p) 690 12.3 Welded Joints 707 12.3.1 Advantages and disadvantages of welded joints 707 123.2 Types of welds 708 1233 Strength of butt welds 709 Typical Examples 714 Highlights 720 Objective Type Questions 720 Unsolved Examples ... 721 13. Torsion of Circular and Non-circular Shafts Shulls Torsion of Shafts Torsion Equation Hollow Circular Shafts Torsional Rigidity Power Transmitted by the Shaft Importance of Angle of Twist and Various Stresses in Shaft Modulus of Rupture 13.9 Comparison of Solid and Hollow Shafts _ 737 13JO Shafts in Series 744 L3.ll Shafts in Parallel 745L3.12 Torsional Resilience ... 756 13.13 Shaft Couplings ... 758 13J 4 Combined Bending and Torsion ... 76J 13.15 Torsion of a Tapering Shaft ... 767 13J6 ThinCir^ Sub[ected jo Torsion .„ 721 13.17 Torsion of Non-circular Solid Section ... 773 13.18 Torsion of Non-circular Thin Tubular Sections 779 13,19 Torsion of Thin Rectangular Sections ... 781 13.20 Torsion of Thin-walled Multi-cell Sections ... 791 Typical Examples ... 794 Highlights ... 804 Objective Type Questions 807 Unsolved Examples ... 808 14. Springs 812-860 14J Introduction 14.2 Helical Springs 14.3 The Close-coiled Helical Springs 14.3.1 Close-coiled helical spring with Axial load' 1432 Subjected to 'Axial twist1 144 Open-coiled Helical Springs 14.4.1 With 'Axial load' 14.4.2 With Axial thrust1 1443 Stresses in circular wire of open coil spring 14.5 Springs in Series 14.6 Springs in Parallel 14.7 Flat Spiral Springs 14.8 Laminated Springs 14.8.1 Semi'elliptical spring 14.82 Quarter-elliptical spring Typical Examples Highlights ObjeenyeJTyp^Questions Unsolved Examples 15. Strain Energy and Deflection Due to Shear and Bending 15.1 Strain Energy or Resilience 152 Strain Energy in Simple Tension and Compression 15.3 Stresses Due to Different Types of Loads 15.4 Strain Energy in Pure Shearing 15.5 Strain Energy in Torsion 1 5,6 Strain Energy Due to Bending 15.6.1 Bending under gradually applied loads _ 88115.6.2 Bending under impact loads 889 15.7 Strain Energy Due co Principal Stresses -Strain Energy in a General Case 892 15.8 Energy of Distortion (Shear Strain Energy > " $95 15.9 Strain Energy and Deflection Due to Shear - 896 15.10 Castigliano*s Theorem f ... 900 15.11 Maxwell's Theorem 916 TypicaiExampies ”* 918 Highlights 924 Objective Type Questions 926 Unsolved Examples 927 16. Columns and Struts 16.1 Introduction 16.2 Definitions 16,3 Classification of Columns 16.4 Strength of Columns 16.5 End Conditions 1 6.6 Equivalent Length 16 7 Euler s Theory (For long columns) < UL 931 16.8 Sign Conventions for ... 931 L6JI Euler's Formula 931 16.IQ Limitations for the use of Euler's Formula ... 932 16.11 Applicability of Euler Theory 933 1642 Deviations of’s Formula (For Different End Conditions) ... 933 16.13 Rankine’s Hypothesis for Struts/Columns ... 943 16.14 John’s Parabolic Formula ... 945 16.15 Straight Line Formula 945 1^U> Columns Subjected to Eccenttic Loading 962 16.17 Prof. Perry’s formula 967 16.18 Columns with Initial Curvature (Axial loading) ... 970 16J9 Beam Columns ... 972 Typical Examples 978 Highlights 986 Objective Type Questions ... 987 Unsolved Examples ... 989 17, Analysis of Framed Structures introduction Determination of Reactions-Graphical Method Determination of Stresses 17.3.1 Graphical Method 17.3.2 Analytical Methods17.3.2.1 Method of joints 173.2.2 Method of sections (or Method of moments) Highlights ObjectiyeT^pe Questions Theoretical Questions Unsolved Examples 18. Theories of Failure 18.1 Introduction 18.2 Maximum Principal Stress Theory 18.3 Maximum Shear Stress or Stress Difference Theory 18.4 Strain Energy Theory 18.5 Shear Strain Energy Theory 18,6 Maximum Principal Strain Theory 18.7 Graphical Representation of Theories for Two Dimensional Stress System Typical..Examples Highlights Objective Type Questions Unsolved Examples 19. Stresses Due to Rotation 1129-1162 19.1 Introduction 19.2 Rotating Ring 19,3 Rotating Thin Disc 19.4 Disc of Uniform Strength 19.5 Rotating Long Cylinders 1953 Solid Cylinder 19,53 Hollow Cylinder Highlights Objective Type Questions Unsolved Examples 20. Bending of Curved Bors 20,1 Introduction 1163 20.2— Stresses in Curved Bars (Winkler’Bach Theory ) 203 Values of h2 for Various Sections 203.1 Rectangular section 203,2 Circular section 2033 Triangular section 203.4 Trapezoidal section 2033 T-section 203,6 T-section 20,4 Stresses in a Ring 20.5 Stresses in a Chain Link 120120.6 Deflection of Curved Bars 1207 20,6.1 Deflection of a Closed Ring 20*6*2 Deflection af a Chain Link Typical Examples Highlights Objective Type Questions Unsolved Examples 21. Unsymmetrical Bending and Shear 21J Introduction 2L2 Product of Inertia product of inertia 2L2.2 Principal aaes and principal momcuts of inertia 21,3 Stresses Due to Unsymmetrical Bending 2L4 DeflectioiLof Beams Due to Unsymmetrical bending 2L5 Shear Ccntr 2t .5.1 Shear centre for channeI-section .**1222 _ 1223 1223 21.5.2 Shear centre for unequal-section ... 1237 Highlight _ 1245 Objective Type Questions ... 1245 Unsolved Examples 1246 22. Competitive Examinations (UPSC, GATE etc.) Questions with Solutions 1247-1341 Additional Objective Type Questions (Including Questions for ESE, CSE, GATE etc., exams.) 1343-1385 Material Testing-Experiments 1387-1419 Index 1420-1424
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