كورس تعليم إختيار عمليات التصنيع و التصميم من أجل التصنيع - Manufacturing Process Selection and Design for Manufacturing Course
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كورس تعليم إختيار عمليات التصنيع و التصميم من أجل التصنيع - Manufacturing Process Selection and Design for Manufacturing Course

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مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18928
التقييم : 35294
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: كورس تعليم إختيار عمليات التصنيع و التصميم من أجل التصنيع - Manufacturing Process Selection and Design for Manufacturing Course   كورس تعليم إختيار عمليات التصنيع و التصميم من أجل التصنيع - Manufacturing Process Selection and Design for Manufacturing Course Emptyالسبت 01 أكتوبر 2022, 1:41 am

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كورس تعليم إختيار عمليات التصنيع و التصميم من أجل التصنيع
Manufacturing Process Selection and Design for Manufacturing Course

كورس تعليم إختيار عمليات التصنيع و التصميم من أجل التصنيع - Manufacturing Process Selection and Design for Manufacturing Course U_m_p_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

03 - Case studies in process selection \ 001 Case study 1 - Steering column mount bracket
04 - Design for Manufacturing \ 001 Design for Manufacturing Intro
07 - Design for Injection Molding \ 001 Generic Design principles of Injection molding design
06 - Design for Casting \ 001 Introduction to Casting , parameters which govern quality
05 - Design for Forging \ 001 Introduction to Forging
01 - Introduction \ 001 Introduction
02 - Process selection \ 001 Selection process and Parameters which govern
03 - Case studies in process selection \ 002 Case study 2 Stepped shaft with keyway
06 - Design for Casting \ 002 Generic Design principles in Casting design
01 - Introduction \ 002 Importance of the process in Mechanical design engineering
05 - Design for Forging \ 002 Impression Die forging Forging terminologies- Cross section
07 - Design for Injection Molding \ 002 Parts of Injection Molding Die
02 - Process selection \ 002 Process- material compatibility
04 - Design for Manufacturing \ 002 Why DFM is important
03 - Case studies in process selection \ 003 Case study 3 Shifter fork
01 - Introduction \ 003 Design approaches for process selection
05 - Design for Forging \ 003 Generic Design principles in forging design
07 - Design for Injection Molding \ 003 Generic Design Rules applied , examples
02 - Process selection \ 003 Shapes of Engineering parts
06 - Design for Casting \ 003 Terms in Casting- Draft , core,
03 - Case studies in process selection \ 004 Case study 4 Steering knuckle
01 - Introduction \ 004 Common processes
07 - Design for Injection Molding \ 004 Core strengthening
05 - Design for Forging \ 004 Fillet Radii and Draft angles
06 - Design for Casting \ 004 Importance of Parting line
02 - Process selection \ 004 Process Shape Matrix
03 - Case studies in process selection \ 005 Case study 5 Electronic Enclosure
06 - Design for Casting \ 005 Design features, poor and good
07 - Design for Injection Molding \ 005 Gate location
01 - Introduction \ 005 Process flow of a connecting rod
02 - Process selection \ 005 Section Thickness
05 - Design for Forging \ 005 Web depth and wall thickness
03 - Case studies in process selection \ 006 Case study 6 Brake line bracket
01 - Introduction \ 006 Casting processes
02 - Process selection \ 006 Intro to Tolerance and Dimensional accuracy
05 - Design for Forging \ 006 Parting line
06 - Design for Casting \ 006 Reducing number of cores and Reducing complexity
07 - Design for Injection Molding \ 006 Sinking and Warping Defects
07 - Design for Injection Molding \ 007 Bosses and Gussets
03 - Case studies in process selection \ 007 Exercise
01 - Introduction \ 007 Forming processes
05 - Design for Forging \ 007 Grain Orientation and Affect of Parting Line
06 - Design for Casting \ 007 Hot spots and Ribs
02 - Process selection \ 007 Tolerance ranges of processes and surface roughness
07 - Design for Injection Molding \ 008 Example
01 - Introduction \ 008 Moulding processes
05 - Design for Forging \ 008 Side thrust force in Forging Dies
06 - Design for Casting \ 008 Summary - Design for Casting
02 - Process selection \ 008 Types of Costs
02 - Process selection \ 009 Cost model
05 - Design for Forging \ 009 Ease of Forging - order of difficulty
07 - Design for Injection Molding \ 009 Exercises
05 - Design for Forging \ 010 Case study Design for Forging
02 - Process selection \ 010 Cost comparison of processes
05 - Design for Forging \ 011 Exercises
02 - Process selection \ 011 Relative Cost between Process- Sand casting vs Die casting
02 - Process selection \ 012 Part complexity and part cost
02 - Process selection \ 013 Prototyping processes
02 - Process selection \ 014 3D printing and Injection Molding
02 - Process selection \ 015 Summary - Process selection

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رابط مباشر لتنزيل كورس تعليم إختيار عمليات التصنيع و التصميم من أجل التصنيع - Manufacturing Process Selection and Design for Manufacturing Course
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
كورس تعليم إختيار عمليات التصنيع و التصميم من أجل التصنيع - Manufacturing Process Selection and Design for Manufacturing Course
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى :: المنتديات الهندسية :: منتدى الدورات والكورسات الهندسية-
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