كتاب Strength of Materials
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 كتاب Strength of Materials

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18928
التقييم : 35294
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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أخواني في الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Strength of Materials
[For Engineering Degree, Diploma and A.M.I E. Students]
S. Ramamrutham
B.E., (Civilf M.l.C.E.
Principal, Modern College of Engineering, New Delhi
Author of Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, Design of Steel Structutes,
Theory of Structures, Applied Mechanics etc.

كتاب Strength of Materials  S_o_m_17
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Chapter * Pages
1. Simple Stresses and Strains *
Introduction - Definitions, stress, strain, tensile and compres¬
sive stresses - Sheaf stress - Plastic limit - Hooke’s law
poisson’s ratio - Modulus of Elasticity - Modulus of Rigidity,
Bulk Modulus - Bars of varying section - Extension of a
tapering rod - Composite section -modular ratio- Bar of
uniform strength - Equivalent area of composite sections -
Temjierature stresses - Hoop stress-Stresses on oblique
sections - State of simple shear - Relation between the Elastic
constants - Volumetric Strain - Rectangular block subject to
normal stresses - Diagonal tensile and diagonal compressive
stresses - Solved problems I to 71 - Problems for exercise.
1 - 100
2. Strain Energy - Impact Leading
Strain Energy - Elastic, plastic and rigid members - Stresses
due to different types of axial loading - Gradually applied
loads - Suddenly applied load) - Impact loads - Solved pro¬
blems 72 to 84 - Problems for exercise. 101 - 118
3- Centre of Gravity and Moment of Inertia
Centre of Gravity - Definition - Lamina - Moment of an
area - Centroid of a uniform lamina - Centroids of laminae of
various shapes - Triangle, circle, semicircle, trapeziumBuilt-in sections - Analytical and graphical methods - Moment
of Inertia of a lamina - Definition - Parallel axes theoremPerpendicular axes theorem - Moment of Inertia of laminae of
different shapes- Rectangalar, ciicular, triangular and com¬
posite sections - Solved problems 85 to 104 - Problems for
exercise. 119 - 157
4. Shear Forces and Bending Moments
Definitions -Cantilevers, simply supported beam, fixed beam,
continuous beams -Conception of Shear Force and Bending
Moment - Sign conventions - shear force and Bending Mo¬
ment diagrams for cantilevers, beams supported at ends.
Beams with overhangs - Point of contraffexure-Member sub¬
jected to couples - Members subjected to Oblique loading -
Miscellaneous types of members and corresponding S.F.
and B.M. diagrams - Inter-relation between S F. and B. M^
diagrams - To obtain the B.M. diagrams from S.F. dia¬
gram-Solved problems 105 to 130 -Problems for exercise.
5. Stresses in Beams
Definition - Pure or simple bending - Theory of simple bend¬
ing-Netural layer - Neutral axis - Bending Stress distribu¬
tion-moment of resistance - Assumptions in the theory ofan
Chapter Pages
simple binding - Practical application of bending equation
Section modulus - Section moduli for different shapesRectangular, triangular, circular, I-section, T-section - Normal
force on a partial area of a beam section - Moment of resis¬
tance of a partial area of a btam section -Flitched beams -
Equivalent section - Beams of uniform strength - Shear stress
distribution on a beam section - Shear stress distribution on
rectangular, circular, triangular, 1 and T sections - Shear
stresses in bolts connecting components in laminated beams.
Proportion of B M and S F. resisted by flange and web
of anI section - Shrar centre - Solved problems 131 to 199 -
Problems for exercise. 228 - 337
6. Direct and Bending Stresses
Stress distribution of the section of an eccentrically loaded
rectangular column. The middle third rule - Core or kernel of
a section - Circular section - Hollow section - Structural
section - Walls and pillars - Solved Problems 200 to 223 -
Problems for exercise. 338 - 370
7. Masonary Dams
Forces acting on a dam - Stress distribution on the base of a
dam, Stability of a dam - Minimum bottom width of a dam
section. Solved Problems 224 to 228. 371 - 388
8. Deflection of beams
Member bending into a circular are - slope, deflection and
ladius of curvature - Derivation of formulae for slope and
deflection - Cantilever - Propped cantilevers- Beams - Macau¬
lay’s Method - Beams subjected to couples - Moment area
method - Mohr’s theorems - Relations between maximum
bending stress and maximum deflection - Beams of varying
. section - Strain energy stored due to bending - Law of reci¬
procal deflections -Bette's law - The first theorem of
Castigliano - Impact loading on beams - Laminated SpringsConjugate beam method - Solved problems 229 to 312 Pro^
blems for exercise. 389 - 527
9. Fixed and Continuous Beams
Fixed beam -Relation between the free B.M. diagram and
the fixed B.M. diagram-slope and deflection - Effect of sinking
of supports - Fixed beam subjected to couple - Degree of
fixing - Advantages and disadvantages of fixing beams -
Continuous beam - Clapyron’s theorm of three moments -
Solved problems 3)3 to 324 - Problems for exercise. 528 - 581
10. Torsion of Shafts
Pure Torsion - Theory of Pure Torsion - Torsional mement of
resistance. Assumptions in the theory of pure Torsion - Polar
modulus - H.P. transmitted by a shaft - Torsional Rigidity -
Stepped shafts - Composite shafts - Keys - Couplings - Shear
and Torsional resilience - Shaftsof non-circular section - Close(fit)
coiled helical springs - Torsion of a tapering rod. Solved
Problems 325 to 361 - Problems for exercise. ’582 - 632
11. Principal stresses and strains
Normal stresses - Tangential or shear streses - Principal stresses
- Principal planes - Graphical and analytical methods - Ellipse
of stress - Determination of principal stresses and strains -
Obliquity - Mohr’s circle of stress - Combined bending and
Torsion - Strain energy in terms of principal stresses -
Equivalent bending moment and equivalent torque - Principal
strains - Criterion for failure - Ellipse of strain - Solved prob¬
lems 362 to 388. Problems for exercise. 633 - 682
12- Thin Cylinders and Spheres
Thin cylinders - circumferential ond longitudinal Stresses -
Riveted cylinderical boilers - Wire bound pipes. Thin spherical
shells - Biaxial stresses in doubly curved walls of pressure
vessels - Stresses in a conical tank. Solved problems 342 to
349. Problems for exercise. 683 - 705
13. Thick cylinders and Spheres
Thick cylinders -Derivation of formulae - Lamme’s equations
- Hoop stresses and radial pressure distribution - compound
cylinders - Thick spherical Shells- Solved problems 350 to
413 - Problems for exercise. 706 - 726
14. Columns and Struts
Introduction - Axially loaded compression members - Crush¬
ing load - Buckling or critical load or crippling load - Euler’s
theory of long columns - Different end conditions - Effective
length of colums - Assumptions made in Euler’s theoryLimitations of Euler's formula - Empirical formulae -
Rankine’s formula - Straight line formula - Johnson's para¬
bolic formula - Formula given by the I S. code - Column
•objected to eccentric loading - Euler’s method - Rankine’s
method - Prof Perry’s formula - Columns with initial curva¬
ture - Laterally loaded struts - Solved problems 413 to 429.
Problems for exercise. 727 - 768
15. Riveted Joints
Types of joints - Lap and butt joints - Failure of a riveted
joint - Tearing strength, shearing strength, bearing strength -
Efficiency of a joint - Riveted joints in structural steel work -
Chain riveting and diamond riveting - Eccentric Riveted
connections - Resistance of a rivet against translation and
rotation. Solved problems 430 to 442. Problems for
exercise. 769 - 798
16. Welded Connections
The welding process - Advantages of welded connection -
Disadvantages of welded connection - Types of weld - Mini¬
mum sizes of weld - Effective length - Minimum length - Fillet(iv)
weld applied tp the edge of a plate-Angle between fusion
faces - Throat thickness-Intermittent fillet welds - Lap joints
- Fillet welds in slots or holes - End returns - Bending about
a single fillet -Permissible stresses in welds - Combined
stresses in welds -Eccentric welded connections, Solved
problems 443 to- 462 799 - 830
17. Analysis of Framed Structures
Perfect frame -Deficient frame - Redundant frame-Reactions
at supports - Analysis of a truss - Method of joints-Method
of section - Graphical method. Solved problems 463 to 489.
18. Simple Mechanical Properties of Metals
Yield or flow of material - Tensile stress - Stress - Strain
diagrams for Mild Steel Specimen - Limit of proportionality -
Ultimate stress-Working stress - Factor of safety - Measure¬
ment of ductility -Unwin’s Method based on reduction of
sectional area - Hardness - Scratch test - Indentation test -
Brinnel’s method-Impact testing - Fatigue of metals -
Endurance limit. Solved problems 449 to 491. 915 - 922
19. Elements of reinforced Concrete
General principles of design - Assumptions - Singly reinforced
beams-Netural axis -Lever arm - Moment of resistanceBalanced or economic or critical sections - Unbalanced
sections - Under-reinforced and over-reinforced sections -
Doubly reinforced beams-Shear in beams- Shear stresses -
Diagonal tensile and diagonal compressive stresses in concrete-Stirrups-Diagonal reinforcement - Bond stresses -
End anchora.e -Standard hook - Reinforcement-T and L
beams-Axially Loaded Columns-Combined bending and
direct stresses. Solved problems 492 to 520. Problems for
exercises. 923 - 998
Appendix Useful tables. 999-1035
Index 1036 - 1038INDEX
Analysis of frames, 831
Analysis of dams. 371
Assumptionsin theory of bending, 228
Axis, neutral, 229, 230 '
Balanced section, 928
Bar of composite section, 27
Bar of uniform stren th, 47
Bar of varying section, 11
Beams, 158
Beams-deflection, 389
Beams of uniform strength, 295
Beams of varying section, 469
Bearing value of rivets, 773
Bending, 228
Bending moment, >58, 160
Beltrami theory, 678
Bending stress, 228
Bet'e’s law, 484
Bond stress, 966, 967
Boom, 727
Bow’s notation, 891
Brinnel's method. 921
Buckling load, 72k
Built-m-beams, 158, 528
Bulk m< dulus, 86
Butt-joint, 769
Butt weld, 801
Cantilevers, 158
Cantilever-propped, 400
Carriage springs, 5<)0
Castigliano’s theorem, 485
Centre of gravity, 119
Centroid, t <9
Cham riveting, 787
Circum’erential stress, 72. 684
Clapeyron's theorem, 561
Clear span, 158
Close coiled springs, 620
Columns, 727
Combined stresses, 338
Complementary shear stress, 81
Composite sections, 27
Composite shafts, 610
Compound cylinders, 713
Compoon stresses and strains, 633
Compressive siress, 31
Compressive strain, 31
Cbmpound section,27
Conjugate beam method, 505
Continuous beam, 158, 528, 560
Continuous columns, 987
Contraflexure-point of, 186
Core of a section, 342
Couples, 203
Couplings, 616
Cover, 973
CripplingI ad, 728
Critical load, 728
Critical section, 928
Crushing load, 727
Crushing s'ress, 727
Dams, 371
Deficient frame, 832
Deflection of beams, 381
Deformation, 1
Diagonal compres ion, 84
Diagonal tension, 84
Diamond riveting, 787
Direct stress, 338
Direct and bending stresses, 338
Direct bond, 967
Doubly curved walls, 701
Doubly reinforced beams, 949
Ductility, 917
Eccentricity, 339
Eccentric riveted connection, 791
Eccentric welded connections, 815
Economic section, 928 ,
Effective length of column, 735
Effective length of weld, 802
Effective span. 158
Efficiency of joints, 774
Elastic instability, 728
Elasic limit, 6
Elastic material, 1, 102
Elastic modulus, 102
Elapse of strain, 679
Ellipse of stress, 642
Encastred beams, 528
End Anchorage, 969
End returns, 804
Endurance limit, 922
Energy, strain, 47, 101, 102
Equivalent ana, 38
1036INDEX 1037
Euler’s theory, 728
Factor of safety, 916
Failure of a riveted joint, 770
Fatigue of metals, 922
Fillet weld, 800
Fixed beam, 158, 52*
Fixed ei d moment, 528
Flexural rigidity, 586
Flitched beams, 278
1rained structures, 831
Freely supported beams, 158
French formula, 774
German formula, 774
Gradually applied loads, 103
Graphical methods, 838
Graphic statics, 891
Guest theory, <>77
Gusset plate, 785
Gyration-radius of, 137
Haigh's theory, 678
Hardness, 920
Helical springs 620
Hogging moment, 161
Homogeneity, 23.'
Hook's law, 6
Hoop stress, 72, 684
Impact loading, 101
Impact testing. 101, 105, 498, 921
I ‘ entation test, 921
Inertia-moment of, 136
1< lens ty of stress, 2
Isotropy, 233
Izod test, 921, 922
Johnson’s parabolic formula, 749
Joints-riveted, 769
Joiots-weided. 799
Kernel of a Section, 342
Keys, 616
L-boams, 974
Lame's equatioa, 70*
Laminated spriaM 900
Lap joint, 769. <04
Lateral strain, 74
Laterally loaded strata, 743
Leaf springs, *00
Lever arm, 927
Limit-elastic, 6
Load, I
Loading-gradual, sudden, impact, 101
Local bond, 969
Long columns, 986
Longitudinal stress, 684
Macaulay’s method, 423
Masonry dams, 371
Maxwell's law, 483
Mechanical properties of metals, 915
Membrane stresses 701
Meridional stress, 702
Method of joints, 838
Method of resolution, 838
Method of section, 838 864
Method of substitution, 903
Middle third rule, 341
Modular rati >, 27, 279,923
Modulus bulk, 86
Modulus of elasticity, 6
Modulus of rigidity, 6
Modulus ol section. 2M
Mohr's Circle, 645
Mohr’s theorems, 459, 460
Moment area method, 459
Mou. nt of Inertia, 136, 928
MorneM of resistance, 231
Neutral axis. 229, 230, 926
Neutral layer, 229
Neutral suifa^e, 229
Normal stresses, 83
Oblique loading on beams, 210
Obliquity, 6 5
Over reinforced sectian, 951
Parabolic formula, 749
Parallel axes the rem, 138
Perfect frame, 831
Perpendicular au« theorem, 137
P-rry's f. rmula, 758
PUUra, 364
Plastic member, 1, 102
Poet of contrafcxure, 186
Poiet of laflextion. 86
Pvkacw'a ami*, 741038
Polar modulus, ^84
Port, 727 .
Principal planes, 633, 634
Principal strains, 613. 675
Principal stresses, 633, 634
Propp,d cantilevers, 400
Pure bending, 228
Radius of curvature, 390
Radius of gyration, 137
Rankine’s formula, 740
Rankine’s theory, 677
Reinforced < oncrete, 923
Reciprocal deflection theorem, 482
Reinforcement, 970
Redundant frame, 833
Relation between elastic constants,
Resistance, I, 101
Resistance-moment of, 231
Rigid material, ], 102
Rigidity modulus 6
Riveted boilers, 693
Riveted joints, 769
Roller support, 833
Safety-factor of, 916
Sagging moment, 160
Scratch test, 921
Second moment of area, 136
Section-composite, 27
Section-method of, 833, 864
Section modulus, 234
Shafts, 582
Shear centre, 330
Shear delormalion, 5, 6
Shear force, 158
Shear mo ulus, 6
Sheaf reinforcement, 944
Shear resistance, 618
Shear strain, 4
Shear stress, 4, 297, 954, 957
Shear stress distribution,
Shear value of rivets, 773
Shells, 683
Simple bending. 228
Simple stresses and strains, 1
Simply supported beams, 158
Singly reinforced beams, 924
Sieucer* ess ratio, 736
Slope, 390
Span, 158
Spherical shells. 698
Spnngs-coiled, 620
Spr ngs-lamrnated, 500
Stability of dams, 373
Stannard book, 969
Stare of simple shear, 81
Strffnem.502 621
Stirrups, 960
Straight line formula, 749
Strain, 1, 2, 3
Strain energy, 47, 101, 102
Strength, i
Stress, 1, 2, 3
Stress intensity, 2
Stresses in beams, 228
Struts, 727
St. Venant’s theory, 677
Subs itution method, 903
Suddenly applied loads, 104
T-beams, 973
Tapering shafts, 628
Tearing strength, 771
Temperature stresses, 55
Tensile strain, 3
Tensile stress, 3
Theorem of three moments, 561
The ry of bending. 228
Thick cylindeis, 706
Thick sph-res, 7?t
Thin cylinders, 683
Thin spheres, 698
Thr at of weld, 800, 802
Thrust diagram, 11,212
Torsion of shafts, 582
Torsion of non circular section, 619-
Torsional resilience, 618
Torsional rigidity, 586
Twist of a shaft, 583
U-Butt weld, 801
Ultimate stress, 9 6
Unbalanced setion, 931
Under reinforced section 931
Unit stress, 2
Unwin’s formula, 774
V-Butt weld, 801
Volumetric strain, 7*
Walls, 364
Welded joints, 799
Wind pressure, 364
Wire bound pipes, 695
Wohler’s experiments, 922.
Work, 101..481
Working stresses, 916
Yield point, 915
Young’s modulus, 6

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