كتاب Geometry Creation GibbsCAM
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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وتسعدونا بالأراء والمساهمات
إذا كنت أحد أعضائنا يرجى تسجيل الدخول
أو وإذا كانت هذة زيارتك الأولى للمنتدى فنتشرف بإنضمامك لأسرتنا
وهذا شرح لطريقة التسجيل فى المنتدى بالفيديو :
وشرح لطريقة التنزيل من المنتدى بالفيديو:
إذا واجهتك مشاكل فى التسجيل أو تفعيل حسابك
وإذا نسيت بيانات الدخول للمنتدى
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

أهلا وسهلاً بك زائرنا الكريم
نتمنى أن تقضوا معنا أفضل الأوقات
وتسعدونا بالأراء والمساهمات
إذا كنت أحد أعضائنا يرجى تسجيل الدخول
أو وإذا كانت هذة زيارتك الأولى للمنتدى فنتشرف بإنضمامك لأسرتنا
وهذا شرح لطريقة التسجيل فى المنتدى بالفيديو :
وشرح لطريقة التنزيل من المنتدى بالفيديو:
إذا واجهتك مشاكل فى التسجيل أو تفعيل حسابك
وإذا نسيت بيانات الدخول للمنتدى
يرجى مراسلتنا على البريد الإلكترونى التالى :



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الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخولحملة فيد واستفيدجروب المنتدى


 كتاب Geometry Creation GibbsCAM

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18959
التقييم : 35383
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب Geometry Creation GibbsCAM Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Geometry Creation GibbsCAM   كتاب Geometry Creation GibbsCAM Emptyالجمعة 16 سبتمبر 2022, 11:56 pm

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أحضرت لكم كتاب
Geometry Creation GibbsCAM

كتاب Geometry Creation GibbsCAM G_c_a_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Table of Contents
Online Help, Balloons and Prompting .3
System Overview 3
Text Conventions 3
About Geometry Creation in GibbsCAM 7
Geometry Overview . 9
Free-Form CAD . 9
Geometry Expert 9
Combination . 9
Extracting Geometry From Bodies 10
Working with Geometry .10
Shapes and Connectors .10
Points .10
Features . 11
Making Connections . 11
Open Shapes 12
Circles 12
Breaking Connections (Disconnecting) . 12
Geometry Context Menus . 12
Geometry Palette Interface . 13
Palette Shortcuts 13
Sub-Palettes 13
Smart Selection and Inferred Features . 14
Smart Selection . 14
Inferred Features . 14
Point Sub-Palette 14
Line Sub-Palette 17
Circle Sub-Palette .19
Shape Sub-Palette . 21
Text Creation 21
Offset . 24
Rectangle 24
Polygon 25
Ellipse 25
Gear 26
Cam 28
Curve Sub-Palette 28
Chamfer and Fillet Sub-Palette . 30
Connect/Disconnect 30
Multiple Connections . 31
Overlapping Connections 31
Geometry From Solids Sub-palette .32
Geometry Extraction 32
Hole Extraction 33
Parting Line .33
Outline 34Table of Contents
Geometry Expert . 35
Geometry Expert Interface 35
How Geometry Expert Works . 36
Creating Shapes Using Geometry Expert 36
Creating Features . 36
Feature Types . 36
Geometry Expert Table 37
Expert Aids . 38
Prompting 38
Auto Delete . 39
Error Balloons . 39
Additional Information 39
Defaults . 39
Point Selection 39
Half Points . 39
Floating Features 40
Inserting and Deleting Rows 40
Arcs vs. Fillets 40
-R Creation .41
Via Geometry Expert 41
Via Free-Form CAD .41
Dimensioning . 42
Workgroups 44
Workgroup List 44
Background Workgroups . 44
Workgroup Right Mouse Menu 45
Level 1 Interface and Workgroups . 46
Workgroup Summary . 47
Coordinate Systems 47
3D Geometry 48
Printing the Part Geometry 48
Exercise 1: Shapes and Connectors .51
Creating Shapes 52
Part Setup 52
Geometry Basics 53
Axis Lines 53
Tangent Circle to Lines . 54
Explicit Point . 56
Angled Line Through a Point 57
Connecting Lines - 1 . 58
Connecting Lines - 2 . 58
Circle with Radius and Center Point 58
Breaking Connections - 1 . 59
Breaking Connections - 2 . 59
Connecting a Circle and Line - 1 . 60
Connecting a Circle and Line - 2 . 60
Reversing Arcs 61
Terminating Points 61
Exercise 2: Mill Tutorial . 63Table of Contents
Setting up the Part . 63
Creating The Geometry 63
Multiple Explicit Points 63
Radius and Center Point Circles . 64
Labels . 65
Line Tangent to Two Circles - 1 67
Arc - Tangent to Two Circles - 1 . 68
Tangent Line from Point - Circle . 70
Parallel Line . 71
Connecting a Circle and Line 72
Duplicating Geometry . 72
Line Tangent to Two Circles - 2 .73
Arc - Tangent to Two Circles - 2 . 74
Line Between Two Points . 74
Reversing Arc Direction 76
Arc - Tangent to a Line and Circle . 76
Selecting a Shape . 77
Boss Geometry 77
Exercise 3: Lathe Tutorial . 79
Geometry for Lathe Parts 79
Setting Up the Part 79
Creating Geometry . 80
Face 80
OD 81
Backface . 92
ID 94
Explicit Connect 97
Closing the Shape . 97
Adding Fillets 97
Adding a Chamfer . 99
Exercise 4: Shuttle . 99
OD . 99
Exercise 5: Text Creation 107
Horizontal Text 107
Left Justified . 107
Centered .109
Vertical Text . 110
Text On An Arc .111
Exercise 6: Gear Creation . 113
Creating a Gear 113
Exercise 7: Overlapping Features . 115
Overlapping Connections 116
Circles . 116
Exercise 1: Shaft . 127
Horizontal and Vertical Lines 127
Exercise 2: Chassis . 138
Chamfers and Fillets 138
Exercise 3: Shuttle . 155
Arcs and Angled Lines 155Table of Contents
Mill Users 155
Exercise 4: Lathe Tutorial 160
Lathe Tutorial . 160
Implicit Angle Tangent Line .165
Exercise 5: Doodle 166
Editing Free-Form Geometry 166
Loading Free-Form Geometry 167
Inserting a Row . 168
Exercise 1: Using Geometry Expert to Modify Shapes .173
Mill Tutorial .173
Changing the Shape .173
Lathe Tutorial 176
Changing the Shape .176
Exercise 2: Mill Tutorial .178
Mill Tutorial .178
Extracting a Center Point of a Circle 181
Boss Geometry 187
Exercise 3: Gear Housing . 190
Advanced Tutorial . 190
About the Part . 190
Outer Shape 191
Inner Shapes .193
Interface . 207
Workgroups . 207
Not Included In Level 1 . 207
2d Rotate: 46
Active Workgroup: 44
Air Geometry: 12
Arc, Alternate Solutions: 41
Auto Clearance: 45
Curve: 28
Ellipse: 25
Gear: 26
Offset: 24
Polygon: 25
Rectangle: 24
Balloons: 3
Bolt Circle Creation: 15
B-Spline: 29
AutoShape, Cam: 28
AutoShape, Ellipse: 25
AutoShape, Gear: 26
AutoShape, Offset Shape: 24
AutoShape, Polygon: 25
AutoShape, Rectangle: 24
AutoShape, Text Creation: 21
Cam: 28
Circle, Point & Center Point: 19
Circle, Radius & Center Point: 19
Circle, Radius & Two Points: 20
Circle, Three Features: 20
Connect/Disconnect: 11–12, 30
Geometry Expert: 37
Line, Axis: 18
Line, Between Two Points: 18
Line, Mouse Line: 19
Line, Parallel and Offset: 18
Line, Perpendicular: 18
Line, Tangent-Angle: 18
Point, Bolt Circle: 15
Point, Center Point: 16
Point, Matrix Point: 16
Point, Mid-Point: 16
Point, Mouse Point: 17
Point, Point on Arc: 16
Point, Point-Angle: 18
Point, Polar Point: 15
Return: 13
Workgroup Selection: 44
Combination: 9
Free-Form: 9
Free-form: 13
Geometry Expert: 9
Calculate Gear Values: 27
CAM: 7
CW or CCW: 28
End Angle: 28
End Radius: 28
Motion Type: 28
Start Angle: 28
Start Radius: 28
Tolerance: 28
Cam Creation: 28
Center Point Creation: 16
Centripetal (curve): 30
Chamfer: 160, 169
defined by Depth: 30
defined by Length: 30
defined by Side: 30
Chamfer Creation: 30
Chamfer-Fillet sub-palette: 30
Change CS (HVD) of Visible WGs: 46
Change CS (XYZ) of Visible WGs: 46
Change to CS: 12
Chord Length (curve): 29
Connecting: 12
Point and Center Point: 19Index
Radius & Center Point: 19
Radius & Two Points: 20
Three Features: 20
Circle sub-palette: 19
Circle, Tangent to
a Line and a Circle: 20
a Line and a Point: 20
Two Circles: 20
Two Lines: 20
Circles: 12–13
Circularity Tolerance: 33
Closed Shapes: 10
Comment, Part: 53
Connect / Disconnect: 12
Connect & Disconnect Geometry: 11–13, 30
Connect/Disconnect button: 12, 30
Connecting Features: 11
Connections, Breaking: 12
Connections, Multiple: 31
Connector: 9
Construction Geometry: 9
CP (Center Point): 13
Crosshair, connecting points: 32
Blending Method: 29
Close Shape: 29
Control Point: 29
Curve Fit: 29
Line Fit: 29
Curve sub-palette: 28
Curve Type
Centripetal: 29
Chord Length: 29
Foley’s: 29
Uniform: 29
Delete, workgroup: 45
Descriptor Point: 13, 82
Descriptor point: 67
Design CAD: 7
Dimension Labels: 13
Disconnecting Geometry: 12, 30
Duplicate option: 73
Duplicate Visible WGs: 45
Edge Loop: 33
Explicit Point Creation: 14
Connected: 11
Definition: 11
Terminated: 12
Trimmed: 11
Unconnected: 11
Feature Type: 36
Feature Type, Geo. Expert: 37
Features: 11
Fillet button: 30
Fillet Creation: 13, 30
Fillet Radius on Rectangle: 24
Floating Feature: 157
Foley’s (curve): 30
Fonts: 21, 108
Force Depth: 46
G-code: 53
Addendum: 27
Dedendum: 27
Full # Teeth: 27
Involute Curve: 27
Involute Curve Sample Points: 27
Involute Curve Tolerance: 27
Pressure Angle: 26
Root Fillet: 27
Space Width: 27
Top Fillet: 27
Type: 27Index
Gear Creation: 26
Chamfers: 9
Circles: 9
Connections: 11
Connector: 9
Curves: 9
Definition: 9
Fillets: 9
From Solids: 32
Lines: 9
Points: 9
Printing: 48
Terminate: 30
Geometry Creation palette: 9, 13
Geometry Expert: 9, 35–36, 38–39, 41
Angle/Radius: 37
Arcs vs. Fillets: 40
Auto Delete: 39
Close Shape: 137
Defaults: 39
EP Xd/Xr (Y): 37
EP Z (X): 37
Error Balloons: 39
Feature Type: 37
Fillet: 40, 161
Floating Features: 40
Half Points: 39
Inserting and Deleting: 40
Length: 38
LP/CP Xd/Xr (Y): 38
LP/CP Z (X): 38
Point Selection: 39
Prompting: 38
Reference #: 37
Rows: 40
Using: 36
Geometry Expert button: 37
Geometry Extraction: 32
Geometry, Part Geometry: 9
Half Point: 128
Help: 3
Hole Extraction: 33
Inferred Features: 14
Labels: 65, 81
Layer, see Workgroup
Between two points: 18
Mouse: 19
Parallel Offset: 18
Parallel to Axis: 18
Perpendicular: 18
Tangent Feature at an Angle: 18
Through Point at an Angle: 18
Line sub-palette: 17
Line, Tangent to
a Point and a Circle: 19
Two Circles: 19
Machine Type: 52
Material Only: 45
Material Selection: 53
Matrix Point Creation: 16
MDD (Machine Definition Document): 52
Mid-Line Point Creation: 16
Mirror: 46
Moorpark font: 108
Mouse Point Creation: 17
Mouse Position: 12
Multiple Points button: 13
New WG: 44–45Index
Offset Shape Creation: 24
Online Help: 3
Open: 173
Open Shape: 61
Open Shapes: 10, 12
Orientation, of gear: 27
Outline: 34
Overlapping Connections: 31
P (Point): 13
AutoShape: 21
Geometry Creation: 9, 13
Line: 17
Point: 14
Top Level: 3
Part Creation: 3
Part File: 173
Part Stock: 45
Parting Line: 33
PDFs: 3
Point on Arc Creation: 16
Point Selection dialog: 31
Point sub-palette: 14
Point, Connector: 56
Point, Tangent to Two Features: 17
Points: 9–10, 13
Polar Point Creation: 15
Polygon Creation: 25
Printing Preferences: 48
Printing the Part: 48
Prompting: 3
–R function: 12
–R Geometry: 41–42
Reference # (Label): 37
Return button: 13
Reverse Arc: 12, 41
Reverse Arcs in Visible WGs: 46
Scale: 46
Segment Spline: 46
Selection Mode: 13, 43, 55, 58
Shape button: 21
Shape Offset: 24
Shape sub-palette: 21
Cams: 21
Ellipses: 21
Gears: 21
Offset: 21
Polygons: 21
Rectangles: 21
Text: 21
Single Point button: 13
Smart Selection: 14
Solids: 13
Sort: 46
Splines: 9, 21, 33
Stock Size: 80, 127
Sub-Palettes: 13
Tangent Features, creation: 14
Terminating Lines: 19
Terminators: 9
Along an Arc: 22
Flow: 23
Flow Tab: 23
Justification: 21
Multiple Line Direction: 23
Radial Alignment: 22
Setting position of: 21
Shapes: 23
Size: 21Index
Spacing Tab: 23
Straight Alignment: 22
Text Creation: 21
Text Spacing: 109
Text tab: 21
Top Level palette: 3
Translate: 46
TrueType: 21, 108
Uniform (curve): 29
Use Intersection: 158
Wall Geometry: 12
WG Info: 45
Workgroup: 44
List: 44
Workgroup Info: 13, 46
Workgroup List: 13, 46
Workgroup Summary: 47
Workgroup, duplicate: 45
Background: 44
Workspace Stock: 127

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كتاب Geometry Creation GibbsCAM
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى :: المنتديات الهندسية :: منتدى شروحات البرامج الهندسية-
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