كتاب 99 Examples of Pneumatic Applications
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 كتاب 99 Examples of Pneumatic Applications

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مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18928
التقييم : 35294
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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99 Examples of Pneumatic Applications
Stefan Hesse

كتاب 99 Examples of Pneumatic Applications  H_s_9_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

1 Selection of automation components . 9
2 Examples of pneumatic applications . 13
Aligning 01, 02 15, 16
Assembly 03 to 08 17 to 22
Bending 09 23
Buffering 10 to 12 24 to 26
Chamfering 13 27
Clamping 14 to 18 28 to 32
Conveying 19 to 21 33 to 35
Cutting 22 36
Deburring 23 37
Deep drawing 24 38
Destacking 25, 26 39, 40
Drilling 27 to 31 41 to 45
Ejection 32, 33 46, 47
Extraction 34 48
Feeding 35 to 45 49 to 59
Forwarding 46 60
Glueing 47 61
Gripping 48 to 50 62 to 64
Handling 51 to 53 65 to 67
Hopper-feeding 54 68
Indexing 55 69
Insertion 56 70
Lifting 57, 58 71, 72
Linking 59, 59a 73, 74
Loading 60 75
Monitoring 61, 62 76, 77
Orientation 63 to 65 78 to 80
Packing 66 81
Paletting 67 82
Positioning 68, 69 83, 84
Press-fitting 70, 71 85, 86
Pressing 72 to 74 87 to 89
Printing 75 90
Profiling 76 91
Propelling 77 92
Re-orienting 78 93
Re-positioning 79 to 81 94 to 96
Sawing 82, 83 . 97, 98
Securing 84, 85 . 99, 100
Separating 86, 87 101, 102
Sorting 88, 89 103, 104
Stopping 90, 91 . 105, 106Tensioning 92 107
Testing 93 108
Transferring 94, 95 109, 110
Transporting 96 111
Turning 97 112
Unloading 98, 99 113, 114
Further literature . 115
Glossary of technical items .
A Accumulator conveyor . 34
Accumulator conveyor length . 33
Adhesive applicator device 61
Adjuster roller 107
Air barrier 79
Alignment mechanism . 16
Alternate feeding 49
Assembly platform . 20
Assembly press 87
Assembly station 17, 20, 21
Assembly transfer installation . 22
Assembly unit 73
B Balancer . 72
Basic grippers . 62
Bellows suction cup . 65
Belt tracking control 107
Bending tool . 23
Bottle re-positioning device . 94
Brazing station . 48
Buffer unit . 25
Bulk-material hopper 68
C CCD camera 108
Centring mandrel 17
Centring cylinder . 20
Chamfering pipe ends . 27
Checking diameter . 104
Checking workpiece position 77
Circlips . 19
Clamping device . 29
Clamp arm . 28
Clamp force flow . 30
Clamp jaws 63
Clamp sleeve 85
Clothes press 88
Controler drum 69
Conveyor belt tensioner 107
Cross-slide unit 84
Cutter unit 101
Cutter wheel 102
D Deburring press 37
Degree of automation . 11
Destacking device . 39
Device to re-position sheet glass 95
Diaphragm pressure . 36
Diaphragm clamping module 2999 Examples of pneumatic applications 117
Disc suction cups 65
Distributor . 75
Double arm 40
Double clamping device . 28
Doubling the stroke 109
Drill bit breakage monitoring 76
Drilling station . 44
Drilling device . 43, 45
Drum magazine 24
E End-position monitoring 77
F Feed 37
Feed conveyor belt . 81
Feeding a press 50
Feed magazine . 55
Feed slide 57, 91
Feed unit . 36
Filling station 94
Flexibility . 11
Fluidic muscle . 64, 71, 87
Forwarding device . 60
Four-finger gripper . 63
Four-link mechanism . 96
Freewheel unit . 70
G Gripper for removal of sheet metal workpiece 63
H Handling symbols 14
Hexapod design . 66, 92
High-power collect chucks . 42
Hinged presses 88
Hold-back arm . 56
Hopper feed device 103
Hopper orientation device . 80
I Indexing 69
Indexing chain system . 60
Indexing disc . 100
Inductive heating system . 103
Interference barrier sensor 80
Intermediate buffer 24
J Jaw-type gripper . 64
L Lateral cut-off device . 101
Leg construction . 92
Lever ejector . 47
Lifting rack system . 60118 99 Examples of pneumatic applications
Lifting unit . 72
Lifting units 71
Lift-up safety guard 99
Lift-up door 99
Linking . 73
Link mechanism . 88
Loading table 54
Loading tables . 75
Longitudinal pressing 85, 89
M Magazine 57, 93
Magazine tube . 21
Magazine feed . 51, 55
Malfunction buffers 25
Miniature pick-and-place unit . 18
Miss-alignment 79
Multiple gripper . 82
Multiple clamping systems 31
Meultiple workpiece clamps . 42
Monitoring of presence 76
Movable detent 60
O Orientation operation 78
Orientation rotor . 78
Oscillating-lever ejector . 46
Output device 113
P Packing 81
Pallet . 82
Palleting system . 82
Palleting pattern . 82
Parallel-jaw gripper 62
Parallelogram arms 72
Pick-and-place unit 66
Pin magazine 70
Pneumatic chuck 41
Pneumatic die-cushion 38
Pneumatic pressure conveyor system . 35
Positioning gear . 15
Positioning unit 83
Presence sensor . 77
Press . 38, 86
Press-fitting unit . 87
Pressure booster 89
Pressure vessel lock . 3599 Examples of pneumatic applications 119
R Removal device . 114
Re-orientating . 93
Re-positioning device 95
Roller conveyor magazine . 43
Roller pressure device . 44
Roller conveyor 33
Roller feed device 53
Rotary feeder 40
Rotary feed device . 26
Rotary magazine . 24
Stop lever 58
Swing saw for round timber . 97
Slipping cluth 34
S Safety circuit . 99
Safety guards 99
Saw unit 98
Scoop 55, 80
Self propelled machine 92
Semi-rotary drives . 83
Sensor valves 34
Separation . 58
Shear bolt sensors . 68
Sheet-glass trolley . 95
Shut-off device 35
Slide ejector . 46
Sliding grill . 99
Sliding magazine 24
Small press 89
Sorting station . 108
Special drilling unit 41
Special gripper 64
Spindle clamp . 80
Spreader magnet 54
Stack magazine 26, 55, 58, 108
Stop system . 15
Stopper cylinder 100, 106
Stopper devices 105
Strip magazine . 91
Suction-cup spider . 110
Suction extractor arms 48
Suction plate 50
Swing saw . 97
Swivel arm . 50
Swivel arm pick-and-place device . 67
Swivel feed device . 59
Swivel/linear unit 65120 99 Examples of pneumatic applications
T Tampon printing method 90
Testing device 104
Thread rolling 52
Tin-can transfering device . 96
Toggle-lever clamping . 45
Toggle-lever clamping system . 32
Tool breakage monitoring . 76
Traction unit . 95
Tracking press . 88
Transfer device 109, 110
Transfer line . 22
Transfer unit . 73
Transmission lock 100
Turning station . 112
Turnover vane 93
Twin-arm assembly device . 18
Twin-arm mini handling device 18
Twin stack lifting unit 40
Two-handed safety start block 89
V Vacuum lifting device 111
V-clamp 43
V-jaws 62
W Wall gantries . 84
Waste material cutter 36
Wedge shaped cut . 102
Workpiece orientation . 80
Workpiece carrier 21, 22, 105
Workpiece carrier magazine . 69

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