كتاب Drawing for Product Designers
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 كتاب Drawing for Product Designers

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مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19001
التقييم : 35505
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Drawing for Product Designers
Kevin Henry

كتاب Drawing for Product Designers D_f_p_12
و المحتوى كما يلي :

1 Understanding Sketching
2 the Psychology of Sketching
3 Defining Sketching
Case Study: HUB Design Diagrams
Tutorial: Orthographic Projection
Tutorial: Orthographic Sketching
Case Study: Gerrit Rietveld°s Red and Blue Chair
Tutorial: Rotated Plan Method
Case Study: Method
Tutorial: (De)constructing the Cube
Tutorial: Unfolding Geometry
Case Study: Myto Chair
Case Study: Mission One Motorcycle
Tutorial: Sketching a Tape Measure
Case Study: TCV Display for Olivetti
Tutorial: Sketching a Contoured Bar of Soap
Tutorial: Sketching the Pringle Potato Chip
Tutorial: Sketching an Athletics Shoe
Case Study: DC25 Vacuum Cleaner
Case Study: Vessel Ideation
Tutorial: Putting Line and Orientation Together
Tutorial: Panton Chair
Tutorial: Vållö Watering Can
Tutorial: Sketching Tools
Tutorial: Fundamentals of Rendering
Tutorial: Rendering Simple Forms
Tutorial: Rendering Complex Forms
Case Study: Fiskars Garden Barrow
Case Study: Dyson DC25 User’s Manual
Case Study: Golden Section Information GraphicsTutorial: Creating a Storyboard
Tutorial: Sketching a Cellphone
Tutorial: Sketching an Exhibit
Tutorial: Creating a Presentation
2.5D 70
3D printer 76, 77
3D sketch 46, 99, 105, 107, 114
4D 179, 185
robat (Adobe) 195
additive process 101
Adelson, Edward 159
Adobe see Acrobat; Illustrator; InDesign; Photoshop;
affordance 25, 31, 131
airbrush 157, 163, 171, 172, 173, 175
Alberti, Leon Battista 15, 17, 18, 104
Alberti’s window 18, 34
Alias Sketchbook Pro 164, 202
Alpha Romeo 86
Ambasz, Emilio 140
ambiguity 11, 36, 38, 43, 70, 201
Apple 136, 137
Argus 120
Arnold, Edmund 196
arrows 181–182
Artemide 138
articulation 179, 181, 183, 183
Astro Studio 122, 166, 180
athletics shoe 114, 114–115
e Back of the Napkin (Roam) 44
“Bean” (Argus) 120
Behar, Yves 94
Bellini, Mario 107, 108–109, 146
Bertoia, Harry 99
Bertone 86
Biederman, Irving 32, 32–33, 100
blow dryer 154, 154–155
boldness 119
Bosch 165, 169, 198
Boudreau, Matthew 125
brain 36
Brunelleschi, Filippo 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 23, 54
Buxton, Bill 43
Climate Control (Miller) 179, 179
CAD 12–14, 18, 54, 76, 103, 103, 133
Cagiva 92
calculator, Divisumma 146, 146–147
camera 58–59, 58–59, 120; see also photography
Cangura (Alpha Romeo) 86
Capgemini 44
Cartesian co-ordinates/grid 56, 61, 79, 85, 99, 105, 182, 196Cartesian node 72, 73, 79
Casco 158
cellphone 190, 190–191
0.3 135
Eames’ Eiffel chair 127
Eames’ LCW 67
Gerrit Rietveld’s Red and Blue 72, 72
Harry Bertoia’s Diamond 99, 99
MVS chaise 134, 134
Myto 92–93, 92–93
Panton 150, 150–151
Philippe Starck’s Masters series 127, 127
Tulip armchair 127, 127
Zig Zag 150
chalice (Uccello) 14, 14, 15
“chasing” 81, 118
circle 55, 87–89, 87–91, 91, 96–97, 117, 138, 139, 174
color 156, 157
psychology 158
comic book 184–185
composite process 102, 102
composition 196, 200
compound curves 110, 111, 112, 112–113, 152
computer-aided design see CAD cone 142
context 40–41, 41, 120, 120, 165
conventions 52
Converse 107, 165, 169
Cooper 37, 185
Crick, Odellie and Francis 100
Crucial Detail 31
C-THRU Smoke Diving Helmet 202
cube 78–79, 78–79
Kopfermann 38, 39
Necker 38, 39
cursive handwriting 24, 25
cut line 121, 121
cylinder 140, 161, 171
Vacuum Cleaner (Dyson) 128, 128, 180, 180, 186
De Divina Proprtione (Paccioli) 23
De Stilj 72, 73
“Della Pittura” (Alberti) 17
Descartes, René 21, 5, 55
The Design of Everyday Things (Norman) 31
diagramming 46–48
Diamond chair (Knoll) 99, 99
Diffrient, Niels 179
digital natives 170
directionality 67
DiTullo, Michael 107, 165, 169, 183
The Divine Proportion (Paccioli) 23
Divisumma 18 (Olivetti) 108, 146, 146–147
Doesburg, Theo van 72
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain 34, 44
Duomo (Florence) 15
Dürer, Albrecht 20, 21, 22, 22, 23, 54Dyson, James 128
ames, Charles and Ray 67, 127
Eclisse Luminaire (Artemide) 138, 138–139
Edwards, Betty 34, 44
Ehrenfels, Christian von 27
Elements (Euclid) 17
Elkins, James 19
ellipse 87–89, 87–91, 91, 96–97, 111, 131, 138, 139, 140, 140–141, 143, 145, 149, 153, 155, 193
ellipsoid 144, 144–145
emotional line 123
essentialism 134
Euclid 17
exhibit 192, 192–193
Experiences in Visual Thinking (McKim) 45
exploded view 180
extrusion 14, 103–104, 103, 104, 133–134, 134, 136, 136, 140, 146, 146
mily relationship 25, 25
Felhbaum, Rolf 134
fidelity 11, 11–12, 12, 36
figure and ground 40–41, 41
fillet 119, 136, 136
Fiskars 126, 176
Flos 142
footer 195
“footprint” 64, 65, 114, 118, 145, 151, 193
foreshortening 59, 59, 65, 87
form 98–99
Francesca, Pierro della see Pierro della Francesca
Fuksawa, Naoto 142
fuseproject 90, 94, 116
eographica (Ptolemy) 17
geometry 68
geon 32, 33, 100, 100, 133
“Geon Theory as an Account of Shape Recognition in Mind, Brain and Machine” (Biederman) 33
Gestalt 26, 27, 28, 122, 183, 195, 197
ghost lines 30, 117–119, 123, 127
ghosting 169, 169, 181
Gibson, J.J. 28, 28, 29, 29, 30, 31, 99
“glass box” 83, 83
glow 170–171
Godoy, Emiliano 8, 101, 157
Golden Section 184, 187
gradient 175
Gravity Tank 8, 184
Gray, Dave 45
Grcic, Konstantin 92, 142
grid 54, 54–55, 55
The Grid Book (Higgins) 54
grounding 157
Gutenberg 54
Gutenberg Diagram 196, 196
HHaciomeroglu, Omer 125, 202, 202–203
hands 166–167, 166–167
Handy, Josh 76
Harrison, Chuck 158
hatch lines 124
header 195
Higgins, Hannah 54
highlight 157, 159, 160, 160, 161, 162, 162, 163, 163, 170, 170–171, 172
Hipparchos 54
HLB Design 6, 60–61
Hoffman, Donald 25, 59
horizon 22, 74–75
gnite USA169, 198
Illustrator (Adobe) 11, 14, 103, 109, 163, 171, 172, 172, 174, 174, 183, 188, 191, 193, 202
iMac (Apple) 136
Image of the City (Lynch) 49
“image plane” 34, 35, 51
InDesign (Adobe) 195, 202
information graphic 183, 184, 187
injection-molding 150
Insight Product Development 91
interrelationship 25, 25
Intersect Work Island (Miller) 180
iPod (Apple) 136
isometric system 53, 53, 70, 70
Ive, Jonathan 136
acobsen, Arne 127
Japan World Exposition 148
joystick 71
rtel 127
Kemp, Martin 15
Keynote 195
KGID 92, 142
Knoll Furniture 99
Koffka, Kurt 27, 28, 38
Köhler, Wolfgang 27, 38
Kopfermann cube 38, 39
CW chair (Eames) 67
Leonardo da Vinci 15, 20, 23
light direction 160
line 116–131
line weight 67, 117, 123, 126, 117, 167
lineart 189
Lipscomb, Daniel 126, 158, 176, 183
loft 103, 103, 148, 152
Luceplan 144
Lynch, Kevin 49
agistretti, Vico 138Maguire, Thomas 164, 164
maps 49–51, 50
Marr, David 70
Masters series (Kartel) 127, 127
materialism 134
Mayday light (Flos) 142, 142–143
McCloud, Scott 185
McKim, Robert 45
Meda, Alberto 144
Method 76
metonymy 46
Microsoft 43, 121
Miller, Herman 91, 179, 179
minimalism 134
Mission One Motorcycle (fuseproject) 90, 94–95, 94–95, 116, 117
Mito motorcycle (Cagiva) 92
Mondrian, Piet 72, 72
morphologies 100–2
Morrison, Jasper 142
Morrow Design 166
Mito 92
Muhlenkamp, John 200
Mulder, Monika 152
muscle memory 9
Muybridge, Eadweard 27
MVS Chaise (Vitra) 134, 134
Myto chair (KGID) 92, 92–93
97 (Nokia) 190, 190–191
Necker, Louis Albert 38
cube 38, 39
Nike 124
Nimlok 192
Nokia 185, 185, 190, 190–191
Norman, Don 31
’Reagan, Kevin 33
occlusion 29, 30, 30, 31, 83
Olivetti 107, 108–109, 108–109, 146
One and Company 121
orientation 66–81, 130–131
orthographic system 53, 53, 69, 69
Overy, Paul 72
accioli, Luca 23
Painter (software) 164, 174
Panasonic 148
Panton chair 150, 150–151
partial section 168, 168
parting line 121, 121
PDF 195, 202
peepshow method 15, 16, 16
Penrose Triangle 38, 38
perspective 15–17, 20, 22, 23, 54, 71, 74
machines 20, 21, 22, 54system 53, 53, 70, 70
photography 189, 198
digital 56, 56, 58, 58
Photoshop (Adobe) 109, 149, 151, 154, 163, 170, 171, 172, 172, 174, 175, 183, 188, 189, 202
picture plane 18, 74–75
Pierro della Francesca 15, 19, 20, 20, 21, 28
Pinker, Steven 25
pipe 148
Plasticism 72
Pliny the Elder 51
Pogo Pen (Morrow) 166
Polyphemus flashlight 140, 140–141
Ponzo, Mario 40
illusion 38, 39, 39
Post-it notes 7, 46, 185
Powerpoint (Microsoft) 195
presentation 199, 202
Presto (Nike) 125
Pringle 112, 112–113
prototyping 12, 52, 92, 93
psychology 24–41
Ptolemy 54
Pythagoras 17
-72 Wrist Radio (Panasonic) 148, 148–149
Radius Design 164
Ramachandran, V.S. 174
raster grid 56, 56
“reading gravity” 196, 197
recognition 26, 34
recognition-by-components 32
Reebok 124
reference plane 83, 151
reflectivity 162
registration 82–97
rendering 163–164, 163–164, 170–175, 170–171
revolve 103, 103, 138, 138
Rhino (software) 28, 106, 106, 133, 144, 144, 148
Rietveld, Gerrit 72, 150
Red and Blue Chair 72, 72
Schröder House 73
Rizatto Paolo 144
RKS Design 47
Roam, Dan 44, 45, 45
rotated plan method 74–75, 74–75
Rubin vase 38, 41, 41
rule of thirds 198, 198
aarinen, Eero 127
San Giovanni, baptisery of 16, 16, 17, 17
Santa Maria del Fiore, cathedral of 15
scaffold 83, 83
Schön, Donald 43
Schröder House 73
Schwochow, Jan 187
section cut 53, 53, 84, 85, 99, 168, 168, 169, 183
Series 7 chair (Jacobsen) 127shadow 11, 23, 40–41, 50, 109, 125, 157, 158, 159, 159, 160, 161, 161, 170–171, 172, 201
lines 117, 125, 125
shape invariance 26, 26, 29, 29
silhouette 51
Sketchbook Pro 174
“sketching through” 29, 30, 81, 83, 126
sketching definition 43
Sketchpad (software) 22
soap 110, 110–111
SolidWorks 13, 13, 71, 106, 106, 113, 119, 133, 140, 152, 152, 154, 176
space 132–177, 156–177
Sperry, Roger 34
sphere 117, 117, 138, 138–139
Starck, Philippe 127, 127
stationary point 74–75
storyboard 184–185, 188, 188–189
Stratus Air 185
subtractive process 101
Sutherland, Ivan 22
sweep 103, 103
synecdoche 46
ccola, Mariano 20
tape measure 96–97, 96–97
TCV display (Olivetti) 107–109, 108–109
Teague Design 9
TEAMS Design 120, 123, 164
Thermos 15
three-point perspective 13
Tilley, Alvin 179
time 178–193
Titania Light (Luceplan) 144, 144–145
tools 154
Toot-a-Loop (Panasonic) 148, 148–149
torus 11, 11, 69
tube 146
Tufte, Edward 183
Tversky, Barbara 43, 44
two-point perspective 68
ccello, Paolo 14, 14, 15, 28
Umea Institute of Design 202
unfolding 80–81, 80–81
user manual 185
12 (Reebok) 124
Vållö watering can (IKEA) 152, 152–153
Van Severen, Maarten 134, 134, 135
vanishing point 16, 17, 19, 22, 23, 53, 54, 70, 70, 74, 74–75, 88, 89, 193
Verplank, Bill 45
Vessel Ideation 129, 129
vignette 122, 122
Vinci, Leonardo da see Leonardo da Vinci vision
biology of 36, 36
mechanics of 26, 57, 57
visual communication 195Visual Intelligence (Hoffman) 25
visual thinking 44–45, 58
Visual Thinking for Design (Ware) 58
Visualizations: The Nature Book of Art and Science (Kemp) 15
Vitra 134, 134, 135
Volvo 66
are, Colin 34–35, 51, 58
warping 105
watering can
Vållö 152, 152–153
Wertheimer, Max 27, 38
Wilde, Oscar 38
Wilson, Scott 125
wireframe 85, 106
Wood Table and 0.3 chairs (Vitra) 135
World Kitchen Tea Off 129
lane 44, 45
ig Zag chair 150
Zyliss 47

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