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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics Handbook الثلاثاء 13 سبتمبر 2022, 10:40 pm | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics Handbook D. Kumar
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents Chapter 1: Stresses and Strains 1 1.1 Stress 1 1.2 Tension, Compression, and Strain 3 1.3 Elastic Limit, Hook’s Law, and Modulus of Elasticity 3 1.4 Stress−Strain Diagram 7 1.5 Extension of a Tapered Bar 13 1.6 Extension of Bar Due to Self-Weight 17 1.7 Principle of Superposition 20 1.8 Stresses in Bars of Varying Cross-Section 20 1.9 Stresses in Composite Bars 32 1.10 Shear Stress, Shear Strain, and Modulus of Rigidity 38 1.11 Complimentary Shear Stress 40 1.12 Hydrostatic Stress, Volumetric Strain, and Bulk Modulus 42 1.13 Poisson’s Ratio 44 1.14 Relation Between Elastic Constants E, K, and C 45 1.15 Temperature Stresses 55 Review Questions 61 Chapter 2: Shear Force and Bending Moment 69 2.1 Shear Force and Bending Moment 69 2.2 Types of Beams and Loads 71vi • Contents 2.3 Relation Between Load Intensity, SF and BM 72 2.4 Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams for a Few Standard Cases 73 Review Questions 101 Chapter 3: Internal Combustion Engines 107 3.1 Heat Engines 107 3.2 Classification of IC Engines 108 3.3 Engine Parts and Their Functions 110 3.4 Four-Stroke Petrol Engine 114 3.5 Four-Stroke Diesel Engine 118 3.6 Comparison Between Petrol and Diesel Engines 121 3.7 Two-Stroke System 122 3.8 Comparison Between Two-Stroke and Four-Stroke Engines 125 3.9 Applications of Two-Stroke Engines 126 3.10 Performance Analysis of IC Engine 127 3.11 Measurement of Indicated Power and Brake Power 128 3.12 Performance Parameters 131 3.13 Morse Test 133 3.14 Heat Balance Sheet 134 3.15 Electric and Hybrid Vehicles 146 Review Questions 147 Chapter 4: Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 155 4.1 Refrigeration: What Is It? 155 4.2 Heat Engine, Refrigerator, and Heat Pump 156 4.3 Rating or Capacity of A Refrigerating Unit 159 4.4 Methods of Refrigeration 160 4.5 Applications of Refrigeration 168 4.6 Domestic Refrigerator 170 4.7 Psychrometry 172 4.8 Partial Pressure and Dalton’s Law 173 4.9 Specific Humidity, Relative Humidity, and Degree of Saturation 174Contents • vii 4.10 Dry-Bulb Temperature and Wet-Bulb Temperature 177 4.11 Dew-Point and Adiabatic Saturation Temperature 179 4.12 Psychrometric Chart 183 4.13 Psychrometric Processes 187 4.14 Air Conditioning 190 4.15 Applications of Air Conditioning 190 4.16 Comfort Air Conditioning and Its Types 191 4.17 Human Comfort 192 4.18 Window Air Conditioner 192 Review Questions 195 Chapter 5: Fluid Mechanics 201 5.1 Solids, Liquids, and Gases 202 5.2 Ideal And Real Fluids 203 5.3 Significance of Fluid Mechanics 204 5.4 Fluid Properties 205 5.5 Pressure and Its Relationship with Height 228 5.6 Equations of Motion 243 Review Questions 261 Chapter 6: Hydraulic Machines 267 6.1 Hydraulic Turbines 268 6.2 Pelton Turbine 273 6.3 Francis Turbine 275 6.4 Propeller and Kaplan Turbines 278 6.5 Hydraulic Pumps 281 6.6 Pump Classification and Selection Criterion 282 6.7 Pump Applications 283 6.8 Centrifugal Pumps 284 6.9 Classification of Centrifugal Pumps 285 6.10 Hydraulic Systems 290 Review Questions 298viii • Contents Chapter 7: Measurement and Instrumentation 301 7.1 Measurement and Instrument 302 7.2 Measurement Methods 303 7.3 Static Terms and Characteristics 308 7.4 Measurement Errors 316 7.5 Pressure Measurements 321 7.6 Velocity Measurement 335 7.7 Flow Measurement 340 7.8 Temperature Measurement 349 7.9 Strain Measurement 361 7.10 Force Measurement 362 7.11 Torque Measurement (Torsion Meters) 367 7.12 Interchangeability: Limits, Fits, and Tolerances 370 Review Questions 373 Chapter 8: Control Systems 379 8.1 Control System: What Is It? 379 8.2 Examples of Control Systems 380 8.3 Classification of Control Systems 382 8.4 Control Systems Terminology 388 8.5 Servomechanism, Process Control, and Regulator 390 8.6 Sequence Control 391 8.7 Manual and Automatic Systems 392 Review Questions 397 Chapter 9: Mechatronics Systems: Basic Concepts and Applications 403 9.1 Mechatronics: What Is It? 403 9.2 Origin and Evolution 404 9.3 Avionics, Bionics, and Autotronics 405 9.4 Applications of Mechatronics 408 9.5 Advantages and Disadvantages 409Contents • ix 9.6 Sensors and Transducers 409 9.7 Mechanical Detector-Transducer Elements 410 9.8 Electrical Transducers 414 9.9 Transducer Classification and Description 418 9.10 Variable Resistance Transducers 420 9.11 Thermoelectric Transducers 422 9.12 Variable Inductance Transducers 423 9.13 Capacitive Transducers 430 9.14 Piezoelectric Transducers 433 9.15 Photoelectric Transducers 436 9.16 The Hall Effect 439 Review Questions 440 Chapter 10: Actuation and Actuating Systems 447 10.1 Actuator and Actuation 447 10.2 Mechanical Actuation Systems 448 10.3 Kinematic Link, Kinematic Pair, Mechanism, and Machine 449 10.4 Kinematic Chains and Their Inversions 455 10.5 Belt and Chain Drive 463 10.6 Gears and Gear Drive 477 10.7 Cams and Followers 492 10.8 Bearings 497 10.9 Ratchet and Pawl 500 10.10 Hydraulic and Pneumatic Actuating Systems 501 10.11 Control Valves: Functions and Type 502 10.12 Accumulator 506 10.13 Amplification 507 10.14 Hydraulic Systems 514 10.15 Pneumatic Actuators Systems 519 Review Questions 525x • Contents Chapter 11: Applications of Robots 529 11.1 Introduction 529 11.2 Robot Capabilities 530 11.3 Applications of Robots 531 11.4 Manufacturing Applications 532 11.5 Material Handling Applications 541 11.6 Cleanroom Robots 545 Review Questions 546 Index 547C H A P T E R x A Absolute pressure, 234 Accumulator, 506 Accuracy, 308 Active component, 448 Active material, 448 Actuation, 447 Actuator, 447 Addendum, 482 Adhesion, 218 Adiabatic mixing, 189 Adiabatic saturation temperature, 179 Air-fuel ratio, 132 Amplification, 507 Anti-friction bearings, 499 Arc welding, 532 Assembly operation, 538 Atmospheric pressure, 233 Automatic control, 385 Autotronics, 407 Avionics, 405 Axial piston pump, 516 B Beam, 69 Bearings, 497 Belt drive, 463 Bending moment, 70 Bernoulli’s equation, 248 Bevel gear, 478 Bimetallic thermometer, 351 Bionics, 406 Bourdon gauge, 333 Brake power, 128 Brake thermal efficiency, 131 Breaking strength, 9 Bulk modulus, 43 C Calibration, 314 Cams and followers, 492 Camshaft and valve mechanism, 112 Capacitive transducer, 430 Capillarity, 218 Carburetor and spark plug, 114 Centrifugal pump, 284 Chain drive, 474 Circular pitch, 480 Cleanroom robots, 545 Closed loop, 384 Coefficient of performance, 157 Coefficient of velocity, 337 Cohesion, 218 Complimentary shear stress, 40 Composite bar, 32 Composite system, 32 Compound gear train, 486 Connecting rod, 111548 • Index Coupled locomotive wheels, 461 Crank and crankshaft, 112 Creep, 466 Crossed belt, 463 Cup anemometer, 339 Current meter, 340 Cylinder and cylinder head, 110 D Dalton’s law, 173 Dead zone, 310 Degree of saturation, 176 Dehumidification, 188 Detector-transducer, 409 Deviation, 371 Dew point, 179 Diametral pitch, 481 Die casting, 538 Directional control valve, 503 Domestic refrigerator, 170 Drift, 310 Drilling robots, 541 Dry bulb temperature, 177 E Elastic constants, 45 Elastic force meters, 364 Elastic limit, 4 Electrical transducers, 414 Electromechanical actuator, 448 Electron beam welding (EBW), 534 Epicyclic gear train, 488 Error, 308 F Factor of safety, 10 Fits, 370 Flapper nozzle valve, 517 Fluid power actuation, 501 Follower, 492 Forging, 537 Four bar linkage, 460 Four stroke diesel engine, 118 petrol engine, 114 Francis turbine, 275 Fuel pump and injector, 114 G Gas metal arc welding (GMAW), 535 Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), 535 Gage pressure, 232 Gear drive, 477 Gear pump, 515 Gear terminology, 480 Gear trains, 484 Generalized measurement system, 409 Grinding robots, 541 H Hall effect, 439 Heat balance, 134 Heat engine, 107 Helical gear, 478 Herringbone gear, 478 Hook’s law, 4 Human comfort, 192 Humidification, 188 Humidity ratio, 175 Hydraulic accumulator, 291 amplifier, 512 intensifier, 294 lift, 297 Hydraulic load cell, 365 Hydraulic turbines Francis, 275 Kaplan, 278 Pelton, 273 Hydrodynamic head, 249 Hydrostatic law, 230 Hydrostatic strain/stress, 42 Hysteresis, 310Index • 549 I IC engine, 107 Ideal fluid, 203 Impulse turbine, 269 Indicated power, 127 Indicated thermal efficiency, 131 Inductive transducer, 423 Interchangeability, 370 Inversion point, 165 J Jet pipe valve, 518 Joule-Thomson coefficient, 165 Journal bearing, 497 K Kaplan turbine, 278 Kinematic chain, 455 link, 449 pair, 451 Kinematic viscosity, 212 L Lateral strain, 44 Lever, 508 Limit of proportionality, 8 Limits, 370 Linearity, 313 Linear variable differential transformer, 428 Load intensity, 72 Longitudinal strain, 44 M Machine, 451 Machine loading robotics, 545 Machine tending, 536 Machine vision applications, 540 Magnetic refrigeration, 168 Magnetoresistive, 420 Manometers, 321 Manual control, 392 Mass density, 206 Material handling, 541 Material removal robot, 540 Measurand, 302 Measurement, 302 Measurement errors, 316 Mechanical amplifiers, 508 Mechanical efficiency, 131 Mechanical refrigeration, 166 Mechanism, 451 Mechatronics, 403 Methods of refrigeration, 160 MIG welding, 535 Module, 481 Modulus of elasticity, 4 rigidity, 39 Morse test, 133 N Newtonian fluid, 227 Newton’s law of viscosity, 209 Non-Newtonian fluid, 227 Nozzle flapper valve, 517 O Open belt, 463 Open loop, 382 Optical pyrometer, 360 Orifice flow meter, 343 Oscillating cylinder engine, 462 P Palletizing, 543 Partial pressure, 174 Parts transfer robots, 543 Pascal’s law, 229 Pelton wheel/turbine, 273 Pendulum pump, 462550 • Index Pendulum scale, 363 Photocells, 436 Pick and place operations, 544 Piezoelectric transducer, 433 Piezometer, 322 Piston and piston rings, 111 Pitot static tube, 335 Plastic molding, 538 Pneumatic actuator, 522 Pneumatic amplifier, 513 Pneumatic load cell, 366 Pneumatic nozzle flapper, 520 Pneumatic relay, 522 Poise/centipoise, 211 Poisson’s ratio, 44 Potentiometers, 420 Precision, 312 Primary strain, 44 Principle of superposition, 20 Process control, 390 Proportional limit, 8 Proving ring, 365 Psychrometric chart, 183 Psychrometry, 172 Pyrometers, 358 R Rack and pinion, 479 Radiation pyrometer, 358 Random error, 320 Range, 308 Ratchet and pawl, 500 Reaction turbine, 269 Real fluid, 203 Refrigerating effect, 158 Regulator, 390 Relative COP, 158 Relative humidity, 175 Repeatability, 312 Reproducibility, 312 Resistance thermometer, 355 Resistive transducer, 420 Resolution, 311 Reverted gear train, 487 Robotic deburring, 540 Robotic palletizing, 543 Robot order picking process, 545 Robots applications of, 531 capabilities of, 530 for material handling benefits of, 542 machine loading and unloading applications, 545 order picking, 545 palletizing, 543 parts transferring, 543 pick and place operations, 544 uses, 529 Rotameter, 347 Round belt, 466 S Scavenging, 123 Sealing/Dispensing, 539 Secondary strain, 44 Sensible cooling/heating, 188 Sensitivity, 310 Sensor, 409 Sequence control, 391 Servomechanism, 390 Shear force, 70 Shear strain/stress, 38 Simple gear train, 484 Slider crank chain, 462 Sling psychrometer, 178 Slip, 466 Specific fuel consumption, 132 Specific gravity, 207 Specific humidity, 174 Specific output, 132 Specific speed, 272 Specific weight, 206 Spiral gear, 479 Spool valves, 517 Spot welding, 533Index • 551 Spray painting robots, 535 Spur gear, 478 Stokes/centistokes, 212 Strain, 3 Strain gauge load cell, 366 Strain measurement, 361 Stress, 1 Stress-strain diagram, 7 Surface tension, 218 Systematic error, 320 T Thermal stress/strain, 56 Thermistor, 357 Thermocouple, 353 Thermoelectric cooling, 167 Thermostat, 171 Threshold, 311 Throttling process, 164 Thrust bearing, 498 TIG welding, 535 Tolerance, 370 Ton of refrigeration, 159 Torsion meters, 367 Total radiation pyrometer, 358 Transducer, 409 Turbine Francis, 275 Kaplan, 278 Pelton, 273 Turbine meter, 340 Two stroke system, 122 U Ultimate strength, 9 V Valve, 502 Vane anemometer, 339 Vane pump, 515 Variable inductance transducer, 423 Variable resistance transducers, 420 V-belt, 465 Velocity ratio, 466 Venturi flow meter, 341 Viscosity, 208 Volumetric strain, 42 Vortex tube, 168 W Welding, 532 Wet bulb temperature, 177 Window air-conditioner, 192 Working stress, 10 Worm gear, 479 Y Yield point, 9 Young modulus, 4
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