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عدد المساهمات : 19002 التقييم : 35506 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing for Mechanical Design - Third Edition الأحد 04 سبتمبر 2022, 4:28 pm | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing for Mechanical Design Gene R. Cogorno Third Edition
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents Preface xiii Acknowledgments xv 1 Introduction to Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing 1 Chapter Objectives 2 What Is GD&T? 2 When Should GD&T Be Used? 2 Advantages of GD&T over Coordinate Dimensioning and Tolerancing 3 The Cylindrical Tolerance Zone 4 The Maximum Material Condition Modifier 5 Datum Features Specified in Order of Precedence 6 Summary 7 Chapter Review 7 2 Dimensioning and Tolerancing Fundamentals 9 Chapter Objectives 9 Fundamental Drawing Rules 9 Units of Linear Measurement 10 Specifying Linear Dimensions 11 Specifying Linear Tolerances 11 Interpreting Dimensional Limits 13 Specifying Angular Dimensions 13 Specifying Angular Tolerances 14 Dimensioning and Tolerancing for CAD/CAM Database Models 14 Summary 15 Chapter Review 15 3 Symbols, Terms, and Rules 19 Chapter Objectives 19 Symbols 19 Geometric Characteristic Symbols 19 The Datum Feature Symbol 20 The Feature Control Frame 22 Reading the Feature Control Frame 22 Attaching a Feature Control Frame to a Feature 24 Other Symbols Used with Geometric Tolerancing 25 Terms 34 Rules 41 Rule #1: Limits of Size Prescribe Variations of Form 41 Rule #2: Applicability of Modifiers in Feature Control Frames 44 The Pitch Diameter Rule 45 Summary 45 Chapter Review 46 Problems 55 viiyjjj Contents 4 Datums 57 Chapter Objectives 57 Definition of a Datum 57 Application of Datums 57 Immobilization of a Part 58 A Datum Reference Frame Provides Origin and Direction 59 Datum Feature Selection 60 Datum Feature Identification 60 Inclined Datum Features 62 Cylindrical Datum Features 63 Establishing Datum Features 63 Plane Flat Surfaces Specified as Datum Features 63 Datum Features of Size at RMB 64 Datum Features of Size at MMB 64 Plane Flat Surfaces versus Features of Size 64 Irregular Datum Features of Size 66 Common Datum Features 66 Partial Datum Features 67 Datum Targets 68 Datum Targets Established on a Cylindrical Part 70 Step Datum Targets and Movable Datum Target Symbols 70 Summary 71 Chapter Review 72 Problems 76 5 Form 81 Chapter Objectives 81 Flatness 81 Definition 81 Specifying Flatness Tolerance 81 Specifying Flatness of a Derived Median Plane 83 Unit Flatness 85 Straightness 85 Definition 85 Specifying Straightness of a Surface Tolerance 85 Specifying Straightness of a Derived Median Line 87 Unit Straightness 88 Circularity 88 Definition 88 Specifying Circularity Tolerance 88 Cylindricity 90 Definition 90 Specifying Cylindricity Tolerance 90 Average Diameter 91 Free State 92 Restrained Condition 92 Summary 92 Chapter Review 93 Problems 98Contents 6 Orientation 101 Chapter Objectives 101 Perpendicularity 101 Definition 101 Specifying Perpendicularity of a Flat Surface 102 The Tangent Plane 102 Specifying Perpendicularity of an Axis to a Plane Surface 104 Parallelism 104 Definition 104 Specifying Parallelism of a Plane Surface 104 Specifying Parallelism of an Axis 106 Angularity 107 Definition 107 Specifying Angularity of a Plane Surface 107 Specifying Angularity of an Axis 108 Summary 110 Chapter Review 110 Problems 114 7 Position, General 119 Chapter Objectives 119 Definition 119 The Tolerance of Position 120 Specifying the Position Tolerance 121 Specifying the Position Tolerance at RFS 121 Specifying the Position Tolerance at MMC 124 Inspection with a Functional Gage 125 Datum Features of Size Specified with an RMB Modifier 126 Datum Features of Size Specified with an MMB Modifier 127 MMB Modifier Explained in More Detail 128 Locating Features of Size with an LMC Modifier 132 Minimum Wall Thickness at LMC 133 Boundary Conditions 134 Zero Positional Tolerance at MMC 136 Summary 138 Chapter Review 139 Problems 142 8 Position, Location 149 Chapter Objectives 149 Floating Fasteners 149 Clearance Hole LMC Diameter 151 Clearance Hole Location Tolerance (T) 151 Clearance Hole MMC Diameter (H) 152 Fixed Fasteners 153 Clearance Hole LMC Diameter 154 Threaded Hole Location Tolerance (Q 154 Clearance Hole Location Tolerance (t2) 155 Clearance Hole MMC Diameter (H) 155X Contents Projected Tolerance Zones 156 Through Holes 156 Blind Holes 158 Multiple Patterns of Features, Simultaneous Requirements 158 Composite Positional Tolerancing 161 Multiple Single-Segment Positional Tolerancing 167 Nonparallel Holes 169 Counterbored Holes 170 Noncircular Features of Size 172 Spherical Features Located with the Position Control 173 Symmetrical Features Located with the Position Control 174 Summary 175 Chapter Review 176 Problems 179 9 Position, Coaxiality 197 Chapter Objectives 197 Definition 197 Comparison between Coaxiality Controls 199 Specifying Coaxiality at MMC 200 Composite Positional Control of Coaxial Features 200 Positional Tolerancing for Coaxial Holes of Different Sizes 202 Coaxial Features Controlled without Datum References 202 Tolerancing a Plug and Socket 203 Summary 204 Chapter Review 204 Problems 205 10 Runout 209 Chapter Objectives 209 Definition 209 Circular Runout 209 Total Runout 210 Specifying Runout and Partial Runout 211 Common Datum Features 212 Planar and Cylindrical Datum Features 213 Geometric Control of Individual Datum Feature Surfaces 214 The Relationship between Feature Surfaces 214 Inspecting Runout 215 Summary 216 Chapter Review 217 Problems 218 11 Profile 221 Chapter Objectives 221 Definition 221 Specifying a Profile Tolerance 221 The Application of Datum Features 224 A Radius Refinement with Profile 225 Combining Profile Tolerances with Other Geometric Controls 226 Coplanarity 227 Profile of a Conical Feature 230Contents Composite Profile Tolerancing 230 Multiple Single-Segment Profile Tolerancing 234 Inspection 235 Summary 235 Chapter Review 236 Problems 238 12 A Strategy for Tolerancing Parts 247 Chapter Objectives 247 Locating Features of Size to Plane Surface Datum Features 248 Locating Features of Size to Datum Features of Size 255 Locating a Pattern of Features to a Second Pattern of Features 260 Summary 264 Chapter Review 265 Problems 270 13 Graphic Analysis 277 Chapter Objectives 277 Advantages of Graphic Analysis 277 The Accuracy of Graphic Analysis 278 Analysis of a Composite Geometric Tolerance 278 Analysis of a Pattern of Features Controlled to a Datum Feature of Size 283 Summary 287 Chapter Review 288 Problems 290 A Concentricity and Symmetry 295 Chapter Objectives 295 Concentricity 295 Definition 295 Specifying Concentricity 296 Applications of Concentricity 298 Symmetry 298 Definition 298 Specifying Symmetry 298 Applications of Symmetry 300 Summary 301 Chapter Review 301 Problems 303 B Reference Tables 307 Index 313Index Abbreviation AVG, 91 Actual mating envelope, 34 Advantages of GD&T over coordinate dimensioning and tolerancing, 3 Advantages of graphic analysis, 277-278 American National Standards Institute,1 American Society of Mechanical Engineers,1 Analysis of a composite geometric tolerance, 278-282 Analysis of a pattern of features controlled to a datum feature of size, 283-286 Angularity: dimensions, 13-14 tolerances, 14 Application of datums, 57 ASME Y14.5-2018,1 Average diameter, 91 Basic dimension, 35 Bonus, 39 Boundary conditions, 134 — Circularity, 88-89 Coaxial features controlled without datum references, 202 Coaxiality at MMC, 200 Common datum features, 66, 212 Comparison between coaxiality controls, 199 Composite: positional control of coaxial features, 200 positional tolerancing, 119 profile tolerancing, 230 Concentricity, 199, 295 Conical taper, 33, 230 Controlled radius, 29 Coplanarity, 227-228 Counterbored holes, 170-171 Cylindrical datum features, 63 Cylindrical tolerance zone, 4-5 Cylindricity, 90 — Datum, 36, 57 feature, 36 feature identification, 60 feature selection, 60 feature symbol, 20 features of size at maximum material boundary (MMB), 38, 126 features of size at regardless of material boundary (RMB), 44, 126 features specified in order of precedence, 6 Datum reference frame, 36, 58 Datum targets, 32, 68-71 Dimensional limits, 13 Dimensioning and tolerancing for CAD/CAM database models, 14-15 Double fixed fastener, 156 E^— Establishing datum features, 63-64 Feature control frame, 22 Feature of size, 37 Feature-Relating Tolerance Zone Framework (FRTZF), 162 Fixed fastener formula, 153 Fixed fasteners, 153 Flatness, 81-85 Flatness of a derived median plane, 83 Floating fastener formula, 150 Floating fasteners, 149 Form tolerances, 20, 81 313Index Free state, 92 Functional gages, 125 Fundamental drawing rules, 9-10 Planar and cylindrical datum features, 213 Plus and minus tolerancing, 11 Position, 119 tolerance at MMC, 124-125 Geometric characteristic symbols, 19-20 Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing, 2 Graphic analysis, 277-293 tolerance at RFS, 121-122 Profile: conical feature, 230 tolerance, 221-223 Projected tolerance zones, 156 Inclined datum features, 62 Irregular datum features of size, 66 R^— Radius, 29 Reading the feature control frame, 22 Least material condition (LMC), location, 132 Limit tolerancing, 11 Limits of size, 37 Linear dimensions, 11 Linear tolerances, 11 Locating a pattern of features to a second pattern of features, 260-263 Locating features of size to datum features of size, 255-259 Locating features of size to plane surface datum features, 248-254 Regardless of feature size (RFS) modifier, 38, 121 Regardless of material boundary (RMB) modifier, 38, 126 Restrained condition, 92 Resultant condition, 40 Rule #1: Limits of size prescribe variations of form, 41-43 Rule #2: Applicability of modifiers in feature control frames, 44-45 Runout: circular, 209-210 total, 210-211 M— Material condition modifiers, 38 Maximum material boundary (MMB) modifier, 38, 126 Maximum material boundary modifier explained in more detail, 128-132 Maximum material condition (MMC) modifier, 38, 124 Multiple patterns of features, 158-160 Multiple single-segment positional tolerancing, 167-168 Multiple single-segment profile tolerancing, 234-235 s^— Separate requirements (SEP REQT), 160 Simultaneous requirements, 158 Slope, 33 Spherical features, 173 Straightness, 85-88 Straightness of a derived median line, 87 Symbols, geometric tolerancing, 25-26 Symmetrical features at MMC, 174 Symmetry, 298-300 T^— Tangent plane, 102-103 Terms, 34-41 Noncircular features of size, 172 Nonparallel holes, 169 Tolerancing a plug and socket, 203 True position, 41 True profile, 41 0— Orientation, 101-118 — Unit flatness, 85 Unit straightness, 88 Partial Parallelism, — datum104-106 features, 67 Pattern-Locating Tolerance Zone Framework (PLTZF), 162 Perpendicularity, 101-104 Pitch diameter rule, 45 Units of linear measurement, 10-11 — v^— Virtual condition, 41 Zero positional tolerance at MMC, 136-138
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