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عدد المساهمات : 19002 التقييم : 35506 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Mechanical Engineering Design الثلاثاء 30 أغسطس 2022, 12:17 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Mechanical Engineering Design Third Edition Ansel C. Ugural with Contributors Youngjin Chung Errol A. Ugural
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents Preface Acknowledgments Author Symbols Abbreviations SECTION I Fundamentals Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Scope of the Book 1.2 Mechanical Engineering Design 1.2.1 ABET Definition of Design 1.3 Design Process 1.3.1 Phases of Design Identification of Need Definition of the Problem Synthesis Analysis Testing and Evaluation Presentation 1.3.2 Design Considerations 1.4 Design Analysis 1.4.1 Engineering Modeling1.4.2 Rational Design Procedure 1.4.3 Methods of Analysis 1.5 Problem Formulation and Computation 1.5.1 Solving Mechanical Component Problems Significant Digits 1.5.2 Computational Tools for Design Problems 1.5.3 The Best Time to Solve Problems 1.6 Factor of Safety and Design Codes 1.6.1 Definitions 1.6.2 Selection of a Factor of Safety 1.6.3 Design and Safety Codes 1.7 Units and Conversion 1.8 Loading Classes and Equilibrium 1.8.1 Conditions of Equilibrium 1.8.2 Internal Load Resultants 1.8.3 Sign Convention 1.9 Free-Body Diagrams and Load Analysis 1.10 Case Studies in Engineering 1.11 Work, Energy, and Power 1.11.1 Transmission of Power by Rotating Shafts and Wheels 1.12 Stress Components 1.12.1 Sign Convention 1.12.2 Special Cases of State of Stress 1.13 Normal and Shear Strains Problems Chapter 2 Materials2.1 Introduction 2.2 Material Property Definitions 2.3 Static Strength 2.3.1 Stress–Strain Diagrams for Ductile Materials Yield Strength Strain Hardening: Cold Working Ultimate Tensile Strength Offset Yield Strength 2.3.2 Stress–Strain Diagram for Brittle Materials 2.3.3 Stress–Strain Diagrams in Compression 2.4 Hooke’s Law and Modulus of Elasticity 2.5 Generalized Hooke’s Law 2.5.1 Volume Change 2.6 Thermal Stress–Strain Relations 2.7 Temperature and Stress–Strain Properties 2.7.1 Short-Time Effects of Elevated and Low Temperatures 2.7.2 Long-Time Effects of Elevated Temperatures: Creep 2.8 Moduli of Resilience and Toughness 2.8.1 Modulus of Resilience 2.8.2 Modulus of Toughness 2.9 Dynamic and Thermal Effects 2.9.1 Strain Rate 2.9.2 Ductile–Brittle Transition 2.10 Hardness 2.10.1 Brinell Hardness 2.10.2 Rockwell Hardness2.10.3 Vickers Hardness 2.10.4 Shore Scleroscope 2.10.5 Relationships among Hardness and Ultimate Strength in Tension 2.11 Processes to Improve Hardness and the Strength of Metals 2.11.1 Mechanical Treatment Cold Working Hot Working 2.11.2 Heat Treatment 2.11.3 Coatings Galvanization Electroplating Anodizing 2.12 General Properties of Metals 2.12.1 Iron and Steel 2.12.2 Cast Irons 2.12.3 Steels Plain Carbon Steels Alloy Steels Stainless Steels Steel Numbering Systems 2.12.4 Aluminum and Copper Alloys 2.13 General Properties of Nonmetals 2.13.1 Plastics 2.13.2 Ceramics and Glasses 2.13.3 Composites2.13.3.1 Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials 2.14 Selecting Materials 2.14.1 Strength Density Chart Problems Chapter 3 Stress and Strain 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Stresses in Axially Loaded Members 3.2.1 Design of Tension Members 3.3 Direct Shear Stress and Bearing Stress 3.4 Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels 3.5 Stress in Members in Torsion 3.5.1 Circular Cross-Sections 3.5.2 Noncircular Cross-Sections 3.6 Shear and Moment in Beams 3.6.1 Load, Shear, and Moment Relationships 3.6.2 Shear and Moment Diagrams 3.7 Stresses in Beams 3.7.1 Assumptions of Beam Theory 3.7.2 Normal Stress Curved Beam of a Rectangular CrossSection 3.7.3 Shear Stress Rectangular Cross-Section Various Cross-Sections 3.8 Design of Beams 3.8.1 Prismatic Beams3.8.2 Beams of Constant Strength 3.9 Plane Stress 3.9.1 Mohr’s Circle for Stress Axial Loading Torsion 3.10 Combined Stresses 3.11 Plane Strain 3.11.1 Mohr’s Circle for Strain 3.12 Measurement of Strain: Strain Rosette 3.13 Stress-Concentration Factors 3.14 Importance of Stress-Concentration Factors in Design 3.14.1 Fatigue Loading 3.14.2 Static Loading *3.15 Three-Dimensional Stress 3.15.1 Principal Stresses in Three Dimensions 3.15.2 Simplified Transformation for ThreeDimensional Stress 3.15.3 Octahedral Stresses *3.16 Equations of Equilibrium for Stress *3.17 Strain-Displacement Relations: Exact Solutions 3.17.1 Problems in Applied Elasticity Problems Chapter 4 Deflection and Impact 4.1 Introduction 4.1.1 Comparison of Various Deflection Methods 4.2 Deflection of Axially Loaded Members4.3 Angle of Twist of Shafts 4.3.1 Circular Sections 4.3.2 Noncircular Sections 4.4 Deflection of Beams by Integration 4.5 Beam Deflections by Superposition 4.6 Beam Deflection by the Moment-Area Method 4.6.1 Moment-Area Theorems 4.6.2 Application of the Moment-Area Method 4.7 Impact Loading 4.8 Longitudinal and Bending Impact 4.8.1 Freely Falling Weight Special Cases 4.8.2 Horizontally Moving Weight 4.9 Torsional Impact Problems Chapter 5 Energy Methods and Stability 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Strain Energy 5.2.1 Components of Strain Energy 5.3 Strain Energy in Common Members 5.3.1 Axially Loaded Bars 5.3.2 Circular Torsion Bars 5.3.3 Beams 5.4 Work–Energy Method 5.5 Castigliano’s Theorem *5.5.1 Application to Trusses 5.6 Statically Indeterminate Problems5.7 Virtual Work Principle 5.7.1 Castigliano’s First Theorem *5.8 Use of Trigonometric Series in Energy Methods 5.9 Buckling of Columns 5.9.1 Pin-Ended Columns 5.9.2 Columns with Other End Conditions 5.10 Critical Stress in a Column 5.10.1 Long Columns 5.10.2 Short Columns or Struts 5.10.3 Intermediate Columns 5.11 Initially Curved Columns 5.11.1 Total Deflection 5.11.2 Critical Stress 5.12 Eccentric Loads and the Secant Formula 5.12.1 Short Columns 5.13 Design Formulas for Columns *5.14 Energy Methods Applied to Buckling *5.15 Buckling of Rectangular Plates Problems SECTION II Failure Prevention Chapter 6 Static Failure Criteria and Reliability 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Introduction to Fracture Mechanics 6.3 Stress-Intensity Factors 6.4 Fracture Toughness 6.5 Yield and Fracture Criteria 6.6 Maximum Shear Stress Theory6.6.1 Typical Case of Combined Loading 6.7 Maximum Distortion Energy Theory 6.7.1 Yield Surfaces for Triaxial State of Stress 6.7.2 Typical Case of Combined Loading 6.8 Octahedral Shear Stress Theory 6.9 Comparison of the Yielding Theories 6.10 Maximum Principal Stress Theory 6.11 Mohr’s Theory 6.12 Coulomb–Mohr Theory 6.13 Reliability 6.14 Normal Distributions 6.15 Reliability Method and Margin of Safety Problems Chapter 7 Fatigue Failure Criteria 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Nature of Fatigue Failures 7.3 Fatigue Tests 7.3.1 Reversed Bending Test 7.4 S–N Diagrams 7.4.1 Endurance Limit and Fatigue Strength Bending Fatigue Strength Axial Fatigue Strength Torsional Fatigue Strength 7.4.2 Fatigue Regimes 7.5 Estimating the Endurance Limit and Fatigue Strength 7.6 Modified Endurance Limit7.7 Endurance Limit Reduction Factors 7.7.1 Surface Finish Factor 7.7.2 Reliability Factor 7.7.3 Size Factor 7.7.4 Temperature Factor 7.7.5 Fatigue Stress-Concentration Factor 7.8 Fluctuating Stresses 7.9 Theories of Fatigue Failure 7.10 Comparison of the Fatigue Criteria 7.11 Design for Simple Fluctuating Loads 7.11.1 Design Graphs of Failure Criteria 7.12 Design for Combined Fluctuating Loads 7.12.1 Alternative Derivation 7.13 Prediction of Cumulative Fatigue Damage 7.13.1 Miner’s Cumulative Rule 7.14 Fracture Mechanics Approach to Fatigue Problems Chapter 8 Surface Failure 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Corrosion 8.2.1 Corrosion and Stress Combined Stress Corrosion Corrosion Fatigue 8.2.2 Corrosion Wear Fretting Cavitation Damage 8.3 Friction8.4 Wear 8.4.1 Adhesive Wear 8.4.2 Abrasive Wear 8.5 Wear Equation 8.6 Contact-Stress Distributions: Hertz Theory 8.6.1 Johnson–Kendall–Roberts (JKR) Theory 8.7 Spherical and Cylindrical Surfaces in Contact 8.7.1 Two Spheres in Contact (Figure 8.6) 8.7.2 Two Cylinders in Contact (Figure 8.7) *8.8 Maximum Stress in General Contact 8.9 Surface-Fatigue Failure 8.9.1 Stresses Affecting Surface Fatigue 8.10 Prevention of Surface Damage Problems SECTION III Machine Component Design Chapter 9 Shafts and Associated Parts 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Materials Used for Shafting 9.3 Design of Shafts in Steady Torsion 9.4 Combined Static Loadings on Shafts 9.4.1 Bending, Torsion, and Axial Loads 9.4.2 Bending and Torsion 9.5 Design of Shafts for Fluctuating and Shock Loads 9.5.1 Shock Factors 9.5.2 Steady-State Operation 9.5.3 Displacements 9.6 Interference Fits9.7 Critical Speed of Shafts 9.7.1 Rayleigh Method 9.7.2 Dunkerley’s Method 9.7.3 Shaft Whirl 9.8 Mounting Parts 9.8.1 Keys 9.8.2 Pins 9.8.3 Screws 9.8.4 Rings and Collars 9.8.5 Methods of Axially Positioning of Hubs 9.9 Stresses in Keys 9.10 Splines 9.11 Couplings 9.11.1 Clamped Rigid Couplings 9.11.2 Flanged Rigid Couplings 9.11.3 Flexible Couplings 9.12 Universal Joints Problems Chapter 10 Bearings and Lubrication 10.1 Introduction Part A: Lubrication and Journal Bearings 10.2 Lubricants 10.2.1 Liquid Lubricants 10.2.2 Solid Lubricants 10.3 Types of Journal Bearings 10.4 Forms of Lubrication 10.4.1 Hydrodynamic Lubrication10.4.2 Mixed Lubrication 10.4.3 Boundary Lubrication 10.4.4 Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication 10.4.5 Hydrostatic Lubrication 10.5 Lubricant Viscosity 10.5.1 Units of Viscosity 10.5.2 Viscosity in terms of Saybolt Universal Seconds 10.5.3 Effects of Temperature and Pressure 10.6 Petroff’s Bearing Equation 10.6.1 Friction Torque 10.6.2 Friction Power 10.7 Hydrodynamic Lubrication Theory 10.7.1 Reynolds’s Equation of Hydrodynamic Lubrication Long Bearings Short Bearings 10.8 Design of Journal Bearings 10.8.1 Lubricants 10.8.2 Bearing Load 10.8.3 Length–Diameter Ratio 10.8.4 Clearance 10.8.5 Design Charts 10.9 Lubricant Supply to Journal Bearings 10.9.1 Splash Method 10.9.2 Miscellaneous Methods 10.9.3 Pressure-Fed Systems 10.9.4 Methods for Oil Distribution10.10 Heat Balance of Journal Bearings 10.10.1 Heat Dissipated 10.10.2 Heat Developed 10.11 Materials for Journal Bearings 10.11.1 Alloys 10.11.2 Sintered Materials 10.11.3 Nonmetallic Materials Part B: Rolling-Element Bearings 10.12 Types and Dimensions of Rolling Bearings 10.12.1 Ball Bearings 10.12.2 Roller Bearings 10.12.3 Special Bearings 10.12.4 Standard Dimensions for Bearings 10.13 Rolling Bearing Life 10.14 Equivalent Radial Load 10.14.1 Equivalent Shock Loading 10.15 Selection of Rolling Bearings 10.15.1 Reliability Requirement 10.16 Materials and Lubricants of Rolling Bearings 10.17 Mounting and Closure of Rolling Bearings Problems Chapter 11 Spur Gears 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Geometry and Nomenclature 11.2.1 Properties of Gear Tooth 11.3 Fundamentals 11.3.1 Basic Law of Gearing11.3.2 Involute Tooth Form 11.4 Gear Tooth Action and Systems of Gearing 11.4.1 Standard Gear Teeth 11.5 Contact Ratio and Interference 11.6 Gear Trains 11.6.1 Planetary Gear Trains 11.7 Transmitted Load 11.7.1 Dynamic Effects 11.8 Bending Strength of a Gear Tooth: The Lewis Formula 11.8.1 Uniform Strength Gear Tooth 11.8.2 Effect of Stress Concentration 11.8.3 Requirement for Satisfactory Gear Performance 11.9 Design for the Bending Strength of a Gear Tooth: The AGMA Method 11.10 Wear Strength of a Gear Tooth: The Buckingham Formula 11.11 Design for the Wear Strength of a Gear Tooth: The AGMA Method 11.12 Materials for Gears 11.13 Gear Manufacturing 11.13.1 Forming Gear Teeth 11.13.2 Finishing Processes Problems Chapter 12 Helical, Bevel, and Worm Gears 12.1 Introduction12.2 Helical Gears 12.3 Helical Gear Geometry 12.3.1 Virtual Number of Teeth 12.3.2 Contact Ratios 12.4 Helical Gear Tooth Loads 12.5 Helical Gear Tooth Bending and Wear Strengths 12.5.1 Lewis Equation 12.5.2 Buckingham Equation 12.5.3 AGMA Equations 12.6 Bevel Gears 12.6.1 Straight Bevel Gears Geometry 12.6.2 Virtual Number of Teeth 12.7 Tooth Loads of Straight Bevel Gears 12.8 Bevel Gear Tooth Bending and Wear Strengths 12.8.1 Lewis Equation 12.8.2 Buckingham Equation 12.8.3 AGMA Equations 12.9 Worm Gearsets 12.9.1 Worm Gear Geometry 12.10 Worm Gear Bending and Wear Strengths 12.10.1 Lewis Equation 12.10.2 Limit Load for Wear 12.10.3 AGMA Equations 12.11 Thermal Capacity of Worm Gearsets 12.11.1 Worm Gear Efficiency Problems Chapter 13 Belts, Chains, Clutches, and Brakes13.1 Introduction Part A: Flexible Elements 13.2 Belts 13.2.1 Flat and Round Belts 13.2.2 V Belts 13.2.3 Timing Belts 13.3 Belt Drives 13.3.1 Transmitted Power 13.3.2 Contact Angle 13.3.3 Belt Length and Center Distance 13.3.4 Maintaining the Initial Tension of the Belt 13.4 Belt Tension Relationships 13.4.1 Flat or Round Belt Drives 13.4.2 V-Belt Drives 13.5 Design of V Belt Drives 13.6 Chain Drives 13.7 Common Chain Types 13.7.1 Roller Chains Chordal Action 13.7.2 Power Capacity of Roller Chains 13.7.3 Inverted Tooth Chains Part B: High-Friction Devices 13.8 Materials for Brakes and Clutches 13.9 Internal Expanding Drum Clutches and Brakes 13.10 Disk Clutches and Brakes 13.10.1 Disk Clutches Uniform Wear Uniform Pressure13.10.2 Disk Brakes Caliper-Type Disk Brakes 13.11 Cone Clutches and Brakes 13.11.1 Uniform Wear 13.11.2 Uniform Pressure 13.12 Band Brakes 13.13 Short-Shoe Drum Brakes 13.13.1 Self-Energizing and Self-Locking Brakes 13.14 Long-Shoe Drum Brakes 13.14.1 External Long-Shoe Drum Brakes Symmetrically Loaded PivotShoe Brakes 13.14.2 Internal Long-Shoe Drum Brakes 13.15 Energy Absorption and Cooling 13.15.1 Energy Sources 13.15.2 Temperature Rise Problems Chapter 14 Springs 14.1 Introduction 14.2 Torsion Bars 14.3 Helical Tension and Compression Springs 14.3.1 Stresses 14.3.2 Deflection 14.3.3 Spring Rate 14.4 Spring Materials 14.4.1 Spring Wire Ultimate Strength in Tension14.4.1.2 Yield Strength in Shear and Endurance Limit in Shear 14.5 Helical Compression Springs 14.5.1 Design Procedure for Static Loading 14.6 Buckling of Helical Compression Springs 14.6.1 Aspect Ratio 14.7 Fatigue of Springs 14.8 Design of Helical Compression Springs for Fatigue Loading 14.8.1 Goodman Criteria Helical Springs 14.8.2 Compression Spring Surge 14.9 Helical Extension Springs 14.9.1 Coil Body 14.9.2 End Hook Bending and Shear 14.10 Torsion Springs 14.10.1 Helical Torsion Springs 14.10.2 Fatigue Loading 14.10.3 Spiral Torsion Springs 14.11 Leaf Springs 14.11.1 Multileaf Springs 14.12 Miscellaneous Springs 14.12.1 Constant-Force Springs 14.12.2 Belleville Springs 14.12.3 Rubber Springs Problems Chapter 15 Power Screws, Fasteners, and Connections 15.1 Introduction15.2 Standard Thread Forms 15.2.1 Unified and ISO Thread Form 15.2.2 Power Screw Thread Forms 15.3 Mechanics of Power Screws 15.3.1 Torque to Lift the Load 15.3.2 Torque to Lower the Load 15.3.3 Values of Friction Coefficients 15.3.4 Values of Thread Angle in the Normal Plane 15.4 Overhauling and Efficiency of Power Screws 15.4.1 Screw Efficiency 15.5 Ball Screws 15.6 Threaded Fastener Types 15.6.1 Fastener Materials and Strengths 15.7 Stresses in Screws 15.7.1 Axial Stress 15.7.2 Torsional Shear Stress 15.7.3 Combined Torsion and Axial Stress 15.7.4 Bearing Stress 15.7.5 Direct Shear Stress 15.7.6 Buckling Stress for Power Screws 15.8 Bolt Tightening and Preload 15.8.1 Torque Requirement 15.9 Tension Joints under Static Loading 15.9.1 Deflections Due to Preload 15.9.2 Factors of Safety for a Joint 15.9.3 Joint-Separating Force 15.10 Gasketed Joints15.11 Determining the Joint Stiffness Constants 15.11.1 Bolt Stiffness 15.11.2 Stiffness of Clamped Parts 15.12 Tension Joints under Dynamic Loading 15.13 Riveted and Bolted Joints Loaded in Shear *15.13.1 Joint Types and Efficiency 15.14 Shear of Rivets or Bolts due to Eccentric Loading 15.15 Welding 15.15.1 Welding Processes and Properties 15.15.2 Strength of Welded Joints 15.15.3 Stress Concentration and Fatigue in Welds 15.16 Welded Joints Subjected to Eccentric Loading 15.16.1 Torsion in Welded Joints 15.16.2 Bending in Welded Joints Centroid of the Weld Group Moments of Inertia of a Weld 15.17 Brazing and Soldering 15.17.1 Brazing Process 15.17.2 Soldering Process 15.18 Adhesive Bonding 15.18.1 Design of Bonded Joints Problems Chapter 16 Miscellaneous Mechanical Components 16.1 Introduction 16.2 Basic Relations 16.3 Thick-Walled Cylinders under Pressure16.3.1 Solution of the Basic Relations 16.3.2 Stress and Radial Displacement for Cylinder 16.3.3 Special Cases Internal Pressure Only External Pressure Only Cylinder with an Eccentric Bore Thick-Walled Spheres 16.4 Compound Cylinders: Press or Shrink Fits 16.5 Disk Flywheels 16.5.1 Stress and Displacement 16.5.2 Energy Stored *16.6 Thermal Stresses in Cylinders 16.6.1 Steady-Flow Temperature Change T(r) 16.6.2 Special Case *16.7 Exact Stresses in Curved Beams 16.8 Curved Beam Formula 16.9 Various Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels and Piping 16.9.1 Filament-Wound Pressure Vessels Problems Chapter 17 Finite Element Analysis in Design* 17.1 Introduction 17.2 Bar Element 17.2.1 Direct Equilibrium Method 17.2.2 Energy Method 17.2.3 Global Stiffness Matrix 17.2.4 Axial Force in an Element17.3 Formulation of the Finite Element Method 17.3.1 Method of Assemblage of the Values of [k]e 17.3.2 Procedure for Solving a Problem 17.4 Beam and Frame Elements 17.4.1 Arbitrarily Oriented Beam Element 17.4.2 Arbitrarily Oriented Axial–Flexural Beam or Frame Element 17.5 Two-Dimensional Elements 17.5.1 Displacement Functions 17.5.2 Strain, Stress, and Displacement Matrices 17.5.3 Governing Equations for 2D Problems 17.6 Triangular Element 17.6.1 Displacement Function 17.6.2 Stiffness Matrix 17.6.3 Element Nodal Forces Due to Surface Loading 17.7 Plane Stress Case Studies Problems Chapter 18 Case Studies in Machine Design 18.1 Introduction 18.2 Floor Crane with Electric Winch 18.3 High-Speed Cutter Problems Appendix A: Tables Appendix B: Material Properties Appendix C: Stress-Concentration FactorsAppendix D: Solution of the Stress Cubic Equation Appendix E: Introduction to MATLAB Answers to Selected Problems References Index Index A Abrasive wear, 322–324 Absolute viscosity, 388 Acme screw, 596 Active coils, 573 Actual load, 447 Actuating force, 528 Addendum, 427 Adhesives, 641 bonding, 641 wear, 322–323 AGMA elastic coefficients (spur gears), 457 AGMA equations bevel gears, 487–488 helical gears, 474 spur gears, 446–452, 455–459 AISI/SAE numbering system, 71 Allowable bending load, 444, 486 Allowable bending stress, 446–447, 452, 487 Allowable contact stress, 455, 456, 458 Allowable surface stress, 488 Allowable wear load, 454–455 Alloy aluminum, 72 casting, 71 copper, 72 defined, 66 Q&T steel, 71 silicon, 69 steels, 69–72 wrought, 72 Alternating stress, 293 Angle of articulation, 520 contact, 408, 508 helix, 468 lead, 490, 593pitch, 482 pressure, 431 thread, 594 of wrap, 508 Angular-contact bearing, 408 Annulus, 426 ASME code for pressure vessels, 13, 678 ASME shaft design equation, 355 Aspect ratio, 225 ASTM numbering system cast iron, 69–70 steel, 70 Automotive-type multileaf spring, 582–583 AWS numbering system, 634 Axial fatigue strength, 284 Axial pitch, 471, 489, 628 Axial rigidity, 150 Axisymmetric problems, 655–686 compound cylinders, 661–664 cylinder with central hole, 670 disk flywheel, 664–670 filament-wound pressure vessels, 678–679 pressure vessels/piping, 677–678 stresses in curved beams, 671–673 thermal stresses in cylinders, 670–671 thick-walled cylinders under pressure, 657–661 Winkler’s formula, 674 Axle, 345 B Babbitt alloys, 405 Back-driving screw, 602 Backlash, 428–429 Back-to-back (DB) mounting arrangements, 420 Ball bearing, 408–410 capacity analysis, 335–336 geometry/nomenclature, 409 Ball screw, 605–606 Band brake, 525, 534–536 Base circle, 430 Basic dynamic load rating, 412 Basic principles of analysis, 8 Basic static load rating, 412 Beam assumptions in beam theory, 96 built-up, 100 element, 697–703 deflection, 156, 158–161impact loading, 164–165 statically indeterminate, 16, 698–700 strain energy, 185–190 Beam strength of gear tooth, 442–443 Bearings, 381–424; see also Journal bearings; Lubrication; Rolling-element bearings diameter, 399 length, 399 life, 411 mounting, 420–421 stress, 85–87 Belleville, J.F., 584 Belleville springs, 584–586 Belt, 503 flat, 504 round, 504 timing, 505–506 V, 504–505 Belt drives, 507–511 belt pitch length, 508 center distance, 509 contact angle, 508 flat, 511–513 initial tension, 510 round, 511–513 timing, 505–506 transmitted power, 507–508 V-belt, 513, 515 Belt tension relationships, 511–513 Bending fatigue strength, 283–284 Bevel gears, 481–484 AGMA equations, 487–488 bending/wear strengths, 486–488 Buckingham equation, 486–487 Lewis equation, 486 notation, 483 straight, 484–486 tooth loads, 484–486 virtual number of teeth, 470 Bolt, 611–612; see also Joints safely factor, 615 shear forces—eccentric loading, 630–633 stiffness, 617 strength, 611 tension—static loading, 612–615 tightening, 611–612 twisting-off strength, 271 Bonding, 593; see also Connections adhesive, 641–642brazing, 640 soldering, 641 Boundary lubrication, 385 Boyd, J., 398 Brakes and clutches, 503, 524–526 band brakes, 534–536 cone, 532–534 disk brake, 530–532 disk clutch, 527–530 energy absorption and cooling, 544–546 energy sources, 544–545 internal expanding drum, 526 long-shoe drum brakes, 538–544 materials, 524–526 short-shoe drum brakes, 536–538 temperature rise, 545–546 Brazing, 640 Brinell hardness number (H B), 64 Brittle–ductile transition, 60–62 Buckingham, E., 453 Buckingham equation bevel gears, 486–487 helical gears, 473–474 spur gears, 452–455 Buckling design of members buckling of columns, 204–207 (see also Column) compression springs, 565–568 cylindrical/spherical shells, 677–679 rectangular plates, 224–226 secant formula, 214–218 Burnishing, 461 Bushing, 382 Butt joint, 628 Butt weld, 634, 635 C Caliper disk brake, 530–532 Camshaft torque requirement, 22–23 Cantilever spring of uniform stress, 579 Cap screw, 364, 606 Carbon-graphite bearings, 407 Carburizing, 68, 345, 460 Cardan coupling, 371 Case-hardened gears, 460 Case studies, 19 ball bearing—shaft—gear box—winch crane, 735–739 belt design of high-speed cutting machine, 746–749 bolt cutterdeflection analysis, 159–160 loading analysis, 19–21 stress analysis, 117–118 brake design of high-speed cutting machine, 749 cam and follower analysis of intermittent motion mechanism, 332–333 camshaft fatigue design of intermittent motion mechanism, 300–303 crane hook—winch crane, 742–744 design of speed reducer, 451–452 high speed turbine, 477–481 machine design, 723–755 rupture of Titanic’s hull, 62–63 screw—winch crane hook, 742–744 spring design—feed mechanism—high speed cutting machine, 750–751 spur gear train of winch crane, 731–735 welded joint—winch crane frame, 744–746 winch crane frame loading analysis, 725–727 winch crane gearbox—shafting design, 735–739 finite element analysis stress concentration—plate with hole—uniaxial tension, 711–712 stresses/displacements—plate in tension, 709–711 truss, 693–697 Clash allowance, 563 Castigliano, A., 193 Castigliano’s theorems, 193–196 Cast iron gears, 459–460 Cavitation damage, 321 Center distance, 428, 431, 490 Centrifugal clutch, 526 Centrifugal force, 361, 511–512 Chain drives, 503, 517–518 inverted tooth chain, 523–524 roller chains, 520–523 types, 518 Chain length, 517 Chain pitch, 518, 523 Chain velocity, 518, 520 Chordal action, 518–520 Circular pitch, 426, 434 Circumferential groove, 403 Clamp collars, 345, 365 Clamped rigid couplings, 369 Clash allowance, 563, 570 Class 1 fit, 595 Class 2 fit, 595 Class 3 fit, 595 Clearance fit, 358 gears, 428journal bearings, 398 Clutches, 503, 524–526; see also Brakes and clutches Coarse thread, 595, 597 Code of Ethics for Engineers, 4 Coefficient of friction, 321, 383, 385 journal bearings, 397–402 worm gear, 488 Coil deflection, 573 Cold-driven rivet, 626 Collar friction, 601, 602 Column; see also Buckling design of members buckling, 204–207 classification, 207–212 critical stress, 207–212 slenderness ratio, 207 Combined loading design—fluctuating loads, 303–305 maximum distortion energy theory, 255–256 maximum shear stress theory, 253–255 shafts, 347–350 Compatibility condition, 613, 656 Completely reversed stress, 283, 293 Compression couplings, 370 Compression springs, see Helical compression springs Computational tools for design problems, 10 Computer-aided design (CAD) software, 10 Conditions of equilibrium, 15–16 Cone clutch, 532–534 Coned-disk springs, 584, 585 Conformability, 405, 406 Conical-helical compression spring, 558 Conical spring, 558 Conjugate action, 429, 430, 435 Connections, 593–653 adhesive bonding, 641–642 brazing, 640 fasteners, 593 power screws (see Power screws) rivets (see Riveted connections) soldering, 640 threaded fasteners, 593–596, 606, 607 welding, 633–637 (see also Welding) Conrad-type bearing, 408 Constant-force (Negator) spring, 584 Contact angle, 508 Contact ratio, 434–436, 470 Contact stress, 455 Coordinate transformation matrix, 691, 701Corrosion fatigue, 287, 319, 320, 339 stress, 67, 319 wear, 319–321 Coulomb, C A., 253 Coulomb-Mohr theory, 264–266 Coupling, 369–371 Cardan, 371 clamped rigid, 369 compression, 370 flanged rigid, 369–370 flexible, 371 Hooke’s, 371 keyed, 369–370 rigid, 369–371 Rzeppa, 371, 372 square-jawed, 371 Crack deformation types, 246 Critical frequency, 359, 360 Critical speed of shafts, 359–364 Critical stresses, 574 Crossed helical gears, 467 Crowned pulleys, 504–505 Cumulative fatigue damage, 305–307 Curved beam formula, 673–677 Cyclic loading, helical compression spring, 571–572 Cyclic stress-time relations, 293 Cylinders central hole, with, 670 compound, 661–664 filament-wound, 678 thermal stress, 670–671 thick-walled, under pressure, 657–661 thin-walled, 671 Cylindrical pressure vessels fluctuating load, 298–299 Cylindrical roller bearings, 410, 411 Cylindrical rubber mounts, 587 D da Vinci, Leonardo, 425 Dedendum, 427, 428 Deep-groove (Conrad-type) bearing, 408 Deflection and impact, 149–173 Belleville springs, 584–586 bolt cutter deflection analysis, 159–160 freely falling weight, 165–166 horizontally moving weight, 166–167impact loading, 164–165 longitudinal/bending impact, 165–171 springs, 557–558 Deformed beam element, 698 Design, 3; see also Introduction to design analysis, 7–9 decisions, 4 function, 3 and performance requirements, 6 power capacity, 522 and safety codes, 12–13 stress value, 447, 456 Design process, 5–7 analysis, 7 definition of the problem, 6 identification of need, 5–6 presentation, 7 synthesis, 6 testing, 6 Diametral pitch, 427, 431–433, 469, 482 Differential band brake, 535–536 Dip brazing, 640 Direct equilibrium approach, 689 Discontinuity stresses, 677–678 Disk brake, 530–532 Disk clutch, 526–528 Disk flywheels, 664–670 Displacement disk flywheel, 665–668 statically indeterminate beam, 698–700 triangular element, 706–708 truss—Castigliano’s theorem, 197–198 two-dimensional problem, 705–706 Double-enveloping wormset, 489, 490 Double-Hooke joint, 371–372 Double lap joint, 642 Double-row radial bearing, 408 Double shear joint, 628 Drop-feed oiler, 403 Drum clutch, 526 Drums, 524 DT mounting arrangement, see Tandem (DT) mounting arrangement Dubois, G B., 397 Duplex hydraulic conduit, 663–664 Duplex mounting, 420 Dynamic loading, tension joints, 621–623 EEccentrically loaded columns, 214–222 Eccentric loading, shear of rivets/bolts, 630–633 Effective diameters, 626 Effective slenderness ratio, 207 Efficiency, 23 ball screw, 605–606 joint, 628–629 power screw, 602–605 screw, 602 toothed belt drive, 506 worm gear, 494 Elasticity defined, 41 matrix, 705, 709 two-dimensional elements, 704–706 Elastic stress-strain relation, 50 Elastohyrodynamic lubrication, 385 Element strain-nodal displacement matrix, 706 Endurance limit defined, 283 estimating, 285–286 fatigue loading, 569 fatigue stress concentration factor, 290–292 modifying factors, 286–287 reliability factor, 289 size factor, 289 surface finish factor, 288–289 temperature factor, 290 Endurance strength, 283 Energy methods, 165, 185–241 buckling of columns, 204–207 Castigliano’s first theorem, 201–202 stiffness matrix, 708–709 virtual work/potential energy, 201–202 work-energy method, 192–193 Engineering design, 3–4 Epicyclic trains, 438 Equivalent radial load, 413–415 Equivalent shock loading, 414–415 Expanding drum clutch, 526 Expected V belt life, 514 Extension springs, 572–576 External long-shoe drum brakes, 539–542 External self-aligning bearing, 408 Extruding, 461 F Face-to-face (DF) mounting arrangements, 420 Face width, 428, 432Factor of safety fracture mechanics, 247 joint—dynamic loading, 621–626 joint—static loading, 612–613 reliability, 266–267 welding, 635 Fading, 544 Failure criteria; see also Fatigue Coulomb-Mohr theory, 264–266 fracture toughness, 247–252 maximum distortion energy theory, 255–257 maximum principal stress theory, 261–263 maximum shear stress theory, 253–255 Mohr’s theory, 263–264 octahedral shear stress theory, 257–261 stress-intensity factors, 246–247 yield and fracture criteria, 252–253 yielding theories, compared, 261 Failure of components by yielding, fracture, 317 Fastener; see also Connections preloaded—fatigue loading, 623–626 preloaded—static loading, 612–621 threaded, 623 Fatigue, 279–315 axial fatigue strength, 284 bending fatigue strength, 283–284 cumulative fatigue damage, 305–307 endurance limit (see Endurance limit) fatigue strength, 283–285 fatigue tests, 282–283 fracture mechanics approach, 307–309 high-/low-cycle, 285 regimes, 285 reversed bending test, 282–283 simple fluctuating loads, 296–303 S-N diagrams, 283–285 stress concentration factor, 290–292 surface fatigue failure (wear), 336–338 theories of fatigue failure, 294 torsional fatigue strength, 284–285 welding, 633–637 zone, 280 Fatigue failure, 279–281 diagram, 294 theories, 294 Fatigue limit; see also Endurance limit butt welding, 636–637 preloaded fasteners, 623–626Filament-wrapped cylindrical pressure vessel, 678 Fillet weld, 634, 635 Film pressure, 402 Fine thread, 595 Finite element analysis (FEA), 687–721 beam/frame elements, 697–703 case studies (see Case studies, finite element analysis) formulation of finite element method, 693–697 plane stress case studies, 709–712 programs, 10 statically indeterminate beam, 770 stiffness matrix for axial elements, 708–709 triangular element, 706–709 two-dimensional elements, 704–706 Finite element block diagram, 694 Fitted bearing, 383 Flange bearings, 411 Flanged rigid couplings, 369–371 Flat belt drive, 507, 512 Flat belts, 504 Flat key, 365 Flat spring, 553, 559, 579 Flexible coupling–keyless fits (AGMA 9003-A91), 359 Flexible couplings, 371 Flexible shaft, 345 Fluctuating loads, 296–303 combined, 303–305 simple, 296–303 Fluctuating stress, 292–294 Fluid film, 384, 385 Fluid lubrication, 384 Flywheel, 664–670 Flywheel breaking—torque requirement 669–670 Force-displacement relations, 692 Fracture, 42, 245 mechanics approach to fatigue, 307–309 toughness, 247–252 Free-body diagram, 17–19 Fretting, 321, 339 Friction coefficient (see Coefficient of friction) power, 393–394 torque, 392–393 Full-journal bearing, 382 Fully reversed stress, 283 Furnace brazing, 640 Fusion process, 633G Gas bearings, 383 Gasketed joints, 616 Gasket pressure, 616 Gas lubricants, 382 Gas-metal arc welding (GMAW), 634 Gauss distribution, 267 Gauss, K.F., 267 Gear force analysis, 441–442 Gear manufacturing, 460–461 Gear materials, 459–460 Gears, 425 bevel, 467–501 helical, 467–501 (see also Helical gears) spur, 425–466 (see also Spur gears) train, 436–439 value, 437 worm, 467–501 Gearset, 429, 437 General spandrel, 760 Gerber criterion, 294–295 Gerber (parabolic) line, 294–295 Gib-head key, 364, 365 GMAW, see Gas metal arc welding Goodman criteria helical springs, 570 Goodman line, 295, 298, 299 Griffith, A.A., 246 H Hardness, 63–66 H b, see Brinell hardness number Heat balance, 404–405 Heat dissipation capacity, 493, 494 Heat-treated steel gears, 460 Heat treatment, 67–68 Helical compression springs allowable, 561–562 aspect ratio, 566–568 buckling, 565–566 compression spring surge, 570–571 cyclic loading, 571–572 deflection, 563–564 diagram, 557 fatigue loading, 569–572 Goodman criteria helical springs, 570 plain ends, 562, 563 plain-ground ends, 563 squared ends, 563squared-ground ends, 562–563 static loading, 564–565 Helical extension springs, 572–576 Helical gears, 467–481 advantages/disadvantages, 468 AGMA equations, 474–475 bending/wear strengths, 473–475 Buckingham equation, 473–474 contact ratios, 470–471 geometric quantities, 471–472 geometry, 468–472 Lewis equation, 473 thrust load, 473 transmitted load, 473 virtual number of teeth, 470 Helical tension spring, 555 Helical torsion springs, 576–577 Helix angle, 593 Hencky, H., 255 Herringbone gear, 467, 468, 473 Hertz contact stresses, 327, 453 Hertz, H., 327 Hertz problem, 327 Hexagonal bolt/nut, 595 High-cycle fatigue, 285 Hobbing, 460 Holzer’s method, 360 Honing, 461 Hooke’s coupling, 371–372 Hot-driven rivet, 626 Hot working, 66, 67 Hueber, M T, 255 H V, see Vickers hardness number Hydrodynamic lubrication theory, 394–397 Hydrostatic lubrication, 385–386 Hydrostatic thrust bearing, 385–386 Hypoid gears, 481 I Idler, 510 Idler gears, 437 Impact bending, 165 factor, 166, 169, 171 longitudinal, 165 torsional, 172–174 Impact load(ing), 60, 164–165 beam, 168–170energy method, 165 shaft, 173–174 Improving hardness/strength, 66–69 Indentation hardness, 64 Induction brazing, 640 Inflection points, 205, 206 Initial tensile force, 611 Initial tension, 507, 510, 573 Injection molding, 461 Interference, 269, 359, 434–436 Interference fits, 358–359 Internal expanding centrifugal-acting drum clutch, 526 Internal long-shoe drum brake, 543–544 Introduction to design, 3–39 case studies (see Case studies) design analysis, 7–9 design process, 5–7 factor of safety, 11–13 power, 21–25 work and energy, 21–25 Inverted-tooth chain, 523–524 Involute gear teeth, 368, 431 Involute splines, 367, 368 Irwin, G R., 246 ISO (metric) screw threads, 594, 597 Izod impact test, 58 J Johnson formula, 209–211 Johnson–Kendall–Roberts (JKR) Theory, 328 Joints bolted-loaded in shear, 626–628 butt, 628 constant, 613, 616, 618 double lap, 642 efficiency of, 629 factors of safety, 614–615 gasketed, 616 lap, 628, 642 rivets (see Riveted connections) scarf, 642 stiffness factor, 613, 616–618 tension-dynamic loading, 621–623 tension-static loading, 612–615 types, 628–630 Journal, 382 diameter, 399 length, 399Journal bearings, 381–407; see also Lubrication alloys, 405–406 bearing load, 397 clearance, 398 design, 397–402 heat balance, 404–405 length-to-diameter ratio, 398 long bearings, 395–397 lubricants, 397 lubricant supply, 402–404 materials, 405–407 Petroff’s bearing equation, 392–394 rolling-element bearings, compared, 407 short bearings, 397 types, 382–383 K Keyed couplings, 369–370 Keyways, 364, 366 Kinematic viscosity, 389 Kinetic energy, 21, 22 of rotation, 545 of translation, 544 LL 10, 416 Laminar flow, 387, 388 Lap joint, 628, 634, 642 Lapping, 461 Lead, 489, 593 Lead angle, 490, 492, 593 Leaf spring, 579–583 Left-hand (LH) helical gears, 467 Lewis equation bevel gears, 486 helical gears, 473 spur gears, 442–446 Lewis form factor, 443–444 Lewis, W., 442 Life adjustment factors, 416 Lightly loaded journal bearing, 393 Linear actuator screw, 596 Linear cumulative damage rule, 305 Line of action, 430 Linings, 524 Liquid lubricants, 381–382 Load actual, 629bending, 416, 447 bending, 486 dynamic, 15, 441 equivalent radial, 413–415 Euler buckling, 205, 566 impact, 60, 164–165 maximum dynamic, 166 proof, 607, 611 safety factor, 615 shock, 60, 164 spring, 574 tangential, 443, 444, 484, 487 thrust, 410, 467–469, 473 wear, 454, 486 Lock nuts, 607 Lock washers, 607 Long bearings, 395–397 Long-shoe drum brakes, 538–544 Low-cycle fatigue, 285 Lubricant, 381–382 Lubricant viscosity, 387–392 Lubrication, 381–420; see also Journal bearings; Rolling-element bearings boundary, 385 elastohydrodynamics, 385 hydrodynamic lubrication theory, 394–397 hydrodynamics, 385 hydrostatic, 385–387 mixed, 384 Reynolds’s equation, 395–397 M Machine, 4, 17 design, 4 screw, 606 Margin of safety, 12, 268 Materials, 41–82 brakes and clutches, 524–526 brittle-ductile transition, 60–62 bulk modulus, 51 classification, 41 composites, 74–75 creep, 56–57 dilatation, 51 fasteners, 607–608 improving hardness/strength, 66–69 journal bearings, 405–407 modulus of resilience, 57–58 modulus of toughness, 58–60properties, 41–42 shafts, 345–346 spring, 559–562 spur gears, 459–460 static strength, 42–47 (see also Strength-stress diagrams) welding, 634 Maximum contact pressure, 328, 330–333 Maxwell, J.C., 255 Mean stress, 293–294 Mean stress-alternating stress relations, 294 Mechanical design, 4 Mechanical design projects, 19; see also Case studies Mechanical forming and hardening, 66 Mechanical prestressing, 337 Median life, 412 Membrane stresses, 88 Metal inert gas arc welding, 634 Metallic arc welding, 633 Method of sections, 16, 197 Midsurface, 224–225 Mineral oils, 382 Miner’s rule, 305, 306 Minimum film thickness, 384, 398, 400, 405 Minimum life, 412 Mises criterion, 257 Mises–Hencky criterion, 257 Miter gears, 481 Mixed lubrication, 384 Mode I crack deformation, 246 Mode II crack deformation, 246 Mode III crack deformation, 246 Modified endurance limit, 286–287 Modified Goodman criterion, 294, 295, 570 Modified Goodman line, 295, 299 Modified Rayleigh’s method, 360 Modified square thread, 596 Module, 427 Modulus of volumetric expansion, 51 Mohr envelope, 263 Mohr’s circle, 110 Coulomb-Mohr theory, 264–265 Mohr’s theory of failure, 263–264 triaxial stress, 111 Mohr theory of failure, 263–264 Molded linings, 525 Moment-area theorems, 161–162 Mounting correction factor, 449 Multileaf spring, 580–583Multiple-disk clutches, 526–527 Multiple-threaded screw, 594 Multiple V-belt drive, 505 N Natural frequency, 571 Needle roller bearings, 410 Negator spring, 584 Newtonian fluids, 388 Newton’s law of flow, 395 Newton’s law of viscous flow, 388 Nodal displacement matrix, 707 Nodular cast iron gears, 460 Non-Newtonian fluids, 388 Normal circular pitch, 469 Normal distributions, 267–268 Notch sensitivity, 290 O Ocvirk, F.W., 397 Ocvirk’s short bearing approximation, 397 Offset yield strength, 46 Oil, 381 bath, 402–403 distribution, 403–404 Oil-tempered wire, 560–562 Optimum design, 4 Optimum helix angle of filament, 679 Overhauling screw, 602 Overload correction factor, 448 P Parallel plane, 224 Paris equation, 307, 308 Paris, P.C., 307 Pedestal bearings, 403 Petroff, N., 392 Petroff’s equation, 392–394 Phases of design, 5–7 Pillow-block bearings, 403, 411 Pinion, 425, 426 Pitch, 593, 628 angles, 482 circles, 425 diameter, 425, 438 line velocity, 429, 451, 474 point, 429, 430, 484radius, 427, 507 Pitting, 321, 336, 337, 452 Planetary gear trains, 438–439 Plastics, 73–74, 407, 559, 746, 779 gears, 460 range, 45, 46 Plate Bending of thin, 225 buckling of rectangular, 224–226 midsurface, 224 Population, 268 Power screws, 593–653; see also Connections axial stress, 609 bearing, 610 buckling stress, 611 combined torsion/axial, 610 direct shear stress, 610–611 efficiency, 605 friction coefficients, 601 mechanics, 596–601 overhauling, 602–605 self-locking, 605 thread angle—normal plane, 601 thread forms, 593–596 torque to lift load, 600–601 torque to lower load, 601 torsional shear stress, 609–610 Preload, 568, 611 Preloaded fasteners fatigue loading, 623–626 static loading, 612–621 Presetting, 568 Press fit, 321 Pressure angle, 431–432 Pressure-fed lubrication systems, 403 Pressure line, 430, 431, 434, 440 Pressure vessels cylindrical (see Cylindrical pressure vessels) filament-wound, 678–679 thin-walled, 88–89 Principal strains—Mohr’s circle, 120 Principal stress Mohr’s circle, 132–133 three dimensions, 128–130 Principle of superposition, 28, 50, 149, 187 Principle of virtual work defined, 201 deflection of cantilevered beam, 203–204Process of design, 5–7; see also Design process Proof load, 607, 611 Proof strength, 607, 614 Pulsating stress, 293 Q Quenching, 67 R Raceways, 408, 411 Rack, 426, 427 Radial displacement, 655, 657 Radial interference, 662 Radius of curvature, 245 Radius of gyration, 173, 206, 208 Raimondi, A.A., 398 Rankine, W.J.M., 261 Rating life L10, 412 Rational design procedure, 8 Rayleigh equation, 359, 360 R B, 64 R C, 64 Recrystallization temperature, 66 Redistribution of stress-flat bar of mild steel, 125 Reliability, 12, 245–278 chart, 269 examples, 270 factor of safety, 266–267 margin of safety, 268–271 normal distributions, 267–268 rolling-element bearings, 407 safety index, 268 Repeating section, 628 Resistance brazing, 640 Resistance welding, 634 Reversed bending test, 282–283 Reynolds, O., 395 Reynolds’s equation for one-dimensional flow, 396 Reynolds’s equation of hydrodynamic lubrication, 395–397 Right-hand (RH) helical gears, 467 Rigid coupling, 369–370 Rim clutch, 526 Ring-oiled bearing, 403 Riveted connections capacity, 627–628 failure, 627 loaded in shear, 626–628 shear stress—eccentric loading, 632–633strength analysis—multiple-riveted lap joint, 629–630 Rockwell hardness test, 64 Roller bearings, 410 Roller chains, 518–523 Rolling-element bearings, 407–421; see also Journal bearings ball bearings, 408–410, 419 bearing life, 411–413 dimensions/basic load ratings, 411–413 equivalent radial load, 413–415 equivalent shock load, 414–415 journal bearings, contrasted, 407 materials/lubricants, 419–420 mounting/closure, 420–421 reliability, 416–419 roller bearings, 410 selection of, 415–419 special bearings, 410–411 Rotating-beam fatigue testing machine, 282–283 Round belts, 504 drives, 507–511 Round key, 365 R.R, Moore high-speed rotating-beam machine, 282 Rubber, 407 mount, 586 spring, 586–587 Rzeppa coupling, 371 S Safe stress line, 297–298, 570 Safety factor, 11–12 Safety index, 268 Saint-Venant’s Principle, 8 Saybolt universal seconds, 389–390 Saybolt universal viscometer, 389 Saybolt universal viscosity (SUV), 389 Scarf joint, 642 Screw; see also Connections ball, 605–606 cap, 606 machine, 606 power (see Power screws) stresses, 609–611 translation, 596 winch crane hook, 742–744 Screw efficiency, 602–603 Sealed bearing, 421 Secant formula, 214–218 Self-aligning bearing, 408–409Self-contained bearings, 403, 404 Self-de-energized brake, 538, 540 Self-energized brake, 537–538, 540 Self-locking brake band brake, 534–535 long-shoe drum brake, 538–539 short-shoe drum brake, 536–537 Self-locking screw, 602 Self-tightening drive, 510 Service factors, 415, 515 Setscrews, 364 Shafts, 345–372 angle, 491 axially positioning of hubs, 365–367 bending and torsion, 348–350 bending/torsion/axial loads, 348 collars, 364–365 couplings, 369–371 critical speed, 359–364 customary types, 345 deflections, 355 flexible, 345 fluctuating/shock loads, 353–358 interference fits, 358–359 keys, 364 materials, 345–346 mounting parts, 364–366 pins, 364 rings, 364–365 screws, 364 splines, 367–369 steady torsion, 346–347 steady-state operation, 354–355 stress in keys, 366–367 stress-concentration factors, 783–788 universal joints, 371–372 Shank, 593, 626 Shaving, 461 Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), 633–634 Shock loading, 149, 414–415 Short-shoe drum brake, 536–538 Shrink fit, 339, 358, 641, 661–664 Shrinking allowance, 662 Sign convention beams, 94 curvature, 333 Mohr’s circle, 111 shear force, 17stress component, 25–27 Winkler’s formula, 674 Silent chain, 523–524 Single-shear joint, 628 Single thread, 593 Single-enveloping wormset, 489 Single-row roller bearings, 410 Sintered materials, 407 Sintered metal pads, 525 Sintered metal-ceramic friction pads, 525 Sintering, 461 Sleeve bearings, see Journal bearings Sliding bearings, see Journal bearings S-N diagrams, see Stress-life diagrams Snap rings, 364–366 Snap-through buckling, 586 Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) criterion, 295 line, 295 number of oil, 390 Soderberg criterion, 296–297, 303, 355 Soldering, 640–642 Solid deflection, 563, 564 Solid lubricants, 382 Sommerfeld number, 398 Spalling, 337 Special bearings, 410–411 Specific Johnson formulas, 210–211 Speed ratio, 430, 437, 517 Spherical pressure vessel, 89, 677 Spherical roller bearings, 410 Spherical shell, 671 Spiral bevel gears, 481, 487 Spiral torsion spring, 578–579 Splash system of lubrication, 402–403 Splines, 367–369 Split-tubular spring pin, 364 Spring constant, 150, 165, 558, 617 Spring index, 555, 559, 570 Spring load, 574 Spring rate, 150 Spring scale, 558 Springs, 553–592 Belleville, 584–586 compression spring (see Helical compression springs) constant-force, 584 extension, 572–576 fatigue, 568–569leaf, 579–583 materials, 559–562 rubber, 586–587 spring rate, 558–559 stresses, 556–557 surge, 570–571 tension, 555–556 torsion, 576–579 torsion bars, 553–555 volute, 583 Spur gears, 425–466 basic law of gearing, 429–430 bending strength of gear tooth (AGMA method), 446–452 contact ratio, 434–436 finishing processes, 461 forming gear teeth, 460–461 gear trains, 436–438 geometry/nomenclature, 425–429 interference, 434–436 involute tooth form, 430 Lewis formula, 442–446 manufacturing, 460–461 materials, 459–460 planetary gear trains, 438–439 standard gear teeth, 431–434 stress concentration, 444–445 transmitted load, 439–442 wear strength of gear tooth (AGMA method), 455–459 wear strength of gear tooth (Buckingham formula), 452–455 Square thread, 596, 601 Square tooth splines, 367 Square-jawed coupling, 371 Stamping, 461 Standard deviation, 267–270 Standard normal distribution, 268 Standard thread forms, 593–596 Standard weight pipe dimensions/properties, 761 Static loading preloaded fasteners, 623–626 tension joints, 612–615 Steel bolts, 608 Steel numbering systems, 71–72 Stiffness, 149, 617 constants, 616 matrix, 689 Straight bevel gear, 481–483 Straight cylindrical roller bearings, 414 Straight round pin, 364–365Straight shaft of constant diameter, 346 Straight-line Mohr’s envelopes, 264 Straight-sided splines, 368 Strain displacement relations, 134–135 axisymmetric problems, 656 Strain energy, 187–192 Strain matrix, 704, 708 Strength fatigue, 283–285 improving, 66–69 static, 42–47 (see also Strength-stress diagrams) structural steel, 77 temperature, 58 Strength (or stress)-strain diagrams AISI type 304 stainless steel in tension, 56 annealed steel, 67 brittle materials, 46 compression, 46–47 ductile materials, 43–46 gray cast iron in tension, 46, 47 modulus of resilience, 57–58 modulus of toughness, 58 quenched steel, 67 structural steel in tension, 44 tempered steel, 67 Stress; see also Stress and strain allowable bending, 446–447 allowable contact, 455, 456 alternating, 293–294 Belleville springs, 584–586 buckling, 611 coils, 574 completely reversed, 282, 283, 293 compressive residual, 337, 339, 568 contact, 455–456 critical, 574 curved beams, 671–673 direct shear, 85–86, 638 discontinuity, 677–678 disk flywheel, 664–666 equivalent normal, 296 equivalent shear, 296 fluctuating, 292–294 helical springs, 557 hoop, 678 keys, 366–367 longitudinal, 658 maximum bending, 574maximum compressive bending, 577 maximum torsional, 574 membrane, 88, 89, 677 principal (see Principal stress) pulsating, 293 repeated, 293 resultant shear, 638 screws, 609–611 sign convention, 26–27 thick-walled cylinders, 657–661 torsional shear, 609–610 total shear, 556 von Mises, 256 Stress and strain, 83–148 combined stresses, 114–115 components, 26 contact stress distributions, 327–328 direct shear stress, 85–86 fatigue loading, 125 invariants, 111 maximum stress in general contact, 333–336 Mohr’s circle (see Mohr’s circle) plane strain, 118–121 plane stress, 107–113 temperature, 55–57 tensor, 26 thermal stress-strain relations, 55 transformation, 108 Stress-concentration factors, 123–125, 783–788 Stress-intensity factors, 246, 247 Stress-life (S-N) diagrams, 283–285 Structural stiffness method, 693 Stud, 606, 607 Surface compressive stresses, 337 Surface endurance limit, 454 Surface fatigue failure (wear), 336–338 Surface stress, 488 Surging, 571 SUV, see Saybolt universal viscosity Synchronous belt, 505 Synthetic lubricants, 382 TT andem (DT) mounting arrangement, 420 Tangential force, 439–440 Tangential load, 484 transmitted, 440 Tapered roller bearings, 410Tapered round pin, 364, 365 Tapered thrust roller bearings, 410 Temperature lubricant viscosity, 387–388 recrystallization, 66 Tensile link, safety factor, 299–300 Tensile stress area, 595, 607, 614 Tension joints dynamic loading, 621–626 static loading, 612–615 Tension spring, 555, 556 Theorem of virtual work, 202 Theoretical stress-concentration factors, see Stress-concentration factors Thermal stressing, 84, 337 Thick-walled cylinders, 89, 655 under pressure, 657–661 Thin-walled cylinder, 655, 671 Thin-walled spherical shell, 671 Thread angle, 594, 600 Threaded fasteners, 593–595, 606–608; see also Bolt Screw Thread forms, 593–596 Thread friction, 600 360° journal bearing, 382 Through-hardened gears, 460 Through hardening, 68 Thrust bearing, 385, 408, 597, 601 Thrust collar, 597, 601 Thrust load, 467–469, 473 Timing belt, 505–506, 509 drive, 517 Toothed belt, 505–506, 509 Torch brazing, 640 Torque capacity band brake, 534–536 cone clutch, 532 disk brake, 530–532 disk clutch, 527 long-shoe drum brake, 538 multiple-disk clutch, 529 short-shoe drum brake, 536–537 Torsion, 89 springs, 576–579 Torsional fatigue failures, 281 Torsional fatigue strength, 284–285 Torsional impact, 172–174 Torsional shear loading, 587 Torsional shear stress, 556, 609–610 Total shear stress, 556Transformation equations for plane stress, 110 three-dimensional stress, 128, 131 Translation screw, 596 Transmitted load, 439–442, 473 Transverse circular pitch, 469 Transverse contact ratio, 471 Transverse pitch, 628 Transverse pressure angle, 469 Tredgold’s approximation, 484 Tresca, H.E., 253 Tresca yield criterion, 253 Triangular element, 706–709 Tribology; see also Bearings; Journal bearings; Lubrication; Rolling-element bearings Truss, analysis/design, 693–697 Turbulent, 387 Twisting-off strength of bolts, 271 Two-dimensional Reynolds’s equation, 397 U UNC coarse threads, 595 Undercut tooth, 435 UNF fine threads, 595 Unified and ISO thread forms, 595 Unified numbering system (UNS), 72 Unified screw threads, 596 Uniform pressure cone clutch, 533 disk clutch, 529–530 Uniform wear cone clutch, 532–533 disk clutch, 528–529 Universal joint, 371–372 VV ariable-pitch pulleys, 504 V-belt, 510, 513 drive, 513–517 tensions, 515 Velocity profile, 388, 394, 396 Vickers hardness number (Hv), 64 Vickers hardness test, 64 Virtual number of teeth bevel gears, 484 helical gears, 470 Virtual work, 201 Viscosity, 389 index, 391Volute spring, 583 von Mises-Hencky theory, 255 von Mises, R, 255 von Mises stress, 256 von Mises theory, 255 WW ahl factor, 556 Wahl formula, 556 Washers, 584 Wave method, 165 Wear, 322–323, 452 equation, 323, 492 load, 486 load factor, 454, 474 Weibull distribution, 267, 416 Weibull, W., 267 Weld(ing), 633–640 AWS numbering system, 634 butt-fatigue loading, 636–637 centroid, 639 eccentric loading, 637–640 factor of safety, 635 GMAW, 634 materials, 634 moments of inertia, 639–640 resistance, 634 SMAW, 633 spot, 634 strength of joints, 634–635 stress concentration/fatigue, 635–637 torsion, 637–638 Weldment, 633 Whole depth, 428, 432 Wick-feed oiler, 403 Wind turbine, 481 Winkler, E., 673 Woodruff key, 364–365 Working depth, 428, 432 Worm gear coefficient of friction, 495 Worm gear efficiency, 494–495 Worm gear geometry, 488 – 491 Worm gear screw jack, 599 Worm gearset, 488 – 496 AGMA equations, 493 bending/wear strengths, 492 – 493 Buckingham equation, 492 coefficient of friction, 495efficiency, 494–495 geometric quantities, 491–492 heat dissipation, capacity, 493 Lewis equation, 492–493 single-/double-enveloping type, 488–489 thermal capacity, 493–496 YY ielding theories, 261 Yield point, 45, 125, 208, 297 Yield strength, 45, 46 Young’s modulus, 47 Z Zero clearance, 383 Zerol bevel gears, 481
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