كتاب CAD Fundamentals for Architecture
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب CAD Fundamentals for Architecture

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
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مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18864
التقييم : 35108
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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CAD Fundamentals for Architecture
Elys John

كتاب CAD Fundamentals for Architecture  C_a_d_16
و المحتوى كما يلي :

6 Introduction
10 Introducing CAD
12 Icon references
14 Setting up a user interface
20 Understanding layers
24 Tutorial 1: Basic drawing exercise
36 Plan export/Presentation drawing
54 PDF plotting
60 Introduction
66 3D interfaces
72 XYZ
77 Simple creation techniques
84 Modification
92 Methods of construction
102 Copy/Array
108 Tutorial 2: 3D exercise
114 Rendering basics
122 AutoCAD rendering
130 3ds Max rendering
138 Form Z rendering
144 Maya rendering
150 SketchUp rendering
156 Vectorworks rendering
162 Tutorial 3: Rendering
170 Introduction
172 Setting up Photoshop
174 Presentation points
178 Photoshop tools
184 Tutorial 4: Presentation
190 From start to finish: the Barcelona Pavilion
196 BIM: Building Information Model
200 Troubleshooting tips
202 Glossary
204 Index
206 Useful websites and further reading
208 Picture credits and acknowledgments
204 Part 5: Overview and resources
Copy command shortcut 107
Copy/Array 102–7
Copy/Offset command 34
Create Polygon tool (Maya) 80
creation techniques 77–83
AutoCAD 78
Form Z 82
Maya 80–1
SketchUp 83
3ds Max 79
Vectorworks 83
Delete command 13, 30, 33
dimensions 36, 42, 42, 43, 44, 48, 53
dotted lines 36, 42, 43, 43, 44, 49, 51
drawing and annotation 20
drawing boards 10–11
drawing limits 15
Duplicate Array (Vectorworks) 107
Duplicate Special (Maya) 104
DWG format 24, 55, 62, 67, 68, 70, 71, 171
dynamic auto tracking 72
Dynamic UCS
AutoCAD 74
SketchUp 76
Vectorworks 76
EDGESURF command (AutoCAD) 86
Enter key 25
Erase/Delete command 13
Escape key 17
export compatibility between programs 36
external reference files see Xref files
Extrude command 77, 77, 78, 79, 81, 82,
83, 92
eye height/line 123, 151, 162, 175, 187
Eyedropper tool (Vectorworks) 52
fabrication 61
faces and facets 85, 85
Final Gather 121, 121
Follow Me tool (SketchUp) 100
foreshortening 117
Form Z 62
construction methods 99
creation techniques 82
modification 89
rendering 138–43
topological levels 89
XYZ 72, 75
framed construction 94
numbers in italics refer to captions
additive construction 92, 92
Adobe PDF see PDF plotting
Adobe see Illustrator; PDF plotting;
animation 66, 84
Apple Macintosh 14, 67
Arc tool 12, 34
architecture 61, 66, 177
Array command see Copy/Array
Atelier Bow Wow house 10
Classic 16–17
Clean Screen 17
command line tools 63
construction methods 96
creation techniques 78
Dynamic UCS 74
layers 22, 22, 31
modification 86
PDF plotting 54–5
plan export/presentation drawing 38–45
rendering 122–9
setting up a user interface 14–17
3D interfaces 62–3
XYZ 72, 74
AutoCAD Architecture 198
Autodesk 36, 65, 67, 197; see also
AutoCAD; Maya; 3ds Max
Barcelona Pavilion (Mies van der Rohe) 190–5
BIM (Building Information Model) 61, 196–
9; see also AutoCAD Architecture
Blinn, Jim 120
Box command 77, 77, 78, 80
camera perspectives and settings 114, 116,
116; see also rendering
Circle command 13, 32
Classes (Vectorworks) 23, 23, 53
CNC fabrication 60, 60–1
command line tools (AutoCAD) 63
Command prompt (AutoCAD) 15
construction methods 92–101
AutoCAD 96
Form Z 99
Maya 92, 92, 98
SketchUp 100
3ds Max 97
Vectorworks 101
GIMP 171
Global Illumination 121, 121
‘go back’ shortcut 30
Google SketchUp see SketchUp
grids 95, 95
grip edits 12, 34, 35
‘hot box’ (Maya) 66
icons 12–13
Illustrator 54, 54, 67, 171, 180
importing/exporting 36, 69
InDesign 171
irregular planes 94
IwamatoScott Architecture: Jellyfish House 61
JPEG format 54, 54
Laksa, Kobas: Afterlife of Building series 171
Lathe modifi er (3ds Max) 97
Layer Properties Manager (AutoCAD) 22
layers 20–3, 31
AutoCAD 22, 22, 31
layer groups 21
Photoshop 178, 181, 185
SketchUp 23, 31
Vectorworks 23, 31
LayOut (SketchUp Pro) 46–8
light 115, 118, 119; see also rendering
LIMITS command (AutoCAD) 15
Line tool 12, 25
lineweight 20, 36, 41, 45, 48, 51
Locus Point tool (Vectorworks) 101
Match Properties tool (AutoCAD) 21, 45,
45, 52
materials 115, 118, 120, 120; see also
Maya 62
construction methods 92, 92, 98
creation techniques 80–1
modification 88
rendering 116, 144–9
shortcuts 88
3D interfaces 66–7
XYZ 75Index 205
Mental Ray 120, 130
meshes 85, 95, 95
Microsoft Windows 14, 67
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig see Barcelona
model making 60
Model space 38, 38, 40, 42, 43, 43, 55
modification 84–91
AutoCAD 86
Form Z 89
Maya 88
SketchUp 90
3ds Max 87
Vectorworks 91
Modifi er tab (3ds Max) 79
mouse navigation 11, 26, 65, 70
Move/Copy command 13, 29
MVRDV: Gwanggyo, Korea 114
Object Snap settings (AutoCAD) 16
Offset tool 13, 27, 28, 34
Ortho mode 16, 25, 25, 34
OVERKILL command (AutoCAD) 22
Paperspace 38, 38, 40, 40, 42, 43, 55
PDF plotting 54–7
AutoCAD 54–5
SketchUp 56
Vectorworks 57
PEDIT command (AutoCAD) 78
perspective 116, 117
Photoshop 38, 54, 54, 170, 170
adding context to renders 176, 176
adding people to a scene 175, 175
composite sheets 174, 174, 177
layers 178, 181, 185
light 176, 176
rendering 174, 174
resolution 177
tools 178–83
setting up 172, 172–3, 173
plan export/presentation drawing 36–53
AutoCAD 38–45
SketchUp 46–9
Vectorworks 50–3
Polar Tracking (AutoCAD) 16
polygon objects 85
Polyline/Line and Offset together 28
Polyline/Line tool 12, 25, 94
Presspull command 18, 72, 77, 77, 78, 92,
PURGE command (AutoCAD) 22
Push/Pull command
Vectorworks 83
SketchUp 83, 100
construction methods 97
creation techniques 79
modification 87
rendering 120, 130–7
3D interfaces 64–5
XYZ 74
topological levels 84
Transtext 170, 170
Trim tool 33
Presentation in Photoshop 184–7
3D Exercise: Model Mesh and Advanced
Create 108–11
Basic Drawing Exercise 24–35
Rendering 162–7
Twilight 150
Union command 92, 96, 96, 97
user interface (UI) 14–19
AutoCAD 14–17
SketchUp 18
Vectorworks 19
-Ray 120, 150, 150–5
and BIM 199
construction methods 101
creation techniques 83
Dynamic UCS 76
layers 23, 31
modification 91
PDF plotting 57
plan export/presentation drawing 50–3
rendering 156–61
setting up a user interface 19
3D interfaces 71
XYZ 72, 76
ViewCube 65, 66, 67
Xref files (AutoCAD) 21, 21
XYZ 72, 72–5, 95
AutoCAD 72, 74
Form Z 72, 75
Maya 75
SketchUp 72, 76
3ds Max 74
Vectorworks 72, 76
Zoom/Extents command 11, 15, 26, 42, 62,
AutoCAD 122–9
Form Z 138–43
Maya 116, 144–9
Photoshop 174–6
render settings 116, 121
resolution 115, 121, 121, 165
SketchUp 150–5
3ds Max 120, 130–7
Vectorworks 156–61
see also camera perspectives and settings;
light; materials 114, 116, 116
Renderworks 156–61
Revit 197
Revolve tool 96, 98, 100, 101
right-click menus 17
Rotate tool (Form Z) 99
Shift key 30
construction methods 100
creation techniques 83
Dynamic UCS 76
layers 23, 31
modification 90
PDF plotting 56
plan export/presentation drawing 46–9
rendering 150–5
setting up a user interface 18
3D interfaces 70
XYZ 72, 76
SketchUp Pro 46, 56
Stack icon 31
SU Podium 150
subdivisions 85, 95
Subtract command 92, 97, 98
subtractive construction 93, 93
suffixes 24
surface objects 84
Sweep command 92, 92, 94, 96, 97, 97, 98,
99, 99, 100
text (presentation drawing) 36, 42, 42, 43,
43, 49, 52
texture mapping 120, 136
3D interfaces 62–71
AutoCAD 62–3
Maya 66–7
SketchUp 70
3ds Max 64–5
Vectorworks 71
3D modelling 60–1, 72; see also XYZ
3D POLY command (AutoCAD) 94
3D printers 60–1
3ds Max 62

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