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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Springer Handbook of Robotics السبت 16 يوليو 2022, 1:26 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Springer Handbook of Robotics Bruno Siciliano, Oussama Khatib
و المحتوى كما يلي :
XLIII Contents List of Abbreviations . LXIII 1 Robotics and the Handbook Bruno Siciliano, Oussama Khatib 1 1.1 A Brief History of Robotics 1 1.2 The Robotics Community 3 1.3 This Handbook . 4 Video-References . 5 Part A Robotics Foundations 2 Kinematics Kenneth J. Waldron, James Schmiedeler 11 2.1 Overview . 12 2.2 Position and Orientation Representation . 12 2.3 Joint Kinematics . 21 2.4 Geometric Representation 25 2.5 Workspace . 27 2.6 Forward Kinematics . 28 2.7 Inverse Kinematics 29 2.8 Forward Instantaneous Kinematics 31 2.9 Inverse Instantaneous Kinematics . 32 2.10 Static Wrench Transmission . 33 2.11 Conclusions and Further Reading 33 References . 33 3 Dynamics Roy Featherstone, David E. Orin 37 3.1 Overview . 38 3.2 Spatial Vector Notation . 39 3.3 Canonical Equations 45 3.4 Dynamic Models of Rigid-Body Systems . 47 3.5 Kinematic Trees 51 3.6 Kinematic Loops . 58 3.7 Conclusions and Further Reading 61 References . 63 4 Mechanism and Actuation Victor Scheinman, J. Michael McCarthy, Jae-Bok Song . 67 4.1 Overview . 68 4.2 System Features . 68 4.3 Kinematics and Kinetics 69 4.4 Serial Robots . 72 4.5 Parallel Robots . 73 4.6 Mechanical Structure 75 4.7 Joint Mechanisms . 76XLIV Contents 4.8 Actuators . 78 4.9 Robot Performance 85 4.10 Conclusions and Further Reading 87 Video-References . 87 References . 87 5 Sensing and Estimation Henrik I. Christensen, Gregory D. Hager . 91 5.1 Introduction . 91 5.2 The Perception Process 92 5.3 Sensors . 94 5.4 Estimation Processes 98 5.5 Representations . 109 5.6 Conclusions and Further Readings . 111 References . 111 6 Model Identification John Hollerbach, Wisama Khalil, Maxime Gautier . 113 6.1 Overview . 113 6.2 Kinematic Calibration . 115 6.3 Inertial Parameter Estimation 122 6.4 Identifiability and Numerical Conditioning . 127 6.5 Conclusions and Further Reading 135 Video-References . 136 References . 137 7 Motion Planning Lydia E. Kavraki, Steven M. LaValle 139 7.1 Robotics Motion Planning 139 7.2 Motion Planning Concepts 140 7.3 Sampling-Based Planning 141 7.4 Alternative Approaches . 144 7.5 Differential Constraints . 148 7.6 Extensions and Variations 151 7.7 Advanced Issues . 154 7.8 Conclusions and Further Reading 157 Video-References . 158 References . 158 8 Motion Control Wan Kyun Chung, Li-Chen Fu, Torsten Kröger . 163 8.1 Introduction to Motion Control . 164 8.2 Joint Space Versus Operational Space Control . 166 8.3 Independent-Joint Control . 167 8.4 PID Control . 169 8.5 Tracking Control 172 8.6 Computed-Torque Control 174 8.7 Adaptive Control . 177 8.8 Optimal and Robust Control 181 8.9 Trajectory Generation and Planning . 183 8.10 Digital Implementation . 187Contents XLV 8.11 Learning Control . 190 Video-References . 191 References . 191 9 Force Control Luigi Villani, Joris De Schutter 195 9.1 Background 195 9.2 Indirect Force Control . 198 9.3 Interaction Tasks . 205 9.4 Hybrid Force/Motion Control 211 9.5 Conclusions and Further Reading 216 Video-References . 217 References . 218 10 Redundant Robots Stefano Chiaverini, Giuseppe Oriolo, Anthony A. Maciejewski . 221 10.1 Overview . 221 10.2 Task-Oriented Kinematics 224 10.3 Inverse Differential Kinematics . 227 10.4 Redundancy Resolution via Optimization . 232 10.5 Redundancy Resolution via Task Augmentation 233 10.6 Second-Order Redundancy Resolution 236 10.7 Cyclicity . 237 10.8 Fault Tolerance 237 10.9 Conclusion and Further Reading . 239 Video-References . 239 References . 240 11 Robots with Flexible Elements Alessandro De Luca, Wayne J. Book 243 11.1 Robots with Flexible Joints . 244 11.2 Robots with Flexible Links 263 Video-References . 279 References . 279 12 Robotic Systems Architectures and Programming David Kortenkamp, Reid Simmons, Davide Brugali 283 12.1 Overview . 283 12.2 History 285 12.3 Architectural Components 289 12.4 Case Study – GRACE 296 12.5 The Art of Robot Architectures 298 12.6 Implementing Robotic Systems Architectures . 299 12.7 Conclusions and Further Reading 302 Video-References . 302 References . 302 13 Behavior-Based Systems François Michaud, Monica Nicolescu 307 13.1 Robot Control Approaches 308 13.2 Basic Principles of Behavior-Based Systems 310XLVI Contents 13.3 Basis Behaviors 313 13.4 Representation in Behavior-Based Systems . 313 13.5 Learning in Behavior-Based Systems 314 13.6 Applications and Continuing Work . 318 13.7 Conclusions and Further Reading 322 Video-References . 322 References . 323 14 AI Reasoning Methods for Robotics Michael Beetz, Raja Chatila, Joachim Hertzberg, Federico Pecora . 329 14.1 Why Should a Robot Use AI-Type Reasoning? . 330 14.2 Knowledge Representation and Processing . 330 14.3 Reasoning and Decision Making . 338 14.4 Plan-Based Robot Control 346 14.5 Conclusions and Further Reading 351 Video-References . 351 References . 352 15 Robot Learning Jan Peters, Daniel D. Lee, Jens Kober, Duy Nguyen-Tuong, J. Andrew Bagnell, Stefan Schaal 357 15.1 What Is Robot Learning . 358 15.2 Model Learning 360 15.3 Reinforcement Learning 372 15.4 Conclusions 385 Video-References . 386 References . 386 Part B Design 16 Design and Performance Evaluation Jorge Angeles, Frank C. Park 399 16.1 The Robot Design Process . 400 16.2 Workspace Criteria . 401 16.3 Dexterity Indices . 405 16.4 Other Performance Indices . 408 16.5 Other Robot Types . 411 16.6 Summary . 416 References . 416 17 Limbed Systems Shuuji Kajita, Christian Ott . 419 17.1 Design of Limbed Systems 420 17.2 Conceptual Design . 420 17.3 Whole Design Process Example . 423 17.4 Model Induced Design 427 17.5 Various Limbed Systems 434 17.6 Performance Indices 437 Video-References . 439 References . 440Contents XLVII 18 Parallel Mechanisms Jean-Pierre Merlet, Clément Gosselin, Tian Huang . 443 18.1 Definitions . 443 18.2 Type Synthesis of Parallel Mechanisms 445 18.3 Kinematics . 446 18.4 Velocity and Accuracy Analysis . 447 18.5 Singularity Analysis . 448 18.6 Workspace Analysis 450 18.7 Static Analysis . 451 18.8 Dynamic Analysis 452 18.9 Design 452 18.10 Wire-Driven Parallel Robots 453 18.11 Application Examples . 455 18.12 Conclusion and Further Reading . 455 Video-References . 456 References . 456 19 Robot Hands Claudio Melchiorri, Makoto Kaneko 463 19.1 Basic Concepts . 464 19.2 Design of Robot Hands 465 19.3 Technologies for Actuation and Sensing 470 19.4 Modeling and Control of a Robot Hand . 473 19.5 Applications and Trends 477 19.6 Conclusions and Further Reading 478 Video-References . 478 References . 479 20 Snake-Like and Continuum Robots Ian D. Walker, Howie Choset, Gregory S. Chirikjian . 481 20.1 Snake Robots – Short History 481 20.2 Continuum Robots – Short History . 485 20.3 Snake-Like and Continuum Robot Modeling 487 20.4 Modeling of Locomotion for Snake-Like and Continuum Mechanisms . 491 20.5 Conclusion and Extensions to Related Areas 492 Video-References . 492 References . 493 21 Actuators for Soft Robotics Alin Albu-Schäffer, Antonio Bicchi . 499 21.1 Background 500 21.2 Soft Robot Design 502 21.3 Modeling Actuators for Soft Robotics 508 21.4 Modeling Soft Robots . 511 21.5 Stiffness Estimation . 513 21.6 Cartesian Stiffness Control 515 21.7 Periodic Motion Control . 518 21.8 Optimal Control of Soft Robots . 521 21.9 Conclusions and Open Problems . 524XLVIII Contents Video-References . 525 References . 526 22 Modular Robots I-Ming Chen, Mark Yim . 531 22.1 Concepts and Definitions . 531 22.2 Reconfigurable Modular Manipulators 533 22.3 Self-Reconfigurable Modular Robots 535 22.4 Conclusion and Further Reading . 539 Video-References . 540 References . 540 23 Biomimetic Robots Kyu-Jin Cho, Robert Wood 543 23.1 Overview . 544 23.2 Components of Biomimetic Robot Design . 544 23.3 Mechanisms 545 23.4 Material and Fabrication . 561 23.5 Conclusion . 567 Video-References . 568 References . 570 24 Wheeled Robots Woojin Chung, Karl Iagnemma 575 24.1 Overview . 575 24.2 Mobility of Wheeled Robots 576 24.3 Wheeled Robot Structures 582 24.4 Wheel–Terrain Interaction Models . 586 24.5 Wheeled Robot Suspensions . 589 24.6 Conclusions 592 Video-References . 592 References . 593 25 Underwater Robots Hyun-Taek Choi, Junku Yuh 595 25.1 Background 595 25.2 Mechanical Systems . 596 25.3 Power Systems . 599 25.4 Underwater Actuators and Sensors 601 25.5 Computers, Communications, and Architecture . 606 25.6 Underwater Manipulators 614 25.7 Conclusions and Further Reading 617 Video-References . 617 References . 618 26 Flying Robots Stefan Leutenegger, Christoph Hürzeler, Amanda K. Stowers, Kostas Alexis, Markus W. Achtelik, David Lentink, Paul Y. Oh, Roland Siegwart . 623 26.1 Background and History 624 26.2 Characteristics of Aerial Robotics . 625 26.3 Basics of Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics 629 26.4 Airplane Modeling and Design . 641Contents XLIX 26.5 Rotorcraft Modeling and Design 647 26.6 Flapping Wing Modeling and Design 653 26.7 System Integration and Realization 659 26.8 Applications of Aerial Robots . 662 26.9 Conclusions and Further Reading 666 Video-References . 666 References . 667 27 Micro-/Nanorobots Bradley J. Nelson, Lixin Dong, Fumihito Arai . 671 27.1 Overview of Micro- and Nanorobotics . 671 27.2 Scaling 674 27.3 Actuation at the Micro- and Nanoscales 675 27.4 Imaging at the Micro- and Nanoscales 676 27.5 Fabrication . 678 27.6 Microassembly . 681 27.7 Microrobotics 687 27.8 Nanorobotics . 692 27.9 Conclusions 704 Video-References . 704 References . 705 Part C Sensing and Perception 28 Force and Tactile Sensing Mark R. Cutkosky, William Provancher . 717 28.1 Overview . 717 28.2 Sensor Types . 718 28.3 Tactile Information Processing . 725 28.4 Integration Challenges 730 28.5 Conclusions and Future Developments 731 Video-References . 731 References . 731 29 Inertial Sensing, GPS and Odometry Gregory Dudek, Michael Jenkin 737 29.1 Odometry 737 29.2 Gyroscopic Systems 739 29.3 Accelerometers 742 29.4 IMU Packages 743 29.5 Satellite-Based Positioning (GPS and GNSS) 744 29.6 GPS-IMU Integration 749 29.7 Further Reading . 750 29.8 Currently Available Hardware 750 References . 751 30 Sonar Sensing Lindsay Kleeman, Roman Kuc 753 30.1 Sonar Principles . 754 30.2 Sonar Beam Pattern . 756 30.3 Speed of Sound 758L Contents 30.4 Waveforms . 758 30.5 Transducer Technologies 759 30.6 Reflecting Object Models 760 30.7 Artifacts 761 30.8 TOF Ranging 762 30.9 Echo Waveform Coding 765 30.10 Echo Waveform Processing 767 30.11 CTFM Sonar . 769 30.12 Multipulse Sonar 772 30.13 Sonar Rings and Arrays . 773 30.14 Motion Effects . 775 30.15 Biomimetic Sonars 778 30.16 Conclusions 779 Video-References . 780 References . 780 31 Range Sensing Kurt Konolige, Andreas Nüchter 783 31.1 Range Sensing Basics . 783 31.2 Sensor Technologies . 785 31.3 Registration 794 31.4 Navigation and Terrain Classification and Mapping 804 31.5 Conclusions and Further Reading 807 References . 807 32 3-D Vision for Navigation and Grasping Danica Kragic, Kostas Daniilidis . 811 32.1 Geometric Vision 812 32.2 3-D Vision for Grasping . 820 32.3 Conclusion and Further Reading . 822 Video-References . 822 References . 822 33 Visual Object Class Recognition Michael Stark, Bernt Schiele, Aleš Leonardis 825 33.1 Object Classes 825 33.2 Review of the State of the Art 826 33.3 Discussion and Conclusions 837 References . 838 34 Visual Servoing François Chaumette, Seth Hutchinson, Peter Corke . 841 34.1 The Basic Components of Visual Servoing . 842 34.2 Image-Based Visual Servo 843 34.3 Pose-Based Visual Servo 851 34.4 Advanced Approaches . 854 34.5 Performance Optimization and Planning . 856 34.6 Estimation of 3-D Parameters 858 34.7 Determining s and Matching Issues 859 34.8 Target Tracking . 859Contents LI 34.9 Eye-in-Hand and Eye-to-Hand Systems Controlled in the Joint Space . 860 34.10 Under Actuated Robots . 861 34.11 Applications 863 34.12 Conclusions 863 Video-References . 863 References . 863 35 Multisensor Data Fusion Hugh Durrant-Whyte, Thomas C. Henderson 867 35.1 Multisensor Data Fusion Methods 867 35.2 Multisensor Fusion Architectures . 880 35.3 Applications 885 35.4 Conclusions 889 Video-References . 889 References . 890 Part D Manipulation and Interfaces 36 Motion for Manipulation Tasks James Kuffner, Jing Xiao 897 36.1 Overview . 898 36.2 Task-Level Control . 900 36.3 Manipulation Planning . 904 36.4 Assembly Motion 911 36.5 Unifying Feedback Control and Planning 918 36.6 Conclusions and Further Reading 920 Video-References . 923 References . 923 37 Contact Modeling and Manipulation Imin Kao, Kevin M. Lynch, Joel W. Burdick 931 37.1 Overview . 931 37.2 Kinematics of Rigid-Body Contact . 932 37.3 Forces and Friction 936 37.4 Rigid-Body Mechanics with Friction . 939 37.5 Pushing Manipulation 942 37.6 Contact Interfaces and Modeling . 943 37.7 Friction Limit Surface 946 37.8 Contacts in Grasping and Fixture Designs . 949 37.9 Conclusions and Further Reading 950 Video-References . 951 References . 951 38 Grasping Domenico Prattichizzo, Jeffrey C. Trinkle . 955 38.1 Models and Definitions . 956 38.2 Controllable Twists and Wrenches . 961 38.3 Compliant Grasps 965 38.4 Restraint Analysis . 967LII Contents 38.5 Examples . 975 38.6 Conclusion and Further Reading . 985 Video-References . 986 References . 986 39 Cooperative Manipulation Fabrizio Caccavale, Masaru Uchiyama . 989 39.1 Historical Overview 990 39.2 Kinematics and Statics 991 39.3 Cooperative Task Space 995 39.4 Dynamics and Load Distribution . 996 39.5 Task-Space Analysis . 998 39.6 Control 999 39.7 Conclusions and Further Reading 1003 Video-References . 1004 References . 1004 40 Mobility and Manipulation Oliver Brock, Jaeheung Park, Marc Toussaint . 1007 40.1 Grasping and Manipulation 1009 40.2 Control 1013 40.3 Motion Generation 1017 40.4 Learning 1021 40.5 Perception . 1025 40.6 Conclusions and Further Reading 1029 Video-References . 1029 References . 1030 41 Active Manipulation for Perception Anna Petrovskaya, Kaijen Hsiao 1037 41.1 Perception via Manipulation . 1037 41.2 Object Localization 1038 41.3 Learning About an Object . 1049 41.4 Recognition 1054 41.5 Conclusions 1057 Video-References . 1058 References . 1058 42 Haptics Blake Hannaford, Allison M. Okamura 1063 42.1 Overview . 1064 42.2 Haptic Device Design 1068 42.3 Haptic Rendering 1071 42.4 Control and Stability of Force Feedback Interfaces . 1073 42.5 Other Types of Haptic Interfaces 1075 42.6 Conclusions and Further Reading 1079 References . 1079 43 Telerobotics Günter Niemeyer, Carsten Preusche, Stefano Stramigioli, Dongjun Lee . 1085 43.1 Overview and Terminology . 1085Contents LIII 43.2 Telerobotic Systems and Applications . 1087 43.3 Control Architectures 1090 43.4 Bilateral Control and Force Feedback 1095 43.5 Emerging Applications of Telerobotics . 1101 43.6 Conclusions and Further Reading 1104 Video-References . 1104 References . 1105 44 Networked Robots Dezhen Song, Ken Goldberg, Nak-Young Chong 1109 44.1 Overview and Background 1109 44.2 A Brief History . 1110 44.3 Communications and Networking . 1112 44.4 Properties of Networked Robots . 1115 44.5 Cloud Robotics . 1121 44.6 Conclusion and Future Directions 1125 Video-References . 1126 References . 1126 Part E Moving in the Environment 45 World Modeling Wolfram Burgard, Martial Hebert, Maren Bennewitz . 1135 45.1 Historical Overview 1136 45.2 Models for Indoors and Structured Environments 1137 45.3 World and Terrain Models for Natural Environments . 1141 45.4 Dynamic Environments . 1149 45.5 Summary and Further Reading . 1149 Video-References . 1150 References . 1150 46 Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Cyrill Stachniss, John J. Leonard, Sebastian Thrun . 1153 46.1 SLAM: Problem Definition . 1154 46.2 The Three Main SLAM Paradigms . 1157 46.3 Visual and RGB-D SLAM . 1166 46.4 Conclusion and Future Challenges . 1169 Video-References . 1170 References . 1171 47 Motion Planning and Obstacle Avoidance Javier Minguez, Florant Lamiraux, Jean-Paul Laumond . 1177 47.1 Nonholonomic Mobile Robots: Where Motion Planning Meets Control Theory 1178 47.2 Kinematic Constraints and Controllability . 1179 47.3 Motion Planning and Small-Time Controllability . 1180 47.4 Local Steering Methods and Small-Time Controllability 1181 47.5 Robots and Trailers 1184 47.6 Approximate Methods 1186 47.7 From Motion Planning to Obstacle Avoidance 1187LIV Contents 47.8 Definition of Obstacle Avoidance 1187 47.9 Obstacle Avoidance Techniques 1188 47.10 Robot Shape, Kinematics, and Dynamics in Obstacle Avoidance 1194 47.11 Integration Planning – Reaction . 1196 47.12 Conclusions, Future Directions, and Further Reading 1198 Video-References . 1199 References . 1199 48 Modeling and Control of Legged Robots Pierre-Brice Wieber, Russ Tedrake, Scott Kuindersma 1203 48.1 A Brief History of Legged Robots . 1204 48.2 The Dynamics of Legged Locomotion 1204 48.3 Stability Analysis – Not Falling Down 1209 48.4 Generation of Dynamic Walking and Running Motions 1214 48.5 Motion and Force Control . 1222 48.6 Towards More Efficient Walking 1225 48.7 Different Contact Behaviors . 1227 48.8 Conclusion . 1228 References . 1228 49 Modeling and Control of Wheeled Mobile Robots Claude Samson, Pascal Morin, Roland Lenain 1235 49.1 Background 1236 49.2 Control Models . 1238 49.3 Adaptation of Control Methods for Holonomic Systems 1240 49.4 Methods Specific to Nonholonomic Systems 1241 49.5 Path Following in the Case of Nonideal Wheel-Ground Contact 1255 49.6 Complementary Issues and Bibliographical Guide . 1261 Video-References . 1263 References . 1263 50 Modeling and Control of Robots on Rough Terrain Keiji Nagatani, Genya Ishigami, Yoshito Okada 1267 50.1 Overview . 1268 50.2 Modeling of Wheeled Robot in Rough Terrain 1270 50.3 Control of Wheeled Robot in Rough Terrain . 1274 50.4 Modeling of Tracked Vehicle on Rough Terrain 1276 50.5 Stability Analysis of Tracked Vehicles 1278 50.6 Control of Tracked Vehicle on Rough Terrain 1279 50.7 Summary . 1281 Video-References . 1281 References . 1282 51 Modeling and Control of Underwater Robots Gianluca Antonelli, Thor I. Fossen, Dana R. Yoerger . 1285 51.1 The Expanding Role of Marine Robotics in Oceanic Engineering 1285 51.2 Underwater Robotics 1287 51.3 Applications 1302 51.4 Conclusions and Further Reading 1303 Video-References . 1304 References . 1304Contents LV 52 Modeling and Control of Aerial Robots Robert Mahony, Randal W. Beard, Vijay Kumar 1307 52.1 Overview . 1307 52.2 Modeling Aerial Robotic Vehicles 1309 52.3 Control 1316 52.4 Trajectory Planning 1324 52.5 Estimating the Vehicle State 1328 52.6 Conclusion . 1330 Video-References . 1331 References . 1331 53 Multiple Mobile Robot Systems Lynne E. Parker, Daniela Rus, Gaurav S. Sukhatme . 1335 53.1 History 1336 53.2 Architectures for Multirobot Systems . 1337 53.3 Communication 1339 53.4 Networked Mobile Robots 1340 53.5 Swarm Robots . 1351 53.6 Modular Robotics 1354 53.7 Heterogeneity 1357 53.8 Task Allocation . 1359 53.9 Learning 1361 53.10 Applications 1362 53.11 Conclusions and Further Reading 1366 Video-References . 1366 References . 1367 Part F Robots at Work 54 Industrial Robotics Martin Hägele, Klas Nilsson, J. Norberto Pires, Rainer Bischoff . 1385 54.1 Industrial Robotics: The Main Driver for Robotics Research and Application . 1386 54.2 A Short History of Industrial Robots . 1386 54.3 Industrial Robot Kinematics 1392 54.4 Typical Industrial Robot Applications 1393 54.5 Safe Human–Robot Collaboration . 1405 54.6 Task Descriptions – Teaching and Programming 1409 54.7 System Integration 1414 54.8 Outlook and Long-Term Challenges 1416 Video-References . 1418 References . 1418 55 Space Robotics Kazuya Yoshida, Brian Wilcox, Gerd Hirzinger, Roberto Lampariello . 1423 55.1 Historical Developments and Advances of Orbital Robotic Systems . 1424 55.2 Historical Developments and Advances of Surface Robotic Systems. 1430 55.3 Mathematical Modeling . 1437 55.4 Future Directions of Orbital and Surface Robotic Systems 1452 55.5 Conclusions and Further Reading 1457LVI Contents Video-References . 1457 References . 1458 56 Robotics in Agriculture and Forestry Marcel Bergerman, John Billingsley, John Reid, Eldert van Henten . 1463 56.1 Section Scope 1464 56.2 Challenges and Opportunities 1465 56.3 Case Studies 1467 56.4 Conclusion . 1487 Video-References . 1488 References . 1489 57 Robotics in Construction Kamel S. Saidi, Thomas Bock, Christos Georgoulas . 1493 57.1 Overview . 1494 57.2 Offsite Applications of Robotics in Construction 1499 57.3 Onsite Applications of Single Task Construction Robots 1504 57.4 Integrated Robotized Construction Sites . 1511 57.5 Currently Unsolved Technical Problems 1514 57.6 Future Directions 1516 57.7 Conclusions and Further Reading 1516 Video-References . 1517 References . 1517 58 Robotics in Hazardous Applications James Trevelyan, William R. Hamel, Sung-Chul Kang 1521 58.1 Operation in Hazardous Environments: The Need for a Robotics Solution 1521 58.2 Applications 1523 58.3 Enabling Technologies 1537 58.4 Conclusions and Further Reading 1544 Video-References . 1545 References . 1546 59 Robotics in Mining Joshua A. Marshall, Adrian Bonchis, Eduardo Nebot, Steven Scheding 1549 59.1 Modern Mining Practice . 1550 59.2 Surface Mining . 1552 59.3 Underground Mining 1562 59.4 Challenges and Industry Acceptance 1568 59.5 Challenges, Outlook, and Conclusion 1569 Video-References . 1571 References . 1572 60 Disaster Robotics Robin R. Murphy, Satoshi Tadokoro, Alexander Kleiner 1577 60.1 Overview . 1578 60.2 Disaster Characteristics and Impact on Robots 1581 60.3 Robots Actually Used at Disasters 1582 60.4 Robots at the Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident . 1588 60.5 Lessons Learned, Challenges, and Novel Approaches 1591Contents LVII 60.6 Evaluation . 1598 60.7 Conclusions and Further Reading 1600 Video-References . 1601 References . 1601 61 Robot Surveillance and Security Wendell H. Chun, Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos 1605 61.1 Overview . 1605 61.2 Application Domains 1607 61.3 Enabling Technologies 1608 61.4 Active Research 1617 61.5 Conclusion . 1622 Video-References . 1623 References . 1623 62 Intelligent Vehicles Alberto Broggi, Alex Zelinsky, Ümit Özgüner, Christian Laugier . 1627 62.1 The Motivation and Approaches to Intelligent Vehicles 1628 62.2 Enabling Technologies 1632 62.3 Road Scene Understanding . 1635 62.4 Advanced Driver Assistance . 1639 62.5 Driver Monitoring 1645 62.6 Towards Fully Autonomous Vehicles 1647 62.7 Future Trends and Prospects . 1650 62.8 Conclusions and Further Reading 1651 Video-References . 1651 References . 1652 63 Medical Robotics and Computer-Integrated Surgery Russell H. Taylor, Arianna Menciassi, Gabor Fichtinger, Paolo Fiorini, Paolo Dario 1657 63.1 Core Concepts 1658 63.2 Technology . 1662 63.3 Systems, Research Areas, and Applications . 1667 63.4 Conclusion and Future Directions 1675 Video-References . 1676 References . 1676 64 Rehabilitation and Health Care Robotics H.F. Machiel Van der Loos, David J. Reinkensmeyer, Eugenio Guglielmelli . 1685 64.1 Overview . 1686 64.2 Rehabilitation Therapy and Training Robots 1692 64.3 Aids for People with Disabilities . 1703 64.4 Smart Prostheses and Orthoses 1711 64.5 Augmentation for Diagnosis and Monitoring . 1713 64.6 Safety, Ethics, Access and Economics 1715 64.7 Conclusions and Further Readings . 1716 Video-References . 1717 References . 1718LVIII Contents 65 Domestic Robotics Erwin Prassler, Mario E. Munich, Paolo Pirjanian, Kazuhiro Kosuge 1729 65.1 Mobile Domestic Robotics 1730 65.2 Enabling Technologies 1747 65.3 Smart Homes 1754 Video-References . 1757 References . 1757 66 Robotics Competitions and Challenges Daniele Nardi, Jonathan Roberts, Manuela Veloso, Luke Fletcher . 1759 66.1 Introduction . 1760 66.2 Overview . 1760 66.3 Competitions Inspired by Human Competitions 1762 66.4 Task-Oriented Competitions 1769 66.5 Conclusion and Further Reading . 1780 Video-References . 1781 References . 1781 Part G Robots and Humans 67 Humanoids Paul Fitzpatrick, Kensuke Harada, Charles C. Kemp, Yoshio Matsumoto, Kazuhito Yokoi, Eiichi Yoshida . 1789 67.1 Why Humanoids? 1789 67.2 History 1792 67.3 What to Immitate? 1794 67.4 Locomotion 1795 67.5 Whole-Body Activities 1801 67.6 Morphological Communication . 1809 67.7 Conclusions and Further Reading 1813 Video-References . 1813 References . 1813 68 Human Motion Reconstruction Katsu Yamane, Wataru Takano . 1819 68.1 Overview . 1819 68.2 Models and Computations 1820 68.3 Reconstruction for Understanding . 1825 68.4 Reconstruction for Robots 1829 Video-References . 1830 References . 1831 69 Physical Human–Robot Interaction Sami Haddadin, Elizabeth Croft 1835 69.1 Classification . 1836 69.2 Human Safety 1839 69.3 Human-Friendly Robot Design . 1847 69.4 Control for Physical Interaction 1853 69.5 Motion Planning for Human Environments . 1859 69.6 Interaction Planning 1862Contents LIX 69.7 Conclusions and Challenges 1867 Video-References . 1868 References . 1869 70 Human–Robot Augmentation Massimo Bergamasco, Hugh Herr 1875 70.1 Concept and Definitions 1876 70.2 Upper Limb Wearable Systems . 1877 70.3 Lower Limb Wearable Systems 1882 70.4 Whole Body Wearable Systems . 1889 70.5 Control of Human–Robot Augmentation Systems 1892 70.6 Conclusions and Further Developments . 1902 Video-References . 1902 References . 1902 71 Cognitive Human–Robot Interaction Bilge Mutlu, Nicholas Roy, Selma Šabanović 1907 71.1 Human Models of Interaction 1908 71.2 Robot Models of Interaction 1914 71.3 Models of Human–Robot Interaction 1916 71.4 Conclusion and Further Reading . 1927 Video-References . 1927 References . 1928 72 Social Robotics Cynthia Breazeal, Kerstin Dautenhahn, Takayuki Kanda . 1935 72.1 Overview . 1936 72.2 Social Robot Embodiment 1936 72.3 Social Robots and Social-Emotional Intelligence . 1938 72.4 Socio-Cognitive Skills . 1941 72.5 Human Social Responses to Social Robots . 1944 72.6 Social Robots and Communication Skills 1946 72.7 Long-Term Interaction with Robot Companions 1950 72.8 Tactile Interaction with Social Robots . 1954 72.9 Social Robots and Teamwork . 1958 72.10 Conclusion . 1959 72.11 Further Reading . 1960 Video-References . 1960 References . 1961 73 Socially Assistive Robotics Maja J. Matarić, Brian Scassellati 1973 73.1 Overview . 1973 73.2 The Need for Socially Assistive Robotics . 1974 73.3 Advantages of Embodied Robots over Virtual Agents 1975 73.4 Motivation, Autonomy, and Companionship 1977 73.5 Influence and the Dynamics of Assistive Interaction . 1978 73.6 Personalization and Adaptation to Specific Needs and Abilities 1978 73.7 Creating Long-Term Engagement and Behaviour Change 1979 73.8 SAR for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Therapy . 1980 73.9 SAR Supporting Rehabilitation . 1982LX Contents 73.10 SAR and Eldercare . 1985 73.11 SAR for Alzheimer’s Dementia and Cognitive Rehabilitation 1986 73.12 Ethical and Safety Considerations 1987 References . 1988 74 Learning from Humans Aude G. Billard, Sylvain Calinon, Rüdiger Dillmann 1995 74.1 Learning of Robots 1995 74.2 Key Issues When Learning from Human Demonstrations 1998 74.3 Interfaces for Demonstration . 2000 74.4 Algorithms to Learn from Humans . 2002 74.5 Conclusions and Open Issues in Robot LfD 2008 Video-References . 2009 References . 2009 75 Biologically Inspired Robotics Fumiya Iida, Auke Jan Ijspeert . 2015 75.1 General Background . 2016 75.2 Methodology . 2017 75.3 Case Studies 2021 75.4 Landscape of Bio-Inspired Robotics Research and Challenges 2026 75.5 Conclusion . 2028 Video-References . 2028 References . 2029 76 Evolutionary Robotics Stefano Nolfi, Josh Bongard, Phil Husbands, Dario Floreano 2035 76.1 Method . 2036 76.2 First Steps 2036 76.3 Simulation and Reality 2040 76.4 Behavior as a Complex Adaptive System 2041 76.5 Evolving Bodies 2044 76.6 Seeing the Light . 2046 76.7 Computational Neuroethology . 2049 76.8 Evolution and Learning . 2054 76.9 Evolution of Social Behavior 2057 76.10 Evolutionary Hardware . 2060 76.11 Closing Remarks . 2061 Video-References . 2061 References . 2062 77 Neurorobotics: From Vision to Action Patrick van der Smagt, Michael A. Arbib, Giorgio Metta . 2069 77.1 Definitions and History . 2070 77.2 The Case for Vision 2071 77.3 Vertebrate Motor Control 2075 77.4 The Role of Mirror Systems 2082 77.5 Conclusion and Further Reading . 2089 References . 2090Contents LXI 78 Perceptual Robotics Heinrich Bülthoff, Christian Wallraven, Martin A. Giese 2095 78.1 Perceptual Mechanisms of Object Representations . 2097 78.2 Perceptual Mechanisms of Action Representation 2103 78.3 Perceptual Validation of Robotics 2107 78.4 Conclusion and Further Reading . 2108 Video-References . 2109 References . 2109 79 Robotics for Education David P. Miller, Illah Nourbakhsh 2115 79.1 The Role of Robots in Education . 2116 79.2 Educational Robot Tournaments . 2117 79.3 Education Robot Platforms . 2120 79.4 Education Robot Controllers and Programming Environments 2123 79.5 Robotic Technologies for Student Learning 2127 79.6 Educational Evaluation of Robot Programs 2129 79.7 Conclusions and Further Reading 2131 Video-References . 2131 References . 2131 80 Roboethics: Social and Ethical Implications Gianmarco Veruggio, Fiorella Operto, George Bekey . 2135 80.1 A Methodological Note 2137 80.2 Specificity of Robotics . 2138 80.3 Cultural Differences in the Acceptance of Robots . 2138 80.4 Roboethics Foreshadowed in the Literature 2139 80.5 And Expressed in Real Robotics 2139 80.6 Ethics in Science and Technology 2140 80.7 Ethical Issues in an ICT Society . 2143 80.8 Human Principles and Rights 2144 80.9 Legal Issues in Robotics . 2146 80.10 Roboethics Taxonomy . 2147 80.11 Roboethics Enforced: From Ideals to Rules 2156 80.12 Conclusions and Further Reading 2157 Video-References . 2158 References . 2159 Erratum to: Physical Human–Robot Interaction Sami Haddadin, Elizabeth Croft E1 Acknowledgements 2161 About the Authors 2163 Index 2197LXIII List of Abbreviations Symbols k-NN k-nearest neighbor 0-D zero-dimensional 1-D one-dimensional 2-D two-dimensional 2.5-D two-and-a-half-dimensional 3-D three-dimensional 3-D-NDT three-dimensional normal distributions transform 4-D four-dimensional 4WD four wheel drive 6-D six-dimensional 6R six-revolute 7R seven-revolute A A&F agriculture and forestry AA agonist–antagonist AAAI American Association for Artificial Intelligence AAAI Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence AAL ambient assisted living ABA articulated-body algorithm ABF artificial bacterial flagella ABRT automated bus rapid transit ABS acrylonitrile–butadiene–styrene AC aerodynamic center AC alternating current ACARP Australian Coal Association Research Program ACBS automatic constructions building system ACC adaptive cruise control ACFV autonomous combat flying vehicle ACM active chord mechanism ACM active cord mechanism ACT anatomically correct testbed ADAS advanced driving assistance system ADC analog digital conveter ADCP acoustic Doppler current profiler ADL activities for daily living ADSL asymmetric digital subscriber line AFC alkaline fuel cell AFC armoured (or articulated) face conveyor AFM atomic force microscope AFV autonomous flying vehicle AGV autonomous guided vehicle AGV automated guided vehicle AHRS attitude and heading reference system AHS advanced highway system AI artificial intelligence AIAA American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics AIM assembly incidence matrix AIP air-independent power AIP anterior intraparietal sulcus AIP anterior interparietal area AIS artificial intelligence system AIST Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology AIST Japan National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology AIST National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (Japan) AIT anterior inferotemporal cortex ALEX active leg exoskeleton AM actuator for manipulation AMASC actuator with mechanically adjustable series compliance AMC Association for Computing Machinery AMD autonomous mental development AMM audio-motor map ANN artificial neural network AO Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Ostheosynthesefragen AOA angle of attack AP antipersonnel APF annealed particle filter APG adjustable pattern generator API application programming interface APOC allowing dynamic selection and changes AR autoregressive aRDnet agile robot development network ARM Acorn RISC machine architecture ARM assistive robot service manipulator ARX auto regressive estimator ASAP adaptive sampling and prediction ASCII American standard code for information interchange ASD autism spectrum disorder ASIC application-specific integrated circuit ASIC application-specific feature transform ASIMO advanced step in innovative mobility ASK amplitude shift keying ASL autonomous systems laboratoryLXIV List of Abbreviations ASM advanced servomanipulator ASN active sensor network ASR automatic spoken-language recognition ASR automatic speech recognition ASTRO autonomous space transport robotic operations ASV adaptive suspension vehicle ASyMTRe automated synthesis of multirobot task solutions through software reconfiguration AT anti-tank mine ATHLETE all-terrain hex-legged extra-terrestrial explorer ATLANTIS a three layer architecture for navigating through intricate situations ATLSS advanced technology for large structural systems ATR automatic target recognition AuRA autonomous robot architecture AUV autonomous underwater vehicle AUV autonomous aquatic vehicle AUVAC Autonomous Undersea Vehicles Application Center AUVSI Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International AV anti-vehicle B B/S browser/server B2B business to business BCI brain-computer interface BE body extender BEMT blade element momentum theory BEST boosting engineering science and technology BET blade element theory BFA bending fluidic actuator BFP best-first-planner BI brain imaging BIP behavior-interaction-priority BLE broadcast of local eligibility BLEEX Berkely exoskeleton BLUE best linear unbiased estimator BML behavior mark-up language BMS battery management system BN Bayesian network BOM bill of material BOw bag-of-word BP behavior primitive BP base plate BRICS best practice in robotics BRT bus rapid transit BWSTT body-weight supported treadmill training C C cylindrical joint C/A coarse-acquisition C/S client/server CA collision avoidance CACC cooperative adaptive cruise control CAD computer-aided drafting CAD computer-aided design CAE computer-aided engineering CALM communication access for land mobiles CAM computer-aided manufacturing CAN controller area network CARD computer-aided remote driving CARE coordination action for robotics in Europe CASA Civil Aviation Safety Authority CASALA Centre for Affective Solutions for Ambient Living Awareness CASPER continuous activity scheduling, planning, execution and replanning CAT collision avoidance technology CAT computer-aided tomography CB computional brain CB cluster bomb CBRNE chemical, biological, nuclear, radiological, or explosive CC compression criterion CCD charge-coupled device CCD charge-coupled detector CCI control command interpreter CCP coverage configuration protocol CCT conservative congruence transformation CCW counterclockwise CC&D camouflage, concealment, and deception CD collision detection CD committee draft CD compact disc CDC cardinal direction calculus CDOM colored dissolved organic matter CE computer ethic CEA Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique CEA Atomic Energy Commission CEBOT cellular robotic system CEC Congress on Evolutionary Computation CEPE Computer Ethics Philosophical Enquiry CES Consumer Electronics Show CF carbon fiber CF contact formation CF climbing fiber CFD computational fluid dynamicsList of Abbreviations LXV CFRP carbon fiber reinforced prepreg CFRP carbon fiber reinforced plastic CG center of gravity CG computer graphics CGI common gateway interface CHMM coupled hidden Markov model CHMM continuous hidden Markov model CIC computer integrated construction CIE International Commission on Illumination CIP Children’s Innovation Project CIRCA cooperative intelligent real-time control architecture CIS computer-integrated surgery CLARAty coupled layered architecture for robot autonomy CLEaR closed-loop execution and recovery CLIK closed-loop inverse kinematics CMAC cerebellar model articulation controller CMCs ceramic matrix composite CML concurrent mapping and localization CMM coordinate measurement machine CMOMMT cooperative multirobot observation of multiple moving target CMOS complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor CMP centroid moment pivot CMTE Cooperative Research Centre for Mining Technology and Equipment CMU Carnegie Mellon University CNC computer numerical control CNN convolutional neural network CNP contract net protocol CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNT carbon nanotube COCO common objects in context COG center of gravity COM center of mass COMAN compliant humanoid platform COMEST Commission mondiale d’éthique des connaissances scientifiques et des technologies COMINT communication intelligence CONE Collaborative Observatory for Nature Environments COP center of pressure CoP center of pressure COR center of rotation CORBA common object request broker architecture CORS continuous operating reference station COT cost of transport COTS commercial off-the-shelf COV characteristic output vector CP complementarity problem CP capture point CP continuous path CP cerebral palsy CPG central pattern generation CPG central pattern generator CPS cyber physical system CPSR Computer Professional for Social Responsibility CPU central processing unit CRASAR Center for Robot-Assisted Search and Rescue CRBA composite-rigid-body algorithm CRF conditional random field CRLB Cramér–Rao lower bound CSAIL Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation CSMA carrier-sense multiple-access CSP constraint satisfaction problem CSSF Canadian Scientific Submersile Facility CT computed tomography CTFM continuous-transmission frequency modulation CU control unit cv-SLAM ceiling vision SLAM CVD chemical vapor deposition CVIS cooperative vehicle infrastructure system CVT continuous variable transmission CW clockwise CWS contact wrench sum D D distal D/A digital-to-analog DAC digital analog converter DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency DARS distributed autonomous robotic systems DBN dynamic Bayesian network DBN deep belief network DC disconnected DC direct current DC dynamic constrained DCS dynamic covariance scaling DCT discrete cosine transform DD differentially driven DDD dangerous, dirty, and dreary DDF decentralized data fusion DDP differential dynamic programmingLXVI List of Abbreviations DDS data distribution service DEA differential elastic actuator DEM discrete element method DFA design for assembly DFRA distributed field robot architecture DFT discrete Fourier transform DGPS differential global positioning system DH Denavit–Hartenberg DHMM discrete hidden Markov model DHS US Department of Homeland Security DIRA distributed robot architecture DIST Dipartmento di Informatica Sistemica e Telematica DL description logic DLR Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt DLR German Aerospace Center DMFC direct methanol fuel cell DMP dynamic movement primitive DNA deoxyribonucleic acid DNF dynamic neural field DOD Department of Defense DOF degree of freedom DOG difference of Gaussian DOP dilution of precision DPC dynamic partially constrained DPLL Davis–Putnam algorithm DPM deformable part model DPN dip-pen nanolithography DPSK differential phase shift keying DRIE deep reactive ion etching DSM dynamic state machine DSO Defense Sciences Office DSP digital signal processor DSRC dedicated short-range communications DU dynamic unconstrained DVL Doppler velocity log DWA dynamic window approach DWDM dense wave division multiplex D&D deactivation and decommissioning E e-beam electron-beam EAP electroactive polymer EBA energy bounding algorithm EBA extrastriate body part area EBID electron-beam induced deposition EC externally connected EC exteroception ECAI European Conference on Artificial Intelligence ECD eddy current damper ECEF earth-centred, earth-fixed ECER European Conference on Educational Robotics ECG electrocardiogram ECU electronics controller unit EDM electrical discharge machining EE end-effector EEG electroencephalography EGNOS European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service EHC enhanced horizon control EHPA exoskeleton for human performance augmentation EKF extended Kalman filter ELS ethical, legal and societal EM expectation maximization emf electromotive force EMG electromyography EMIB emotion, motivation and intentional behavior EMS electrical master–slave manipulator EO electrooptical EO elementary operator EOA end of arm EOD explosive ordnance disposal EP exploratory procedure EP energy packet EPFL Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne EPP extended physiological proprioception EPS expandable polystyrene ER electrorheological ER evolutionary robotics ERA European robotic arm ERP enterprise resource planning ERSP evolution robotics software platform ES electrical stimulation ESA European Space Agency ESC electronic speed controller ESL execution support language ESM energy stability margin ESM electric support measure ETL Electro-Technical Laboratory ETS-VII Engineering Test Satellite VII EU European Union EURON European Robotics Research Network EVA extravehicular activity EVRYON evolving morphologies for human–robot symbiotic interaction F F5 frontal area 5 FAA Federal Aviation Administration FAO Food and Agriculture OrganizationList of Abbreviations LXVII FARS Fagg–Arbib–Rizzolatti–Sakata FARSA framework for autonomous robotics simulation and analysis fastSLAM fast simultaneous localization and mapping FB-EHPA full-body EHPA FCU flight control-unit FD friction damper FDA US Food and Drug Association FDM fused deposition modeling FE finite element FEA finite element analysis FEM finite element method FESEM field-emission SEM FF fast forward FFI Norwegian defense research establishment FFT fast Fourier transform FIFO first-in first-out FIRA Federation of International Robot-soccer Association FIRRE family of integrated rapid response equipment FIRST For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology Fl-UAS flapping wing unmanned aerial system FLIR forward looking infrared FMBT feasible minimum buffering time FMCW frequency modulation continuous wave fMRI functional magnetic resonance imaging FMS flexible manufacturing system FNS functional neural stimulation FOA focus of attention FOG fiber-optic gyro FOPEN foliage penetration FOPL first-order predicate logic FOV field of view FP fusion primitive FPGA field-programmable gate array FR false range FRI foot rotation indicator FRP fiber-reinforced plastics FRP fiber-reinforced prepreg fs force sensor FSA finite-state acceptor FSK frequency shift keying FSR force sensing resistor FSW friction stir welding FTTH fiber to the home FW fixed-wing G GA genetic algorithm GAPP goal as parallel programs GARNICS gardening with a cognitive system GAS global asymptotic stability GBAS ground based augmentation system GCDC Grand Cooperative Driving Challenge GCER Global Conference on Educational Robotics GCR goal-contact relaxation GCS ground control station GDP gross domestic product GenoM generator of modules GEO geostationary Earth orbit GF grapple fixture GFRP glass-fiber reinforced plastic GI gastrointestinal GIB GPS intelligent buoys GICHD Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining GID geometric intersection data GIE generalized-inertia ellipsoid GIS geographic information system GJM generalized Jacobian matrix GLONASS globalnaya navigatsionnaya sputnikovaya sistema GLS global navigation satellite system GMAW gas-shielded metal arc welding GMM Gaussian mixture model GMSK Gaussian minimum shift keying GMTI ground moving target indicator GNC guidance, navigation, and control GO golgi tendon organ GP Gaussian process GPCA generalized principal component analysis GPRS general packet radio service GPS global positioning system GPU graphics processing unit GRAB guaranteed recursive adaptive bounding GRACE graduate robot attending conference GraWoLF gradient-based win or learn fast GSD geon structural description GSN gait sensitivity norm GSP Gough–Stewart platform GUI graphical user interface GV ground vehicle GVA gross value added GZMP generalized ZMP H H helical joint HAL hybrid assistive limb HAMMER hierarchical attentive multiple models for execution and recognitionLXVIII List of Abbreviations HASY hand arm system HBBA hybrid behavior-based architecture HCI human–computer interaction HD high definition HD haptic device HD-SDI high-definition serial digital interface HDSL high data rate digital subscriber line HE hand exoskeleton HF hard finger HF histogram filter HFAC high frequency alternating current HHMM hierarchical hidden Markov model HIC head injury criterion HIII Hybrid III dummy HIP haptic interaction point HJB Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman HJI Hamilton–Jacobi–Isaac HMCS human–machine cooperative system HMD head-mounted display HMDS hexamethyldisilazane HMI human–machine interaction HMI human–machine interface HMM hidden Markov model HO human operator HOG histogram of oriented gradient HOG histogram of oriented features HPC high-performance computing HRI human–robot interaction HRI/OS HRI operating system HRP humanoid robotics project HRR high resolution radar HRTEM high-resolution transmission electron microscope HSGR high safety goal HST Hubble space telescope HSTAMIDS handheld standoff mine detection system HSWR high safety wide region HTAS high tech automotive system HTML hypertext markup language HTN hierarchical task network HTTP hypertext transmission protocol HW/SW hardware/software I I/O input/output I3CON industrialized, integrated, intelligent, construction IA interval algebra IA instantaneous allocation IAA interaction agent IAB International Association of Bioethics IACAP International Association for Computing and Philosophy IAD interaural amplitude difference IAD intelligent assisting device IARC International Aerial Robotics Competition IAS intelligent autonomous system IBVS image-based visual servo control IC integrated chip IC integrated circuit ICA independent component analysis ICAPS International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling ICAR International Conference on Advanced Robotics ICBL International Campaign to Ban Landmines ICC instantaneous center of curvature ICE internet communications engine ICP iterative closest point ICR instantaneous center of rotation ICRA International Conference on Robotics and Automation ICT information and communication technology ID inside diameter ID identifier IDE integrated development environment IDL interface definition language IE information ethics IED improvised explosive device IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEKF iterated extended Kalman filter IETF internet engineering task force IFA Internationale Funk Ausstellung IFOG interferometric fiber-optic gyro IFR International Federation of Robotics IFREMER Institut français de recherche pour l’exploitation de la mer IFRR International Foundation of Robotics Research IFSAR interferometric SAR IHIP intermediate haptic interaction point IIR infinite impulse response IIS Internet Information Services IIT Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia IJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence IK inverse kinematics ILLS instrumented logical sensor system ILO International Labor Organization ILQR iterative linear quadratic regulator IM injury measure IMAV International Micro Air Vehicles IMTS intelligent multimode transit systemList of Abbreviations LXIX IMU inertial measurement unit INS inertia navigation system INS inertial navigation system IO input output IO inferior olive IOSS input-output-to-state stability IP internet protocol IP interphalangeal IPA Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPC interprocess communication IPC international AI planning competition IPMC ionic polymer-metal composite IPR intellectual property right IR infrared IRB Institutional Review Board IREDES International Rock Excavation Data Exchange Standard IRL in real life IRL inverse reinforcement learning IRLS iteratively reweighted least square IRNSS Indian regional navigational satellite system IROS Intelligent Robots and Systems IS importance sampling ISA industrial standard architecture ISA international standard atmosphere ISAR inverse SAR ISDN integrated services digital network ISE international submarine engineering ISER International Symposium on Experimental Robotics ISM implicit shape model ISO International Organization for Standardization ISP Internet service provider ISR intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance ISRR International Symposium of Robotics Research ISS international space station ISS input-to-state stability IST Instituto Superior Técnico IST Information Society Technologies IT intrinsic tactile IT information technology IT inferotemporal cortex ITD interaural time difference IU interaction unit IV instrumental variable IvP interval programming IWS intelligent wheelchair system IxTeT indexed time table J JAEA Japan Atomic Energy Agency JAMSTEC Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology JAMSTEC Japan Marine Science and Technology Center JAUS joint architecture for unmanned systems JAXA Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency JDL joint directors of laboratories JEM Japan Experiment Module JEMRMS Japanese experiment module remote manipulator system JHU Johns Hopkins University JND just noticeable difference JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory JPS jigsaw positioning system JSC Johnson Space Center JSIM joint-space inertia matrix JSP Java server pages K KAIST Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology KERS kinetic energy recovery system KIPR KISS Institute for Practical Robotics KLD Kullback–Leibler divergence KNN k-nearest neighbor KR knowledge representation KRISO Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering L L/D lift-to-drag LAAS Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems LADAR laser radar LAGR learning applied to ground robots LARC Lie algebra rank condition LARS Laparoscopic Assistant Robotic System LASC Longwall Automation Steering Committee LBL long-baseline system LCAUV long-range cruising AUV LCC life-cycle-costing LCD liquid-crystal display LCM light-weight communications and marshalling LCP linear complementarity problem LCSP linear constraint satisfaction program LDA latent Dirichlet allocation LED light-emitting diodeLXX List of Abbreviations LENAR lower extremity nonanthropomorphic robot LEO low Earth orbit LEV leading edge vortex LfD learning from demonstration LGN lateral geniculate nucleus LHD load haul-dump LIDAR light detection and ranging LIGA Lithographie, Galvanoumformung, Abformung LIP linear inverted pendulum LIP lateral intraparietal sulcus LiPo lithium polymer LLC locality constrained linear coding LMedS least median of squares LMS laser measurement system LOG Laplacian of Gaussian LOPES lower extremity powered exoskeleton LOS line-of-sight LP linear program LQG linear quadratic Gaussian LQR linear quadratic regulator LSS logical sensor system LSVM latent support vector machine LtA lighter-than-air LtA-UAS lighter-than-air system LTL linear temporal logic LVDT linear variable differential transformer LWR light-weight robot M MACA Afghanistan Mine Action Center MACCEPA mechanically adjustable compliance and controllable equilibrium position actuator MAP maximum a posteriori MARS multiappendage robotic system MARUM Zentrum für Marine Umweltwissenschaften MASE Marine Autonomous Systems Engineering MASINT measurement and signatures intelligence MAV micro aerial vehicles MAZE Micro robot maze contest MBA motivated behavioral architecture MBARI Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute MBE molecular-beam epitaxy MBS mobile base system MC Monte Carlo MCFC molten carbonate fuel cell MCP magazining, cleaning, plotting MCP metacarpophalangeal MCS mission control system MDARS mobile detection assessment and response system MDL minimum description length MDP Markov decision process ME mechanical engeneering MEG magnetoencephalography MEL Mechanical Engineering Laboratory MEMS microelectromechanical system MEP motor evoked potential MESSIE multi expert system for scene interpretation and evaluation MESUR Mars environmental survey MF mossy fiber MFI micromechanical flying insect MFSK multiple FSK MHS International Symposium on Micro Mechatronics and Human Science MHT multihypothesis tracking MIA mechanical impedance adjuster MIME mirror image movement enhancer MIMICS multimodal immersive motion rehabilitation with interactive cognitive system MIMO multiple-input–multiple-output MIP medial intraparietal sulcus MIPS microprocessor without interlocked pipeline stages MIR mode identification and recovery MIRO middleware for robot MIS minimally invasive surgery MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology MITI Ministry of International Trade and Industry MKL multiple kernel learning ML machine learning MLE maximum likelihood estimate MLR mesencephalic locomotor region MLS multilevel surface map MMC metal matrix composite MMMS multiple master multiple-slave MMSAE multiple model switching adaptive estimator MMSE minimum mean-square error MMSS multiple master single-slave MNS mirror neuron system MOCVD metallo-organic chemical vapor deposition MOMR multiple operator multiple robot MOOS mission oriented operating suite MOOS motion-oriented operating system MORO mobile robot MOSR multiple operator single robot MP moving plateList of Abbreviations LXXI MPC model predictive control MPF manifold particle filter MPFIM multiple paired forward-inverse model MPHE multiphalanx hand exoskeleton MPSK Mary phase shift keying MQAM Mary quadrature amplitude modulation MR magnetorheological MR multiple reflection MR multirobot task MRAC model reference adaptive control MRDS Microsoft robotics developers studio MRF Markov random field MRHA multiple resource host architecture MRI magnetic resonance imaging MRSR Mars rover sample return MRTA multirobot task allocation MSAS multifunctional satellite augmentation system MSER maximally stable extremal region MSHA US Mine Safety and Health Administration MSK minimum shift keying MSL middle-size league MSM master–slave manipulator MST microsystem technology MT momentum theory MT multitask MT medial temporal area MTBF mean time between failures MTI moving target indicator MVERT move value estimation for robot teams MWNT multiwalled carbon nanotube N N&G nursery and greenhouse NAP nonaccidental property NASA National Aeronautics and Space Agency NASDA National Space Development Agency of Japan NASREM NASA/NBS standard reference model NBS National Bureau of Standards NC numerical control ND nearness diagram navigation NDDS network data distribution service NDGPS nationwide different GPS system NDI nonlinear dynamic inversion NDT normal distributions transform NEMO network mobility NEMS nanoelectromechanical system NEO neodymium NERVE New England Robotics Validation and Experimentation NESM normalized ESM NIDRR National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research NiMH nickel metal hydride battery NIMS networked infomechanical systems NIOSH United States National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health NIRS near infrared spectroscopy NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology NLIS national livestock identification scheme NLP nonlinear programming problem NMEA National Marine Electronics Association NMF nonnegative matrix factorization NMMI natural machine motion initiative NMR nuclear magnetic resonance NN neural network NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAH navigation and obstacle avoidance help NOC National Oceanography Centre NOTES natural orifice transluminal surgery NPO nonprofit organization NPS Naval Postgraduate School NQE national qualifying event NRI national robotics initiative NRM nanorobotic manipulator NRTK network real-time kinematic NTPP nontangential proper part NTSC National Television System Committee NURBS nonuniform rational B-spline NUWC Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Newport NZDF New Zealand Defence Force O OAA open agent architecture OASIS onboard autonomous science investigation system OAT optimal arbitrary time-delay OBU on board unit OC optimal control OCPP optimal coverage path planning OCR OC robotics OCT optical coherence tomography OCU operator control unit OD outer diameter ODE ordinary differential equation ODE open dynamics engine ODI ordinary differential inclusion OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OKR optokinetic response OLP offline programmingLXXII List of Abbreviations OM optical microscope OM occupancy map ONR US Office of Naval Research OOF out of field OOTL human out of the loop control OPRoS open platform for robotic service OR operating room ORCA open robot control architecture ORCCAD open robot controller computer aided design ORI open roboethics initiative ORM obstacle restriction method OROCOS open robot control software ORU orbital replacement unit OS operating system OSC operational-space control OSIM operational-space inertia matrix OSU Ohio State University OTH over-the-horizon OUR-K ontology based unified robot knowledge OWL web ontology language OxIM Oxford intelligent machine P P prismatic joint P&O prosthetics and orthotic PA point algebra PACT perception for action control theory PAD pleasure arousal dominance PAFC phosphoric acid fuel cell PAM pneumatic artificial muscle PaMini pattern-based mixed-initiative PANi polyaniline PANTOMEC pantograph mechanism driven PAPA privacy, accuracy, intellectual property, and access PAS pseudo-amplitude scan PAT proximity awareness technology PB parametric bias PbD programming by demonstration PBVS pose-based visual servo control PC polycarbonate PC personal computer PC principal contact PC passivity controller PC proprioception PC Purkinje cell PCA principal component analysis PCI peripheral component interconnect PCIe peripheral component interconnect express PCL point cloud library PCM programmable construction machine PD proportional–derivative PDE partial differential equation PDGF power data grapple fixture PDMS polydimethylsiloxane PDOP positional dilution of precision PDT proximity detection technology PEAS probing environment and adaptive sleeping protocol PEFC polymer electrolyte fuel cell PEMFC proton exchange membrane fuel cell PerceptOR perception for off-road robotics PET positron emission tomography PF particle filter PF parallel fiber PFC prefrontal cortex PFH point feature histogram PFM potential field method PGM probabilistic graphical model PGRL policy gradient reinforcement learning pHRI physical human–robot interaction PI policy iteration PI possible injury PI propositional integral PI proportional–integral PIC programmable intelligent computer PID proportional–integral–derivative PIT posterior inferotemporal cortex PKM parallel kinematics machine PKM parallel kinematic machine PL power loading PLC programmable logic controller PLD programmable logic device PLEXIL plan execution interchange language PLSA probabilistic latent semantic analysis PLZT lead lanthanum zirconate titanate PM permanent magnet PMC polymer matrix composite PMMA polymethyl methacrylate PneuNet pneumatic network PnP prespective-n-point PNT Petri net transducer PO partially overlapping PO passivity observer POE local product-of-exponential POI point of interest POM polyoxymethylene POMDP partially observable Markov decision process POP partial-order planning PPS precise positioning system PPy polypyrrole PR positive photoresist PRM probabilistic roadmap PRM probabilistic roadmap methodList of Abbreviations LXXIII PRN pseudo-random noise PRoP personal roving presence ProVAR professional vocational assistive robot PRS procedural reasoning system PS power source PSD position sensing device PSD position-sensitive-device PSK phase shift keying PSPM passive set-position modulation PTAM parallel tracking and mapping PTU pan–tilt unit PUMA programmable universal machine for assembly PVA position, velocity, and attitude PVC polyvinyl chloride PVD physical vapor deposition PVDF polyvinylidene fluoride PWM pulse-width modulation PwoF point-contact-without-friction PZT lead zirconate titanate Q QAM quadrature amplitude modulation QD quantum dot QID qualifier, inspection and demonstration QOLT quality of life technology QOS quality of service QP quadratic programming QPSK quadrature phase shift keying QRIO quest for curiosity QSC quasistatic constrained QT quasistatic telerobotics QZSS quasi-zenith satellite system R R revolute joint R.U.R. Rossum’s Universal Robots RA rectangle algebra RAC Robotics and Automation Council RAIM receiver autonomous integrity monitor RALF robotic arm large and flexible RALPH rapidly adapting lane position handler RAM random access memory
كلمة سر فك الضغط : The Unzip Password : أتمنى أن تستفيدوا من محتوى الموضوع وأن ينال إعجابكم رابط من موقع عالم الكتب لتنزيل كتاب Springer Handbook of Robotics رابط مباشر لتنزيل كتاب Springer Handbook of Robotics