كتاب Post-industrial Robotics - Exploring Informed Architecture
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 كتاب Post-industrial Robotics - Exploring Informed Architecture

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19002
التقييم : 35506
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Post-industrial Robotics - Exploring Informed Architecture    كتاب Post-industrial Robotics - Exploring Informed Architecture  Emptyالثلاثاء 12 يوليو 2022, 1:28 am

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Post-industrial Robotics - Exploring Informed Architecture
Angelo Figliola, Alessandra Battisti

كتاب Post-industrial Robotics - Exploring Informed Architecture  P_i_r_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

1 Exploring Informed Architectures 1
1.1 Introduction . 1
1.2 Analysis of the Main Research Lines: Definition
of the Theoretical and Instrumental Apparatus 3
1.3 ETH Zurich, A New Relationship Between Architecture
and Production . 7
1.3.1 Digital Materiality: A New Materiality Linked
to Process Information . 9
1.3.2 Big in Scale: Robotic Fabrication in Architecture
and Construction . 11
1.3.3 Architecture Versus Industry: From the Prototype
to the Patent, from the Technological Systems
to the Tools . 14
1.3.4 From Stone to Sand: The Additive Process
as a Tool for Materializing Digital Complexity . 16
1.4 AA School of Architecture, Between Digital Utopias
and Material Experiments . 18
1.5 Harvard GSD, Robotic Manufacturing for the Innovation
of Traditional Industrial Production Processes 21
1.6 ICD, from the Morphogenetic Process to the Machine
Computation . 24
1.6.1 Research Pavilion 2013/2014: Fibrous Tectonics,
Exploring New Innovative Materials and Production
Technologies 27
1.6.2 Research Pavilion 2015/2016: A Manifesto for an
Informed Architecture Between Biomimetic Principles,
Morphogenetic Process, and Robotic Manufacture . 28
vii1.7 MIT, from the Synthetic Assembly Process to the Concept
of Biological Growth 31
1.7.1 Robotic Additive Manufacturing of Lightweight,
Biodegradable and Materially Heterogeneous
Structures Across Scales 33
1.7.2 Gemini: Digital Computation and Additive
Manufacturing for a New Relationship Between
Architecture and Biology . 34
1.8 TU Delft, Robotic Fabrication, and 3D Printing for Informed
Architectures 34
1.9 UCL Bartlett, Supercomputing and 3D Printing . 36
1.9.1 CurveVoxel: Exploration of Continuous Tectonics
Through Additive Processes of Robotic 3D Printing 38
1.10 Comparing Theories and Methodologies: Materials and
Fabrication Techniques for Informed Architectures . 39
1.11 Conclusion 40
1.11.1 Introducing the Analysis of Case Studies 41
References . 43
2 Informed Architecture and Clay Materials. Overview
of the Main European Research Paths . 47
2.1 Introduction: Architectures in Raw Earth
in the Mediterranean . 47
2.2 Performance-Based Architectures and Adaptive
Manufacturing . 50
2.3 Research Lines in the Field of Performative Clay 51
2.4 Performative Clay: Case Studies 54
2.4.1 Harvard GSD: Integrated Environmental Design
and Robotic Fabrication Workflow for Ceramic
Shading Systems . 54
2.4.2 Harvard GSD. Flowing Matter: Robotic Fabrication
of Complex Ceramic Systems 56
2.4.3 Harvard GSD: [R] Evolving Bricks 58
2.4.4 Harvard GSD: Woven Clay . 60
2.4.5 IAAC: Digital Adobe, TerraPerforma 63
2.4.6 TU Delft, Hyperbody: Materially Informed Design
to Robotic Production 65
2.4.7 CODESIGNLAB. Ceramica Performativa . 69
2.5 Conclusion: Technological Innovation for Informed
Technological Systems and Traditional Materials 70
References . 72
viii Contents3 Informed Architecture and Wooden Structures. Overview
of the Main European Research Paths . 73
3.1 Research Lines in the Field of Performative Wood . 73
3.1.1 Wood Computation: Exploit Material Behavior
as Design Agent 74
3.1.2 Wood Computation: Smart Assembly, Natural,
and Low-Engineered Materials . 75
3.2 Performative Wood: Case Studies . 76
3.2.1 AA School of Architecture. Wood Chip Barn:
Exploring the Potential of Natural Material 77
3.2.2 ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2011: Discover
Opportunities Offered by Wood Complex Behavior 80
3.2.3 ETH, Gramazio Kohler Research. Topology
Optimization and Robotic Fabrication of Advanced
Timber Space-Frame Structures . 82
3.2.4 ETH, Gramazio Kohler Research. the Sequential
Roof: Complex Timber Structures and Robotic
Manufacturing . 86
3.2.5 ICD. Graded Light in Aggregate Structures 88
3.2.6 ICD. Robotic Softness: Behavioral Fabrication
Process of a Woven Space 91
3.3 Applied Research: Fusta Robotica and Digital Urban
Orchard 94
3.3.1 Fusta Robòtica: Material-Informed Design . 94
3.3.2 Digital Urban Orchard: Form Follows Data Flow 97
3.4 Conclusion: Informed Wood Systems 100
3.4.1 Performative Wood and Structural Systems: Toward
an Application in Architecture . 101
References . 103
4 Informed Architecture and Plastic Materials. Overview
of the Main European Research Paths . 105
4.1 Plastics Materials and Digital Innovations . 105
4.1.1 Research Paths on Digital Fabrication with Plastic
Polymers . 106
4.2 Case Studies . 107
4.2.1 ETH, Gramazio Kohler Research: Robotic
Fabrication of Acoustic Brick Walls . 108
4.2.2 ETH, Gramazio Kohler Research: Mesh Mold 111
4.2.3 TU Delft: Acoustics by Additive Manufacturing 113
4.2.4 TU Delft: Additive Manufacturing for Daylight.
Toward a Customized Shading Device . 114
4.2.5 MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology:
Robotics-Enabled Stress Line Additive
Manufacturing . 117
Contents ix4.2.6 Kent State University: Solar Bytes Pavilion 120
4.2.7 Graz University of Technology: D-FORM . 121
4.2.8 AA School: Osteobotics 124
4.2.9 Tongij University and Archi-Union: Light-Vault 127
4.2.10 The University of Sydney: TriVoc 129
4.2.11 TU Delft: Informed Porosity . 131
4.3 Conclusion: Informed Plastic Systems 133
References . 134
5 Performative Architecture and Fiber Materials. Overview
of the Main European Research Paths . 137
5.1 Research Lines on Composites Materials 137
5.2 ICD, Institute for Computational Design: Fibrous Tectonics 139
5.3 Fibers Informed Structures: Case Studies 140
5.3.1 ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2012 141
5.3.2 ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2014–‘15 . 144
5.3.3 ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2016–‘17 . 146
5.4 Conclusion: Informed Composites Systems 151
References . 153
6 Feedback on the Design Processes for the Materialization
of Informed Architectures . 155
6.1 Feedback from the Analysis of the Case Studies . 155
6.2 Design Methodology: Digital Computing and Innovative
Manufacturing Techniques for the Exploration of Informed
Architectures 157
6.3 Tech Transfer: From Research to Architectural Practice . 159
6.3.1 Structural Technological Systems . 160
6.3.2 Technological Systems for Vertical Envelopes 164
6.4 Paradigm Shift in Design and Construction Processes . 171
References .

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