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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Tool and Manufacturing Engineers Handbook - Volume VI - Design for Manufacturability الإثنين 27 يونيو 2022, 1:17 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Tool and Manufacturing Engineers Handbook - Volume VI - Design for Manufacturability FOURTH EDITION A reference book for manufacturing engineers, managers, and technicians Ramon Bakerjian, CMfgE Handbook Editor Philip Mitchell Staff Editor Produced under the supervision of the SME Reference Publications Committee in cooperation with the SME Technical Divisions
و المحتوى كما يلي :
CONTENTS VOLUME VI-DESIGN FOR MANUFACTURABILITY Symbols and Abbreviations . xi Design for Manufacturability . 1.1 Concurrent Engineering . 2-1 Management Involvement in DFM 3-1 Team Building and Training . 4-1 Justification of DFM . 5-1 Quality Tools in DFM 6-1 Computer-aided Technologies 7-1 Design for Assembly : 8-1 Preliminary Design Issues . 9-1 General Product Design 10-1 Machining . 11-1 Forming . 12-1 Finishing and Coating . 13-1 Fastening and Joining 14-1 Materials 15-1 Design for Electronics Assembly . 16-1 Appendix A-DF'M Case Studies A-1 Appendix B-DFM Products and Services . B-1 Index . 1-1 ixSYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS The following is a list of symbols and abbreviations in general use throughout this volume. Supplementary ancUor derived units, symbols, and abbreviations that are peculiar to specific subject matter are listed within chapters. A-B ABC AI AIS AMA ANOVA ANSI APICS AQS ASIC ASM ASME ASQ ASQC ASTD ASTM ATE ATG ATPG AVA BIST BOM BON BP BPM B-rep BTAP Bump CA CAD/CAM CAE CAM CAPP CAT CBT CCB CE CFC CIB CIE CIM CIME CIM-I Activity-based costing Artificial intelligence Automated infrastructure support American Management Association Analysis of variation American National Standards Institute American Production and Inventory Control Society Advanced quality system Application-specific integrated circuits American Society for Metals American Society of Mechanical Engineers Assured quality level American Society for Quality Control American Society for Training and Development American Society for Testing and Materials Automatic test equipment Automated-test generation Automated-test pattern generation Added-value analysis Built-in self test Bill of materials Bed-of-nails fixture Best practices Ballistic particle manufacturing Boundary-representation Board-1evel test access port Inner-1ead bondhtg C-D-E Cyanoacrylates Computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing Computer-aided engineering Computer-aided manufacturing Computer-aided process planning Computer-aided test Computer-based training Change Control Board Concurrent engineering Chlorofluorocarbon Computer-integrated business Computer-integrated enterprise Computer-integrated manufacturing Computer-integrated manufacturing enterprise Computer-interfaced manufacturing CIM-11 CL fdes CMI CMM CMPP CNC COB COQ CQI CRP CSG CSM CTS DFA DFD DFM DFM/A DFQ DFP DFR DFT DFS DFX DIP DNC DOD DOE DOM DPI DRF ECM ECO EDI EDM EM en EPS Eq. ES Computer-integrative management (of the manufacturing enterprise) Cutter location files Continuous measurable improvement Coordinate measuring machine Computer managed process planning Computer numerical control Chip on board Cost of quality Continuous quality improvement Cost reduction potential Constructive solids geometry Continuous strand mat Carpal tunnel syndrome Design for assembly Design for disassembly Design for manufacturability (manufacture, manufacturing) Design for manufacttrrability/assembleability Design for quality Direct fiber placement Design for reliability Design for test Design for serviceability Design for X (anything) Dual in-line package Direct numerical control Department of Defense Design of experiments Drawn over mandrel Design producibility index Datum reference frame Electrochemical machining Engineering change order Electronic data interchange Electrical discharge machining Electrochemical metallizing Enable Expanded polystyrene foam Equation Expert systems F-G-H-l-J-K FAST Function analysis system technique FDM Fused deposition modeling FEA Failure effect analysis (also, Finite element analysis) FF Flip-flop FGI Finished goods inventory FIA Forging Industry AssociationFig. Flip-chip FMc FMEA FMECA FMS FPT ft or ‘ GD&T, GDT GIDEP GT GTA GTC GUI HDT HFE HIP hr HVOF Ibid. IC ID IGES ILS in. or “ IPc IPISD IRR ISD ISO JIT KBc kPa kpsi, ksi KSA Figure Face-down bonding or controlled-collapse soldering Flexible manufacturing cell Failure mode and effects analysis Failure mode, effects, and criticality analysis Flexible manufacturing system(s) Fine-pitch technologies Foot Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing Government-Industry Data Exchange Program Group technology Group technology assistant Group-technology code Graphical user interface Heat-affected zones Heat deflection temperature Human factors engineering Hot isostatically processed Hour High-velocity oxygen fuel In the same place Integrated circuit(s) Industrial designer (also, Instructional designer) Initial Graphic Exchange Specification Integrated logistics support Inch Institute for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits Interservice procedures for instructional systems development Internal rate of return Instructional systems development International Standards Organization Just-in-time Knowledge-based computer kilopascal kilopounds per square inch Knowledge, skills, and abilities L-M-N-O LBW LCD LCM LED Loc.cit. LOM LSI m MAP MBO MCM MIM ::C MN MPa MPIF MR MRTIS Laser beam welding Liquid crystal display Liquid composite molding Light-emitting diode In the place cited Laser object manufacturing Large-scale integration Meter Manufacturing automation protocol Management by objectives Multichip module Metal injection molding Millimeter Maximum material condition MegaNewton Megapascal Metal Powder Industries Federation Machinability rating Manufacturing rating technique-baseline MRP MRP H MRTB MSI MTBF MTP MTTR MUX NASA NC NIH N-m NIOSH NLRA NLRB NPRD NPw NSC NSF NUBS NURBS NVA ODD OEM OJT Op.cit. OSHA Material requirements planning Manufacturing resources planning Manufacturability Medium-scale integration Mean time between failures Master training plan Mean time to repair Multiplexer National Aeronautics and Space Administration Numerical control Not-invented-here Newton-meter National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health National Labor Relations Act National Labor Relations Board Nonelectronic Parts Reliability Data handbook Net present worth National Security Council National Science Foundation Non-uniform B-splines Non-uniform rational B-splines Non-value adding Observed design difficulty Original equipment manufacturer On the job training In the work cited Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Act) P-Q-R-S-T-W PA PAW PCB PCD PCM PDES PDES/STEP PDSA PDT PET PGA PIM PLCC PM POR PPM PTH PWA PWB QA QC QFD QFP R&D RDBMS RIM rms ROI Producibility assessment Producibility assessment worksheet Printed-circuit board Polycrystalline diamond Photochemical machining Product Data Exchange Standard Product Data Exchange Standard/Standard for the Exchange of Product Plan –Do– Study–Act Product development team Polyethyleneterephthalate Pin-grid array Powder injection molding Plastic-leaded chip carrier Powder metallurgy Power on reset Parts per million Plated throughhole Printed-wire assembly Printed-wire board Quality assurance Quality control Quality function deployment Quad-flat packages Research and development Relational database management system Reaction injection molding Root mean square Return on investment xiiRTM RTV SAE Scc SE SGC SLA SLS SM SMC SMD SME SMT so SOIC SPC SPI SQL MUM SS1 TAB TAP TCK TCM TDI TDO TDu THT TIR TMS TOP Resin transfer molding Room temperature vulcanizing Society of Automotive Engineers Stress corrosion cracking Simultaneous engineering Solid ground curing Stereolithography apparatus Selective laser sintering Surface mounted Sheet molding compound Surface-mount devices Society of Manufacturing Engineers (also, Subject matter expert) Surface-mount technology Small outline Small-outline integrated circuits Statistical process control Society of the Plastics Industry Structured query language Structural reaction injection molding Small-scale integration Tape-automated bonding Test access port Test clock Test-cost model Test-data input Test-data output Total defects per unit Throughhole technology Total indicator rtmout or total indicator readout Training management system (also, Test-mode select) Technical and office protocol TPM TQC TQM TRST TRTA TTZ UCL UUT VA VE VLSI WEDM WIP WPF XCON Y-TZP Totrd productive maintenance Total quality control Total-quality management Test reset Training requirements and task analysis Transformation toughened zirconia Upper control limit Unit under test Value added Value engineering Very large scale integration Wire electric discharge machining Work in process Weighted producibility factor Expert configure Yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystals SYMBOLS Alpha Approximately equal to Beta Degree Greater than Greater than or equal to Less than Less than or equal to Mu Omega Percent Plus or minus Sigma (summation) INDEX modification of existing design, 9-17 new designs, 9-18 manufacturability rating, 10-17 ManufacturabilityRating Technique-Baseline, 10-18, 10-19 (Fig. 10-5) measurement of manufacturability, 10-18 process level approach, 10-17 requirements and functions, 9-3I scope and limitations, 10-23 systems, 9-30 Continuous casting, 9-17 (Fig. 9-5) Continuous improvement process, 5-3 (Fig. 5- Corporate objectives, 4-3 Corrosion resistance, 15-35 (Table 15-4) Cost-efficient printed wire boards, 16-12 costs 2), 10-15 adhesive, 14-22 assembly, 1-13 commitment, 10-2 and coverage, 16-36 design, 8-4 (Fig. 8-4) design for, 2-10 deveiopment, 1-15 direct, 5-4 estimating, 5-7, 5-9 for use. 5-1 general, 5-6 guide, 16-5 hidden, 5-8 (Table 5-1) indirect, 5-5 manufacturing 10-4 minimizing, 7-6 part. 10-5 part fabrication. 1-14 performance and, 15-4 product structure, 5-6 (Fig. 5-6) aualitv. 1-15 df quility, 6-17, 6-19 relevant, 5-10 selling, 5-6 surface finish, 7-28 tooling, 5-6 traditional design, 1-5 volume behavior patterns weighted, 9-29 (Table 9- Courseware development, 4- Creative climates, 8-5 Creative problem solving in assembly, 9-15 forced random stimulatio group techniques, 9-10 attribute lists, 9-11 types of, 5-4 5-8 (Fig. 5-7) 1 ) 8 ,9-9 brainstorming, 9-10, 9-11 (Table 9-7) modem synectics, 9-13 morphological analysis, 9-12 traditional synectics, 9-12 idea-generation, 9-9 (Table 9-4) individual techniques, 9-8 in material selection, 9-15 metaphors, 9-10 (Table 9-6) process outline, 9-14 (Table 9-9) in process selection, 9-15, 9-16 role playing (Table -5) defined, 9-1 development of, 9-5 Creative thinking creative environment, 9-5 lateral thinking, 9-6 vertical thinking, 9-6 methodologies, 9-2 (Table 9-1) roadblocks, 9-3 cultural, 9-4 emotional, 9-3 habitual, 9-5 perceptual, 9-3 Cue discrimination. 4-14 D Data interchange, 2-15 Data management, 2-12 Datum reference frame, 10-56 Defect model, 10-12 Deming Cycle explained, 6-2 in design stage, 6-30 in production operation stage, 6-35 in transition stage, 6-32 Deming Process Management Cycle, See:DemDepartment of Defense, 10-32 Design for assembly analysis, 8-2 applying the process, 8-7 assembly time, 8-12 costs, 8-4 (Fig. 8-4) and creative climates, 8-5 design efficiency, 8-13 DFA metrics, 8-12 eliminating cables, 8-12 eliminating reorientation, 8-11 facilitating parts handling, 8-11 importance of, 8-3 levels of assembly, 8-12 management aspects, 8 4 modular assembly, 8-9 and part counts, 8-7 part numbers, 8-12 principles of, 8-7 product goals, 8-7 product serviceability, 8-13 recyclability, 8-15 redesign approaches, 8-14 self-fastening features, 8-9, 8-10 sheet metal parts, 8-8 and site selection, 8-5 stack assemblies, 8-10 standard part usage, 8-10 tool selection, 8-6 Design for disassembly, 10-62 Design for life cycle, 2-9 Design for maintainability, 2-10, 2-1 1 (Fig. Design for quality ing Cycle 2-1 1) benchmarking, 2-7 quality function deployment, 2-5 Taguchi quality engineering, 2-6 Dcsign for recyclability, i0-62 Design for reliability, 2-10 Design for serviceability, 2-10 Design for variability, 16-18 Design freedom, 1-7 Design of experiments, 2-8, 6-23, 10-54 Design philosophy, 1-5, 1-7 Design reviews, 10-14 Design synthesis, 9-38 Design teams, 1-11 Design time, 1-7 Digital product models, 2-12 DoD, See: Department of Defense DOD, See: Department of Defense E Ease of orientation, 16-16 Elecmcal producibility assessment, 10-35 (Fig. Electrochemical metallizing, 13-11 Electronic assembly automation, 16-20 balancing technology, 16-7 10-10) components, 16-8 design for reliability, 16-37 design for testability, 16-21 employment trends, 16-3 preferred components, 16-8 printed wire assembly, 16-4, 16-14 rules of DFM, 16-15 sales trends, 16-3 standard design-test strategy, 16-29 standard test architecture, 16-30 testability success, 16-28 Elemental standard data, 5-10 Employee input, 1-9 Employment trends, 16-3 Enabling technology data interchange, 2-15 data management, 2-12 design and analysis, 2-13 digital product models, 2-12 process design, 2-14 Engineering changes, 10-57 Environmental design, 1-7 Error measurement analysis, 10-55 F Factory design, 1-5 Fasteners assembly point of view, 14-1 bolted joints, 14-6 clamps, 14-6 failure, 14-3 (Fig. 14-6) stored energy, 14-6, 14-7 typesof, 14-6 drive system comparisons, 144 (Table 14-1) flexibility, 14-4 (Fig. 14-3) and painting, 13-7 proprietary nature, 14-3 selection, 14-3 selection hierarchy, 14-4 (Fig. 14-2) serviceability, 14-5, 14-6 system selection, 14-4 Fault activation, 16-23 (Fig. 16-18) Fault propagation, 16-23 (Fig. 16-19) Fault-tree analysis, 16-41 Fiber composites, 15-24 Field service, 8-I4 Finance, 10-3 Fine blanking, 12-24 Finishing, 10-11 First shipment, 10-2 Flexible components, 7-5 Flexible manufacturing systems, 11-52 cells, 11-45 arrangement, 11-50 evaluation of, 11-51 investment evaluation, 11-48 obstacles, 11-50 planning, 11-49 compound angle holes, 11-56 dimensioning, 11-54 Ereedom of design, 11-53 long boring tools, 11-56 reverse idler gear, 11-56 shifter rail holes, 11-55 simultaneous engineering, 11-53 tool commonization, 11-57 tooling 11-55 workholding, 11-53 Force transducers, 9-28 (Fig. 9-13), 9-29 (Fig. Forgings 9-14) cold forging, 12-70 application, 12-70 high volume, 12-73INDEX materials available, 12-72 part shapes, 12-71 (Table 12-9) shape capabilities, 12-70 size limitations, 12-71 size ranges, 12-72 (Table 12-11) steels, 12-73 (Table 12-13) strengths of, 12-72 tolerance capability, 12-73(Table 12-12) tolerances, 12-71, 12-73 (Table 12-12) design considerations, 12-59 equipment consideration, 12-61 general trends, 12-61 (Table 12-5) hot forging, 12-60 (Table 12-4) materials consideration, 12-61, 12-62 shape consideration, 12-60 size consideration, 12-60 basic shapes, 12-67 (Fig. 12-77) close to finish, 12-65 close tolerance. 12-66 (Table 12-8) in controlled impact hammers, 12-68 in forging presses, 12-67 hot die for in0 12-68 isothermal% r & g , 12-68 open-die. 12-62. 12-64 (Fig. 12-75) continuous improvements, 12-63 materials, 12-63 value-added, 12-63 seamless rolled rings, 12-64 selection of, 12-58 for steels, 12-63 (Table 12-7) impression die forgings, 12-59 (Table 12-6) near net shape, 12-65 types of, 12-59 Forming bending, 12-44 anchors, 12-48 approaches, 12-45 clamping, 12-47 compound bends. 12-47 design considerations, 12-46 " equipment, 12-48 field welds. 12-48 lubricants, 12-48 material, 12-46 optimum radii, 12-47 pipe'hanger locations, 12-48 pipe rack spacing, 12-48 post-bend treatment, 12-47 pressure dies, 12-47 pushway lengths, 12-47 alloy characteristics, 12-75 configured shapes, 12-80 design, 12-85 drawings, 12-85 dross, 12-81 framework, 12-74 junction designs, 12-79 model development, 12-77 slag, 12-81 solidification shrinkage, 12-77 tolerances, 12-85 tooling, 12-83 variable shaper, 12-82 computer-aided design. 12-55 cost estimating, 12-57 numerical control, 12-57 sheet metal parts, 12-55 comer radii, 12-24 cross-sections, 12-25 edge roll, 1-24 edge surface, 12-24 hole diameters, 12-25 materials, 12-24 progressive tooling, 12-25 semipiercing, 12-25 castings, 12-74 fineblanking, 12-24 size of parts, 12-24 thickness, 12-24 tolerances, 12-24 impression die, 12-59 near net, 12-65 open die, 12-62 purpose of, 12-58 seamless rolled rings, 12-64 types of, 12-59 metal forming, 12-1 finishing, 12-19, 12-23 lubricants, 12-18 preferred conditions, 12-8 preferred die conditions, 12-11 stamping design, 12-1 tolerances, 12-14 tooling, 12-1, 12-14 weld flanges, 12-13 metal spinning, 12-42 advantages, 12-42 geometries, 12-44 materials, 12-44 surface finishing, 12-43 tolerances, 12-43 precision forming, 12-36 backward extrusion, 12-41 bending, 12-42 coining, 12-41 design implications, 12-36 drawing, 12-41 . forward extrusion, 12-41 metal flow 12-39 nosing/flaring, 12-42 shear forming, 12-42 upsetting, 12-39 roll forming, 12-26 assembly, 12-35 bending radius, 12-26 discontinued bend lines, 12-28 flat elements, 12-30 material, 12-33 material handling, 12-35 packaging, 12-35 secondary operations, 12-3I tolerances, 12-33 tube fabricating and bending, 12-48 attachments, 12-52 bend configuration, 12-48 endfonning, 12-49 Four-uoint binding. 15-32 (Fig. 15-28) Functional design efficiency, 9-26 Functional efficiency techniques, 9-22 Function trees, 9-33 (Fig. 9-17), 9-35 (Figs. 9-19, 9-20), 9-36 (Fig. 9-21) forgings, 12-58 cold, 12-70 G Gage design, 10-51 Gaging, 10-51, 10-59 Geometric tolerancing, 10-41 Green strength, 7-17 Grinding, 10-23 Group technology, 7-26, 7-30 Gundrilling, 11-23 (Table 11-8) H Heat treating, 13-12, 13-18 HFE, See: Human factors engineering Human factors, 4-1 1, 10-65 Human factors engineering, 4-11 . Human performance improvement, 4-7 Hydraulic ports, 7-28 (Fig. 7-25) 1 Inactive-state controller cells, 16-34 (Fig. 16- Industry preferred components, 16-8 Injection molding, 15-40 Inspection, 2-9 Instructional systems development, 4-16 Intangibles, 5-I 1 Intelligent tutors, 4-20 Interactive videodisc, 4-I9 Inventory, 1-14, 7-29, 10-6 Inventorykad time cycle, 7-29 Investment casting, 7-13 26) J Joining, 10-11, 13-7 Just-in-time, 1-3, 4-7 1 Laser machining, 11-33, 11-35, 11-36 Laser sintering, 7-21 Lateral thinking, 9-6, 9-7 Learning concepts, 4-I2 Level of activity, 5-2 Liquid composites molding, 15-15 ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Machining, 11-1 cost estimates, 11-10 (Fig. 11-7) dimensional tolerances, I 1-5 (Fig, 1 1-5), drilling, 11-18 11-9 boring, 11-23 (Table 11-8) boring errors, I 1-26 drill depth, 11-18, 11-21 gundrilling, 11-23 (Table 11-8) hole depth. 11-18, 11-21 hole tolerances, 11-13, 11-14, 11-15, reaming, 11-23 (Table 11-8) tapped holes, 11-21 true position hole tolerances. 11-18 (Ta- 11-18, 11-19, 11-20 ble ll-4), 11-19 (Table 11-5) gear design, 11-27 general considerations, 11-1 geometric dimensioning and tolerancing, 1 1- grinding, 11-21 honing, 11-22 27 blind holes, 11-22, 11-23 fixturing, 11-25 hole lengths, 11-23 keyways, 11-24 material hardness, 11-24 splines, 11-24 stock removal, 11-23 surface finish, 11-23 tandem lands. 11-23, I 1-26 tolerances, 11-23 lubrication, 11-31, 11-32 1-3INDEX additives for, 11-34 material considerations, 11-2, 11-3, 11-4, metalworking fluid selection, 11-28 milling, 11-16 nontraditional machining, 11-33 abrasive flow, 11-36 abrasive waterjet, 11-36 electrochemical, 11-40 laser, 11-33, 11-35, 11-36 photochemical, 11-4I ultrasonic machining, 11-39 waterjet, 11-36 plastics, 15-1I steel shapes, 11-6, 11-7 surface finish, 11-7, 11-10 surface roughness, 11-9 tolerances, 11-9, 11-1 1 (Fig. 11-9), 11-13 11-5 (Table 11-2). 11-14, 11-15 effects on grinding cost, 11-21 grinding, I 1-24 (Table 11-9) hole, 11-19, 11-20 automatic screw machines, 1 1-12 automatic tracer lathes, 1 1-I2 Swiss automatic lathes, 11-16 turret lathes, 11-12 turning, 11-9 Maintenance, 10-66 Management architecture, 3-3 backing, 8-4 commitment, 16-20 fear of, 9-4 frameworks, 3-1 goals, 3-5 (Table 3-1) interests, 3-4, 3-7, 3-8, 3-14 introspective, 4-9 material, 3-8 perspectives, 3-15 process, 6-2 support, 1-9 Manuals, 4-5 Manufacturability Rating Technique-Baseline, Manufacturing sites, 8-5 Marketing, 10-3 Masking, 13-2 Material handling, 10-7 Material selection, 10-25 Material thickness, 10-71 Mechanical producibility assessment, 10-36 Metal forming, 12-1 10-18 (Fig. 10-11) conditions for punched holes, 12-8 cam-pierce operations, 12-10 guidelines, 12-8 (Fig. 12-16) hole geometry factors, 12-9 hole location, 12-9 hole size specification, 12-9 surfaces, 12-9, 12-10 (Figs. 12-18 and tooling inventory, 12-9 active surfaces, 12-18 cleaning, 12-19 coatings, 12- 19 hard-to-lubricate surfaces, 12-19 inactive surfaces, 12-19 normal surfaces, 12-18 structure of, 12-20 water-based, 12-22 stamping design, 12-1 benefits of deep drawing, 12-4 closed comer conditions, 12-6 comer radii, 12-3, 12-4 (Fig. 12-7) deep draws, 12-3 (Fig. 12-5) die-lock, 12-5, 12-6 (Fig, 12-11) 12-19) finishing, 12-23 lubricants, 12-18 die side thrust, 12-6 draw dies, 12-2 (Fig. 12-3) drawing conditions, 12-3 edge waviness, 12-2 elongation, 124 flanged holes, 12-7 flange dies, 12-4, 12-5 (Fig. 12-8) preferred conditions, 12-2 recessed holes, 12-7 return flanges, 12-7 safe drawing conditions, 12-3 springback, 12-5 typical die form, 12-2 (Fig. 12-1) tolerances, 12-I4 tooling design, 12-14 coatings, 12-17 finishing, 12-17 lead times, 12-15 materials, 12-16 quality, 12-14 sharp comers, 12-17 standardizing, 12-17 'tool life, 12-16 with wire EDM, 12-16 (Fig. 12-31) die comers, 12-11, 12-13 (Fig. 12-25) flanged tabs, 12-12, 12-13 (Fig. 12-26) notches, 12-12 trim lines, 12-11 (Fig. 12-22) trim pad strength, 12-11 walls, 12-11, 12-12 (Fig. 12-24) weld flanges, 12-13, 12-14 (Fig. 12-28) Metal injection molding, 15-40 Metal spinning, 12-42 advantages, 12-42 dimensional tolerance guide, 12-43 (Table geometries, 12-44 materials, 12-44 shapes, 1 2 4 (Fig. 12-59) surface finish, 1243 tolerances, 12-43 costs, 12-14 trim die conditions, 12-11 12-3) Metrologists, 10-52 Model construction, 7-6 Modeling, 7-6, 10-12 Modular design, 7-5 Moisture traps, 13-8 (Fig. 13-7) Molded composite gears, 15-27 MRTl3, See: Manufacturability Rating TechMultifunctional parts, 7-4 Mockups, 7-5 nique-Baseline Near net shapes, 10-10 Needs analysis, 10-24 Neural networks, 9-55, 9-56 (Fig. 9-49), 9-57 Nonstandard routings, 10-7 Nontraditional machining, 11-33 abrasive flow, 11-36 applications, 11-37 capabilities, 11-37, 11-39 (Table 11-18) design recommendations, 11-38 dimensional factors, 11-38 economic production quantities, 11-38 special considerations, 11-38 suitable materials, 11-38 electrochemical machining, 11-40 applications, 11-40 design recommendations, 11-41 , dimensional factors, 1 1-41 economic production quantities, 11-41 special considerations, 11-41 suitable materials, 11-41 capabilities, 11-33 distortion, 11-36 edge finish, I 1-36 edge profile, 11-35 kerf, 11-35 part design, 11-35 process, 11-33 , rates, 11-36 tolerances, 11-36 advantages, 11-42 applications, 11-44 holding tabs, 11-44 hole size, 11-42 metal thickness, 11-42 slot width, 11-42, 11-43 tolerances, 11-43 ultrasonic machining, 1 1-39 applications, 11-39 design recommendations, I 1-40 dimensional factors, 11-40 economic quantities, 11-39 materials, 11-40 special considerations, 1 1-39 surface finish, 11-39 (Table 11-19) allowable geometries, 11-37 materials, 11-37 surface finish, I 1-37 tolerances, 11-36 laser machining, 11-33, 11-35, I 1-36 photochemical machining, 11-41 waterjet, 11-36 0 Order management, 10-8 P Package density, 16-5 Package design, 10-71 Package types, 16-6 Packaging, 10-11 Painting, 13-1 of castings, 13-6 cleaning, 13-2 color match, 13-8 curing, 13-3 design specifications, 13-4 electric field, 13-3 (Fig. 13-2) electrostatics, 13-3, 13-5 field distribution, 13-4 (Fig. 13-3) hanging orientation, 13-6 (Fig. 13-5) lines, 13-1, 13-2 (Fig. 13-1) masking, 13-2 metals for, 13-9 paint lines, 13-1 pretreatment, 13-2 terminology, 13-8 unloading, 13-4 Part classification, 10-25 Part counts, 8-7 Parts handling, 8-11 Part variations, 7-4 Pattern matching, 9-54 Photochemical machining, 11 41 Physical prototyping, 10-54 Pintle screws, 9-29 (Table 9-11) Plane elements, 6-6 (Fig. 6-3), 6-7 (Fig. 6-4) Plant modernization, 4-9 Plastics, 15-1 @-Off, 13-2 1-4INDEX adhesive bonding, 15-13 automated shape cutting, 15-11 classifications, 15-3 processing methods, 15-3 typical properties, 15-3 decorative process, 15-14 design consideration, 15-5 chemical exposure, 15-5 draft angles, 15-6 ejector pins, 15-8 electrical exposure, 15-5 fillets, 15-8 flammability ratings, 15-6 gates, 15-8 moisture exposure, 15-5 optical products, 15-6 parting lines, 15-8 radii, 15-8 recyclability 15-9 temperature exposure, 15-5 undercuts, 15-7 wall thickness, 15-7 weatherability, 15-6 failure analysis, 15-1 machining, 15-11 material selection, 15-4 prototyping, 15-3 shrinkage, 15-9 causes of, 15-10 effects of, 15-10 shrinkage prediction, 15-10 types. 15-9 supplier checklist, 15-2 surface preparation, 15-13 acid etch, 15-14 corona discharge, 15-14 flame treatment, 15-13 plasma process, 15-14 welding thermoplastics, 15-12 Poke-yoke, 6-18 (Fig. 6-12) . Powder coating, 13-10 Powder forgings, 15-40 Powder metallurgy, 15-40 advantages, 15-41 compared to other processes, 15-41 design, 15-43 gears, 15-44, 15-45 (Fig. 15-35) limitations of, 15-41 materials, 15-42 metal injection molding, 15-40 powder forging, 15-40 shapes, 15-43 tooling, 15-43 backward extrusion, 12-41 bending, 12-42 coining, 12-42 cold extrusion, 12-38 (Table 12-2) design implications of, 12-36 drawing, 12-41 flaring, 12-42 forward extrusion, 12-41 metal flow, 12-39 nosing, 12-42 shear forming, 12-42 upsetting, 12-39 Precision forming, 12-36 Predetermined time standards, 5-9 Printed wire assembly, 16-4, 16-13, 16-14 Priority assessment, 5-13 (Fig. 5-10) Problem solving methodologies, 9-2 (Table 9-1) Problem visualization, 9-3 (Fig. 9-1) Process advice, 7-33 (Fig. 7-31) Process design, 2-14 Process-driven designs, 7-6 Process flexibility, 10-2 Process-level approach, 10-17 Process management, 6-2 Process view of DFM, 6-4 (Fig. 6-2) Producibility, 10-24 Producibility assessment, 10-32 Producibility assessment tools, 10-27 Producibility metrics, 10-30 Product cost model, 2-11 (Fig. 2-12) Product development teams, 2-15 Product goals, 8-7 Product structure, 10-8 Product usability, 10-65 Project decisions, 10-1 Prototyping, 7-9, 10-54, 15-3 Purchasing, 10-3, 10-52 PWA, See: Printed wire assembly (Fig. 12-44), 12-32 (Fig. 1245) bending radius, 12-26 design interaction, 12-34 flat elements, 12-30 flat strip, 12-27 (Fig. 12-36) lines, 12-31 material handling, 12-35 materials, 12-33 operations, 12-35 (Table 12-1) packing, 12-35 residual stresses, 12-27 (Fig. 12-37) springback, 12-30 (Fig. 12-42) strip edge, 12-33 (Fig. 12-46) tolerances, 12-33 Q QFD, See: Quality function deployment Quality basic concepts, 6-2 Deming Cycle, 6-2, 6-30, 6-33, 6-35 process view, 6-3 terms drefined, 6-2 in factory design, 1-5 impact of design on, 10-15 as a goal, 3-7 (Table 3-2) planning, 6-30 and producibility, 10-30 in production operations, 6-36 benchmarking, 6-27 plan elements, 6-6 pianning methods, 6-6 process documentation, 6-14 quality function deployment, 6-10, 6-11 statistical methods, 6-19 in transition, 6-32 costs, 1-15, 5-2 t d s , 6-6 (Fig: 6-8) Quality function deployment, 2-5, 6-10, 6-11 (Fig. 6 4 , 6-12 (Fig. 6-9), 6-13 (Fig. 6-10), 6-14 Rapid prototyping, 7-9 ballistic particle manufacturing, 7-21 benefits of, 7-9 constrained polymers, 7-24,7-25 (Fig. 7-20) desktop modeling, 7-26 fused deposition modeling, 7-22, 7-23 (Fig. laminated object manufacturing, 7-24, 7-15 (Fig. 7-19) materials, 7-24 polymers, 7-24 selective laser sintering, 7-21 simultaneous irradiation, 7-24 solid ground curing, 7-18 stereolithography, 7-10 three-axis desktop modeling, 7-26 7-17) Raw materials, 10-10 Recyclability, 8-15, 15-9 Reliability calculation, 16-26 Reorientation, 8-11 Resins, 7-17 Resource planning, 2-17 Ring torque terminal configuration, 7-28 (Fig. Robustness assessment, 10-9 Roll forming, 12-26 assembly, 12-35 bend lines, 12-28, 12-29(Fig. 12-40), 12-31 7-26) 5 Safety, 1-5, 10-16, 10-65 Sales trends, 16-3 Self-fastening features, 8-9, 8-10 Serviceability, 8-13, 10-68 Setup errors, 10-60 Shaft coupling design, 9-41 Shape cutting, 15-11 Sheet metal parts, 8-8 Shipping, 10-11 Simulation, 10-12 Site selection, 8-5 Skill transfer, 4-14 Solids with booleans, 7-8 (Fig. 7-8) SPC,See: Statistical process control Spinning, 12-42 Spray metal tooling, 7-13 Springback, 12-5, 12-30 (Fig. 12-42) Stack assemblies, 8-10 Standard components, 7-2 Standard test architecture, 16-30 Standard test strategy, 16-29 Statistical process control, 1040, 13-2 Stereolithography draw parameters, 7-17 guidelines, 7-16 and investmcnt casting, 7-13 metal arc spray, 7-15 (Fig. 7-13) processing constraints, 7-16 resin selection, 7-16 safety, 7-17 and spray metal tooling, 7-13 sweep volume model, 7-12 (Fig. 7-7) viscosity, 7-17 Strategic planning, 5-5 (Fig. 5-2) Stress relieving, 12-23 Supplier certification, 10-73 Supplier checklists, 15-2 Suppliers, 2-3, 10-52 Surface mount technology, 16-15 Software, 5-8 Standard parts, 7-2 T Taguchi analysis, 10-14 Taguchi methodology, 6-25 Taguchi quality engineering, 2-6 Target costs, 5-7 Team building, 4-1 Team operation, 2-16 Team personnel, 10-16 Testability, 2-9, 16-21 Test access port, 16-33 Test migration, 16-36INDEX Time to Market, 1-3, 1-6 Tolerance zone systems, 10-47 (Fig. 10-22) Tool design, 10-51 Tooling, 7-13, 10-30, 12-9, 12-51(Fig. 12-68), 15-43 Training computer-based, 4-20 conventional, 4-15 (Table 4-2) fidelity, 4-14 human performance improvement, 4-7 improved, 4-14 systems based, 4-14, 4-15 (Table 4-2) team, 4-2 tools, 4-1 attachments, 12-52 future, 4-8 (Fig. 4-3) Tube fabricating and bending, 12-48 brackets, 12-53 (Fig. 12-71) saddle tube, 12-52 (Fig. 12-69), 12-53 tube-bracket interface, 12-54 (Fig. 12- (Fig. 12-70) 72) bend configuration, 12-48 end forming, 12-49 alternatives, 12-52 and bend tangents, 12-52 statistical process control, 12-50 tolerances, 12-49 tooling configuration, 12-51 (Fig. 12-68) tool wear, 12-50 vertical bending, 1249 (Fig. 12-65) wall thinning, 12-49 (Fig. 12-65) U Universal producibility assessment, 10-38 (Fig. 10-13) V Vertical thinking, 9-6, 9-7 w Warehousing, 10-7, 10-11 Waste generation, 10-16 Weighted producibility factors, 10-31 (Table 10-51 Welding a r ~ ,14-25 and assembly, 14-24 electrochemical metallizing, 13-13 joint location, 14-28 laser beam, 14-29 applications, 14-29 beam quality, 14-32 equipment selection, 14-31 joint design, 14-29, 14-35 (Fig. 14-29) material, 14-29, 14-30 power, 14-32 wavelength, 14-3I weld quality, 14-31 manipulation, 14-28 (Fig. 14-22) projection, 14-25, 14-26 (Fig. 14-20) projection shape, 14-26 (Fig. 14-20) robotic, 14-25, 14-30 (Fig. 14-23) surfaces, 13-9 (Fig. 13-8) thermoplastics, 15-12 Wire assembly, 16-4, 16-13, 16-14 Wire EDM,12-16 (Fig. 12-31) Spot, 14-24 Y Y I 4 S M . 10-43
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