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| موضوع: تجميعه رموز الدوائر الهيدروليكية - Pooyan Hydraulics - Basic Symbols الخميس 26 مايو 2022, 6:39 pm | |
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تجميعه رموز الدوائر الهيدروليكية Pooyan Hydraulics - Basic Symbols 2) L= Length of dash, E = Thickness of line, D = Space between lines DESCRIPTION SYMBOL APPLICATION BASIC SYMBOLS Line - continuous - long dashes - short dashes - double - long chain thin (optional use) Circle, semi-circle mechanical connections (shafts, levers, pistonrods) Enclosure for several components assembled in one unit As a rule, energy conversion units (pump, compressor, motor) Measuring instruments Non-return link, roller, etc Mechanical link, roller, etc. Semi-rotary actuator E } flow lines DESCRIPTION SYMBOL APPLICATION d d ≈ 5E Square, rectangle Diamond Miscellaneous symbols Triangle: - solid - in outline only Arrow Sloping arrow FUNCTIONAL SYMBOLS As a rule, control valves (valve) except for nonreturn valves Conditioning apparatus (filter, separator, lubricator, heat exchanger) Flow line connection Spring Restriction: - affected by viscosity - unaffected by viscosity The direction of flow and the nature of the fluid Hydraulic flow Pneumatic flow or exhaust to atmosphere Indication of: - direction - direction of rotation - path and direction of flow through valves. For regulating apparatus as in 3.4 both representations, with or without a tail to the end of the arrow, are used without distinction As a general rule the line perpendicular to the head of the arrow indicates that when the arrow moves, the interior path always remains connected to the corresponding exterior path Indication of the possibility of a regulation or a progressive variabilityI S O F L U I D P O W E R G R A P H I C S Y M B O L S DESCRIPTION SYMBOL USE OF THE EQUIPMENT OR EXPLANATION OF THE SYMBOL OUTLET INLET BALL CHECK U PUMPS AND COMPRESSORS Fixed capacity hydraulic pump: - with one direction of flow - with two directions of flow Variable displacement hydraulic pump: - with one direction of flow - with two directions of flow Fixed capacity compressor (always one direction of flow) To convert mechanical energy into hydraulic or pneumatic energy. The symbol is a combination of and 1.2.3 (sloping arrow) The symbol is a combination of and 1.2.3 (sloping arrow)I S O F L U I D P O W E R G R A P H I C S Y M B O L S DESCRIPTION SYMBOL SPRING To convert hydraulic or pneumatic energy into rotary mechanical energy The symbol is a combination of and 1.2.3 (sloping arrow) The symbol is a combination of and 1.2.3 (sloping arrow) The symbol is a combination of and 1.2.3 (sloping arrow) The symbol is a combination of and 1.2.3 (sloping arrow) MOTORS Fixed capacity hydraulic motor: - with one direction of flow - with two directions of flow Variable displacement hydraulic motor: - with one direction of flow - with two directions of flow Fixed displacement pneumatic motor: - with one direction of flow - with two directions of flow Variable displacement hydraulic motor: - with one direction of flow - with two directions of flow Oscillating motor: - hydraulic - pneumatic USE OF THE EQUIPMENT OR EXPLANATION OF THE SYMBOLI S O F L U I D P O W E R G R A P H I C S Y M B O L S DESCRIPTION SYMBOL PUMP/MOTOR UNITS Fixed displacement pump/motor unit: - with reversal of the direction of flow - with one single direction of flow - with two directions of flow Variable displacement pump/motor unit: - with reversal of the direction of flow - with one single direction of flow - with two directions of flow VARIABLE SPEED DRIVE UNITS CYLINDERS Single acting cylinder: - returned by an unspecified force - returned by spring USE OF THE EQUIPMENT OR EXPLANATION OF THE SYMBOL Unit with two functions, either as pump or as rotary motor Functioning as pump or motor according to direction of flow Functioning as pump or motor without change of direction of flow Functioning as pump or motor with either direction of flow The symbol is a combination of and 1.2.3 (sloping arrow) The symbol is a combination of and 1.2.3 (sloping arrow) The symbol is a combination of and 1.2.3 (sloping arrow) Torque converter. Pump and/or motor are variable capacity. Remote drives, see 8.2 Equipment to convert hydraulic or pneumatic energy into linear energy Cylinder in which the fluid pressure always acts in one and the same direction (on the extension stroke) General symbol when the method of return is not specified Combination of the general symbols and (spring) Detailed SimplifiedI S O F L U I D P O W E R G R A P H I C S Y M B O L S DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Double acting cylinder: - with single piston rod - with double-ended piston rod Differential cylinder Cylinder with cushion: - with single fixed cushion - with double fixed cushion - with single adjustable cushion - with double adjustable cushion Telescopic cylinder: - single acting - double acting USE OF THE EQUIPMENT OR EXPLANATION OF THE SYMBOL Cylinder in which pressure fluid operates alternately in both directions (extend and retract strokes) The action is dependent on the difference between the effective areas on each side of the piston Cylinder incorporating fixed cushion acting in one direction only Cylinder with fixed cushion acting in both directions The symbol is a combination of and 1.2.3 (sloping arrow) The symbol is combination of and 1.2.3 (sloping arrow) The fluid pressure always acts in one and the same direction (on the extend stroke) The fluid pressure operates alternately in both directions (extend and retract strokes)I S O F L U I D P O W E R G R A P H I C S Y M B O L S DESCRIPTION SYMBOL PRESSURE INTENSIFIERS: - for one type of fluid - for two types of fluid AIR-OIL ACTUATOR METHOD OF REPRESENTATION OF VALVES (EXCEPT 7.3 AND 7.6) One single square Two or more squares USE OF THE EQUIPMENT OR EXPLANATION OF THE SYMBOL CONTROL VALVES Detailed Simplified Equipment transforming a pressure x into a higher pressure y E.g. a pneumatic pressure x is transformed into a higher pneumatic pressure y E.g. a pneumatic pressure x is transformed into a higher hydraulic pressure y Equipment transforming a pneumatic pressure into a substantially equal hydraulic pressure or vice versa Made up of one or more squares 1.1.3 and arrows In circuit diagrams hydraulic and pneumatic units are normally shown in the unoperated condition Indicates unit for controlling flow or pressure, having in operation and infinite number of possible positions between its end positions so as to vary the conditions of flow across one or more of its ports, thus ensuring the chosen pressure and/or flow with regard to the operating conditions of the circuit Indicate a directional control valve having as many distinct positions as there are squares. The pipe connections are normally represented as representing the unoperated condition (see 3.1). The operating positions are deduced by imagining the boxes to be displaced so that the pipe connections correspond with the ports of the box in questionI S O F L U I D P O W E R G R A P H I C S Y M B O L S DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Simplified symbol for valves in cases of multiple repetition DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVES Flow paths: - one flow path - two closed ports - two flow paths - two flow paths and one closed port - two flow paths with cross connection - one flow path in a bypass position, two closed ports Non-throttling directional control valve USE OF THE EQUIPMENT OR EXPLANATION OF THE SYMBOL 3 The number refers to a note on the diagram in which the symbol for the valve is given in full Units providing for the opening (fully or restricted) or the closing of one or more paths (represented by several squares) Square containing interior lines The unit provides distinct circuit conditions each depicted by a square Basic symbol for 2-position directional control valve Basic symbol for 3-position directional control valve A transitory but significant condition between two distinct positions is optionally represented by a square with dashed endsI S O F L U I D P O W E R G R A P H I C S Y M B O L S DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Designation: The first figure in the designation shows the number of ports (excluding pilot ports) and the second figure the number of distinct positions Directional control valve 2/2: - with manual control - controlled by pressure operating against a spring (e.g., on air unloading valve) Directional control valve 3/2: - controlled by pressure in both directions - controlled by solenoid with return spring Directional control valve 4/2: - controlled by pressure in both directions by means of pilot valve (with single solenoid and spring return) Directional control valve 5/2: - controlled by pressure in both directions USE OF THE EQUIPMENT OR EXPLANATION OF THE SYMBOL Detailed Simplified Directional control valve with 2 ports and 2 distinct positions Directional control valve with 3 ports and 2 distinct positions Indicating an intermediate condition (see Directional control valve with 4 ports and 2 distinct positions Directional control valve with 5 ports and 2 distinct positionsI S O F L U I D P O W E R G R A P H I C S Y M B O L S DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Throttling directional control - with 2 ports (one throttling orifice) - with 3 ports (two throttling orifices) - with 4 ports (four throttling orifices) Electro-hydraulic servo valve: Electro-pneumatic servo valve: - single-stage - two-stage with mechanical feedback - two-stage with hydraulic feedback USE OF THE EQUIPMENT OR EXPLANATION OF THE SYMBOL T B P A T Torque motor armature Torque motor Spool The unit has 2 extreme positions and an infinite number of intermediate conditions with varying degrees of throttling All the symbols have parallel lines along the length of the boxes. For valves with mechanical feedback see 5.3 Showing the extreme positions Showing the extreme positions and a central (neutral) position For example: Tracer valve plunger operated against a return spring For example: Directional control valve controlled by pressure against a return spring For example: Tracer valve, plunger operated against a return spring A unit which accepts an analog electrical signal and provides a similar analog fluid power output - with direct operation - with indirect pilot operation - with indirect pilot operationI S O F L U I D P O W E R G R A P H I C S Y M B O L S DESCRIPTION SYMBOL NON-RETURN VALVES, SHUTTLE VALVE, RAPID EXHAUST VALVE Non-return valve - free - spring loaded - pilot controlled - a pilot signal closes the valve - a pilot signal opens the valve - with restriction Shuttle valve Rapid exhaust valve PRESSURE CONTROL VALVES Pressure control valve: - 1 throttling orifice normally closed USE OF THE EQUIPMENT OR EXPLANATION OF THE SYMBOL P Outlet Drain Pilot Valves which allow free flow in one direction only Opens if the inlet pressure is higher than the outlet pressure Opens if the inlet pressure is greater than the outlet pressure plus the spring pressure As but by pilot control it is possible to prevent Unit allowing free flow in one direction but restricted flow in the other The inlet port connected to the higher pressure is automatically connected to the outlet port while the other inlet port is closed When the inlet port is unloaded the outlet port is freely exhausted Units ensuring the control of pressure. Represented by one single square as in 3.1.1 with one arrow (the tail to the arrow may be placed at the end of the arrow). For interior controlling conditions see General symbolsI S O F L U I D P O W E R G R A P H I C S Y M B O L S DESCRIPTION SYMBOL - 1 throttling orifice normally open - 2 throttling orifices, normally closed Pressure relief valve (safety valve): - with remote pilot control Proportional pressure relief Sequence valve Pressure regulator or reducing valve (reducer of pressure): - without relief port - without relief port with remote control - with relief port USE OF THE EQUIPMENT OR EXPLANATION OF THE SYMBOL System T P T Outlet P T Outlet Inlet pressure is controlled by opening the exhaust port to the reservoir or to atmosphere against an opposing force (for example a spring) The pressure at the inlet port is limited as in 3.4.2 or to that corresponding to the setting of a pilot control Inlet pressure is limited to a value proportional to the pilot pressure (see When the inlet pressure overcomes the opposing force of the spring, the valve opens permitting flow from the outlet port A unit which, with a pressure variable inlet pressure, gives substantially constant output pressure provided that the inlet pressure remains higher than the required outlet pressure As in, but the outlet pressure is dependent on the control pressureDESCRIPTION SYMBOL - with relief port, with remote control Differential pressure regulator Proportional pressure regulator FLOW CONTROL VALVES Throttle valve: - with manual control - with mechanical control against a return spring (braking valve) Flow control valve: - with fixed output - with fixed output and relief port to reservoir USE OF THE EQUIPMENT OR EXPLANATION OF THE SYMBOL I S O F L U I D P O W E R G R A P H I C S Y M B O L S Detailed Simplified Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet Fixed orifice Control orifice As in, but the outlet pressure is dependent on the control pressure The outlet pressure is reduced by a fixed amount with respect to the inlet pressure The outlet pressure is reduced by a fixed ratio with respect to the inlet pressure (see Units ensuring control of flow excepting 3.5.3 positions and method of representation as 3.4 Simplified symbol (does not indicate the control method or the state of the valve) Detailed symbol (indicates the control method of the state of the valve) Variations in inlet pressure do not affect the rate of flow As but with relief for excess flow 1998/1999 Fluid Power Handbook & Directory A/239DESCRIPTION SYMBOL - with variable output - with variable output and relief port to reservoir Flow dividing valve SHUT-OFF VALVE SOURCES OF ENERGY Pressure source Hydraulic pressure source Pneumatic pressure source Electric motor Heat engine FLOW LINES AND CONNECTIONS Flow line: - working line, return line and feed line - pilot control line USE OF THE EQUIPMENT OR EXPLANATION OF THE SYMBOL I S O F L U I D P O W E R G R A P H I C S Y M B O L S M M Control chamber Vent connection Inlet Tank Outlet As but with arrow 5.2.3 added to the symbol of restriction As but with relief for excess flow The flow is divided into two flows in a fixed ratio substantially independent of pressure variations Simplified symbol Simplified general symbol Symbols to be used when the nature of the source should be indicated Symbol 113 in IEC Publication 117.2 A/240 ENERGY TRANSMISSION AND CONDITIONINGI S O F L U I D P O W E R G R A P H I C S Y M B O L S DESCRIPTION SYMBOL - drain or bleed line - flexible pipe - electric line Pipeline junction Crossed Pipelines Air bleed Exhaust port: - plain with no provision for connection - threaded for connection Power take-off: - plugged - with take-off line Quick-acting coupling: - connected, without mechanically opened non-return valve - connected, with mechanically opened non-return valves - uncoupled, with open end - uncoupled, closed by free non-return valve (see USE OF THE EQUIPMENT OR EXPLANATION OF THE SYMBOL Flexible hose, usually connecting moving parts not connected On equipment or lines, for energy take-off or measurementI S O F L U I D P O W E R G R A P H I C S Y M B O L S DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Rotary connection: - one way - three way Silencer RESERVOIRS Reservoir open to atmosphere: - with inlet pipe above fluid level - with inlet pipe below fluid level - with a header line Pressurized reservoir ACCUMULATORS FILTERS, WATER TRAPS, LUBRICATORS AND MISCELLANEOUS APPARATUS Filter or strainer Water trap USE OF THE EQUIPMENT OR EXPLANATION OF THE SYMBOL Air or gas Bowl Filer element Line junction allowing angular movement in service The fluid is maintained under pressure by a spring, weight or compressed gas (air, nitrogen, etc.)I S O F L U I D P O W E R G R A P H I C S Y M B O L S DESCRIPTION SYMBOL - with manual control drain - automatically drained Filter with water trap: - with manual control - automatically drained Air dryer Lubricator Conditioning unit - Detailed symbol - Simplified symbol HEAT EXCHANGERS USE OF THE EQUIPMENT OR EXPLANATION OF THE SYMBOL Float Desiccant Inlet air Lubricated air Combination of 4.5.1 and Combination of 4.5.1 and A unit drying air (for example, by chemical means) Small quantities of oil are added to the air passing through the unit, in order to lubricate equipment receiving the air Consisting of filter, pressure regulator, pressure gage and lubricator Apparatus for heating or cooling the circulating fluidI S O F L U I D P O W E R G R A P H I C S Y M B O L S DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Temperature controller Cooler Heater Mechanical components Rotating shaft: - in one direction - in either direction Detent Locking device Over-center device Pivoting devices: - simple USE OF THE EQUIPMENT OR EXPLANATION OF THE SYMBOL The fluid temperature is maintained between two predetermined values. The arrows indicate that heat may be either introduced or dissipated The arrows in the diamond indicate the extraction of heat - without representation of the flow lines of the coolant - indicating the flow lines of the coolant The arrows in the diamond indicate the introduction of heat The arrow indicates rotation A device for maintaining a given position * The symbol for unlocking control is inserted in the square Prevents the mechanism from stopping in a dead center position CONTROL MECHANISMSI S O F L U I D P O W E R G R A P H I C S Y M B O L S DESCRIPTION SYMBOL - with traversing lever - with fixed fulcrum CONTROL METHODS Muscular control: - by pushbutton - by lever - by pedal Mechanical control: - by plunger or tracer - by spring - by roller - by roller, operating in one direction only Electrical control: - by solenoid USE OF THE EQUIPMENT OR EXPLANATION OF THE SYMBOL The symbols representing control methods are incorporated in the symbol of the controlled apparatus, to which they should be adjacent. For apparatus with several squares the actuation of the control makes effective the square adjacent to it. General symbol (without indication of control type) - with one winding - with two windings operating in opposite directionsI S O F L U I D P O W E R G R A P H I C S Y M B O L S DESCRIPTION SYMBOL - by electric motor Control by application or release of pressure Direct acting control: - by application of pressure - by release of pressure - by different control areas Indirect control, pilot actuated: - by application of pressure - by release of pressure Interior control paths Combined control: - by solenoid and pilot directional valve - by solenoid or pilot directional valve USE OF THE EQUIPMENT OR EXPLANATION OF THE SYMBOL M - with two windings operating in a variable way progressively, operating in opposite direction In the symbol the larger rectangle represents the larger control area, i.e., the priority phase General symbol for pilot directional control valve The control paths are inside the unit The pilot directional valve is actuated by the solenoid Either may actuate the control independently
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