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| موضوع: كتاب Industrial Hydraulics - Project Manual الثلاثاء 24 مايو 2022, 2:47 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Industrial Hydraulics - Project Manual Bosch Rexroth AG
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Introduction Imparting knowledge through project work • Project designation with short description of the industrial application • Comparison of project exercises Bosch Rexroth AG/BIBB • Component matrix • Overview of components • Safety aspects B Basic principles of hydraulics System technologies/energy conversion • Simple hydraulic circuit • Symbols according to DIN ISO 1219-1 • Circuit systems in the field of hydraulics • Demands placed on drive elements • Physical basic principles • Hydraulic fluids • Filtration C Project tasks Fundamental safety notes • 01 Hydraulic power unit • 02 Hydraulic pump/variable displacement pump characteristic curve • 03 Single-rod cylinder/pressure intensification • 04 Single-rod cylinder/flow • 05 Hydraulic motor • 06 4/3 directional valve • 07 Check valve • 08 Check valve, pilot operated • 09 Throttle valve, adjustable • 10 Throttle check valve • 11 Flow control valve • 12 Pressure relief valve, direct operated • 13 Pressure relief valve controls • 14 Pressure reducing valve • 15 Pressure switch • 16 Pressure switch/ hysteresis • 17 Hydraulic accumulator • 18 Regenerative circuit • 19 Rapid speed/creep speed control • 20 Valve circulation control • 21 Commissioning, inspection, maintenance, troubleshooting, repair D Annex RE 07008 General product information about hydraulic products from Bosch Rexroth AG s The increasing importance of process-oriented working procedures, the growing complexity and networking of new technologies as well as comprehensive, customer-oriented services have resulted in the necessity to restructure industrial metalworking professions, which was laid down in regulations in 1987. Restructuring of industrial metalworking professions (source: DIHK 06/2004) Qualification requirements The requirements for core qualification are met by solving tasks set in the form of project steps, which involve informing, planning, decision-making, executing, checking and assessing. Mastering and internalizing the multitude of qualifications finally results in the professional competence to act. Time frame - method (source: DIHT 06/2004) Subject area-specific specialized training Subject area-specific specialized training Profession-specific specialized training Interdisciplinary specialized training Basic training Profession-specific specialized training over 21 months, including specialized task in the company’s field of activities Training period (years) Common core qualification 21 months Integrated training 1st step Analysis of qualification requirements → Training pattern (technical structure) 2nd step Synthesis of qualification contents → Time frame (time structure) In the sense of fields of work/activities within the context of professionspecific business processes Field of activities - Core qualifications - Specialist qualifications + Fields of activities Specialist qualifications Core qualificationsIntroduction 2 Bosch Rexroth AG I RE 00845/04.07 Imparting knowledge through project work The present Project Manual Industrial Hydraulics is intended for imparting the required specialist knowledge in the field of hydraulic control technology in practice-oriented applications. Through the logically structured project work the trainee: • is to understand the physical laws and technical interrelationships (area, pressure, force, work and power), • is to become able to explain the function, structure, practical operating principle and possible applications of hydraulic equipment, • is to become able to read and understand symbols and circuit diagrams, • is to get to know basic controls of hydraulics and assemble units according to prepared circuit diagrams, • is to be made familiar with types, properties, requirements and application of hydraulic fluids. The project tasks and project work described in the Project Manual Industrial Hydraulics provide trainers and trainees with information and instruments that will help them comply with the demands made on the transfer of specialist know-how in the field of hydraulics. The sub-objectives listed below, which are taken from the framework curriculum for vocational training of industrial mechanics, are matched with the regulations for vocational training in industrial metalworking professions dated 09.07.2004 (BGBl. I. S. 1502). The sub-objectives listed refer to training objectives given for hydraulic control technology. Industrial mechanics • plan and organize work sequences, check and assess work results, • verify mechanical and physical variables, • assemble and disassemble machines, equipment, fixtures and systems, • commission systems and plants, including open and closed-loop control equipment, and instruct customers, • carry out maintenance work and ensure the operability of technical systems, • prepare technical documentation, • apply standards and regulations for safeguarding the process and product quality and contribute to continuing improvements in the work sequences in the company. Industrial mechanics are mainly assigned to professional activities in the field of production, assembly, maintenance and automation of technical systems. The fields of activities mentioned before are dealt with in individual training sections. Within the fields of activities, the training sections of the individual training years are based on each other. In training section-oriented lessons the solutions required for project handling are not imparted like in conventional lessons. The solution of the task set is worked out alternately in systematic, technical and situation- or case-related training. In the course of the project work it should be envisaged that the trainee can handle the projects on his/her own and under his/her own responsibility and, whenever possible, in a team. This brings the training contents closer to the trainee's real world of experience, which enables and simplifies imparting the professional competence to act in the lessons. To solve a more complex project task, it may be required to impart the basic principles for this project in systematic technical training. Training contents Framework curriculum Fields of activities Training sectionsIntroduction 3 Bosch Rexroth AG I RE 00845/04.07 Training section 6, which is geared to hydraulic control technology, is described below. Training section 6: Installing and commissioning control systems 2nd year of training Recommended time: 60 hours The trainees are to install and commission control systems. They determine the control components to be used and the functional sequence for controls on the basis of circuit diagrams and other documentation for various component technologies. For this, they use manufacturers's documents. The trainees plan and realize the set-up of the control. They commission the control system observing rules for safety at work. They develop strategies for troubleshooting and optimization of the control systems and apply them. They document and present their results utilizing suitable user programs. Contents: • Technology diagram • Hydraulic power part • Supply unit • Sensors • Flow of material, energy, information • Electrical circuit diagrams • Pressure fluids • Pressures, forces, velocity, flow • Operating modes • Plant safety The starting point of didactic-methodical structuring of the training situation in the individual training sections is to be the business and work process in the vocational field of activities. This is reflected in the formulation of objectives in the individual training sections. The objectives of the training sections are the decisive factors for the structuring of the lessons and represent the minimum scope together with supplementary contents. The technical contents of the individual training sections are formulated generally and are not listed in a differentiated way. The individual contents of the training sections are coordinated with the training curriculum for in-company training. According to § 7 of the regulations for vocational training in industrial metalworking professions deviations from the training curriculum are permitted in terms of technical contents and time schedule, in particular, where practical requirements necessitate this deviation. The project tasks described in the Project Manual Hydraulics are structured so that the trainee achieves the training objectives described in the project definition in 6 project steps: • Informing, • Planning, • Deciding, • Executing, • Checking, • Evaluating. Training schedule (Training framework curriculum § 10 section 1 No. 10/Control technology)Introduction 4 Bosch Rexroth AG I RE 00845/04.07 Specialist competence Professional competence to act The objectives described are geared to the development of competence to act. The trainee will develop his or her competence to act from the capability and willingness to solve tasks and problems and evaluate results in a target-oriented manner, skillfully, methodically and independently on the basis of technical knowledge and skills. The projects described in the project definition are oriented towards practical needs and are characterized by a high level of conformity with customer orders from industry and trade. Customer orders represent complete activities and develop and promote the trainee's professional competence. As mentioned before, the trainee is to work off the project task or the project order in 6 steps. 1. Informing Based on the project definition, the trainee is to get a clear idea of the finished solution, including any required details. This is achieved through a systematic analysis of the project documentation and, if required, by asking questions. Possible questions: • What is to be done? • Have I understood the task completely? • Which hydraulic component/system is to be dealt with? 2. Planning Planning means the theoretical preparation and anticipation of the concrete execution. In detail, planning requires competence to handle the project order and to organize the project handling steps. Possible questions: • How to proceed? • What knowledge is required? • Which aids are available? • Are there comparable applications in my company? 3. Decision-making After the planning stage, the trainee determines the aids to be used, e.g. which data sheets are required for coping with the project task. He/she decides on the sequence and the interrelationships of the individual project steps. Moreover, a decision should be made as to whether it would be easier to solve the project task in a team. Possible questions: • Which hydraulic components will be used? • How can you know that technical data sheets are up to date? • Have I utilized all available sources of information? • Are the prescribed safety instructions at hand? 4. Executing: The order is to be executed according to the work instructions given in the chapter "order execution", taking all safety notes into account. After a thorough preparatory phase, the trainee is to carry out the project order largely on his/her own. After the solution was worked out in writing, it should be verified or questioned, whether the right attempt at a solution was selected. Depending on the project order, the possibilities of execution may be limited. This is valid, for example, in the case of costly work in the field of information technology. Possible questions: • Have I chosen the correct sequence? 5. Checking: The trainee must check intermediate results as early as during the execution stage, and finally the result of the customer requirement. In some cases, the result can be compared with the manufacturer's documents. In the case of measuring exercises, it must be checked, whether the measured results are realistic. The documentation should also be finally corrected, improved and completed. This also includes the preparation of a final report. After completion, the trainer makes a final check.Introduction 5 Bosch Rexroth AG I RE 00845/04.07 Procedural knowledge Pictogram Possible questions: • Was the control properly installed? • Has the project objective been complied with? • Is the customer satisfied with the project result? • Which documentation is required? • Is the result completely documented in the correct order? 6. Evaluating: In the final evaluation phase, an external or self-evaluation is to be carried out on the basis of a comparison of project order documents, the installed control and results of measurements and checks. Faults, if any, and their causes must be analyzed and possibilities discussed as to how faults can be avoided in the future. The trainee must learn to assess his/her strengths and weaknesses and develop objective quality standards for his/her acting, which ultimately leads to personal competence. The evaluation can be finalized in a technical discussion, possibly also in a discussion with the customer. General notes: For didactic reasons, we refer exclusively to trainees and trainers in the present manual. We expressly point out that these terms include all persons involved in the basic and advanced training: Instructors, teachers, project managers, etc., whether male or female. In this manual, we do not give notes on procedural knowledge (explanatory knowledge). It is the knowledge of how to achieve a certain result with which measures, procedures or processes - in this case, how the learning target can be reached. The present manual must be understood as a tool for providing the required core and specialist qualification that must be imparted in an integrated form through independent planning, executing and checking according to the regulations for vocational training in industrial metalworking professions. The pictograms, which are used as recurrent symbols, are to transfer important information as quickly as possible in the form of a simplified graphical representation and independently of languages
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