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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Advances in Mechanism Design II الثلاثاء 19 أبريل 2022 - 2:05 | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Advances in Mechanism Design II Proceedings of the XII International Conference on the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms Jaroslav Beran, Martin Bílek, Petr Žabka Editors
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents Part I General Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Analysis and Synthesis of Planar and Spatial Mechanisms, Linkages and Cams, Robots and Manipulators IFToMM in MMS Developments 3 Marco Ceccarelli General Algorithm for Computing the Theoretical Centering Precision of the Gripping Devices . 15 E.-C. Lovasz, V. Mesaroş-Anghel, C.M. Gruescu, C.E. Moldovan and M. Ceccarelli Design and Development of a Heddle Shaft Mechanism for Air-Jet Weaving Machines 23 F. Schwarzfischer, S. Kurtenbach, J. Onischke and B. Corves On Transfemoral Prosthetic Knee Design Using RRSS Motion and Axode Generation 29 J. D’Alessio, K. Russell and R.S. Sodhi On Approach Based on Lie Groups and Algebras to the Structural Synthesis of Parallel Robots . 37 L. Rybak, D. Malyshev and A. Chichvarin Life Estimation of the Contact Surfaces 43 M. Hejnová and J. Ondrášek Calculation of the Contours of a Radial Double Cam Based on an Approximate Course of the 2nd Derivative of the Displacement Law of a Working Link 51 P. Jirásko and M. Václavík The Elastic Compression in the Contact Region of a Cam Mechanism General Kinematic Pair . 57 J. Ondrášek ixDesign of a Legged Walking Robot with Adjustable Parameters 65 Y. Zhang, V. Arakelian and J.-P. Le Baron Positioning Control of a Micro Manipulation Robot Based on Voice Command Recognition for the Microscopic Cell Operation . 73 H. Terada, K. Makino, H. Nishizaki, E. Yanase, T. Suzuki and T. Tanzawa Spherical Ultrasonic Motor for Space 81 U. Nishizawa, S. Toyama and T. Oohashi Part II Dynamics of Machines and Mechanisms, Rotor Dynamics Multi-physical Analysis of the Forces in the Flexible Rotor Supported by the Magnetorheological Squeeze Film Dampers 89 P. Ferfecki, J. Zapoměl and M. Marek Experimental Evaluation of a Rotor Model Based Foundation Identification Procedure . 97 M. Yu, N. Feng and E. Hahn Researching of the Method of Separation of Fine-Grain Particles by Centrifugation in a Liquid Medium . 105 A.B. Kydyrbekuly, L.A. Khajieva and G.E. Ybraev The Steady State Response of Multi-disc Rotors Damped by Magnetorheological Squeeze Film Dampers . 117 J. Zapoměl and P. Ferfecki Inertia Matrix and Vehicle Driveability 123 P. Brabec, M. Malý and R. Voženílek Unexpected Vibrations of Relatively Simple Cutting Machine Mechanism 129 P. Šidlof, Z. Braier, P. Klouček and J. Ondrášek Effect of Oil Viscosity on Pulsating Flow in Pipe . 137 L. Hružík, A. Bureček and M. Vašina Experimental Research and Mathematical Modeling of Scroll Machine in Air Motor Mode 145 V.I. Ivlev, S. Yu. Misyurin and A.P. Nelyubin Analysis of the Mechanism of the Drill Hammer . 153 M. Konečný x ContentsFree Vibration Frequency Spectrum of Four-Planetary Gearing Box 161 L. Půst, L. Pešek and A. Radolfová Speed Control of 3-Phase Induction Motor in Presence of Sommerfeld Effect . 169 A. Bisoi, R. Bhattacharyya and A.K. Samantaray Part III Computational Mechanics Various Strategies of Elastic Forces Evaluation in the Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation . 179 R. Bulín and M. Hajžman Nonlinear Vibration of Nuclear Fuel Rods 185 Š. Dyk and V. Zeman Thermal Field Simulation of Repair Threads in a Hole in the Cover of a Pressure Vessel by Welding Using Sysweld . 191 R. Jančo and P. Élesztős Simulation of Isothermal Compression Test . 199 I. Matoušek and O. Matúšek Influence of Bubbles in the Shock Liquid at Its Compressibility . 207 M. Sivčák and T. Hruš Procedure for Seismic Analysis of Liquid Storage Tanks Using FEM Approach and Analytical Models . 213 M. Sivý and M. Musil Part IV Vibration and Noise in Machines Forced Response Reduction of a Compressor Blisk Rotor Employing Intentional Mistuning 223 B. Beirow, A. Kühhorn and J. Nipkau Flat Flexural Vibration of Drill-String with an Initial Curvature 231 A.S. Sergaliyev and L.A. Khajiyeva A Design of the Two Architectures of Electromagnetic Vibration Energy Harvesting Devices . 239 M. Maták, M. Gašparík, P. Šolek and M. Margetin Acoustic Solution for a Car Cab Interior . 247 P. Němeček Possibilities for Reducing Car Gearbox Vibration and Noise . 255 E. Tomeh Contents xiReduced Order Analyses of Multi-stage Coupled Structures with Main Focus on Disk-Dominated Modes 263 R. Weber and A. Kühhorn Part V Optimization of Mechanisms and Machines, Mechanisms of Textile Machines Composite Production and Industrial Robot Trajectory Calculation 271 T. Martinec, J. Mlýnek and M. Petrů The Pinion Teeth Temperatures Measured During the Different Power Levels Operation 277 M. Mazac and M. Maly A Novel Four Wheel Vehicle . 283 S. Pramanik and S.S. Thipse Cam Mechanism for Car Seat Testing . 289 P. Srb, P. Kulhavy, V. Fliegel and P. Lepsik Offset of Natural Frequencies of Toothed Wheel by Means of Parametric Optimisation 295 J. Stadnicki and M. Głąbek Diagnosis of a Common Rail High Pressure Injector System . 303 P. Starý Design of a Tribometer for Piston Rings 309 R. Voženílek, S. Beroun and J. Břoušek Mathematical Model of Elastic Heald 315 M. Bílek, Š. Kovář and J. Skřivánek Dynamic Model of the Mechanical System of the Needle Bar . 323 J. Komárek Electronic Link Between the Needle Cylinder and the Dial of the Small Diameter Knitting Machine 331 J. Skřivánek, M. Bílek, O. Baťka and M. Kašpárek Utilization of Magnetic Accumulators for the Traversing Rod of the Yarn Winding System on Rotor Spinning Machines . 337 J. Valtera Mechatronic Model for Traversing Rod Longitudinal Vibration Analysis 345 P. Žabka Adaptive Timing of Relay Nozzles of an Air Jet Weaving Loom 351 J. Žák xii ContentsPart VI Mechatronics, Control and Monitoring Systems of Machines The Testing Stand of the Direct Linear and the Torque Servo Drives Siemens Controlled by the Simotion C 359 J. Antoš New Method of Contactless Measurement and Analysis of CNC Machine Spindle Lopping . 365 Z. Braier, P. Šidlof, V. Čejka and P. Žďárek Smart Rehabilitation Splint 371 J. Cernohorsky and M. Cadek Implementation of Specific Displacement Diagrams for the Control of Kinetic Sculptures with Yaskawa Electronic Cams . 377 P. Dostrašil Semi-automatic Transmission in a Car . 383 M. Gašparík, M. Černý, P. Šolek and M. Maták Improvement of Dynamic Characteristics of the Car in the Light of Technological Evolution 391 F. Palčák Rotary Table Machine Input Parameters Optimization 399 A. Richter and J. Ondrášek
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