كتاب MATLAB Recipes for Data Acquisition in Earth Sciences - Signal and Noise in Geosciences
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب MATLAB Recipes for Data Acquisition in Earth Sciences - Signal and Noise in Geosciences

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مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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MATLAB Recipes for Data Acquisition in Earth Sciences
Signal and Noise in Geosciences
Martin H. Trauth

كتاب MATLAB Recipes for Data Acquisition in Earth Sciences - Signal and Noise in Geosciences M_s_n_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

1 Data Acquisition in Earth Sciences 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Methods of Data Acquisition 4
1.3 Classroom-Sized Earth Science Experiments 9
Recommended Reading 13
2 Introduction to MATLAB . 15
2.1 MATLAB in Earth Sciences 15
2.2 Getting Started 16
2.3 The Syntax 18
2.4 Array Manipulation 23
2.5 Basic Visualization Tools 28
2.6 Generating Code to Recreate Graphics . 31
2.7 Publishing and Sharing MATLAB Code . 33
2.8 Exercises 36
2.8.1 Getting Started with MATLAB 36
2.8.2 Using MATLAB Help and Docs . 37
2.8.3 Creating a Simple MATLAB Script . 38
2.8.4 Creating Graphics with MATLAB 40
2.8.5 Collaborative Coding with MATLAB 42
Recommended Reading 45
3 MATLAB Programming 47
3.1 Introduction to Programming 47
3.2 Data Types in MATLAB 48
3.3 Data Storage and Handling . 62
3.4 Control Flow . 72
3.5 Scripts and Functions . 76
3.6 Creating Graphical User Interfaces 80
3.7 Exercises 86
ix3.7.1 Communicating with the LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3
Brick . 86
3.7.2 Controlling EV3 Motors Using an Ultrasonic Sensor . 89
3.7.3 Reading Complex Text Files with MATLAB 95
3.7.4 Smartphone Sensors with MATLAB Mobile . 98
3.7.5 Smartphone GPS Tracking with MATLAB Mobile 102
Recommended Reading 105
4 Geometric Properties 107
4.1 Introduction 107
4.2 Position on the Earth’s Surface 108
4.3 Digital Elevation Models of the Earth’s Surface 111
4.4 Gridding and Contouring 115
4.5 Exercises 121
4.5.1 Dip and Dip Direction of Planar Features Using
Smartphone Sensors . 121
4.5.2 Precision and Accuracy of Ultrasonic Distance
Measurements . 127
4.5.3 Spatial Resolution of the LEGO EV3 Ultrasonic
Sensor . 133
4.5.4 Object Scanning with the LEGO EV3 Ultrasonic
Sensor . 140
4.5.5 Point Clouds from Multiple Smartphone Images 145
Recommended Reading 152
5 Visible Light Images . 153
5.1 Introduction 153
5.2 Visible Electromagnetic Waves 154
5.3 Acquiring Visible Digital Images . 155
5.4 Storing Images on a Computer 157
5.5 Processing Images on a Computer 161
5.6 Image Enhancement, Correction and Rectification 168
5.7 Exercises 176
5.7.1 Smartphone Camera/Webcam Images with MATLAB 176
5.7.2 Enhancing, Rectifying and Referencing Images . 180
5.7.3 Stitching Multiple Smartphone Images . 184
5.7.4 Spatial Resolution of the LEGO EV3 Color Sensor 188
5.7.5 Scanning Images Using the LEGO EV3 Color Sensor 197
Recommended Reading 203
6 Spectral Imaging 205
6.1 Introduction 205
6.2 Visible to Thermal Electromagnetic Radiation . 206
6.3 Acquiring Spectral Images . 207
x Contents6.4 Storing Spectral Images on a Computer 208
6.5 Processing Spectral Images on a Computer . 212
6.6 Exercises 216
6.6.1 Infrared Spectrometry of Landscapes 216
6.6.2 Using Spectral Cameras in a Botanic Garden 220
6.6.3 Using RGB Cameras to Classify Minerals in Rocks 230
6.6.4 Using Spectral Cameras to Classify Minerals
in Rocks . 236
6.6.5 Thermal Imaging in a Roof Garden . 246
Recommended Reading 253
7 Acquisition of Elastic Signals 255
7.1 Introduction 255
7.2 Earth’s Elastic Properties 256
7.3 Acquiring Elastic Signals 258
7.4 Storing and Processing Elastic Signals . 259
7.5 Exercises 265
7.5.1 Smartphone Seismometer . 266
7.5.2 Smartphone Sonar for Distance Measurement 269
7.5.3 Use of Stereo Microphones to Locate a Sound Source 274
7.5.4 Sound in Time and Frequency Domains 282
7.5.5 Distortion of a Harmonic Signal 292
Recommended Reading 300
8 Gravimetric, Magnetic and Weather Data 301
8.1 Introduction 301
8.2 Earth’s Gravity Field, Magnetic Field and Weather . 302
8.3 Acquiring Gravimetric, Magnetic and Weather Data . 304
8.4 Storing Gravimetric, Magnetic and Weather Data . 306
8.5 Exercises 308
8.5.1 Measuring the Density of Minerals 309
8.5.2 Gravitational Acceleration 313
8.5.3 Position, Velocity and Acceleration . 316
8.5.4 LEGO-Smartphone Magnetic Survey 322
8.5.5 ThingSpeak Weather Station 329
Recommended Reading


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