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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Power Boilers - A Guide to Section I of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code الثلاثاء 22 فبراير 2022, 12:52 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Power Boilers - A Guide to Section I of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Second Edition by John R. MacKay and James t. Pillow founding Authors: Martin d. Bernstein and Lloyd W. Yoder
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Table of Contents List of Figures . ix List of Tables . xii Foreword . xiii Introduction xv Acknowledgment xix chapter 1 Scope of Section I, Organization and, Serice Limits . 1 Scope . 1 The Organization of Section I . 4 The Parts of Section I . 5 Interpretations . 10 Pressure Range of Section I Boilers . 11 Fired Versus Unfired Boilers 11 The Use of Section VIII Vessels in a Section I Boiler . 12 Standards Referenced by Section I . 14 chapter 2 how and Where Section I is Enforced and Effectie dates . 17 United States and Canada . 17 International Acceptance 19 Uniform Boiler and Pressure Vessel Laws Society 19 National Board Inspection Code . 20 Effective Dates of the Code and Code Revisions . 20 chapter 3 Materials . 25 How Material is Ordered 25 Using Section II 25 Finding and Using Design Stresses in Section II, Part D . 28 Marking of Materials 29 Use of Non-Asme Material Specifications and Material Not Fully Identified . 30 Special Concerns 31 Material Requirements for Boiler External Piping . 33 Electric Resistance Welded (ERW) Materials 33 Nonpressure Part Materials . 34 Material Test Reports . 34 Strength of Materials After Fabrication 35 Cold Forming of Austenitic Materials 36 Cold Forming of Creep Strength-Enhanced Ferritic Steels 38 Does New Material Get Old? . 39Use of Materials in Inventory . 41 Code Guidance on the Use of Old Materials 41 chapter 4 Boiler design . 43 Design Life . 43 Design Allowable Stresses . 44 Design Methods 44 Design Loads 45 Distinction Between Boiler Proper Piping and Boiler External Piping 50 Some Design Differences: Section I Versus B31.1 51 Bend Design 52 Openings and Compensation 54 Ligament Design . 61 Interpretations on Openings, Compensation, and Ligaments . 65 Nozzle Attachment Rules . 66 Dished Heads 70 Flat Heads . 76 Interpretations on Heads . 76 Stayed Surfaces . 78 Supports and Attachment Lugs . 82 Loading on Structural Attachments 82 Design of Pressure Relief Valve Nozzles . 84 Thermocouple Installations 85 chapter 5 Piping design 89 Introduction . 89 Shock Service for Feedwater and Blowoff Piping . 89 Pump Discharge Head 90 Unusually High Piping Design Pressure . 91 Short-Term Overstress in Boiler External Piping . 92 Hydrostatic Test of Boiler External Piping 96 Allowable Stress When Pressure Relief Valves Are Discharging 97 Feedwater Piping 98 Main Steam Piping . 99 Blowoff and Blowdown Piping 102 Design Conditions for Blowoff and Blowdown Piping 104 Drains 104 Design Conditions for Drain Piping . 107 Pipe Connections to the Boiler . 107 Addition of Small Connections to Boiler Piping 108 chapter 6 fabrication 109 Fabrication 109 Tube Attachment by Expanding . 109 Welding — Some History 111 Welding Rules 112 Qualification of Welding Procedures 113 i Table of ContentsQualification of Welder Performance . 113 Expiration and Renewal of Welding Qualifications . 114 Transfer of Procedures and Welders to Another Organization 116 Welding Documentation . 118 Welding Nonductile Materials 119 Welding Variables 119 P-Numbers, S-Numbers, F-Numbers, and A-Numbers 120 Weldability . 122 Design of Welded Joints . 123 Bending Stress on Welds 123 Acceptance Criteria for Welds 124 Tube-to Header Attachment Using Partial Penetration Welds . 125 Alignment Tolerance 126 Backing Rings . 126 Preheating . 126 Postweld Heat Treatment 127 Test Plates . 130 Interpretations on Welding . 131 Volumetric Examination of Welds . 134 chapter 7 nondestructie Examination and hydrostatic testing 139 Nondestructive Examination 139 Qualification And Certification Of NDE Personnel . 139 Hydrostatic Testing . 140 Welding After Hydrostatic Test 144 Interpretations On Hydrostatic Testing 144 chapter 8 third Party Inspection 151 chapter 9 certification by data Reports and Stamping 155 Certification and Its Significance 155 Manufacturer’s Data Report and Certificate of Conformance Forms 156 The Section I Manufacturer’s Data Report And Certificate Of Conformance Forms 156 Completing the Manufacturer’s Data Report Forms 159 Distribution of the Data Report Forms . 159 Interpretations on Use of Manufacturer’s Data Report Forms . 160 Code Symbol Stamps and How They Are Obtained 161 What the Code Symbol Stamps Cover . 162 Reapplication of an ASME Code Symbol Stamp . 164 Interpretations on Code Symbol Stamping . 165 chapter 10 Quality control System . 173 chapter 11 Standard Pressure Parts, Vales, and Vale Ratings . 175 Standard Pressure Parts . 175 Table of Contents iiValve and Valve Ratings 176 chapter 12 Pressure-Relief Vale Requirements 179 Introduction . 179 Overpressure Protection 180 Selection of Pressure-Relieving Devices 188 Design of Pressure-Relief Valves . 191 Establishing and Certifying Relieving Capacities 192 Qualification of Pressure-relief Valve Manufacturers 195 Installation Guidelines 195 Pressure-Relief Valves in Service 196 chapter 13 feedwater Supply and Water Leel Indication 199 Importance of Feedwater 199 Rules for Feedwater Supply 199 Tower Mounted Solar Fired Boilers . 202 Forced-Flow Steam Generators 202 Low Water Level Fuel Cutoffs . 203 Water Level Indication . 203 Water Columns . 206 chapter 14 creep and fatigue damage during Boiler Life 209 Introduction . 209 Creep . 209 Fatigue 212 Boiler Life Extension 214 chapter 15 determination of Allowable Stresses 217 General Philosophy . 217 Establishing Allowable Stresses . 218 Penalties on Allowable Stresses . 218 Design Stresses: Past, Present, and Future . 219 Appendix 1 of Section II, Part D 220 chapter 16 Rules coering Boilers in Serice 223 Introduction . 223 Jurisdictional Requirements 224 National Board Inspection Code . 224 References . 231 Appendix I Eolution of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel code . 233 iii Table of ContentsAppendix II Organization and Operation of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Standards committees 237 Organization and Responsibility . 237 A Balance of Interests . 239 The Code Sections and Their Related Standards Committee . 240 The Service Committee 240 The Certification Committees . 242 Committee Operations 242 How the Committee Does Its Work 242 Code Inquiries and Interpretations 242 Publication of Interpretations of the Code 244 Additions and Revisions to the Code 245 Code Cases 246 Voting at the Standards Committee (BPV I) 247 Due Process 248 Appendix III Oeriew of code Sections II to XII and Piping codes B31.1 and B31.3 . 249 Appendix IV design Exercises . 261 Design Exercise No. 1, Design of a Header .261 Design Exercise No. 1A, Alternative Design of Header (A-317) 262 Design Exercise No. 2, Design of a Head 262 Design Exercise No. 3, Choice of Feedwater Stop Valve 263 Design Exercise No. 4, Design of a Tube For Lug Loading 264 Design Exercise No. 5, Design of an Opening . 266 Pg-27 Cylindrical Components Under Internal Pressure (Reproduced from ASME Section I) 269 PG-29 Dished Heads (Reproduced from Section I) . 273 Appendix V Illustrations of Various types of Boilers . 283 Index of Interpretations Referenced in text, their Major Subjects and Abstracts . 295 Index . List of Figures chapter 2 Fig. 2.1 Map of States and Provinces with Boiler and Pressure Vessel Laws (Courtesy of the National Board Synopsis of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Laws, Rules and Regulations) . 18 chapter 4 Fig. PG-33.1 Nominclature and Formulas for Reinforced Openings (Reproduced From ASME Section I) 56 Fig. PG-52.1 Diagram for Determining the Efficiency of Longitudinal and Diagonal Ligaments Between Openings in Cylindrical Shells (Reproduced From ASME Section I) 63 Fig. PW-15 Examples of Weld Strength Calculations (Reproduced From ASME Section I) . 68 Fig. PW-16.1 Some Acceptable Types of Welded Nozzles and Other Connections to Shells, Drums, and Headers (Reproduced From ASME Section I) . 71-74 Fig. PG-31 Some Acceptable Types of Unstayed Flat Heads and Covers (Reproduced From ASME Section I) 77 chapter 5 Fig. PG-58.3.1(a) Code Jurisdictional Limits for Piping — Drum-Type Boilers (Reproduced From ASME Section I) 92 Fig. PG-58.3.1(b) Code Jurisdictional Limits for Piping — Isolable Economizers Located in Feedwater Piping and Isolable Superheaters in Main Steam Piping (Reproduced From ASME Section I) 93 Fig. PG-58.3.1(c) Code Jurisdictional Limits for Piping — Reheaters and Nonintegral Separately Fired Superheaters (Reproduced From ASME Section I) . 94 Fig. PG-58.3.2 Code Jurisdictional Limits for Piping — An Example of Forced-Flow Steam Generators with No Fixed Steam Or Waterline (Reproduced From ASME Section I) 99 Fig. PG-58.3.3 Code Jurisdictional Limits for Piping — An Example of Steam Separator Type Forced-Flow Steam Generators with No Fixed Steam or Waterline (Reproduced From ASME Section I) 100 chapter 6 Fig. 6.1 Dudgeon’s Roller Expander, Circa 1880 110 Fig. 6.2 Prosser Tube Expander, Circa 1880 110 xchapter 14 Fig. 14.1 Strain in Constant Stress Creep Test . 210 Fig. 14.2 Progression of Microstructural Damage During Componenet Life (Reproduced From Neubauer and Wedel (1983)) 211 Fig. 14.3 2¼ Cr-1Mo — 100 Percent of the Minimum Stress-to-Rupture (Reproduced From ASME Section III) . 211 Appendix II Fig. A.II.1 Organization of ASME (Condensed) 238 Fig. A.II.2 Portion of ASME Organization Encompassing BPV Committee on Power Boilers (I) . 239 Appendix IV Fig. A-71 Lug Load on Tube (Reproduced From ASME I) . 264 Fig. PW-15 Examples of Weld Strength Calculations Sketch (C) (Reproduced From ASME Section I) . 266 Appendix V Fig. A.V.1 Supercritical Once-Through Coal Firing Steam Generator (Courtesy of Foster Wheeler Energy Corporation) 283 Fig. A.V.2 Coal Firing Central Station Steam Generator (Courtesy of Foster Wheeler Energy Corporation) 284 Fig. A.V.3 Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler (Courtesy of Foster Wheeler Energy Corporation) . 285 Fig. A.V.4 Kraft Process Black Liquor Recovery Boiler (Courtesy of the Babcock & Wilcox Company) . 286 Fig. A.V.5 Refuse Fired Boiler (Courtesy of the Babcock & Wilcox Company) 287 Fig. A.V.6 Package Boiler (Courtesy of the Babcock & Wilcox Company) . 288 Fig. A.V.7 “Flex” Boiler (Courtesy of Cleaver-brooks Inc.) 289 FIG. A.V.8 “Flex” Boiler (Courtesy of Cleaver-brooks Inc.) 290 FIG. A.V.9 Solar “Fired” Boiler (Courtesy of Esolar) .291 FIG. A.V.10 Miniature Electric Boiler (Courtesy of Chromalox Inc.) .292 FIG. A.V.11 Heat Recovery Steam Generator (Courtesy of Alstom Power, Inc.) .293 List of Figures xiList of Tables chapter 3 Table PG-19 Post Cold-Forming Strain Limits and Heat-Treatment Requirements (Reproduced From ASME Section 1) . 37 Table PG-20 Post Cold-Forming Strain Limits and Heat-Treatment Requirements (Reproduced From ASME Section 1) . 38 chapter 4 Table PG-26 Weld Strength Reduction Factors to be Applied When Calculating Maximum Allowable Working Pressure or Minimum Required Thickness of Components Fabricated with a Longitudinal Seam Weld . 47-48 chapter 9 Table 9.1 Capabilities Needed to Obtain Section I Code Symbol Stamps . 163 chapter 12 Table 12.1 Pressure-Relief Devices Allowed by the ASME Code . 183 Table 12.2(a) Section I Pressure-Relief Device Operating Requirements . 185 Table 12.2(b) Section IV Pressure-Relief Device Operating Requirements 186 Table 12.2(c) Section VIII Divisions 1, 2 and 3 Pressure-Relief Device Operting Requirements .186-187 Table 12.2(d) Section X Pressure-Relief Device Operating Requirements 188 Table 12.2(e) Section XII Pressure-Relief Device Operating Requirements . 189 chapter 15 Table 1-100 Criteria for Establishing Allowable Stress Values for Tables 1A and 1B 221 Appendix II Table A.II.1 The Book Sections of the ASME B&PV Code 241 Appendix IV Table 1 Material Specification List (Reproduced From Asme B16.34) 276-277 Table 2 Dimensions And Weights of Welded And Seamless Steel Pipe (Excert–Reproduced From ASME B36.10m) .278-281 Table 2.1.1 Rating for Group 1.1 Materials (Reproduced From Asme B16.34) . 303 A Addenda to the Code, 211–212, 246 Alberta Boilers Safety Association (ABSA), 152 Alignment tolerance in welding, 123, 126 Allowable overpressure, 179, 183–185 Allowable stress, 26 determination, 217–222 establishing, 218 penalties on, 218–219 when pressure relief valves are discharging, 97–98, 218–219 Allowance for structural stability, 50 Alterations defined, 226 documentation and stamping for, 229 edition of Section I applicable to, 223 under National Board Inspection Code, 224–225 pressure tests following, 228–229 American National Standard (ASME/ANSI standard), 107 American Society for Nondestructive Testing, 14 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 21 American Welding Society, 111, 121 A-Numbers, 121–122 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 21, 151–152, 233–235 ASME Code, see Particular section of Code ASME-designated organization, 162, 193 ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials), 25 Attachment lugs, 82 Austenitic materials, cold forming of, 36–38 Austenitic steels, in water-wetted service, 32 Authorized Inspection Agency, 19, 152, 224 Authorized Inspector (AI), 13–14, 152, 225 Automatic welding, defined, 112 B Backing rings, 126 Bayonet tubes, 106 Bend design, 52 Bending stress on welds, 123–124 Blowdown, 187–188 pressure relief valve, 104 Blowdown piping, 102–104 design conditions for, 104 Blowdown systems, defined, 103 Blowoff piping, 89–90, 102–104 design conditions for, 104 Blowoff systems, 103 Boiler, see also Power boilers electric, 1, 8, 12 firetube, 6 forced-flow steam generators, 143, 202–203 high-temperature water, 1 miniature, 1, 143 organic fluid, 1, 8 power, see Power boilers waste heat, 9, 14 watertube, 6, 82, 157 Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee, 4, 31 balance of interests in, 239–240 due process in, 247–248 operations in, 242 organization and responsibility of, 237–239 publication of interpretations on Code by, 244–245 workings of, 242 Boiler external piping, 2–3, 14, 21, 33, 50–51, 92–96, 98, 99–100, 148, 149–150 addition of small connections, 108 boiler proper piping versus, 50–51 hydrostatic testing, 140–141, 144–150 material requirements, 33 mechanically assembled, hydrostatic testing of, 149–150 short-term overstress in, 92–96 Boiler laws, 224 Index304 INDEX Boiler Life Evaluation and Simulation System (BLESS), 216 Boiler life extension, 214–216 Boiler proper, term, 2–3 Boiler proper piping, 3, 50–51 boiler external piping versus, 50–51 Boilers in service, rules for, 223–230 Bolted head flanges, 78 B31.1 Power Piping Code, 3, 6–7, 14, 21, 32, 51, 54, 65, 84, 90, 96, 104, 108, 173, 258–259 design differences from Section I, 51–52 B31 Pressure Piping Code, 121, 238, 258 B31.3 Process Piping Code, 3, 260 BPV Committee on Materials II, 241 Brazing, 5 Breaking pin device, 190–191 Brittle fracture, prevention of, 141–142 Buckling pin device, 190–191 Buckstays, 136 C Calibration of welding equipment, 131–132 Canada, use of Section I in, 17–19 Carbon equivalency (CE), 122 Certificate of Authorization to Register, 10 Certificate of Authorization to use a Code symbol stamp, 131–132, 153 Certificate of Compliance/Conformance, 35 Certificate of Inspection, 35 Certification by data reports and stamping, 155–171 significance of, 155–156 Certification committees, 242 Certified Material Test Report, 35, 40 Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping Code, 3 Circulating fluidized bed boiler, illustrated, 285 Circumferential ligament, 61, see also Ligaments Circumferential welds, 128 Coal firing central station steam generator, illustrated, 284 Code, term, 3 Code Case 1855, 14 Code Cases, 246–247 Code construction, 19 Code inquiries and interpretations, 242–244 Code responsibility for design calculations, 168 Code revisions, effective codes of, 20–24 Code sections and related subcommittees, 240 Code symbol stamps, 161–162 A stamp, 164 E stamp, 164 interpretations on, 165–171 M stamp, 164 PP stamp, 164 S stamp, 162–163 V stamp, 164 Cold forming of austenitic materials, 36–38 of creep strength-enhanced ferritic steels, 38–39 Compensation for individual openings, 57 inherent, 57, 58 integral, 54, 65 interpretations on, 65–66 limits, 55 for multiple openings, 61 openings and, 58–61 openings exempt from calculations, 58 required, 57 required for openings in flat heads, 60–61 Complete boiler unit, 2 Completion of boiler, 167, 223 Conference Committee, 238, 247 Consulting advice, 36 Contract date, boiler, 21, 23 Correction factor F, 57 Corrosion/erosion allowance, 54 Creep, 209–212 Creep-fatigue interaction, 212 Creep rupture, stress to cause, 43 Creep strength-enhanced ferritic steels cold forming of, 38–39 C&S Connect, 243 CSP-53, 151–153 Cyclic loads, 213 D Design allowable stresses, 44, 219–220 Design exercises, 261–268 choice of feedwater stop valve, 263 cylindrical components under internal pressure, 269–273 design of a head, 261 design of a header, 261 design of a tube for lug loading, 264–265 dished heads, PG-29, 262INDEX 305 Design life, 43–44 Design loads, 45–46 Design margins, 219–220 Design methods by analysis, 44–45 by hydrostatic deformation or proof test, 45 by rule, 45 Design pressure and temperature, choice of, 46 Design responsibility, 157–158 Design stresses, 219–222 past, present, and future, 219–220 in Section II, 28–29 Design temperature, 81–82 for firetube boilers, 45, 79 Diagonal ligaments, 61, see also Ligaments Diagonal pitch, 64 Diagonal stays, 79, 80 Direct stays, 80 Dished heads, 70, 74–75, 273–275 Drain piping, design conditions for, 107 Drains, 104–107 Drum-type boilers test pressure for, 142 Due process, 247–248 Dye penetrant examination, 139 E Effective dates of the Code, 20–24 Efficiency of ligaments between openings in cylindrical shells, 63 Electric boilers, defined, 1 Electric resistance welded (ERW) materials, 33–34 postweld heat treatment, 127 radiography, 127 Electrode-type boilers, 8 Ellipsoidal head, 74 Engineering-Contractor, 157, 168–169 Engineering judgment, phrase, 84 Equivalent average diameter of hole, 66 Equivalent longitudinal efficiency of diagonal ligaments, 61 Erosion/corrosion allowance, 54 Essential variables, 119–120 Examination, term, 23 F Fabrication, 109 strength of materials after, 35–36 Fatigue, 212–213 failure, 213 Feed stop valve, 96– 97 Feedwater check valve, 3 heater, 6–7, 91 piping, 93, 98–99 supply, rules for, 199–202 Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Vessels, Code Section X, 256–257 Fired pressure vessel, defined, 1 Fired versus unfired boilers, 11–12 Flanged-in (flued) manways, 76 Flanges and pipe fittings, 29 Flat heads, 76, 77 F-Numbers, 121 Forced-flow steam generators, 99, 100, 145, 202–203 G Gage glass bodies, 32, 207 Gage glasses, 207 Graphitization, 32–33 Group Numbers, 120 H Heads, 70–75 areas of, to be stayed, 82 interpretations on, 76–78 Heating boilers, 182 Code Section IV, 241 Heat recovery steam generators (HRSG), 143–144 defined, 1 Heat treatment, postweld, see Postweld heat treatment Hemispherical heads, 124, 274 High-temperature water boiler, defined, 1 Hub-type flanges, 107 Hybrid Section I boiler, 14 Hydrostatic head, 49–50 Hydrostatic testing, 140–150 applying insulation before, 96–97, 148–149 for drum-type boilers, test pressure for, 142 for forced-flow steam generators with no fixed steam and waterline, 143 of heat recovery steam generators, 143–144 hold time for, 146 interpretations on, 144–150306 INDEX location and type of gages in, 147 of mechanically assembled boiler external piping, 149–150 minor leakage from mechanical joints during, 146–147 painting before, 149 pneumatic pressurization, 149 pressure drop during, 146 procedures for, 149 slight leakage through valve seats during, 146 subsequent, 147–148 test pressure for drum-type boilers in, 145 welding after, 144 Hydrostatic test pressure, 49 exceeding, 145–146 same, for all parts of boiler, 144–145 temperature ratio applied to, 148 using pump to maintain, 146 I Incoloy 800, 32 Inherent compensation, 57 Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Plant Components, Code Section XI, 257 Inspection term, 23 third party, 151–153 Inspectors, see Authorized Inspector (AI) Interpretations, 76–78, 130, 165–171, 244–245 index of, 244–245 Inventory, use of materials in, 41 Isolable economizers, 93 J Jurisdiction, 17, 224 K Knuckle, 70–71 Kraft process black liquor recovery boiler, illustrated, 286 L Ligaments definition, 55, 61 design of, 61–65 efficiency of, 61–62, 66 interpretations on, 65–66 Linear damage rule, 212 Liquid penetrant examination, 139 Load-carrying paths, 66, 68 Load factor, 83 Loading on structural attachments, 82–83 Longitudinal ligaments, 61, see also Ligaments efficiency, 61 Longitudinal pitch, 61–62 Low water level fuel cutoffs, 203 Lug attachment angle, 83 M Machine welding, defined, 112 Main Committee (now TOMC), 245, 247, 248 Main steam piping, 99–102 Manual welding, defined, 112 Manufacturers’ Data Report Form (MDRF), 156–161 completing, 159 computer-generated, 160 distribution of, 159–160 Form III-1A, 159 Form P-2, 156 Form P-2A, 156 Form P-2B, 157 Form P-3, 157 Form P-3A, 157 Form P-4, 157 Form P-4A, 157–158 Form P-4B, 158 Form P-5, 158 Form P-6, 158 Form P-7, 158 Form P-8, 158 Guide to Data Report Forms Distribution, 156 interpretations on use of, 160–161 Master Data Report Form, 156 Marine Conference Group, 238, 247 Marking of duplicate boiler parts, 169–170 of materials, 29–30 of standard pressure parts, 175–176 use of ASME, 170–171 Master stamping pressure, 143 Materials austenitic stainless, 32, 38, 206, 209–210 Code Section II, 249–250 electric resistance welded (ERW), 33–34 ferritic stainless, 31 ferrous, 27, 207INDEX 307 foreign material specifications, use of, 25 marking of, 29–30 new, does it get old, 39–41 non-ASME, 30–31 nonferrous, 27, 219 nonpressure part, 34 not fully identified, 30–31 old, Code guidance on use of, 41–42 ordering, 25 requirements for boiler external piping, 33 sorting order for, 26–27 special concerns with, 31–33 specifications for, 25–27 strength of, after fabrication, 35–36 test reports, 34–35 use of, in inventory, 41 Material test report (MTR), 34–35 MAWP, see Maximum allowable working pressure Maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP), 45 Metals and Alloys in the Unified Numbering System, 27 Miner’s rule, 213 Miniature boiler defined, 1 hydrostatic tests for, 143 Minimum allowance for threading and structural stability, 50 Minimum Design Metal Temperature (MDMT), 13, 33, 254–255 Miscellaneous pressure parts, 175 MTR (material test report), 34–35 N Nameplates, 169 Napier’s formula, 192 National Association of Construction Boilermaker Employers, 116 National Board Inspection Code (NBIC), 20, 118, 223, 224 advantages of following, 225 repairs and alterations under, 226–228 National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, 17, 152, 195 National Board repair stamp program, 227 Nil ductility transition temperature (NDTT), 141 Nominal wall thickness, 64 Non-ASME materials, 30–31 Nonboiler external piping, 51 Nondestructive examination (NDE), 139–140 Code Section V, 241 qualification and certification of personnel for, 139–140 Nonductile material, welding, 119 Nonessential variables, 119–120 Nonpressure part materials, 34 Not permitted (NP) designation, 28 Nozzle, pressure-relief valve, see Pressurerelief valve nozzle, design of Nozzle attachment acceptable configurations of, 70 current rules for, 67–68 design philosophy, 66–67 determining strength of, 69 new rules for, 67–69 by single fillet welds, 133 small, problems with, 70 strength of, 70 Nozzle end load, 69 NP (not permitted) designation, 28 Nuclear Power Plant Components, Code Section III, 250–251 O Openings compensation and, 54–61 in cylindrical shells, efficiency of ligaments between, 62–63 exempt from compensation calculations, 58 flanged-in, in formed heads, 60 in flat heads, compensation required for, 60–61 individual, compensation for, 57 interpretations on, 65–66 limits of compensation for, 55 multiple, compensation for, 61 rules for, in Section VIII, 59–60 shape of, 58 size of, 58–59 symmetrical groups, 62 which do not form a definite pattern, 55 Organic fluid vaporizer, defined, 1 Overpressure, allowable, 179, 183–184 Overpressure protection, 180–188 Overstress, short-term, in boiler external piping, 92–96308 INDEX P Package boiler, illustrated, 288 Parts manufacturer’s standard, 33, 175 Physical-property tables, 26 Pipe bending, 168 interchanging tubes and, 52–54 Pipe connections to boilers, 107–108 Piping defined, 53 miscellaneous, 161 Piping design, 89–108 Piping design pressure, unusually high, 91–92 Pitch, 62, 63f Pneumatic test, 145, 149 P-Numbers, 120–121 Postconstruction activities of ASME, 230 Post Construction Committee, 230 Postservice examinations, 215 Postweld heat treatment (PWHT), 13, 127–130 attachment of nozzles to boiler after, 128 circumferential welds, 128 exemptions from, 127–129 interpretations on, 130 local, 129 maximum holding temperature for, 130 minor repairs after, 129–130 Power-actuated pressure-relief valve, 190 Power boilers creep and fatigue damage in, 209–216 defined, 1, 2 design life of, 43–44 design loads for, 45–46 design methods for, 44–45 design of, 43–87 explosions in, 233, 234, 235 extension of life of, 214–216 fired versus unfired, 11–12 illustrations of types of, 283–293 circulating fluidized bed boiler, 285 coal firing central station steam generator, 284 Kraft process black liquor recovery boiler, 286 package boiler, 288 refuse fired boiler, 287 supercritical once-through coal firing steam generator, 283 jurisdictional requirements covering, 224 pipe connections to, 107–108 pressure range of, 11 Recommended Guidelines for Care of, Code Section VII, 252–253 rules covering, in service, 223–230 safe design of, 45 use and meaning of term, 2 use of Section VIII vessels in, 12–14 Practical Guide to ASME Section 11—1996 Materials Index, 27 Preamble, Section I, 4–5 Preheating in welding, 126–127 Pressure classes, 177, 263 Pressure-containing items (PCI), 23, 84, 192 Pressure range of power boilers, 11 Pressure relief valve nozzles, design of, 84–85 Pressure-relief valves allowable stress values in discharging, 97–98 design of, 179–180 installation guidelines for, 195–196 materials for, 192 overpressure protection, 180–188 qualification of manufacturers of, 195 relieving capacities, establishing and certifying, 192–195 required relieving capacity, 180 selection of, 188–191 in service, 196 set pressure of, 184–185 Pressure-relieving devices, selection of, 188–191 Pressure tests following repairs and alterations, 228–229 Pressure Vessel Research Council (PVRC), 220 Pressure vessels, Section VIII, 253–255 use of, in Section I boiler, 12–14 Procedure Qualification Record (PQR), 113 Proof test, 10, 45, 60 Pump discharge head, 90–91 Pump shutoff head, 90, 91 Q Quality control manual, 173 Quality control system, 173–174 Quality factor for steel castings, 219 Quality system, 227, 228 R Radiographic examination of welds, 126 Radiography, acceptance standards for, 135, 136INDEX 309 Range qualified, term, 114 Recommended Guidelines for Care of Power Boilers, Code Section VII, 252–253 Recommended Practice for Nondestructive Testing Personnel Qualification and Certification, 14 Recommended Rules for Care and Operation of Heating Boilers, Code Section VI, 252 References, 231 Refuse fired boiler, illustrated, 287 Reheat piping, 3 Reinforcement, see Compensation integral Rejectable imperfections, 36, 136 Relief valves, 188 Repairs defined, 226 documentation and stamping of, 229 edition of Section I applicable to, 226 of material defects, 225 under National Board Inspection Code, 228 pressure tests following, 228 routine, 228 of weld defects, 133 Replacement in kind, 227–228 Replication, method of, 215–216 Residual-life assessment, 216 Residual stress, 127–129 Riveted construction, 5 Robinson’s rule, 212, see also Linear damage rule Rules for Construction of Power Boilers, 235 Rupture disk, 190 S Safety factors, 219–220 Safety relief valve, 188 Safety valves, 179, see also Pressure-relief valves in service, 196 Section I of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 4–5, 235 Section II, Materials, 25–27, 249–250 design stresses in, 28–29 Section III, Nuclear Power Plant Components, 240–241 additions and revisions to, 245 B31.1 versus, 51 edition applicable to repairs and alterations, 226 effective dates of Code and effective dates of Code revisions, 20 enforcement, 19 evolution of, 233–235 international acceptance of, 19 interpretations on, 10–11, 244 organization of, 4–5 parts of Appendix, 9–10 Part PB, 5–6 Part PEB, 7–8 Part PFH, 6–7 Part PFT, 6 Part PG, 5 Part PHRSG, 8–9 Part PMB, 7 Part PR, 5 Part PVG, 8 Part PW, 5 Part PWT, 6 scope of, 1–3 standards referenced by, 14–15 in United States and Canada, 17–19 Section IV, Heating Boilers, 182, 251 Section V, Nondestructive Examination, 251–252 Section VI, Recommended Rules for Care and Operation of Heating Boilers, 252 Section VII, Recommended Guidelines for Care of Power Boilers, 252–253 Section VIII, Pressure Vessels, 253–255 use of, in power boilers, 12–14 Section IX, Welding and Brazing Qualifications, 255–256 Section X, Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Vessels, 256–257 Section XI, Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Plant Components, 257 Section XII, Transport Tanks, 257–258 Semiautomatic arc welding, defined, 112 Semiellipsoidal heads, 78 Service committees, 240–241 Setting, 33 Shock service, 89–90 Shop-assembled boiler, 166 Single opening, 57 Slow-opening valve, 103 SNT-TC-1A, 139–140 S-Numbers, 121 Socket welded connections, 107310 INDEX Sorting order for materials, 26–27 Stamps, see Code symbol stamps Standard for Qualification and Certification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel CP-189, 14, 139–140 Standard pressure parts, 175–176, 207 Standards Committee (BPV I), 248 Standards referenced by Section I, 14–15 State special, 123 Stayed surfaces, 78–82 diagonal stays, 80 direct stays, 80 stayed curved surfaces, 80 stayed flat plates, 79 stay tubes, 80–82 Stays, 78–82 Stay tubes, 80 design of, 80–81 Stress allowable, see Allowable stress to cause creep rupture, 43, 212 design, see Design stresses thermal, 129, 213 Stress corrosion cracking, 31, 260 Stress values, basis for establishing, 220–222 Stringer tubes, 136 Structural attachments, loading on, 82–83 Subcontracting, 168, 174 Supercritical once-through coal firing steam generator, illustrated, 283 Supplemental essential variable, 120 Supports, 82 Sweetwater condenser, 13 T Technical Oversight Management Committee (TOMC), 245, 247–248. Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA), 152 Temperature limits, for materials, 26, 28 Testing, term, 23 Test plates, 130 Test pressure for drum-type boilers, 142 Thermal shock, avoidance of, 49 Thermocouple installations, 85–87 Thermowells, 86 Thickness factor for expanded tube ends, 50 Thickness of cylindrical components, 49 Third party inspection, 151–153 Threaded boiler external piping, 167 Tolerances, fabrication, 126 Torispherical heads, 70 Tower mounted solar fired boiler, 202 Transport Tanks, Code Section XII, 257–258 Tube and pipe design, 50, 52–54 Tube attachment by expanding, 109–111 Tubes, interchanging pipe and, 52–54 Tube-to-header attachment using partial penetration welds, 125–126 U Ultrasonic examination of welds, 134–135 Unfired Pressure Vessels, 112 Unfired steam boiler, 3, 6–7, 11–12 Unfired versus fired boilers, 11–12 Unified Numbering System for Metals and Alloys (UNS), 27 Uniform Boiler and Pressure Vessel Laws Society, Inc., 19 United States, use of Section I in, 17–19 UNS number, 27, 37, 120 V Valves and valve ratings, 175–176 Valve standard, ASME/ANSI B 16.34, 98, 264 Volumetric examination of welds, 134–137 W Wall thinning, 52, 111 Wastage, 209, 214 Water boiler, high-temperature, defined, 1 Water columns, 206–207 Water level indication, 203–206 Weldability, 122–123 Welded joints, design of, 123 Welder Performance Qualification (WPQ), 113–114 Welders defined, 112 marks, 119 transfer of, to other organizations, 116–118 Welding, 111 after hydrostatic testing, 141 alignment tolerance in, 126 history of, 111–112 interpretations on, 131–134INDEX 311 nonductile materials, 119 preheating in, 126–127 rules for, 112–113 tack, 131 Welding and Brazing Qualifications, Code Section IX, 112, 255–256 Welding documentation, 118–119 Welding operator, defined, 112 Welding Procedure Qualification Record (PQR), 117, 255 Welding procedures, qualification of, 113 Welding Procedure Specification (WPS), 113 standard, 118–119, 255 transfer of, to other organizations, 116–118 Welding qualifications, expiration and renewal of, 114–116 Welding variables, 119–120 Weld Joint Strength Reduction Factor, 46 Welds acceptance criteria for, 124–125 bending stress on, 123–124 circumferential, 128 concavity, 124 fillet, 67, 82, 134 longitudinal, 123 minimum attachment, for nozzles, 70 partial penetration, tube-to-header attachment using, 125–126 radiographic examination of, 134–135 ultrasonic examination of, 134 undercuts, 124 Working pressure, defined, 45
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