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| موضوع: كتاب Mechanism Design for Robotics الخميس 03 فبراير 2022, 11:37 pm | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Mechanism Design for Robotics MEDER 2021 Saïd Zeghloul, Med Amine Laribi, Marc Arsicault Editors
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents Linkage and Manipulators Analytical Movement Optimization of Dual-Arm Planar Robots with Rotating Platform 3 Matteo Bottin, Giulio Rosati, and Giovanni Boschetti Inverse Kinematics and Velocity Analysis of a 6-DOF Hexapod-Type Manipulator with a Circular Guide 12 Alexey Fomin, Anton Antonov, Daniil Petelin, Victor Glazunov, and Marco Ceccarelli Torque Minimization of Dynamically Decoupled R-R Spatial Serial Manipulators via Optimal Motion Control . 20 Vigen Arakelian, Jing Geng, and Yaodong Lu Kinematic Analysis of a Coaxial 3-RRR Spherical Parallel Manipulator Based on Screw Theory . 28 Alejandro T. Cruz-Reyes, Manuel Arias-Montiel, and Ricardo Tapia-Herrera A Novel Design for an Autonomous Mobile Agricultural Fruit Harvesting Robot 38 Divyansh Khare, Sandra Cherussery, and Santhakumar Mohan Parallel Manipulators A Comparison of Algebraic and Iterative Procedures for the Generation of the Workspace of Parallel Robots 53 Matteo Russo and Marco Ceccarelli Symbolic Kinematics of Special 3-RSR Parallel Mechanism with Zero Coupling Degree 62 Huiping Shen, Yao Tang, Tao Li, and Qingmei Meng xiInverse Kinematics and Workspace of a 3-PRRS Type Parallel Manipulator . 71 Zh. Baigunchekov, M.A. Laribi, R. Kaiyrov, and E. Zholdassov Investigation of Interference-Free Workspace of a Cartesian (3-PRRR) Parallel Manipulator . 79 Isaac John, Parvathi Sunilkumar, Santhakumar Mohan, and Larisa Rybak Exit Point, Initial Length and Pose Self-calibration Method for Cable-Driven Parallel Robots 90 Bozhao Wang and Stéphane Caro Kinematic Simulation of a Geared Planar Parallel Manipulator 102 Antonio-Marius-Flavius Luputi, Erwin-Christian Lovasz, Marco Ceccarelli, Sticlaru Carmen, and Ana-Maria Stoian Mechanics of Robots Design Criteria Study for Underactuated Symmetric Pinching Mechanism of Pinch Roll Machine in High-Speed Wire Rod Product Line 113 Wang Renquan, Yao Shuangji, Marco Ceccarelli, and Yang Xiaohan Design of a Reconfigurable Novel Constant-Force Mechanism for Assistive Exoskeletons 122 Yichen Liu, Zhongyi Li, and Shaoping Bai Aerodynamic Double Pendulum with Nonlinear Elastic Spring . 132 Yury Selyutskiy, Marat Dosaev, Andrei Holub, and Marco Ceccarelli Design of a Flexible Interphalangeal Joint . 141 Job Eli Escobar-Flores, Christopher R. Torres-San Miguel, Luis Antonio Aguilar-Pérez, and Marco Ceccarelli Mechanism Deign A Reconfigurable Underactuated Grasper with In-hand Manipulation 151 Carl A. Nelson Design of a Robotic Brace with Parallel Structure for Spine Deformities Correction 159 Rahul Ray, Laurence Nouaille, Briac Colobert, Laurine Calistri, and Gérard Poisson An Adaptive Drive of Spacecraft Docking Mechanism 168 Konstantin S. Ivanov, Dana T. Tulekenova, and Marco Ceccarelli xii ContentsDriving Mechanism in Robotized Hospital Bed for Patients with COVID 19 . 179 Jorge Enrique Araque Isidro and Marco Ceccarelli Synthesis of a Function Generator Six-Bar Linkage in Two Steps with Genetic Algorithm . 187 Claudio Villegas, Mathias Hüsing, and Burkhard Corves Design and Analysis of a Device for Enlarging the Allowable Position Error for Screwing Task 195 Hao-Tien Ku and Yu-Hsun Chen Dimensional Synthesis of a Four-Bar Linkage Assessing the Path and Reformulating the Error Function . 204 Alfonso Hernández, Aitor Muñoyerro, Mónica Urízar, and Víctor Petuya Actuators and Control Motion Control of 6-DOF Relative Manipulation Device 217 Sergey Khalapyan, Larisa Rybak, Elena Gaponenko, and Giuseppe Carbone Genetic Algorithm with Iterative Learning Control for Estimation of the Parameters of Robot Dynamics 226 Kaloyan Yovchev and Lyubomira Miteva Control of the Vibrations of a Cartesian Automatic Machine 236 Matteo Bottin , Giulio Cipriani , Domenico Tommasino, and Alberto Doria Innovative Mechanism/Robot and their Applications Design of the 2 D.o.F Compliant Positioning Device Based on the Straight-Line Watt’s Mechanisms 247 Jaroslav Hricko and Stefan Havlik Optimal Design of a Five-Bar Mechanism Dedicated to Assisting in the Fingers Flexion-Extension Movement 256 Araceli Zapatero-Gutiérrez, Med Amine Laribi, and Eduardo Castillo-Castañeda An Extendable Continuum Robot Arm to Deal with a Confined Space Having Discontinuous Contact Area 265 Daisuke Matsuura, Ryota Shioya, H. Harry Asada, and Yukio Takeda Mobile Manipulator and EOAT for In-Situ Infected Plant Removal . 274 Taher Deemyad and Anish Sebastian New Variable Stiffness Joint (VSJ): Study and Simulation . 284 M. G. Contreras-Calderón, M. A. Laribi, and E. Castillo-Castañeda Contents xiiiSpecial Session in Honor of Prof. Said Zeghloul Design of an 8-DoF Redundant Robotic Platform for Medical Applications 297 Elie Gautreau, Aurélien Thomas, Juan Sandoval, Med Amine Laribi, and Saïd Zeghloul Serial Approach for Solving the Forward Kinematic Model of the DELTA Robot . 305 Majdi Meskini, Houssem Saafi, Med Amine Laribi, Abdelfattah Mlika, Marc Arsicault, and Said Zegloul On the Optimal Design of LAWEX for a Safe Upper Arm Rehabilitation Exercising 313 Ines Ben Hamida, Med Amine Laribi, Abdelfattah Mlika, Lotfi Romdhane, Saïd Zeghloul, and Giuseppe Carbone A Reconfigurable 6-DoF Cable-Driven Parallel Robot with an Extended Rotational Workspace 322 Ferdaws Ennaiem, Abdelbadiâ Chaker, Med Amine Laribi, Juan Sandoval, Sami Bennour, Abdelfattah Mlika, Lotfi Romdhane, and Saïd Zeghloul Author Index . Author Index A Aguilar-Pérez, Luis Antonio, 141 Antonov, Anton, 12 Arakelian, Vigen, 20 Araque Isidro, Jorge Enrique, 179 Arias-Montiel, Manuel, 28 Arsicault, Marc, 305 Asada, H. Harry, 265 B Bai, Shaoping, 122 Baigunchekov, Zh., 71 Bennour, Sami, 322 Boschetti, Giovanni, 3 Bottin, Matteo, 3, 236 C Calistri, Laurine, 159 Carbone, Giuseppe, 217, 313 Carmen, Sticlaru, 102 Caro, Stéphane, 90 Castillo-Castañeda, Eduardo, 256, 284 Ceccarelli, Marco, 12, 53, 102, 113, 132, 141, 168, 179 Chaker, Abdelbadiâ, 322 Chen, Yu-Hsun, 195 Cherussery, Sandra, 38 Cipriani, Giulio, 236 Colobert, Briac, 159 Contreras-Calderón, M. G., 284 Corves, Burkhard, 187 Cruz-Reyes, Alejandro T., 28 D Deemyad, Taher, 274 Doria, Alberto, 236 Dosaev, Marat, 132 E Ennaiem, Ferdaws, 322 Escobar-Flores, Job Eli, 141 F Fomin, Alexey, 12 G Gaponenko, Elena, 217 Gautreau, Elie, 297 Geng, Jing, 20 Glazunov, Victor, 12 H Hamida, Ines Ben, 313 Havlik, Stefan, 247 Hernández, Alfonso, 204 Holub, Andrei, 132 Hricko, Jaroslav, 247 Hüsing, Mathias, 187 I Ivanov, Konstantin S., 168 J John, Isaac, 79 The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 S. Zeghloul et al. (Eds.): MEDER 2021, MMS 103, pp. 333–334, 2021. Author Index K Kaiyrov, R., 71 Khalapyan, Sergey, 217 Khare, Divyansh, 38 Ku, Hao-Tien, 195 L Laribi, Med Amine, 71, 256, 284, 297, 305, 313, 322 Li, Tao, 62 Li, Zhongyi, 122 Liu, Yichen, 122 Lovasz, Erwin-Christian, 102 Lu, Yaodong, 20 Luputi, Antonio-Marius-Flavius, 102 M Matsuura, Daisuke, 265 Meng, Qingmei, 62 Meskini, Majdi, 305 Miteva, Lyubomira, 226 Mlika, Abdelfattah, 305, 313, 322 Mohan, Santhakumar, 38, 79 Muñoyerro, Aitor, 204 N Nelson, Carl A., 151 Nouaille, Laurence, 159 P Petelin, Daniil, 12 Petuya, Víctor, 204 Poisson, Gérard, 159 R Ray, Rahul, 159 Renquan, Wang, 113 Romdhane, Lotfi, 313, 322 Rosati, Giulio, 3 Russo, Matteo, 53 Rybak, Larisa, 79, 217 S Saafi, Houssem, 305 Sandoval, Juan, 297, 322 Sebastian, Anish, 274 Selyutskiy, Yury, 132 Shen, Huiping, 62 Shioya, Ryota, 265 Shuangji, Yao, 113 Stoian, Ana-Maria, 102 Sunilkumar, Parvathi, 79 T Takeda, Yukio, 265 Tang, Yao, 62 Tapia-Herrera, Ricardo, 28 Thomas, Aurélien, 297 Tommasino, Domenico, 236 Torres-San Miguel, Christopher R., 141 Tulekenova, Dana T., 168 U Urízar, Mónica, 204 V Villegas, Claudio, 187 W Wang, Bozhao, 90 X Xiaohan, Yang, 113 Y Yovchev, Kaloyan, 226 Z Zapatero-Gutiérrez, Araceli, 256 Zeghloul, Saïd, 297, 313, 322 Zegloul, Said, 305 Zholdassov, E., 71
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