Admin مدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 18990 التقييم : 35476 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: مشروع تخرج بعنوان Performance Evaluation & Improvement الإثنين 07 فبراير 2011, 8:36 pm | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم مشروع تخرج بعنوان Performance Evaluation & Improvement Supervised by Dr. Mohammed Fahmy Ali Introduced by Mohamed Ahmed Ysser El Abbady Amir Mahmoud Mosa Yousef Hossam Atyya Abd El Fatah
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :
Table of contents Table of contents . . .I Abstract .VI Chapter (1) Introduction . . . 1 Chapter (2) performance measurements process . . .5 2.1 What Are Performance Measures? . .7 2.2 What Are the Benefits of Measurements? . .9 2.3 Why Do We Need to Measure? 10 2.4 What Is the Foundation for a Performance measurement system? . 11 2.5 Process Overview .13 2.5.1 Identify Proc. . . 17 2.5.2 Identify Critical Activity to be Measured . 18 2.5.3 Establish Performance Goal or Standard . . 21 2.5.4 Establish Performance Measurement . . 23 2.5.5 Identify Responsible Party . 31 2.5.6 Collect Data . . . .32 2.5.7 Analyze/Report Actual Performance . .35 2.5.8 Compare Actual Performance to Goal/Standard . . .38 2.5.9 Determine if Corrective Action(s) is Necessary . 38 2.5.10 Make Changes to Bring Process Back in Line with Goal 39 2.5.11 Determine if New Goals or Measures are needed 40 Chapter (3) leadership & commitment . . 41 3.1 The total quality management approach . . 42 3.2 Commitment and policy . 45 3.2.1 The quality policy . 46Table of contents Page II 3.3 Creating or changing the culture . . 47 3.3.1 Control .51 3.4 Effective leadership 54 3.4.1. Attitudes . 57 3.4.2. Abilities . .58 3.4.3. Participation . . . 58 3.5. Excellence in leadership . 59 3.5.1. Planning . 61 3.5.2. Performance . 61 3.5.3. Processes . .61 3.5.4. People . .61 3.5.5 Customers . .62 3.5.6 Commitment . .62 3.5.7 Culture . 62 Chapter (4) vision . .64 4.1 Develop a shared vision and mission 65 4.2 develop the „mission? into its critical success factors 68 4.3 define the key performance outcomes . .71 4.4 understand the core processes and gain process . 73 4.5 Break down the core processes into sub processes, activities . .75 4.6 Ensure process & people alignment through a policy deployment 80 4.7 Strategic and operational planning . . .84 4.8 The development of policies and strategies 85 Chapter (5) Key Performance Indicator . .88 5.1 Introduction . 89Table of contents Page III 5.2 Key results indicators 90 5.3 Key performance indicators . . . 91 5.3.1 Seven Characteristics . .92 5.3.2 Lead and Lag Confusion . . .94 5.3.3 Importance of Timely Measurement . .96 5.3.4 Learned Reaction to Measurement . 98 5.4 Management models that have a profound impact on KPIs . 98 5.4.1 Balanced Scorecard .98 5.4.2 Beyond Budgeting Management Model . .99 5.4.3 Converting Reporting from Information Memorandums . 100 5.5 Definitions . .104 5.6 Foundation Stones for Implementing KPI 106 5.7 Four foundation stones . 107 5.7.1 Partnership Foundation Stone . 107 5.7.2 Transfer of Power to the Frontline Foundation Stone . .107 5.7.3 Integration of Measurement, Reporting, and Improvement 108 5.7.4 Linking Performance Measures to Strategy . 109 5.8 Defining vision, mission, & strategy . .113 5.9 How to implement wining KPIs in 16 weeks .114 5.9.1 Lesson 1: Appoint an External Project Facilitator .114 5.9.2 Lesson 2: Begin with the Senior Management Team . 115 5.9.3 Lesson 3: Focus on the Critical Success Factors 117 5.9.4 Lesson 4: Follow the 10/80/10 Rule . .118 5.9.5 Lesson 5: Select a Small KPI Team . 118 5.9.6 Lesson 6:“Just Do It” .120Table of contents Page IV 5.9.7 Lesson 7: Use Existing Systems for the First 12 Months .121 5.9.8 Lesson 8: Trap All Performance Measures in a Database. .122 5.9.9 Lesson 9: KPI Reporting Formats . .124 5.9.10 Lesson 10: Maybe You Need to Rename . 125 Chapter (6) the Balanced Scorecard . . 126 6.1 The Four Perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard . .127 6.2 Indicators of the proposed BSC for R&D . 129 Chapter (7) Case study .130 Case 1 Ain Shams Hospital . . .131 Case 2 Techno Steel company . 144 Case 3 Head line company . . 203 Chapter (8) Problem Solving . 263 . 8.1 Finding & Solving Problems in Your Processes .265 8.1.1 Problem solving: an overview 265 8.1.2 Work as a process . 265 8.1.3 What is problem solving? .266 8.1.4 What is process improvement? .269 8.1.5 Why are process measures important? .269 8.1.6 What is good team-based problem solving 270 8.2 Key success factors for problem solving . 271 8.3 Using a Systematic Model to Solve Your Problems . 271 8.3.1 What is the power of the (PDCA) Cycle? 272 8.3.2 What is the 7-Step Model for problem solving? 275 8.3.3 Why is this problem-solving model better other models? .275 8.4 Implementing the 7-Step Problem-Solving Model . .278Table of contents Page V 8.4.1 Step 1 Describe the Problem: . .278 8.4.2 Step 2 Describe the Current Process: . . . 280 8.4.3 Step 3 Identify and Verify The Root Cause . .281 8.4.4 Step 4 Develop a Solution and Action Plan: . 282 8.4.5 Step 5 Implement the Solution: .283 8.4.6 Step 6 Review and Evaluate: .284 8.4.7 Step 7 Reflect and Act on Learning: . 285 Chapter (9) case study for problem solving 286 APPENDIX . 295 REFERENCES . .305
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Admin مدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 18990 التقييم : 35476 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: رد: مشروع تخرج بعنوان Performance Evaluation & Improvement الأربعاء 05 سبتمبر 2012, 10:24 pm | |
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