كتاب 507 Mechanical Movements
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب 507 Mechanical Movements

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18864
التقييم : 35108
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب 507 Mechanical Movements  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب 507 Mechanical Movements    كتاب 507 Mechanical Movements  Emptyالأربعاء 26 يناير 2022, 11:30 pm

أخواني في الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
507 Mechanical Movements
Five Hundred and Seven Mechanical Movements
All Those Which Are Most Important in
Dynamics, Hydraulics, Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, Steam
Engines, Mill and Other Gearing, Presses, Horology,
And Miscellaneous Machinery
And Including
Many Movements Never Before Published
Several Which Have Only Recently Come Into Use.
Henry T. Brown

كتاب 507 Mechanical Movements  5_0_7_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Iv Mechanical Movements.
ggr* IK this INDEX the numerals do not indicate the pages, but they refer to the
engrannngs and the numbered paragraphs. Each page of the letter-press contains all
the descriptive matter appertaining to the illustrations which face it.
Crunk, substitutes for the. 3 >, u\ 353, 1;% 15;. J6;T 374,
'.triable, 94.
Cranks lJ> 9s. llJ,k '3C M3' 54r'. I5*> tj8, 16&, 173, 176,
220, 230, 231, 26$, 279, 334, 401,
hell, 126, 134, 156, 137.
compound.168, 169.
! Cyclo-graph
j'Eolipile, 474.
Balance, compensation, 319.
Barometer, 501,
Blower, fan, 497.
Brake, friction
C. Differentia ? movements
l Drag- 1111k, 231.
Cams Capstans 95, 94*'12'97 49 , >r-17, 130, I jt&, « 49, rS*. it>5r 217, 272, 276, ^fiddle, 12+. .1
Persian, 112,
Drills, cramp. 379, 3So.
Drop, 85.
Drum and rope. 134.
Driver, pile, 253,
Ctntrolinead, 40S
Clutches, 47, 41', 52, 53, 3fu
Chasers, 375.
Clamps, bench
screw , up.
Cock, tour-way, 395,
Column, oscillating, 445, 448.
Compasses, proportion, 40 j.
Counters of revolutions 63, f-4- *3.*6, 6;, 68, (r% 7o. 7T.
Coupling, union, 248.
E. i
Eccentrics, So, 90, 91, 135, 137.
1 1 Ejectors, bilge, 475, 47b! f
ETC: W i
Ellipsograph, 152.
Engine, disk, 347.
Engines, rotary. 425, 426, 427. 42K, 439.
steam, « 75, 326, 327, 32S, 329, 330, 331, 332, 334,
335, 336, 337, 33S, 339, 34°, 34G 34a, 343, 344, . Gyroscope, 355.
345, 34s, 42I » 4^2, 4J3, 434-
Gearing, variable, 3S,
worm, 29, 31, 64, 66, 67, 143, 151, 202.
, 147, i6 t, 162, 163, 170, 274, 2S7, 357.
i Guides, 326, 327, 330, 331,
valve gear for, 89, 90, 91, 117, 133, 137, 150, 171, i Hammer, atmospheric, 471,
bell, 420,
compressed air, 472.
steam, 47+
Escapements, 234, 23^ 2S8, 290, 2gi, 292, 293* 294, 295, ; Hammers, trip, 72, 353.
296, 297, 29S, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 303, ! Helicograph, 3S4,
3°6, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 396, j Hook, beat-detaching, 49;.
releasing, 251.
Hooks, centrifugal check, 233.
Hyperbolas, instrument for drawing, 40;.
179^ iSr, 1S2, 1S3, 1S4, 1S5, 186, 187, 188, 189, f
2S6, 418,
Epicyclic trains, 302, 503, 504, 305, 506, 307.
: 402.
Fountain, Hiero's, 464,
Fusees, 46, 338, I
Intermittent movements, 63, 64,65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73,
74. 75- A S3, 2». 235, 24L 364, 398.
Gasometers, 479, 4So,
Gauge, bisecting, 410.
Gauges, pressure, 49S, 499, 500,
Gear, steering, 490.
Gearing, bevel, 7, 43, 49, S3, 74, 20°, 226, 473.
brush, 28.
capstan, 412.
conical, 37.
crown, 26, 219,
eccentric, 219, 222.
elliptical, 33, 35, 221.
face, 54.
friction, 28, 32, 45, 413.
intermittent, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71.73, 74,
75, 76, 77, ?S, 79, So, Si, ,82, 83, 84.
internal, 34, 55, 57.
irregular, 201,
multiple, 27.
mutilated, 74, 114.
scroll, 191, 414,
sector, 3S.
spur, 24.
step, 44.
stud, 197. /
sun and planet, 39.
J *
Jack, hydrostatic, 467.
lifting, 389.
Joint, ball and socket, 249.
bayonet, 245,
universal, 31.
Ladder, folding, 3H6.
self-adjusting, 387,
Lazy-tongs, 144,
Level, self-recording, 411.
latver, bell-crank or elbow, 126, 155, 156, 157.
knee, 164.
Lewis, 493,
Link, detachable chain, 3991.
Machine, Rohnenberger's, 356.
drilling, 366.
polishing, 370, 393.
punching, 140.
warp-dressing, 3S3.
I.! ; r
Main, flexible water, 468.
Maintaining power, 330, 321.
Meter, gas (wet) 481 : (dry) 483.
water, 44a
MLU, Harter's, 43S.
crushing, 375.
tread, 377.
, 485, 485,
Miscellaneous movements, tot , 120, 153, 172, 173, 196, 203,
io>, 2io, 217, 2iS, 232, 235, 247, 252, 261, 262,
I Pulleys, 18, 19, 20. 21, 22, 23, 58, 59, 6a, 61, 6a, 243, 255,
23<\ *57> ttsS, 259, 267.
anti-friction bearing for, 270.
, 227, 228, 229.
Pump, air, 473,
balance, 465.
bellows, 453,
, 46a.
diaphrU&m, 454,
steam-siphon, 476.
263, 263, 273, 28 s , 282, 348, 360, 368, 383, 390, Pumps, double-acting, 452, 433.
force, 450, 451, 452,
lift, 44S, 449.
39*. 4 I 5> 417) 447, 4&> +S4.
, alternating traverse, 143.
rocking, 419.
self-reversing, By,
, 397.
Motions, feed, 93, 121, 155, 284, 38S, 40a
link, 171, 185.
parallel, 323, 329, 331, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 33S, )
333) 340, 3*i, 343.
pump, 86, 127, 283,
traverse, 350, 362.
variable traverse, 322, 125, 142, tyS.
rotary, 435, 436.
; Punching machine, 140.
Rack, mangle, 197, 19S, 1919,
mutilated, 269.
Racks and pinions, 8 t , 113, 114, 115, 118, 119, 127, 139,
197, igS, 199, 269, 283.
Ram, Montgolfier's water, 444.
Ratchets and pawls, 49, 75, 76, 78, 79, So, 82, 206, 225, 236,
! 27 I .
Regulator, gas, 482.
j watch , 31S.
Reversing motion, self) S7.
Revolver, 277.
Rollers, oblique, 204, 365.
Rolls, anti-friction, 250.
drawing, 496
, 195, 207, 3SS.
i Rulers, parallel, 322, 323, 324, 325, 349, 367,
Pantograph, 246.
Parabolas, instrument for drawing, 406.
Paradox, mechanical, 504.
Pendulum, conical, 315,
Pendulums, 313, 316, 317, 369,
compensation, 316, 317;
Pinion, Sr , 1:3.
lantern, 199,
mutilated, 114,
slotted, 208.
two-toothed, 205,
Power, horse, 376.
Presses, 105, 132, 133, 164.
hydrostatic, 466,
Propeller, screw, 4S8.
Pulley, expanding, 224.
Saw, endless band, 141.
gig. 39*-
pendulum, 37S.
Screw, Archimedes’, 443.
differential, 266,
double reversed, toS.
, in.
Screws, 102, 103, 104, 105, 109, 112, 202, 285,
endless, 31, 64)* 66, 67, 143, 19s, 207, 275.
Screws, right-and-left hand, i to, 151. w
Sectors, toothed, 130, 133, 223, 2S2
See-saw, 363.
Shears, »30.
Stamps, S3, 351,
Stand, minor, 382.
Stop for hoisting apparatus, 278.
for lantern wheels, 233.
for ratchet wheels, 230,
for spur gear, 239.
Stops for winding watches, 2:2. 213, 314, 215.
Water, machines for raising, 439, 441, 442, 443, 444, 457,
45«, 459, 46°, 46 I.
Weir, self-acting, 463.
Wheel, cam, 136.
lantern, 233.
Persian, 441.
pin, 20S.
tag, 237,
sprocket, 234.
Steering, 490.
waved, if >3.
Wheels, crown, 26, 219, 237.
mangle, 36, 192, 193, 194, 371.
paddle, 487, 489.
water, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435. 43<>, 437, 43sI Windlass, Chinese, 129, 352,
friction, 280.
Wind-mills, 485, 48A
t Test, friction, 373-
Throstle, spinning, 496.
Toggle-joint, 140.
Tongs, lifting, 494
Trap, steam, 477, 47sTreadles

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