كتاب Build and Code Creative Robots with LEGO BOOST
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Build and Code Creative Robots with LEGO BOOST

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عدد المساهمات : 19002
التقييم : 35506
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Build and Code Creative Robots with LEGO BOOST
Unleash your creativity and imagination by building exciting robotics project
Ashwin Shah

كتاب Build and Code Creative Robots with LEGO BOOST B_a_c_12
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Table of Contents
Introduction to the LEGO BOOST Kit
Technical requirements 1
Wonders with LEGO BOOST 2
The difference between
machines and robots 2
Introduction to the electronic
and non-electronic parts of
the BOOST kit 4
The importance and efficient
usage of various pegs 9
Time for a challenge 10
Activity #1 10
Summary 11
Further reading 11
Building Your First BOOST Robot – Tabletop Fan
Technical requirements 14
Building the tabletop fan 14
Programming the tabletop fan 21
Running your tabletop fan at
different speeds 27
Time for a challenge 28
Summary 29
Further reading 29
Moving Forward/Backward Without Wheels
Different types of movement 32
Technical requirements 32
Building a robot without wheels 33
Let's code the robot
without wheels 42
Activity #1 46
Activity #2 47viii Table of Contents
Activity #3 47
Time for a challenge 48
Summary 49
Further reading 50
Technical requirements 52
Building the BOOST rover 52
Making the rover move 66
Activity 1 68
Activity 2 71
Time for a challenge 74
Summary 74
Further reading 74
Getting into Gear – My First Geared Robot
Technical requirements 76
Using different types of gears
based on your requirements 76
Understanding some
important terminologies 77
Building the geared robot 79
Let's code the robot in gear up
and gear down mechanism 89
Activity 1 89
Activity 2 91
Time for a challenge 92
Summary 93
Further reading 93
Building a Forklift
Technical requirements 96
Building the forklift robot 96
Let's code the robot to lift
different loads 124
Activity #1 124
Activity #2 126
Activity #3 126
Activity #4 127
Activity #5 128
Time for a challenge 129
Summary 130
Further reading 130Table of Contents ix
Building a Helicopter
Technical requirements 132
Building a helicopter 132
Let's code the robot to
perform various tasks 155
Activity #1 155
Activity #2 157
Activity #3 157
Activity #4 157
Activity #5 157
Time for a challenge 157
Summary 158
Further reading 158
Building R2-D2
Technical requirements 161
Building the R2-D2 robot 161
Let's code the robot to move
on a specific path 218
Activity 218
Time for a challenge 220
Summary 221
Further reading 221
Building an Automatic Entrance Door
Technical requirements 225
Building an automatic
entrance door 225
Let's code the door to open
under certain conditions 258
Activity #1 260
Activity #2 261
Time for a challenge 263
Summary 263
Further reading 264
Building a Candy Dispenser Robot
Technical requirements 266
Building a candy dispenser 266
Let's code the robot to
dispense candies based
on different colors of LEGO
brick detected 295
Activity #1 296x Table of Contents
Activity #2 296
Activity #3 296
Time for a challenge 297
Summary 297
Further reading 297
Building a Color-Sorter Conveyor Belt
Technical requirements 300
Building a color-sorter
conveyor belt robot 300
Let's code the robot to sort
different colored LEGO bricks 324
Activity #1 324
Activity #2 325
Activity #3 325
Activity #4 326
Time for a challenge 327
Summary 327
Further reading 328
Building a BOOST Racing Car
Technical requirements 330
Building the racing car 330
Let's code the robot to run on
different racetracks 366
Activity #1 366
Activity #2 367
Activity # 3 367
Time for a challenge 368
Summary 369
Further reading 370
Final Challenge
Technical requirements 372
Building the robot 372
Let's code 373
Activity #1 373
Activity #2 373
Activity #3 373
Activity #4 373
Activity #5 373
Summary 374
Further reading 374Table of Contents xi
Bonus Chapters
The Grabbing Robot
Technical requirements 378
Building the grabbing robot 379
Let's code the robot to grab,
displace, and drop a bottle 380
Activity #1 380
Time for a challenge 381
Summary 382
Further reading 383
Obstacle Avoidance Robot
Technical requirements 386
Building the obstacle
avoidance robot 386
Let's code the robot to
avoid obstacles 387
Activity #1 387
Activity #2 388
Time for a challenge 388
Summary 389
Further reading 390
The BOOST Humanoid
Technical requirements 392
Building a line-following robot 392
Let's code the robot to follow
the line 393
Activity #1 394
Time for a challenge 395
Summary 396
Further reading 396
The Moon Rover
Technical requirements 398
Building the moon rover 399
Let's code the robot to perform
different tasks 399
Activity #1 400xii Table of Contents
Time for a challenge 401
Summary 402
Further reading 402
Other Books You May Enjoy
ACM-R5 32
automatic entrance door
building 225-257
coding 258-262
programming 263
BOOST rover
building 52-66
motors, running 74
BOOST rover movement
about 66, 67
programming 68-73
BOOST rover movement, turns type
point turn 68, 70
swing turn 70
candy dispenser
building 266-295
challenge 297
coding 295, 296
color detection-based pathfinder robot
creating 388
color sensor 385
five-state line 393
forklift robot
building 96-124, 300-323
challenge 129
coding 124-128
green brick, adding 327
Lego bricks, coding 324-327
geared robot
building 79-89
programming 89-92
setting up 92, 93
terminologies 77, 78
types 76, 77408 Index
grabbing robot
building 379, 380
challenge 381, 382
route setup 380
building 132-154
coding 155
programming, activities 155-157
reference link 26
model, building with 10, 11
non-electronic parts 6
pegs, using 10
LEGO BOOST kit, electronic parts
Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE) module 6
color and distance sensor 6
interactive motor 5
LEGO element
building 220
line-following robot
building 392
challenges 395
coding 393, 394
moon rover
building 399
challenge route setup 401
route setup 400
obstacle avoidance robot
algorithm, writing 387
building 386
coding 387
programming 388
using, in LEGO BOOST kit 10
proportional integral derivative 393
proportional 393
R2-D2 robot
building 161-218
settings 218
sound and display blocks, using 218
racing car
building 330-365
coding 366
racetrack challenge 368, 369
track setup 366-368
building 373
building, without wheels 33-42
coding 373
programming, activities 46, 47
programming, without wheels 42, 44
robot movement, types
about 32
hopping 32
rolling 32
slither 32
walk 32Index 409
Scratch 22
Scratch 3.0
download link 22
Scratch 3.0, online editor
reference link 23
Scratch Link
download link 22
tabletop fan
building 14-21
programming 21-26
running, at different speeds 27
skills, testing 28, 29
terminologies, gears
drive gear 77
driven gear 77
gear down 77
gear ratio 77
gear up 77
mesh 77
torque 77
two-state line 393

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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى :: المنتديات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية الأجنبية-
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