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أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Academic Writing - An Introduction fourth edition Janet Giltrow Richard Gooding Daniel Burgoyne
![كتاب Academic Writing - An Introduction A_w_a_12]( و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents PREFACE • 9 I INTRODUCING GENRE • 13 1A Hearing Voices • 13 IB Hearing Genres • 16 1C High-School vs. University Writing • 20 1D The University as Research Institution • 2 2 2 CITATION AND SUMMARY • 27 2A Introducing Scholarly Citation • 28 2B Is Citation Unique to Scholarly Writing? • 33 2C Why Do Scholars Use Citation? • 38 3 SUMMARY • 45 3A Noting for Gist • 47 3B Recording Levels • 51 3C Using Gist and Levels of Generality to Write Summary • 54 3D Establishing the Summarizer’s Position • 59 3E Reporting Reporting • 64 3F Experts and Non-Experts • 67CONTENTS 4 C H A L L E N G I N G S I T U A T I O N S F O R S U M M A R I Z E R S • 7 7 4A High-Level Passages • 78 4B Low-Level Passages • 83 4C Summarizing Narrative • 87 5 T H I N K-A L O U D P R O T O C O L S I N T H E W R I T I N G C L A S S R O O M • 9 5 5A Who Do You Think You’re Talking To? • 95 5B Traditions of Commentary on Student Writing • 98 5C An Alternative to Traditional Commentary: The Think-Aloud Protocol • 101 5D Adapting the Think-Aloud Protocol in the Writing Classroom • 103 5E Reading on Behalf of Others • 113 5F Reliability of Readers • 116 5G Presupposing vs. Asserting • 119 6 O R C H E S T R A T I N G V O I C E S • 1 2 3 6A Making Speakers Visible: Writing as Conversation • 124 6B Orchestrating Scholarly Voices • 129 6C The Challenges of Non-Scholarly Voices • 134 6D Orchestrating Academic Textbooks and Popular Writing • 136 6E Research Proposals • 144 7 D E F I N I T I O N • 149 7A Dictionaries • 150 7B Appositions • 151 7C Sustained Definitions • 156 7D The Social Profile of Abstractions and Their Different Roles in Different Disciplines • 162 8 I N T R O D U C T I O N S • 1 7 1 8A Generalization and Citation • 172 8B Reported Speech • 175 6CONTENTS 8C Documentation • 183 8D State of Knowledge and the Knowledge Deficit • 191 8E Student Versions of the Knowledge Deficit • 196 9 S C H O L A R L Y R E A D E R S • 1 9 9 9A Think-Aloud and Genre Theory • 199 9B The Mental Desktop • 206 I O S C H O L A R L Y S T Y L E S I: N O M I N A L S T Y L E • 2 2 3 10A Common and Uncommon Sense • 223 10 B Is Scholarly Writing Unnecessarily Complicated, Exclusionary, or Elitist? • 226 10c Nominal Style: Syntactic Density • 230 10D Nominal Style: Ambiguity • 236 10 E Sentence Style and Textual Coherence • 240 I I S C H O L A R L Y S T Y L E S I I: M E S S A G E S A B O U T T H E A R G U M E N T • 2 4 7 11A Messages about the Argument • 248 11 B The Discursive / • 250 11C Forecasts • 253 11 D Emphasis • 257 12 S C H O L A R L Y S T Y L E S I I I: V I S U A L R H E T O R I C • 263 12A Figures • 264 12B Graphs • 272 12C Tables • 277 12D Research Posters • 282 13 M A K I N G A N D M A I N T A I N I N G K N O W L E D G E I • 285 13A Peer Review • 286 13B Making Knowledge • 290 13C Methods Sections • 294 13D IMRD Structure • 300 13E Qualitative Method and Subject Position • 305 7CONTENTS 1 4 M A K I N G A N D M A I N T A I N I N G K N O W L E D G E I I * 3 1 3 14A Modality • 314 14B Other Markers of the Status of Knowledge • 319 14C Tense and the Story of Research • 328 1 5 C O N C L U S I O N S A N D T H E M O R A L C O M P A S S O F T H E D I S C I P L I N E S • 3 3 7 15A Conclusions • 338 15B The Moral Compass of the Disciplines: Research Ethics • 346 15C The Moral Compass of the Disciplines: Moral Statements • 349 GLOSSARY • 3 5 5 R E F E R E N C E S • 3 7 1 S U B J E C T I N D E X • 383 I N D E X O F A U T H O R S C I T E D • 389 8Subject Index Note: An /following a page number indicates a figure. emphasis, 257-61 forecasts, 253-56 self-reference, 248-50 See also introductions asserting vs. presupposing, 119-21 assertion, 40 audience. See readers author-date format, 185 author-page format, 184-85 abstraction characterized, 52 in conclusions, 340, 341 in nominal writing, 240-45 in research genres, 164-68 social and cognitive responses and, 201-03, 2°4> 2I4-I5 in traditional feedback, 100 using appositives to define, 151-56 See also levels of generality abstracts, 144, 306 academic citation. See citation, scholarly academic disciplines abstraction in, 164-68 documentation styles in, 183-91 knowledge-making procedures in, 290-94 moral statements in, 340-43, 349-54 reported speech in, 175-83, 191-96 research posters and, 282-84 See also research genres academic journals, 287 active reading abstraction, reading for, 87-90 gist, noting fo levels of generality, recording, 51-54 See also readers; think-aloud protocols agentless expressions, 178, 237, 255, 294 > 32-3— 2-8 ambiguity in nominal writing, 236-39 anticipatory-zf, 258 appositions/appositives, 151-56, 244-45 argument discursive I, 193, 250-53, 326 bar graph. See graphs Chicago Manual of Style (CMS), 184-85 citation double reporting, 64-67, 130 in everyday conversation, 33-36 in news genres, 37-38 non-scholarly sources, 67-75, 134-36 popular writing, 139-44 reporting expressions, 30-32, 33-36, 59-60, 334 secured generalizations, 172-75 as summary, 27, 45-47 textbook sources, 136-39 See also reported speech; citation, scholarly characterized, 28-32, 38-42 documentation styles, 183-91 to establish position, 27, 33-34, 4 I ~42-, 59-64,79, 12.5, 334 in scholarly conversation, 123-28, 129-33, 144-47 tenses, use in, 328-35 See also summary r , 47-5i summary 383SUBJECT INDEX estimates from positions of limited knowledge, 315 ethics, research, 346-49 ethics committees, 346 exclusivity in nominal writing, 226-30 experts vs. non-experts, 41, 67-75 citation-sequence format, 185 cleft sentences, 257-58 cognitive vs. social responses, 199-206, 234 commentary. See think-aloud protocols common vs. uncommon sense, 223-26 community of practice, 27 conclusions characterized, 337-38 limited knowledge and, 338-40 moral statements in, 340-43, 349-54 research ethics and, 346-49 See also research process concurrent sessions, 282 conversation, scholarly characterized, 45-47, 123-28 among researchers, 129-33 abstraction in, 164-68 non-scholarly voices, 67-75, 134-36 in popular writing, 139-44 reported speech in, 175-83, 191-96 in research proposals, 144-47 scholarly citation and, 123-28, 129-33, 144-47 tenses, use of, 328-35, 340 in textbook writing, 136 See also citation, scholarly; summary Council of Science Editors (CSE), 185 cultural situation, 13-18 failed-then-revised hypotheses, 233 feedback. See think-aloud protocols feminist reasoning, 308 figures figure label, 265 general, 264-72 graphs, 272-77 See also visual rhetoric forecasts, 253-56 form, and genre, 18 formal definition, 156-58 generality high-level abstraction, 78-82 low-level abstraction, 83-86 See also abstraction generalizations secured, 172-75 -39 think-aloud protocols and, 200 genre characterized, 18-19 genre theory, 16-23, 199-206, 282 news genres, 37-38 relevance theory and, 203-04 See also research genres genre-specific expectations, 100 genre theory characterized, 16-19 academic writing and, 20-23 research posters and, 282 social and cognitive responses, definite expressions, 119 definition appositions, 151-56, 167 dictionaries, role of, 150-51 formal definition, 156-58 role of, 149 social dimensions of abstraction, 162-70 sustained definition, 156-62 dependent variables, 272 direct speech, 176, 330 disciplines. See academic disciplines discourse action, 252, 295 discourse communities, 23 discursive I,193, 250-53, 326 discussion section, 302-03 documentation in academic disciplines, 183-85 function of, 185-91 double reporting, 64-67, 130 199-206 genre violations, 224-25 gist noting for, 47-51 in think-aloud protocols, 106 in writing summary, 54-59 See also active reading; think-aloud protocols graphs, 272-77 bar graph, 273-74 dependent variables, 272 histograms, 274-75 independent variables, 272 line graph, 267 logarithmic graph, 273 emphasis, 257-61 end-weight principle, 258 384SUBJECT INDEX scatterplots, 275-76 x-axis, 272 y-axis, 272 line graphs. See graphs listeners’ centre of attention, 96 logarithmic graph. See graphs management devices, 207 mental desktop theory, 206-14 messages about the argument. See argument methodological I, 295 methods, 290-91 methods section, 294-99 MLA (Modern Language Association), 184-85 modality, 193-94, 313-19, 338-40 modals of moral obligation, 350 moral compass of disciplines, 338 moral statements, 340-43, 349-54 mutual knowledge, 96 high-school vs. university writing, 21-23 histograms. See graphs hypothesis, 193 imprint, 16-17 IMRD (introductions, methods, results, and discussion), 300-05 independent variables, 272 indeterminacy, 317 indirect speech, 176 informed consent, 346 introductions documentation, function of, 185-91 documentation styles, 183-85 knowledge deficit, establishing, 191-96 knowledge deficit, student writers, 196-98 reported speech, 175-83, 191-96 secured generalizations in, 172-75 See also argument; research process; summary if-extraposition, 258 narrative, summarizing, 87-93 news genres, citation in, 37-38 nominalization characterized, 177 ambiguity due to, 236-39 common vs. uncommon sense, 223-26 exclusivity and elitism in, 226-30 syntactic density and, 230-35 textual coherence and, 240-45 See also readers; style, scholarly non-scholarly voices, 67-75, 1134-36 noun phrases, 230 journals, scholarly, 287 keynote sessions, 282 knowledge deficit characterized, 41 in conclusions, 338-40 establishing, 191-96 peer review and, 286 research proposals and, 144-47 student writers and, 196-98 See also introductions; position; research process; state of knowledge knowledge-making /, 313-19 knowledge-making procedures, 290-94 See also research process objectivity, 295 obviousness, 322, 325 orchestration, 123-26, 129-33, 145-47, 198, 285-86 See also conversation, scholarly passive voice, 255 peer review, 286-89 plain language, 224 plenary sessions, 282 popular writing, summarizing, 139-44 position citation used to establish, 27, 33-34, 4i-4^ 59-64, 79, 12.5, 334 discursive /, 193, 250-53, 326 of limited knowledge, 30-32, 33-36, 59-60, 313-19, 338-40 methodological /, 295 readers’, considering, 116-19, 199-206 levels of generality recording, 51-54, 71f in writing summary, 54-59, 78-82, 83-86 See also abstraction; active reading limitations section, 303-04 limiting expressions, 319-23, 338-40 385SUBJECT INDEX review articles, 124 See also citation, scholarly; state of knowledge; style, scholarly research posters, 282-84 research process methods section, 294-99 peer review, 286-89 qualitative methods, 305-11 quantitative methods, 300-05 quantitative vs. qualitative study, 290-94 research ethics, 346-49 See also knowledge deficit research proposals, 144-47 research questions, 90, 145, 193 research sites, 139 research subjects, 67-75, 347 results section, 300-02 review article, 124 reported speech and, 175-83, 191-96 subject position, 308-09 See also conversation, scholarly; readers; style, scholarly post-colonial reasoning, 163, 309 posters. See research posters prestige abstractions, 163, 340 presupposing vs. asserting, 119-21, 343 qualitative methods, 305-11 quantitative methods discussion, 302 limitations, 303 method, 294-99 results, 300-01 See also research process quantitative vs. qualitative study, 291-94 scatterplots. See graphs scholarly citation. See citation, scholarly scholarly journals, 287 scholarly writing style. See style, scholarly secured generalizations, 172-75 self-reference, 248-50, 340 situation genre and, 18-19 social and cognitive responses and, 199-206 social dimensions of abstraction, 162-70 sociality of knowledge, 164 social vs. cognitive responses, 199-206, 234 state of knowledge characterized, 40, 124 agentless expressions and, 178, 237, 2- 55, 2-94, 323-28 knowledge deficit and, 191-96, 338-40 limiting expressions, 319-23 modality and, 193-94, 313-19 moral statements and, 340-43, 349-54 reporting expressions and, 30-32, 33-36, 59-60, 334 research proposals and, 144-47 research publications and, 185-86 tenses, use of, 328-35, 340 readers comprehension of, 101-08 mental desktop theory, 206-14 mutual knowledge of, 95-97, 116-221 social and cognitive responses of, 199-206 See also style, scholarly; think-aloud protocols recording levels of generality, 51-54, 71f relevance theory, 203-04 replication, 296 reported speech direct vs. indirect, 176-78 establishing position and, 175-83, 191-96 See also citation reporting expressions, 30-32, 33-36, 59-60, 334 See also citation reporting reporting, 64-67, 130 reporting verbs, 178, 329, 340 research ethics, 346-49 research genres abstraction in, 164-68, 240-45, 340, 34i modality in, 193-94, 313-19, 338-40 moral statements in, 340-43, 349-54 reported speech in, 175-83, 191-96 research proposals, 144-47 386SUBJECT INDEX tables, 277-82 taxonomy, 241 See also definition tenses, use of, 328-35, 340 textbook writing, summarizing, 136-39 textual coherence in nominal writing, 240-45 think-aloud protocols characterized, 95, 101-03 guidelines for readers, 103-07 guidelines for writers, 107-08 mental desktop theory, 206-14 presupposing vs. asserting, 119-21 readers’ position, considering, 116-19 reading on behalf of others, 113-16 social and cognitive responses, 199-206, 215-21 See also active reading tradition of inquiry, 173 tree diagrams, 52-53, 71/ typified groups, 178 See also introductions; position; research process style, scholarly ambiguity in, 236-39 common vs. uncommon sense, 223-26 discursive I, 193, 250-53, 326 emphasis, 257-61 exclusivity and elitism in, 226-30 figures, general, 264-72 forecasts, 253-56 graphs, 272-77 knowledge-making I, 313-19 research posters, 282-84 self-reference, 248-50 subject position, 308-09 syntactic density of, 230-35 tables, 277-82 tenses, use of, 328-35, 340 textual coherence, 240-45 subject position, 308-09 subjectivity, 308 summarizer’s position, 59-64, 79 summary appositions in, 151-56 citation as, 27, 45-47 double reporting and, 64-67 in establishing position, 27, 33-34, uncertainty, 40, 41 uncommon sense vs. common sense, 223-26 unitary views of language, 98-101 university vs. high-school writing, 21-23 unpacking, 30, 151-56, 244 41-42-, 59-64, 79, 125, 334 gist and levels of generality, 51 high-level generality, strategies for, 78-82 low-level generality, strategies for, -59 variables, 272 vetting, 286-89 visual rhetoric characterized, 263 figures, general, 264-72 graphs, 272-77 research posters, 282-84 tables, 277-82 83-86 narrative and, 87-93 non-scholarly conversation and, 67-75, 134-36 popular writing and, 139-44 reported speech and, 175-83, 191-96 scholarly conversation and, 45-47, 123-28, 129-33, M4-47 textbook writing and, 136-39 See also citation; conclusions; conversation, scholarly; introductions sustained definitions, 156-62 syntactic density in nominal writing, writing style. See style, scholarly x-axis. See graphs y-axis. See graphs 230-35 387Index of Authors Cited Aiello, Leslie C., 151 Aknin, Lara B., 304-oj Albano, Anne Marie, 192, 330 Alcock, J.E., 138-39 Allen, Ann Taylor, 30, 41 Amaya, K., 295 Amit-Talai, Vered, 85 Anselment, Raymond A., 73-75 Arata, Stephen, 217 Arnold, Bettina, 134-36 Austen, Jane, 260-61 Cao, Bin, et al., 296 Caprotti, Federico, 218-19, 2.29-30 Carment, D.W., 138-39 Carr, Michael H., 250 Castleberry, Jennifer, 174-75, 278-79 Chafe, Wallace, 33, 330 Charlier Doucet, Rachelle, 68-71, 195 Chavez, Leo R., 65, 114, 118, 154, 329, 332., 333 Chen, Kyle, 264-66, 277-78 Cheng, Lucy, 275, 300-04 Chorpita, Bruce F., 192, 330 Chowdhury, Prabal Roy, 327-28 Christakis, Nicholas A., 152 Chumley, Cheryl K., 14 Chun, Elaine W., 189 Clark, Herbert, 96 Clifford, James, 63-64 Cluley, Robert, 220-21 Coates, Jennifer, 36 Coffey, David J., 204 Coggins, Sam B., 218 Cohen, Sheldon, 57 Cole, Laura B., 238 Comeau, Felix-Antoine, 50-51 Coops, Nicholas C., 218 Corrigan, Patrick W., 59, 112-13 Counts, David R., 60-61 Counts, Dorothy Ayers, 60-61 Cowan, Ann, 116 Crowder, Kyle D., 39-41 Cupples, Julie, 29-30 Bala, G., 345 Bar-Yosef, Ofer, 28, 168 Barlow, David H., 192, 330 Bartlett, Robert P., 339 Beaumont, Matthew, 50 Bedard, Karine, 50-51 Berry, Esther, 261-62 Bhabha, Homi K., 235 Biggart, Nicole Woolsey, 208-09 Boateng, Doris Akyere, 342 Brown, Brandon, 264-66, 277-78 Brown, Chris, 38 Bruggink, Thomas H., 167 Buchanan, Neil H., 326 Burgess, Keith, 325 Burgess, Mark Christian, 34 Caldeira, K., 345 Calhoun, Cheshire, 48-49, 52-55, 251, 257> 3i4-i5> 329, 334 Cameron, Deborah, 161-62, 257 Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Dao, Alexander, 264-66, 277-78 348 Datta, Saikat, 327-28 389INDEX OF AUTHORS CITED Hall, C. Michael, 26 Halliday, M.A.K., 165, 197, 225, 241 Hamilton, Gary G., 208-09 Hammond, David, 274 Hancock, Dana B., et al., 191 Hawkins, Ronnie Zoe, 127-28 Head, James W., 250 Heard, Deborah, 275, 300-04 Helsen, Michiel M., et al., 187-88, 256 Herben, Tomas, et al., 256 Heyes, C.M., 331 Higgs, Robert, 328 Hilgartner, Stephen, 303 Holloway, Sarah, 125-26 Horn, Alice Y., 311 Hoppitt, Will, 186 Horstkotte, Silke, 268, 270 Hou, Peter C., 14 Hrouda, Lubomir, 256 Hubbard, Mont, 25 Hunter, Malcolm L. Jr., 182 Huntington, et al., 132-33 Hurwitz, Gregg, 306 Husbands, Christopher T., 121 Hutcheon, Emily J., 269, 271, 281 Hyland, Ken, 130-31, 152, 163-64, 167, 180 Daveri, Francesco, 330-31 Delire, C., 345 della Paolera, Gerardo, 326 deMaynadier, Phillip G., 182 Dhalla, Irfan A., 275, 300-04 Dietrich, Peter, 266-67, 2.79-80 Dorey, Nicole R., 175 Dossena, Marina, 350 Douglas, Mary, 61-63 Dreses-Werringloer, et al., 187 Dunn, Elizabeth W., 304-oj Early, Margaret, 187 Eckes, Thomas, 181 Eggertson, Laura, 288 Ellis, Mark, 320, 341, 350 Englund, Mary, 72-73, 90-92 Eremets, M., 295 Estrada, Antonio L., 42-43 Etling, D., 323-24 Evers, D. Elaine, 343 Faini, Ricardo, 330-31 Fisher, Susan J., 216 Fitzsimmons Frey, Heather M., 310-11 Foss, Sonja K., 263 Fowler, James H., 152 Freeman, Victoria, 309-10 Fuller, Deborah, 343 Ikumo, M., 295 International Cannabis Policy Study Team, 274 Irvine, Leslie, 24, 66 Gamoran, Adam, 194-95, 252, 254, 343-44 Gascuel, Violaine, 50-51 Geschwender, James A., 244, 251 Giddens, Anthony, 80-81 Giles, Hollyce, 15 Giltrow, Janet, 99, 100, 116 Glenberg, Arthur M., 344-45 Goodman, Samantha, 274 Gosselink, James, 343 Gossling, Stefan, 26 Gotti, Maurizio, 350 Gravina, Brad, 29 Gray, Barbara, 172, 240 Greening, Daniel W., 172, 240 Griffin, Chris, 34, 35 Grossman, Herschel I., 158 Guerin, Bernard, 45-46 Gurnis, Michael, et al., 254 Jackson, Sue, 307 Janicki-Deverts, Denise, 57 Johnson, D., 332-33 Jong, Wiebe de, 67-68 Josephson, Sharon, 116 Kabeer, Naila, 240 Kahl, Kristina N., 24, 66 Kelm, Mary-Ellen, 196 Kerwin, Scott, 153 Khalid, Adeeb, 121 Kidd, Dustin, 81-82 Kieffer, Christine C., 47 Killingray, David, 182-83 Klimesova, Jitka, 256 Koch, Shelley L., 189-90 Kolodny, Annette, 121 Halabi, Monique, 264-66, 277-78 Kreck, Manuel, 266-67, 2.79-80 390NDEX OF AUTHORS CITED Nash, June, Z40, Z44, 308-09 Nash, Nick, et al., 43-44 Nasiruddin, Melissa, Z64-66, Z77-78 Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, 348 Negrave, Greta, Z05-06 Neiman, Paul J., 33Z-33 Nemutanzhela, Thiathu J., Z57, 339-40 NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, Z74 Norton, Michael I., 304-05 Novakova, Zuzana, zj6 Kuhn, Steven L., z8, 168 Kunwar, I.K., 14Z-43 LaFollette, Hugh, 160 Laland, Kevin N., 186 Lashley, Conrad, 81 Law, Michael R., Z75, 300-04 Lee, Thomas W., Z43 Lefroy, Isabelle, 314, 345 Leos-Toro, Cesar, Z74 Lesure, Richard, 319 Levine, Herbert J., Z76 Levine, Mark, zj Lin, Chia-Chin, Z97-98 Livingstone, Andrew G., zj Lobell, D.B., 345 Lopes, Paul, Z16-17 Lu, Min-Zhan, 71-7Z Lupton, Deborah, 85-86 O’Brien, Terrence P., 14 O’Connor, Denis, 83-84 Olick, Jeffrey K., 78-79 Oliver, Pamela E., 155-56, 159, 3Z8 Ortlepp, Stephanie M., zi8 Panayi, Panikos, 3Z0, 341, 350 Perez-Fuentes, Maria del Carmen, 190 Perrault, Charles, 87-88 Peterson, Sara-Anne, ZZ9 Phillips, T.J., 345 Pitts, Michael, 188-89 Plaut, Victoria C., 339 Prestwich, Patricia E., 119 Pringle, Heather, Z15 Prosser, Ryan S., z69, Z70, z8i, 318 Pulia, Michael S., 14 Ma, Ming-Yuen S., 311 MacDonald, Susan Peck, 164-65 Mallaiah, K.V., 14Z-43 Malo, Michel, 50-51 Manoharachary, C., 14Z-43 Marshall, Sondra, 187 Martin,J.R., 165, zzy, Z41 Masson, Kees, 67-68 Masson, Michael E.J., 341, 350 Mayes, Patricia, 33, 197 McCorristine, Shane, Z19-Z0 Meizel, Katherine, 108-09 Mellars, Paul, Z9 Middleton, Joyce Irene, 31-3Z Milam, Jennifer L., 169 Milgram, Stanley, 1Z7-Z8, 349 Miller, Gregory E., 57 Milroy, James, zo6 Milroy, Lesley, zo6 Mirin , A., 345 Mistry, Rohinton, 109-10 Mitchell, Terence R., Z43 Miyazaki, Yoshihiko, 45-46 Molero Jurado, Maria del Mar, 190 Morgan, Steven G., Z75, 300-04 Morrison, Alison, 81 Morwood, M.J., et al., Z99 Muir, Angela, Z05 Murphy, Rex, 317 Myers, Daniel J., 155-56, 159, 3Z8 Myers, Greg, 33 Quintero, Gilbert A., 4 Z-43 Raasch, S., 3Z3-Z4 Rafter, Nicole H., 335 Raine, Nigel E., Z69, Z70, z8i, 318 Ralph, F. Martin, 33Z-33 Ramsey, Christopher Bronk, Z9 Rauch-Elnekave, H., 193, Z53, Z98-99 Raymond, Jasmine, 50-51 Reynolds, Jennifer F., 189 Ritchie, Hanna, et al., Z73 Roberts, R. Michael, zi6 Robertson, David A., 344-45 Rodriguez-Gil, Jose L., Z69, Z70, z8i, 318 Romanowicz, Joanna, Z18-19, ZZ9-30 Rosenhan, David, 1Z9-30 Rubin, David C., 3Z0 Sadava, S.W., 138-39 391INDEX OF AUTHORS CITED Tomlinson, Jim, 181, 316, 32.2.-23, 327 Tracy, Philip, 228 Tulloch, John, 85-86 Turkle, Sherry, 140 Sambursky, Robert, 14 Samson, Jamie, 186 Sandlin, Jennifer A., 169 Sasser, Charles, 343 Sawicki, Gregory S., 25 Schnabel, Jim, 129-30 Schriver, Karen, 102-04 Schroeder, Jennifer L., 344-45 Schuman, Andrew, 14 Scott, Daniel, 26 Scott, Rebecca J., 321-22 Seymour, Susanne, 248 Shapiro, M.A., 332.-33 Shi, Jasmine, 283-84 Shieffelin, Bambi B., 68-71, 195 Shimizu, K., 295 Siddiqui, Kamran, 167 Smith, Jesse, 24, 66 Smith, Thomas S., 332 Smull, B.F., 332-33 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, 348 South, Scott J., 39-41 Speck, Dara Culhane, 92-93 Sperber, Dan, 203 Sprague, Joey, 189-90 Stevens, Gregory T., 332 Stockton, Sharon, 99 Stratman, James F., 255 Suhara, K., 295 Susskind, Leonard, 251 Swales,John, 120 Udell, Monique A.R., 175 Valentine, Gill, 125-26 Valiquette, Michele, 116 Ventura, Abbie, 90 Verkuyten, Maykel, 67-68, 174 Vienken, Thomas, 266-67, 279-80 Visser, Jenneke, 343 Wadsworth, Elle, 274 Waern, Yvonne, 101 Waldron, Mary Anne, 341, 350 Wassink, Alicia Beckford, 110-12 Wearne, Phillip, 143 Weinberger, Daniel, 166 Wells, Deborah, 125 Wenzel, George W., 132-33 White, Joanne C., 218 Whittington, H.B., 196 Wickett, M., 345 Wilkins, Denise J., 25 Willis Chan, D. Susan, 269, 270, 281, 318 Willott, Sara, 34, 35 Wilson, Deirdre, 203 Wilson, Kim, 188 Wolbring, Gregor, 269, 271, 281 Womack, Peter, 310 Wong, Siu Kwong, 173-74 Wulder, Michael A., 218 Wynne, Clive D.L., 175 Tannen, Deborah, 140-41 Taylor, Alan M., 326 Thompson, Lee, 29-30 Thornton, Alex, 186 Tilak, K.V.B.R., 142-43 Tiratsoo, Nick, 181, 316, 322-23, 327 Todaro, Michael P., 137-38 Zervakis, Jennifer, 320 Zwick, Michael B.
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