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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
![كتاب Robotics for Pandemics Empty]( | موضوع: كتاب Robotics for Pandemics الأحد 23 يناير 2022, 12:12 am | |
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أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Robotics for Pandemics Edited by Hooman Samani
![كتاب Robotics for Pandemics R_f_b_10]( و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents About the Editor, vii List of Contributors, ix Chapter 1 Robotics Applications for Public Health and Safety During the COVID-19 Pandemic 1 Mohd Javaid, abid haleeM, Shanay rab, and raJiv SuMan Chapter 2 Beauty in Interaction: A Framework for Social Robot Aesthetics (Pandemic Edition) 19 rebekah rouSi, Sini kolari, and MohaMMad ShiduJaMan Chapter 3 Cyber-Physical System for Automated Service of Restaurant Visitors in Conditions of Mandatory Wearing of Masks 63 Chapter 4 Low-Cost Delivery and Telepresence Robot for the COVID-19 Crisis 85 arnon JuMlongkul Chapter 5 Concept of an Autonomous Robot for Medical Services, Rehabilitation and Music Therapy for Pandemics 99 Sergey v. ShuShardzhan anton Saveliev, irina vataManiuk, MakSiM letenkov, and roMan lakolevvi Contents Chapter 6 Home-Automated Robot Massaging for Pandemics 119 Chunxu li and Shuo zhu INDEX,141 Index Note: Locators in italics represent figures and bold indicate tables in the text. A Actor network theory (ANT), 27–28, 55n1 Aesthetics, 34 discursive, 38–40 qualities of interaction, 39 social interaction with computers, 34–38 AI-enabled robotics, 6 Anatomy laboratories, 86 Animated technology, 21 Anthropomorphism, 21 Anxiety, 47 depressive disorders, 103 depressive states, 102 Appraisal Theory, 31 Artificial intelligence (AI), 3, 39 Assemblages, 27–31 embodied interaction, 33–34 embodiment 31–32 interactional experience, 50 Assemblage theory (AT), 28 Assistant robots, 109 Augmented reality, 24 Automation, 8 Autonomous robots, 3–4, 100–101; see also Medical robots; Robots medical, social and psychological impact in pandemic Coronavirus infection, clinical aspects, 102 COVID-19 and mental disorders, 102–103 epidemiology, 101–102 social impact in pandemic, 103–104 scientific music therapy, for rehabilitation of patients with COVID-19, 104–108 digital music psychotherapy, 107 musical-acoustic algorithms, 105–106 virtual music-art therapy, 107 vocal therapy, 107–108 Average accuracy (AA), 81 Average precision (AP), 81 Axiomatic design (AD) theory, 96 B Battery system, 88 Bayesian equation, 128 Big data, 3 Bluetooth technology, 96 Brain–Computer Interface, 110 C Cartesian space spring damping mechanism, 126 Coefficient of transformation of coordinates, 73 Cognitive-affective processes, 39 Cognitive, 42 Collision detection framework, 131 Community-acquired pneumonia, 102 Control architecture, 121 Control systems test, 90–91 Cost-effectiveness, 93–95142 Index COVID-19 pandemic, 2; see also Autonomous robots; Cyberphysical system for automated service of restaurant visitors; Robotics; Robots complex problems, 22 healthcare management, 87 healthcare robots, 87 mental disorders, 102–103 mitigation strategies, 96 robotics applications, 4, 7–8, 12 robots, 46–48 social distancing, 22, 25 Cyber-physical system, 64, 65 face mask detection, 68–70 human detection and identification, 65–68 human tracking algorithm, 70–77 mask recognition process, 81–82 user service process modelling, 77–81 D Database analytics, 36 Delivery and telepresence robots, 85–96, 89–95 materials and methods, 87 delivery function and circuit architecture, 87–88 telepresence function, 88–90 control systems test, 90–91 cost-effectiveness, 93–95 disinfectant test, 92–93 driving and loading test, 91–92 Design objective or design (designer) intention, 42–43 Deterritorialisation, 29 Diagnosis robots, 5 Disinfection self-disinfection, 112–113 robots, 5 Dome camera, 78–81 Driving and loading test, 91–92 Driving system, 91 Drones, 4 Dynamic movement primitive (DMP), 119 Dynamic system, 121 Dynamic time warping (DTW), 120 E Ecological theory, 46 Educational robots, 5 Electrical circuit of the driving system, 89 Electronic sensors, 44 Elevator control system, 96 Embodiment, 33 Emotional information, 52 Emotional reaction, 44 Exoskeletons, 109 Expectation maximisation (EM), 127 F FaceNet neural network model, 68–69, 69, 81, 82 Finite difference (FD) method, 119 G Gaussian mixture model (GMM), 120 Gaussian mixture regression (GMR) algorithm, 120 Gazebo, 77 GoogleNet, 68 H Healthcare robotics, 86 Healthcare robots, 5; see also Medical robots Healthcare workers, automated solutions, 86–87 Health crisis, 3 Helper robots, 112 disinfection of premises and selfdisinfection, 112–113 interactive music therapy and virtual music-art therapy, 114 personalised medicines delivery, 113 telemedicine, 113–114 Home-automated robot massaging, 119–122 data pre-processing alignment of time series, 124–125 motion skills segmentation, 122–124Index 143 hybrid force/position control, 129–131 trajectory generation, 125–129 Human authenticity, 39 Human communication, 51 Human-computer interaction (HCI), 21, 37 Human-controlled bots, 4 Human detection and identification, 65–68 Human errors, 39 Human–robot fields, 47 Human–robot interaction, 23, 40, 43, 87, 120 Human-to-human interaction, 35, 38 I Idealism, 24 Immaterial expression, 29 Inception-Resenet-v1 architecture, 68 Infected people scanning, 9 Information technology (IT), 21 Intensive care units (ICU), 86 Intentional arc, 31 Interactive music therapy and virtual music-art therapy, 114 Intersubjectivity, 21 Inverse kinematics, 129 J Jacobian matrix, 129 K K-means algorithm, 129 KUKA LBR iiwa robot, 131–133, 133, 138 L Labware manipulation technology, 96 Limbic system, 52 Linear weighted regression (LWR) method, 121 Lithium batteries, 88 Logistics robots, 5 M Manufacturing automation, 2 Manufacturing robots, 5 MaskTheFace, 70 Materiality/material-expression, 29 Medical robots, 108; see also Autonomous robots; Robots autonomous multifunctional medical robot, 112 disinfection of premises and selfdisinfection, 112–113 interactive music therapy, 114 personalised medicines delivery, 113 telemedicine, 113–114 virtual music-art therapy, 114 modern healthcare and the liquidation of the pandemic consequences, 108–109 rehabilitation robotics, 109–110 rehabilitation robots in a pandemic time, 110–112 Mixture of motor primitives (MoMP), 121 Mobile robotics, 2 Mobile robotic telepresence (MRP), 86 Mobile robots, 4, 96 Mood, 49 Motion skills segmentation, 122–124 Multi-floor navigation system, 96 Multi-floor transportation system, 96 Multisensory internet, 24 Multi-task CNN (MTCNN), 69 Music therapy digital technologies and software in the rehabilitation, 106–107 digital music psychotherapy, 107 virtual music-art therapy, 107 vocal therapy, 107–108 history, 104 musical-acoustic algorithms, 105–106 HR algorithms, 106 S-algorithms, 105–106 T-algorithms, 106 N Natural stupidity, 39 Neural network model, 68 Neurohormonal-Resonance Theory of Acoustical Influences, 106 NMRV030, 88144 Index O Oddities, 39 Oxytocin, 51–52 P Parson model of social action, 24–25, 31 Partly virtual space, 43 Passive infrared sensor (PIR), 96 Personalised medicines delivery, 113 Positivism, 24 Psychotherapy and psycho correction, 112 Pulse width modulation (PWM), 88 R Rehabilitation robotics, 109 Respiratory distress syndrome, 102 Respiratory failure, 102 RGBD camera, 73 Robot cleaning, 97 Robotic agent, 44 Robotics AI-enabled, 6 applications for public health and safety, 9–11 automating employment, 10 healthcare services, 10 human to human interaction, 10 manufacturers, 2–3 meal delivery to COVID-19 patients, 9 medical advice, 11 public health and safety during COVID-19 pandemic, 7–8 scan infected peoples, 9 scan temperature, 10 social distancing, 9 telepresence, 11 Robots; see also Robotics; Social robot aesthetics adoption and adaption, 2 affordances, 49 assistant robots, 109 autonomy, 4 collaborative, 2 delivery function and circuit architecture, 87–88 design properties, 45–47 diagnosis robots, 5 disinfection, 5 educational, 5 electrical circuit of the driving system, 88, 89 tourism and hotel industry, 5 healthcare system, 2, 5, 8 hospitals, 4 KUKA LBR iiwa robot, 131–133, 133, 138 logic, 49 logistics, 5 manipulator dynamics, 129 manufacturing, 5 mobile robots, 4 narrative priming, 49 sex robots, 47, 53 social assistance, 5 social learning, 50 surveillance capacity, 4 telepresence function, 88–90 tourism and hotel industry, 5 S Scientific music therapists, 106 Scientific music therapy (SMT), 101, 104 Semisynthetic data, 70 Sensors, 3, 64 Sensory data, 44 Sex robots, 47, 53 Sight, 50–51 Signum function, 123 Smell, 52–53 Social action affectual – actions, 24 rational – instrumental-rational, 24 traditional – social actions, 24 Social action theory, 24 Social assemblages, 29 Social assistance robots, 5 Social Cognition Theory, 40 Social distancing, 85–86 Social-emotional awareness, 44 Social interaction, 24, 35 Social interactions and relationships, 22 Social interaction with computers, 21Index 145 Social isolation, 47 Social media, 22 Social robot aesthetics, 20–22, 28, 33, 40–41 design objective, 42–43 robot design properties, 45–47 social interaction and assemblages, 27–31 embodied interaction, 33–34 embodiment within assemblages, 31–32 social interaction with computers, 34–38 structuring interaction and discursive aesthetics, 38–40 sociological dimensions, 24–25 social systems, 25–26 symbolic interactionism, 26–27 space (physical/virtual), 43–45 Social Robot Aesthetic Framework (SoRAes), 40–41, 41 aesthetic dimension, 50 hearing, 51 sight, 50–51 smell, 52–53 taste, 53 touch, 51–52 components of, 41 expectations, 41–42 human traits and qualities culture, 48 mood, 49 needs, goals, motivations, 49 past experiences, 47–48 intentions, 42–43 space (physical/virtual), 43–45 robot design properties, 45–47 Social robotics, 23, 36 Social robot interaction, 54 Social systems, 25–26 Socio-cyberphysical systems, 64, 82 SolidWorks 2017, 88 Somaesthetics, 33 Surgical teaching, 86 Surveillance capacity, 4 Surveillance system, 70–72, 71, 73 Symbolic interactionism, 26–27 T Task-parameterised Gaussian mixture model (TP-GMM), 121 Taste, 37, 53 Telemedicine, 108, 113–114 Telepresence robotic function, 86, 88–90 Telepresence robots, see Delivery and telepresence robots Telepresence system, 4, 96 Telerobotics, 87 Territorialisation, 29, 30 Thai Baht (THB), 93 Theories of appraisal, 27, 31 Thermoception, 52 Touch, 51–52 Tourism and hotel industry, 5 Trajectory encoding, 120 Trajectory generation, 125–129 Turing Test, 39 U Unique identifier, 73–74 Utilitarianism, 24 V Vaccination, 101 VGGFace2 dataset, 69–70, 81 Video cameras, 64 Video conferencing, 4 Video stream, 75 Virtual reality, 24 Visual sensory design factors, 50 VMARTT, 107 Vocal therapy, 107–108 VR glasses, 43 W Weber’s theory of social action, 24 Wireless Internet access, 11 Wishful mnemonics, 35
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