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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Marks’ Calculations for Machine Design الأحد 23 يناير 2022, 12:06 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Marks’ Calculations for Machine Design Thomas H. Brown, Jr., Ph.D., P.E. Faculty Associate Institute for Transportation Research and Education NC State University Raleigh, North Carolina
و المحتوى كما يلي :
CONTENTS Foreword xi Preface xiii Acknowledgments xv Part 1 Strength of Machines Chapter 1. Fundamental Loadings 3 1.1. Introduction / 3 1.2. Axial Loading / 4 1.3. Direct Shear / 11 1.4. Torsion / 16 1.5. Bending / 24 Chapter 2. Beams: Reactions, Shear Force and Bending Moment Distributions, and Deflections 33 2.1. Introduction / 33 2.2. Simply-Supported Beams / 35 2.2.1. Concentrated Force at Midpoint / 36 2.2.2. Concentrated Force at Intermediate Point / 41 2.2.3. Concentrated Couple / 48 2.2.4. Uniform Load / 55 2.2.5. Triangular Load / 60 2.2.6. Twin Concentrated Forces / 67 2.2.7. Single Overhang: Concentrated Force at Free End / 73 2.2.8. Single Overhang: Uniform Load / 79 2.2.9. Double Overhang: Concentrated Forces at Free Ends / 86 2.2.10. Double Overhang: Uniform Load / 92 2.3. Cantilevered Beams / 97 2.3.1. Concentrated Force at Free End / 98 2.3.2. Concentrated Force at Intermediate Point / 104 2.3.3. Concentrated Couple / 110 2.3.4. Uniform Load / 115 2.3.5. Triangular Load / 120 Chapter 3. Advanced Loadings 127 3.1. Introduction / 127 3.2. Pressure Loadings / 127 vii For more information about this title, click hereviii CONTENTS 3.2.1. Thin-Walled Vessels / 128 3.2.2. Thick-Walled Cylinders / 130 3.2.3. Press or Shrink Fits / 134 3.3. Contact Loading / 139 3.3.1. Spheres in Contact / 139 3.3.2. Cylinders in Contact / 143 3.4. Rotational Loading / 147 Chapter 4. Combined Loadings 153 4.1. Introduction / 153 4.2. Axial and Torsion / 156 4.3. Axial and Bending / 159 4.4. Axial and Thermal / 164 4.5. Torsion and Bending / 167 4.6. Axial and Pressure / 172 4.7. Torsion and Pressure / 175 4.8. Bending and Pressure / 184 Chapter 5. Principal Stresses and Mohr’s Circle 189 5.1. Introduction / 189 5.2. Principal Stresses / 190 5.3. Mohr’s Circle / 205 Chapter 6. Static Design and Column Buckling 233 6.1. Static Design / 233 6.1.1. Static Design for Ductile Materials / 234 6.1.2. Static Design for Brittle Materials / 246 6.1.3. Stress-Concentration Factors / 258 6.2. Column Buckling / 260 6.2.1. Euler Formula / 261 6.2.2. Parabolic Formula / 263 6.2.3. Secant Formula / 266 6.2.4. Short Columns / 270 Chapter 7. Fatigue and Dynamic Design 273 7.1. Introduction / 273 7.2. Reversed Loading / 274 7.3. Marin Equation / 279 7.4. Fluctuating Loading / 285 7.5. Combined Loading / 311 Part 2 Application to Machines Chapter 8. Machine Assembly 321 8.1. Introduction / 321 8.2. Bolted Connections / 321CONTENTS ix 8.2.1. The Fastener Assembly / 321 8.2.2. The Members / 326 8.2.3. Bolt Strength and Preload / 331 8.2.4. The External Load / 332 8.2.5. Static Loading / 335 8.2.6. Fatigue Loading / 337 8.3. Welded Connections / 348 8.3.1. Axial and Transverse Loading / 348 8.3.2. Torsional Loading / 352 8.3.3. Bending Loading / 356 8.3.4. Fillet Welds Treated as Lines / 360 8.3.5. Fatigue Loading / 365 Chapter 9. Machine Energy 367 9.1. Introduction / 367 9.2. Helical Springs / 367 9.2.1. Loads, Stresses, and Deflection / 367 9.2.2. Spring Rate / 371 9.2.3. Work and Energy / 375 9.2.4. Series and Parallel Arrangements / 377 9.2.5. Extension Springs / 379 9.2.6. Compression Springs / 380 9.2.7. Critical Frequency / 383 9.2.8. Fatigue Loading / 385 9.3. Flywheels / 388 9.3.1. Inertial Energy of a Flywheel / 388 9.3.2. Internal Combustion Engine Flywheels / 392 9.3.3. Punch Press Flywheels / 395 9.3.4. Composite Flywheels / 401 Chapter 10. Machine Motion 409 10.1. Introduction / 409 10.2. Linkages / 410 10.2.1. Classic Designs / 410 10.2.2. Relative Motion / 412 10.2.3. Cyclic Motion / 421 10.3. Gear Trains / 424 10.3.1. Spur Gears / 425 10.3.2. Planetary Gears / 428 10.4. Wheels and Pulleys / 431 10.4.1. Rolling Wheels / 432 10.4.2. Pulley Systems / 435 Bibliography 439 Index 441 INDEX Acceleration analysis, 416–419 Advanced loadings, 127 American Welding Society (AWS), 348 Amplitude stress, 285 Angle of twist, 19 Angular rotation, 392 Area: tensile-stress, 324 Average stress, 196 Axial loading, 4, 156, 159, 164, 172 Axial strain, 5 Axial stress, 4 in cylinders: thin-walled, 129, 191 thick-walled, 133–134 prismatic, 4 Beams, 33 cantilevered, 33–34, 97 double overhanging, 35 simply-supported, 33, 35 single overhanging, 35 Beam loadings: concentrated couple, 48, 110 concentrated force at free end(s), 73, 86, 98 concentrated force at intermediate point, 41, 104 concentrated force at midpoint, 36, 159 triangular load, 60, 120 twin concentrated forces, 67 uniform load, 55, 79, 92, 115 Beam supports: cantilever, 35 pin, 34 roller, 34 Bending, 24, 158, 167, 184 Bergstrasser factor, 370 Biaxial stress element, 148 Bolt: length, 323 strength, 331 Bolted connections, 321 Butt welds, 348 Cantilevered beams, 33–34, 97, 98, 104, 110, 115, 120 Change in length: prismatic bar, 8 Classic mechanism designs, 410 Coefficient of expansion, 10 Coefficient of speed fluctuation, 393, 397 Column buckling, 260 Euler formula, 261 Parabolic formula, 263 Secant formula, 266 Short columns, 270 Column end types, 262 Combined loadings: dynamic, 311 static: axial and bending, 159 axial and pressure, 172 axial and thermal, 164 axial and torsion, 156 bending and pressure, 184 torsion and bending, 167 torsion and pressure, 175 Complex planetary gear trains, 430 Complex pulley systems, 437 Composite flywheels, 401–403 Compression springs, 380–382 Concentrated couple loading, 48, 110 Cone angle in bolted connections, 327 Contact loading: cylinders in contact, 143 spheres in contact, 139 INDEX Contact pressure, maximum: between cylinders, 144 between spheres, 140 Corrosion effect, 283 Coulomb-Mohr theory, 248 graphical representation, 248 Critical frequency, 383–384 Cycle frequency effect, 283 Cyclic loading, 276 Cyclic motion, 421–424 Cylinders: thin-walled, 129 thick-walled, 130 Design: dynamic, 273 static, 233 Direct shear loading, 3, 11 Disassemblable joint bolt preload, 332 Distortion-energy theory, 237 graphical representation, 237 Double overhanging beams, 35, 86, 92 Elastic limit, 6, 14 Eccentricity ratio, 267 graphical representation, 267 Effective diameter, 281 Electrolytic plating effect, 283 Elongation method for bolt preload, 332 Endurance limit, 276 Energy, 375–376 Extension springs, 379–380 hook geometry, 379 External load on bolted joints, 332–334 Euler formula, 261 Factors, Marin equation: load type, 282 miscellaneous effects, 282–283 size, 280–281 surface finish, 280 Factors of safety: against bolted joint separation, 335–336 dynamic design: fluctuating loading: Gerber theory, 288–289 Goodman theory, 288–292 Modified Goodman theory, 288–289 stress-concentration factor, 304 torsional loading, 305 static design: brittle materials: Coulomb-Mohr theory, 249 Maximum-normal-stress theory, 248 Modified Coulomb-Mohr theory, 250 ductile materials: Distortion-energy theory, 238 Maximum-normal-stress theory, 235 Maximum-shear-stress theory, 237 yielding of a bolted connection, 339 Fastener assembly types, 321 Fatigue, 273 Fatigue loading of: bolted connections, 337–340 helical spring, 385–386 welded connections, 365–366 Fillet weld geometry for: bending, 357 torsion, 353 Fillet welds, 348, 350–358 Fillet welds treated as lines, 360–363 Finite life, 276, 277 First moment of area: definition, 27 formula for the maximum value: circular cross section, 31 rectangular cross section, 28 Fit standards, 137 Fluctuating design criteria, 287 Flywheels, 388 Four-bar linkage, 410 Four-stroke engine, 392 Fracture point, 6, 14 Free Body Diagram (FBD) of a helical spring, 368 Frettage effect, 283 Frustum in bolted connections, 326–327 Fundamental loadings, 3 summary table of formulas, 153 Gaskets in bolted connections, 326 Gear trains, 424 Geometry of: fillet welds as lines, 361 helical springs, 368 slider-crank linkage, 414 Gerber theory, 288–289 Goodman Diagram for: bolted connections, 338 fluctuating torsional loading, 386 welded connections, 366 Goodman theory, 288–289INDEX 443 Grip, of a bolted connection, 323 Groove welds, 348 Helical spring deflection, 371 Helical springs, 367 Hole punching, 15 Hooke’s law: axial, 6, 9, 10 shear, 14 Hoop stress in cylinders, 129, 191 Infinite life, 276 Instantaneous contact point, 432 Interface pressure, 135 Internal combustion engines, 392–394 Joint contact, 334 Lap joint, 350 Lateral strain, 7 Linkages, 410 Load factor on bolted connections, 335 Load type factor for Marin equation, 282 Loadings: advanced, 127 axial, 4, 156, 159, 164 bending, 24, 159, 167, 184 combined, 153 contact, 139 direct shear, 11 fluctuating, 285 fundamental, 3 pressure, 127, 172, 175, 184 reversed, 274 rotational, 147 summary table of formulas, 153, 154 thermal, 10, 164 torsion, 16, 156, 167, 175 triangular, 60, 120 uniform, 55, 79, 92, 115 Machine: assembly, 321 energy, 367 motion, 409 Marin equation, 279 Maximum-normal-stress theory: brittle materials, 247 graphical representation, 247 ductile materials, 234 graphical representation, 247 Maximum-shear-stress theory, 235 graphical representation, 236 Maximum shear stress, 196 Mean stress, 285 Mechanical advantage, 436 Members, in a bolted connection, 326 Minimum shear stress, 196 Miscellaneous effects factors for Marin equation, 282–283 Modified Coulomb-Mohr theory, 249 graphical representation, 249 Modified Goodman theory, 288–289 Modulus of elasticity: axial, 6, 15 shear, 14, 15 Moment of inertia: circular beam, 31 flywheel, 389 rectangular beam, 25 Mohr’s Circle, 205 graphical process, 208 triaxial stress, 231 Neutral axis, 24 Notch sensitivity, 260, 283 Number of active coils in a helical spring, 372 Parabolic formula, 263 Parallel arrangement of springs, 377–378 Permanent joint bolt preload, 332 Pin supports, 34 Pitch of a helical spring, 380 Plane stress element, 153–154, 189 Planetary gears, 428–431 Poisson’s ratio, 7, 15 Polar moment of inertia: hollow shaft, 17 solid shaft, 17 thin-walled rectangular tube, 22 welded connection, 354 Potential energy of a spring, 376 Preload, bolt, 331–332 techniques to verify, 332 Press fits, 134, 175 Pressure: contact: between cylinders, 144 between spheres, 140 interface, 135 internal, 128444 INDEX Pressure loadings, 127, 172, 175, 184 summary table of formulas, 154 Pressure vessels: thin-walled: cylindrical, 129, 191 spherical, 128 Pressurized tank, 184, 190 Principal stresses, 190, 195 Prismatic bar, 4, 156, 258, 322 Proof strength, 332 Proportional limit, 6, 14 Pulley systems, 435–437 Punch press: cycle, 396 flywheels, 395–398 Punching time, 397 Pure motions: rotation, 412 translation, 412 Pure shear element, 156 Quick-return linkage, 411 Radial interference, 135 Radial stress, 131–132, 148 Radius of gyration: 260 circular cross section, 265 rectangular cross section, 261 Rated torque, 395 Recovery time, punch presses, 397 Relative motion, 412–415, 416–419 Riveted joint, 11, 30 Roller supports, 34 Rolling wheels, 432–434 Rotated plane stress element, 190, 205 Rotating disk, 148 R. R. Moore rotating-beam machine, 275 Secant formula, 266 Section modulus, 26 Series arrangement of springs, 377–378 Shear: direct, 11 strain, 13, 19 stress, 12, 16, 22, 27 maximum, 196 minimum, 196 Shear-stress correction factor, 370 Shrink fits, 134, 175 Simply-supported beams, 33, 35, 36, 41, 48, 55, 60, 67, 73, 79, 86, 92 Single overhanging beams, 35, 73, 79 Size factor for Marin equation, 280–281 Slenderness ratio, 260, 261, 263, 266, 271 Slider-crank linkage, 411 S-N Diagram, 275–276 Solid disk flywheel, 388–389 Spheres: thin-walled, 128 Spring deflection, 371 Spring index, 369 Spring rate: bolt, 322–323 capscrew, 322–323 frustum of a cone, 327 helical springs, 371–372 members in a bolted connection, 326–327 Spur gears, 425–427 Static design: coordinate system, 234 brittle materials, 246 comparison with experimental data, 250 recommendations, 251–252 ductile materials, 234 comparison with experimental data, 238 recommendations, 238–239 theories: Coulomb-Mohr, 248 Distortion-energy, 237 Maximum-normal-stress, 234, 247 Maximum-shear-stress, 235 Modified Coulomb-Mohr, 249 Stability of helical springs, 381–382 Static loading of bolted connections, 335–336 Stiffness: bolt, 322–323 capscrew, 322–323 frustum of a cone, 327 members in a bolted connection, 326–327 Strain: axial, 5 lateral, 7 shear, 13, 19 thermal, 10 Strength, proof, 332 Stress: alternating, 285 average, 196 axial, 4, 129, 133–134 bending, 24 contact, 140, 144 critical, 261, 264, 266, 271INDEX 445 direct shear, 12 hoop, 129, 191 mean, 285 normal, in spheres, 128 principal, 190 radial, 131–132, 148 shear, 16, 22, 27 tangential, 131, 148 thermal, 10 triaxial, 230 Stress-concentration factors, 258, 283, 304 Stress elements: biaxial, 148, 219, 223 maximum, 195 plane, 153, 205 pure shear, 156, 157, 219, 227 uniaxial, 155, 219 Stress-strain diagrams: axial loading: brittle materials, 7 ductile materials, 6 high-strength bolt or capscrew, 332 shear loading: brittle materials, 14 ductile materials, 14 Supports: cantilever, 33–34 pin, 34 roller, 34 Surface finish factor for Marin equation, 280 Synchronous angular velocity, 395 Tangential stress, 130, 148 Tee joint, 351 Temperature factor in Marin equation, 282 Tensile-stress area, 324, 331 Thermal: loading, 164 strain, 10 stress, 10 Thick-walled cylinders, 130 Thin rotating disks, 148 Thin-walled: tubes, 22 vessels, 128 cylindrical, 129 spherical, 128 Thread length, 323–324 Torque as a function of: angular velocity, 395 rotation angle, 392 Torque wrench method for bolt preload, 332 Torsion, 16, 156, 167, 175 Torsional loading: fluctuating, 304–305 welded connections, 352–354 Transformation equations, 190 Transverse joint, 351, 352 Triangular loading, 60, 120 Triaxial stress, 230 Turn-of-the-nut method for bolt preload, 332 Two-stroke engine, 392 Ultimate strength, 6, 14 Uniaxial stress element, 155 Uniform loading, 55, 79, 92, 115 Velocity analysis, 412–415 Vessels: thin-walled: cylinders, 129 spheres, 128 Wahl factor, 370 Welded connections, 348 Wheels and pulleys, 431 Work and energy, 375–376 Yield point, 6, 14
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