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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Manufacturing Automation - Metal Cutting Mechanics, Machine Tool Vibrations, and CNC Design الجمعة 14 يناير 2022, 2:12 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Manufacturing Automation - Metal Cutting Mechanics, Machine Tool Vibrations, and CNC Design Second Edition Yusuf Altintas University of British Columbia
و المحتوى كما يلي :
CONTENTS Preface page ix 1 INTRODUCTION 1 2 MECHANICS OF METAL CUTTING 4 2.1 Introduction 4 2.2 Mechanics of Orthogonal Cutting 4 2.3 Mechanistic Modeling of Cutting Forces 15 2.4 Theoretical Prediction of Shear Angle 18 2.5 Mechanics of Oblique Cutting 19 2.5.1 Oblique Cutting Geometry 19 2.5.2 Solution of Oblique Cutting Parameters 21 2.5.3 Prediction of Cutting Forces 25 2.6 Mechanics of Turning Processes 27 2.7 Mechanics of Milling Processes 35 2.7.1 Mechanics of Helical End Mills 41 2.8 Analytical Modeling of End Milling Forces 43 2.8.1 Mechanistic Identification of Cutting Constants in Milling 46 2.9 Mechanics of Drilling 47 2.10 Tool Wear and Tool Breakage 54 2.10.1 Tool Wear 56 2.10.2 Tool Breakage 61 2.11 Problems 62 3 STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS OF MACHINES 66 3.1 Introduction 66 3.2 Machine Tool Structures 66 3.3 Dimensional Form Errors in Machining 68 3.3.1 Form Errors in Cylindrical Turning 68 3.3.2 Boring Bar 70 3.3.3 Form Errors in End Milling 71 3.4 Structural Vibrations in Machining 74 3.4.1 Fundamentals of Free and Forced Vibrations 75 3.4.2 Oriented Frequency Response Function 82 vvi CONTENTS 3.4.3 Design and Measurement Coordinate Systems 83 3.4.4 Analytical Modal Analysis for Multi–Degree-of-Freedom Systems 85 3.4.5 Relative Frequency Response Function between Tool and Workpiece 90 3.5 Modal Testing of Machine Structures 92 3.5.1 Theory of Frequency Response Testing 92 3.5.2 Experimental Procedures in Modal Testing 97 3.6 Experimental Modal Analysis for Multi–Degree-of-Freedom Systems 98 3.7 Identification of Modal Parameters 109 3.7.1 Global Nonlinear Optimization of Modal Parameter Identification 113 3.8 Receptance Coupling of End Mills to Spindle-Tool Holder Assembly 115 3.8.1 Experimental Procedure 118 3.9 Problems 120 4 MACHINE TOOL VIBRATIONS 125 4.1 Introduction 125 4.2 Stability of Regenerative Chatter Vibrations in Orthogonal Cutting 126 4.2.1 Stability of Orthogonal Cutting 126 4.2.2 Dimensionless Analysis of Stability Lobes in Orthogonal Cutting 132 4.2.3 Chatter Stability of Orthogonal Cutting with Process Damping 135 4.3 Chatter Stability of Turning Operations 139 4.4 Chatter Stability of Turning Systems with Process Damping 142 4.4.1 Metal Cutting Forces 144 4.4.2 Process Damping Gains Contributed by Flank Wear 145 4.4.3 Stability Analysis 147 4.5 Experimental Validation 148 4.6 Analytical Prediction of Chatter Vibrations in Milling 149 4.6.1 Dynamic Milling Model 149 4.6.2 Zero-Order Solution of Chatter Stability in Milling 154 4.6.3 Multi-Frequency Solution of Chatter Stability in Milling 160 4.7 Chatter Stability of Drilling Operations 172 4.7.1 Dynamic Drilling Force Model 173 4.8 Frequency Domain Solution of Drilling Stability 176 4.9 Semidiscrete Time Domain Solution of Chatter Stability 178 4.9.1 Orthogonal Cutting 178 4.9.2 Discrete Time Domain Stability Solution in Milling 182 4.10 Problems 186CONTENTS vii 5 TECHNOLOGY OF MANUFACTURING AUTOMATION 191 5.1 Introduction 191 5.2 Computer Numerically Controlled Unit 191 5.2.1 Organization of a CNC Unit 191 5.2.2 CNC Executive 193 5.2.3 CNC Machine Tool Axis Conventions 193 5.2.4 NC Part Program Structure 193 5.2.5 Main Preparatory Functions 196 5.3 Computer-Assisted NC Part Programming 201 5.3.1 Basics of Analytical Geometry 201 5.3.2 APT Part Programming Language 206 5.4 Trajectory Generation for Computer-Controlled Machines 211 5.4.1 Interpolation with Constant Displacement 212 5.4.2 Acceleration-Limited Velocity Profile Generation with Constant Interpolation Period 216 5.4.3 Jerk-Limited Velocity Profile Generation 220 5.5 Real-Time Interpolation Methods 229 5.5.1 Linear Interpolation Algorithm 230 5.5.2 Circular Interpolation Algorithm 234 5.5.3 Quintic Spline Interpolation within CNC Systems 239 5.6 Problems 245 6 DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF CNC SYSTEMS 250 6.1 Introduction 250 6.2 Machine Tool Drives 250 6.2.1 Mechanical Components and Torque Requirements 251 6.2.2 Feedback Devices 256 6.2.3 Electrical Drives 257 6.2.4 Permanent Magnet Armature-Controlled dc Motors 258 6.2.5 Position Control Loop 263 6.3 Transfer Function of the Position Loop 264 6.4 State Space Model of Feed Drive Control Systems 268 6.5 Sliding Mode Controller 281 6.6 Active Damping of Feed Drives 285 6.7 Design of an Electrohydraulic CNC Press Brake 293 6.7.1 Hydraulic Press Brake System 293 6.7.2 Dynamic Model of Hydraulic Actuator Module 296 6.7.3 Identification of Electrohydraulic Drive Dynamics for Computer Control 299 6.7.4 Digital Position Control System Design 301 6.8 Problems 307viii CONTENTS 7 SENSOR-ASSISTED MACHINING 313 7.1 Introduction 313 7.2 Intelligent Machining Module 313 7.2.1 Hardware Architecture 314 7.2.2 Software Architecture 315 7.2.3 Intelligent Machining Application 316 7.3 Adaptive Control of Peak Forces in Milling 317 7.3.1 Introduction 317 7.3.2 Discrete Transfer Function of the Milling Process System 319 7.3.3 Pole-Placement Control Algorithm 321 7.3.4 Adaptive Generalized Predictive Control of Milling Process 325 7.3.5 In-Process Detection of Tool Breakage 330 7.3.6 Chatter Detection and Suppression 333 7.4 Intelligent Pocketing with the IMM System 334 7.5 Problems 336 APPENDIX A: LAPLACE AND z TRANSFORMS 341 A.1 Introduction 341 A.2 Basic Definitions 343 A.3 Partial Fraction Expansion Method 347 A.4 Partial Fraction Expansion Method to Determine Inverse Laplace and z Transforms 349 APPENDIX B: OFF-LINE AND ON-LINE PARAMETER ESTIMATION WITH LEAST SQUARES 353 B.1 Off-Line Least-Squares Estimation 353 B.2 Recursive Parameter Estimation Algorithm 355 Bibliography 357 Index 36 INDEX acceleration, 211 accelerometer, 97 active damping, 285 adaptive control, 3, 318 adaptive generalized predictive control, 325 added lobe, 171 alternating current (ac), 258 angle approach, 33 clearance or relief angle, 13 chip flow, 21 friction, 7 helix, 41 immersion, 151 normal rake, 52 pitch, 39, 151 rake, 7 shear, 6, 9, 19 side rake, 28 taper, 52 inclination, 5 angular, 115 APT, 206 arc length, 243 armature, 258 automatically programmed tools (APT), 201, 206 autospectrum, 95 average friction coefficient, 11, 13 axial deflections, 172 back electromotor, 258 backlash, 257 ball lead screw, 251 bilinear approximation, 102 Bode diagram, 290 borderline stability, 128 boring bar, 70 CAD/CAM, 201, 206 cascaded control, 288 causality rules, 304 change of variable, 153 characteristic equation, 77, 100, 128, 141, 156 chatter, 2 detection, 333 drilling, 172, 176 frequency, 129 milling, 149 orthogonal, 126 process damping, 142 threshold, 334 turning, 139 chatter frequency, 158 chisel edge, 47 CL file, 211 closed-loop transfer function, 265 CNC, 211, 250, 313 CNC design, 2 CNC executive, 193 coherence function, 96 computer aided design/computer aided manufacturing, 201, see CAD/CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing-International, 206, see CAM-I computer numerically controlled, 1, 191, see CNC computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), 1 computer-assisted NC, 201 contact time, 98 convolution integral, 152 coordinates, design, local, measurement, modal, 83 cost function, 114, 328 Coulomb friction, 259 coupling, 116 critical depth of cut, 158 critically stable, 133 cross FRF, 83, 140 cross-power spectrum, 95 cross-talk, 176 cutter location (CL) files, 209 cutting constants, 16 cutting force prediction, 25 cutting lip, 48 deceleration, 211 delay differential equation, 127 delayed differential equation, 178 363364 INDEX differential elements, 52 digital filter, 264 digital to analog (D/A) Converter, 264, also see D/A dimensional errrors in milling, 73 dimensional form error, 68 Diophantine equation, 323 double-positive, 37 direct current (dc), 251 direct receptance, 117 directional factors, 141, 153, 176 directional matrix, 162 directionalcoefficient matrix, 154 discrete lumped masses, 98 discrete position control, 265 discrete time, 266 discrete time intervals, 353 discrete transfer function of milling, 319 drives, 66 dynamic chip thickness, 127 dynamic drilling, 172 dynamic loads, 254 dynamic milling force, 162 edge coefficients, 16 eigenvalue, 157, 181 eigenvalue matrix, 167 eigenvalue solution, 170 eigenvector, 90, 102 electrical drive, 257 electrohydraulic CNC, 293 encoder, 256 equation of motion, 91 equivalent chord, 144 experimental modal analysis, 98 fixed cycles, 199 Floquet, 185 following error, 267 force feed, 15 resultant, 15 shear, 7, 15 tangential, 6, 15 thrust, 53 forces analytical modeling, 43 differential, 44 feed, 39 ploughing, 13 turning, 31 forgetting factor, 321 Fourier analyzer, 93 coefficients, 81 series, 81 spectrum, 82 FRF-frequency response function, 79 FRF-relative, 90 friction, 1 friction power, 11 friction torque, 254 frictional loss, 252 G function, 195 geometry drill, 49 global nonlinear optimization, 113 guideway, 252 harmonics of tooth passing, 158 HSS, 62 hydraulic actuators, 293 hydraulic press, 295 hydraulic system, 295 identification, 353 immersion, 38 immersion radial, 160 impact hammer, 97 indentation, 48 inner and outer waves, 129 integration limits, 45 intelligent machining, 313 intelligent pocketing, 334 interpolation, 212 circular, 234 linear, 230 interpolation steps, 223, 224 Constant Displacement, 212 time, 213 jerk, 211 knots, 205 Laplace transform, 341, 343 lateral, 158 lateral flexibility, 285 lead–lag compensator, 280 least squares, 112, 355 least-squares estimation, 353 linear systems, 101 local displacements, 92 Lyapunov function, 283 M functions, 196 machinability, 55 maximum shear stress principle, 18 minimum energy principle, 23 mechanics drilling, 47 helical end mills, 41 milling, 35 turning, 27 mechanistic, 15 Merchant, 18INDEX 365 Merrit, 127 milling cutting constants, 46 down, 37 dynamic, 149 face, 37 form errors, 71 power, 40 torque, 39 up, 37 milling dynamics, 182 minimum energy principle, 18 miscellaneous functions, 196 modal coordinates, 89 damping matrix, 89 damping ratio, 102 displacement, 88 displacement vector, 92 frequency range, 111 mass, 88 matrix, 88 parameters identification, 109 stiffness, 88 testing, 92, 97 transfer function, 90 transformation, 89 modal analysis, 2, 85 mode shapes, 88, 102 multi–degree-of-freedom (MDOF), 85 multi-frequency, 169 natural frequency, 76 NC, 250 NC block, 193 NC part programming, 211 NC program, 193 NC words, 194 negative gradient, 114 negative-positive, 37 noise, 95 nonlinear cutting constant, 127 normalized eigenvector, 170 normalized mode shape, 103 nose radius, 142 numerically controlled, 191, see NC Nyquist frequency, 93 oblique cutting, 1, 19, 23 open-loop transfer function, 267 orthogonal cutting, 4 oriented FRF, 83 orthogonal cutting, 178 overcut, 71 oxidation, 57 partial fraction example, 349 partial fraction expansion, 347 peak current, 251 peak torque, 251 periodic functions, 154 permanent magnet dc motor, 258 phase angle, 129 phase shift, 142, 157 plane strain, 4 primary shear zone, 5 plane normal, 20 velocity, 20 PLC, 192 point-to-point (PTP), 207 pole-placement control algorithm, 321 pole-placement controller, 303 position loop, 263 power, 33 power amplifier, 260 prediction output horizons, 327 process damping, 2, 135 flank wear, 145 process damping coefficient, 139 proportional damping, 88 quadrature sensing, 257 rake face–chip interface, 12 real part, 80 receptance, 79 receptance coupling, 115 reconstruction of reference trajectory, 227 recursive computation, 328 recursive parameter estimation, 355 regenerative chip, 144 residue, 99 rotation of objects, 203 rotational, 117 single degree of freedom (SDOF), 75 secondary deformation zone, 5 sensor-assisted, 313 servoamplifiers, 2 shaker, 97 shear plane temperature, 8 shear power, 8 shear strain, 10 shear strain rate, 10 sliding friction, 5 sliding mode controlle, 281 sliding surface, 282 spindle dynamics, 118 spline cubic, 204 quintic, 239 segment, 204 spool valve, 299 stability analysis, 147 chart, 130 dimensionless, 132366 INDEX stability (cont.) discerte time domain, 182 driling, 172 lobes, 132 low immersion milling, 170 multi-frequency, 160 Nyquist, 138 orthogonal, 126 pockets, 149 semi discrete, 178 zero order solution, 154 Stabler, 31 state matrix, 270 state space model, 268 static deflection, 71 static deformations, 1 static flexibility, 80 static loads, 252 steady-state error, 268 step response, 272 sticking, 5 strain rate, 10 substructure, 115 surface drive, 208 part, 208 sutrface check, 208 tachometer, 256 tertiary deformation zone, 12 tertiary zone, 5 tool–chip interface temperature, 12 thrust bearing, 253 time constant, 260 time-varying cutting, 319 time-varying directional matrix, 175, 185 Tlusty, 127 Tobias, 127 tool breakage, 61 tool life, 60 tool nose radius, 29 tool wear, 54 tool-holder, 119 tooth passing frequency, 167 torque, 33, 53 disturbance, 259 torsional, 158 torsional flexibility, 285 trajectory generation, 211 transfer function matrix, 100 MDOF, 100 structures, 76 transition matrix, 181 translation of objects, 203 translational, 115 transmission gain, 289 turning, form errors, 68 Tustin’s bilinear, 267 undamped, 87 undercut, 71 up–down counter, 263 vectors, 201 velocity profile acceleration-limited, 216 trapezoidal, 213 velocity hodograph, 8 velocity profile jerk limited, 220 velocity-dependent, 137 vibration forced, 75, 76, 79 free, 75 transient, 76 waves, 129 wavelength, 137 wavy surface, 138 wear abrasion, 56 adhesion, 56 crater, 57 diffusion, 56 flank, 55, 57 window box, 98 exponentially decaying, 98 yield shear stress, 1 z transform, 341, 343 zero-order hold, 264, also see ZOH ZOH, 342
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