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عدد المساهمات : 19001 التقييم : 35505 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Fundamentals of CNC Machining الثلاثاء 11 يناير 2022, 2:26 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Fundamentals of CNC Machining Technical Collaborator: Ing. Petra CIHLAROVA Narrator: Mr. Michael HILL (U.K.) Responsible Person: Ing. Miroslav PISKA, PhD. Associate Professor Brno University of Technology Faculty of Mechanical Engineering The Institute of Manufacturing Technology
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents 1 FUNDAMENTAL GEOMETRICAL PRINCIPLES 5 1.1 Description of workpiece points . 5 1.1.1 Workpiece coordinate systems 5 1.1.2 Definition of workpiece positions 5 1.1.3 Polar coordinates . 9 1.1.4 Absolute dimensions . 10 1.1.5 Incremental dimensions . 12 1.1.6 Plane designation . 14 1.2 Position of zero points 15 1.3 Position of coordinate system 16 1.3.1 Overview of various coordinate systems 16 1.3.2 Machine coordinate system . 18 1.3.3 Basic coordinate system . 21 1.3.4 Workpiece coordinate system 22 1.3.5 Frame system . 23 1.3.6 Assignment of workpiece coordinate system to machine axes . 26 1.3.7 Current workpiece coordinate system 27 2 FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF NC PROGRAMMING 28 2.1 Structure and contents of an NC program . 28 2.2 Language elements of the programming language . 29 3 POSITIONAL DATA 51 3.1 Absolute/incremental dimensions, G90/G91 51 3.1.1 G91 extension (SW 4.3 and higher) . 55 3.2 Absolute dimensions for rotary axes, DC, ACP, ACN . 57 3.3 Metric/imperial dimension, G70/G71/G700/G710 60 3.4 Settable zero offset/frame, G54 to G599 63 3.5 Selecting the working plane, G17 to G 19 . 69Fundamentals of CNC Machining Full Screen ✕ µ ¶ Contents Page 3 of 286 Go Back · ¸ 3.6 Programmable working area limitation, G25/G26 . 72 4 PROGRAMMING MOTION COMMANDS 77 4.1 General information . 77 4.2 Traversing commands with polar coordinates, G110, G111, G112, AP, RP . 79 4.3 Rapid traverse movement, G0 85 4.4 Linear interpolation, G1 . 91 4.5 Circular interpolation, G2/G3, CIP . 94 4.6 Helical interpolation, G2/G3 TURN 115 5 FRAMES 119 5.1 General 119 5.2 Frame instructions 120 5.3 Programmable zero offset 122 5.3.1 TRANS, ATRANS 122 5.3.2 G58, G59: Axial programmable ZO (SW 5 and later) 127 5.4 Programmable rotation, ROT, AROT . 130 5.5 Programmable frame rotations with solid angles, ROTS, AROTS and CROTS 142 5.6 Programmable scale factor, SCALE, ASCALE . 143 5.7 Programmable mirroring, MIRROR, AMIRROR . 148 6 TOOL OFFSETS 154 6.1 General information . 154 6.2 List of tool types . 158 6.3 Tool selection/tool call T 159 6.3.1 Tool change with M06 (mill) 159 6.3.2 Tool change with T command (rotate) . 163 6.4 Tool offset D . 164 6.5 Tool selection T with tool management 167 6.5.1 Turning machine with circular magazine 168 6.5.2 Milling machine with chain magazine 169Fundamentals of CNC Machining Full Screen ✕ µ ¶ Contents Page 4 of 286 Go Back · ¸ 6.6 Tool offset call D with tool management 170 6.6.1 Turning machine with circular magazine 170 6.7 Make active tool offset operative immediately . 171 6.8 Tool radius compensation, G40, G41, G42 . 171 7 MISCELLANEOUS FUNCTION 182 7.1 Auxiliary function outputs 182 7.1.1 M functions . 182 8 TURNING CYCLES 185 8.1 General information . 185 8.2 Preconditions . 185 8.3 Grooving cycle - CYCLE93 . 189 8.4 Undercut cycle - CYCLE94 . 203 8.5 Stock removal cycle - CYCLE95 209 8.6 Thread undercut - CYCLE96 227 8.7 Thread cutting - CYCLE97 . 232 8.8 Thread chaining - CYCLE98 242 8.9 Thread recutting . 251 8.10 Extended stock removal cycle - CYCLE950 253 9 APPENDIX 281 9.1 Excersises & Problems of CNC Machining . 281 9.1.1 Geometrical Definitions . 281 9.1.2 Cutting Conditions, Time Consumption 281 9.1.3 Physical Phenomena . 282 9.1.4 CNC Programming 283 9.2 Example 285 9.3 Vocabulary 285 10 REFERENCES Vocabulary Broaching Contour band sawing.Power hacksaws. Circular saw Drilling. Boring Grinding and polishing Machining of metals Milling Planing Reaming. Countersinking. Counterboring Shaping Some other machining processes Turning Mathematical symbols Symbols of physical quantities
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