كتاب Engineering Applications of Pneumatics and Hydraulics
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 كتاب Engineering Applications of Pneumatics and Hydraulics

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19001
التقييم : 35505
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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أحضرت لكم كتاب
Engineering Applications of Pneumatics and Hydraulics
2nd Edition
EUR ING Ian C. Turner

كتاب Engineering Applications of Pneumatics and Hydraulics  E_a_o_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Preface to the 1st edition vii
Preface to the 2nd edition viii
Acknowledgements ix
1 Applications of pneumatics and hydraulics in industry 1
2 Basic principles of fluid power systems 6
3 Features and characteristics of pneumatic and hydraulic systems 10
4 Component, equipment and plant symbols 14
5 Fluid power generation, supply and distribution 27
6 Control valves I: Types and principles of operation 62
7 Control valves II: Types and principles of operation 69
8 Actuators 77
9 Pneumatic and hydraulic circuits and arrangement of components 94
10 Electro-pneumatics and electro-hydraulics 103
11 Fluid power measurement systems 110
12 Troubleshooting and maintenance
13 Basic principles of fluid power control 131
14 Emergency shutdown and safety systems 135
15 Health and safety at work 144
Appendix 1: Answers to revision questions 149
Appendix 2: City & Guilds specimen examination questions 152
Appendix 3: Standards and standardisation organisations – Relevant
fluid power standards 167
Appendix 4: Bar litres – Calculations 169
Appendix 5: UK professional engineering bodies, institutions and
other organisations relevant to fluid power 171
1 Numbers in bold denote sections within the book that cover a given topic.
2 Other numbers are references for individual components, parts, units, descriptions, etc., to
enable quick finding of pages where the items are located.
Absorption dryer, 36
Accumulator, 5.12, 60
Accuracy, 118
Actuation, 18, 68
methods for directional
control valves, 6.6, 67
methods of visual
indication, 8.17, 93
Actuator, 77–93
linear, 77–86
rotary, 8.15, 87–93
rotary, symbols, 8.16, 92
types, 8.1, 77
Adjustable pressure sequence valve, 70, 71
Adsorption dryer, 37
Advantages of pneumatics and hydraulics, 11
Air generation and distribution, 5.1, 27
Air logic, 94–96
Air mains, 49–52
pressure drop, 51, 52
sizing, 50, 51
Air motor, 87, 88
general, 8.8, 87
piston type, 8.9, 87
sliding vane type, 8.10, 88
summary of characteristics, 8.14, 90
Air preparation, 5.7, 53–57
symbols, 5.8, 56–57
Air pressure relationship, 3.1, 10–11
Air receiver, 5.4, 38–41
sizing, 39, 40
Air service unit, 53–56
Air supply system, 27–58
AND logic, 9.3, 9.4, 95, 96
Applications of pneumatics and hydraulics, 1–5
Atmospheric pressure, 10, 11
Automatic drain trap, 42–48
Automatic reverse braking, 5
Automatic shutdown, 135–143
Axial compressor, 29
Bar, 8
Bar litres, App. 4, 169–170
Bar litres, calculations, App. 4, 169–170
Bourdon tube pressure gauge, 111–112
Boyle’s Law, 2.6, 8, 9
British standards, App. 3, 167
Cascading, technique, 9.7, 99–102
Centrifugal compressor, 28
CETOP Symbols, 14–19
Characteristics of pneumatic and hydraulic
systems, 10–12
Chemical absorption dryer, 36
Closed loop control, 13.3, 132
Combinational valve, 7.3, 72, 73
Combined technologies, 1.2, 1, 2
Comparator, 132–134
Component identification, 4.9, 23, 24
Compressed air equipment, selection, 5.9, 57, 58
Compressed air system, 57, 58
Compressor, types, 5.2, 28–34
Containment, 136, 137
Control, 131–134
action, 134
closed loop, 13.3, 132
open loop, 13.2, 131
symbols, 4.5, 18
terminology, 13.5, 134
Controlled condition, 134
Controller, 134
Control valve, 62–76Coolers and dryers, 5.3, 34–38
Cushioning, 81, 82
Cylinder, 77–80
cushioned double acting, 8.4, 81, 82
double acting, 8.3, 80, 81
rodless, 8.6, 83, 84
single acting, 8.2, 77–80
Deviation, 134
Diaphragm compressor, 32, 33
Diaphragm cylinder, 77, 78
Direct control, 78
Directional control valve, 62–67
general, 6.2, 63, 64
power, 6.5, 66, 67
processing, 6.4, 65
signalling, 6.3, 64, 65
Disadvantages of pneumatic and hydraulic
systems, 12
Displacement compressor, 28
Displacement compressor (positive), 28
Displacement step diagram, 98
Display, 110
Distribution system, 5.6, 49–52
Double acting cylinder, 80–82
Double acting, two stage, reciprocating
compressor, 30
Drain point, 49
Drain trap, 42–48
Drain traps, automatic, 5.5, 42–48
Dryer, 36–38
Dynamic compressor, 28
Electronic controller, 104
Electro-hydraulics, 10.2, 109
Electro-pneumatics, 10.1, 104–109
Emergency shutdown, 14.2, 137–142
Energy conversion, symbols, 4.2, 5.8,
15, 56, 57
Energy transmission, symbols, 4.4, 17
Equipment, examples of assemblies, 4.7,
20, 21
Error, 118
Error signal, 133, 134
Fail safe, 14.3, 143
Fault diagnosis, 12.2, 119–123
Feedback control, 132
Filter, 53
Final control elements, 133
First Line Maintenance, 12.1, 119
Flow control valve, 6.8, 67, 68
Flow measurement, 11.3, 14, 115
Flowrate, 7
Fluid power, 7
logic, 94–96
measurement, 11.1, 110
system, 2.3, 7
Force, 7
Functional charts, 12.5, 124–127
Gas pressurised accumulator, 60
Gauge pressure, 10
Gear motor, 87–89
Gear pump, 59, 91
Graphical symbols, 14–24
Health and Safety at Work Act, 144, 145
employees’ responsibilities, 15.3, 145
employer’s responsibilities, 15.2, 145
organisation, 15.1, 144
Helical and spiral-lobe compressors
(screw), 28
Hydraulic and pneumatic safety systems, 1.4,
4, 5
principles of, 2.2, 6
supply system, 5.10, 59
systems, 59
Hydraulic motor, 8.13, 88
gear type, 88
high torque, low speed, 88, 89
summary of characteristics, 8.14, 90
Hydraulic pump, 5.11, 59
advantages, 3.2, 11
disadvantages, 3.3, 12
Hydro-pneumatic systems, 8.7, 85–86
Indicators, 93
Industrial applications, 1.1, 1
Installations, examples, 4.8, 22
Ladder logic, 108, 109
Latched (memory) circuit, 9.5, 96, 97
Linear actuator, 77–84
symbols, 8.5, 82, 83
Logic, 94–96
Logic control, 104–109
Lubricator, 54, 55
Mains air, requirements, 3.4, 12
Mains air systems, sizing, 50, 51
first line, 12.1, 119, 124
of hydraulic systems, 12.4, 124
of pneumatic systems, 12.3, 123
Measurand, 118
of flow, 11.3, 114, 115
of fluid power, 11.1, 110
of pressure, 11.2, 111–114
of temperature, 11.4, 116–118
Index 173Measuring system
common terms, 11.5, 118
Memory circuit, 96, 97
Newton’s Law, 2.5, 8
Non-return valve, 6.7, 67, 68
Open loop control, 13.2, 131
OR logic, 9.1, 9.2, 94, 95
Physical properties of air, 2.1, 6
Piezoelectric pressure transducer, 114
Piston motor, 8.9, 87
Pneumatic applications, 1–5
Pneumatic gear motor, 8.11, 88
Pneumatic logic, 94–96
advantages, 3.2, 11
disadvantages, 3.3, 12
Port, 23, 24
Positive displacement compressor, 28
Power element, 66
Preparation of air, 53–56
Pressure, 7, 8
Pressure control valve, 7.1, 69–70
symbols, 7.2, 70–72
Pressure drop, 51, 52
Pressure limiting valve, 69
Pressure measurement, 11.2, 111–114
Pressure regulating valve, 69–70
Pressure relief valve, 69
Pressure sequence valve, 69, 70
Pressure system, 148
Pressure Systems Safety Regulations, 15.4,
146, 147
Pressure transducer, 111–114
Processing element, 65
Programmable Logic Controller, PLC,
Properties of air, 6
Range, 118
Reciprocating compressor general, 28–30
single acting, single stage, 29
single acting, two stage, 29, 30
double acting, two stage, 30
Refrigeration dryer, 36
Regulations, pressure systems, 15.4, 146–147
Regulator, 54
Relay ladder logic, 108, 109
Relief valve, 69, 70, 135–137
Resistance of pipe fittings, 52
Resolution, 118
Reverse braking, 5
Rotameter, 114, 115
Rotary actuator, 8.15, 92
symbols, 8.16, 92
Rotary vane compressor, 28, 30, 31
Safety system, 4, 135–143
Screw compressor, 28, 31
Sensitivity, 118
Sequential circuit, 9.6, 97–99
Service unit, 53–56
Set point, 134
Shutdown system, 4, 5, 135–143
Signal conditioner, 110
Signalling element, 64, 65, 133
Single acting cylinder, 77–80
SI system of units, 2.4, 7
compressor, 28, 30, 31
motor, 8.10, 88
Solenoid valve, 7.4, 74–76
Standardisation organisations, App. 3,
British, App. 3, 167
International, App. 3, 167–168
Standards, App. 3, 167–168
Strain gauge, 113
identification, 4.1–4.6, 14–19
miscellaneous, 4.6, 19
Temperature measurement, 11.4, 116–118
Thermistor, 116–117
Thermocouple, 117, 118
Time delay valve, 72–73
normally closed, 72,73
normally open, 73
Tolerance, 118
Traps, 42–46
Tube dimensions, 51
Turbine flowmeter, 115
Turbo compressor, 32
Two impeller straight-lobe compressors and
blowers, 28
Uses of fluid power systems, 1.3, 2, 3
combinational, 7.3, 72, 73
flow control, 6.8, 67, 68
non-return, 6.7, 67, 68
pressure control, 7.1, 69–70
pressure control valve symbols, 7.2, 70, 71
solenoid, 7.4, 74–76
time delay, 72, 73
types, 6.1, 62
valve symbols, 4.3, 16
Water drain traps, 42–48

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