Admin مدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب CNC Milling in the Workshop الجمعة 07 يناير 2022, 2:39 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب CNC Milling in the Workshop Dr. Marcus Bowman
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents Introduction 1 Fundamental Concepts 2 The Controlled Point 3 Basic Movement 4 Tooling 5 Linear Programming 6 Arcs, Circles and Polylines 7 Subroutines, Loops and Decisions 8 Making Multiple Parts 9 Tool Tables, Cutter Compensation and Tool Length Offsets 10 Engraving 11 From 2½D to 3D Appendix I: Health and Safety Appendix II: G Codes, M Codes and Other CodesAppendix III: Initialization Block Further Information Index Index 3D models 127 3D scanning 129 structured light scanner 131 A axis 78 absolute coordinates 20 arc 67 incremental and absolute modes 67 pivot around corner 69 Aspire 73 AutoCAD 11 axes 17 ball screws and nuts 13 boring head 43 boring tool 42 brass rubbing 124 CAD 9 calculation 88 comparisons 95 call 77 CAM 9 carving 117 chamfering cutter 42 charge pump 15 chip load 47circle 67 circular pocket 70 CNC 9 commands 49 modal 49 comment 50 composite board 81 configure state 67 Configure>General Config… 112 Controlled Point 17 cooling 81 coordinate system offset 79 coordinates absolute 91 countersink 42 Creative Commons 123 current coordinates 20 current point 79 current point offset 79 curve 70 anchor point 70 complex 70 handle 72 path 70 Cut2D 11, 53, 56 Create Drilling Toolpath 56 job setup panel 56 Machine Vectors 63 Material Setup 56 Peck Drilling 56 Preview Toolpath 57 Profile Cut 63 Rapid Z Gaps 56 Start Depth 56 Toolpath 56 cutter 43 ball-nosed 44compensation 113 concave 44 convex 44 dovetail 43 face mill 43 fly 43 gear 44, 45 T-slot 43 cutting a path 61 cutting fluid 134 oil 81, 134 soluble oil 81, 134 decisions 95 depth map 125 digital read-out (DRO) 20 do/while 95 DraftSight 11 drawbar threads 39 drawing tools 73 drill bit 41 centre 42 stub 42 edge finder 22 cross hairs 24 electronic 22 laser 24 optical 22 polariser 24 polarising lens 25 encoder 13 end mill 43 centre cutting 78 engineer’s square 45engraving 118 bevelled lettering 121 cross-hatching 123 cutter 118 diamond drag 120, 122 reversed-out lettering 121 ER collets 40 holder 40 ranges 41 ESC escape key 32 feed rate 47 feeds 46 fillers 121 fixture 46, 99 offset 102 font 120 engraver’s 120 FreeType 120 glyph 120 OpenType 120 single line 120 stick 120 TrueType 120 gadget 120 gantry mill 13 gauge block 102 gedit 50 graduations 119, 120 greyscale depth map 125 high-relief carving 117 home 29 Home All 20home switch 15 incremental mode 91 INI file 96 PROGRAM_PREFIX 96 SUBROUTINE_PATH 96 initialisation block 50, 52, 139 jig 46 jog controls 30 increment 31 keys 31 mode 31 knurling 122 limit switch 15, 19 linear guide 14 LinuxCNC 12 Manual Control 31 loop 91 do/while 95 while/endwhile 95 low relief carving 117 lubrication 81 Mach3 12 Configure Logic 72 machine coordinates 20 machine scope 22 macro 112 mathematical comparisons 95 MDI (manual data input) 30 milling 40chuck 40 climb 87 conventional 87 cutter 40 cutter holder 40 mode 72 best possible speed 72 constant velocity 72 exact path 72 exact stop 72 incremental 91 path mode 72 naïve cam 69 nesting 106 neutral axis 119 offline mode 52 offset 79 coordinate system 79 tool length 111 work 20, 26, 27, 79, 105 screen 111 oil 81 cutting 81 soluble 81 origin 79 temporary offset 79 parameter 88 local 88 safe 88 system 88 photoengraving 125 PhotoVCarve 124pocket 63 polyline 67 postprocessors 57, 74 preview window 53 probe 129 cloud of data points 130 laser 131 profile 63 program 49 comment 50 creating 49 Run 30 reamer 42 Ref All 20 reference plate 45 relief carving 117 repeat 91 endrepeat 91 resolver 13 RhinoCAD 11 safe state 29 safe Z 37 safety 133 ear defenders 133 eye protection 133 gloves 133 guards 133, 134 servo 13 slitting saw 44 slot drill 43 speeds 46 cutting 46 spindle 46spiraling into work 69 stepper motor 13 STL file 128 subroutine 77 call 77 defining 77 file 96 folder 96 library 95 nesting 84 predefined 95 T-nuts 45 T-slot 45 tabs 73 text file 51 text on a cylinder 122 tilde 51 tool holder 40, 114 length offset 111 length reference 112 table 111 toolchange 112 automatic tool changer 112 window 112 tools 39 holding 39 touch off 21, 53 TurboCAD 11 twist drill 41 vacuum table 119 VCarve Pro 11 vice 45webcam 124 while/endwhile 95 wiggler 21 wizard 96 word processor 50 WordPad 50 work offsets 20, 26, 27 fixture 1 27 work origin 20, 21, 53 workholding 45 X, Y, Z axes 17 Z height gauge 26Index of Commands A 78 F 32 G0 32 G1 32 G10 103 G12 70 G13 70 G17 50 G2 67 G20 50 G21 50 G28 113 G28.1 113 G3 67 G30 113 G38 130 G40 50 G41 114 G43 111 G49 50, 111 G52 79 G53 115 G54 27, 50, 78, 102, 103 G55 27, 103 G56 103 G57 103 G58 103 G59 27, 102, 103G61 72, 73 G61.1 72 G64 72, 73 G80 50 G83 51 G90 50, 91 G90.1 67 G91 91 G91.1 50 G92 79, 104 G92.1 50, 104 G92.2 80 G92.3 80 G94 50 G98 50 H 111 L 91 M2 77 M3 32 M30 51 M4 32 M5 32 M6 111 M98 77, 91 M99 77, 91 O commands 77 P 77, 103 T 112
كلمة سر فك الضغط : The Unzip Password : أتمنى أن تستفيدوا من محتوى الموضوع وأن ينال إعجابكم رابط من موقع عالم الكتب لتنزيل كتاب CNC Milling in the Workshop رابط مباشر لتنزيل كتاب CNC Milling in the Workshop