كتاب CNC Machining Certification - Exam Guide
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 كتاب CNC Machining Certification - Exam Guide

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عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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CNC Machining Certification - Exam Guide
Setup, Operation and Programming
Ken Evans

كتاب CNC Machining Certification - Exam Guide  C_n_c_41
و المحتوى كما يلي :

1 CNC Machining Fundamentals
Section 1 Machine Safety
Section 2 Types of CNC Machines
Section 3 Machine Maintenance and Workspace Efficiency
Section 4 Cutting Tool Selection
Section 5 Machining Mathematics
Section 6 Understanding Engineering Drawings
Section 7 Basic Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing
Section 8 Deburring Tools and Techniques
Section 9 Machined Part Inspection
Section 10 Basic CNC Program Structure and Format
2 Setup Operation and Programming of CNC Mills
Section 1 CNC Mill Setup and Operation
Section 2 Introduction to CNC Mill Programming
3 Setup Operation and Programming of CNC Lathes
Section 1 CNC Lathe Setup and Operation
Section 2 Introduction to CNC Lathe Programming
4 Introduction to Computer-Aided ManufacturingSection 1 Introduction to CAM for CNC Milling
Section 2 Introduction to CAM for CNC Turning
5 Preparing for the Certification Exam
Section 1 Exam Preparations
Section 2 Practice Exam
Further Reading
Answer Key for Chapter Study Questions
IndexReferences to figures and charts are in italics.
2D chamfering, 42–43
2D Contour milling, 31, 32
2D Pocket milling, 31, 33
3-jaw universal chuck, 244, 247
adjusting jaws on, 248
justification for selecting, 249
using soft jaws on, 248
5S system, 23
704 Diamond, 7
abbreviations, GD&T, 84–93
absolute coordinate systems, 60–62, 217
adjustable stop, 194
all around, 88–89
all-over, 89
American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 80
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 70, 80
application, 119–120
definition, 119
tolerance, 119
tolerance interpretation, 120–121
“Applications Manual for the Revised NIOSH Lifting Equation,” 5
arc length, 88
Autodesk Fusion 360
2D adaptive clearing, 304–305
2D Chamfer, 312–313
2D Contour, 305–306
2D Pocket, 306–307
bored holes, 312
browser, 296
Canvas Area, 296
counterbored holes, 311–312
Data Panel, 294, 295
drill ⅜ diameter holes, 310
drilling, 308–311
file drop-down, 295
help, 296
job status, 296
lathe boring tool creation, 337
lathe example boring, 338–339
lathe example center drilling, 336
lathe example drilling, 336–337
lathe example post processing, 339, 340lathe example setup documentation, 339
lathe part-off tool editing, 339
loading a CAM tool library, 326
Manufacture, 296–297
Manufacture setup for an existing lathe model, 324–325
Manufacture setup for an existing model, 297–299
milling tool path creation, 300–303
notifications, 296
post processing, 313–319
setup documentation, 319–321
slot, 307
spot drill, 308–309
starting up, 294
tap drilled holes, 310–311
tapped holes, 311
tool path verification and simulation, 303–304
Toolbar Ribbon, 296
turning, 326–329
turning groove, 333–334
turning profile finish, 332–333
turning profile roughing, 329–332
turning thread, 334–336
untitled tab, 294
user account, 296
user interface, 294–297
View Cube, 296
Work Coordinate System (WCS), 325–326
See also CAD/CAM software
automatic tool changer (ATC), 17–18
axial depth of cut (ADOC), 37–41
controlled slice milling, 41
high efficiency ADOC strategy, 39
light RDOC/heavy ADOC strategy, 39–40
axis, location, 133
baseline dimensioning, 71
basic, 93
BASIC dimensions, 100, 101, 102
belt sanders, 147
between, 93
blood, contact with, 4
blueprints. See engineering drawings
bonus tolerance, 134
boring, 42
Bureau of Labor Statistics, 3
CAD/CAM software
2D adaptive clearing, 304–3052D Chamfer, 312–313
2D Contour, 305–306
2D Pocket, 306–307
bored holes, 312
browser, 296
Canvas Area, 296
counterbored holes, 311–312
Data Panel, 294, 295
drill ⅜ diameter holes, 310
drilling, 308–311
file drop-down, 295
help, 296
job status, 296
lathe boring tool creation, 337
lathe example boring, 338–339
lathe example center drilling, 336
lathe example drilling, 336–337
lathe example post processing, 339, 340
lathe example setup documentation, 339
lathe part-off tool editing, 339
loading a CAM tool library, 326
Manufacture, 296–297
Manufacture setup for an existing lathe model, 324–325
Manufacture setup for an existing model, 297–299
milling tool path creation, 300–303
notifications, 296
post processing, 313–319
setup documentation, 319–321
slot, 307
spot drill, 308–309
tap drilled holes, 310–311
tapped holes, 311
tool path verification and simulation, 303–304
Toolbar Ribbon, 296
turning, 326–329
turning groove, 333–334
turning profile finish, 332–333
turning profile roughing, 329–332
turning thread, 334–336
untitled tab, 294
user account, 296
user interface, 294–297
View Cube, 296
Work Coordinate System (WCS), 325–326
CAM, 14
loading a CAM tool library, 326
canned cycle functions, 225–228
CAT, 44
chain dimensioning, 71
chain line, 89, 102chamfer gages, 164–165
chamfering, 2D, 42–43
chemical vapor deposition (CVD), 31, 33
chips, 22–23
circular interpolation (G02, G03), 222–223, 274–276
Circular milling, 31, 33
circular runout, 125, 126
circular runout tolerance, 126–127
circular runout tolerance interpretation, 127
circular tolerance, 133–134
application, 116
definition, 116
tolerance, 116
tolerance interpretation, 116–117
climb milling, 34–35
CNC lathe operator control panel, 240
functions, 242
CNC lathe operator control pendant
features, 240
function keys, 240–241
Jog keys, 242
mode keys, 242
CNC lathes
3-jaw universal chuck, 244, 247, 248–249
adjusting for Tool Nose Radius Compensation, 257
adjusting tool offsets, 256
adjusting wear offsets, 257–258
adjusting work offsets, 258–259
application of tool wear offsets, 266–267
applying for the coordinate systems for turning, 243
Bolt on Turret (BOT), 251
chuck foot pedal, 240
circular interpolation (G02, G03), 274–276
collets, 249–250
common operation scenarios, 260–262
constant surface speed control, 268–269
deleting a program from memory, 254
dwell (G04), 276
example program, 284–289
example setup sheet, 245–247, 285
feed function, 267
Finishing Cycle, 278–279
Function G71, 279–281
Groove Cutting Cycle, 283
guarding, 240
input of known Work Offset values, 259
installation and removal of work-holding devices, 244–247
linear interpolation (G01), 274
loading a program from memory, 254loading a program from USB, 254
locking slot alignment, 250
machine shutdown, 262
machine startup, 252–253
machine warm up, 253
maximum spindle speed setting, 269
MDI operations, 254–255
measuring the work coordinate offset, 258
measuring tool offsets, 255–256
miscellaneous functions (M-codes), 271–273
mounting tools in the turret, 251
multiple repetitive cycles, 278–284
Multiple Thread Cutting Cycle, 283–284
operation and setup procedures, 242
overview, 240
part positioning in work-holding, 251
part program zero, 254
parts catchers, 250–251
Pattern Repeating Function, 281–282
Peck Drilling Cycle, 282–283
physical part stops, 250
preparatory functions for turning centers (G-codes), 273–278
preparatory functions (G-codes), 269–270
process planning documents, 243, 244
program editing, 260
program execution in automatic cycle mode, 259–260
program structure, 266
program template, 273
rapid traverse positioning (G00), 274
return to machine zero point, 276–277
spindle function, 267–268
Stock Removal Facing Cycle, 281
Stock Removing Turning Cycle, 279
tool function, 266
Tool Nose Radius Compensation (TNRC), 277–278
tool path verification of the program, 259
tool sensor measuring, 258
tool tip orientation, 256–257
work coordinate systems (G54-G59), 278
work-holding, 244, 249–250, 251, 254
CNC machines, types of configurations, 15–16
lathe axis designation, 16–17
machine selection, 18–19
mill tool changer types, 17–18
overview, 14–15
CNC mill operator control panel, 178
functions, 189
CNC mill operator control pendant
alpha keys, 186
cursor keys, 182display keys, 183
EDIT mode keys, 183–184, 205
features, 179–180
function keys, 181–182
HANDLE/JOG mode keys, 184–185
JOG keys, 186–187
List Program button, 186
MDI (Manual Data Input) mode keys, 184, 205
Memory mode keys, 184
numeric keys, 186
override keys, 187–188
rapid override buttons, 189
spindle buttons, 188–189
Zero Return mode keys, 185–186
CNC mills
absolute coordinate programming (G90), 217
address searching, 207
adjusting wear offsets, 204
altering program words, 207–208
beacon light, 181
block numbers, 214–215
boring cycles, 228
canned cycle functions, 225–228
canned cycle, spot dwelling, 226
canned drilling cycle cancellation, 226
circular interpolation (G02, G03), 222–223
CNC Setup Sheets, 192
common operation scenarios, 208–209
counter boring cycle, 227
cursor scanning, 206
cutter compensation cancellation (G40), 224
cutter diameter compensation (G40, G41, G42), 224
cutter radius compensation left and right (G41 and G42), 224
CYCLE START button, 179–180
deep hole peck drilling cycle, 227
deleting a program from memory, 199
deleting a program word, 208
display screen, 189–191
F1-F4 function buttons, 182
feed function (F-word), 216
FEED HOLD button, 180
Fixture/Work Offset adjustments, 201–202
HANDLE/JOG button, 179
incremental coordinate programming (G91), 217
initiating cutter compensation, 224–225
input in inches (G20), 223
input in millimeters (G21), 223
input of known tool offset values, 204
input of known Work Offset values, 202inserting a program word, 207
linear interpolation (G01), 222
loading a program from CNC memory, 199
loading a program from USB, 199
machine guarding, 178
machine home, 196
machine shutdown, 209
machine startup, 196
machine warm up, 196–197
MDI operations, 199–200
measuring work-coordinate offsets, 200–201
Memory Lock key switch, 180
miscellaneous functions (M-codes), 217, 219
operation and setup procedures, 191
operation display, 198
operation sheets, 191–192
POWER UP button, 182
preparatory functions (G-codes), 217, 218, 221–224
process planning documents, 191–192
program comments, 214
program editing functions, 205–208
program end (M30), 215
program example descriptions, 228–236
program execution in automatic cycle mode, 205
program number, 214
program template, 220–221
rapid traverse positioning (G00), 222
reaming cycles, 228
RECOVER button, 182
reference position return (G28), 223–224
RESET button, 181–182
Second Home button, 180–181
sequence number searching, 206–207
Servo Auto Door Override, 181
setting the program to the beginning, 206
Setup mode key switch, 180
spindle speed functions (S-word), 216–217
tapping cycle, 227–228
tool changes, 215–216
tool compensation factors, 202
tool function (T-word), 215
tool length compensation (G43, G44, G49), 219–220
tool length offsets (TLOs), 202, 203–204
tool path verification, 204–205
tool sensor measuring, 204USB port, 180
word searching, 207
work coordinate systems (G54-G59), 219
work light, 181
work-holding device alignment methods, 197–198
work-holding methods, 192–195
CNC programming
coordinating input format, 172–173
defined, 172
G-codes, 173–175
letter addresses, 174
M-codes, 175
setup, 172
symbols, 175
CNC Setup Sheets, 192
collets, 249–250
applications, 45–46
computer-aided design. See CAD/CAM software
computer-aided manufacturing. See CAD/CAM software; CAM
application, 130
collets, 249
definition, 130
tolerance, 130
tolerance interpretation, 131
conical taper, 87
continuous feature, 93
controlled radius tolerance, 86
controlled slice milling, 41
conventional milling, 34, 35
coolant reservoir, 25
machining coolant, 25–26
oil as, 26
synthetic coolants, 25, 26
coordinate dimensioning, 80, 81
coordinate systems
absolute, 60–62
fourth axis, 58
incremental, 60–62
machine, 59
overview, 56
polar, 57–59
starting point, 58
three-dimensional, 57
tool offsets, 60
two-dimensional, 56–57
workpiece zero, 59
CoroPlus ToolGuide, 53
counterbore, 86countersink, 86, 87
countersink gages, 165
cranes, 5
cutter compensation cancellation, 224
cutter diameter compensation (CDC), 202, 224
initiating cutter compensation, 224–225
cutter radius compensation, 224
cutting oil, 25
cutting speed, 61, 62–63
cutting tools
characteristic attributes, 33–34
controlling and measuring surface finish, 53
deflection, 35
finishing, 35–36
high efficiency milling (HEM), 36–37
indexable inserted, 31–33
insert code key, 50–51
materials and coatings, 33
milling methodology, 34–35
selection for milling, 30–31
selection for turning, 46
technical data references, 52–53
tool assembly considerations, 52
turning cutter features/attributes, 50–52
application, 117
definition, 117
tolerance, 117
tolerance interpretation, 117–118
datum feature simulator, 97
datum reference frame, 98
datum reference letters, 109
precedence, 109–110
and engineering drawings, 75
external cylindrical, 103
feature symbol, 98
internal cylindrical, 104
non-cylindrical, 104
overview, 97–98
partial, 102–103
primary, 98–99
regardless of feature size (RFS), 137–138
secondary, 99
of size, 103, 137
target area, 101
target point, 101
targets, 100tertiary, 99–100
three-plane concept, 98
translation, 101–102
deburring, 42
belt and disk sanders, 147
files used for, 144–146
pneumatic die grinding tools, 147
requirements, 144
robots, 147
safety, 144
techniques, 144
vibratory tumbling machines, 147
deep, 86
degrees of freedom, 98
depth, 86
depth micrometers, 159–160
depth of cut (DOC), 61–62
axial depth of cut (ADOC), 37–41
peripheral, 38–40
radial depth of cut (RDOC), 37–41
slotting, 40–41
design for manufacture, 18–19
dial bore gages, 164
dial gages, 163
dial indicators, 162–163
dial slide calipers, 155
See also slide calipers
dial test indicators, 163–164
diameter, 85
dimension origin, 88
dimensioning symbols, 84–89
disk sanders, 147
draw filing, 145
drill point tip calculations, 63, 66
drilling, 41–42, 49–50
tool-clamping methods for drills, 46
dust masks, 4
dwell (G04), 276
edge filing, 145
efficiency, workplace, 23–25
EIA/ISO, 173
Electronics Industries Association, 173
end mill applications, 44–45
end nodes, 165
end of the block (EOB) character, 173
Engineering Drawing Practices, 70
engineering drawings
bolt circle diameter, 74center mark, 74
creation of the drawing, 71–76
datums, 75
full section, 73
leader line, 75
model based definition (MBD), 76
overview, 70
process planning for CNC, 71
relationship to CNC, 70–71
third-angle projection, 73
engraving, 43
escape groove, 48
exam preparations
overview, 344
practice exam, 347–353
resources allowed, 345
at the testing site, 345
test-taking techniques, 344–345
extension offset height, 44, 45
eye protection, 3
face and shoulder milling, 31
face mill applications, 44
facing milling, 30
feature control frames
attaching to a surface extension line, 107–108
attaching to an axis or center line, 108
combined, 110–111
composite, 111
datum reference letters, 109–110
definition and symbols, 107
general rules, 111
geometric characteristic symbols, 108
how to read, 109
modifiers, 109
overview, 107
three-plane concept, 109–110
tolerance, 108–109
two datum features, 110
types of, 110–111
feature location, 136
feedrate, 61, 62–63
file formats, 294
files, 144–146
fire prevention and suppression
extinguisher selection guide, 6
fire classifications, 6–7
overview, 5–6
five-axis machining centers, 14, 15Fixture Offsets. See Work Offsets
flat filing, 144–145
application, 115–116
definition, 115
tolerance, 115
tolerance interpretation, 116
footwear, 4
form tolerances, 114–118
free state, 91
free state variation, 127
gage blocks, 154
G-codes, 173–175, 217, 218, 221–224, 269–270, 273–278
advantages, 81–82
complete specification, 81
and coordinate dimensioning, 81
general rules, 111
overview, 80
symbols and abbreviations, 84–93
geometric characteristic symbols, 89, 108
geometric dimensioning and tolerancing.
See GD&T
geometric tolerance, specifying on features subject to free
state variation, 127–128
granite surface plates, 153–154
groove stop, 194
Haas Visual Programming System (VPS), 183
hand protection, 3–4
Hazard Communication System (HCS), 7–8
Hazardous Materials Identification System (HMIS), 7–8
hearing protection, 3
high efficiency milling (HEM), 36–37
hold down clamp kit, 194, 195
hole gages, 165
hole-making operations. See boring; drilling; engraving
homing the machine, 59
HSK, 44
human machine interface (HMI), 178
incremental coordinate systems, 60–62, 217
independency, 92
inside diameter (ID), 17
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 80K
Kaizen, 23
lean manufacturing, 23
least material boundary (LMB), 91, 98
least material condition (LMC), 90, 91
opposite offset at, 136–137
length of cut (LOC), 33–34, 45
lifting techniques, 4–5
linear interpolation (G01), 222, 274
location tolerance, 130
zones, 134
lockout/tagout, 26–27
lockout/tagout (LOTO), 26–27
L.S. Starrett Company, 155
lubrication reservoirs, 22
machine control units (MCUs), 202
machine coordinate system, 59
machine guards, 22, 178
machine lubrication, 26
machine zero, 59, 219, 276–277
Machinery’s Handbook, 52
Machining Advisor Pro (MAP), 53
machining coolant, 25–26
machining formulas, 62
magnetic base holders, 164
chip removal, 22
lubrication reservoirs, 22
machine guards, 22
pneumatic air pressure, 22
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), 24–25
waste disposal, 22–23
maximum material boundary (MMB), 90, 98
maximum material condition (MMC), 90, 139–140
opposite offset at, 136
M-codes, 175, 217, 219, 271–273
metal shavings, 22–23
micrometers, 155–158
depth micrometers, 159–160
2D chamfering, 42–43
2D Contour milling, 31, 32
2D Pocket milling, 31, 33
Circular milling, 31, 33
climb milling, 34–35
controlled slice milling, 41conventional milling, 34, 35
methodology, 34–35
slot milling, 33
tool fitting, 44
model based definition (MBD), 76
modifying symbols, 90–93
multi-axis mill turn center, 15
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), 6
704 Diamond, 7
National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS), 344
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), 5
needle files, 145
Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970.
See OSH Act
Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
operation sheets, 191–192
opposite offset at LMC, 136–137
opposite offset at MMC, 136
orientation tolerances, 114, 118–122
OSH Act, 2, 8
hearing protection, 3
lifting techniques, 5
Fire Protection and Prevention Standard, 5–6
Hazard Communication Standard, 8
pneumatic systems standards, 26
safety data sheets (SDS), 9
outside diameter (OD), 17
overall length (OAL), 33–34
application, 121
definition, 121
surface parallel to another surface, 121
tolerance, 121
tolerance interpretation, 121–122
parting-off, 49
PASS method, 7
pattern tolerance, 138
application, 118
definition, 118
feature surfaces perpendicular to a datum plane, 118tolerance, 118–119
tolerance interpretation, 119
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), 3–4
physical vapor deposition (PVD), 31, 33
Plexiglas guards, 22
pneumatic air pressure, 22
pneumatic die grinding tools, 147
pneumatic systems, 26
polar coordinate system, 57–59
application, 134–135
definition, 134
introduction, 132
of multiple cylindrical features, 135–136
tolerance, 134
tolerance interpretation, 135
position theory
application, 132–133
theory, 132
positional tolerancing, 80, 132
diagonal measurement, 133
practice exam, 347–353
See also exam preparations
process planning, 71
process planning documents for CNC lathes, 243, 244
for CNC mills, 191–192
profile milling, 31
profile tolerances, 122–125
line profile, 124
line profile tolerance, 124
line profile tolerance interpretation, 125
profile application, 122–123
surface profile, 123
surface profile tolerance, 123
surface profile tolerance interpretation, 123–124
projected tolerance zone, 91
quadrants, 57–58
Quality Control Check sheet, 167
radial depth of cut (RDOC), 37–41
controlled slice milling, 41
high efficiency RDOC strategy, 39
light RDOC/heavy ADOC strategy, 39–40
radius, 85
radius gages, 160–162
random Access Tool Changers, 216
rapid traverse positioning (G00), 222, 274reference dimension, 87, 88
refractometer readings, 25–26
regardless of feature size (RFS), 137–138
Remote Frequency Identification (RFID), 18
robots, 147
Rout-A-Burr tool, 146
runout tolerances, 125–128
circular runout, 125, 126
circular runout tolerance, 126–127
circular runout tolerance interpretation, 127
free state variation, 127
runout application, 125
total runout, 125
total runout tolerance, 126
total runout tolerance interpretation, 126
for CNC lathes, 240
contact with blood, 4
fire prevention and suppression, 5–7
Hazardous Materials Identification System (HMIS), 7–8
labels, 2–3
lifting techniques, 4–5
overview, 2–3
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), 3–4
safety blocks, 173
safety data sheets (SDS), 5, 8, 9
sanders, 147
screw pitch gages, 158–159
screw threads, measuring, 158
SEP REQT (separate requirement), 139
Shop Floor Pro software, 166–167
slide calipers, 154–155
Vernier slide calipers, 150–152
slideways, 23
slope, 87
slot milling, 33
soft jaws, 194, 248
spherical diameter, 85
spherical radius, 85
spindle rotation, 17
spindle speed, 61, 62–63
spotface, 86
square, 87
standards, defined, 80
starrett, Laroy S., 155
statistical process control (SPC), 165, 168
software for data collection, 166–167
statistical tolerance, 92–93steel rules, 150
axis control, 115
definition, 114
surface control, 114
tolerance, 114
tolerance interpretation, 114–115
swarf, 22–23
CNC programming, 175
datum feature symbol, 98
datum target symbol, 100
dimensioning, 84–89
GD&T, 84–93
geometric characteristic symbols, 89
modifying symbols, 90–93
application, 131
definition, 131
tolerance, 131
tolerance interpretation, 131–132
synthetic coolants, 25, 26
tangent plane, 92, 122
tolerance interpretation, 122
tap-drill calculations, 63
telescoping gages, 160–162
terminology, GD&T, 85–93
test preparations. See exam preparations
threading calculations, 63
three-axis CNC mills, 15
three-dimensional coordinate system, 57
three-plane concept
circular, 102
flat, 98
times or places, 86
concentricity, 130
and feature control frames, 108–109
form, 114–118
location, 130, 134
orientation, 114, 118–122
pattern, 138
positional, 80, 132
profile, 122–125
runout, 125–128
symmetry, 131
tool holders, types of, 45–46
tool length offsets (TLOs), 202, 203–204Tool Nose Radius Compensation (TNRC), 256–257, 277–278
tool offsets, 60
tool turrets, 17
tool-clamping methods, 43–44
for drills, 46
belt and disk sanders, 147
chamfer gages, 164–165
control of shop tools, 24
countersink gages, 165
depth micrometers, 159–160
dial bore gages, 164
dial gages, 163
dial indicators, 162–163
dial slide calipers, 155
dial test indicators, 163–164
files, 144–146
gage blocks, 154
granite surface plates, 153–154
hole gages, 165
magnetic base holders, 164
micrometers, 155–158, 159–160
pneumatic die grinding tools, 147
radius gages, 160–162
robots, 147
screw pitch gages, 158–159
slide calipers, 154–155
steel rules, 150
telescoping gages, 160–162
used for deburring, 144–147
Vernier gages, 152–153
Vernier slide calipers, 150–152
vibratory tumbling machines, 147
See also cutting tools
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), 24–25
touching off, 203
tramp oil, 23
translation, 93
trigonometry applications, 63, 64, 65
chamfer, 48, 49
cutting tool selection for, 46
face, 48
groove, 47–48
part, 48, 49
profile, 47
single groove, 48
thread, 49
two-axis CNC lathes, 16
two-dimensional coordinate system, 56–57U
unequally disposed profile, 92
Unified American Standard Association, 80
Universal Serial Bus. See USB port
USB port, 180
-blocks, 194
Vernier gages, 152–153
Vernier slide calipers, 150–152
See also slide calipers
vertical mills and machining centers, 16
vibratory tumbling machines, 147
eldon shank, 45
wireless data collection, 165–166
Work Coordinate System (WCS), 325–326
Work Offsets
adjustments, 201–202
input of known Work Offset values, 202
measuring, 200–201
collets, 249–250
device alignment requirements, 254
installation and removal of work-holding devices, 244–247
methods, 192–195, 244
mounting work-holding devices, 195
work-holding device alignment methods, 197–198
Workpiece Zero, 59, 219
workplace efficiency, 23–25
zero return, 59

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