كتاب Design Data for Plastics Engineers
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Design Data for Plastics Engineers

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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أخواني في الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Design Data for Plastics Engineers
Natti Rao , Keith O'Brien

كتاب Design Data for Plastics Engineers D_d_f_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Preface v
A Final Word vii
Authors viii
1. Mechanical Properties of Solid Polymers 1
1.1 Ideal Solids 1
1.2 Tensile Properties . 1
1.2.1 Stress-Strain Behavior 2
1.2.2 Tensile Modulus 5
1.2.3 Effect of Temperature on Tensile Strength 6
1.3 Shear Properties . 6
1.3.1 Shear Modulus 6
1.3.2 Effect of Temperature on Shear Modulus 7
1.4 Compressive Properties 9
1.4.1 Bulk Modulus 10
1.5 Time Related Properties . 11
1.5.1 Creep Modulus . 11
1.5.2 Creep Rupture 12
1.5.3 Relaxation Modulus 13
1.5.4 Fatigue Limit . 14viii Contents
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1.6 Hardness . 15
1.7 Impact Strength . 17
1.8 Coefficient of Friction 17
2. Thermal Properties of Solid and Molten Polymers . 23
2.1 Specific Volume . 23
2.2 Specific Heat . 26
2.3 Thermal Expansion Coefficient . 27
2.4 Enthalpy . 29
2.5 Thermal Conductivity 29
2.6 Thermal Diffusivity . 31
2.7 Coefficient of Heat Penetration . 32
2.8 Heat Deflection Temperature 34
2.9 Vicat Softening Point . 35
2.10 Flammability 35
3. Transport Properties of Molten Polymers 39
3.1 Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Fluids . 39
3.2 Viscous Shear Flow 41
3.2.1 Apparent Shear Rate 41
3.2.2 Entrance Loss . 42
3.2.3 True Shear Stress . 42
3.2.4 Apparent Viscosity 44
3.2.5 True Shear Rate . 47
3.2.6 True Viscosity . 47
3.3 Rheological Models . 47
3.3.1 Hyperbolic Function of Prandtl and Eyring 48
3.3.2 Power Law of Ostwald and De Waele . 48
3.3.3 Polynomial of Muenstedt . 50Contents ix
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3.3.4 Viscosity Equation of Carreau . 53
3.3.5 Viscosity Formula of Klein . 55
3.4 Effect of Pressure on Viscosity . 56
3.5 Dependence of Viscosity on Molecular Weight 57
3.6 Viscosity of Two-Component Mixtures . 59
3.7 Melt Flow Index . 59
3.8 Tensile Viscosity 60
3.9 Viscoelastic Properties 60
3.9.1 Primary Normal Stress Coefficient Θ . 61
3.9.2 Shear Compliance Je 61
3.9.3 Die Swell . 62
4. Electrical Properties 65
4.1 Surface Resistivity . 65
4.2 Volume Resistivity . 65
4.3 Dielectric Strength . 65
4.4 Relative Permittivity . 66
4.5 Dielectric Dissipation Factor or Loss Tangent 66
4.6 Comparative Tracking Index (CTI) 68
5. Optical Properties of Solid Polymers . 73
5.1 Light Transmission 73
5.2 Haze 73
5.3 Refractive Index 73
5.4 Gloss . 75
5.5 Color 75
6. External Influences 77
6.1 Physical Interactions . 77
6.1.1 Solubility . 77x Contents
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6.1.2 Environmental Stress Cracking (ESC) 77
6.1.3 Permeability 79
6.1.4 Absorption and Desorption 80
6.1.5 Weathering Resistance . 80
6.2 Chemical Resistance 81
6.2.1 Chemical and Wear Resistance to Polymers 81
6.3 General Property Data 82
7. Extrusion 91
7.1 Extrusion Screws 92
7.2 Processing Parameters . 92
7.2.1 Resin-Dependent Parameters . 92
7.2.2 Machine Related Parameters 98
7.3 Extrusion Dies . 124
7.3.1 Pipe Extrusion . 126
7.3.2 Blown Film 135
7.3.3 Sheet Extrusion 137
7.4 Thermoforming 142
7.5 Compounding 146
7.6 Extrudate Cooling 149
7.6.1 Dimensionless Groups 152
8. Blow Molding 155
8.1 Processes 155
8.1.1 Resin Dependent Parameters . 155
8.1.2 Machine Related Parameters 161
9. Injection Molding 169
9.1 Resin-Dependent Parameters 170
9.1.1 Injection Pressure . 170Contents xi
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9.1.2 Mold Shrinkage and Processing Temperature 172
9.1.3 Drying Temperatures and Times . 174
9.1.4 Flow Characteristics of Injection-Molding
Resins . 175
9.2 Machine Related Parameters . 179
9.2.1 Injection Unit . 179
9.2.2 Injection Molding Screw 180
9.2.3 Injection Mold 183
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Index terms Links
Absorption 80
Barrel 98
diameter 98 108
temperature 98 108
Bagley plot 42
Barr screw 92
Biot number 152
Blown film 135
Blow molding 155
Brinkman number 152
Bulk modulus 10
Chemical resistance 81
Clamp force 188
Color 75
Comparative tracking index 68
Compounding 146
Composites 83
Contact temperature 32206
Index terms Links
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Cooling channels 196 200
Cooling of melt 196
in mold 196
Cooling time 196 198
Correction factors 106
drag flow 106
pressure flow 106 127
Creep modulus 11
Creep rupture 12
Deborah number 152
Desorption 80
Design of mold 183 196 200
mechanical 200
thermal 196
Dielectric strength 65
dissipation factor 66
Diffusion coefficient 80
Dimensionless numbers 152
Die swell 62
Drying temperature 174
time 175
Enthalpy 29
Elastomers 87
Entrance loss 42
Environmental stress cracking 77207
Index terms Links
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External influences 77
Extrudate cooling 149
Extruder output 98
Extrusion dies 124
annulus 127
pressure drop 127
residence time distribution 131
shear rate 41 47
slit 126 127 128
substitute radius 128
Extrusion screws 92
channel depth 122 103
clearance 101
channel length 106
flight diameter 101
Extrusion screws
lead 115
power 109 122
speed 102
Fatigue 14
Flammability 35
Fluid 39
Newtonian 39
non-Newtonian 39
Fluctuation 112 111
pressure 113
temperature 112
Friction 19208
Index terms Links
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Gates 170 186
Gloss 75
Hardness 16
Haze 73
Heat defection temperature 34
Heat penetration 32
Ideal solid 1
Impact strength 17
Injection molding 169
mold 183
pressure 170
processing temperature 173
resin 170
runner systems 183
screw 181
unit 179
Light transmission 73
Liquid crystal polymers 85
Loss tangent 66
Melt flow index 59209
Index terms Links
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Melting parameter 107
Melting profile 108
Melt pressure 111
temperature 111
Mold shrinkage 172
Normal stress coefficient 61
Nozzle 183 184
Parameter 92
machine related 98
resin dependent 92
Permeability 79 80
Permittivity 66
relative 66
Pipe extrusion 126
Reinforced plastics 83
Refractive index 73
Relaxation modulus 13
Rheological model 47
Carreau 53
Muenstedt 50
power law 48
Pradtl and Eyring 48
Runner 183210
Index terms Links
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Shear compliance 61
Shear modulus 6
effect of temperature 6
Shear rate 41
apparent 41
true 47
Shear stress 42
true 42
Sheet extrusion 137
Shrinkage 172
Solubility 77
Specific volume 23
Specific heat 23
Spider die 131
Spiral die 136
Stress strain behavior 2
Structural foam 84
Surface resistivity 65
Tensile modulus 5
effect of temperature 6
Tensile strength 6
effect of temperature 6
Thermal conductivity 29
Thermo forming 142
Thermal diffusivity 31211
Index terms Links
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Thermal expansion coefficient 27
Twin screws 92
Volume resistivity 65
Viscosity 41
apparent 44
effect of molecular weight 57
shear 44
true 47
two-component mixtures 59
Weathering resistance 80

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