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| موضوع: كتاب How to Write a Thesis الأحد 12 ديسمبر 2021, 12:35 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب How to Write a Thesis 3rd Edition Rowena Murra Open UP Study Skills Develop good writing habits Overcome writerʼs block Understand the assessment process Get the most from your supervisor
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents Preface to the third edition xiii Acknowledgements xv Overview xvii Introduction: How to write 1,000 words an hour 1 The need for this book 1 What the students say: ‘How I used this book’ 3 What the students want 14 A writer’s ‘toolbox’ 16 The ‘quality question’ 17 Principles of academic writing 22 The literature on writing 22 Disciplinary differences 24 Thinking about structure 29 Prompts 29 Supervisors enabling student writing 31 Writing in a second language 32 Grammar, punctuation, spelling 34 Goal setting 35 Lifelong learning 39 Audience and purpose 40 Timetable for writing 41 Checklist: defi ning the writing task 42 Learning outcomes 42 1 Thinking about writing a thesis 43 Doctorate or masters? 43 What is a doctorate? 44 New routes to the PhD 47 Why are you doing a doctorate? 48 Internal and external drivers 49 PhD or professional doctorate? 50 Full-time or part-time? 53 What will you use writing for? 54viii CONTENTS Regulations 55 How will it look on the page? 58 Demystifi cation: codes and guides 59 How will my thesis be assessed? 65 What are the criteria? 65 Defining ‘originality’ 70 What is the reader looking for? 72 IT processes and needs 75 Reasons for not writing 78 Peer discussion and support 79 Your fi rst meeting with your supervisor 79 Training needs analysis 81 Questions for reflection 83 Prompts for discussion 83 Writing timetable 83 Checklist: pre-planning 84 Learning outcomes 85 2 Starting to write 86 Can’t it wait till later? 87 Audiences and purposes 87 Primary audience 88 Secondary audience 89 Immediate audience 90 The role of the supervisor 91 A common language for talking about writing 96 Writing to prompts 100 Freewriting 101 Generative writing 112 Checklist: starting to write 116 Learning outcomes 116 3 Seeking structure 117 Revising your proposal 118 Outlining 119 Finding a thesis 121 Writing a literature review 122 Plagiarism 135 Designing a thesis 144 ‘Writing in layers’ 146 Writing locations 148 Writing times 149CONTENTS ix Checklist: seeking structure 150 Learning outcomes 150 4 The first milestone 151 First writing milestone 152 The first-year report 152 From notes to draft 153 Dialogue 156 Monitoring 158 Pressure 159 What is progress? 160 Looking for topics 162 Work-in-progress writing 163 A writers’ group 170 Checklist: the first milestone 177 Learning outcomes 177 5 Becoming a serial writer 178 What is a serial writer? 179 Scaffolding for an argument 180 Paragraph structure 180 Introductory paragraphs 184 Writing about the method(s) 186 Study buddy 188 Regular writing 189 Problems with writing 190 Writer’s block 191 Incremental writing 198 Writing binges 199 Developing a writing strategy 200 Checklist: becoming a serial writer 201 Learning outcomes 201 6 Creating closure 202 What is closure? 202 Interim closure 204 Don’t put it off any longer 205 Research journal 206 Writing habits 212 Halfway point 214 Brown’s eight questions 216x CONTENTS Pulling it all together 218 A design for writing 219 Frustration 219 Writing conclusions 220 Checklist: creating closure 225 Learning outcomes 225 7 Fear and loathing: revising 226 Why ‘fear and loathing?’ 227 Repetition 227 Forecasting 229 Signalling 230 Signposting 230 Conceptualizing and reconceptualizing 231 Managing your editor 233 End of the second phase 236 Look back to the proposal 236 Checklist: revising 237 Learning outcomes 237 8 It is never too late to start 238 Step 1 Take stock 242 Step 2 Start writing 243 Step 3 Outline your thesis 245 Step 4 Make up a programme of writing 248 Step 5 Communicate with your supervisor(s) 251 Step 6 Outline each chapter 252 Step 7 Write regularly 253 Step 8 Revise 254 Step 9 Pull it all together 255 Step 10 Do final tasks 255 Does the fast-track mode work? 256 Learning outcomes 257 9 The last 385 yards 258 The marathon 259 ‘Done-ness is all’ 260 Concentrated writing phase 260 Well-being 261 Peer support 263 Discussion chapter 264CONTENTS xi New goal 265 Style tips 266 Finishing 267 Enough is enough 268 It is good enough 269 You have made a contribution 270 Convince your reader 270 ‘Polish’ the text 271 Motivation 272 Presentation of final copy 273 Timetable for writing 274 Checklist: polishing 275 Learning outcomes 276 10 After the thesis examination: more writing? 277 More writing? 279 What is a viva? 279 Pre-viva 283 Defining tasks 285 Talking about your writing 287 Practice 289 Anticipate the questions 291 Mock viva 295 Fear 296 The external examiner 298 During the viva 299 Post-viva 304 Endurance 304 Revisions and corrections 304 Anti-climax 305 Is there life after a thesis? 306 Was it really worth it? 306 Recovering 306 Thesis into book 307 The end 311 Checklist: before and after the examination 311 Learning outcomes 312 Bibliography 313 Index 323 Index abstracts, 183, 224 see also Brown’s eight questions anxiety, 159–60 assessment, 65, 70 annual report, 57 criteria, 66, 68–9, 72, 281 first year report or ‘synoptic paper’, 152–3 what readers look for, 72–5 see also viva and quality audience and purpose, 40–1, 55, 87–90 immediate audience, 90 primary audience, 88–9 secondary audience, 89 binges, 189, 199–200, 244 Brown’s eight questions, 216–18 chapters, 145–8 conclusions, 143, 220–5 discussion, 264–5 methods, 186–8 outlining, 252–3 pre-drafts, 185 closure, 202–25 definition, 202 interim, 204–5 pulling it all together, 218–19 codes of practice, 59–65 conventions of academic writing, 22 design for writing, 219 dialogue, 156–8 creative dialogizing, 157 see also prompts for writing ‘directed questions’, 212 disciplinary differences, 24–9 discussion chapter, 264–5 doctorates, 44–6 full-time/part-time, 53–4 new route, 47–8 professional doctorate, 50–2 exegesis, 27 external examiner, 70, 72–5, 298–9 ‘fast track’, 238–41 communicate with supervisor(s), 251–2 final tasks, 255–6 make up a writing programme, 248–51 outline each chapter, 252–3 outline your thesis, 245–8 pull it all together, 255 quantify what you have to do, 242–3 revise, 254–5 start writing, 243–5 write regularly, 253–4 fear, 296–8 and loathing, 226–7 feedback, 97–100, 233–6, 254–5 final tasks, 255–6, 273–4fi nishing, 267 concentrated writing phase, 260–1 ‘done-ness is all’, 260 enough is enough, 268–9 marathon, 259 see also layout freewriting, 101–12 discussion chapter, 264–5 ‘fast track’, 245 literature review, 128 momentum, 253 moving to formal writing, 155324 INDEX on viva, 282 publications, 161 revising proposal, 118–19 warm up, 153–4 frustration, 219–20 generative writing, 112–15 goal-setting, 35–9 defining, 119 end of the second phase, 236 fast track, 241 final phase, 263fi rst writing milestone, 152 good and bad writing goals, 38 viva, 286 guilt, 193–4, 242 halfway point, 214–15 incremental writing, 198–9 IT (information technology), 75–8 introductions, 184–5 iteration, 227–9 see also revising journal, 206–12 layout, 57–58 see also finishing literature review, 122–35, 143 location, 148–9 mechanics grammar, punctuation, spelling, 34–5 rules, 181 monitoring, 158–9 see also progress motivation, 272 internal and external drivers, 49 personal, 48–9 problems, 190–1 notes to drafts, 153–6, 185 one-minute paper, 244 originality, 70–1 contribution 220–5, 270 outlining, 119, 147, 245–8 see also Brown’s eight questions panic, 242 paragraphing, 180–5 introductory paragraphs, 184 links, 182–3 outlining, 184 structure, 180–2 topic sentence, 182 peers discussion, 79 study buddy,188–9 support, 263–4 see also writers’ group plagiarism, 135–44 poster presentation, 165–9 pressure, 159–60 principles of academic writing, 22 problems with writing, 190–1 bad writing, 196 prevention, 196 solutions, 195 ‘spring cleaning’, 196 see also writer’s block, frustration and procrastination process of writing, 179 procrastination, 78–9, 87, 205–6 progress defining, 160–9 work-in-progress, 163 see also monitoring prompts for writing, 67–8, 71, 74, 100–1 chapters, 142–3 closure, 203 defining, 29–31 dialogue, 157 engage with key concepts, 74 explore ground rules, 59 explore options, 67 final, 273–4fi nd focus, 109 formal and informal, 124 generate text and reflection, 100–1 outlining, 119–21 regular writing, 190 sections, 185 start writing, 185 take stock, 97 theme, 156 whole thesis, 120INDEX 325 writing about the literature, 123–4 see also journal proposal revising, 118–19, 236–7 publishing, 160–3, 307–10 PhD by publication, 64, 65 see also Brown’s eight questions quality defining, 17, 19–20, 30, 74 good enough, 269–70 see also assessment recovering, 306–7 referencing, 135–44 see also plagiarism regular writing, 212–14, 243–5, 253–4 regulations, 55–8 research on writing, 22–4 revising, 226–37 conceptualizing and reconceptualizing, 231–3 forecasting, 229 ‘polishing’ the text, 271–2 post-viva, 304–5 signalling, 230 signposting, 230–1 supervisor’s feedback into revisions, 252 types, 235 see also iteration and proposal revising structure, 28–9, 144–6, 224–5, 245–8 students humanities, 26 needs, 14–15 overseas, 32–3 science and engineering, 28 visual arts, 27 style tips, 266–7 supervisors as audience, 90 as editor, 233–6 assessing, 63 common language for talking about writing, 96–100 enabling student writing, 31–2 first meeting, 79–81 role, 91–6 talking points, 25, 38, 74, 77–8, 83, 251–2 views on writing, 239–40 template for thesis, 28, 144–5, 246–7 timetable for writing, 41, 274–5 Training Needs Analysis, 81–2 viva, definition, 65, 279, 285–7 mini-viva, 57 mock, 295–6 notetaking, 300 practice, 289–91 preparation, 283–5 purpose, 280 questions, 67–8, 291–5 talking about writing, 287–9, 293, 301–4 see also assessment well-being, 261–3 writer’s block, 191–8 writers’ group, 170–6 writing manager, 240–1 ‘writing sandwich’, 114
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