كتاب Rolling Bearings
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

أهلا وسهلاً بك زائرنا الكريم
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إذا كنت أحد أعضائنا يرجى تسجيل الدخول
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

أهلا وسهلاً بك زائرنا الكريم
نتمنى أن تقضوا معنا أفضل الأوقات
وتسعدونا بالأراء والمساهمات
إذا كنت أحد أعضائنا يرجى تسجيل الدخول
أو وإذا كانت هذة زيارتك الأولى للمنتدى فنتشرف بإنضمامك لأسرتنا
وهذا شرح لطريقة التسجيل فى المنتدى بالفيديو :
وشرح لطريقة التنزيل من المنتدى بالفيديو:
إذا واجهتك مشاكل فى التسجيل أو تفعيل حسابك
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 كتاب Rolling Bearings

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19001
التقييم : 35505
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Rolling Bearings

كتاب Rolling Bearings S_k_f_13
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Rolling bearings . 1
Unit conversions . 8
Foreword . 9
This is SKF 14
SKF – the knowledge engineering company 16
Principles of bearing selection and application . 18
A Bearing basics 21
Selecting rolling bearings 22
Terminology 23
Bearing types and designs . 26
Boundary dimensions . 40
Basic bearing designation system . 42
Basic selection criteria 46
B Selecting bearing size . 61
A systems approach to bearing selection . 62
Bearing life and load ratings . 63
Selecting bearing size using the life equations . 64
Dynamic bearing loads 84
Selecting bearing size using static load carrying capacity 87
Calculation examples . 90
SKF calculation tools . 92
SKF Engineering Consultancy Services . 94
SKF life testing 95
C Friction 97
Estimating the frictional moment . 98
The SKF model for calculating the frictional moment 99
Starting torque 114
Power loss and bearing temperature 114
D Speeds 117
Basics of bearing speed . 118
Reference speed . 118
Limiting speed 126
Special cases 127
Vibration generation at high speeds . 128
2E Bearing specifics . 131
Dimensions . 132
Tolerances 132
Bearing internal clearance . 149
Materials for rolling bearings . 150
F Design considerations . 159
Bearing arrangements . 160
Radial location of bearings . 165
Axial location of bearings 204
Design of associated components . 210
Selecting internal clearance or preload . 212
Sealing solutions 226
G Lubrication 239
Basics of lubrication . 240
Grease lubrication . 242
Lubricating greases 244
SKF greases 249
Relubrication . 252
Relubrication procedures 258
Oil lubrication . 262
H Mounting, dismounting and bearing care . 271
General 272
Mounting . 275
Dismounting 285
Bearing storage . 291
Inspection and cleaning . 291
Product data 292
1 Deep groove ball bearings 295
Product tables
1.1 Single row deep groove ball bearings 322
1.2 Capped single row deep groove ball bearings 346
1.3 ICOS oil sealed bearing units . 374
1.4 Single row deep groove ball bearings with a snap ring groove . 376
1.5 Single row deep groove ball bearings with a snap ring and shields . 382
1.6 Stainless steel deep groove ball bearings . 386
1.7 Capped stainless steel deep groove ball bearings . 394
1.8 Single row deep groove ball bearings with filling slots . 410
1.9 Single row deep groove ball bearings with filling slots and a snap ring 414
1.10 Double row deep groove ball bearings 416
2 Y-bearings (insert bearings) 421
Product tables
2.1 Y-bearings with grub screws, metric shafts . 458
2.2 Y-bearings with grub screws, inch shafts . 460
2.3 Y-bearings with an eccentric locking collar, metric shafts 464
2.4 Y-bearings with an eccentric locking collar, inch shafts 466
2.5 SKF ConCentra Y-bearings, metric shafts . 468
2.6 SKF ConCentra Y-bearings, inch shafts . 469
32.7 Y-bearings with a tapered bore on an adapter sleeve, metric shafts 470
2.8 Y-bearings with a tapered bore on an adapter sleeve, inch shafts 471
2.9 Y-bearings with a standard inner ring, metric shafts 472
3 Angular contact ball bearings . 475
Product tables
3.1 Single row angular contact ball bearings . 506
3.2 Double row angular contact ball bearings . 522
3.3 Capped double row angular contact ball bearings 526
3.4 Four-point contact ball bearings 530
4 Self-aligning ball bearings . 537
Product tables
4.1 Self-aligning ball bearings . 552
4.2 Sealed self-aligning ball bearings . 560
4.3 Self-aligning ball bearings with an extended inner ring 562
4.4 Self-aligning ball bearings on an adapter sleeve 564
5 Cylindrical roller bearings 567
Product tables
5.1 Single row cylindrical roller bearings 604
5.2 High-capacity cylindrical roller bearings 640
5.3 Single row full complement cylindrical roller bearings . 644
5.4 Double row full complement cylindrical roller bearings 656
5.5 Sealed double row full complement cylindrical roller bearings 668
6 Needle roller bearings . 673
Product tables
6.1 Needle roller and cage assemblies . 722
6.2 Drawn cup needle roller bearings . 730
6.3 Needle roller bearings with machined rings with flanges,
without an inner ring . 744
6.4 Needle roller bearings with machined rings with flanges,
with an inner ring 758
6.5 Needle roller bearings with machined rings without flanges,
without an inner ring . 770
6.6 Needle roller bearings with machined rings without flanges,
with an inner ring 774
6.7 Alignment needle roller bearings, without an inner ring . 776
6.8 Alignment needle roller bearings with an inner ring . 778
6.9 Needle roller / angular contact ball bearings . 780
6.10 Needle roller / thrust ball bearings, full complement thrust bearing 784
6.11 Needle roller / thrust ball bearings, thrust bearing with a cage 786
6.12 Needle roller / cylindrical roller thrust bearings 788
6.13 Needle roller bearing inner rings 790
6.14 Needle rollers . 794
7 Tapered roller bearings 797
Product tables
7.1 Metric single row tapered roller bearings . 824
7.2 Inch single row tapered roller bearings . 842
7.3 Single row tapered roller bearings with a flanged outer ring 864
7.4 Matched bearings arranged face-to-face . 866
47.5 Matched bearings arranged back-to-back 872
7.6 Matched bearings arranged in tandem . 876
8 Spherical roller bearings . 879
Product tables
8.1 Spherical roller bearings 904
8.2 Sealed spherical roller bearings . 928
8.3 Spherical roller bearings for vibratory applications . 936
8.4 Spherical roller bearings on an adapter sleeve . 940
8.5 Spherical roller bearings on a withdrawal sleeve . 946
8.6 Sealed spherical roller bearings on an adapter sleeve . 954
9 CARB toroidal roller bearings . 957
Product tables
9.1 CARB toroidal roller bearings 980
9.2 Sealed CARB toroidal roller bearings 996
9.3 CARB toroidal roller bearings on an adapter sleeve . 1000
9.4 CARB toroidal roller bearings on a withdrawal sleeve . 1004
10 Thrust ball bearings . 1009
Product tables
10.1 Single direction thrust ball bearings . 1016
10.2 Single direction thrust ball bearings with a sphered housing washer . 1026
10.3 Double direction thrust ball bearings 1030
10.4 Double direction thrust ball bearings with sphered housing washers . 1034
11 Cylindrical roller thrust bearings 1037
Product tables
11.1 Cylindrical roller thrust bearings 1048
12 Needle roller thrust bearings . 1057
Product tables
12.1 Needle roller and cage thrust assemblies and appropriate washers 1070
12.2 Needle roller thrust bearings with a centring flange and appropriate washers . 1074
13 Spherical roller thrust bearings . 1077
Product tables
13.1 Spherical roller thrust bearings . 1090
14 Track runner bearings . 1099
Product tables
14.1 Single row cam rollers 1126
14.2 Double row cam rollers . 1128
14.3 Support rollers without flange rings, without an inner ring . 1130
14.4 Support rollers without flange rings, with an inner ring 1132
14.5 Support rollers with flange rings, with an inner ring 1134
14.6 Cam followers . 1140
15 Engineered products 1149
15A Sensor bearing units 1151
Product tables
15A.1 Motor encoder units 1166
515B Bearings for extreme temperatures . 1169
Product tables
15B.1 Single row deep groove ball bearings for extreme temperatures 1178
15B.2 Y-bearings for extreme temperatures, metric shafts 1182
15B.3 Y-bearings for extreme temperatures, inch shafts 1183
15C Bearings with Solid Oil . 1185
15D INSOCOAT bearings . 1191
Product tables
15D.1 INSOCOAT deep groove ball bearings 1198
15D.2 INSOCOAT cylindrical roller bearings 1200
15E Hybrid bearings . 1205
Product tables
15E.1 Hybrid deep groove ball bearings . 1216
15E.2 Sealed hybrid deep groove ball bearings 1218
15E.3 XL hybrid deep groove ball bearings . 1222
15E.4 Hybrid cylindrical roller bearings 1224
15F NoWear coated bearings . 1227
15G Polymer ball bearings . 1233
Product tables
15G.1 Polymer single row deep groove ball bearings . 1248
15G.2 Polymer thrust ball bearings . 1252
16 Bearing accessories . 1255
Product tables
16.1 Adapter sleeves for metric shafts . 1276
16.2 Adapter sleeves for inch shafts . 1284
16.3 Adapter sleeves with inch dimensions 1290
16.4 Withdrawal sleeves 1296
16.5 KM(L) and HM T lock nuts 1302
16.6 MB(L) lock washers . 1304
16.7 HM(E) lock nuts 1306
16.8 MS locking clips 1310
16.9 N and AN inch lock nuts . 1312
16.10 W inch lock washers 1316
16.11 PL inch locking plates . 1318
16.12 KMK lock nuts with an integral locking device 1319
16.13 KMFE lock nuts with a locking screw . 1320
16.14 KMT precision lock nuts with locking pins . 1322
16.15 KMTA precision lock nuts with locking pins 1324
16.16 KMD precision lock nuts with axial locking screws 1326
Indexes . 1328
Text index . 1329
Product index .
Text index 1329
Product index 1350Text index
angular contact ball bearings 479, 504
lock nuts and locking devices 1266, 1275
motor encoder units 1161
track runner bearings 1103, 1107, 1125
ABMA standards 41
abutment collars 206
dimensions 208–209
tolerances 169, 200–202
AC 504
AC current
protection with hybrid bearings 1206, 1212
protection with INSOCOAT bearings 1195
AC motors 1152
accessories 1255–1327
acetone 1237
resistance of polymer ball bearings 1237
resistance of seal materials 156–157
acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR) 155
hydrogenated acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (HNBR) 156
ADA 580, 602
adapter sleeves 1256–1260, 1276–1295
axial load carrying capacity 894
bearing seat tolerances 200–201
coatings 1256
designation system 1274–1275
designs and variants 1256–1259
dimension standards 1260
dismounting bearings 288–289
for CARB toroidal roller bearings 975, 1000–1003, 1259
for inch shafts 1284–1289
for metric shafts 1276–1283
for oil injection 1256–1258
for self-aligning ball bearings 546–547, 564–565, 1259
for spherical roller bearings 898–899, 940–945, 954–955,
for Y-bearings 422–423, 427, 470–471
mounting bearings 278
on a stepped shaft 207, 1256
product tables 1276–1295
spacer rings 207, 1256
tapers 1260
threads 1260
tolerances 1260
with inch dimensions 1290–1295
adapters 1108, 1110
ADB 580, 602
in grease 244, 248, 254
in oil 265–266
adjusted bearing arrangement 163
adjusted reference speed 120
adjustment factors 121–124
calculation examples 125
compared to limiting speed 126
adjusting bearings
angular contact ball bearings 498
for internal clearance 277
for preload 218–220
procedures 221–225
tapered roller bearings 816–817
AFBMA standards 41
agricultural applications
specification life 83
AH 457
alcohols 1237
alignment needle roller bearings 683, 776–779
cages 693–695, 714
designs and variants 683
dimension standards 703
fits and tolerance classes 716
internal clearance 702–703
loads 711
misalignment 52, 702–703
mounting 718
product tables 776–779
temperature limits 714
tolerances 702–703
aliphatic hydrocarbons
resistance of fluoro rubber 156
resistance of polymer ball bearings 1237
resistance of polymer ball bearings 1237
resistance of polyurethane 157
Allen wrenches † hexagonal keys
aluminium oxide (Al2O3)
in polymer ball bearings 1237, 1246
on INSOCOAT bearings (coating) 1192
ambient temperature 240
amines 156
ammonia 152, 154
AMP Superseal™ connectors 1154, 1155, 1161
angle rings 571, 604–639
angle series 40
angular contact ball bearings 475–535
adjustment during mounting 221–225, 277
assortment 476, 500–502
axial load carrying capacity 476, 498
bearing supports 160–163
cages 480–481, 497
combined with a needle roller bearing 684–685, 780–783
contact angle 476, 486–487, 498, 504
design provisions 498–499
designation system 504–505
designs and variants 28, 476–484
dimension standards 486–487
dimensional stability 497
double row bearings 478–479, 522–529
for universal matching 477, 500, 506–521
four-point contact ball bearings 480, 530–535
internal clearance 486–490
Designation prefixes and suffixes are shown in bold.
IndexText index
load ratio 498, 499
loads 51, 476, 492–496, 498
lubrication 497
matched bearings 478, 495, 498
misalignment 486–487
NoWear coated bearings 1230
performance classes 485
permissible speed 497
preload 215–220, 486–487, 489, 498
product tables 506–535
sealing solutions 482–483, 497, 526–529
SKF Energy Efficient (E2) bearings 485
SKF Explorer bearings 485
temperature limits 497
tolerances 486–487
with a two-piece inner ring 479, 501
with Solid Oil 1185–1189
angular contact thrust ball bearings
designs and variants 34
loads 49
angular misalignment † misalignment
anhydrous hydrofluorides 156
annular grooves 883
ANSI standards 41
anti-fretting agents 275
anti-wear additives
for NoWear coated bearings 1231
in grease 248
in oil 265
fits and tolerance classes 172–175
specification life 83
aromatic hydrocarbons
resistance of fluoro rubber 156
resistance of polymer ball bearings 1237
articulated joints 1165
AS 721
ASR 721
associated components
abutment and fillet dimensions 208–209
accuracy measurements 273
for locating bearings 205–207
provisions for mounting and dismounting 210–211
raceway specifications 210
vibration generation 128
automatic lubricators 261
automatic particle counter method 74–76, 78
AW additives † anti-wear additives
axial clamp seals 235
axial clearance 1086
axial displacement
adjustment method 222–223
considerations when selecting bearings 55
considerations when selecting fits 165, 167–168
effect of preload 219–220, 223
in bearing arrangements 160–162, 164, 174–175, 204
axial drive-up
measurement 282
values for CARB toroidal roller bearings 977
values for self-aligning ball bearings 549
values for spherical roller bearings 901
axial gap 1121
axial internal clearance 149–150
values for angular contact ball bearings 488–490
values for cylindrical roller bearings 591–592
values for tapered roller bearings 810
axial loads 48–51
axial location 204–209
axial play 206
axial run-out 200, 202, 210
fits and tolerance classes 172–173, 175
specification life 83
suitable cage types 154
angular contact ball bearings 504
lock nuts and locking devices 1275
motor encoder units 1161
polymer ball bearings 1246
sleeves 1258, 1275
tapered roller bearings 822
track runner bearings 1105–1106, 1125
B20 505
back-to-back arrangements
with angular contact ball bearings 215–216, 218, 478, 498
with deep groove ball bearings 309
with tapered roller bearings 215–216, 218, 802, 872–875
bainite-hardened rings 603
ball and cage assemblies 1010
ball bearings
compared to roller bearings 48, 54
designation system 43
base oil viscosity 246
basic dynamic load rating 63, 64–65
basic rating life 64
calculation example 90
basic static load rating 64, 88–89
bearing-shaft-housing systems 22, 24, 226–227
bearing arrangements 160–164
adjusted 163
floating 164
locating/non-locating 160–162
bearing damage 87
electrical erosion 1192, 1209
false brinelling 1186, 1206
fretting corrosion 165
smearing 1207, 1213, 1228, 1231
spalling 1206, 1229
wear 165
bearing kits 547
bearing life † life
bearing mean diameter 23
bearing seats
dimensional accuracy 200–203
running accuracy 167, 200–202
surface roughness 204
bearing series 43, 45
bearing units
with Solid Oil 1185–1189
with Y-bearings 422
bearing washers † washers
handling 274
selection criteria 22, 46–59
size categories 275, 285
storage 291
terminology 23–25
types 26–36
Beast 93
Belleville washers † cup springs
bellows 226
belt drives 84
fits and tolerance classes 174
load conditions 166
BF 720
black oxide coating
on cylindrical roller bearings 575, 603
on Y-bearings 425
BMB 1161
BMO 1161
bore diameter 40
tolerance definitions 134
borosilicate glass 1237, 1246
boundary dimensions 23, 40–41
Designation prefixes and suffixes are shown in bold.
cage types 37–38
in polymer ball bearings 1237, 1246
material properties 152–153
BS2 884, 902
tapered roller bearings 823
Y-bearings 457
CARB toroidal roller bearings 978
spherical roller bearings 903
C083 903
C084 903
C1 150
deep groove ball bearings 315, 321
C2 150
angular contact ball bearings 489–490, 505
CARB toroidal roller bearings 966–967, 978
cylindrical roller bearings 590, 603
deep groove ball bearings 314–315, 321
needle roller bearings 710, 721
self-aligning ball bearings 543, 550
spherical roller bearings 892–893, 903
C2H 505
C2L 505
C3 150
angular contact ball bearings 489–490, 505
CARB toroidal roller bearings 966–967, 978
cylindrical roller bearings 590, 603
deep groove ball bearings 314–315, 321
needle roller bearings 710, 721
self-aligning ball bearings 543, 550
spherical roller bearings 892–893, 903
C3P 1214
C4 150
angular contact ball bearings 489–490, 505
CARB toroidal roller bearings 966–967, 978
cylindrical roller bearings 590, 603
deep groove ball bearings 314–315, 321
needle roller bearings 710, 721
spherical roller bearings 892–893, 903
C5 150
CARB toroidal roller bearings 966–967, 978
cylindrical roller bearings 590, 603
deep groove ball bearings 314–315, 321
spherical roller bearings 892–893, 903
angular contact ball bearings 477, 488, 505
spherical roller bearings 882, 902
CAC 902
guidance 39
lubrication considerations 240
materials 152–155
types 37–39
calculation tools 92–93
cam followers 1104–1110, 1140–1147
accessories 1108–1110
cages 1111, 1119
designation system 1124–1125
designs and variants 1104–1107
dimension standards 1115
fits and tolerance classes 1120
internal clearance 1114–1115
loads 1116–1117
lubrication 1112–1113, 1119
mounting 1106, 1120, 1122–1123
outer ring running surfaces 1106–1107
product tables 1140–1147
sealing solutions 1105–1107, 1119, 1142–1147
support surfaces 1120
temperature limits 1119
tolerances 1114–1115, 1118
cam rollers 1100, 1126–1129
cages 1111, 1119
designation system 1124–1125
designs and variants 1100
dimension standards 1114
double row bearings 1100, 1128–1129
guide flanges 1121
internal clearance 1114–1115
loads 1116–1117
lubrication 1112–1113, 1119
outer ring running surfaces 1100, 1114
product tables 1126–1129
sealing solutions 1100, 1119, 1126–1129
support surfaces 1120
temperature limits 1119
tolerances 1114–1115, 1118
capped bearings
heating 276
shelf life 291
types 58
washing 273
capping devices 24, 58–59
CARB toroidal roller bearings 957–1007
abutment dimensions 209, 974
applications 960, 963, 971
assortment 960
axial displacement 55, 964–965, 968–971, 974
axial location 204, 1266
bearing arrangements 162
cages 961, 963, 973
clearance reduction 969–971, 977
designation system 978
designs and variants 33, 958–963
dimension standards 964
dimensional stability 973
drive-up data 977
full complement bearings 961, 962
housings 976
in vertical shafts 976
internal clearance 964–967, 968–971
loads 959, 961, 972
lubrication 962, 973
measuring the inner ring expansion 283
misalignment 964–965, 968, 970–971, 974
mounting 963, 971, 976–977
NoWear coated bearings 1230
on a withdrawal sleeve 975, 1004–1007
on an adapter sleeve 975, 1000–1003, 1259, 1266
on start-up 972
performance classes 963
permissible speed 973
preload 976
product tables 980–1007
roller design 959
sealing solutions 962, 973, 996–999
SKF Explorer bearings 963
temperature limits 972, 973
tolerances 964–965
carbon coating 1228, 1231
case-hardened rings 603, 822
case-hardening steels 151
CB 477, 488, 505
CC 477, 488, 505
CC(J) 882, 902
CCJA 887, 902
centralized lubrication systems 261
centrifuges 83
centring flanges
in needle roller bearings 679
in needle roller thrust bearings 1059, 1064, 1068
in hybrid bearings 1206–1207
in polymer ball bearings 1246
material properties 152
Designation prefixes and suffixes are shown in bold.
IndexText index
boundary dimensions 40
dimension limits 133, 147–148
dimension standards 132
tolerance definitions 134
chemical industry 1234
chemical resistance
of cage materials 152–154
of polymer ball bearings 1237
of seal materials 155–157
circularity 203
circulating oil 263
applications 254
oil change interval 267
CJ 902
CL0 823
CL00 823
CL7A 823
CL7C 800–801, 823
cleaning 273, 291
clearance † internal clearance
clearance reduction
from a temperature difference 214
from an interference fit 213–214
measuring with a feeler gauge 280
values for CARB toroidal roller bearings 977
values for spherical roller bearings 901
CLN 823
CN 150
cylindrical roller bearings 603
deep groove ball bearings 321
needle roller bearings 721
CNL 505
coatings 157
aluminium oxide (Al2O3) 1192
black oxide 425, 575, 603
manganese phosphate 1171–1172
molybdenum 1211
NoWear (carbon) 1228
phosphate 1256, 1262
polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) 887
zinc 424–425
zinc chromate 1211
coefficient of friction 98
coefficient of thermal expansion
considerations when selecting fits 168, 170
of polymers in polymer ball bearings 1242–1243
of silicon nitride compared to steel 1207
cold dismounting 285
combined loads 50–51
combined needle roller bearings 683–690, 780–789
abutment dimensions 715
cages 693–695, 714
designs and variants 683–690
dimension standards 704–705
fits and tolerance classes 717
internal clearance 704–705
loads 712–713
lubrication 699, 714
misalignment 704–705
product tables 780–789
sealing solutions 698, 784–789
compressed air 1176
and hybrid bearings 1207
and NoWear coated bearings 1229
suitable cage types 152, 154
ConCentra Y-bearings † SKF ConCentra Y-bearings
cones 798, 821
connecting rods 165, 676
consistency 246
effect of mixing greases 249
effect of temperature changes 244–245
contact angle 25
angle series 40
effect on axial load carrying capacity 50
in angular contact ball bearings 476, 486–487
in tapered roller bearings 798, 820, 822
contact seals 228–230, 234–236
contact stresses 64
effect on relubrication interval 253
ISO classification 74–75, 78
contamination factor 74–80
contamination levels
for grease lubrication 74, 76
for oil lubrication 74, 77
continuous casters 960
continuous relubrication 253–254, 258, 261
and track runner bearings 1100
fits and tolerance classes 172–174
load conditions 166
specification life 83
cooling factor 114
coronet cages 1171
corrosion resistance
of grease 248
of NoWear coated bearings 1229
of polymer ball bearings 1234
of stainless steel deep groove ball bearings 296
fits and tolerance classes 174
load conditions 87
specification life 83
crank pins 676
creep 165–166
with polymer ball bearings 1234
cross-locating bearing arrangements
adjusted 163
floating 164
located axially 204
load conditions 166
specification life 83
cryogenic temperatures 1211
CS 884, 902
CS2 884, 902
CARB toroidal roller bearings 962, 978
spherical roller bearings 884, 902
cup springs 236, 686, 690
cups 798, 821
CV 602
cylindrical roller and cage thrust assemblies 1039, 1042, 1046
cylindrical roller bearings 567–671
applications 569, 575
axial displacement 55, 585, 588–589
axial load carrying capacity 583, 596–597
axial location 204
bearing arrangements 160–161, 164
cages 575–577, 582, 599
designation system 602–603
designs and variants 29–30, 568–582
dimension standards 584, 586–587
dismounting 286
double row bearings 577, 579–581, 656–671
full complement bearings 578–581, 644–671
high-capacity bearings 575–577, 640–643
hybrid bearings 1210, 1224–1225
INSOCOAT bearings 1191–1197, 1200–1203
internal clearance 584, 586–587, 590–592
loads 48, 50, 594–597
lubrication 254, 580–581, 599
matched bearings 581
misalignment 585–587
mounting 276, 601
NoWear coated bearings 1230
performance classes 583
permissible speed 600
preload considerations 221
product tables 604–671
Designation prefixes and suffixes are shown in bold.
1332sealing solutions 579–581, 599, 668–671
SKF Energy Efficient (E2) bearings 583
SKF Explorer bearings 583
temperature limits 599
tolerances 584, 586–587
with a retaining ring 578, 579, 602
with a snap ring groove 573, 580
with an angle ring 571, 604–639
with an extended inner ring 574
with locating slots 573
with Solid Oil 1185–1189
cylindrical roller thrust bearings 1037–1055
abutment dimensions 1046
cages 1040, 1045
combined with a needle roller bearing 689–690, 788–789
designation system 1047
designs and variants 34, 1038–1040
dimension standards 1041
double direction bearings 1038–1039
fits and tolerance classes 1046
loads 47, 49, 1044
misalignment 1041
permissible speed 1045
product tables 1048–1055
single direction bearings 1038
temperature limits 1045
tolerances 1041–1043
washers 1038–1039, 1042, 1045, 1046
with raceways on shafts and in housings 1046
angular contact ball bearings 479, 504
needle roller bearings 720
polymer ball bearings 1246
sleeves 1275
D/W 320
DA 581, 602
angular contact ball bearings 505
deep groove ball bearings 321
tapered roller bearings 823
DC current
protection with hybrid bearings 1206, 1212
protection with INSOCOAT bearings 1192, 1195
deep groove ball bearings 295–419
axial displacement 55
bearing arrangements 160–162
cages 298–299, 318
designation system 320–321
designs and variants 26, 296–309
dimension standards 312–313
dimensional stability 318
double row bearings 298, 416–419
for extreme temperatures 1170–1181
grease life 306–307
hybrid bearings 1209, 1216–1223
in sensor bearing units 1151–1167
INSOCOAT bearings 1191–1199
internal clearance 312–315
loads 50–51, 316–317
lubrication 304–305, 318
matched bearings 309, 318
misalignment 312–313
NoWear coated bearings 1230
performance classes 310
permissible speed 53, 318
polymer ball bearings 1233–1251
preload considerations 215, 221, 224
product tables 322–419
sealing solutions 230, 300–307, 318, 346–375
SKF Energy Efficient (E2) bearings 310
SKF Explorer bearings 310
SKF Quiet Running bearings 309
stainless steel bearings 296–297, 386–409
temperature limits 300, 318
tolerances 312–313
with a snap ring groove 308, 376–385, 414–415
with filling slots 297, 410–415
with Solid Oil 1185–1189
defect frequencies † skf.com/bearingcalculator
density 1206–1207
designation systems 42–45
angular contact ball bearings 505
deep groove ball bearings 321
tapered roller bearings 823
dial indicators 277, 282
diameter series
identification 132, 136
in ISO general plans 40–41, 42–43
dielectric constant 152
and tapered roller bearings 800
preload considerations 214, 217
stiffness 54
dimension series 40–41, 42–43
dimensional accuracy
of bearings 132–135, 137–148
of seats and abutments 200–203
dimensional stability 82
direct drive control 1165
direction of load indeterminate 165, 172–175
dismounting 285–290
cold 285
considerations when selecting bearings 56–57
considerations when selecting fits 168
design provisions 210–211
from a cylindrical shaft seat 285–286
from a tapered shaft seat 287
from a withdrawal sleeve 290
from an adapter sleeve 288–289
with heat 286
distance rings 24
double direction bearings
angular contact thrust ball bearings 34, 49, 53
cylindrical roller thrust bearings 34, 1038–1039
needle roller thrust bearings 34, 1058–1059
thrust ball bearings 33, 48, 1010–1011
double row angular contact ball bearings 478–479, 522–529
assortment 501
bearing arrangements 160–161
cages 481, 497
contact angle 487
designation system 504–505
designs and variants 478–479, 481–483
dimension standards 487
dimensional stability 497
internal clearance 487, 489
loads 492–493
lubrication 482–483
misalignment 486–487
product tables 522–529
sealing solutions 482–483, 526–529
temperature limits 497
tolerances 486–487
double row cam rollers 1100, 1128–1129
cages 1111, 1119
design 1100
designation system 1124–1125
dimension standards 1114
dimensional stability 1119
internal clearance 1114–1115
loads 1116–1117
lubrication 1112–1113
outer ring running surfaces 1100, 1114
product table 1128–1129
sealing solutions 1100, 1119, 1128–1129
temperature limits 1119
Designation prefixes and suffixes are shown in bold.
IndexText index
tolerances 1114–1115, 1118
double row cylindrical roller bearings 579–581, 656–671
axial displacement 588–589
designs and variants 577, 579–581
dimension standards 587
dimensional stability 599
high-capacity bearings 577
internal clearance 586–587, 590
loads 594–597
lubrication 580–581, 599
misalignment 586–587
product tables 656–671
sealing solutions 580–581, 599, 668–671
temperature limits 599
tolerances 586–587
double row deep groove ball bearings 298, 416–419
cages 298–299, 318
designation system 320–321
designs and variants 298
dimension standards 313
dimensional stability 318
internal clearance 312–314
loads 298, 316–317
misalignment 312–313
permissible speed 318
product table 416–419
temperature limits 318
tolerances 312–313
with Solid Oil 1185–1189
double row needle roller bearings
drawn cup needle roller bearings 678
needle roller and cage assemblies 675
with machined rings 681–682
double row tapered roller bearings 800
DR 581, 603
drag losses 100, 110–112
drawn cup needle roller bearings 677–679, 730–743
cages 693–695, 714
designs and variants 677–679
dimension standards 701
dimensional stability 714
double row bearings 678
fits and tolerance classes 716
in combination with a needle roller thrust bearing 1060
loads 711
lubrication 679, 699
misalignment 700–701
mounting 718
product tables 730–743
sealing solutions 696–697, 730–743
temperature limits 714
tolerances 701, 707
drifts 285
drive-up † axial drive-up
drive-up method † SKF Drive-up Method
dropping point 244
dry lubricants
in bearings for extreme temperatures 1171
dry running 1229
drying cylinders
and CARB toroidal roller bearings 971
fits and tolerance classes 175
DS 720
angular contact ball bearings 505
deep groove ball bearings 321
tapered roller bearings 823
dust 300
duty intervals 81, 85–86
calculation example 91–92
dynamic bearing loads 84–86
dynamic load rating 63
dynamic seals 226
angular contact ball bearings 504
deep groove ball bearings 320
self-aligning ball bearings 550
sleeves 1259, 1275
spherical roller bearings 882–883, 887, 902
spherical roller thrust bearings 1078, 1088, 1089
angular contact ball bearings 485, 504
cylindrical roller bearings 583, 602
deep groove ball bearings 310, 320
spherical roller bearings 883, 889, 896, 902
tapered roller bearings 804, 822
Y-bearings 438, 456
EC 602
eccentric collars 1104, 1122
eccentric locking collars 425, 464–467
EGS 720
EH 1259, 1275
EJA 887, 902
EL 1259, 1275
elastic deformation 217–220
elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication 99
electric current
protection with hybrid bearings 1206, 1212
protection with INSOCOAT bearings 1192, 1193, 1195
electric motors
and hybrid bearings 1206, 1208, 1210
and INSOCOAT bearings 1192
and NoWear coated bearings 1229
fits and tolerance classes 172–175
motor encoder units 1157
preload considerations 214, 224–225
specification life 83
electric vehicles 1165
electrical erosion
protection with hybrid bearings 1209
protection with INSOCOAT bearings 1192
electrical industry 1234
electromagnetic environments 1155
encoder units
motor encoder units 1152–1161
roller encoder units 1162
steering encoder units 1163–1164
end plates 24, 205, 207
energy efficient bearings † SKF Energy Efficient (E2) bearings
envelope requirement 169
EP additives † extreme pressure additives
equivalent dynamic bearing load 85–86
equivalent static bearing load 88
escape holes † grease escape holes
esters 154, 156
ethers 156
excitation 128
exciters 888
Explorer bearings † SKF Explorer bearings
extended inner rings
in cylindrical roller bearings 574
in self-aligning ball bearings 538, 540
in Y-bearings 422, 424–427
external forces 84
external seals 231–236
extreme pressure additives
effect on cage materials 154
effect on viscosity ratio 73
for NoWear coated bearings 1231
in grease 248, 254
in oil 265, 266
extreme temperature bearings 1169–1183
applications 1171
associated components 1175
assortment 1170
deep groove ball bearings 1170–1181
Designation prefixes and suffixes are shown in bold.
1334designation system 1176
designs and variants 1170–1172
dimension standards 1173
internal clearance 1171, 1173–1174
limiting speed 1171
loads 1171, 1174
lubrication 1171, 1176
maintenance 1176
misalignment 1173
mounting 1173
product tables 1178–1183
running-in period 1171
sealing solutions 1171–1172, 1175
temperature limits 1171
tolerances 1173–1174
Y-bearings 1170–1176, 1182–1183
eye bolts 274, 903
angular contact ball bearings 481, 504
bearings for extreme temperatures 1176
spherical roller bearings 902
spherical roller thrust bearings 1089
thrust ball bearings 1011, 1015
Y-bearings 429, 457
F1 1214
F3 1089
angular contact ball bearings 504
spherical roller bearings 902
face-to-face arrangements
with angular contact ball bearings 215–216, 218, 478, 498
with deep groove ball bearings 309
with tapered roller bearings 215–216, 218, 802, 866–871
failure 63
failure probability 63, 65
false brinelling 1206
fans 958, 1229
fastening elements 1264–1265
fatigue † metal fatigue
fatigue load limit 64–65
feeler gauges 280
felt seals 236
fillets 208
filling grade † grease fills
filling slot bearings 297, 410–415
cages 298–299, 318
designs and variants 297, 308
dimension standards 312–313
dimensional stability 318
internal clearance 312–314
loads 297, 316–317
misalignment 312–313
permissible speed 297, 318
product tables 410–415
sealing solutions 301, 308, 410–415
temperature limits 318
tolerances 312–313
with a snap ring groove 308, 414–415
filter rating 74–75
filtration ratio 76–77
for housings 171, 174–175
for shafts 171–174, 176–177
selection criteria 165–168
tolerance tables 178–199
fitting slots 454
five-lip (5-lip) seals 430
FKM † fluoro rubber (FKM)
flange rings 1102–1104, 1105–1107
flanged bearings 801, 822, 864–865
in cylindrical roller bearings 570–574, 578, 579–580
in needle roller bearings 680–681, 688, 718
in spherical roller bearings 882–883
in tapered roller bearings 798–801, 817
in Y-bearings 429
with grease lubrication 259
with oil lubrication 232–233
floating bearing arrangements 164
fluctuating loads 81
fluoro rubber (FKM) 156
food and beverage industry
and bearings with Solid Oil 1187
and polymer ball bearings 1234
and Y-bearings 424
food-compatible seals 424
food-grade lubricants
in bearings with Solid Oil 1187
in Y-bearings 424, 431, 434
form tolerances † geometrical tolerances
four-point contact ball bearings 480, 530–535
assortment 502
cages 481
contact angle 487
design 480–481, 484
designation system 504–505
dimension standards 487
dimensional stability 497
in vertical shafts 499
internal clearance 487, 490, 499
load ratio 499
loads 492–493
misalignment 486–487
product table 530–535
temperature limits 497
tolerances 486–487
with locating slots 484, 499, 530–535
four-row tapered roller bearings 800
frequency converters 1192
fretting corrosion 165
friction 97–115
considerations when selecting bearings 54
frictional moment
drag losses 100, 110–112
effect of clearance/preload 212
estimation 98
influencing factors 113
of seals 109
of SKF Energy Efficient (E2) bearings 113
power loss 114
preload adjustment method 224
rolling frictional moment 100–102, 104–108
running-in period 113
sliding frictional moment 103–108
starting torque 114
fuel pumps 1207
full complement bearings
CARB toroidal roller bearings 961, 962
combined needle roller bearings 685–687, 784–785
double row cylindrical roller bearings 579–581, 656–671
needle roller bearings 677–679
polymer ball bearings 1234–1235, 1246
single row cylindrical roller bearings 578, 644–655
full-film lubrication 241
effect on sliding frictional moment 103
furnaces 569
angular contact ball bearings 477, 488, 505
sleeves 1275
Y-bearings 457
G2 708, 721
Designation prefixes and suffixes are shown in bold.
IndexText index
GA 477, 489, 505
gap-type seals 228, 231
gasoline 1237
for associated components 203, 273
for needle rollers 707–709
GB 477, 489, 505
GC 477, 489, 505
and NoWear coated bearings 1229
design provisions 206, 217
fits and tolerance classes 172–173
load conditions 81, 84
specification life 83
CARB toroidal roller bearings 962, 978
spherical roller bearings 885, 903
general plans 40–41
and hybrid bearings 1206, 1208, 1209
and INSOCOAT bearings 1192
specification life 83
geometric centres 814
geometrical tolerances
for bearings 132–135, 137–144
for seats and abutments 200–203
g-forces 1186
GJN 304–305, 321
glass 1236, 1237, 1246
glass fibre reinforced polymers 153–155
gloves 274
glycol 1171
GPS tracking systems 1165
GR 457
as a dry lubricant 1171
as a solid lubricant additive 248, 254
grease escape holes 259, 260
grease fills
effect on frictional moment 113
initial fill 242, 248
renewal 260
replenishment 258, 260
grease fittings 1108–1109
grease life 252
for capped deep groove ball bearings 306–307
for capped Y-bearings 432–433
for sealed hybrid bearings 1209
for sealed spherical roller bearings 885
grease lubrication 242–261
bearing operating conditions 242–243
contamination levels 74–76
effect on reference speed 120
greases 244–251
protection against corrosion 248
relubrication 252–261
running-in period 242
grease performance factor 305–306
additives 248
base oil viscosity 246
consistency classes 246
load carrying ability 248
miscibility 249
SKF greases 247, 249–251
SKF traffic light concept 244–247
grinding spindles
and sensor bearing units 1165
preload considerations 225
stiffness 54
grub screw locking 424–425, 458–462
grub screws 448–449, 452, 454
cylindrical roller thrust bearings 1039, 1042, 1047
needle roller thrust bearings 1061, 1068, 1069
gudgeon pins 676
guide flanges 25, 1121
guide rings 881, 882–883
guiding sleeves 276
GWF 483, 505
lock nuts and locking devices 1275
needle roller bearings 721
sleeves 1257, 1275
cylindrical roller bearings 603
tapered roller bearings 822
CARB toroidal roller bearings 978
cylindrical roller bearings 603
spherical roller bearings 903
tapered roller bearings 822
Hall effect cells 1153, 1155, 1164
halogenic hydrocarbons 1237
of bearing steels 151–152
of NoWear 1228
of raceways on shafts and in housings 210
of seal counterfaces 234
of silicon nitride 152, 1206–1207
HB 1258, 1275
cylindrical roller bearings 603
cylindrical roller thrust bearings 1047
HC5 1214
heat flow density 118–119
heat stabilization 151
classes 82
heat treatment 151–152
heating rings 286
height 40
tolerance definitions 135
height series 40, 42–43
hexagonal keys
for track runner bearings 1106–1107, 1122
for Y-bearings 451–452, 454
hexagonal nuts 1108–1109, 1122
high temperature bearings † extreme temperature bearings
high-capacity bearings 575–577, 640–643
cylindrical roller bearings 603
tapered roller bearings 822
HN3 822
HNBR † hydrogenated acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (HNBR)
hollow shafts 176–177
hook spanners 278, 290, 453
hot dismounting 286
hot mounting 276
hotplates 276
housing bore diameter 24
housing covers 24, 205
housing seats 24, 171
housing washers 25
in cylindrical roller thrust bearings 1038–1039, 1042, 1045,
in needle roller thrust bearings 1060–1061, 1068
in spherical roller thrust bearings 1078–1079, 1084
in thrust ball bearings 1010–1011, 1014
housings 24
fits and tolerance classes 174–175
for CARB toroidal roller bearings 976
for self-aligning ball bearings 547
for spherical roller bearings 899
resultant fits 190–199
HR 1246
HT 304–305, 321
Designation prefixes and suffixes are shown in bold.
1336hub units
and tapered roller bearings 800
fits and tolerance classes 174
load conditions 166
material properties 151
humidity 291
HV 424, 457
hybrid bearings 1205–1225
assortment 1208
axial displacement 1212
cages 1207, 1211, 1214
coatings 1211
compared to bearings with
steel rolling elements 1206–1207, 1209, 1213
considerations for frictional moment 113
cylindrical roller bearings 1210, 1224–1225
deep groove ball bearings 1209, 1216–1223
designation system 1214
designs and variants 1206–1211
dimension standards 1212
dimensional stability 1214
electrical properties 1206, 1212
for very low temperatures 1207
internal clearance 1212
loads 1213
lubrication 241, 1206–1207, 1209, 1214
misalignment 1212
performance class 1209
permissible speed 1207, 1214
preload 1206, 1213
product tables 1216–1225
quiet running bearings 1213
sealing solutions 1208, 1209, 1214, 1218–1221
SKF Explorer bearings 1209
temperature limits 1207, 1211, 1214
tolerances 1212
hybrid vehicles 1165
hydraulic fluids 156
hydraulic nuts
for adapter sleeves 1256, 1276–1295
for dismounting bearings 288–290
for mounting bearings 278–279, 282
for withdrawal sleeves 1261, 1296–1301
hydraulic pumps 1229
hydrocarbons 1237
hydrodynamic films
effect of speed 127
effect of temperature 125
effect of viscosity 241, 265
hydrofluoric acid 1237
hydrogenated acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (HNBR) 156
ICOS 320
ICOS oil sealed bearing units 304, 374–375
impact loads 888
impact spanners 278, 290
impulse rings 1152–1153, 1158, 1159
inch bearings
deep groove ball bearings 296–297, 320
tapered roller bearings 816, 818–819, 821, 842–863
inch lock nuts 1264, 1270, 1312–1314
inch shafts
and adapter sleeves 1284–1289
and bearings for extreme temperatures 1183
and Y-bearings 460–462, 466–467, 469, 471
inch sleeves 1256–1258, 1290–1295
induction heaters
for dismounting bearings 286
for INSOCOAT bearings 1196
for motor encoder units 1159
for mounting bearings 276
induction-hardening steels 151
inductive sensors 1154
inertia 1206
initial clearance 149
injection moulded cages 153
inlet shear heating reduction factor 100–101
inner ring expansion 283
inner ring raceways 25
inner ring shoulder surface 24
inner ring side faces 25
inner rings 24
for needle roller bearings 691–692, 790–793
insert bearings † Y-bearings
INSOCOAT bearings 1191–1203
abutment dimensions 1196
assortment 1193
cages 1194
cylindrical roller bearings 1193, 1200–1203
deep groove ball bearings 1193, 1198–1199
designation system 1197
designs and variants 1192–1194
dimension standards 1195
electrical properties 1195
internal clearance 1195
loads 1196
misalignment 1195
mounting 1196
permissible speed 1196
product tables 1198–1203
sealing solutions 1194
temperature limits 1196
tolerances 1195
inspection 291
with hybrid bearings 1206, 1212
with INSOCOAT bearings 1192
with polymer ball bearings 1234
integral bearing seals 58–59, 229–230
integral bearing shields 58, 229
in deep groove ball bearings 300–301, 308
interference fits
in the ISO tolerance system 170
resulting clearance reduction 213–214
when mounting bearings 280–283
intermediate washers
in cylindrical roller thrust bearings 1038–1039
in needle roller thrust bearings 1058–1059
internal clearance 149–150
considerations when selecting fits 167
effect on frictional moment 113
selection 212–225
versus preload 212–213
internal gauges 273
internal loads 160
IS 692, 721
contamination classification 74–75, 78
envelope requirement 169
general plans 40–41
reference speed 118
tolerance grades 201
tolerance system 169–170
viscosity grades 71
ISR 721
Designation prefixes and suffixes are shown in bold.
IndexText index
angular contact ball bearings 480, 504
cylindrical roller bearings 582, 602
spherical roller bearings 902
tapered roller bearings 822
cylindrical roller bearings 602
spherical roller bearings 902
JB 582, 602
CARB toroidal roller bearings 960, 978
cylindrical roller bearings 573, 602
cylindrical roller thrust bearings 1039, 1042, 1047
polymer ball bearings 1246
spherical roller bearings 882, 902
Y-bearings 457
CARB toroidal roller bearings 960, 978
spherical roller bearings 882, 902
ketones 156
key slots 1264, 1266–1267, 1275
keys † hexagonal keys
keyways 1264, 1266–1267
and bearings for extreme temperatures 1176
kinematic replenishment/starvation 100, 102
kinematic viscosity † viscosity
cylindrical roller bearings 602
lock nuts and locking devices 1275
polymer ball bearings 1246
sleeves 1259, 1275
L4B 575, 603
L5B 603
L5DA 1228, 1230, 1231
L7B 603
L7DA 1228, 1230, 1231
labyrinth seals 228, 232
large bearings 275, 285
effect on relubrication interval 254
LHT23 304–305, 321
calculation examples 90–92
definition 63
equations 64–83
testing 95
unit conversion table 70
with variable operating conditions 81
life adjustment factor 65
life modification factor 64–70, 73
lifting tackle 274, 903
limiting speed 126
compared to reference speed 118
linear bearings 45
load ratings 63–64
load ratio
for angular contact ball bearings 498
for four-point contact ball bearings 499
conditions 165–166
considerations when selecting bearings 48–51
effect on relubrication interval 254
ranges for grease lubricated bearings 243
locating bearings
axial displacement 55
axial location 204
in bearing arrangements 160–161
locating notches † locating slots
locating slots
in angular contact ball bearings 484
in cylindrical roller bearings 573
in deep groove ball bearings 320
locating/non-locating bearing arrangements 160–162
axial 204–209
radial 165–204
lock nut tightening angle 281
values for CARB toroidal roller bearings 977
values for self-aligning ball bearings 549
values for spherical roller bearings 901
values for Y-bearings 453
lock nuts
designation system 1274–1275
designs and variants 1264–1268
dimension standards 1270–1271
for CARB toroidal roller bearings 1259
for sealed bearings 1259
installation and removal 1272–1273
loosening torque 1270–1271
mating shaft threads 1270–1271
precision lock nuts 1267–1268, 1272–1273, 1322–1326
product tables 1302–1326
tolerances 1270–1271
with a locking screw 1266, 1320–1321
with an integral locking device 1266, 1319
with inch dimensions 1264, 1270, 1312–1314
lock washers
design 1264–1265
installation and removal 1272
product tables 1304–1305, 1316–1317
locking clips
design 1264–1265
installation and removal 1272
product table 1310–1311
locking plates
design 1264–1265
installation and removal 1272
product table 1318
logarithmic profile
in cylindrical roller bearings 568–569
in tapered roller bearings 798, 800
loose fits 170
low-friction bearings † SKF Energy Efficient (E2) bearings
low-friction seals 300, 302
LS 602
LT 304–305, 321
LT10 304–305, 321
lubricant films
effect of inlet shearing 101
effect of kinematic starvation 102
effect on frictional moment 99
formation 241, 265
effect on polyamide 66 cages 153–154
function 240
greases 244–251
oils 265–266
Solid Oil 1186–1187
lubricated for life
bearings for extreme temperatures 1176
capped bearings 58
lubrication 239–269
effect on frictional moment 99–102, 103
grease 242–261
oil 262–269
lubrication holes 883, 886, 887
Designation prefixes and suffixes are shown in bold.
angular contact ball bearings 481, 504
CARB toroidal roller bearings 961, 963, 978
cylindrical roller bearings 582, 602
cylindrical roller thrust bearings 1040, 1047
deep groove ball bearings 299, 318, 320
INSOCOAT bearings 1194
polymer ball bearings 1246
self-aligning ball bearings 541, 550
spherical roller thrust bearings 1089
thrust ball bearings 1011, 1015
M /M 721
angular contact ball bearings 481, 504
cylindrical roller bearings 582, 602
deep groove ball bearings 299, 318, 320
four-point contact ball bearings 499, 504
spherical roller bearings 902
MA(S) 320
machine tools
fits and tolerance classes 172–173
load conditions 87
preload considerations 214, 225
specification life 83
stiffness 54
machined metal cages
material properties 153
types 38
magnet motors 1165
magnetic fields 152
magnetic sensors
motor encoder units 1152–1153
steering encoder units 1164
deep groove ball bearings 300
hybrid bearings 1209
self-aligning ball bearings 540
mandrels 1122
manganese phosphate coating
on bearings for extreme temperatures 1171–1172
marginal lubrication 1229
marine applications 1229
matched bearings
angular contact ball bearings 477, 505
cylindrical roller bearings 581
deep groove ball bearings 309, 321
tapered roller bearings 802–803, 814–815, 823, 866–877
for cages 152–155
for coatings 157
for polymer ball bearings 1236–1237, 1246
for raceways on shafts and in housings 210
for rings and rolling elements 151–152
for seals 155–157
CARB toroidal roller bearings 961, 963, 964, 978
cylindrical roller bearings 582, 602
deep groove ball bearings 299, 318, 320
MB(S) 320
MB1 978
mean loads 85–86
mechanical seals 234–235
medical applications
and polymer ball bearings 1234
specification life 83
medium-size bearings 275, 285
membranes 226
metal fatigue
causes 62
effect of contamination 74–75
effect on bearing life 63
metal-to-metal contact
in NoWear coated bearings 1231
prevention 248
metric bearings 40–41
MH 582, 602
micrometers 273
microscope counting method 74–78
and cylindrical roller bearings 569
fits and tolerance classes 172–173
specification life 83
mineral oils 265
in grease 247
resistance of polymer ball bearings 1237
minimum load 86
mining applications 83
considerations when selecting bearings 52
effect on frictional moment 113
miscibility 248–249
mixed lubrication 99, 103
cylindrical roller bearings 582, 602
INSOCOAT bearings 1194
modulus of elasticity 152
protection with deep groove ball bearings 296
protection with INSOCOAT bearings 1192
resistance of polymer ball bearings 1234
molybdenum disulfide (MoS2)
as a solid lubricant additive 248, 254
moment loads 51
motor encoder units 1152–1161
axial location 1158
bearings 1152
cable connection 1152, 1154, 1157, 1160
cages 1156, 1161
design provisions 1157–1158
designation system 1161
designs and variants 1152–1154
dimension standards 1156
dimensional stability 1156
electromagnetic compatibility 1155
filtering 1155
for extreme operating conditions 1154
internal clearance 1156
lubrication 1154, 1156
mounting 1158, 1159–1160
output signal features 1154–1155
permissible speed 1157
power supply 1155
receiving interface requirements 1154–1155
resistors 1155, 1157
sealing solutions 1152, 1153, 1156
temperature limits 1156–1157
tolerances 1156
voltage supply 1155, 1157
mounting 271–284
bearings with a cylindrical bore 275–277
bearings with a tapered bore 278–284
cold 275
considerations when selecting bearings 56–57
considerations when selecting fits 168
design provisions 210–211
measuring the axial drive-up 282
measuring the clearance reduction 280–281
measuring the inner ring expansion 283
measuring the lock nut tightening angle 281
using heat 276
using the oil injection method 279
mounting dollys
for dismounting bearings 288
for mounting bearings 275–276, 718
MP 602
MR 602
angular contact ball bearings 483, 505
deep groove ball bearings 304–305, 321
Designation prefixes and suffixes are shown in bold.
IndexText index
MT47 304–305, 321
angular contact ball bearings 504
cylindrical roller bearings 573, 602
deep groove ball bearings 308, 320
polymer ball bearings 1246
N/M 721
angular contact ball bearings 484, 504
cylindrical roller bearings 573, 602
deep groove ball bearings 320
spherical roller thrust bearings 1089
angular contact ball bearings 484, 504
cylindrical roller bearings 573, 602
spherical roller thrust bearings 1089
NBR † acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR)
needle roller and cage assemblies 674–676, 722–728
abutment dimensions 715
cages 693–695, 714
designs and variants 674–676
dimension standards 700
double row bearings 675
fits and tolerance classes 709
in cam followers 1105
in support rollers 1101–1102
internal clearance 700
loads 711
misalignment 700–701
product tables 722–728
tolerances 700
needle roller and cage thrust assemblies
designs 1058–1059
fits and tolerance classes 1068
product table 1070–1073
tolerances 1064
needle roller bearings 673–794
applications 676
axial displacement 55
axial location 204
cages 693–695, 714
combined with a cylindrical roller thrust bearing 689–690,
combined with a full complement bearing 685–687, 784–785
combined with a needle roller thrust bearing 679, 682, 1060
combined with a thrust ball bearing 685–688, 784–787
combined with an angular contact ball bearing 684–685,
design provisions 714–718
designation system 720–721
designs and variants 30–32, 674–699
dimension standards 700–706
dimensional stability 714
dismounting 286
fits and tolerance classes 716–717
full complement bearings 677-679
gauges 707–709, 718
inner rings 691–692, 790–793
internal clearance 700–706, 710
loads 48, 711–713
lubrication 696–699, 714
misalignment 700–705
mounting 276, 718
needle rollers 692, 794
NoWear coated bearings 1230
permissible speed 714
product tables 722–794
sealing solutions 696–698, 714
seating rings 683, 714
space considerations 47
temperature limits 714
tolerances 700–709
with machined rings 680–682, 744–775
with Solid Oil 1186
needle roller thrust bearings 1057–1075
abutment dimensions 1068
cages 1062, 1067
combined with a needle roller bearing 679, 682, 1060
designation system 1069
designs and variants 34, 1058–1062
dimension standards 1063
dimensional stability 1067
double direction bearings 1058–1059
fits and tolerance classes 1068
loads 49, 1066
misalignment 1063
permissible speed 1067
product tables 1070–1075
raceways on shafts and in housings 1068
temperature limits 1067
tolerances 1063–1065
washers 1060–1061, 1064, 1067, 1068
with a centring flange 1059, 1064, 1068, 1074–1075
needle rollers 692
dimension standards 706
gauges 707
product table 794
tolerances 706, 708
negative operating clearance † preload
NLGI 246
effect of preload 217, 224
generation at high speeds 128
reduction by spring loading 1213
non-contact seals 228, 231–233
non-locating bearings
axial displacement 55, 168
axial location 204
in bearing arrangements 160–161
non-separable bearings
dismounting 285
mounting 275
Normal clearance 150
values for angular contact ball bearings 489–490
values for CARB toroidal roller bearings 966–967
values for deep groove ball bearings 314–315
values for spherical roller bearings 892–893
Normal tolerances 133
NoWear 1228
NoWear coated bearings 1227–1231
applications 1229
assortment 1230
coatings 1228, 1231
designation system 1231
designs and variants 1231
loads 86, 1231
lubrication 1231
operating conditions 1228
permissible speed 1231
temperature limits 1231
angular contact ball bearings 504
cylindrical roller bearings 602
deep groove ball bearings 308, 320
NSF H1 approved lubricants
in bearings with Solid Oil 1187
ocean-going vessels 83
off-highway vehicles 1163, 1165
office products 1234
offset mounting 971
offshore applications 1229
ohmic resistance 1195
Designation prefixes and suffixes are shown in bold.
1340oil bath 262
calculating the frictional moment 100, 102, 110–111
drag losses 110–111
load conditions 254
oil change interval 267
oil contamination codes 76
oil distribution grooves
dimensions 211
in adapter sleeves 1256–1258
in withdrawal sleeves 1262
oil injection method (dismounting) 287
oil injection method (mounting) 279
oil injection method 279
dimensions for ducts, grooves and holes 211
for dismounting bearings 285, 287–290
for mounting bearings 279
with adapter sleeves 1256–1258
with withdrawal sleeves 1262
oil jet 264
drag losses 112
oil change interval 267
oil lubrication 262–269
contamination levels 74–79
drag losses 110–112
effect on reference speed 120
filter rating 75
methods 262–264
oil change intervals 267
oils 265–266
oil mist 264
oil pick-up rings 263
oil supply ducts
dimensions 211
in adapter sleeves 1256–1258
in withdrawal sleeves 1262
oil injection method (dismounting) 285, 287–290
oil injection method (mounting) 279
oil-air 254, 264, 267
oils 265–266
oil-spot † oil-air
open bearings
heating 276
shelf life 291
open flames 156
operating clearance 149–150, 212
operating preload 212
operating temperature
effect of grease volume 242
effect on bearing life 82
effect on relubrication interval 252–253
effect on viscosity 71
Orpheus 93
oscillating movements
and bearings with Solid Oil 1186
and hybrid bearings 1206
and NoWear coated bearings 1231
load conditions 165
sealing solutions 226
speed considerations 127
using the static load rating 64, 70, 87
osculation 296, 298
outer ring raceways 25
outer ring rotation
effect on relubrication interval 248
fits and tolerance classes 174
load conditions 166
with roller encoder units 1162
outer ring shoulder surface 24
outer ring side faces 24
outer rings 24
out-of-round 168
outside diameter 40
tolerance definitions 134
ozone 156
angular contact ball bearings 480, 504
cylindrical roller bearings 582, 602
INSOCOAT bearings 1194
lock nuts and locking devices 1275
polymer ball bearings 1246
angular contact ball bearings 505
cylindrical roller thrust bearings 1047
deep groove ball bearings 321
needle roller bearings 721
spherical roller bearings 903
tapered roller bearings 823
thrust ball bearings 1015
P52 321
angular contact ball bearings 505
deep groove ball bearings 321
needle roller bearings 721
spherical roller bearings 903
thrust ball bearings 1015
angular contact ball bearings 505
deep groove ball bearings 321
needle roller bearings 721
spherical roller bearings 903
angular contact ball bearings 505
deep groove ball bearings 321
needle roller bearings 721
P64 505
P6CNR 721
PA 582, 602
PA46 † polyamide 46 (PA46)
PA66 † polyamide 66 (PA66)
paired mounting
with angular contact ball bearings 477–478, 494, 497
with cylindrical roller bearings 581
with deep groove ball bearings 309, 318
with tapered roller bearings 802–803, 814–815, 866–877
paper machines
and CARB toroidal roller bearings 958, 960, 971
and NoWear coated bearings 1229
particle counting 74–76, 78
PEEK † polyetheretherketone (PEEK)
performance classes
SKF Energy Efficient (E2) bearings 54
SKF Explorer bearings 63
permissible speed
of angular contact ball bearings 497
of CARB toroidal roller bearings 973
of cylindrical roller bearings 600
of cylindrical roller thrust bearings 1045
of deep groove ball bearings 318
of hybrid bearings 1214
of INSOCOAT bearings 1196
of needle roller bearings 714
of needle roller thrust bearings 1067
of NoWear coated bearings 1231
of polymer ball bearings 1244
of self-aligning ball bearings 545
of sensor bearing units 1157
of spherical roller bearings 896
of spherical roller thrust bearings 1084
of tapered roller bearings 816
of thrust ball bearings 1014
of Y-bearings 446
cylindrical roller bearings 583, 603
tapered roller bearings 804, 823
angular contact ball bearings 480, 504
cylindrical roller bearings 582, 602
Designation prefixes and suffixes are shown in bold.
IndexText index
PHA 582, 602
pharmaceutical industry
and bearings with Solid Oil 1186
and polymer ball bearings 1234
PHAS 481, 504
phenolic resin 155
phosphate coating
on bearings for extreme temperatures 1171–1172
on sleeves 1256, 1262
photographic industry 1234
pick-up rings † oil pick-up rings
and tapered roller bearings 800
preload considerations 219–223
pins 1120
pitch circle diameter 25
roller encoder units 1162
sensor units for off-highway vehicles 1165
steering encoder units 1163–1164
plugs 1108–1109, 1122
polyalkylene 1171
polyamide 46 (PA46) 155
polyamide 66 (PA66)
in polymer ball bearings 1236–1237, 1246
material properties 153–154
polyetheretherketone (PEEK)
in polymer ball bearings 1237, 1246
material properties 155
polyethylene (PE) 1237, 1246
polyethylene terephthalate (PET) 1237, 1246
polyimide (PI) 1237, 1246
polymer ball bearings 1233–1253
applications 1234
assortment 1234
cages 1235, 1236
compared to steel bearings 1234, 1238
designation system

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» كتاب Mounting and Dismounting of Rolling Bearings
» كتاب Analysis of Rolling Element Bearings
» كتيب بعنوان Rolling Element Bearings
» كتالوج Technical Information FAG Rolling Bearings
» كتاب قيم يتناول شرح Rolling of metals

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